St. Agnes Catholic Church 5250 Mission Road • Roeland Park, KS 66205 Fr. William B. Porter, Pastor Phone (913) 262-2400 • Fax (913) 262-1050 • This Week at St. Agnes Sunday, December 21 Fourth Sunday of Advent • No Coffee and Donuts today • Adult Choir 10 am Mass • Religious Education Classes 11 am December 21, 2014 Fourth Sunday of Advent Monday, December 22 • Rectory Office open 8 am— 4 pm Tuesday, December 23 Christmas Day • Rectory Office open 8 am— 4 pm Wednesday, December 24 Christmas Eve • Rectory Office closed at 12 Noon today • No RCIA today Thursday, December 25 Christmas Day • Rectory Office Closed • Masses: 8 am and 10 am only Friday, December 26 Christmas Day • Rectory Office Closed Sunday, December 28 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph • Coffee and Donuts PTO • No Religious Education Classes Our Mission Statement: We, the Saint Agnes Parish Family, united in the Eucharist, are called by the Holy Spirit to encounter our heavenly Father and to love and serve Jesus Christ in all people: born and unborn. Mass Schedule Christmas Eve Wednesday, December 24th 4:00 pm Mass in the Parish Center 4:00 pm Mass in the Church 6:00 pm Mass in the Church 8:00 pm Spanish Mass Christmas Day Thursday, December 25th 8:00 am Mass in the Church 10:00 am Mass in the Church Parish Info MassSchedule Saturday Vigil at 4:30 pm Sunday 8:00 & 10:00 am, 12 Noon, 5:30 pm Sunday 3:30 pm Misa en Español Weekdays 6:45 am Wednesdays 8:15 am School Mass Confession Saturday 3:00-4:00 pm FreeRosaryRepair Bob Cunningham is currently serving eight local parishes with this special ministry. Please bring your rosaries for repair to the rectory office in an envelope marked with your name and phone number. Bob will pick them up and return them in a couple of days, and someone in the rectory will call to let you know that your rosaries are ready. Bob also collects rosaries and other religious items to donate to the missions and prisons. Spare parts are also needed and greatly appreciated. Thanks! WelcometoSt.Agnes! Our parish boundaries are as follows: From 43rd Street on the North, to 63rd Street on the South, and from State Line on the East, to Roe Blvd on the West. The rectory office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Church Annulments Any divorced person, Catholic or not, who seeks possible remarriage in the Catholic church, will need to pursue the process for annulment. For information, contact The Marriage Case Advocate: Sr. Mary Ann Bartolac, S.C.L. at 913-894-1456. REGISTRATION FORM Mark appropriate box Last Name First Address City, State, Zip Home Phone Work Phone BulletinDeadline Please submit articles for the bulletin 10 days in advance—on Friday a week before the Sunday that you would like your notice to appear. Email articles to OurParishMonthly FoodDrive Generally held the second Sunday of each month. We gather general groceries and canned goods to share with those less fortunate. Our donations are then taken to the Catholic Charities Emergency Assistance Center. Please keep this important work of charity in mind, and watch the bulletin each month for further details. Marriage Contact Mike Gomez, director of Parish Ministries, at least 6 months prior to your wedding date. HotLunch,Inc. We serve the poor a hot meal at the Willa Gill Food Kitchen, located at 7th and Nebraska in Kansas City, Kansas, once a month, usually on the 30th. Baptism To register for the monthly Baptism Preparation class or to schedule a baptism, please call Teresa Youngstrom, the parish secretary, at 913-262-2400. PerpetualAdoration Please contact Dick or Eileen Zeitler at 913-789-9558 or Rosary Sunday at 9:35 am. Please remember St. Agnes Parish in your will! Our legal title is: St. Agnes Catholic Church Roeland Park 5250 Mission Road Roeland Park, KS 66205 “I shall live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life.” —Psalm 23:6 The 2015 Parish Calendars are available at the church entrances. Please take one per family. □ New Parishioner Spouse’s Name □ Update Today’s Date ___ /___ /___ Married Single Divorced Widowed (circle one) Cell Phone Catholic? Y N Children’s Names and Ages E-mail address UPDATES Please update informaƟon as it changes. New address, new phone or work number changes, and especially family status changes, such as...deceased family member, new child, children who have married and moved away. Place in the collecƟon basket or mail to St. Agnes Parish, 5250 Mission Road, Roeland Park, Kansas 66205 or fax to 913-262-1050. Stewardship Electronic Funds Transfer Catholic Charities Christmas Collection If you would like to make your tithing donation electronically, please call the rectory at 913-262-2400 and ask for Vicki Wyatt, our parish bookkeeper. Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas exists because there is a need, but we survive because of your generosity. Disbursed to our local Kansas communities to those now living in poverty, your donation benefits Catholic Community Hospice, food and emergency assistance to the less fortunate, and the resettlement of migrants and refugees from as far away as Burma, Somalia and Sudan. Thank you for considering a contribution to the annual Christmas Collection. Year End Reminder Contact Mike Gomez at 913-262-2400 if you wish to make arrangements for a special gift before December 31, 2014. We also welcome and appreciate gifts of stock or any other assets to help support the parish financially. Due to the Christmas Holiday, this bulletin was submitted early. We will report on the collection for December 14th in the December 28th issue. Christmas in the Heart Christmas! ’Tis the season for kindling the fire of hospitality in the hall, the genial fire of charity in the heart. —Washington Irving Dear St. Agnes Parishioners, I had promised that I would get back with regarding the results of our Feasibility Study concerning a possible Capital Campaign for our Parish. First of all, my gratitude to the over 200 parishioners who responded to the Feasibility Study. Your candor was most appreciated, and all of your suggestions and ideas were read by me, and I know that they are all important to you. Beginning on the next page you will find the results of the Feasibility Study in both graph form and written form. As you will see, 82% said the roofs were the highest priority. The second highest priority was the debt of the parish. Other concerns are listed in sequence. No doubt, we need to take care of the roof, and I’m sure as a parish, we can manage that. In reading responses about the debt: 1. You expressed concern about the debt. 2. Some are upset. 3. There were expressions of unhappiness about how the debt was accrued. My sentiments, exactly! The debt is not attractive, and it is not something that anyone wants to have to face, but dear parishioners, the reality is, it is our debt. We have this debt because of our obligations, which are no different than the obligations of any other parish in the Archdiocese, and other parishes have met those obligations and have satisfied the expectations. I wish we could wave a magic wand over our debt and make it go away, but like any individual who knows of debt, that just doesn’t happen. And so I believe as a parish to remain viable, we must manage our debt, especially over the next 3 ½ years, during which time we have been promised that we will not have any interest payments on the debt. That is a gift of the Archdiocese in the amount of roughly $130,000 a year at present interest rates. The Parish Council and Finance Council have gone through the report with a fine tooth comb. They agree overwhelmingly that we should move ahead with the Capital Campaign. I have discussed this with the Archbishop, and I am waiting to hear back from him about one final piece of the possible campaign. As soon as I do, I will let you know if we have a ‘Green Light’, and if so, we could possibly be moving ahead in the Spring to start the campaign. I will keep you informed as things become clearer and more definite. I simply wanted to give you this information as quickly and as accurately as possible. And again, I thank you for your trust in me and my leadership of our parish. Sincerely, Merry Christmas and God bless, Fr. Bill School News Stock the Bar!! How do we keep our low, low prices? With your help! Please consider dona ng a bo le or two of Jim Beam, Dewars Scotch, or Skyy Vodka. We also appreciate any bo le or case of well vodka, tequila, rum or bourbon. Please drop unopened bo les at the Rectory Office during regular business hours before January 31st. Ques ons? Contact Shawna Wright at Thank you for supporƟng our Annual Grade School AucƟon— it’s all about the kids! Auction Gifts: We need your help! • Can your business donate promotional items for the Grab Bags or silent auction items? • Will your family donate a trip for the live auction? • Would you consider donating a time share, vacation rental, frequent flier miles, hotel or car rental points? All donations big and small are appreciated. Car Raffle ticket sales have begun! Questions? Please contact Darin Hansen at Liturgy and Sacramental Life Please pray for all those who are sick, especially: Harold Schleicher, father of Carol Porter, Joe Grilliot, father of Marvin, Tillie Jacobo, mother of Linda Barrett, Patricia Connelly, Ron Lockton, Don Caudle, brother of Roger, Ana Maria Gonzales, Evelyn Smith, Jim Grant, Francisco Chavez, son of Mary, Sandra Cooper, sister of Leah Hayden, Gregory Ramirez, brother of Lisa Valdez, Darlene Vaughan, mother of Jennifer Merrill, Dorothy VanBooven, Mary Kincaid, mother of Don, Julie Fein, daughter in law of Ruthann, Shawna Mobley, daughter in law of Rose Harris, Phillip Gomez, Jr., nephew of Mike, David Villanueva, Samuel Ousley, grandson of Debbi Kaufman, Concepcion Garcia, Steven Medina, and Carmen Dominguez. Mass Intentions Saturday, December 20 4:30 pm Loretta Hower (Spec. Int.) Sunday, December 21 8:00 am † Dorothy Jilka 10:00 am † Jerry Sutera 12:00 Noon † Bobbie Prior 3:30 pm † Poor Souls in Purgatory 5:30 pm Parishioners of St. Agnes Monday, December 22 6:45 am † Kay O’Connor Tuesday, December 23 6:45 am † MaryAnn Brown Wednesday, December 24 Christmas Eve 4:00 pm PC † Phil Hanson 4:00 pm Church † Betty Storm 6:00 pm Church † Billy Gleason Thursday, December 25 Christmas Day 8:00 am Parishioners of St. Agnes 10:00 am Living & Deceased Members of Bandiera and Bernardel Families Friday, December 26 6:45 am † Clayton & Mary Zeitler Saturday, December 27 4:30 pm † Edward Waltz Sunday, December 28 8:00 am † James & Darline Albright 10:00 am † Billy Gleason 12:00 Noon † Lee Jones 3:30 pm Parishioners of St. Agnes 5:30 pm † Connie Simmon With Flu season in full swing, effective immediately, The Precious Blood will not be offered at Masses, and Communion under both species will be suspended until further notice. So, for the time being, the Eucharist will be offered under one species only, the Body of Christ. Please remember that our theology teaches that ‘Where the Body is, there also is the Blood.’ Thank you, Fr. Bill We pray for our family, friends and members of our parish who have died, especially Louis Wellinghoff, father of Mary Riffel. Liturgical Ministers for December 27/28 Saturday, December 27th, at 4:30 pm Lector: Sherry McCune. Communion Ministers: R. Jonscher, J. Gibbons, M. Weber, R. Perez, C. Kading. Altar Servers: M. Peterson, A. Greene, K. Benes. Sunday, December 28th, at 8:00 am Lector: Mike Cobb. Communion Ministers: L. Cloughley, R. Perez, M. Acton, R. Johnson, M. Ellington. Altar Servers: C. Cantu, G. Cantu, R. Wattenberg. Sunday, December 28th, at 10 am Lector: Gail Gregory. Communion Ministers: D. Hellmer, J. Gregory, J. Willhaus, J. Ruiz, L. Nordling. Altar Servers: C. Reel, O. Reel, J. Nordling. Sunday, December 28th, at 12 Noon Lector: Dan Sittenauer. Communion Ministers: J. Mitchell, J. Martin, C. Losey, K. Halpin, R. Ackmann. Altar Servers: C. Ruiz, P. Salas, O. Mitchell. Sunday, December 28th, at 5:30 pm Lector: Rita Wilkus. Communion Minsters: J. Jongenelen, M. Chicoine, E. Chicoine, J. Cruse, R. La Rosa. Altar Servers: A. Abina, A. Ramirez, R. Rodriguez. Holy Day of Obligation Thursday, January 1, 2015 Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God Mass Times: Wednesday, December 31st Vigil Mass 5:30 pm Thursday, January 1, 2015 8:00 am and 10:00 am Contact Us Parish Staff Volunteer Leadership Mike Gomez. ...................... Parish Ministries and Business Manager Chris Castrop……………………………………...…….Pastoral Council President David Hoebelheinrich……………………….....……Finance Council President Margaret Kelly………………..……...School Advisory Committee Chairman Vicki Wyatt .............................................................. Bookkeeper Lauren Montgomery………………………………………………………………...RCIA Ed Weger…………..…………………………………………....…….…Groundskeeper Gary Acton……………...…Buildings and Grounds Committee Chairman Teresa Youngstrom .......................................... Parish Secretary Natosha Halling ........................ Director of Religious Education Diane Church……………Women of St. Agnes/Altar & Rosary President Dave Heinzman .................................................... Maintenance Kara Hansen…………………………...……………..Mothers of Young Children Richard Ackmann…………………...…..Knights of Columbus Grand Knight Marc Pineda .......................................................... Maintenance School Staff Early Education Center Jeanne and Norm Cruse………………………………………….…...Food Kitchen 913-963-4716 Bob and Patti Garcia………………………….…………………..Hispanic Ministry Shane Brown…………...…………………………………..………...…PTO President Dick & Eileen Zeitler…………………………Adoration Chapel Coordinators Kelly Bohon……………………….………..…………………..…………...……..…SCRIP Barbara Long/A.J. Cameron …….….Respect Life Committee Co-Chairs Neona Russ….Director of Early Education Center/Virtus Coordinator 913-262-1689 Jenifer Lefort…………………………………….…...…………..Special Events and Liturgical Arts Jane Sullivan ......................................................School Principal 913-262-1686 John & Kathy King................................... Food Service Directors 913-789-8038 • VISCEK LAWN CARE • Kevin Viscek ~ Owner 3201 W. 79th Street Prairie Village, KS 66208 MANNY’S Restaurante Mexicano • St. Ann Parishioner • Home: 913-649-8941 • Cell: 913-424-9737 RESIDENTIAL ONLY Daniel Huerter, DDS ORTHODONTIST Celebrating 30 Years 913.381.4132 474-7696 Family Owned & Operated 4121 W. 83rd St., Prairie Village, KS Manny-Vivian & David Lopez Reasonable Fees CHIEF Showroom Open to the Public Featuring the Newest Wall & Ceiling Ideas Located Downtown & Lee’s Summit 816-471-7595 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. McGilley & Hoge Johnson County Memorial Chapel Heating & Cooling, Inc. • 10% Off any Service Call • $150 Off Replacement of Heating or Cooling unit, or • $300 Off Replacement of Entire System (816) 246-4646 920 NW Technology Drive, Lee’s Summit NICK BUDREAU $250 OFF With Minimum $100 Purchase 913-768-9090 816-695-4338 UNITED MEDICARE ADVISORS 8024 Santa Fe Drive Overland Park, KS 66204 Compare more than 25 of the highest rated independent Medicare Supplement Carriers. 913-642-3565 Serving the Catholic Community SAVE UP TO 65% ON YOUR PREMIUMS! McGilley Midtown Chapel 20 W. Linwood Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64111 Call today for your Zero Cost Quotes! 816-753-6200 We are a Nationally licensed agency located in Kansas City, MO. 008000 St Agnes Church (B) 855-482-5779 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 Come Visit Our New, Larger Store WE SERVICE HONDA CARS 6731 West 119th Street Overland Park, KS 66209 Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, RCIA Gifts Rosaries, Medals, Crucifixes, Bibles, Prayer Aides, Inspirational Gifts Harriet Dittemore Neal Dittemore Your Team for RESULTS Good Food...Good Feelings® Open Everyday Sun - Thurs 6am-10pm Fri - Sat 6am-11pm Can! Engraving Yes WeTrophies • Plaques Bob and Melanie McDaniel Signage • Flags • T-Shirts Restrictions Apply (913) 712-9555 STEPHANIE LOW 913.221.1556 PAULA GLEASON 913.908.9078 Monday-Friday 10-6 Saturday 10-4 913-652-0080 “Flowing Along Since 1920” $25 OFF Your Next Service owner/operators 913-383-1400 St. Agnes John Roe Council 3020 Tim Burke • 816-423-8045 Bringing service and luxury back to travel WORLD HEADQUARTERS 835 W. 39TH • (816) 531-3635 JOHNSON COUNTY 8535 Monrovia 1835 Minnesota Ave. LOCALLY OWNED AND Lenexa, KS 66215 OPERATED SINCE 1902 Kansas City, KS 66102 913-438-6444 913-621-6400 Johnson County’s ONLY Catholic Owned Funeral Home Vogt Family, Parishioners WILLIAMS-GAUGHAN STEPHANIE M. SMITH INSURANCE AGENCY Attorney & Counselor at Law 4818 Johnson Dr. 913-341-3778 677-5122 Estate Planning • Wills • Trusts 8340 Mission Rd., Ste. 114 Prairie Village, KS 66206 Tom Gaughan Jerry Gaughan Brett Gaughan Family & Cosmetic Dentistry • Treating Patients of All Ages • We Accept Most Insurances Meetings every 2nd Thursday in the Alley Potluck Dinner at 6:00 pm Business Meeting at 7:00 pm Interested in joining/questions? Contact us @ Like us on Facebook: St Agnes Knights Interested in Alley rental? Contact Teresa Youngstrom at 913-262-2400 Gigstad Law Office LLC 913-735-9529 B HAMILTON BO PLUMBING + HEATING + A/C (913) 888-4-BOB Better Call Bob $10 dollars off with this coupon OLATHE AREA • NORTHLAND 2724 West 53rd St. Fairway, KS 66205 913.432.2992 phone • DUI • Traffic Tickets • Criminal Defense • Personal Injury 8000 Foster Street Overland Park, KS 66204 Catholic Family CREDIT UNION 816-363-2036 Full Service For All Your Needs PLACEMENT TEST 9237 Ward Parkway, Ste 114 January 10th, 8:00 am 816-444-7440 Savings Insured by the NCUA up to $250,000 4742 Rainbow Blvd, Westwood, KS 66205 T: 913.766.1756 F: 866.656.1173 Angela Sullivan, DDS Mention This Ad and Receive FREE Whitening Trays & Gel BUCK ROOFING & CONSTRUCTION, LLC Insured • References Residential • Commercial Serving Kansas and Missouri A Kincaid Family Company Pay Your Respects 913-928-6436 Not Your Life’s Savings! 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