Saturday 31st January: CLACKMANNANSHIRE UNITED PRAYER. All welcome to join with us at Elim Pentecostal Church, on Saturday 31st January, 6.30 refreshments for worship at 7pm. A night of praise and prayer with all generations! Please come and pray for God’s blessing on the Nation, Elim Pentecostal Church and all the County Churches and Christian Organisations. Links - See our new website. Contact: Anne McIntyre – MUCKHART PARISH CHURCH Sunday 25th January 2015, 9.30am at the Coronation Hall, Muckhart FURTHER AHEAD A Date for your Diary – The FUN Group’s annual Quiz will take place on Saturday, 21st March in the Coronation Hall, Muckhart starting at 7pm. Further details nearer the time. MUCKHART CALENDAR GIRLS 2015: Calendars are still available, now for the bargain price of £5 per calendar. Contact Sheena Anderson 781391 or email Minister: Rev Jerome O’Brien, The Manse, 2 Princes Crescent East, Dollar, FK14 7BU. Tel: 01259 743593, email Church Secretary: Mrs Celia Hughes, 6 High Street, Dollar, FK14 7AY Tel: 07958 729785, email Office hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 9.30am-12.30pm The Church Office is closed all day on Wednesdays. The weekly intimations, the current Linkage news sheet and the latest edition of the parish magazine “Grapevine” are all available on the church website: Church of Scotland, Muckhart Parish Church Muckhart Parish Church Registered Charity Number SC009418, CCL No: 1214148 GOOD MORNING AND WELCOME! The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. A warm welcome is extended to everyone at worship with us today, especially if you are a visitor. Today is Pulpit Swap Sunday, and therefore Rev Andrew Frearson from St James Episcopal Church in Dollar is leading our service of worship. Rev Jerome O’Brien is preaching at St James. Welcome and Silence Hymn: CH4 416: Christ is Alive News to share Prayers & the Lord’s Prayer Time with the Young Hymn: CH4 547: What a Friend We Have in Jesus Scripture Reading: John 14: 1-14 (p 1082) Talk Hymn: CH4 641: Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God Offering Prayers for the People Hymn: CH4 512: To God Be the Glory, Great Things He Hath Done Benediction and Amen. What has God said to you or shown you today? THIS WEEK Monday 26th January: The Monday Housegroup will meet at 9.30am. Further information from Muriel Simpson, 01259 742953. Tuesday 27th January: Maureen Pearson invites you to a TEA/COFFEE PARTY IN AID OF ALZHEIMER SCOTLAND, at 16 Strachan Crescent, Dollar, 10.15am – 12.15pm and 1.30pm – 4pm. Come and support a worthy cause. Bring a friend. Gentlemen welcome. Enjoy a cup of tea or coffee with home baking. Bring and buy (food only) sale. Home baking, jams, pickles, etc. Please, no obligation to contribute. If transport is required, phone Maureen at 742318. TODAY, Sunday 25th January MESSY CHURCH AT DOLLAR: Burnside Hall, 4 – 6pm. Theme “A new start – Noah”. Messy Church is a fresh expression of church for all the family. For more information contact: Wednesday 28th January: WEDNESDAY HOUSEGROUP: Next meeting on Wednesday 28th January, at 10 for 10.30am. at the home of Ivy Forbes. We will be continuing our bible study of Ruth. All welcome. Further information from Christine Campbell on 01259 742463. Next Sunday 1st February: • 9.30am: Service at the Glendevon Parish Church with the congregation of Muckhart Church. • 11am: Service at Dollar Parish Church. During the service there will be a speaker, Adrienne Hilton, Food Coordinator from The Gate Foodbank, Alloa, who will explain the work of this charity and the food items that they require (they have ample supplies of pasta and baked beans). • Teas, coffees and homebaking will be served by the Sunbeams in the Burnside Hall after the service at Dollar Parish Church. There will also be a stall selling items that are too large or considered unsuitable for the Gate Foodbank. Proceeds from this will be used to buy items that are needed. • The services at Dollar and Muckhart Parish Churches will be led by Rev Jerome O’Brien. • There will be no service at Muckhart Parish Church on Sunday 1st February. Thursday 29th January at 7pm.Weight loss support group will take place in the rooms at the back of Dollar Parish Church. Do you have an event this year you’d like to look better for or just want to lose those pesky pounds? Come along and join us - £2 per week which will go towards the Dollar Parish Church refurbishment appeal. Friday 30th January: Coffee Morning at Wardlaw House, Station Road, Dollar, from 10.30 am until 12 noon. First of the new session! Members of the congregations are warmly invited to come along. Saturday 31st January: ELDERS’ AWAY DAY: all elders of the Linkage are invited to attend an Elders’ Away Day at Lendrickmuir, 9.30am to 4pm. Please let the Church Secretary know if you are unable to attend by Monday 26th January. Thank you.
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