Q For Sale SKIPBIN, 6 metres, waste BEDHEAD, white, Queen removal, commercial, Anne, double; $50. Phone residential. Contact Kelcar 0407 292 483. 0417 018 874. BED, queen, hardwood, www.portlandpartyhire. dark stain, exc cond, Sealy mattress; $350 o.n.o. 0400 com.au Phone 5523 6700. 062 382. Q For Sale DRESSING table, white, Queen Anne, with winged mirror; $100. Phone 0407 292 483. DYSON cyclonic vacuum cleaner, exc cond, all attachments; $300 o.n.o. 0400 062 382. ELECTRONIC STEEL SPECIALS per roll 12’ Vertical Brace Gates 73.50 $ each Other size gates available CLASSIC PLUS® Crush With baulk gate Other crushes available 5,500 $ each Sheep 3-way draft each TV corner unit, wooden, cupboard front, opening H 3$-(52 WXUER 22 1/4’’ x W 26 3/4’’, exc GLHVHO PRQWKV UHJR 5:& :93 cond; $80. 0456 159 736. RQR VEIL, pure white, full length, could be used for fly net or 81'(5 WKH 0RWRU &DU cut up for craft. 0419 693 7UDGHUV 5HJXODWLRQV 246. DGYHUWLVHUV RIIHULQJ D XVHG VINTAGE port dispenser, 1.5 PRWRU FDU IRU VDOH PXVW LQFOXGH LQ WKH ltr, timber with glass cylinder DGYHUWLVHPHQW centre, Old Port embossed D&DVKSULFHRIFDU onto glass, brass tap fitting; E ,I UHJLVWHUHG UHJLVWUDWLRQ $10. 0419 693 246. QXPEHU RU XQUHJLVWHUHG VN r/h headlight; $5. 0403 HQJLQH QXPEHU RI WKH YHKLFOH 121 413. Q Livestock & Pets HORSE float, standard double, Kentucky, extremely solid, sound, neat float, good to tow, 750 tare, reg till Sept 2014, v.g.c.; $4900 o.n.o. 0428 399 119. OLD electric jug, no cord, LABRADOR, chocolate, element inside, Bakerlite female, 16 months old, lovely top; $15. 0419 693 246. nature, 956000008899476; OLD small electric jug, no $200. 0427 324 250. cord, element inside; $5. 0419 693 246. PAIR handmade bolsters, pastel green and pink florals; $18. 0419 693 246. PROLINER, 12’’ subwoofer, in enclosure; $30. Phone 0403 121 413. 320(5$1,$1 ; 0LQLDWXUH )R[\ SXSV ZHHNV PI QUEEN sized bed, including ZRUPHG PLFUR head and foot, white with brass and porcelain trims, YHU\ VPDOO DQG IULHQGO\ no mattress; $100. 0433 PDNH LGHDO SHWV 034 511. 3KRQH RETRO style beauty case, approx 1960s, white with red embossed stitching; $10. 0419 693 246. LAMP base, large blue ceramic, needs new shade; $15. Phone 0407 292 483. COL SANDY 0408 955 828 7 Hogan St, Portland LASER 7’’ digital photo frame, LED, touch button, ultra slim screen with remote control, brand new, unopened and sealed in box; $40. 0419 693 246. FOOTY TIPPING Free entry AFL & local footy tipping competition Share in $5300 in prizemoney for the year Register now at www.spec.com.au &211256+($ 683(56(('(5 7UDLOHGGLVFGULOOURZ RQK\GZLWKSXOOWRWRZ UROOHUQHZFKDLQGULYH VSURFNHWVODVWVHDVRQ YJF 58%%(57<5(52//(5 2LOILOOHGVWHHOFHQWUH [W\UHV FRYHUDJHYJF :LOOVHSDUDWH 0 Continued: PAGE 10 Q Work Wanted BOBCAT! Keep your Warranty on all New Makes & Models, Safety Checks, Vehicle Service & Repairs Over 25 Years e c Experien Daniel Mechanic Once you go tracks, you won’t go back PHONE table, Retro; $20. Phone 0407 292 483. JEANS, ladies, as new, size THE Fruit Collection, pack 10, in good cond; $2. Phone of 5 assorted shower and 0456 159 736. bath products; $10. 0401 792 143. JERRY can, 20 ltr, tin; $8. 0403 121 413. TOOLBOX, black, 3 tier, lockable, good cond; $15. JUSTIN Bieber DVD, title: 0419 693 246. Never Say Never; $10. 0401 792 143. LARGE cane picnic basket, very solid, with tartan lining, great cond; $20. 0419 693 246. OBK01155127 OBD05114427 www.steelspecials.com.au 24 Portland Nelson Rd NOW you can run your ‘For Sale classified’ in two editions for $10. Selling through the Observer has just got cheaper and easier (for both), and we’ll allow you to run a photo as well the photo runs free. Monday and Wednesday only. * Conditions apply. Book yours now - 5522 3000, admin@ observer.net.au LARGE TV cabinet, wall unit style, teak in colour; $100. 0419 693 246. 1,550 5522 4255 3257/$1'2%6(59(5 3KRQH DISCOUNT TYRE SPECIALS $ (Adjustable) 12:$9$,/$%/()25 <285&/$66,),('$'6 0LQWUDQVDFWLRQ 3KRQH WKURXJK \RXU DGYHUWLVHPHQW DQG ZH OO FKDUJH LW GLUHFW WR \RXU DFFRXQW :KDW FRXOG EH VLPSOHU" GOPHER, “Shoprider RODEN 4 burner gas DINING suite, hardwood, 4 Deluxe”, suit new buyer, half hotplates; $25. Phone 5523 chairs, upholstered; $250 new price; $2750. 0428 967 1692. 800. o.n.o. 0400 062 382. SINGLE mattress and base, DOUBLE mattress and HOOVER washing machine, Magnet Slumber Comfort; base, Sleepmaker Miracoil; 5 kg; $100. Phone 0407 292 $30. Phone 0407 292 483. 483. $50. Phone 0407 292 483. SINGLE bed, exc cond, HP printer, Photosmart pine; $40. 5523 2821. Express, looks new, C5280, printer / scanner / copier, XD, SUITCASE, American MS, SD and CF card suitable Tourister, softside, turquoise (no CD), cables included; fabric, wheels, used once, h $10. 0419 693 246. 72 cm x d 46 cm x w 27 cm; $75 o.b.o. 5523 6336. IVORY lace blind, very pretty, 175/70 x 13 $60 chain operated, length 64’’, SUITCASE, red and black, width 34’’; $40. A must see. softside, w 40 cm x d 20 cm 175/65 x 14 $75 0419 693 246. x h 70 cm; $55. 5523 6336. While Stocks Last Pricing COD including fitting & GST plus disposal Q Machinery Accessories TRAVELLER gas BBQ, large flat plate, 2 burner, foldable legs, fits well in the boot of any car; $55. 0419 693 246. Q Motor Vehicles & Accessories $80. Phone 0438 852 021. 205/65 x 15 $75 215/60 x 16 $95 235/45 x 17 $105 235/40 x 18 $115 245/45 x 18 $150 185 x 14 8 ply LTK $85 Q Motor Vehicles & H Slasher H Harley Rake H Stump Muncher H Tree Mulcher H Post Holes H Forks H Blade H Sweeper H Ripper H Driveway Prep & Seal H Quarry Products & Soil C&C BOBCATS Call Chris Eichler 0409 177 844 5523 6096 candcbobcats@bigpond.com Jack Mechanic Portland Service Centre OBC18162123 Galvanised H/T - 1500m 127 Q For Sale OCC10187027 BOOK - Are You Lonesome Tonight? Collectable; $10. ELECTRIC organ, works Phone 0401 792 143. well, must see; $75. 0403 AIR tool kit, 31 piece; $60. 121 413. BOOK - Elvis and Me. Phone 5523 1692. upright oil Collectable; $10. 0401 792 ELECTRIC ANTIQUE brass handled fire 143. column heater, 13 fin; $30. poker, 19’’ long; $50. 5523 Phone 0407 292 483. BUICK V6 exhaust manifold; 6336. $10. 0403 121 413. ANTIQUE 5 kg scale, no 45, with kilo, pound, brass BUICK V6 coil pack; $20. weighing dish, made in 0419 693 246. England, Salter, 1982, CARDIO twister, exc cond; beautiful display piece; $60. $40. 0419 236 837. 0419 693 246. COFFEE table, hardwood BBQ, 6 burner, bottle and with large drawer, exc cond; cover, v.g.c.; $180. 0427 $200 o.n.o. 0400 062 382. Interested in receiving 796 599. the Observer COLLECTABLE tin box BEDSIDE tables, 2, as new, 3 times a week on set, Prison Break, complete your PC or iPad? wooden top and drawer, season 1 - 4; $45. 0401 792 black metal legs; $60 pair. 143. www.spec.com.au Phone 0438 852 021. click on epaper COLLECTABLE piece, Observer button Meccano set, model 6520, powered 3 volt motor, steel construction, motorised ELVIS Presley oven mitt, buggy, new, still in box; $85. collectable; $15. 0401 792 143. 0419 693 246. desk, suits ELVIS Presley DVD, title: Local branch supporting COMPUTER printer, with side cupboard Easy Come, Easy Go; $10. local farmers and shelves, timber; $50. 0401 792 143. 0427 324 250. FIRE tank, 800 litre, Briggs 1650mm $ 3.90 Metalcorp Black CONCRETE garden circle, and Stratton engine and per 400 lawn edging for base of small pump, complete with hoses; Fence Posts trees or roses, diam 30 mm; $1500. 5523 3599. $10. 0419 693 246. FOOD steamer, electric, 3 COUCH, 2 seater, modern tier, exc cond, used once; design, brown in colour; $20. $40. 5523 6336. 0403 121 413. FOOT soak, lemongrass and $ 4.40 ea CURTAINS, brand new, lime, 15 products, including (min 10 buy) biscuit / taupe, suit 1800 w large gift basket, brand new; / 2700 w x 2013 cm drop; $15. 0419 693 246. $ $100 pair. 0433 034 511. 127 2.5mm FULL set front and rear VN per roll Plain Wire CURTAINS, brand new, / VP springs; $10. 0403 121 Galvanised M/T - 1500m brown, suit 1800 w / 2700 w 413. x 2013 cm drop; $100 pair. 0433 034 511. GARDEN setting, 6 pce, DINING table, wooden, no glass top, cushioned; $150. chairs, seats 6, good cond; 0427 796 599. $ Q For Sale 153 Browning St, Portland 0499 325 811 Q Employment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adet Journalist The Portland Observer has a vacancy for a cadet journalist working in the general news section. The candidate is expected to have completed Year 12 or equivalent . This position is ideally suited to a person who has a genuine interest in writing current events, the community and who is willing to undertake a three-year cadetship involving study via correspondence. We are looking for someone who is ambitious, energetic, imaginative and has good knowledge of the district. The person needs to have the ability to work independently but should also be a keen team worker. A driver’s licence and use of your own vehicle is also essential. Applications, accompanied by a resume detailing references, should be sent to the editor on editor@observer.net.au or at the address below by 5pm Wednesday March 19. 47 Percy St, Portland OCC07CAD Q For Sale Q For Hire 2.5mm Plain Wire 9 PORTLAND OBSERVER Monday March 10 2014 www.spec.com.au PORTLAND OBSERVER Monday March 10 2014 www.spec.com.au Classifieds ONLINE Q Engagement '(17 7KH IXQHUDO RI WKH ODWH0UV'RUHHQ9DOGD'HQW LV DSSRLQWHG WR OHDYH WKH 3RUWODQG 8QLWLQJ &KXUFK 3HUF\ 6WUHHW 3RUWODQG :('1(6'$< WK 0$5&+ DIWHU D VHUYLFH FRPPHQFLQJ DW $0 IRU WKH 3RUWODQG &HPHWHU\ &DSH 1HOVRQ 5RDG 3RUWODQG 2 BR unit, central position; MASSAGE CLINIC and $170 p.w. Contact 0417 565 Naturopathy now available at Portland Physiotherapy 598. Clinic, 143 Percy Street. Call FREE RENT - Shop, suit Paula Pevitt on 0429 487 hairdresser / beauty parlour, 342. central position. Contact 0417 565 598. PLASTERER, local, quality work, free quote. Phone Andrew 0417 704 303. Q Lost TREE BROTHERS, the local DIAMOND ring, silver with tree specialists. All trees diamond chips, sentimental removed. Senior rates. Free value. Reward. 5523 3918, quotes. 0408 506 347. 0413 966 897. TREE TOP TECHNICIANS, tree and stump removal, cherry picker hire. Q Found PORTLAND 0422 228 766. ,) \RX ILQG VRPHRQH V ORVW SURSHUW\ SOHDVH KDQG LW LQWR WKH 3ROLFH 6WDWLRQ RU SXW LW LQ WKH 2EVHUYHU V )RXQGFROXPQ:HZLOOUXQ WKLVDGDWQRFKDUJHWR\RX 7KH3RUWODQG2EVHUYHU HQFRXUDJLQJKRQHVW\ PENDANT, silver, Best Friend, found at McDonald’s carpark. 0417 139 727. Q Employment EXPERIENCED DRIVER Heavy combination • Tipper experience • Truck & quad dog • Immediate start required Drop resumes to: KALINA 9 Kalina Crt, Portland Q Work Wanted ADULT literacy tutoring, $50 1 1/4 hours. 0438 376 180. ANDREWS SLASHING, hard scrub, fire breaks. Phone 0437 317 393. AUTOMOTIVE air conditioning service, plus mobile mechanic. Call Mark - MC Air Conditioning 0466 067 079 or 5523 5332. AUTO Image Car Detailing, Shed 2/8 Kalina Crt, Portland, Mon to Sat, 0438 847 740. Find us on facebook. A VERANDAMAN, verandas, carports, decking, pergolas. Steve Grant 0419 337 669, 5523 5657. CARPENTER. Tiling, concreting, all carpentry jobs. There’s no job too small. Call Rowan 0400 473 951. CONCRETE, shed slabs, driveways, footpaths, colour and stencil work. Phone 0400 506 443. '$<6(/(&75,&$/ &2175$&7,1*3W\/WG $*5$'((/(&75,&$/ &2175$&7256 5HF1R )RUDOO\RXUOLJKWLQJ SRZHUQHHGV 'RPHVWLF&RPPHUFLDO 6DIHW\VZLWFKHV &HLOLQJIDQV 6XUJHSURWHFWLRQ 6ZLWFKERDUGV 3KRQH )D[ 0RELOH ENGLISH tutoring, all levels; $50 1 / 1/4 hours. 0438 376 180. LAWNMOWING; from $20 per month. Call 1800 016 600. 3/$1(7 .$26 Q Public Notice Q Birth $//ELUWKQRWLFHVORGJHGIRU SXEOLFDWLRQLQ7KH2EVHUYHU PXVW EH VLJQHG E\ ERWK SDUHQWV LI ERWK SDUHQWV DUH QDPHG Do you have an exciting announcement? $)/)L[WXUH&DUGV FHDFK $JJUHJDWH6FRUH&KDUWV OLQHV HDFK 5522 3000 7+(2%6(59(5 3257/$1'7$%/( 7(11,6$662&,$7,21 1(:3/$<(56 0267:(/&20( &RPHWU\SUDFWLFH HDFK7XHVGD\IURP DWSP 7KHVHVHVVLRQVZLOOUXQ HYHU\7XHVGD\HYHQLQJV $W3RUWODQG6TXDVK 5DFTXHWEDOO&RXUWV )LW]JHUDOG6W )XUWKHULQTXLULHVFRQWDFW %UHQGDQ0F0DKRQ RU 9GUV2QTVNCPF ,WPKQT(QQVDCNN %NWD 7UDLQLQJIRUDOO -XQLRU3OD\HUV Be seen in the ĐůĂƐƐŝĮĞĚƐ Q Death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lassifieds sell .5,67(1/((0225( +HDYHQ V OLWWOH DQJHO LV JURZLQJXS,IRQO\ZHFRXOG VSHQGWRPRUURZZLWK\RX /RYHG DQG UHPHPEHUHG DOZD\V +DSS\ WK %LUWKGD\ 6ZHHWKHDUW < 0XP 'DG 0LFKDHOOD $OH[ .ULV &DPHURQ DQG $GD[[[ )92#4-'4 510 02180(17$/ 0$6216 )LW]JHUDOG6W 3KRQH $+ 5522 3000 Get Organised! Clubs Tipping ĐŽŵƉĞƟƟŽŶƐ Rosters Financial planning Families School work and more... Get one from ŽƵƌŽĸĐĞ͘ FOOTY FIXTURES NEXT FRIDAY Q Entertainment #(. (116$#.. 6+22+0) %1/2'6+6+10 12:$9$,/$%/( Q Memoriam Q Public Notice 08/'221 -RKQ $OO 6DLQWV 3DULVK 6FKRRO FRPPXQLW\ H[WHQGV WKHLU ORYH DQG SUD\HUV WR 0U 0XOGRRQ 0LVV $GHOLD DQG WKHLU IDPLO\ RQ WKH GHDWK RI WKHLUEHORYHGIDWKHU-RKQ The Observer’s annual football fixture listing the 2014 draw for clubs in Hampden, Western Border, SouthWest, Mininera and AFL will be distributed with next Friday’s edition. Portland Golf Club For: OCC10FOO v Weddings v Conferences v Birthdays v Family Celebrations v Business Seminars Online AFL and local footy tipping A modern clubhouse with ocean views in air conditioned comfort. Talk to Virginia and Selwyn (chef) to discuss your menu options to suit your individual style and budget Phone: 5523 2523 (Virginia) 0448 266 487 (Selwyn) See your favourite games HANLON PARK - HENTY ST PHONE 5523 1964 $100UN’ G ‘TOKPLYG TIPPIN WEE IT’S ON AGAIN! Welcome to the Spec.com.au Local & AFL Football Tipping Competition for 2014. Weekly prize of $100 for the best tipster each week. The tipping competition is once again bigger and better than ever in 2014 with new features and once again a whopping $5300 cash up for grabs. There’s a major prize of $1000 to the overall Tipping champion; and $200 prizes to the next 10 best tipsters at the completion of the final week/round. Each week an AFL game will be a “margin game” where tipsters must pick the winning team and the winning margin. This margin will help determine the weekly tipster winner and the competition winners at the end of the season. And... if you think you won’t have a chance at winning against avid fans and football followers, think again... We’ve got features providing the historical scores in local leagues giving you the insight to make a well informed selection and an edge over others. Together with the tools on this website, the Spec.com.au team of sports journalists and media writers provide you with all the local game-day information in their articles, including injuries, ins and outs and inclusions to make your job a lot easier. Keep up-to-date with the tipster standings published weekly in your local newspaper. The Hamilton Spectator, The Portland Observer and The Casterton News. A leaderboard will not exist on this website, check out the Tuesday Spectator & the Casterton News and Portland Observer on Wednesday to see if you cracked the ‘Top 30 Tipsters’ LIVE With $3 Pots on Foxtel Games Advertised Weekly In-House DON’T MISS YOUR COPY! Spec.com.au Register now at Spectator.net.au/tipping or go to Spec.com.au OBD0598021 EARTHWORKS, mini digger and excavator. Phone Dwayne Alexander 0418 233 071. 0,//(5 7KH IXQHUDO RI WKH ODWH 0UV 5RQGD -RDQ 0LOOHU ZLOO EH KHOG DW WKH 'DUWPRRU )RRWEDOO &OXE (JDQ 6WUHHW 'DUWPRRU 7+856'$<WK 0$5&+ ZLWK D VHUYLFH FRPPHQFLQJ DW $0 IROORZHG E\ D 3ULYDWH&UHPDWLRQ Q Miscellaneous :LOOEH &/26(' IRUZHHNVIURP WKWK0DUFK IRUDVKRUWEUHDN Q Funeral Q Funeral 12x1WP-01012013 Q Work Wanted OBG19133427 Q To Let www.spec.com.au classifieds • VerifyandsetupyouraccountonSpectator.net.au/tipping • Makesureyoumakeyourselectionseachweek Ifyouwouldlikeemailreminderssenttoyoueachweek,simplyclickon‘My Account’ and tick the box ‘Email Reminders’ - good luck! The only football tipping competition covering the AFL and three local leagues, Hampden, Mininera & South West. OCB26AFL 10
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