Page 1 Visit our web site @: December 21, 2014 Fourth Sunday of Advent — December 21, 2014 Head of the Church: The Glorified Christ Pastor: Rev. Guy Francis Noonan, S.T.D. Mass Schedule — Eucharist: Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am, Noon Weekdays: Tues. & Thurs.: 8:15 am Confessions: Saturday 3:15 – 3:45 pm Rosary begins 1/2 hour (SHARP!) before the 4, 8, 10 Masses. Prelude begins 10 minutes before all weekend Masses. Parish Staff: Administration/Bookkeeper: Michael Knight Coord. of Religious Education: Jeanne Vecchione Director of Music & Liturgy: Denise Ziegler Maintenance: Thomas Kissell Parish Office: Telephone: 904-824-8688 Fax: 904-824-5110 Hours: Monday 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Office E-mail: Bulletin E-mail: Parish Mission Statement To become a community of disciples, called to walk “The Way” of Christ Jesus in our households, church community and society. Mailing Address / Parish Office at Church Location: 5950 State Road 16 / World Golf Village, Saint Augustine, FL. 32092-0626 Page 2 Visit our web site @: December 21, 2014 Our Lady of Good Counsel Roman Catholic Church In your prayers, remember our families and friends in need: TODAY’S READINGS: December 21, 2014 Fourth Sunday of Advent First Reading — I will fix a place for my people. (2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16). Psalm — For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord (Psalm 89). Second Reading — To the only wise God, through Jesus Christ, be glory forever and ever (Romans 16:25-27). Gospel — Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word (Luke 1:26-38). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved For 2014: Christmas Masses and December 27 & 28 Wednesday Christmas Eve 5 pm Vigil Mass Altar Servers: Brendan Youngclaus, Daniel Ho, Jimmy Kennedy, Nicole Klucharich. Lector: Vanessa Warner. Sacristan: John Walsh. EMs: Debra Petone, Martha Ho, Debbie Troehler, Ruth Mallett, Tom Slattery, and need 5 more volunteers. Wednesday Christmas Night 11pm Mass Altar Servers: ? Lector: Dana Cunningham. Sacristan: Frank Coonahan. EMs: Deborah Bowles, Kathy Hart, Allen Gray, Joe Zarbo, and need 2 more volunteers. Thursday Christmas Day 10 am Mass Altar Servers: Julia Goricki. Lector: Janice Bequette. Sacristan: Bob Mathison. EMs: Tom Slattery, Deborah Bowles, Constanze Goricki, Darlene Langlois, Jackie Stubbs, and need 1 more volunteer. Sheila Adkison Kenny Anderle Sue Anderle Alfredo & Dora Andrade Anastasia Armstrong Marilyn Beach Joan Benedetto Jeanne Bequette Seema Bharwani Kassie Billing Diane Billings Wanda Bond Karen Brandvolt Jesse Burrier Don Cason Jean Cason Roosevelt Charles Elliot Cody Mary Cofield Francis Curtin-Bass Shirley Curtin-Bass Evelyn Daigle Raymond Daigle Anne Depolo Paula V. De Voto Robert De Voto Josh Dick Tim Donovan Erickson Family Ernie Ernhardt Brad Fitzgerald Jamie Fortney Lane Fortney Bob & Gaby Geisler Maria Gleason Mary Glorioso Gary Guenthur Msgr. Heslin Diana Joseph Sandra Keane Irene Koester Ed Kuhn Lester LaFreniere Lena Lednick Pam Louvat Albert Lowros Traci Majoris Cecelia Mallett Jack Mathison Paul Mumford Rev. Guy F. Noonan Liz O’Brien Harold Olsen Rich Pagliaro Bill Pickard Anthony Riccio J.C. Riess Linda Riess Colleen Riley Tracy Sabo Jennifer Saunderson Vera Schuster Rosalie Sciano David Shaw Ronald Sindel Crystal Sirmans & unborn baby Donald Skinner Charlie Smith Arika Steiglewal Helen Sterling Anne & Leonard Talalai Donna Thompson Bob Thornton John Vecchione Patrick & Joyce Veit Alan Vogt Jimmy Wagner Wayne & Caroline Wagner Robert Watkins Dick Whitehead Loretta Mallett Zelik Contact or 940-0582 to have your loved one included. Dec. 20 Saturday Vigil 4 pm Intentions of Brett & Remy DeVoe December 21 Sunday 8am Gladys Doyle † Req. by Fred & Rosemarie Gortler Saturday 4 pm Vigil Mass Altar Servers: Brendan Youngclaus, Nicole Klucharich. Lector: Marvin Sindel. Sacristan: Doris Tyde. EMs: Vicky Tyde, Cathy Ritter, Kathy Hart, Kathy Hillyard. December 21 Sunday 10 am Gabriele Mongiello † Requested by Tony & Hilda Perillo December 21 Sunday 12 Noon Pro Populo (For the Parishioners) Sunday 8 am Mass Altar Servers: Noah & Emma Fiori. Lector: Vanessa Warner. Sacristan: Vicky Sapienza. EMs: Peter Smith, Hilda Perillo, Janice Bequette, Ginger Eddy. December 23 Tuesday 8:15 am Natalina Mongiello † Requested by Tony & Hilda Perillo December 24 Wednesday 5 pm CHRISTMAS EVE Mass Natalie Gould † Requested by Ken Gould December 24 Wednesday 11 pm CHRISTMAS NIGHTMass The Meyers Family Requested by Celine Blumette December 25 Thursday 10 am CHRISTMAS DAY Mass Int. of Rev. Guy Francis Noonan for birthday & healing Dec. 27 Saturday Vigil 4 pm Janet Fuller † Requested by Don & Kathy Hart Sunday 10 am Mass Altar Servers: Daniel Ho, Grace Wong. Lector: Dennis Kompare. Sacristan: Bob Mathison. EMs: Laura Dellbrugge, Mindy Benedict, Ines Russ, Maria Olsen, Maureen Duffy, Debra Petone, Marshall Head, Joe Zarbo, Glenn East, Constanze Goricki, Geraldine Talalai, Nancy Lazarock. Sunday 12 Noon Mass Altar Server: Isabel, Will & David Curtis. Lector: Deborah Bowles. Sacristan: John Walsh. EMs: Julio Caballero, Helen Stafford, Katie Kuchinsky, Diana Hixson. December 28 Sunday 8am December 28 Sunday 10 am December 28 Sunday 12 Noon Poor Souls in Purgatory † Frank Charles Raccioppi, Sr. † Req. by Frank & Jeanette Raccioppi Pro Populo (For the Parishioners) Page 3 Visit our web site @: WEEKLY EVENTS CALENDAR Saturday, December 20–Saints Abraham, Isaac & Jacob Rosary 3:30 pm Sunday, December 21—4th Sunday of Advent; Saint Thomas Rosary 7:25 am, 9:30 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word10am Mass,Pod 7 RCIA 10 am to Noon, Conference Rm & Office Prayer meeting with Joe Difato 11 am, Pod # 7 Monday, December 22—Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini Dining with Dignity downtown St. Augustine Religious Educ. Program is on Christmas Break TMIY! Planning Team meets 7 pm, Pod # 1 Tuesday, December 23—Saint John of Kanty (St. John Cantius) Legion of Mary 10:30 am at St. Ambrose Wednesday, December 24—Christmas Eve; Saints Adam & Eve Parish Office CLOSED at 12 Noon Thursday, December 25—The Nativity of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, Holy Day of Obligation Parish Office CLOSED for Christmas holidays Friday, December 26—Saint Stephen Parish Office CLOSED for Christmas holidays Saturday, December 27—Saint John (Apostle & Evangelist) Church Cleaning 8:30 am to 10:30 am Rosary 3:30 pm Sunday, December 28—Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph Rosary 7:25 am, 9:30 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word10am Mass,Pod 7 RCIA 10 am to Noon, Conference Rm & Office Prayer meeting with Joe Difato 11 am, Pod # 7 CHRISTMAS MASS SCHEDULE December 24 Christmas Eve 5 pm Mass December 24 Christmas Night 11 pm Mass December 25 Christmas Day 10 am Mass If you are Home Bound and would like to have Holy Communion brought to you, call BOB or CAROL MATHISON -- HOME PHONE 940-9560 or CELL 504-0843. Daily Mass reading: Pray Rosary before Mass: Sat.: 3:30 pm Sunday: 7:25 am; 9:30 am QR code → December 21, 2014 Feast of the Epiphany: January 4, 2015 Our parish will again celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany with an International Food Tasting Event, a Festival of Nations, after the Noon Mass on January 4, 2015. Parishioners are invited to bring food to sample that is part of their family heritage. native dress and Also, keepsakes are welcomed to wear or display at your table. There is a signup sheet in the church lobby so that the committee knows how many parishioners are participating. If you would like to volunteer to help set up for the event on Saturday, January 3, please contact Bob or Carol Mathison at 940 -9560 or This is not a fund raiser and all parishioners are invited to join in the celebration. SILENT AUCTION at “The Big Event” The big event on January 30, 2015 will have a colossal silent auction, we will have over 35 prizes some nice big ones like a week in Mexico, art work by local juried artists, front row tickets to the Book of Mormon. In addition we will have many ethnic wine baskets filled with goodies from the country they represent. Come and join in the fun and entertainment. If anyone has something they want to contribute, please contact Maureen Duffy (940-9537) or Mary Ellen Davidson (868-9804). Ladies’ Guild There will be no Ladies’ Guild meetinginDecember. Weinviteallladiesintheparish to our January 6, 2015 meeting the first Tuesday of the month. Social time from 6:30 pm with themeetingfollowingat7:00pm.Pleasejoinus! Page 4 Visit our web site @: Here it is … “THE BIG EVENT" BIG PLANS are being made for Friday evening January 30, 2015 – an exciting, once in a life-time evening of fun, entertainment and dancing. The featured entertainer of the evening will be Tim Rippey with a special presentation of Phantom of The Opera. There will be lots of food – with home-cooked BBQ. A silent auction will be held with a variety of premium items on which you can bid. And finally you round out the evening by dancing with your favorite partner. Tickets are $25.00 per person. Individual or company sponsorship ads in the Official Program Booklet are available starting at $100 per quarter page (full page $400.00). If you have any questions or require more information about the “BIG EVENT” contact Larry Rogari at 940-4488. To live charitably means not looking out for our own interests, but carrying the burdens of the weakest and –Pope Francis poorest among us. December 21, 2014 THANK YOU! Last month you donated 920 pounds of food and the Nov. pantries distributed over 3,200 pounds of food to 51 households with 176 members! This was our largest pantry ever and included 43 turkeys and 9 hams for Thanksgiving!! ALL DONATIONS ARE WELCOME THE FOOD PANTRY is in need of: Peanut Butter (15 to 18 oz) plastic jars Long Grain Rice (2 lb bags) Please: NO GLASS and in original unopened containers. Your monetary support is also welcome in the form of a check made out to OLGC (MEMO: Food Pantry) Next Pantry Dates 2015: January 13 from 5 — 7 pm; January 17 from 10am — Noon. Thank you for your continued support as we nourish the hungry. -from Seven Saints for Seven Virtues PARISH SURVEY FOLLOW-UP: Dear Parishioners, OLGC conducted a parish-wide survey a few months ago, with the responses from 220 + members of the parish. We are now proceeding on with the next steps towards developing our five-year plan. As a next step, we want to conduct a ‘deeper dive’ on important areas that involve parish life. You are invited to participate in one of three focus groups. These groups will last approximately 2 ½ hours and will likely be on a Saturday morning, after the New Year 2015, in January or February. Picture the meetings like a test kitchen! Pertinent individual ideas and group discussion can help surface some exciting recipes for a more vibrant parish of disciples going forward. The groups will focus on issues related to three of our “Four W’s” – Welcome, Worship and Word. The goal is to surface specific suggestions for consideration and adoption on our way forward as a parish community. If you would like to be considered for participating, there is a sign-up sheet in the lobby. We request your name, email, neighborhood and phone number. We will then get back to you when a final date is chosen. Thanks. Father Guy and The Five-Year Planning Team Tips for helping the pantry. Thinking of giving a large donation? We now have a list of items needed for the pantry on the web site. Just go to our website and click on the food pantry icon and then on the shopping list in the middle of the page. The list clearly indicates what items are needed by the pantry - making it easy to give exactly what is needed for the shopping bags that are packed and given out at the pantry each month. Thank you for continued support! Baby Items for St. Gerard’s Campus The OLGC Respect Life Ministry will continue collecting items for St. Gerard’s. There is a basket in Pod 1 to place items. Diapers (all sizes) and baby food are always welcome items. Used baby items are welcomed. Page 5 Visit our web site @: December 21, 2014 Stewardship Reflection 2 Sm 7: 1-5, 8B-12, 14A, 16; Ps 89: 2-5, 27-29; Rom 16: 25-27; Lk 1: 26-38 “May it be done to me according to your word.” (Lk 1:38) With that simple statement, our Blessed Mother Mary represents everything that a good steward must be — someone who has put total trust in God regardless the consequences. On this Fourth and final Sunday of Advent, it is imperative for all of us to keep that in mind. Mary’s response is what each of us needs to strive for. we, too, need to be prepared to place our lives in God’s hands, and to react to whatever happens with a sense of thanksgiving and resolve. Holy Scripture reminds us these few days before we celebrate the birth of Christ that we have been on a journey, an Advent journey. This journey should have prepared us for the joy of this week, but it also should have been marked by our own ongoing conversion and effort to be better Catholics and Christians. St. Paul tells us in the second reading “…according to the revelation of the mystery…manifested.” Jesus is the manifestation of this mystery. At Christmas, we must acknowledge this because it represents our salvation, and it is the reason why we must celebrate with great happiness. “For unto us a child is born; unto us a child is given.” (Is 9:6) It’s a great gift: sensing keenly that amidst darkness, change, and uncertainty, the only firm ground we can stand on is God. The God we meet in Advent calls us into a future greater than we can ever imagine. -from St. Anthony Messenger 2014 "350 Club" THANK YOU Thanks to all those who are part of this fundraising effort and as last year, the weekly drawings will take place before the start of the Saturday 4 pm Mass. The best to all of us! Remember, the winner’s stub will go back into the box and they become eligible for future drawings. Raffle Winners drawn on December 13 and 20: will be published in future Bulletins. Check the board in the Church entrance for those who have won the previous weekly drawings. All proceeds from this fundraiser went to the OLGC Operations Account. Thanks for all your support of the "OLGC 350 Club". The 350 Club Committee OLGC has its own parish cemetery for in-ground burial. For cremation, we also provide a beautiful columbarium adorned with a statue of Michelangelo's "Pieta". Parishioners have also recently built a new altar in the cemetery for memorial Masses. Information is available at the Parish Office regarding rates and policies. Please call 904-824-8688. Registration in OLGC parish and stewardship within one's means is requested of all those worshipping with us and using our facilities. Parish registration forms are in the lobby in a wooden holder on the wall. FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP CORNER Lord, may this be my prayer: ‘That I be ready to make an account of my stewardship whenever you call me from this life.’ Last Will and Testament: Please consider including your Church in your estate planning. The Church and its diverse ministries exist only through the funding of its members. The name of our Church for legal purposes is “Our Lady of Good Counsel Roman Catholic Church, Mill Creek, Saint Augustine, FL. 32092”. December 13 & 14, 2014 monies will be published in the December 28, 2014 Bulletin. December 20 & 21, 2014 monies will be published in the January 4, 2015 Bulletin. December 24 & 25 as well as December 27 & 28 monies will be published in the January 11, 2015 Bulletin. This is due to early Bulletin publication deadlines! Page 6 Welcome to Our Parish Visit our web site @: December 21, 2014 "What I can do, you cannot, and what you can do, I cannot. But together we can do SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL FOR GOD." [Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta] New Parishioners: Welcome! Please take a few minutes to complete a “Parish Registration & Census” form that may be found in the Church Entrance Area. The data provided by you on this form is kept confidential. When completed, please give to a Greeter, mail to the Parish Office or place in the collection basket. Mass Intentions: If you would like to have a Mass said for a special intention, please pick up the “Mass Intention Request Form” (printed on purple paper) found in the Church Entrance Area in the wooden wall display and drop it into the collection basket or mail it to the Parish Office. The envelope is labeled “Mass Intentions”. Please complete all requested information and note the instructions on the form. Suggested offering (Mass Stipend) is $10.00, make check payable to Rev. Guy Francis Noonan. Prayer Intentions: To add a name to OLGC’s Prayer List, please contact Anton J. Anderle 904-940-0582 “Protecting God’s Children” Requirement for Volunteers: All volunteers over the age of 18 working with minor children or vulnerable adults must be fingerprinted and background check through the Diocese (this is done on a national level and is to be renewed every 5 years). Please contact Parish Office for registration instructions. These volunteers must also attend a class called "Protecting God's Children" (“PGC”). Please provide a copy of your completed “PGC” certificate to our Parish Office. Classes can be found online at A diocesan volunteer application must be submitted to OLGC Parish Office. Please call the Parish Office if you have any questions. No persons ministering with minor children or vulnerable adults may do so unless they have fully completed all requirements (Diocesan policy per Bishop Estévez). PASTORAL SERVICES/MINISTRIES *All Liturgical Ministers*: information on training Denise Ziegler 904-432-0048 *Altar Servers: Nicole Ducote 904-940-1059 Bereavement: Helen Stafford 904-940-5829 Bible Study: Claude Fiori 904-377-3378 Career Connections: Allen L. Gray 904-826-1688 CLOW: Children’s Liturgy of the Word at Sunday 10 am Mass: Denise Ziegler 904-432-0048 and Kim Celestino 904-524-5152 Dining with Dignity: Pat & Elizabeth O’Brien 904-940-5714 Easter Egg Hunt Committee: Joyce C. East 824-8480 *Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharist: Graham Martin 940-1511 Family Rosary meets the 3rd Sunday at 4:30 pm at Fiori home: Claude & Jane Fiori 904-207-1818 Finance Council: contact Pastor, Rev. Guy Francis Noonan 904-824-8688 Food Pantry: contact Pastor or Parish Office 904-824-8688 Garden Ministry Mindy Benedict Golf Tournament: Robert Wolk 904-599-8495 Grounds Beautification Committee: Debbie Watkins 724-493-1369 Harvest Festival: TBA Hospitality: Ruth Mallett 904-797-5059 Housekeeping cleans Saturdays from 8:30 am to 10:30 am: Bob Mathison 904-940-9560 and Ed Wagner 904-940-6967 Ladies’ Guild meets the 1st Tuesday at 6 pm: Sophie Ann Lutsko 904-940-3278 *Lectors: Graham Martin 940-1511 Legion of Mary meets Tuesdays at 10:30 am at Saint Ambrose Parish Schoolhouse: David A. Masters 904-692-3768 Liturgy Committee: Denise Ziegler 904-432-0048 Marriage: To schedule a wedding, engaged couples must meet with their Pastor at least 8 months before their proposed wedding date. Preparation for the sacrament includes attending a diocesan program such as Engaged Encounter or Pre Cana, and completing the FOCCUS Inventory. All couples of child-bearing age also need to take a full Natural Family Planning course. Pre-registration for each of these programs is mandatory for all marriages within the Diocese of St Augustine. Men's Club meets the 2nd Tuesday at 6 pm: Marshall Head 904-814-8515 Baptism: Preparation must be made in advance and Baptismal Class for the parents is required. For the next Baptismal preparation class for parents wishing to have their children baptized, please contact the Parish Office. and All Sponsors: Sponsors for all Sacraments must be active Catholics. Anyone asking to receive a document from the parish to be a sponsor for Baptism or Confirmation in another parish must be an active Catholic at OLGC. This implies regular Mass attendance and participation in the support of the community. Sacramental Preparation for First Holy Eucharist/Reconciliation & Confirmation is a two-year program. Contact Jeanne Vecchione 904-8248688 or e-mail: for further information. R.C.I.A.: BECOMING A CATHOLIC. A process of welcoming adults seeking formation about becoming Catholic. Contact Don Pepino, 940-5488 or e-mail: Last Will and Testament: Please consider including your Church in your estate planning. The Church and its diverse ministries exist only through the funding of its members. The name of our Church for legal purposes is “Our Lady of Good Counsel Roman Catholic Church, Mill Creek, Saint Augustine, FL. 32092”. Death and Burial in OLGC Cemetery: In OLGC Cemetery, both in-ground burial and cremations are available. For cost and further information regarding burial plots or columbaria (for ashes), please contact the Parish Office or speak with Pastor Rev. Guy Francis Noonan. Ministry Stewardship: contact Pastor, Rev. Guy Francis Noonan 904-824-8688 MOMS: Ministry of Mothers Sharing: Maryann Donovan 904-940-0755 Music Ministry — Instrumental Rehearsal Wednesdays 5:30 pm to 7 pm: Julio Caballero 904-342-6249 and Choir Rehearsal Wednesdays 7 pm to 8:30 pm: Denise Ziegler 904-432-0048 Children’s Choir Kim Celestino 904-524-5152 Prayer Network: Anton J. Anderle 940-0582 Prayer Quilt meets the 1st & 5th Tuesday from 9 am to Noon: Dana Cunningham 904-940-1963 Pumpkin Patch: TBA RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults meets Sunday mornings 10am: Don Pepino 904-940-5488 Religious Education — Classes are Mondays from 6:30 pm to 7:45 pm for Sacramental Prep, classes are additional certain Sundays: Jeanne Vecchione 904-824-8688 Respect Life: Ruth Mallett 904-797-5059 Rosary prayed Saturday 3:30 pm; Sundays 7:25 am, 9:30 am: Carol Mathison 904-940-9560 and Anton J. Anderle 904-940-0582 *Sacristans: Lena Lednick 904-823-5568 Frank Coonahan 904-900-4518 Small Faith Sharing Groups: Peggy Reid Social Justice/Just Faith: O’Brien 904-940-5714 TMIY: That Man is You! meets Saturday mornings 6 am to 7:45 am: Bill Curtis 904-819-6959 Julio Caballero 904-342-6249 Troop Support Project (deployed troops) pack boxes 3rd Thurs. at 9 am: Jackie Stubbs 904-940-6997 *Ushers: Marvin Sindel 904-318-1926 VBS: Vacation Bible School TBA Visitations Ministry (Homebound, Sick & Nursing Home): Bob & Carol Mathison 904-940-9560 Web site: Rick Jarvis 904-940-0033 Welcome Ministry: Ed Wagner 904-940-6967 Page 7 Visit our web site @: December 21, 2014 The Nativity of the Lord — Christmas Reflecting on God’s Word For children Christmas expectations come as daydreams of trains and dolls and sugar plum fantasies of spending all of Christmas day and night lost in toy land reverie. But oldsters, too, carry about a satchel of soulful expectations. They hope for family to come back home, back from old anger and hoarded hurts, and for dining room tables steaming with Christmas dinner and surrounded by laughter and stories and the nostalgia of love. In such times we risk hoping that just maybe this year our memories of childhood might somehow be repeated, that surprises might catch our jaded lives off guard, and that caroling might for one brief moment make our hearts young again. Each year Christmas settles in amid a snowfall of expectations. It just may be that the ability to rejoice is one of the surest signs of innocence. Indeed, a manipulative spirit cannot rejoice lest that joy inspire one to unrestrained action. Nor can greed be twinned with joy, for joy is simply content with what is. And a rigid heart can have no joy, for joy embraces all of life as it unfolds. Perhaps that is why there is more joy now in these days of Christmas than at any other time of year. In these days we’re inclined to accept others innocently as they are and to welcome the stranger without demand. Our greed is shelved, if briefly, so unrestrained generosity may seek out even the poorest among us. Hearts once unyielding and rigid now “unscrooge” themselves for the sake of a child born into the midst of our humanity. —Rev. Joseph J. Juknialis Copyright © 2014, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. ECHOING MARY’S DECISION The angel Gabriel today confronts Mary with a mystery. The mystery of salvation in Christ is not a mystery that is solved, but a reality beyond our comprehension that we must choose to enter into. In the liturgy of the Eastern Church, everyone waits to see if Mary will enter into the mystery: God waits, Adam and Eve and all the souls of the dead who long for paradise wait, angels wait for new heavenly companions. And there is much rejoicing when her decision is “yes.” We have less dramatic choices offered to us, but the mystery of our salvation in Christ is by no means “solved.” We may understand it a bit better due to Mary’s “yes.” We may be a bit closer to it through the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But it still remains a mystery to which we all must give our own “yes.” Soon we will be singing “O come, let us adore him.” May our Advent prayer, our echo of Mary’s “yes,” continue then, so we may enter into the mystery of our salvation in Jesus Christ, God among us. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. ATTENTION: The Diocese of Saint Augustine treats all allegations of sexual misconduct seriously and deals with all allegations in a prompt, confidential and thorough manner. To Report Abuse, call: Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator 904-262-3200, ext. 129, or the Department of Children and Families at 1-800-96Abuse / 1-800 962-2873. PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months 988441 Our Lady of Good Counsel Church (B) Normal Deadline for Bulletin Information is 3 pm Monday * The NEW bulletin e-mail is and the easiest method for the Bulletin Editor. However, you can mail your information to the OLGC Parish Office which must arrive 06 days before the publication date*. Deadline for Pulpit Announcements is 9 am Tuesday, please email to Craig Funeral Home Crematory Memorial Park (904) 824-1672 “Our Family Serving Your Family Since 1915” REBECCA A. FAUNCE, DMD Heating & Air Conditioning Since 1982 For The Finest Quality Repairs & Installations Michael Stover 819-0234 Owner/Operator CAC 1813432 134 Masters Dr. • St. Augustine Orthodontic for Children & Adults 2 Locations 201 Health Park Blvd., Ste. 216 St. Augustine (904) 829-8899 160 Cypress Point Pkwy., Ste. D-217 Palm Coast (386) 446-9312 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 The Law Office of Christopher W. Adamec, P.A. Your ad Attorney & Counselor at Law Family Law • Auto Accidents • Probate DUI Defense • Estate Planning could be in this space! World Golf Village – Shoppes at Murabella 46 Tuscan Way, Ste. 304 Parishioner St. Augustine, FL 32092 Ph (904) 940-5400 • Fax (904) 940-5445 email: Evening and weekend appointments available upon request. w w w. a d a m e cl aw. c o m Joseph G. Pezak Bring this bulletin for a FREE Hearing Test 904-460-0931 Sr. Master Practitioner Lic. #AS4229 WORLD GOLF VILLAGE LOCATION Inside McDonald Chiropractic in the Shoppes at Murabella KOTRADY - HUDGINS - CROYLE Charles Musil ST. JOHNS FAMILY FUNERAL HOME & CREMATORY Peter F.Veling, DVM Parishioner New 7,000 Sq. Ft. Facility Same Great Service & Commitment to Affordable Prices St. Augustine’s Only On-Site Crematory 385 SR 207, St. Augustine, FL 32084 p. (904) 824-1625 • Financial Consultant Tel. (904) 353-5611 ext. 111 Cell: (904) 705-4872 159 Palencia Village Drive, Suite 101 Next to Starbucks at Palencia ST. AUGUSTINE, FL 32095 904-824-1622 AXA Advisors, LLC 225 Water Street Suite 1235 Jacksonville, FL 32202 EYE CENTER OF ST. AUGUSTINE AXA Advisors, LLC (NY, NY (212) 314-4600), member FINRA, SIPC. GE-54844 (4/10) THE EYE SURGERY CENTER OF ST. AUGUSTINE PAUL W. HUND, III, M.D. • TODD P. THOMPSON, M.D. N. PATRICK HALE, M.D. • ELIZABETH K. MCLEOD, M.D. MICHAEL A. DAGOSTINO, O.D. • TODD HOCKETT, O.D. 1400 US Highway 1 South St. Augustine, FL 32084 (904) 829-2286 Email: AXA ADVISORS redefining/standards® 319 West Town Place, Suite 8 St. Augustine, FL 32092 (904) 940-9200 (WGV) Website: Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. The UPS Store For further information, please call the Parish Office. $1 OFF 5305 A1A South St. Augustine Beach, FL 32080 (904)461-9542 Packing Service Kevin Connelly’s First Coast with AD or Bulletin. Nursery & Landscaping One Per Customer. Personal • Estate & Trust Palms, Tree, Drainage Work Not Valid with other offers. (904) 813-0032 Judith & Cheryl 940-0055 Licensed & Insured 8650 C.R. 13 N 52 Tuscan Way (Publix Center) 904-522-1717 Taxes by the Sea Wealth Management Service Upgrades - Fuses to Breakers Specialist Security Lighting - Ceiling Fans installed - Pool & Spa Wiring Condo Maintenance - Phone Jacks - Extra Circuits - Sign Lighting Bucket Truck Service - Remodeling Repair • Estate Planning Strategies • Risk Management • College Planning • Financing & Liquidity Strategies Insurance & Annuities Parishioner 988441 Our Lady of Good Counsel Church (A) Thibault’s Electrical Service, Inc. Matt Seaman, Financial Advisor • Retirement Planning A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. B ILL C URTIS ATTORNEY AT LAW PHONE: FAX: (904) 819.6959 (904) 819.6936 NEW CONSTRUCTION 24-HOUR SERVICE Licensed - Insured - Boned Stephen Thibault FREE ESTIMATES 904-829-6886 EC 0002511 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240
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