Saint Agnes Church - John Patrick Publishing Company

March 15, 2015
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Parish Office:
103 Center Avenue
Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716
Rev. William Lago, Pastor
Ext. 112
Rev. Carlo Calisin, Parochial Vicar
Ext. 115
Saturday Morning
8:00am OLPH Church
Novena to Our Lady of
Perpetual Help follows
Msgr. Cajetan Salemi, Weekend Assistant
Rev. Joseph Quinlan, Weekend Assistant
Deacon Raymond Rainville
Deacon Robert Johnson
Mrs. Eileen Ziesmer, Director of Religious Education
Ext. 114
Mrs. Karen Frank, Admin. Asst.-Office
Ext. 110
Mrs. Kathy Post, Admin. Asst.-Bookkeeper
Ext. 117
Dominican Sisters of Hope
Convent: 732-291-8246
Sister Teresa Paul Heinke, O.P
Sister Monica Socinski, O.P.
Mother Teresa Regional School
St. Agnes Church
OLPH Church
9:00am St. Agnes Church
Novena to Our Lady of the
Miraculous Medal follows
Saturday Evening
OLPH Church
St. Agnes Church
St. Agnes Church
OLPH Church
St. Agnes Church
10:15am St. Agnes Church
10:30am OLPH Church
11:30am St. Agnes Church
BAPTISMS: Baptisms are held on Sundays following the last
Mass at both Churches.
Please call Karen Frank at ext. 110 in the rectory office for
more information.
RECONCILIATION: Saturday from 4-4:45pm at both
Churches, or call the rectory office for an appointment.
WEDDINGS: Please call Kathy Post at ext. 117 in the rectory
office for more information.
Weekend Mass Intentions
Saturday 3/14
5:00pm Saint Agnes Church
Grace Barrett (Sister, Catherine)
Weekday Mass Intentions
Monday 3/16
8:00am OLPH Church
Father Russell Abata (Rose Marie Remias)
5:00pm OLPH Church
Flip McMahon (Bob & Irene Higgins)
Ann Dowd (Lillian Quinn)
Tuesday 3/17
Sunday 3/15
7:30am Saint Agnes Church
Our Lady of Perpetual Help-Saint Agnes Parish
9:00am Saint Agnes Church
Allison Hohmeier Domalewski (Mother)
Richard Wilhalme ((35th Anniv.) (Loving
Daughter, Irene)
9:00am OLPH Church
Jean Rahm (Family)
Ralph Daino (Family)
10:15am Saint Agnes Church
Joe Small (Wife Linda & Family)
Patricia Milne (Fortier Family)
Wed. 3/18
5:00pm OLPH Church
Flip McMahon (Lillian Quinn)
Father Liber Ortega (Special Intention)
(Barbara Monroe)
Sunday 3/22
7:30am Saint Agnes Church
Mary Emmer (Emmer Family)
7:00am St. Agnes Church
Jeanette Kastner (Special Intention)
8:00am OLPH Church
Adelaide & Jean Cochran (Jimmy & Patty Black)
Thursday 3/19
7:00am Saint Agnes Church
Vocations to the Priesthood & Religious Life
8:00am OLPH Church
Anne & Al Salonis (Jimmy & Patty Black)
11:30am Saint Agnes Church
Carol Zachy (Family)
5:00pm Saint Agnes Church
John P. Bevere, Sr. (Rose Sodon)
Tristan Laricy Johnson (In Memory) (Family)
7:00am Saint Agnes Church
Brendan Tevlin (Barbara Sullivan
& Donna McDonald)
Donald Hodgkiss (Family)
8:00am OLPH Church
Rae Ann Stone (Jimmy & Patty Black)
10:30am OLPH Church
A.J. Bruder (Bill Rannertshauser)
Saturday 3/21
7:00am Saint Agnes Church
Reverend Robert Schulze (Parish)
Friday 3/20
7:00am Saint Agnes Church
For All Military
8:00am OLPH Church
Rae Ann Stone (Cheryl Brocato)
Saturday 3/21
8:00am OLPH Church
Reverend Robert Schulze (Parish)
9:00am Saint Agnes Church
John Bevere, Sr. (Ann Pomponio)
9:00am Saint Agnes Church
Rev. Robert Schulze (Parish)
9:00am OLPH Church
Our Lady of Perpetual Help-Saint Agnes Parish
St. Agnes Holy Name Society
10:15am Saint Agnes Church
James Mansell (Kathleen & Bill)
10:30am OLPH Church
John Francis Xavier Thomas (Carol & Fermin)
11:30am Saint Agnes Church
Hans S. Hendericks Patty Cassone-Debow
The St. Agnes Holy Name Society is extending an invitation to everyone to join us at our next Continental Breakfast which will be held on Sunday, March 22nd in the
Church Hall following all the Masses.
You’ll find a great variety of delicious breakfast foods
and of course coffee, tea and orange juice. There is chocolate milk and regular milk for the children, so why not
join us for a while ?
Liturgical Offerings
Flowers :
There are no flowers during Lent.
Flag: This week the flag is flown at OLPH in honor of
Joseph V. Donovan.
Sanctuary Light: The Sanctuary Light at OLPH Church
this week is for Marty, John & Tom requested by Joan
The Sanctuary Light at St. Agnes Church may be requested
by calling the rectory office.
Bread & Wine Offering: The Bread & Wine offering at
the 10:30 Mass at OLPH Church is for Marty, John &
Tom requested by Joan Byrne.
We welcome James Thomas Jardot and
James Patrick Murphy into our parish family. James and James will be baptized in our
parish this weekend. We congratulate their
parents and godparents.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church
Saturday, March 21, 2015 5:00pm
Lector: Megan Hesterhagen
Extraordinary Ministers: William Monahan, Frank Teeple,
Paul Muller
Altar Servers: Abby Hesterhagen, Allison Urbanski
Sunday, March 22, 2015 9:00am
Lector: Peri Marando
Extraordinary Ministers: Cecelia Volkert, Patricia Black
Altar Servers:
Sunday, March 22, 2015 10:30am
Lector: MTRS Students
Extraordinary Ministers: Carol Alleva, Joseph Palmisano
Altar Servers: V. La Rocca, T. La Rocca
Saint Agnes Church
Saturday March 21, 2015 5:00 pm
Readers: Bob Afanasewicz, Pete Lopusznick
Extraordinary Ministers: Roberta Davis, Maureen Pitman,
Connie Lopuisznick, Jean Winter
Altar Servers: Riley Dowd, Ryan Kennedy, Lucy Afanasewicz,
Gwen Afanasewicz
Sunday March 22, 2015 7:30 am
Readers: Michael Donlon, Joseph Monaco
Extraordinary Ministers: Maureen Hrbek, Mary Goode, Tom
Gaffey, Karen Gaffey
Altar Servers: Patrick Corey, Sarah Corey, Matthew Corey
Sunday March 22, 2015 9:00 am
Readers: Dylan AScolese, Sam D’Ambola
Extraordinary Ministers: Irene Vande Woude, Jamie Ascolese, Neale Riley
Altar Servers: John Wilson, Ana Nicosia, Alex Goushy
Sunday March 22, 2015 10:15 am
Readers: Jim Guerriero, Antoinette Giordani
Extraordinary Ministers: Kathryn Trinidad, Kate Sharkey, Bob
Sutton, Linda Sutton
Altar Servers: Ralph D’Antonio, Casey O’Neil, Anthony Martignetti, Michael Del Duca, James Davies
Sunday March 22, 2015 11:30 am
Readers: James Murphy, Karen Jenkins
Extraordinary Ministers: Glenda Petruzzelli, Fancis Lombardy, Carin Burke, Bambi Sherman
Altar Servers: Katie Craig, Erin Craig
I would like to thank our parishioner, Babs Prezlomski ,
and the Town & Surf Diner in Atlantic Highlands for their
donations of soup on 2/27. Last week soup was cancelled
due to the weather.
Come join us for Stations of the Cross every Friday during
lent at 3pm at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, then
come downstairs for a light meal and fellowship.
Hope to see you there!
There are sign-up sheets in
the Sacristy of each Church
for those who wish to volunteer to serve during Holy
The Parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Help-Saint Agnes
Message from Fr. Bill
Today we celebrate “Laetare” Sunday, in
which the Church “rejoices” that Easter is drawing
near. The name comes from the Latin translation of
the entrance verse for the Mass: “Rejoice with Jerusalem, and be glad because of her”. These verses,
found in Isaiah (66,10) are used to call us to realize
the nourishment and comfort that our Church gives
us, which gives us cause to rejoice and draw near to
benefit from what is offered. Isaiah uses the image
of motherhood in these verses, and we, in the New
Covenant, use the image of motherhood as we call
the Church our “Mother,” who gives us new birth in
Baptism and nourishes us with the Word and the other Sacraments. We are called to rejoice and be glad.
I pray that our Lenten activities of prayer, fasting,
and almsgiving, will yield fruit for each of us and
Holy Mother Church.
I also invite you to draw near to the special
events that are taking place during Lent. For families, I draw your attention to the Family Lenten Activity Evening – 6-7pm St. Agnes Church Hall, on
Friday, 27 March followed by the Stations of the
Cross, led by the Youth Group at 7pm. It will be a
fun and faithful evening, offering activities that will
get us ready for the celebration of Easter. I also
bring your attention to the “Drop-in Confessions”
that will be held at St. Agnes Church from 6:30pm to
8:00pm on Tuesday, 31 March. We offered this opportunity during Advent at Our Lady of Perpetual
Help Church, during which, two priests are available
for whenever you arrive during the period of 1 ½
hours. This way of having Confessions means that
there is not a ceremony, but rather quite time, before
the Blessed Sacrament, for you to conduct the Examination of Conscience, and after Confession, you are
afforded quiet time to offer your Penance as well as
prayers of Thanksgiving and Adoration to God. We
rejoice in God’s Merciful Love as each of us pray:
“Take, O take me as I am; summon out what I shall
be; set your Seal upon my heart and live in me.”
3/8/15 Weekly Collection:
$ 11,323.00
Feast of St. Joseph Celebrations
*Come and Celebrate the Feast of the Solemnity of St. Joseph
on March 19th @ 10:30 AM.
Sponsored by the Dominican Sisters of Hope @ St. Agnes
Convent, 44 South Ave.
Come to reflect, relax, and pray. Quiet time in the convent and
recollection before the Blessed Sacrament in our Chapel. Followed by lunch. Please call (732)291-8246 for details and a
lunch count. St. Joseph is the patron of the Dominican Order.
*Come and Celebrate the Feast of the Solemnity of St. Joseph
on March 19th @ 7 PM and reflect and pray during the Holy
Hour at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church from 7pm-8pm.
As we adore the Lord Jesus, we will remember St. Joseph, The
Guardian of the Redeemer.
Win. Build. Send. In his section on Evangelization, M.
Kelly writes we are sent by God to spread the Catholic
Faith. “There are three keys to this approach: friendship,
generosity, and answers. Friendship is the most natural
and effective way to share the faith with others. … Out
of the respect that is built through the course of friendship, (a friend) will consider my point of view…” Our
friendships, as Disciples of Christ, are about helping others and putting their best interests above our own selfish
desires. As good friends, who are Catholic, we want our
friends to know about Jesus and the Church he left us.
We are also called to be generous “with our love and
compassion, going out of our way to generously serve
those who cross our path.” The third key element is
“helping people find answers to their questions.” We
don’t have to have all the answers ourselves, but we
should have resources at our “fingertips” in order to answer our questions and help others find answers, find
the Truth.
Dynamic Question of the Week: How have you been a
good friend to others because of your Catholic Faith?
How have you “spread the Good News” just by being a
good friend? Where do you go to get your Faith questions answered? What on-line resources do you use?
Have you visited (Catholic Answers)?
Week at a Glance
Sunday, March 15, 2015
CCD 8:45-10am
Food for the Poor at Masses-SAC
HNS St. Pat’s Tix at Masses-OLPH & SAC
Holy Hour 2-3pm-SAC
K of C Pancake Breakfast-OLPH Gym
OLPH K of C Membership Drive at Masses-OLPH
Monday, March 16, 2015
St. Agnes Knitters 9am-CH
Youth Group 6:30pm
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
CCD 4-5:15pm
Rediscovering Catholicism 7pm-SAC
OLPH Choir 7:45-9pm
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Women in the Gospels 10:30am-Convent
Joy of the Gospel 6:30pm-Convent
Thursday, March 19, 2015
St. Joseph Reflection 10:30am-Convent
St. Agnes Choir: Children (St. Joseph Solemnity) 7-8pm-OLPH Church
Friday, March 20, 2015
Stations of the Cross:
3pm OLPH –Followed by a light meal of soup & salad
7pm SAC
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Men’s Sharing 7:30am-CH
CCD Family Life Program 9am-12pm-SAC CH
HNS St. Pat’s Tix at Mass-OLPH & SAC
Sunday, March 22, 2015
CCD 8:45-10am
MTRS Athletic Mass 10:30am-OLPH
HNS Continental Breakfast-CH
Ave Maria Shop Open
HNS St. Pat’s Tix at Masses
Counters Schedule
OLPH: Week 4
Colleen Thornton
Rene Thornton
Regina Yahara-Splain
Ray Polakowski
Saint Agnes: Week 4
Sophie Dziedzic
Mary Goode
Barbara Hyneman
Joyce Phillips
As a parish we have been called upon to pray for all, in particular
we pray for the following:
Lois Cunningham, mother of Mary Palmisano, Margaret (Peggy)
King, Rachel Kovach, Mary McDede, Mary Ann Sims, Edna Black,
Judy Teeple, Mary Larsen, Lucille Anthony, Timothy La Vopa,
Richard Guinnessey, Terry Hardiman, Ravi Soloman, nephew of Tom
& Jane Snow, Rich Everett, Melissa Giunta, Pat Adams, Tina Dexheimer, Jackie Woods, Sue Calise, Jamie Calise , Margaret Burke,
Pat Reed, Dave Reed, Catherine Adamo-Tawil, Tommy Welch , Al
Kirk, Laura Donlon, Doris Hodgkiss-O’Neill, Lorraine Padula, Joseph
Hohenleitner , Louis Boyle, Peter McAllister, Maureen & Joseph
Gallo, Bonnie Osborne, Russ Repetti, Michael Carloni, Justin
O’Neil, Catherine Natoli , Marie Patnaude , John Bracchi, Thomas
Welch, Sr., Eileen Trainor, Erin Brennan, Mitch Halprein, Mike
Doherty, Jean Gillmann, John Dugan, Rosa Davis, John Brandon,
Genevieve Comerford, Bob Kearney, Sister Teresa Paul, Gary Slater,
Kevin Mulvaney, Anthony Velazquez, Joanna Kearney, Robert Fedak, Arden MacPhee, Jane Halleran , Christopher Falzone, Jonathan
Carloni , Paul Mercadante, Dean Newman, Samantha McGrail, Robert Batz, Jim Sproule, Pat Phair, Ruth Halpin, Roy Halpin, Patricia
Peterson-Lee and Emma Hofmann.
Lent 2015: Renewed as God’s Family
*Opportunities At your own pace
Lenten Magnificat – has daily readings and reflections available in Church starting Feb 14/15.
for adults.
Confessions – Saturdays: 4-4:50pm, or by appointment
Spiritual Direction – call Fr. Bill for appointment
*Opportunities With the Community
TUESDAYS – March 17/24 – 7-8 pm at St Agnes Church Rediscover Catholicism Book Discussion
WEDNESDAYS – March 18/25
Morning program: 10:30 -11:45 AM. at St. Agnes Convent WOMEN IN THE GOSPELS:
Early Evening program: 6:30 – 7:30 PM at St. Agnes Convent - Pope Francis’ encyclical, JOY OF THE GOSPEL:
THURSDAYS – March 19 – Holy Hour/Adoration from 78pm at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church
3:00pm at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church
7:00pm at St. Agnes Church
Friday , 27 March - Family Lenten Activity Evening – 6-7pm
St. Agnes Church Hall. Great opportunity to come together for
crafts and activities to learn from Lent and prepare for Easter.
Friday , 27 March – Stations of the Cross will be led by the
Youth Group at 7pm
Monday, 30 March—Chrism Mass at St. Robert Bellarmine
Parish, Freehold at 7:30pm
Tuesday, 31 March – Drop-In Confession time from 6-8pm at
St. Agnes Church, two priests available
Works of Mercy
Saint Vincent de Paul Society
The St. Agnes St. Vincent de Paul Society assists
residents of Atlantic Highlands and Leonardo.
Contact info: Please call the rectory office at 732291-0272, ext. 113.
The OLPH St. Vincent de Paul Society assists residents of Highlands and Sea Bright.
Contact info: Please call the rectory office at 732291-0272, ext. 120.
Communion for the Homebound
Volunteers are available to deliver Communion to parishioners who are not able to attend Mass. Please call
Father Carlo at ext. 115 in the rectory office to schedule a visit for a homebound or hospitalized parishioner.
OLPH Food Pantry
The OLPH Food Pantry serves the bayshore area.
Hours are Sundays from 12-2 pm and Monday evenings from 5:30-7:30pm. For further information, call
the rectory office at 732-291-0272, ext. 110.
AACC Food Pantry
Saint Agnes has been happy to participate for many
years in providing food to the needy in Atlantic Highlands and surrounding communities through the dedication of the AACC Food Pantry.
Saint Raphael
John 3:16...For God so loved the world that he
gave his only son so that everyone who believes in
him might not perish but might have eternal life.
Your brain on multi-tasking; can you tweet, text and
play Candy Crush all at the same time?
Maybe—but you may just be harming your brain, a
new study found. People who multi-tasked across
different types of media had less gray matter in some
parts of the brain.
This may explain why they do worse on some learning and memory tests. They also tend to have more
social and emotional troubles, the study authors
point out.
“Though we live in a wired world, the results suggest focusing on one thing at a time may have some
neurological benefits, such as reducing anxiety and
improving mood”, says Noah Gilson, M.D.O. Riverview Medical Center.
Community Garden
There are many ways to be involved. You can have
your own personal space and/or just volunteer to
support our efforts in providing the Food Pantry with
fresh produce all season!
Please call the rectory office if you are interested in
learning more; someone will call you back. Thanks!
See you in the Garden!
The Parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Help-Saint Agnes
Parish Ministries
Saint Raphael
Profile: To provide pastoral care to the homebound and sick, and to promote health awareness.
St. Raphael Ministry is a pastoral care/health and
wellness outreach program that focuses on the visitation and care of the sick and elderly in our parish. This ministry can include any health care professional, as well as Extra Ordinary Ministers,
dedicated seniors and other volunteers, and centers
around visitations to those in our parish and community who are homebound and in need of prayers, care, and just a friendly hello.
Holy Name Society
The Holy Name Society meets the second Sunday
of the month following the 9am Mass. The Society
is dedicated to the spiritual formation of its members. The Holy Name Society is involved in a
number of Church activities; monthly Continental
Breakfasts, St. Pat’s Dinner Dance and Annual
Communion Breakfast.
If you are interested in joining, please attend one of our meetings or contact Bob Hammesfahr at
Senior’s Club
Bi-monthly trips to Atlantic City on the second
Tuesday of the month.
Saint Agnes
Monthly membership meetings are open to seniors
of the community on the second Thursday of the
month (Sept.-June) at 11am in the Church Hall.
The Knitting Club meets every Monday morning
from 9am-11:30am in the St. Agnes Church Hall.
Everything we make is donated to different charitable organizations such as Birthright, schools,
nursing homes, veterans, etc.
We make baby hats that are given to babies as a
memento of their Baptism. We also make baby
blankets, baby sweaters, lap robes, adult & children’s hats and scarves.
If you are interested in joining us, come down to
the Church Hall any Monday morning.
Rosary Altar Society
The Rosary Altar Society is a spiritual and social
group of men and women. The primary purpose and
goal of the society is to encourage devotion to the
Blessed Mother through the Rosary. We try to promote awareness of the Rosary as a most powerful
means for salvation of souls.
There are many spiritual benefits in recitation of the
Rosary and we aim to make others more aware of
them through the course of our ministry. We also put
our minds and hands to work in the service of the
Lord by caring for the sacristy and sanctuary areas of
the Church.
If you are interested in joining the Rosary Altar Society, please call the rectory office at 732-291-0272.
Knights of Columbus
Joseph Donnelly Council
Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the
month at 8pm in the Church Hall.
Contact: John Bajor—732-291-9023
Saint Agnes
Vincent T. Lombardi Council
Contact: John Condon 732-673-1322
Thrift Shops
OLPH-Saint Jude Thrift Shop
151 Navesink Avenue
Highlands, NJ 07732
Hours: Thursday, Friday & Saturday 9am-3pm
Saint Agnes Thrift Shop
46 Avenue D
Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716
Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 9am-2pm
The Parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Help-Saint Agnes
Youth and Family Ministries
Religious Education
Though Religious Education classes are well under
way, we continue to need volunteers. Catechesis for
our children is an important ministry. Consider helping as substitute teachers or hall monitors. There are
many ways to help throughout the year. Programs
run on Tuesday afternoons and Sunday mornings.
Please contact Mrs. Eileen Ziesmer in the Rel. Education Office at (732) 291-0272 ext. 114.
Mother Teresa Regional School
“Where we educate and serve with excellence and
Pre K 3 through 8th Grade
Youth Group
The Saints by the Sea is our parish Youth Group
open to students in grades 6-12. We meet on Monday evenings from 6:30-8pm in the Parish Center.
For more information, please contact Father Carlo at
732-291-0272, ext. 115.
Our Promise to Protect
The Diocese of Trenton is committed to the initiatives outlined in the U.S. Bishop’s Charter for the
Protection of Children and Young People in regard
to the reporting of and investigation of sexual abuse
allegations involving minors.
If you have been sexually abused as a minor by a
member of the clergy or anyone representing the
Catholic Church, or if you know of someone who
was, you can report the abuse through the diocesan
Abuse Hotline: 1-888-296-2965 or via email at
The Diocese of Trenton reports any allegations of
sexual abuse to the appropriate law enforcement
agencies. Anyone with an allegation is also encouraged to provide that information to local law enforcement authorities.
Dear Families,
We are more than half way through this Lenten
season; more than half way through our journey
towards the Paschal mystery of Jesus that we will
celebrate together at Easter. At this point on our
trip, we might find ourselves in need of a rest stop
for that chance to stretch and refuel for our journey. Have we kept up on our Lenten promises of
sacrificing this or that? Have we added more time
for prayer and spiritual reading or activities? Or
have we run a little “out of gas” in the Lent sacrifice area and need to refuel spiritually to move
In today’s psalm we say, “Let my tongue be silenced, if I ever forget you.” Sometimes when it
comes to doing the things we wanted to do during
Lent we find ourselves saying a few “if’s” ourselves and getting a little forgetful. Sometimes we
say, “If I had only done this or that.” But “if’s”
don’t change things and certainly don’t change us.
That is why midway through Lent is a great time
to remember that there are no “what ifs” when it
comes to Jesus. He did and does all the things he
promised. So take this Sunday and let it be your
chance to refuel and refresh for your Lenten journey. Recommit yourself as a family to your promises of sacrifice for the Lord even if things haven’t
gone as you planned or hoped. Remove all the
“ifs” by reminding each other that no body journeys alone. We journey together with God’s help.
So refresh yourself for the journey to Easter by
blessing each other. Today, take a moment to stop
and bless each other with holy water. Make a sign
of the cross on each other foreheads while saying,” God be with you.” Take that time to remind
each other that God is always there to help and
that the family will be there to give love and support. Then get going again, because we still have
a few weeks journey together on the road to Jerusalem, on the road to Easter!
The Parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Help-Saint Agnes
The responsibility for evangelization and education properly belongs to all baptized
Christians through the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, commonly known as RCIA.
Adults who want to become Catholic or
haven’t received all of their Sacraments of
Initiation (Baptism, First Holy Communion,
Confirmation), are fully initiated into the
Church through this Rite. Adults interested in
learning more about RCIA, please contact
Father Bill at 732-291-0272, ext. 112.
The Parish of Our Lady of Perpetual HelpSaint Agnes follows the Common Policy of
the Diocese of Trenton. Engaged couples
must schedule their weddings at least one
year in advance in order to properly prepare
for the Sacrament. All couples must attend a
Pre Cana Workshop. Please contact Kathy
Post in the rectory office for more information.
Baptism Workshop:
In order to schedule your child’s Baptism,
parents must have attended a Baptism Workshop class within the last three years. Workshops are held on the second Wednesday of
the month except for July and December.
Please contact Karen Frank at 732-291-0272,
ext. 110 for more information.
Holy Hour:
Holy Hour takes place at Saint Agnes Church
on the third Sunday of the month from 23pm.
The Parish of Our Lady of Perpetual HelpSaint Agnes serves the bayshore area. We
will guide you through the process, including
assisting you in choosing readings, music,
etc. Please contact Karen Frank in the rectory office for more information.
Bereavement Information:
If you are having difficulty after experiencing the loss of a loved one, we are here for
you. Please contact Father Bill in the rectory
There is Rosary recitation at St. Agnes
Church 6:30am Monday –Friday before the
7am Mass, and 8:30am on Saturdays. OLPH
Church has rosary recitation on Wednesday
evenings at 7:30pm
Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help is
held on Saturday mornings at 8am at OLPH
Novena Mass for Miraculous Medal is held
on Saturday mornings at 9am at St. Agnes
News and Events
Mother Teresa Regional School News
We appreciate our advertisers.
It is through the generosity of our advertisers that we are able to publish a weekly bulletin, and we encourage our parishioners to patronize these local businesses.
One of our newest advertisers, “Schooners Fishery” in Belford, whose
owners grew up in our parish, is offering a special during Lent. When
you go to Schooners Fishery during Lent, identify yourself as a parishioner of Our Lady of Perpetual Help-Saint Agnes; at the end of the
Lenten season, the restaurant will donate a percentage of all parishioner sales to our parish.
St. Agnes Holy Name Society
Annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Dance
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Start organizing your group-Tables of 8
Charles J. Hesse, III Parish Center
Music, Food, Soda, Beer, Wine
More details to follow shortly
Feast of St. Joseph Celebrations
*Come and Celebrate the Feast of the Solemnity of St. Joseph on March 19th @ 10:30 AM.
Sponsored by the Dominican Sisters of Hope @ St. Agnes
Convent, 44 South Ave.
Come to reflect, relax, and pray. Quiet time in the convent and recollection before the Blessed Sacrament in our
Chapel. Followed by lunch. Please call (732)291-8246 for
details and a lunch count. St. Joseph is the patron of the
Dominican Order.
*Come and Celebrate the Feast of the Solemnity of St. Joseph on March 19th @ 7 PM and reflect and pray during the
Holy Hour at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church from 7pm8pm. As we adore the Lord Jesus, we will remember St. Joseph, The Guardian of the Redeemer.
Mother Teresa Regional School invites you to attend our Open
House on Sunday, March 22nd from 12-2pm.
The school serves students from 3 years old through 8th
grade. We offer small class sizes, extended care programs
and a variety of athletics and extracurricular activities. Financial aid is available for qualifying families.
Come explore the advantages of a Catholic School where we
educate and serve with excellence and faith.
Getting ready for Kindergarten? Come be a Kindergartner for a
Day at Mother Teresa Regional School. On Friday, March 27th
from 8:30-11:30am, parents and their children are invited to
attend class, meet the principal, tour the school and participate
in a school service project . A snack and hot lunch will be provided.
To register, please call 732-291-1050 or email
Please take a brochure home and a pledge card and consider a donation/pledge to help the diocese carry out its mission to serve God and God’s people.
This week, we highlight another area of ministry that is
supported 100% by your monetary gift. Please also pray
for the success of the appeal and the ministries supported.
Catholic Charities Program Subsidy
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton, provides care to more
than 100,000 people each year and touches the lives of 1 in
every 19 residents of Central New Jersey. Your gift provides
funding for use in support of these programs. A behavioral
health care and social service agency, Catholic Charities offers
58 programs at 35 service sites and 72 residential sites in Burlington, Mercer, Monmouth, and Ocean counties. The mission
of Catholic Charities is rooted in the Gospel mandate to alleviate human suffering and seeks to improve the quality of life for
individuals and families by serving people in need, especially
the poor and oppressed. Catholic Charities offers a network of
accredited programs that provide quality, cost-effective services in the four counties of the diocese. Your gift tells those
in need that they matter.
Saint Agnes Seniors — Atlantic City Trip
Branson Show Extravaganza
September 26-October 4
9 Days, 8 Nights
$740 Per Person, Double Occupancy
(All Inclusive)
Contact Flo at 732-291-2570
The St. Agnes
Senior Club is sponsoring a trip to
Bally’s Casino in Atlantic City on Wednesday, April 8th .The
bus departs the Church parking lot 9am sharp and returns approx.
6:30pm. Cost is $30 for members & $32 for non-members; voucher return $30. For more information, call Marie Nolan at 732-4500110.
If paying by check, please make check payable to OLPH-SA Parish. Thank you!
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Posten’s Funeral Home
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Funeral Directors since 1886
Tom Bull
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C: 732-241-3000
Off: 732-291-2925
John P. Condon, IV
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Owner/Director: John P. Condon, Jr.
NJ Lisc. No. 3441
Phone: 732-738-6000
804 Highway 36 • P.O. Box 354 • Leonardo, NJ 07737-0354
732-291-0234 •
599 St. Agnes Church, Atlantic Highlands, NJ - (b) SH
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Fax: 732-738-9150
75 Crows Mill Rd., Keasbey, NJ 08832
John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166