ON THE ROTA . . . 15th February Sides Readings Prayers Projector Sound Tea & Coffee Prayer Ministry Offertory Count Morning Jim & Carol Rutherford Mike Waters/Hayley Smith Jean Welch Bethany Rutherford Cathy Malins Sue Parker/Tina Waters Terry O’Brien/Emma Cooley Andrew Knight/Dave Reynolds Evening Wendy Rutherford tba tba Andy Davenport Tony Corfield Nick Morris/Jo Roberts Lou Davenport/Karen Gopsill CHILDREN & YOUTH GROUPS St. George’s Preschool each week day morning during term time between 8.30am and 12.00 noon and, Monday and Wednesday and Friday 12.00 to 3.00pm. Also optional lunchtime sessions following on directly from the morning sessions. Contact Lou on 01827 50805 / 07505 886 380 or visit http://www.stgeorgespreschool.org/ Sunday Children's Club X-tra Every Sunday morning except the first and fifth Sunday of each month. Xcite (pre-school to Y2), Xplore (Y3 to Y5) and Xtreme (Y6 to Y10). Contact: Glyn Shaw Crèche meets, when needed, in the chancel, except on first Sunday and fifth Sunday. Youth Home Group : alt Sundays 7.30pm. Contact Helen and Kev Jones (820963) HOME GROUPS St. George’s believes homegroups to be an important part of church life and would like to encourage all adults to belong to a small group that meets together on a weekday in the evening or during the day. The groups focus upon discipleship, nurture and socials. If you are interested in joining a homegroup, please contact the homegroup coordinators, either Rob Ellor (tel: 62740) or Helen Jones (tel: 820963) who will gladly tell you more about the groups that are available. PASTORAL CARE Pastoral Care Co-ordinator: Fae Ellor: 01827 62740 (please contact Fae to request Home Communion) Email prayers: prayer@stgeorges-glascote.org.uk (alternatively contact Fae Ellor or the office) Lay Prayer Guide: contact Pippa Steedman on 01827 286373 Bamford St., Glascote, TAMWORTH, Staffs B77 2AT (01827) 62612 email: st.georgeschurchglascote@btinternet.com visit: www.stgeorges-glascote.org.uk Office hours: Mon - Thurs 9.15am - 1.00pm Curate: Rev. Matt Malins 07932 721131 email: curate@stgeorges-glascote.org.uk Non Stipendiary Minister: Rev. Mike Le-Worthy (01827) 55762 Bamford St., Glascote, TAMWORTH, Staffs B77 2AT (01827) 62612 Office hours: 9.15am - 1.00pm Mon-Thurs 8th February 2015 2nd Sunday before Lent Welcome to our Services This week at St. Georges . . . SUNDAY Holy Communion 8.30am Holy Communion 10.00am Evening Praise 6.00pm 8th February MONDAY Over 60s Badminton 5.00 - 7.00pm Hall Badminton Club 7.00 - 9.00pm in the Hall TUESDAY Music group 7.30pm WEDNESDAY 9.30 am Midweek Holy Communion Xtra Leaders and Helpers meeting 8.00pm in the Church Hall THURSDAY Preschool AGM 11.30am in church Open Door 1.30pm in the Hall Badminton Club 7.00 - 9.00 SUNDAY Holy Communion 8.30am Morning Praise 10.00am 20:20:20 Service 6.00pm 15th February Coming up . . . Wed 18th Feb Sat 21st Feb Mon 2nd Mar Tues 3rd March Ash Wednesday Service at St. Martin’s 7.30pm Quiet Day 10.00 - 5.00pm DCC meeting 8.00pm in the chancel Deanery Synod - St. Francis, Leyfields A large print copy of this sheet is available from the welcome desk How wonderful it is, how pleasant, for God's people to live together in harmony! (Psalm 133:1) FROM THE PRAYER CARDS: (If a name has been missed off this list and you would like someone to be prayed for, please fill out an updated prayer request card). Please pray for Leo, Lucy Morris, Eve Lear, Ernie Kibble, Jo Denyer, Beryl Davies, Fred Chipman, Sue Peel, Majeeb, Fay’s father-in-law, Jennie Dawson, Jennifer, Paul Cound, Jane and her husband, Elizabeth’s mother, Mamita, Emily Bennett, Alan Fordham, Anne & Carl, Gloria, Chris, Mandy Morris, Dave Shelton-Smith, Corey Parker. Pleas pray for the families and friends of Tina Montgomery, Jim Coxill, Hal Davenport, Eileen Parker and Hilda Chipman. VACANCY Our advert for the vacancy of Team Rector is now posted on the Diocesan website along with our Parish Profile. We would like to encourage everyone to pray for the right person to fill this vacancy and a copy of the Profile and a Prayer During a Vacancy is on the altar. More copies of the prayer are on the welcome table for prayer at home. SAINSBURY’S VOUCHERS Pre-school are collecting Sainsbury's active Kids vouchers and would really appreciate any donations, there will be a box by the welcome table for vouchers. Thank You QUIET DAY at the Hillcrest Centre Dordon Sat 21st February. Please take a flier from the welcome table. CONGRATULATIONS to Jim on his Licensing as Rector of St. Matthew’s Church, Walsall. Our prayers go with Jim and Priscilla in their new ministry. Jim’s contact details are: 07939 587 208 or email: rector@stmatthewswalsall.co.uk PLEASE HELP: A gentle reminder that as indicated in our verse for the year, it's very helpful if everyone could please be mindful of clearing up after themselves in church. In Jim's absence we are reminded of the many little clearing up jobs that he did on our behalf, which were not necessarily his responsibility. Simple examples are not leaving coffee cups, service sheets and toys lying around in church and being sure to return chairs or tables to their rightful places if they have been moved for a specific purpose. Thank you. 'How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in harmony.' ELECTORAL ROLL: The Church Electoral Roll is a list of Church members who are entitled to attend, take part and vote in the church Annual General Meeting where elections take place for District Church Council (DCC) members including churchwardens. It is also a more formal way of belonging to the local church. St. George’s Electoral Roll is being revised on 23rd February in readiness for our AGM on 23rd March. If you would like to know more please take an Application for Enrolment from the table under the notice board or speak to Anne Bassett. If you would like to join the Electoral Roll please complete the form and return to the office by Sunday 22nd February. EVERYONE COUNTS . . . a short survey for people from Church of England congregations. It asks some simple questions (age, gender, church attendance etc) and the information is used by the Archbishop’s Council to help understand our church families and communities and the future needs of our churches. More information is available online and anyone from a congregation can simply go here and complete the short survey. MEN’S BREAKFAST. At the Coton Centre on 28th February 8.00 - 10.00am. This is a great event for people to invite non-Christians Christians to as these two men had their lives totally transformed by the power of God. Bookings can be made via the following links: http://cotongreenchurch.com/news/28th http://cotongreenchurch.com/news/28th-feb-2015-tamworth-mens-breakfast Website registration: http://cotongreenchurch.com/form/mens-breakfast http://cotongreenchurch.com/form/mens Tickets can be collected from Enquiries at the Coton Centre Phone (01827) 60789 Facebook event: http://cotongreenchurch.com/form/mens-breakfast. http://cotongreenchurch.com/form/mens For more details see the poster on the notice board or take a flier to invite someone. LIFT: ‘Ladies In Faith Together’ meets every third Tuesday in the month at The Carnegie Centre, Corporation St. Tamworth. The next meeting is on 17th February - ‘When God and Cancer Meet’. For more details see the poster on the notice board or take a leaflet. FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT 2015. 23rd February – 8th March Coming up this month is the annual Fairtrade event known as Fairtrade Fortnight (FTF). During this time all things Fairtrade are promoted and highlighted. The focus of this year’s event will be celebrating the impact of Fairtrade, and putting a spotlight on the producers. Producers see many benefits when they sell their products like access to clean water, schools and hospitals – things we take for granted, as well as a fair price and workers rights. Buying Fairtrade is the best way to support the people who produce our food and the best choice for the environment, as Fairtrade producers are required to protect the environment through good practice and sustainable methods. During FTF St Editha’s Book and Fairtrade Shop will be promoting all things Fairtrade and will also be giving away free cups of tea and coffee so that you can try before you buy! Download this weekly notices sheet from: www.stgeorges-glascote.org.uk glascote.org.uk TEA ROTA Please sign up on the Tea and Coffee rota for the next few months. Thanks to all who’ve added their names already but more are needed to fill slots from the end of March. Thank you. MISSSION TO SOUTH SUDAN Between 15th and 28th February Phillip Taber will be in South Sudan as part of a Flame International healing and reconciliation missionary team. Pleas pray for the people there and for the success of the mission CALLED TO BE ME A guided quiet day for anyone exploring a call to ordained or lay ministry, including peaceful worship, introductory meditations, and suggestions for individual reflection as well as information about opportunities and training for ministry. Venue: Shallowford House. Leader: Deborah Sheridan. Cost £25. Booking forms are here or by contacting Angela Bruno on 01543 306220 or email. Upcoming dates – February 28, May 9 and September 12 2015. THANK YOU CARD Please see a card from Jim & Priscilla on the notice board TODAY’S BIBLE READINGS 8.30am: John 1: 1-14 Proverbs 8:1, 22-31 10.00am: Colossians 1: 15-20 John 1: 1-14 6.00pm: 1 John 3: 19 - end Hebrews 13: 1-16 St. George’s Church, Glascote
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