St. Elizabeth Ann Seton CATHOLIC CHURCH AND SCHOOLS Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston 6646 Addicks • Satsuma Road • Houston, Texas 77084 • 1599 281• 463•7878 FAX 281• 463•4822 • January 18, 2015 PASTOR ~ Rev. Paul Lockey, Ph.D. PAROCHIAL VICAR ~ Rev. James Long Do, C.M.C. PAROCHIAL VICAR ~ Rev. Antonio Ortiz, S.T.L. PRIEST IN RESIDENCE~ Rev. Charles Van Vliet, F.S.S.P. PASTORAL ASSOCIATE AND PARISH ADMINISTRATOR ~ Deacon German Godoy DIRECTOR OF FINANCE ~ Marie Sharp DIRECTOR OF MUSIC AND LITURGY ~ Carmen Delgado DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ~ SR. Maria Goretti DIRECTOR OF SPANISH LANGUAGE MINISTRIES ~ Lucia Rueda DIRECTOR OF VIETNAMESE LANGUAGE MINISTRIES ~ Deacon Tuu Hoang, Ph.D. DIRECTOR OF FAMILY LIFE~ Nadia Jara DIRECTOR OF ADOLESCENT CATECHIST AND EVANGELIZATION ~Donna Worley YOUTH MINISTER ~Andrew Schuelke DEACONS: German Godoy Peter Tuu Hoang Gilbert Johnson Chuck Pennell Alfonso Sosa CONTACT INFORMATION: Parish Office 281-463-7878 Parish Office Fax 281-463-4822 Religious Education 281-463-7878 Youth Ministry 281-463-7878 Sacramental Preparation 281-463-7878 Bulletin 281-463-7356 School Office 281-463-1444 S.E.E.D.S. 281-855-2503 Liturgy Office Parish Office Hours: Monday through Thursday 9:00 am to 8:00 pm Friday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Eucharist: Weekday: 6:30 am (in Latin) 9:00 am Monday through Saturday 7:00 pm Monday through Friday Saturday: 7:30 am (in Latin) 5:00 pm (in English) 6:30 pm (in Spanish) 8:00 pm (in Vietnamese) Sunday : 7:00, 8:30, 10:30 am (in English) 8:00am & 11:00 am (in Latin in the FLC) 12:15 pm, 5:30 pm (in English) 2:00 pm & 7:30 pm (in Spanish) Benediction: Monday-Friday: 9:45 am & 7:45 pm Saturday: 9:15 pm Sunday: 8:45 pm Adoration ~ Perpetual adoration in the chapel Reconciliation: Wednesday and Friday: 5:45pm—6:40 pm Saturday: 3:00 pm—4:30 pm Anointing of the Sick ~ Usually the last Wednesday of the month at the 9:00 am and 7:00 pm Masses Baptism: Parents should be active in their faith and be registered or live within parish boundaries. Call church office for an appointment. Marriage: Contact church office at least six months before you hope to celebrate the rite of marriage, and be registered and active in this parish. Quinceañera: Contact the church office at least two years in advance. Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions for January 2015 Intenciones generales del Santo Padre en Enero del 2015 Universal: For Peace, that those from diverse religious traditions and all people of good will may work together for peace. For Evangelization: Consagrated life, that in this year dedicated to consagrated life, religious men and women may rediscover the joy of following Christ, and strive to serve the poors. Universales: Por la paz, para que quienes pertenecen a tradiciones religiosas diversas y todos los hombres de buena voluntad colaboren en la promoción de la paz La evangelización: Vida consagrada. Para que en este año dedicado a la vida consagrada, los religiosos y religiosas encuentren la alegría de seguir a Cristo, y se dediquen con celo al servicio de los pobres. Our Weekly Offering OFFERING FOR WEEKEND OF JANUARY 3 & 4, 2015 Offertory Capital Campaign D.S.F. $37,163.20 $ 2,660.50 $ 7,510.50 Readings for the Week January 18 through January 25, 2015 Sunday: I Sm 3:3B-10,19 Ps 40:2,4,7-8,8-9,10 1 Cor 6:13C-15A,17-20 Jn1:41,17B Jn 1:35-42 Monday: Heb 5:1-10 Ps 110:1,2,3,4 Heb 4:12 Mk 2:18-22 Tuesday: Heb 6:10-20 Ps 111:1-2, 4-5,9 and 10C See Eph 1:17-18 Mk 2:23-28 Wednesday: Heb 7:1-3,15-17 Ps 110:1,2,3,4 See Mt 4:23 Mk 3:1-6 Thursday: Heb 7:25-8:6 Ps 40:7-8A,8B-9,10,17 See 2 TM 1:10 Mk 3:7-12 Friday: Heb 8:6-13 Ps 85:8 and 10,11-12,13-14 Mk 3:13-19 Saturday: Heb 9:2-3,11-14 Ps 47:2-3,6-7,8-9 See Acts 16:14B Mk 3:20-21 Sunday: Jon 3:1-5,10 Ps 25:4-5,6-7,8-9 1 Cor 7:29-31 Mk 1:15 Mk 1:14-20 WEEKLY MASS SCHEDULE Monday-Friday 6:30 a.m. (Latin) 9:00 a.m. (English) Monday -Thursday 7:00 p.m. (English) Friday 7:00 p.m. (Vietnamese) Saturday 7:30 a.m.– Latin 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m.– Spanish 8:00 p.m.– Vietnamese Sunday 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m.– Latin in the FLC 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m.– Latin in the FLC 12:15 p.m. 2:00 p.m.-Spanish 5:30 p.m. English 7:30 p.m.-Spanish Please Pray For the Sick (If your family member or friend is no longer in need of our prayers, please advise us in order to remove his/her name) Daniel Parlapiano, June Pennell, Caroline Hallford, Manuela Alicia Ortiz Molina, Margarita Castaño, Lynette Roberts, Gary Lindig, Elih Kars, Carmen Vázquez Blanco, Claire Way, Marguerite Miller, Kelly Gillespie, Michael Alfred Crewell, Antonio Medic, Sergio Montoya, Prissy Seale Mikulenka, Richard Schillinger, Sharon Medlin, David Turilli, Alpha Newgene, Thomas Frazier, Tom Love, Luis Estrada, Adelaida Maldonado, Gam Thi Nguyen, Vuong (David) Minh Dao, Vicenta Avellaneda, Bob Hartnett, Donna Allen, Cecilia Jiménez, Elizabeth Salas, Dora Noriega Linares, Felipe Santoyo, Phyllis Welch, Andy Anderson, Karlin Medlin, Beatriz Vázquez, Kethleen Pousson, Roger Corkill, Ann Oggero, Ryan Dunlap, Mike Wilson, María Caballero, Jan Arnold, Fernando Noriega Linares, Myriam Chávez, George Álvarez, Maly Morgan, Malbina Olaechea, Neta Laird, Jimmy Peralez, Sherlly Liang, Janine Quintero, Andy Koch, Milagro Molina, Graciela Ortiz, Enrique Balmaceda, Edith Waldeck, Robert Murray, Mildred Zolg, Ray Guzmán, María Isabel Cruz, Amador Naranjo, Angelita Gallegoz, Sara César, Alejandra Treviño, Joe Turminello, Luke Wade, María del Carmen Castillo, Maureen, Anthony, Chidera, Chisom, Tobechi, John, Angela, Stella, Emmanuel, Benneth, Rita, Annaesthesia, Armando Jesús Curiel, Virginia Neiser, William Palmer, Enrique Basaldua, Chong-Hui Furzeland, Carlos Ruíz, Rudy Mendoza, Richard Payne, Chris Marshall, Benjamín Castro Molina, Guillermo Corona, Raúl Camacho, Joe Toenis, Flo Oravec, Melinda Krautmann, Reese Black, Joaquín Eng Ruíz, Servando Cruz, Susan Bagnasco Fox, Marie Tindall, María Sofia, Jesús Vázquez, Richard Melton, Emma Eyvazian, Faye Edwards, Doughass Hause family, Amilcar Mori, Saul Baldera Jr., Raymond Velásquez, Mary Borelli, Gertrude Dunlap, Jenell Noeth, Jaime Bravo, Fanny Kjeldsen, Brandon Fox, Xochilt Hollins, Pamela Allen, Vanessa Cruz Medina, Reynaldo S. Vallejo, Barbara Rhodes, Vicky Nevares, Steve Henderson, Maggie Flores, Fabián Gutiérrez, Jim Moore, Robert Moody, Genaro Díaz, Sergio Gómez, Zoila Gómez, Diane Calzado, Caroline Peters, Carlos Amezcua, Sylvia Tellez, Esther De la Garza, Fernando Cruz, Fr. Darrel Olds, Beverly Stassi, Patricia Walsh, Amalia Morales, Valeria Navarrete, Patricia Scardino, Marlana Cadena, Wayne Madill, Rubén Antonio Garay, Sgt. Christopher Farías and all others who also need our prayers. If you know anyone who is sick or in need of prayer support, please call 281-463-7878. Comuníquese al teléfono anterior si conoce algún enfermo que necesita el apoyo de la oración de nuestra familia parroquial. January 18, 2015. Second Sunday in Ordinary Time From Your Pastor My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ: Fr. Alfred Delp, S.J., incarcerated in a Nazi prison in chains and regularly beaten and starving, wrote an extraordinary treatise on Christian joy. As Christians, we should always be filled with “joy,” but what is “joy” in the Christian sense. Surely, it cannot be what the world proclaims it to be. Who better than an innocent and saintly priest being tortured like Christ in His prison should be able to tell us what true Christian joy is: “Well now, what is joy, true joy? The philosophers say it is satisfaction and emotional uplift in response to the goods at one’s disposal. That maybe true of some phenomena of joy, but it is not joy itself. Otherwise, how could I attain true joy in these times and in this situation? Is there any point about bothering with joy? Is joy not among those luxury items of life that have no place in the meager private area tolerated by wartime conversations? Certainly it has no place in a prison cell where someone is pacing back and forth, his hands in irons, his heart swelled by all the winds of longings of longing, his head filled with worries and questions. “Someone must experience a situation, must have time and again, that suddenly the heart can no longer grasp the abundance of inflowing life and happiness, that suddenly, and without knowing why or how, the flags are in place once again over existence, and promises are valid again. One time or another, it might be the self-defense mechanism of existence fighting against crushing abuse and violation—but not every time. It was so often a presentiment of good news on the way—such things do happen in our Monastery of the Hard Life. And often, soon afterwards, resourceful love found a way to us with a gift of kindness at a time when this was not customary. “However, this was not all. There have been and continue to be, times where one is comforted and spiritually uplifted: times where one sees the facts of the case exactly as real and hopeless as ever and yet is not grieved by it, but truly manages to turn the whole thing over to the Lord. Now, that is the decisive word. Joy in human life has to do with God. Creatures can bring us joy in various forms, and can provide and occasion for joy and rejoicing, but the actual success of this depends upon whether we are still capable of joy and are familiar with it. And that again is conditional upon our personal relationship with God. “Only in God is man fully capable of life. Without Him, and over time, we become sick. This sickness attacks our joy and our capability for joy. That is why man, when he still had time, made so much noise about joy. In the end, that was no longer permitted. The prison-world took him over so completely that even joy was valued and presented only as a means to employ for a new end. In order to be capable of true life, man must live according to a specific order and relationship to God. The capability of true joy and of living joyfully is itself dependent upon specific conditions of human life, upon particular attitudes regarding God. Where life does not perceive itself as taking place in the community of God, it will be gray and gloomy and drab and calculating.” As Fr. Delp indicates, joy, then, is nothing less than being filled with God Himself, and as He indicates, this “is conditional upon our personal relationship with God.” Laudetur Jesus Christus, nunc et semper, The Reverend Paul E. Lockey, Ph. D. Pastor, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church and Schools 18 de Enero del 2015. Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Mensaje de Nuestro Párroco Mis amados hermanos en Cristo: El padre Alfred Delp, S. J. , cuando estaba encarcelado y encadenado, golpeado regularmente y hambriento, escribió un extraordinario tratado sobre la alegría cristiana. Como cristianos debemos siempre llenarnos con “alegría”, pero, ¿qué es la alegría en el sentido cristiano?, Seguramente, no es lo que el mundo proclama que es. Quien mejor que un inocente y santo sacerdote, que es torturado como Cristo en su prisión puede ser capaz de decirnos lo que es la verdadera alegría cristiana: “ Ahora bien, ¿qué es la alegría, la verdadera alegría? Los filósofos dicen que es la satisfacción y elevación emocional en respuesta a los bienes a nuestra disposición. Eso puede ser cierto en algunos fenómenos de alegría, pero no es en sí la alegría. De lo contrario, ¿cómo se podría alcanzar la alegría en esos tiempos y en esta situación? Hay alguna manera de molestarlos con la alegría? ¿No está la alegría entre los artículos de lujo de la vida que no tienen lugar en la exigua área privada de conversaciones permitida en tiempos guerra? Ciertamente esto no tiene lugar en la celda de una prisión donde alguien se pasea de arriba a abajo, con hierros en sus manos, su corazón hinchado por todos los vientos de anhelos y nostalgias, con la cabeza llena de preocupaciones y preguntas. “Alguien que tiene que experimentar una situación, debe tener tiempo una y otra vez, porque de pronto el corazón ya no puede captar la abundancia de la vida y de la felicidad, que de pronto, y sin saber porque, las banderas están una vez más sobre la existencia y las promesas son válidas de nuevo. De un momento a otro podría el mecanismo de autodefensa de la lucha de la existencia contra el abuso y la violación, pero no todo el tiempo. Fue a menudo un presentimiento de buenas noticias por venir, cosas que pasan en nuestro monasterio de la vida dura. Y poco después, el amor ingenioso encontró el camino hacia nosotros con un regalo de bondad en un momento que no era habitual”. “Sin embargo, esto no fue todo. Ha habido y continúan habiendo tiempos donde uno es reconfortado espiritualmente y elevado: tiempos donde uno ve los hechos de un caso tan reales y sin esperanzas como siempre, y todavía uno no se entristece por esto. Pero verdaderamente se las arregla para poner todas las cosas en el Señor. Y esa es la palabra decisiva. La alegría en los humanos tiene que ver con Dios. Las criaturas nos pueden traer alegría de algunas maneras, y proveer la ocasión para la alegría y regocijo, pero el éxito de esto depende de si somos todavía capaces de sentir la alegría y estamos familiarizados con ella. Y de nuevo, está condicionada según nuestra relación personal con Dios. “Solo Dios es el hombre capaz de la vida. Sin Él, y con el tiempo, nos enfermamos. Esta enfermedad ataca nuestra alegría y nuestra capacidad de estar alegres. Es por eso que el hombre, cuando aun tuvo tiempo, hizo mucho ruido sobre la alegría, y al final no fue más permitido. El mundo de la prisión lo hizo de forma tan completa, que inclusive la alegría fue valorada y presentada solamente como un medio para un nuevo final. Con el fin de ser capaces de la verdadera vida, el hombre debe vivir de acuerdo con el orden especifico y una relación con Dios. La capacidad de la verdadera alegría y de vivir plenos de ella, depende de condiciones humanas especificas, sobre actitudes particulares con respecto a Dios. Donde la vida no percibe su lugar en la comunidad de Dios, entonces será gris y sombría, monótona y calculadora. Como el padre Delp lo señala, la alegría entonces es nada menos que estar llenos de Dios y como él lo indica, está condicionada a nuestra relación personal con Dios” Laudetur Jesus Christus, nunc et semper, The Reverend Paul E. Lockey, Ph. D. Párroco de la Iglesia y escuelas de Santa Elizabeth Ann Seton January 18, 2015. Second Sunday in Ordinary Time From Your Pastor Qúy Ông Bà Anh Chị Em thân mến trong Chúa Kitô, Cha Alfred Delp, SJ (dòng Tên), bị giam giữ trong một nhà tù của Đức Quốc xã trong xiềng xích và thường xuyên bị đánh đập và bị đói, đã viết một luận văn đặc biệt về niềm vui Kitô giáo. Là Kitô hữu, chúng ta luôn cần được ngập tràn với "niềm vui", nhưng "niềm vui" trong ý nghĩa Kitô giáo là gì. Chắc chắn, nó không thể là những gì trần gian vẫn cho là vui. Ai hay hơn hơn so với một linh mục thánh thiện và vô tội đang bị tra tấn như Chúa Kitô trong tù của Ngài có thể cho chúng ta biết niềm vui Kitô giáo đích thực là gì: "Vậy bây giờ, niềm vui là gì, niềm vui thật sự ? Các nhà triết học nói rằng nó là sự hài lòng và cảm xúc nâng cao để đáp ứng với những điều tốt lành theo ý của một người. Điều đó có thể đúng trong một số hiện tượng của niềm vui, nhưng nó không phải là niềm vui riêng của mình. Nếu không, làm thế nào tôi có thể đạt được niềm vui đích thực trong những thời gian và trong tình huống này? Có lý gì buồn phiền với niềm vui? Có phải Là niềm vui không nằm trong số những điều xa xỉ của cuộc sống mà không có vị trí riêng tư phải trải qua trong các đối thoại chiến tranh? Chắc chắn nó không có chỗ trong một nhà tù, nơi ai đó đang đi qua đi lại, tay trong xiềng xích, trái tim căng phồng lên bởi tất cả những cơn gió của nỗi khát khao trông chờ, đầu óc đầy lo lắng và thắc mắc. "Ai đó phải trải qua tình huống, phải có thời gian và một lần nữa, thình lình trái tim không còn có thể nắm bắt được sự phong phú của sự sống và hạnh phúc nội tâm, mà đột nhiên, và không biết tại sao hay thế nào, những dấu hiệu được đưa ra một lần nữa trong sự tồn tại, và hứa hẹn có giá trị trở lại. Lần này hay lần khác, nó có thể là cơ chế tự bảo vệ của sự tồn tại chống lại sự lạm dụng và vi phạm tàn bạo - nhưng không phải mỗi lần. Nó thường là một dự cảm của tin mừng sắp đến – những điều đó vẫn xảy ra ở tu viện trogn cuộc sống khó khăn. Và thường, ngay sau đó, tình yêu phong phú đến với chúng ta với một món quà của lòng tốt vào thời điểm khi điều này không thông thường. "Tuy nhiên, điều này là không phải tất cả. Đã và tiếp tục xẩy ra, những lần khi một người được thoải mái và lên tinh thần: những lần mà người ta thấy những sự kiện của các trường hợp thật sự và tuyệt vọng hơn bao giờ hết và chưa trải qua nó, nhưng dâng mọi sự nói trên cho Chúa. Bây giờ, đó là từ ngữ quyết định. Niềm vui trong cuộc sống của con người do bởi Thiên Chúa. Những tạo vật có thể mang lại cho chúng ta niềm vui trong các hình thức khác nhau, và có thể đôi khi đem lại niềm vui và vui mừng, nhưng sự thành công thực sự của điều này tùy thuộc vào việc chúng ta vẫn còn có khả năng để vui mừng và quen thuộc với nó. Và đó lại là điều kiện cho mối quan hệ cá nhân của chúng ta với Thiên Chúa. "Chỉ trong Thiên Chúa con người mới có đủ năng lực của cuộc sống. Không có Ngài, và theo thời gian, chúng ta trở nên bệnh hoạn. Bệnh này tấn công niềm vui và khả năng vui mừng của chúng ta. Đó là lý do tại sao con người, khi vẫn còn có thời giờ, tạo quá nhiều ồn ào về niềm vui. Cuối cùng, điều này đã không còn cho phép. Nhà tù thế giới đã chiếm đoạt con người hoàn toàn mà ngay cả niềm vui được đánh giá và trình bày như một phương tiện để sử dụng cho một kết cuộc mới. Để có khả năng sống đích thực, con người phải sống theo một thứ tự cụ thể và mối quan hệ với Thiên Chúa. Khả năng của niềm vui đích thực và sống vui vẻ chính nó phụ thuộc vào điều kiện cụ thể của đời sống con người, dựa trên thái độ đặc biệt với Thiên Chúa. Nơi cuộc sống không nhận thấy chính nó đang ở trong cộng đồng của Thiên Chúa, nó sẽ có ảm đạm, u ám, buồn tẻ và tính toán. " Như Cha Delp cho thấy, niềm vui, sau đó, không có gì hơn là được bao bọc bởi Thiên Chúa, và như cha cho biết, điều này "là điều kiện cho mối quan hệ cá nhân của chúng ta với Thiên Chúa." Vinh Danh Chúa Kitô, The Reverend Paul E. Lockey, Ph. D. Chánh Xứ, GX Thánh Elizabeth Ann Seton và Trường học January 18, 2015 Houston, Texas STEWARDSHIP: SHARING GOD’S GIFTS Second Sunday in Ordinary Time In today’s first reading, we hear Samuel respond eagerly, “here I am!” each time the Lord calls him. May we, too, be listening for the call of God in our lives and be ready to say like the Psalmist, “here am I, Lord, I come to do your will.” See 1 Samuel 3:4; Psalm 40 COMPARTIENDO LOS REGALOS DE DIOS Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario En la primera lectura de hoy, escuchamos a Samuel responder entusiasmadamente, “ aquí estoy”, cada vez que el Señor lo llama. Que nosotros, también estemos escuchando en nuestra vida el llamado del Señor, y estemos listos para decir como el Salmista, “aquí estoy Señor, vengo a hacer tu voluntad”. Ver 1 Samuel 3;4; Salmo 40 SOCIAL JUSTICE MINISTRY MINISTERIO DE JUSTICIA SOCIAL “At the beginning of this New Year, which we welcome as God’s gracious gift to all humanity, I offer heartfelt wishes of peace to every man and woman, to all the world’s peoples and nations, to heads of state and government, and to religious leaders. In doing so, I pray for an end to wars, conflicts and the great suffering caused by human agency, by epidemics past and present, and by the devastation wrought by natural disasters. I pray especially that, on the basis of our common calling to cooperate with God and all people of good will for the advancement of harmony and peace in the world, we may resist the temptation to act in a manner unworthy of our humanity. ~Pope Francis, "No Longer Slaves, But Brothers and Sisters," Message for 2015 World Day of Peace. “Al comienzo de este nuevo año, al cual le damos la bienvenida como un regalo de Dios a toda la humanidad, les envió mis más sinceros deseos de paz a cada hombre y mujer, a toda la gente del mundo y naciones, a los gobernantes y a los líderes religiosos. Y al hacer esto, oro para que terminen las guerras, los conflictos y el gran sufrimiento causado por la acción de la humanidad, las epidemias pasadas y presentes, y por la devastación causada por los desastres naturales. Rezo especialmente por un llamado común para cooperar con Dios y toda la gente de buena voluntad, para que se logre la armonía y la paz en el mundo, y que resistamos la tentación de actuar de una manera indigna contra la humanidad. No más esclavitud, sino todos hermanos”. Papa Francis en su mensaje por el día de la paz en el 2015. VOCATION CORNER NUESTRAS VOCACIONES In today's Gospel passage, Simon, Peter and Andrew entrust themselves to Christ, and the course of their lives undergo a radical change. Christ invites us all to "Come and see" what new meaning our lives have when we deepen our commitment to him. En el pasaje de hoy del Evangelio, Simón, Pedro y Andrés, se confiaron a Cristo, y en el transcurso de sus vidas tuvieron un cambio radical. Cristo nos invita a todos a “venir y a ver” el nuevo significado que tienen nuestras vidas, cuando profundizamos nuestro compromiso con Él. "Rosary for peace every 2nd Friday at 6 pm, African American Community." January 18, 2015 Houston, Texas Take with you words...Hosea 14:2 “At the dawn of a new year, we are all called to rekindle in our hearts an impulse of hope, that should result in concrete works of peace, reconciliation, and fraternity.” ~Pope Francis, 1/4/15 Angelus “Children, let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth.” 1 John 3:18 Lleven con ustedes las palabras...Oseas 14:2 “ En el amanecer del año nuevo estamos llamados a reavivar en nuestros corazones un impulso de esperanza, que resultaría en un trabajo concreto de paz, reconciliación y fraternidad”. Papa Francis en el Ángelus del 1/4/2015. “Hijos míos, no amemos de palabra ni de la boca para afuera, sino con hechos y de verdad”. 1 Juan 3:18 Perpetual Adoration Come and Join Your Community in Prayer: available 24 hours a day. ROSARY AND DIVINE MERCY: After all morning daily Masses and on Fridays at 3:00 PM. DIVINE MERCY ONLY: On Fridays at 3:00PM. ROSARY: Before the Sunday 7:00AM Mass. After the 2:00PM Sunday Spanish Mass Angelus. Rosary and prayers for priests, Thursdays after the morning daily Mass. Rosary for life 1st and 3rd Saturdays after the daily Mass. Rosary and Cenacle on Thursdays 7:30PM. HOLY HOUR: Children's Holy Hour on Fridays- 4-5:00PM. Vietnamese Holy Hour on Fridays -8-9:00 PM. Please call Susane Porter at 281-855-7235 or e-mail her at to schedule your hour (available anytime, day & night). Adoración Perpetua Vengan y acompañen a su comunidad en oración: las 24 horas del día. ROSARIO Y DIVINA MISERICORDIA: Después de las Misas de la mañana y Viernes a las 3:00 PM. DIVINA MISERICORDIA: Los Viernes a las 3:00 PM. ROSARIO: Domingos antes de la Misa de las 7:00 AM Rosario y las oraciones por los sacerdotes los Jueves después de las Misas de la mañana. Rosario Pro-vida el primer y tercer Sábado. Rosario en cenáculo los Jueves a las 7:30 PM. Rosario después de la Misa de las 2:00 PM. del Domingo. HORA SANTA: Para niños los Viernes de 4 a 5 PM. Hora Santa en vietnamés los Viernes de 8 a 9 PM. Por favor llame a Susane Porter al 281-855-7235 (a cualquier hora del día o de la noche), o envíe un mensaje a para reservar su hora. With the busy times of Thanksgiving and Advent season, in this season of Advent, we are continuously preparing ourselves for the celebration of Christ's birth into this world. Why not help our own parish prepare for the coming new year by signing up with Faith Direct? By supporting St. Elizabeth Ann Seton through Faith Direct, both you and our parish can more easily project your future contributions. You can sign up online at: using our church code: TX417, or by mailing a paper enrollment form available in the parish office. God Bless You, The Reverend Paul E. Lockey January 18, 2015 Houston, Texas SEAS CATHOLIC SCHOOL ESCUELA CATÓLICA DE SEAS You are invited to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School Open House on Wednesday, January 28th. Guided tours will be available from 9 am- 2 pm and 6-8 pm. SEASCS is a fully accredited PK3-8th grade school. Come inquire about our award winning students and athletic programs. The school offers before and after school care, PK-8th grade sport programs, and a variety of after school activities, including Mad Science, Tae Kwon Do, dance, and Legos. Registration packets for the 2015 -2016 school year will be available. For more information about the school, please visit or contact the school office at 281-463-1444. Todos están invitados a venir a la escuela católica de San ta Elizabeth Ann Seton el miércoles 28 de Enero. Se ofrecerán tours guiados a los visitantes de las 9 a.m. a las 2 p.m. y de 6 a 8 p.m. La escuela de SEAS está acreditada desde pre-kínder 3 hasta el octavo grado. Venga e infórmese acerca de nuestros estudiantes premiados y de los programas de atletismo. La escuela ofrece cuidado antes y después de la escuela, programas de deportes para todos los grados y una variedad de actividades, incluyendo ciencias avanzadas, Tae Kwon Do, danzas, y Legos. Los paquetes informativos de inscripción para el año escolar 2015-2016 están disponibles. Para más información acerca de la escuela por favor visite o contacte a nuestras oficinas al 281-463-1444. Knights of Columbus Council #8096 BBQ Chicken and Sausage this Sunday! Come and get your BBQ Chicken & Sausage on Sunday, January 18, after all Masses or until we sell out! CHICKEN $ 10 SAUSAGE $ 6 La Comunidad Juvenil SEAS Pescador les invita a ser parte de un grupo de jóvenes adultos que comparten música, oraciones, alabanzas y mucho más… Las reuniones son los lunes de 7:30pm-9:30pm. ¡Vengan y conozcan a los jóvenes de nuestra comunidad! LEGIÓN DE MARÍA La virgen los está llamando por sus nombre. Los invitamos a servirle a la Virgen y al Señor en nuestro ministerio, donde rezamos el Rosario y visitamos hogares, enfermos, ancianos, tocamos puertas, entre otros trabajos. Nos reunimos los lunes a las 7:30 pm en el salón # 10. Para más información comuníquense con Liliana Díaz (281)723 2328, Carmen García (713)446 1881, o Marlen Rocha (832)410 5273. SUPER BOWL TAMALE SALE VENTA DE TAMALES Comunidad Juvenil SEAS Pescador The Knights of Columbus will be selling Tamales on Sunday, February 1st. We will sale tamales beginning at 7 a.m., until all are sold! The money raise supports Seminarians. Los Caballeros de Colón estarán vendiendo tamales el domingo primero de Febrero. Estaremos vendiéndolos desde las 7 de la mañana y ¡hasta que se acaben! El dinero recaudado será para ayudar a los seminaristas. January 18, 2015 Houston, Texas Parish Nursing Ministry Tip of the month: exercise is the key to weight loss! ! Our Parish Nursing Ministry is open to all who are interested in the health of our parish. In 2015, we are focusing our energy on those individuals and families who are poor, marginalized, and/or suffering abuse. We are going to have several speakers during the year educating us on how we may help abused children, women, and the elderly. Our meetings are on the first Wednesday and third Tuesday of each month. Our next meeting is January 20, from 6:30 – 7:30 in the temporary building # 3, across from the FLC, room 6. Please contact Wyona Freysteinson, PhD, MN at 281-433-5365 for health care information or to learn more about our ministry. Ministerio de la salud de SEAS Tip del mes: ¡hacer ejercicio es la clave para perder peso! Nuestro ministerio de la salud está abierto a todos los que estén interesados en la salud de los miembros de la parroquia. En el 2015 estaremos enfocando nuestras energías en aquellas personas y familias pobres, marginadas o que sufren algún tipo de abuso. Vamos a tener varios expositores durante este año, para educarnos de como podemos ayudar a los niños, mujeres y ancianos abusados. Nuestras reuniones son el primer miércoles y tercer martes de cada mes. Nuestra próxima reunión es el 20 de Enero, de 6:30 a 7:30 PM, en el módulo temporal #3 al frente del FLC, salón #6. Para más información o para saber más acerca de nuestro ministerio, por favor contacte a Wynona Freysteinson, PhD, MN al 281-433-5365. “HELPING HANDS” Pre-Planning for Funerals. To schedule an individual appointment with a Funeral Support volunteer to preplan a funeral for yourself or a loved one, please call Beth Wood at 281-413-9682. Bereavement Support Group: meetings on the first and third Thursdays, Room 11 of the FLC from 7 to 8 PM. If you need help through the difficult times following the death of a loved one, contact Deborah Jackson 281-550-3027,or Gini Buehler 281861-6306. MINISTERIO “”HELPING HANDS”” Planificación de Funerales. Si desea hacer una cita con el grupo de voluntarios que ayuda a planificar un funeral para usted o algún familiar, por favor llame a Beth Wood al 281-413-9682. Grupo de Ayuda: Las reuniones son el primer y tercer Jueves de cada mes en el salón 11 del FLC de 7 a 8 PM. Si necesita ayuda en esos tiempos difíciles cuando muere un ser que-rido, contacte a Deborah Jackson al 281550-3027, o a Gini Buehler al 281-861-6306. KSHJ 1430 AM – English Catholic radio in Houston Tune in for intelligent talk, catechesis, apologetics, a Catholic perspective on news and current events, great fun, and lots of advice on living the faith in our relationships and sharing the faith with our friends and family. Tune in every Monday at 12 noon to “Evangelium Live,” Houston’s local live program hosted by Joe McClane. Listen on air at AM 1430, online at, or on your mobile device – both IOS and Android. ST. PIUS X HIGH SCHOOL St. Pius X High School will administer the Catholic High School Entrance Exam on Saturday, January 31, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. Students should report to the school entrance by the auditorium by 8:15 a.m.; the test will last until approximately12:00 noon. The testing fee is $50.00. If you have not already done so, please register for the HSPT on line at Also, check out the scholarship program online – Students scoring in the 99% - $5000; 98% - $2500; 97% - $1500; 96% - $1000.Breakfast will be served in the Bramanti Library for parents who wish to stay and visit with other prospective parents and St. Pius X staff. ESCUELA SECUNDARIA SAN PÍO X El exámen para entrar a una secundaria católica será el 31 de Enero del 2015 a las 8:30 a.m. en la secundaria San Pio X. Los estudiantes deben reportarse a la entrada de la escuela por el auditórium no más tarde de las 8:15 a.m. El exámen durará aproximadamente hasta las 12 del mediodía. El costo es de $50.00. Si no se ha inscrito todavía para este exámen , hágalo en: También chequee el programa de becas. Los estudiantes que tengan un score del 99%, la beca será de $5,000; 98% de $2,500; 97% $1,500 y 96% $1,000. Se servirá un desayuno en la biblioteca Bramanti para los padres que deseen quedarse y conocer otros padres y el personal de la escuela. January 18, 2015 Houston, Texas The Knights of Columbus will be recruiting new members this Sunday, January 18. Please see Kenneth Frey and the Knights of Columbus outside at the Flag Poles, after Mass. Also, the Knights would like to invite all men to an Open House, on Wednesday January 21, from 8-9pm, in the CLC. Learn about the Knights programs and church activities. Your wife is also invited. Los caballeros de Colón estarán reclutando nuevos miembros este domingo 18 de enero. Por favor busque a Kenneth Frey y a los caballeros de Colón en el área de las banderas después de las misas. También nos gustaría invitar a todos los hombres a una reunión, el miércoles 21 de enero de 8 a 9 PM, en el CLC. Infórmese acerca de nuestros programas y actividades en la Iglesia. Su esposa también está invitada. Charismatic Prayer Group: January Happening “Why spend your money for what is not bread; your wages for what fails to satisfy?” (Isaiah 55:2) As we start the New Year in the liturgy, Mark’s gospel, tells the story about Jesus baptism by John the Baptist. Later, we hear the voice of our Heavenly Father declare Jesus as His Son and we watch as one by one Jesus gathers His disciples. When both men and the devil recognize Jesus as “the Lamb of God,”, we hear Jesus challenge His disciples as He challenges all of us to follow Him in bringing His “Good News” of salvation to all we meet. May we all be renewed by the grace of our own Baptism to answer His call. If you are looking for more ways to connect you life with your faith, please join us every Friday evening from 7:30 to 9:00 pm in the Family Life Center, Prayer Room for lively praise music, prayer, worship, and sharing God’s Word. Fellowship and light refreshments follow. January 23rd “Come after Me and I will make you fishers of men.” January 30th “I know you are the Holy One of God.” Note: Topics for our discussions in our January gatherings are from the Gospels of Mark 1:7-11, 14-20,21-28, John 1:35-42 NORTHWEST ULTREYA ULTREYA DEL NOROESTE Deepen your relationship with Jesus Christ ¿Les gustaria seguir viviendo en colores? Ultreya is part of Cursillo, a Catholic lay movement that offers an opportunity to meet Christ in a more complete way. Get a clearer understanding of how Christ can work through you to change the environments you live in. “Cursillo" provides a lifetime plan for following Christ through prayer, study action, in friendship with others. Next NW Ultreya at SEAS, Saturday, February 21st, 2015, FLC from 9:45–11:00 AM. Questions? Contact Duane King at 281-615-8942. Cristo los necesita. Los quiere santos para que lo ayuden en la santificación de sus hermanos: PIEDAD, ESTUDIO Y ACCIÓN. Ultreya se reúne todos los Lunes de 7:30 PM a 9:00 PM en el Centro de Vida Familiar (FLC). Para más información por favor llame a Juan Pineda al 281- 550-0823 o al 832- 348-3597, o e-mail al 832-245-3711 o envíe un mensaje a: Lighthouse CD of the Week: Light in The Darkness by Patrick Lencioni Patrick Lencioni is the founder of The Table Group and the author of 10 books which have sold over 4 million copies and been translated into more than 25 languages. Additionally, The Wall Street Journal called him one of the most sought after business speakers in America. In this talk given at the FOCUS National Conference, Patrick provides a hopeful yet cautionary lesson about the dangers of living a partially Christian life. Parishioner Comments: “Patrick Lencioni reminds us of how to live a Christian life in a secular world – with humor, wisdom, and passion – and how to be a better leader for any age. A must-listen!” Your generous donations to cover our cost will assure the continued availability of these wonderful resources! January 18, 2015 Houston, Texas THAT MAN IS YOU! Invest a little time in yourself to become a better Husband, Father and Spiritual leader in you family! Wed. Mornings 5:30AM - 7AM at SEAS in the CLC! Breakfast is served! Coffee, juice, donuts & kolaches. This week: Grace Flowing from the Temple The Mystical Reality of the Church The Church and the Domestic Church St. Peter and St. Paul’s Influence on the Early Church The Blossoming of Christian Europe Israel’s Beliefs about Grace The Reality of Ecclesia Domestica Drop in and experience one session! No cost, preparation or outside commitments! Just come, listen and learn Visit our website at or contact local Parishioners for more info: Tim Finnerty 281-254-4204 or or Leon Fontana 713-291-3581 “Wherever you are in your spiritual life, Jesus Christ wants to encounter you right there and take you further.” SEAS RESPECT LIFE COMITE PRO-VIDA DE SEAS COUNTLESS WAYS TO HELP. The objective of SEAS Respect Life and its Maternal Assistance Program is to help many women choose life for their babies by providing them with the financial assistance and the loving support they need to realize that abortion isn't their only alternative. By offering medical care, prenatal care, housing, baby items, child care and others services we save the lives of thousands of children. But in order to provide this help, we need volunteers. There are numerous ways to help, ranging from delivering baby items, to picking up donations, holding baby showers, baby sitting, praying the rosary and just being a friend. To receive a complete list of ways to help or to volunteer, contact Lia McLean at 832766-2634 You are most welcome to visit our center located at: Foundation for Life - Maternal Assistance 10900 Northwest Freeway suite 112, Houston TX 77064. HAY INNUMERABLES MANERAS DE AYUDAR. El programa pro-vida y asistencia maternal de SEAS ayuda a las mujeres que escogen la vida para sus bebés, proveyéndolas de asistencia financiera y emocional que necesitan para entender que el aborto no es la única alternativa. Ofreciéndoles cuidado médico, prenatal, alojamiento, artículos para bebés, cuidados de niños y otros servicios, salvamos la vida de miles de bebés. Pero para poder dar esta ayuda necesitamos voluntarios. Hay muchas maneras de ayudar que van desde traer artículos para bebes, buscar donaciones, organizando baby showers, cuidado de niños rezando el Rosario o simplemente ser una amiga. Para recibir la lista completa de como ayudar contacte a Lia MacLean al 832-766-2634 . Pueden visitar el centro Fundación por la vida y asistencia maternal localizado en 10900 Northwest Freeway, suite 112, Houston 77064. INTERCESSION FOR LIFE For parents facing challenging pregnancies: May the Lord grant us the courage to walk with them, assist them, and invite them to put their trust in God. We pray to the Lord. ST. JOSEPH’S FREEDOM GROUP A support group for men to meet and discuss with confidentiality the development of skills to control sexual addiction. Meetings: Saturdays 8:30 to 10:30 AM at the temporary building # 7 of SEAs Church,6646 Addicks Satsuma Road, Houston, 77084. Phone: 281.463.7878, or: Holy Father St. Joseph Pray for Us! INTERCESIONES POR LA VIDA Por los padres que enfrentan embarazos difíciles: que el Señor nos conceda el valor de aminarlos, ayudarlos e invitarlos a poner su confianza en Dios. Roguemos al Señor. GRUPO SAN JOSÉ Es un grupo para hombres que los ayuda de manera confidencial a desarrollar las herramientas necesarias para controlar la adicción sexual. Reuniones: Sábados de 8:3010:30 AM en el edificio temporal #7 de la Iglesia de SEAS, 6646 Addicks Satsuma Road, Houston, 77084. Tele-fono: 281-463-7878 or: FreedomGroups.asp San José, ¡Ruega por nosotros! Extraordinary form of the Mass Second Sunday after Epiphany There were three mysteries mentioned at Vespers on the Feast of the Epiphany, namely the star leading the Wise Men to the manger, the day our Lord turned water into wine at wedding feast in Cana of Galilee, and the baptism of our Lord in the Jordan by St. John the Baptist. This second Sunday after Epiphany commemorates the second of these mysteries, namely the first public miracle and manifestation of our Lord to the apostles. St. Augustine points out that our Lord was invited to this wedding feast and He went there to reveal the mystery typified by it, namely the union of Christ and His Church. This is the union that St. Paul speaks of in Ephesians (5:24, 25) where he says: “Therefore as the Church is subject to Christ, so also let the wives be to their husbands in all things. Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the Church and delivered Himself up for it.” Couples preparing for marriage, newlyweds and even those married for a long time must remember to invite our Lord to their wedding and their home and keep renewing that invitation everyday so that He can be present in the home, be invoked there, and bless the home as a result. Married life has always had its challenges, but, by the grace of God and faithfulness at living a true life of sacrifice, all challenges can be conquered and spouses become stronger and holier as a result. The miracle at the wedding feast symbolizes the Holy Eucharist, where the water that was changed into wine foreshadows the wine that will be changed into Christ's Blood. This connection of the first miracle with the institution of the Sacrament of the Altar whereby we receive the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Savior also shows the connection between the two covenants. The married couple form a covenant with each other that is to last until death, and so likewise Christ, when He instituted the Sacrament of the Altar, established a covenant that joins us to the great nuptial banquet in heaven, where we are united to God for all eternity. We have to be transformed by Christ through our union with Him, thus becoming saints. We have to of course do our part in this by corresponding to His grace, so that the water that we are now can become the wonderful wine through God’s transforming grace. January 19: January 20: January 21: January 22: SS. Marius et al. SS. Fabian and Sebastian St. Agnes Votive Mass for Peace January 23: St. Raymond of Penafort January 24: St. Timothy January 25: 3rd Sunday after Epiphany HEALING MASSES MISAS DE SANACIÓN On the last Wednesday of every month there will be two healing Masses at 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM. All parishioners are welcome to attend, but the Anointing/Sacrament of the Sick will be offered ONLY for the sick, pregnant, aging and those recuperating from or scheduled for surgery within 30-90 days. Please join our parish in praying regularly for all the sick who receive this Sacrament and also for those who are unable to attend. El último Miércoles de cada mes se realizan dos Misas de sanación: 9:00AM y 7:00PM. Todos los miembros de SEAS están invitados a asistir, donde se darán los santos óleos SOLAMENTE a los enfermos, mujeres embarazadas, personas mayores y a los que se están recuperando de una cirugía en los últimos 3 meses. Por favor acompáñenos a rezar por todos los enfermos que recibirán este sacramento especial y por los que no podrán asistir. BULLETIN DEADLINES FECHA LIMITE DE ENTREGA DEL MATERIAL PARA EL BOLETIN La fecha límite para la entrega de anuncios y volantes para el boletín, es el día Lunes de cada semana al mediodía, 13 días antes de que sea publicado en el boletín. No se aceptará ningún material después de la fecha limite. El material puede ser enviado preferiblemente por correo electrónico, a o puede traerlo a las oficinas parroquiales escrito a máquina o en computadora. Utilice márgenes de 1/2 pulgada en los 4 lados. Enviar los volantes a ¡Gracias por su cooperación! Normal deadline for bulletin submissions is Monday at noon, 13 days before the announcement appears in the bulletin. No material will be accepted past the deadline. Send, preferably via e-mail to or type your submission and bring it to the parish office. Deadline for flyer submissions is Tuesday at noon, 12 days before the announcement appears in the bulletin. No material will be accepted past the deadline. Allow 1/2 inch margins all around. Send via e-mail to: in Microsoft word. Thank you for your cooperation! MASS INTENTIONS THIS WEE WEEK K MONDAY, JANUARY 19 6:30 AM 9:00 AM 7:00 PM † Francis Truong Souls in Purgatory Souls in Purgatory 6:30 AM 9:00 AM Anton Truong Kevin Morales (Birthday) † Ernesto José Montiel Yépes (1st year Death Anniversary) † Rafael Gómez Ramírez Diego Islas (Thanksgiving) María Jackson & Stephen Aslett (Thanksgiving) GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS My Lord, My God: We pray for our sons, daughters, wives, husbands and friends. May you have ten thousand angels watching over them, their troops, and others overseas during their mission. May you protect them and bring them home safe. We ask this in Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. TUESDAY, JANUARY 20 7:00 PM WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21 6:30 AM 9:00 AM 7:00 PM † Mr. Peter Van Vliet Maria Jackson & Stephen Aslett ( Thanksgiving) Diego Islas (Thanksgiving) Ed Stendardo (Birthday) Souls in Purgatory THURSDAY, JANUARY 22 6:30 AM 9:00 AM 7:00 PM Fasix Truong Ron & Chony Furzeland (Wedding Anniversary) † Richard & Daisy Miranda FRIDAY, JANUARY 23 6:30 AM 9:00 AM 7:00 PM María Truong Souls in Purgatory Souls in Purgatory Repose Soul of Donna Simon SATURDAY, JANUARY 24 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 5:00 PM 6:30 PM 8:00 PM † † † † † † † † María Truong Santiago Ajche Peter MacLean Ralph Coselli, Jr. Josephine Coselli Dominique Lee Bernard Borsos Alex D. Oravec OZam Yehya Repose Soul of Donna Simon SUNDAY, JANUARY 25 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM 11:00 AM 12:15 PM 2:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:30 PM POTP † Barbara Poche Pro Populo Souls in Purgatory † Andrew Thien Phong Christopher Astudillo (Health) Agotin Truong Josefa Putz Consuelo Mendoza Souls in Purgatory † Alfonso Padilla Souls in Purgatory Repose Soul of Eglantina Siller † Abel Gómez Rubio Salvador E. Zapata ARMY Christopher Porras Kristin Baron Juan Vega Jr. Jessie H. Treviño II Jesse Sinfuentes Henry García Gilbert Álvarez Michael Wright Ray Banda Manny Hernández Jim Branson Sarah Campo Richard Christie Melissa Comiskey David García Chris Figeria Mike Fitzgerald Ky V. Truong Jack Longmire John García Chris Lawrence Gabriel de la Garza Juan Manuel Matthew O’Dowd Marc Maziarz Joshua Salsgiver James Scherwitz Matthew Soileau Tony Thompson Jessie H. Treviño Christian Urena Danny Morales Tim Woods Joshua A. Treviño Michael Hori Scott Pfirman Soraya Mackvandian Timothy Soto Jerry Morales David Freeman Michael Carty Cameron J, Saltus Trevor Marshall Joseph Nadasky Roosevelt Harris Christina González Janet González Daniel Pruitt Alberto Moreno Eric Stevens Victor Delgado Sgt. Christopher Farías Louis Hendershot Jr. Rudy Banda III Luis Rosales Elvia Ayala Manuel James López Jr. Walker Andy Huayamave Maximilian Klein Devrin Egipciaco Anthony Richard Delgado Sgt. Epigmenio Gómez Jr. Evan Adams Daniel Parlapiano NAVY Jessica López Joe Vaughn Michael Fruggiero Gabriela San Martin Mark Riddle Justin J. Trudeau Jonathan Hyacinth Jonathan Young Matthew Rodríguez Paul Zielinski Stuart Marshall Jason Rodríguez Cristian Shirl Candy Flores Alejandro Alatorre Kai E. Krogman Marvin Boruca Adam García Steven E. Jiménez René Miramontes Gabriel I. Saenz Albert García Ryan DeKay Keith Breeckner Vinny Escobar Kidany Vaquero Brad Harless Kleber Villalva Omar García Patrick Lambert Randall T. Schindler Peter Tate Jr. Jason Woods Anetor Asibor Ricky Isaac Hernández Victor Carrión-Martínez MARINES AIR FORCE A.J. Edwards Linsum Flores Chris Rode Raymond J. Reyes Sean V. Saluzzi Christopher McMullin Thomas Roche Zachary Bond Frank Campos Stefan Barcik Stephen Mayeaux Ryan Foley Vincent Flores Joseph Mooney Albert García Sergio Pérez Christopher Unger David Anthony Christie Scherwitz Vincent Becklund David Harrison Dennis J. Morosin Don Sarmiento Raphael Ashe Tsg.Srg.Don Park Coy Daniel Incaprera Nathalie Huayamave Maurice James Hardy II Ricardo Villalva Jr. Kenzie O’Leary Phillip M. Doria Robert N. Lobit Sean Huggins Nathalie Rodríguez Nelvin Rodríguez David Nordel Camilo Orozco Jerry Torres Tony Nies Kevin Westlund NATIONAL GUARD Ed Dextraze You Are Invited To Our Annual Senior Citizen Luncheon and Bingo Hosted by SEASCS 8th Grade When: Monday, January 26, 2015 Time: 11:30 AM – 3:00 PM Place: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton CLC We will provide lunch, bingo, and prizes. Hope to see you there! OIL CHANGE $ SPECIAL w/Filter 19.99 EVERY WED. LADIES DAY ALL LABOR 50% OFF 5930 Hwy. 6 N, Bldg. K with Ad (281) 861-0344 Houston, TX 77084 • 1 Block South of West Little York PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........ 24/7 HELP ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers ........ Bailbond Lic. # 74504 Traffic Tickets • Auto Insurance • Misdemeanors Felonies • Homeowners Insurance • S.R. 22 713.635.8400 $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! 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McKinley 281-469-6206 Lic #RMPL13890 281-897-9823 9926 Jones Road For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941 CYPRESS ACUPUNCTURE & CHIROPRACTIC MAYDE CREEK ANIMAL HEALTH CENTER DARREN WILLIAMS, DVM M-F 7-7 Funerals & Cremations All Funeral Prearrangements Accepted (713) 849-4804 John Nguyen, D.C., F.I.A.M.A. Sat 8-12 BECAUSE YOUR PET DESERVES THE BEST 3355 N. Fry Rd. 281-578-5449 Traditional & Memorial Services 13040 FM 529, Ste. G (at Edridge next to Cherry Home Furniture) • Headaches, neck and back pain • Painful joints, numbness, arthritis • Hip, leg, shoulder, arm pain relief • Acupuncture • Nutrition and herbs • Auto Accidents * 50% OFF FIRST INITIAL VISIT ONLY (With Ad) TOUCHY Affordable Handyman M’S MEDICAL SUPPLY INC STEVE A A L 281.414.5266 HOME REPAIR SERVICE No job too small TTORNEY Crutches • Wheelchairs Bath Aids, etc. 281-599-3633 T AW Parishioner Representing Families & Businesses Since ’83 15840 FM 529, STE. 280 HOUSTON, TX 77095 2430 N. Fry Rd., Ste. 106, Houston 281-858-0700 Fax: 281-599-0524 14094 Memorial Drive Houston, Texas 77079 281-497-2121 * Free Consultation & Exam 713-464-4189 TACL000355 & MPL14303 PLUMBING • HEATING AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE “The Source for ALL Your Insurance Needs” • Business • Home • Auto • Life • Health 14906 FM 529, Houston, 77095 281-656-3000 Pool Heaters • Fixtures • Faucets • Disposers Hot Water Heaters • Water & Gas Lines ART’S PEST CONTROL Family Owned & Operated “Don’t Let Bugs Bug You!” 10% OFF 1st Service Call w/ad Free Estimates 281-398-0854 Residential • Commercial ADDICKS-CHAMPION Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc. Sales • Service • Installation Parishioner • $10 OFF w/Repair (281) 859-1800 TACLB009595E Chuck Kostak • Parishioner Member BBB (281) 373-0111 Mrs. Veronica Home Daycare Chico Se Habla Español Memorial, Funeral and Cremation Services As our family has always done, we want to serve you and your loved ones today and for generations to come (281) 855-2079 Duane C. King, Attorney Privately Owned, 4th Generation Provider In-Home Arrangement/Planning Available Houston Area Pre-Arranged Policies Accepted 14906 FM 529, Suite 201 281.615.8942 234 Westcott, Houston, Texas 77006 713-802-0000 Family Law Wills & Estates Small Business Real Estate Parishioner SPACE AVAILABLE Family Owned Sales, Service, Installations • FREE Estimates Air Duct Balancing To Advertise Here... Contact DONNIE TAYLOR today at (800) 833-5941 • 281-995-9224 713-885-4470 • Bath/Shower Conversions • Kitchen • Flooring • Drywall Repair/Texture • Painting • Patio/Covers • Plumbing • Fencing Free On-Site Estimates, Jose Llanos Lic. #TACLB3744E/NCI Certified 001722 St Elizabeth Ann Seton Church (B) JC Home Remodeling For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941 Guadalupe Ortiz, State Farm Agent 17802 W. Little York, Ste 600 BUSY. BUSY. Houston, TX 77084 BUSY. BUSY. Bus 281-855-5873 BUSY. State Farm Life Insurance Company 0901038TX.1 Bloomington, IL Life insurance shouldn’t wait. Even though life is busy, take a moment to reflect on what’s most important. For peace of mind, protect your family with State Farm® life insurance. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® CALL ME TODAY. BUY ONE & GET ONE FREE w/coupon FOOD ONLY! LIVE MUSIC! “OPEN FOR BREAKFAST” 832-674-8466 Sun-Thur 9am to 10:30pm Fri-Sat 9am to 12:00am 5402 Hwy 6 N. Houston, TX 77084 NEER DIAGNOSTIC LABORATORY LLC 281-345-7685 “ATTENTION DOCTORS & EMPLOYERS” Lab Test Offered Hematology Chemistry Drug Screen Immunology Tumor Markers Urinalysis Wellness Profile STD-HIV-Hormones Blood Sampled In House Accept all Insurances/Medicare/Medicaid Accept LabCorp and Quest Lab Orders Same Day Service / Rapid Results 16100 Cairnway Dr. Suite 225, Houston, TX 77084 Parishioner Toll Free 1-844-692-8186 Behind Chase Bank 713-777-1991 Cell 832-368-3033 Jocelyn LaCourse Owner Providing Quality & Professional Caregivers to Help Your Loved Ones Perform Activities of Daily Living. KITCHENLIFT A FACELIFT FOR YOUR KITCHEN Kitchen & Bath Remodeling Fully Insured • Free Consultation • Free Estimates John & Michelle Zullinger - CTR Parishioner • 832-928-5988 K & S Plumbing Co. Serving All Your Needs Perfect Cuts By Tracy No Appointment Necessary (713) 896-0039 $1.00 OFF HAIRCUT $5.00 OFF COLOR/HI-LITES ADULT $8.95 / CHILD $6.95 RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL REPAIRS Phone: 713-695-9739 • Joseph Kenjora Jr. & Eddie Syzdek Jr. Owners Master License No. 9146 & 9149 35 Years Experience Parishioner 13150 FM 529 #115 Houston, TX 77041 Sat. 9 -6 Sun. 10:00 - 5 Mon. - Fri 10:00 - 7 Spanish Tutoring (832) 889-4348 Insurance Starting At $35.00 Bilingual Solutions Save up to 50% 5035 Hwy 6 North, Suite #108, Houston, TX 77084 AUTO HOME COMMERCIAL FLOOD LIFE BONDS • TEACHING ALL LEVELS • Parishioner PH: 281-858-8668 281-372-8827 12933 FM 529 Rd. Suite C - Houston, TX 77041 (F.M. 529 @ Eldridge Pkwy.) Bus. Hours: Mon-Thurs 10am-7pm • Fri-Sat 6am-9pm • Sunday: Closed PETER’S PLUMBING “One Call Does It All” 832-885-9255 All Types of Plumbing $20 Off W/Ad MPL 40046 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Licensed & Insured Life • Long Term Care • Retirement • Disability Little Flower Catholic Books & Gifts Religious Goods Sacramental Needs Much More 5349 Highway Blvd. (Old Katy) † 281-391-0330 Safe. Secure. Sound. Henry T. Rangel, FICF (281) 731.8635 ~ Notary Public ~ Certified Notary Signing Agent Member National Notary Association Member As of 12/31/13, Rated A++, Superior for Financial Strength by A.M. Best “There is no more highly rated insurer in North America” St. Francis Religious Goods Largest Selection of Catholic Gifts First Communion - Books - Sacramentals 4906 Hwy 6 North, Bear Creek 281-859-0400 001722 St Elizabeth Ann Seton Church (A) LEGAL SERVICES Lori M. Karner Please contact me today to learn more: Parishioner Notary services at your location Serving Houston & surrounding areas for over 12 years Prince of Peace Parishioner 713.898.0645 A FRIEND YOU CAN TRUST ~ NO PRESSURE/HASSLE FREE Preferred Pricing for St. Elizabeth Members New & Pre-owned Sales James Vu M: 832.472.8189 Parishioner • Family Law • Wills • Adoption • Health Care Directives • Collaborative Law CHRISTINE LINCOLN Attorney-At-Law 12777 Jones Rd., Ste. 475 Houston, TX 77070 281-970-9005 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941
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