Welcome to Noland Road Baptist Church www.mynrbc.com If you are a guest today, please complete a Communication Card and place in the offering plate. Summer Bible Studies for Women No Other Gods: Confronting Our Modern Day Idols or Duty or Delight? Knowing Where You Stand With God Begins June 12 at 9:30am in the West Wing. You may register for class and childcare through June 1 online or at the Women By Design kiosk. Study books are $13 and available the first day of class. Online Study: Duty or Delight? Knowing Where You Stand With God begins June 12. Register through June 1, online or at the Women by Design kiosk. Bible study books are $13 and will be available June 8 at the WBD kiosk. Details about the online Bible study and how it works can be found at womenbydesignbiblestudy.wordpress.com. Men’s Prayer Breakfast Saturday, May 31 at 8:30am in the Connection Café We will recap the Men’s Retreat and share our vision for the Men’s Ministry. All men are invited to attend! Sign up at the Men’s Ministry kiosk! Kids Summer Music Camp This year’s musical is I am a Friend of God . Rehearsals begin Wednesday, June 4 at 6:30pm. The performance will be August 3, 2014. All kids, age 4 years-6th grade completed, are welcome! Sunday, June 1 at 12:15pm in the Connection Cafe Interested in wanting to know more about membership at NRBC? Please come to our Friendship Lunch following 3rd service to learn about our vision and ministry and how you can join in Kingdom work with us. RSVP for lunch by Wednesday, May 28. Project Shine , Saturday, July 12. This year, NRBC will work at Pioneer Ridge Middle School in Independence. You can pick up a volunteer application at the Global Focus kiosk or can sign up online at OurSchoolsShine.org. Contact Matthias with any questions you may have. We Regularly Face: 1. ________________________ Discouragement To Defeat __________________________ Discouragement I Will… Missouri Baptist Children’s Home Work Day Men, Women, Boys and Girls are Welcome! Saturday, June 7—Meet at NRBC at 7:30am if you want to carpool or meet us at the Children’s Home in Peculiar, MO at 8:15am. Sign up at the Global Focus kiosk. Contact Dee Hampton at 803-1941 if you have questions. We are going to the American Cancer Society’s Hope Lodge on Tuesday, June 10. We meet at the church at 5:45 and return by 8:30. If you are interested in coming along to provide the meal or to send Bingo prizes, please contact Sharri Hacker at 373-8920 or sharri3100@aol.com. July 21-25, 2014 NEW TO NOLAND FRIENDSHIP LUNCH Managing My Emotions...Defeating Discouragement ______________________________ 2 Samuel 12:13 ______________________________ Psalm 32:5-7 _______________________________ 2. Discouragement Inflicted By ______________________________ To Defeat Discouragement Inflicted By ____________________ I Will… ____________________ Discouragement Joshua 1:9; 1 Chronicles 22:13; 2 Chronicles 32:7 Not Discourage _______________________ Psalm 109:16; Acts 15:19; Colossians 3:21 For All Ages! Be sure and mark your calendars! 3. Discouragement Inflicted By ______________________________ To Defeat Discouragement Inflicted by ___________________ Daily Devotionals for June, July & August are available at the Welcome Center or in the literature rack in the main hallway. Pick up your copy today! ______________________ 2 Thessalonians 1:4; Hebrews 12:3; Proverbs 2:3 _______________________ on God’s _________________________ Deuteronomy 31:6, 8, 23 Used Literature Pick Up is scheduled for Tuesday, June 10. Place your used literature in the containers by the elevator. ________________________ with the_________________________ Hebrews 13:3; Romans 12:15 CONTACT________________________________________ THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE Week Beginning May 25 Bill Rogers’ Deacon Team Worship Contemporary Worship Bible Study for all ages Contemporary Worship Bible Study for all ages 8:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 4505 S. Noland Road, Independence, MO 64055 816.373.0106 Fax: 816.373.2105 Prayer Line: 816.373.PRAY www.mynrbc.com prayer@nolandroadbaptist.org STAFF__________________________________________ Francis O’Donnell Senior Pastor Monday, May 26 CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED Tuesday, May 27 Wednesday, May 28 NRBC University Blended Rehearsal (WC) 3:30 PM 7:30 PM Wes Wakefield . Associate Pastor of Discipleship Conor Scholes Matthias Rosbrugh Associate Pastor of Worship Associate Pastor to Students Jo Andrews Type the first name of the Children’s Ministry person you wish to contact (listed above) followed by @mynrbc.com Thursday, May 29 Parents: Loving caregivers in our nursery and preschool ministries are trained to provide a well-supervised program for your child. Please turn your cell phone to vibrate during the service so workers can contact you if needed. Friday, May 30 Saturday, May 31 Men’s Breakfast (CC) 8:30 AM Sunday, June 1—Regular Schedule Friendship Lunch (CC) Listening assistance devices are available for your use. Please see an usher or the sound booth for assistance. 12:15 PM Connection Café (CC), West Wing (WW), Worship Center (WC), Fellowship Hall (FH) New Member Clydene Pennington, Letter 17004 E 46th Street Court S Independence, MO 64055 (816) 529.8323 Christian sympathy is extended to Kathryn Richmond in the death of her daughter, Susan Duvenick. WATCHCARE Martin & Evelyn Coleman 819 W 30th Street Independence, MO 64055 (816)836-4997 Remember to switch off pagers and cell phones before the service begins! IN CHRISTIAN STEWARDSHP May 18 Budget Offering Received Budget Requirement $19,578.55 $20,386.68 YTD Budget Received YTD Budget Requirement Building Debt Received $141,902.02 $142,706.76 $1,412.37 Faith Commitment Offering Received to Date Roof Received to Date $863.56 $6,368.08 $125.00 $8,473.00 SUNDAY STATS May 18 Bible Study Off-Campus Worship Wednesday, May 14 NRBC University 413 32 552 13 May 25, 2014
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