Saint Agnes Church - John Patrick Publishing Company

November 30, 2014
Parish Office:
103 Center Avenue
Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716
Rev. William Lago, Pastor
Ext. 112
Rev. Carlo Calisin, Parochial Vicar
Ext. 115
First Sunday of Advent
Saturday Morning
8:00am OLPH Church
Novena to Our Lady of
Perpetual Help follows
Msgr. Cajetan Salemi, Weekend Assistant
Rev. Joseph Quinlan, Weekend Assistant
Deacon Raymond Rainville
Deacon Robert Johnson
Mrs. Eileen Zeismer, Director of Religious Education
Ext. 114
Mrs. Karen Frank, Admin. Asst.-Office
Ext. 110
Mrs. Kathy Post, Admin. Asst.-Bookkeeper
Ext. 117
Dominican Sisters of Hope
Convent: 732-291-8246
Sister Teresa Paul Heinke, O.P
Sister Monica Socinski, O.P.
Mother Teresa Regional School
St. Agnes Church
OLPH Church
9:00am St. Agnes Church
Novena to Our Lady of the
Miraculous Medal follows
Saturday Evening
OLPH Church
St. Agnes Church
St. Agnes Church
OLPH Church
St. Agnes Church
10:15am St. Agnes Church
10:30am OLPH Church
11:30am St. Agnes Church
BAPTISMS: Baptisms are held on Sundays following the last
Mass at both Churches.
Please call Karen Frank at ext. 110 in the rectory office for
more information.
RECONCILIATION: Saturday from 4-4:45pm at both
Churches, or call the rectory office for an appointment.
WEDDINGS: Please call Kathy Post at ext. 117 in the rectory
office for more information.
Weekend Mass Intentions
Saturday 11/29 5:00pm Saint Agnes Church
Elizabeth A. Grogan (Michael Mulligan)
John Kozic (Joan Byrne)
Weekday Mass Intentions
Monday 12/1
5:00pm OLPH Church
Hope Martin (Ann & Patrick Dowd)
Barbara Fitzpatrick (Michael Fitzpatrick &
8:00am OLPH Church
Mary Zawislak (Amelia)
Leonard Kovach (Family)
Tuesday 12/2
Sunday 11/30
7:30am Saint Agnes Church
Nancy Wenzel (Grasso Family)
John McGowan (Marie & Family)
9:00am Saint Agnes Church
Gloria R. Hickman (Jeannie & Larry)
William R. Hickman (Jeannie & Larry)
7:00am Saint Agnes Church
Kenny Johnson (Joan Byrne)
8:00am OLPH Church
Edward Van Fechtmann (Frank Rahm)
Wed. 12/3
7:00am St. Agnes Church
Kenny Johnson (Maureen Hrbek)
8:00am OLPH Church
Edward Van Fechtmann (Kathy & art Post)
9:00am OLPH Church
Our Lady of Perpetual Help-Saint Agnes
Thursday 12/4
10:15am Saint Agnes Church
Debi DeLuca (Mom)
Angelo Rivera (Pat Service)
10:30am OLPH Church
H. Geraldine “Gerri” Barradale (Dupont
7:00am Saint Agnes Church
Michael Dempsey (Joan Cashes)
7:00am Saint Agnes Church
Jean Rahm (Family)
8:00am OLPH Church
Jean Rahm (Kathy)
Friday 12/5
11:30am Saint Agnes Church
Thomas Donald Burke (Carin & Michael
Louise McBurnie (Dan & Judy Smith)
7:00am Saint Agnes Church
Harold Fuhro, III (Andrea O’Boyle)
8:00am OLPH Church
Eileen Campanella (Family)
Saturday 12/6
8:00am OLPH Church
Joseph Smith (Estate)
9:00am Saint Agnes Church
Peter Verdicchio (Sophie Dziedzic)
Liturgical Offerings
Flowers :
There are no flowers in the Church during Advent.
Flag: This week the flag is flown at OLPH in honor
of John Balletto.
Sanctuary Light in Church:
OLPH: The Sanctuary Light this week is in Thanksgiving, requested by the Jimmy Smith Family.
Saint Agnes: The Sanctuary Light in the Church this
week is for Jean Rahm requested by her family.
Sanctuary Light in the Saint Agnes Convent Chapel:
The sanctuary light in the Convent Chapel may be requested by calling the rectory office.
Bread & Wine Offering: The Bread & Wine offering
at either Church may be requested by calling the recto-
ry office.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church
Saturday, December 6, 2014 5:00pm
Lector: Pat Ellis
Extraordinary Ministers: Frank Teeple, William Monahan
Altar Servers: Austen Terrell, Landon Terrell
Sunday, December 7, 2014 9:00am
Lector: Marie Testa
Extraordinary Ministers: Richard Glass, Cecelia Volkert
Altar Servers: Molly Connelly, Kevin Connelly
Sunday, December 7, 2014 10:30am
Lector: Carol Bucco
Extraordinary Ministers: Carol Alleva, Jane Frotton
Altar Servers: Kyle Rauen
Saint Agnes Church
Saturday December 6, 2014 5:00 pm
Readers: Bob Afanasewicz, Elijah Rodriguez
Extraordinary Ministers: Roberta Davis, Jeanne Archibald, Maureen Pitman, Carolyn Millevoi
Altar Servers: Ryan Kennedy, Lucy Afanasewicz, Michael DelDuca, Riley Dowd
Sunday December 7, 2014 7:30 am
Readers: Paul Anderson, Betty Anderson
Extraordinary Ministers: Maureen Hrbek, Katie Grimm,
Mary Goode, Tom Hunt
Altar Servers: Sarah Milne, Tyler Duminski, Tori Duminski
Counters Schedule
OLPH: Week 1
Tricia Curtin
Sheila Brown
Jane or Tommy Snow
Saint Agnes: Week 1
Bob Hammesfahr
Betsy Logan
Charlie Farrell
Pat Desimini
Sunday December 7, 2014 9:00 am
Readers: Irene Vande Woude, Andrea O’Boyle
Extraordinary Ministers: Brian Anderson, Judy Anderson, Catherine Balletto, Francis Lombardy
Altar Servers: John Wilson, Ana Nicosia, Alex Goushy,
Ana Deputy, Brea Carlstrom
Sunday December 7, 2014 10:15 am
Readers: Jim Guerriero, Rich Stucko
Extraordinary Ministers: Linda & Bob Sutton, Fred Hofmann, Mary Hofmann
Altar Servers: Ralph D’Antonio, Matthew Payne, Eddie
Payne, Nicolette Falzone
Sunday December 7, 2014 11:30 am
Readers: Anthony Costa, Karen Jennings
Extraordinary Ministers: Carin Burke, Hugo Pinto, Susan Costa, Moira Barrett
Altar Servers: Toni Costa, Frannie Fiore, Patrick Osborn
The Parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Help-Saint Agnes
Message from Fr. Bill
May God Bless you in this New Year of Grace. As
we begin Advent, I ask that you take time to look at
our “Advent Actions” section in the bulletin for “A
Dynamic response to the Holy Season” and plan to
take part in our parish events. Advent also highlights the “domestic Church” – the Church at home.
As you decorate your Christmas tree and set up
your Crèche in honor of our Lord Jesus, remember
that by virtue of your baptism, you are able to ask
God to bless your celebrations (a priest confers
God’s blessings, the baptized invoke, or call upon
God to bless). Following are blessings you can use
at home. Enjoy your Advent-ure.
Blessing of a Christmas Tree: Lord our God, we
praise you for the light of creation: the sun, the
moon, and the stars of night. We praise you for the
light of Israel: the Law, the prophets, and the wisdom of the Scriptures. We praise you for Jesus
Christ, your Son: he is Emmanuel, God-with-us, the
Prince of Peace, who fills us with the wonder of
your Love. Lord God, let your blessing come upon
us as we illumine this tree. May the light and cheer
it gives be a sign of the joy that fills our hearts.
May all who delight in this tree come to the
knowledge and joy of salvation. We ask this
through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Blessing of a Manger: God of every nation and people, from the very beginning of creation you have
made manifest your love: when our need for a Savior was great you sent your Son to be born of the
Virgin Mary. To our lives he brings joy and peace,
justice, mercy, and love. Lord, bless all who look
upon this manger; may it remind us of the humble
birth of Jesus and raise up our thoughts to him, who
is God-with-us and Savior of all, and who lives and
reigns for ever and ever. Amen.
Continuous learning is at the heart of Study, the
second sign of a Dynamic Catholic. But Catholicism can be intimidating; the richness of our Faith
can be overwhelming. M. Kelly reminds us of
“continuous improvement” – “a long term approach
that seeks to achieve small incremental changes.”
As Einstein said, “The most powerful force in the
universe is compound interest.” Start this new
Church Year with a commitment to learning a bit
more each day. What a gift to yourself and a gift
you can give to God, a deeper appreciation and
understanding of our Faith. Next week we begin a
look at the Third Sign.
Dynamic Question of the Week: What small step
can you take today? Will you take advantage of the
Magnificat Advent companion, USCCB.ORG, (Catholic Answers) or another valuable
website? What would our parish look like if each
person read 5 pages of a great Catholic book each
Week at a Glance
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Men’s Sharing 7:30am-CH
Giving Tree in Church
Sunday, November 30, 2014
CCD 8:45-10am
Giving Tree in Church
Monday, December 1, 2014
St. Agnes Knitters 9am-CH
Youth Group 6:30pm
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
CCD 4-5:15pm (Reconciliation)
OLPH Choir 7:45-9pm
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
OLPH K of C Meeting 7pm-CH
Rosary 7:30pm-OLPH Church
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Saint Agnes Seniors Exec. Bd. Meeting-CH
OLPH SVDP Bd. Mt. 6:30pm-CH
Saint Agnes Choir: Children 6:15pm; Adults 7:30pm
Friday, December 5, 2014
St. Nicholas Party 6pm-SA Church Hall
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Men’s Sharing 7:30am-CH
Giving Tree in Church
OLPH K of C Annual Dinner –OLPH Gym
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Youth Group Mass 10:30am-OLPH Church
Youth Group Bake Sale After the Masses at OLPH
Mother Teresa Regional School News
MTRS is holding their annual Christmas Bazaar on Sunday,
Dec. 7th from 9am-3pm. We are looking for vendors and
crafters to join us. If you are interested in signing up to be a
vendor, please email for more information and a registration form. Thank you!
Mother Teresa Regional School will be partnering with Jersey
Cares in their effort to collect 60,000 winter coats. Students
will be sorting and bundling the collected coats as part of their
Faith in Action curriculum. Please check your closet and donate any used coats you may have. There will be boxes in
both churches to accept coats. All sizes are being accepted. The collection will run until Dec. 5
As a parish we have been called upon to pray for
all, in particular we pray for the following:
Lois Cunningham, mother of Mary Palmisano, Margaret
(Peggy) King, Rachel Kovach, Mary McDede, Mary
Ann Sims, Edna Black, Judy Teeple, Mary Larsen, Lucille Anthony, Timothy La Vopa, Richard Guinnessey,
Terry Hardiman Ravi Soloman, nephew of Tom & Jane
Snow, Rich Everett, Melissa Giunta, Pat Adams, Tina
Dexheimer, Jackie Woods, Sue Calise, Jamie Calise ,
Margaret Burke, Pat Reed, Dave Reed, Catherine Adamo-Tawil, Tommy Welch , Al Kirk, Laura Donlon, Doris Hodgkiss-O’Neill, Lorraine Padula, Joseph Hohenleitner , Louis Boyle, Peter McAllister, Maureen & Joseph Gallo, Bonnie Osborne, Russ Repetti, Michael Carloni, Justin O’Neil, Catherine Natoli , Marie Patnaude ,
John Bracchi, Thomas Welch, Sr., Eileen Trainor, Erin
Brennan, Mitch Halprein, Mike Doherty, Jean Gillmann,
John Dugan, Rosa Davis, John Brandon, Genevieve
Comerford, Bob Kearney, Sister Teresa Paul, Gary Slater, Kevin Mulvaney, Anthony Velazquez, Joanna
Kearney, Robert Fedak, Arden MacPhee, Jane Halleran ,
Christopher Falzone, Jonathan Carloni , Paul Mercadante, Dean Newman, Samantha McGrail, Robert
Batz, Frances Bashkoian, Jim Sproule, Bob McMahon
and Pat Phair.
Saint Agnes Choir
Annual Christmas Concert
Concert on Sunday, December 14th at 3pm in
Saint Agnes Church. Performing both traditional and songs of the season will be the adult
and children’s choirs.
The concerts soloists will be Stefanie Winters ,
Michael Burke and Joanna Kearney.
This will be the 20th year that Tom Elliott has
been our choral director, and we welcome back
a former organist at St. Agnes, Justin Ryan, as
our accompanist for this concert.
Admission is free, but we encourage you to
bring some non-perishable food or household
items which can then be shared with those in
need through our community’s AACC Food
Works of Mercy
Saint Vincent de Paul Society
The OLPH St. Vincent de Paul Society assists residents of
Highlands and Sea Bright.
Contact info: Please call the rectory office at 732-291-0272,
ext. 120.
The St. Agnes St. Vincent de Paul Society assists residents of
Atlantic Highlands and Leonardo.
Contact info: Please call the rectory office at 732-291-0272,
ext. 113.
OLPH St. Vincent DePaul –Giving Tree
St. Agnes St. Vincent de Paul Society
Our prayers and our gratitude for all of you dear parishioners
and friends who contributed to our work to assist your neighbors in Highlands and Sea Bright this past year.
So this Christmas, as in the past, our annual Christmas Giving Tree project will be a comfort to many vulnerable families with children –the Tree is located at the front of the
Each tag represents a gift for a child who is signed up for the
On the tag there is information on the interests of that particular child to help with gift ideas.
Age and gender information is also provided to assist in selecting gifts.
Please return your gifts to the Giving Tree - UNWRAPPED
with the TAG ATTACHED when you come to Mass – no
later than Dec 14.
If you have any questions, please call our OLPH SVDP
number (732-291-0272 ext. 120) and one of our members
will get back to you. Thank you!
Saint Raphael
Mark 13 :33
Be Watchful! Be Alert! You do not know when the time will
Healthy teeth and gums help protect your whole body. Heart
problems and gum disease...gum disease may raise the risk of
heart disease and stroke. The problem likely starts with the bacteria that lurk in your gums causing inflammation. Studies suggest
the inflammation sets off a chain of events in the body that could
damage the heart and blood vessels. Researchers continue to
study the link between gum disease and cardiovascular disease,
but one thing is for sure, you can keep your mouth healthy by
brushing and flossing every day.
It’s that wonderful time of year again! The Giving Tree will be
in front of the Church from 11/22-12/20/14. Please take a tag
and kindly return your gifts, unwrapped, by 12/20.
Please, no stuffed animals due to allergies. Gift cards for the
teens are very popular. Some of the tags are specific so we can
try to match the gift with a child’s wish.
Thank you to all our parishioners for making this possible.
St. Agnes SVdP is in the process of recruiting new members.
The Society is comprised of men and women from our parish.
We assist families and individuals who reside in the Atlantic
Highlands and Leonardo areas who need financial assistance,
food, clothing, etc. We organize and run the Thanksgiving distribution of food in Nov and the “Giving Tree Program” at
Christmas. We are funded by our generous parishioners thru a
monthly collection on the 4th Sunday after all the masses. We
need new members to assist with the above mentioned programs and to assist present members with home visits to those
who call for assistance. Please consider joining this amazing
group of men and women by volunteering your time. Whatever
amount of time you can give to this noble cause will be greatly
appreciated, not only by our present members but the people
we serve thru this society. Please call us at 732-291-0272 ext.
113. Leave your name and phone number and we will contact
you to answer any questions you may have. Thank you
The Parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Help-Saint Agnes
Parish Ministries
Saint Raphael
Profile: To provide pastoral care to the homebound and sick, and to promote health awareness.
St. Raphael Ministry is a pastoral care/health and
wellness outreach program that focuses on the visitation and care of the sick and elderly in our parish. This ministry can include any health care professional, as well as Extra Ordinary Ministers,
dedicated seniors and other volunteers, and centers
around visitations to those in our parish and community who are homebound and in need of prayers, care, and just a friendly hello.
Holy Name Society
The Holy Name Society meets the second Sunday
of the month following the 9am Mass. The Society
is dedicated to the spiritual formation of its members. The Holy Name Society is involved in a
number of Church activities; monthly Continental
Breakfasts, St. Pat’s Dinner Dance and Annual
Communion Breakfast.
If you are interested in joining, please attend one of our meetings or contact Bob Hammesfahr at
Senior’s Club
Bi-monthly trips to Atlantic City on the second
Tuesday of the month.
Saint Agnes
Monthly membership meetings are open to seniors
of the community on the second Thursday of the
month (Sept.-June) at 11am in the Church Hall.
The Knitting Club meets every Monday morning
from 9am-11:30am in the St. Agnes Church Hall.
Everything we make is donated to different charitable organizations such as Birthright, schools,
nursing homes, veterans, etc.
We make baby hats that are given to babies as a
memento of their Baptism. We also make baby
blankets, baby sweaters, lap robes, adult & children’s hats and scarves.
If you are interested in joining us, come down to
the Church Hall any Monday morning.
Rosary Altar Society
The Rosary Altar Society is a spiritual and social
group of men and women. The primary purpose and
goal of the society is to encourage devotion to the
Blessed Mother through the Rosary. We try to promote awareness of the Rosary as a most powerful
means for salvation of souls.
There are many spiritual benefits in recitation of the
Rosary and we aim to make others more aware of
them through the course of our ministry. We also put
our minds and hands to work in the service of the
Lord by caring for the sacristy and sanctuary areas of
the Church.
If you are interested in joining the Rosary Altar Society, please call the rectory office at 732-291-0272.
Knights of Columbus
Joseph Donnelly Council
Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the
month at 8pm in the Church Hall.
Contact: John Bajor—732-291-9023
Saint Agnes
Vincent T. Lombardi Council
Contact: John Condon 732-673-1322
Thrift Shops
OLPH-Saint Jude Thrift Shop
151 Navesink Avenue
Highlands, NJ 07732
Hours: Thursday, Friday & Saturday 9am-3pm
Saint Agnes Thrift Shop
46 Avenue D
Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716
Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 9am-2pm
The Parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Help-Saint Agnes
Youth and Family Ministries
Religious Education
Though Religious Education classes are well under way,
we continue to need volunteers. Catechesis for our children is an important ministry. Consider helping as substitute teachers or hall monitors. There are many ways to
help throughout the year. Programs run on Tuesday afternoons and Sunday mornings. Please contact Mrs. Eileen
Ziesmer in the Rel. Education Office at (732) 291-0272
ext. 114.
Mother Teresa Regional School
“Where we educate and serve with excellence and faith”
Pre K 3 through 8th Grade
Youth Group
The Saints by the Sea is our parish Youth Group open to
students in grades 6-12. We meet on Monday evenings
from 6:30-8pm in the Parish Center. For more information, please contact Father Carlo at 732-291-0272, ext.
Our Promise to Protect
The Diocese of Trenton is committed to the initiatives
outlined in the U.S. Bishop’s Charter for the Protection of
Children and Young People in regard to the reporting of
and investigation of sexual abuse allegations involving
If you have been sexually abused as a minor by a member
of the clergy or anyone representing the Catholic Church,
or if you know of someone who was, you can report the
abuse through the diocesan Abuse Hotline: 1-888-2962965 or via email at
The Diocese of Trenton reports any allegations of sexual
abuse to the appropriate law enforcement agencies. Anyone with an allegation is also encouraged to provide that
information to local law enforcement authorities.
Message to Families:
Welcome to ADVENT the joyful season of waiting for
and anticipating the birth of Baby Jesus. I hope you have
decided to be AVENT-urous this year and try finding
ways of being like the Holy Family as we get ready for
Christmas. One of the main qualities we can learn from
Mary and Joseph and the Baby Jesus that Mary carried
inside her was that they sought to do God’s will. That
despite it being difficult and inconvenient for them to
travel to Bethlehem, and find a place to stay, they still
found a manger far from their home, to make a place for
the Baby Jesus to come into the world. They did what
God willed despite what they had imagined they wanted
for that great day. What powered them on to do this was
prayer and saying “yes” to God. It is important during
this time of year when things can go not as we hoped or
planned and then get inconvenient in our family life to try
to be as the Holy Family and pray together and find a
way. A great way to do that is with as ADVENT wreath.
The ADVENT wreath represents the long time when
people lived in spiritual darkness, waiting for the coming
of the Messiah, the Light of the world. Four candles
(three purple and one rose) are placed in a wreath. Each
week they are progressively lit to signify drawing closer
to Jesus’ day of birth, just like we do as a family together
at Mass at Church. One purple candle the first week, two
the second, 3 candles-two purple and the rose colored
(we can talk about that later) on the third week and then
all four candles the last week until Christmas Day. Families can gather around the wreath and sing hymns, read
from scripture, hold hands and pray every night. Everyone can have something to say. It is really a great way
to calm family tensions, small squabbles between the
kids and ease shopping stress. And if you really want to
have fun, make it a family sing-a-long of hymns one
night a week to let the Baby Jesus know that you are so
very ready for Him to come into your hearts and homes,
God’s will be done!
So all you ADVENT-urers, get your wreaths ready and
let’s pray, pray, pray our way to Christmas DAY!
The Parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Help-Saint Agnes
Religious/Spiritual Life
The responsibility for evangelization and education properly belongs to all baptized
Christians through the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, commonly known as RCIA.
Adults who want to become Catholic or
haven’t received all of their Sacraments of
Initiation (Baptism, First Holy Communion,
Confirmation), are fully initiated into the
Church through this Rite. Adults interested in
learning more about RCIA, please contact
Father Bill at 732-291-0272, ext. 112.
The Parish of Our Lady of Perpetual HelpSaint Agnes follows the Common Policy of
the Diocese of Trenton. Engaged couples
must schedule their weddings at least one
year in advance in order to properly prepare
for the Sacrament. All couples must attend a
Pre Cana Workshop. Please contact Kathy
Post in the rectory office for more information.
Baptism Workshop:
In order to schedule your child’s Baptism,
parents must have attended a Baptism Workshop class within the last three years. Workshops are held on the second Wednesday of
the month except for July and December.
Please contact Karen Frank at 732-291-0272,
ext. 110 for more information.
Holy Hour:
Holy Hour takes place at Saint Agnes Church
on the third Sunday of the month from 23pm.
The Parish of Our Lady of Perpetual HelpSaint Agnes serves the bayshore area. We
will guide you through the process, including
assisting you in choosing readings, music,
etc. Please contact Karen Frank in the rectory office for more information.
Bereavement Information:
If you are having difficulty after experiencing the loss of a loved one, we are here for
you. Please contact Father Bill in the rectory
There is Rosary recitation at St. Agnes
Church 6:30am Monday –Friday before the
7am Mass, and 8:30am on Saturdays. OLPH
Church has rosary recitation on Wednesday
evenings at 7:30pm
Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help is
held on Saturday mornings at 8am at OLPH
Novena Mass for Miraculous Medal is held
on Saturday mornings at 9am at St. Agnes
Area News and Events
Christmas Wafers – Oplatek/Oplatky/Oblatky
Whether you are of Eastern European descent
or would like to include this Christmas tradition
this year, Christmas Wafers are available at the
rectory. Please call Karen to make arrangements to pick them up at the office or also in the
sacristy after Mass.
Saint Nicholas Day Celebration
This year will be having our celebration honoring
Saint Nicholas on Friday, December 5th (the day
before his feast day) at St. Agnes Church Hall at
6pm. We will be having the Blessing of the Tangerines, music, crafts, food and fun, we will be
drawing our Super 50/50 and we will have a visit
from St. Nicholas too! Bring your cameras for a
picture! We are highlighting service from our
Saints by the Sea Youth Group and our Religious
Education Students. They will be collecting food
donations for the area food pantries, so please
bring some food to share with those in need, remembering the example of St. Nicholas. Let us
have some old fashioned fun!
St. Agnes Travel
Bucks County Playhouse
“Menopause the Musical”
When: January 29, 2015
Price: $80 includes transportation, show & lunch
Contact: Flo at 732-291-2570
Saint Agnes Seniors — Atlantic City Trip
The St. Agnes
Senior Club is sponsoring a trip to
Bally’s Casino in Atlantic City on Wednesday, December
3rd.The bus departs the Church parking lot 9am sharp and returns
approx. 6:30pm. Cost is $30 for members & $32 for nonmembers; voucher return $30. For more information, call Marie
Nolan at 732-450-0110
If paying by check, please make check payable to OLPH-SA Parish. Thank you!
Advent Actions
…A Dynamic Response to the Holy Season
Magnificat Advent Companions available at the
entrance of the Churches.
St. Vincent DePaul Societies Giving Trees,
take a tag, bring back the gift unwrapped, see
article in bulletin for more details.
30 Nov. – Holy Hour, 2-3pm at St. Agnes
Dedicating the New Year of Grace to God
5 Dec. – St. Nicholas Celebration, 6pm-7:30pm
St. Agnes Church Hall
Learn about this great saint and celebrate with
music, crafts, food. We are collecting nonperishable food, continuing Bishop Nicholas’
care for the needy.
8 Dec. – Adoration, 6-7pm, OLPH Church
Peace and Quiet time with Our Lord in the
Blessed Sacrament
8 Dec. – Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, 7pm OLPH Church
Holy Day of Obligation, Patronal Feast day of
the USA
12 Dec. – Adoration, 7:30am – 6pm, St. Agnes
Peace and Quiet time with Our Lord in the
Blessed Sacrament on the Feast day of our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the Americas
14 Dec. – St. Agnes Choir Concert, 3pm, St.
Agnes Church
Listen to the beautiful sounds of the Advent/
Christmas Seasons.
17 Dec. – Advent Evening of Reflection with
Msgr. Salemi, 7pm OLPH Church
Rich meditation to enrich your Advent and the
celebration of Mass
18 Dec.—Mother Teresa Regional School
Christmas Concert 6pm
22 Dec. – Confessions and Adoration, 6pm8pm, OLPH Church
“Drop-In” during this two hour period and celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation and take
the opportunity for peace and quiet with the
Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Two priests
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★ Insurance Work Welcome ★
29 Center Ave.
Atlantic Highlands
Tony D’s
Kerrigan Electric
30 Yrs. Exp. • Lic. #10837
A Classic Preschool Experience
2-5 Year Olds
• Early Childhood Specialists
• CPR Certified
• Nut Free Environment
• Not Quite Potty Trained?
It‛s O.K.
All Phases of Electric
45 Appleton Ave.
Leonardo • 732-291-2108
Frank R. Weiland, Owner/Director NJ Lic. #3008
Kenneth J. Rau, Senior Director NJ Lic. #3275
Posten’s Funeral Home
59 East Lincoln Avenue • Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716
Funeral Directors since 1886
Tom Bull
Established 2006
C: 732-241-3000
Off: 732-291-2925
John P. Condon, IV
NJ Lisc. No. 4163
Recycle • 10-40 Yard Containers • Pick Up & Delivery
Owner/Director: John P. Condon, Jr.
NJ Lisc. No. 3441
Phone: 732-738-6000
804 Highway 36 • P.O. Box 354 • Leonardo, NJ 07737-0354
732-291-0234 •
599 St. Agnes Church, Atlantic Highlands, NJ - (b) SH
Recycl sh Construction & Demolition Debris
ra House/Yard Waste & Scrap Metal
Your T
Fax: 732-738-9150
75 Crows Mill Rd., Keasbey, NJ 08832
John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166