St. Therese Parish

March 8, 2015
Third Sunday of Lent
St. Therese is a welcoming
and socially active Catholic
Church nestled by the sea on
Wrightsville Beach.
We are united through Jesus
Christ in our journey toward a
full communion with God.
We strive to create a parish
community that develops,
reinforces and shares our
Christian faith, values, and
collective gifts
209 South Lumina Avenue
Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480
March 8, 2015
Third Sunday of Lent
Altar Flowers
Mass Schedule
Saturday ............................................................. 5:30
Sunday ................................................. 8
No flowers during Lent
Wishing to sponsor other weekend
flowers? Call office
a.m., 10:30 a.m.
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday..................... 12
Tuesday ....................................................................... 6
Friday scheduled Masses
Right Along
Readings can be found at You may also take a picture with your smartphone using the QR code (above) and the free Bar-Code app.
Reconciliation Confessions are heard on Saturdays from 4:30-5pm in the Reconciliation Room in the church, or at any time by appointment. Communal Services are scheduled during Advent and Lent.
Baptism Contact the parish to schedule Baptism of
infants. Adults interested in becoming Catholic should inquire about the Rite of Christian
Initiation of Adults.
Anointing .
Marriage Persons concerned about their health are
encouraged to receive the Sacrament of the Sick.
Couples planning to marry are asked to contact
the parish at least 6 months prior to their
proposed wedding date.
Confirmation Adults seeking Confirmation should call the
Parish Office. Young people usually are Confirmed in 10th grade after two years of preparation.
More Information More information about Mass and Sacraments can be found at
Parish Staff
Main Office Pastor Interim Priest
Office Manager
Child. Ministry Coordinator Liturgy & Music Coordinator
Adult Faith Formation & RCIA
Maintenance/Grounds Eng.
Business Manager
Information Services Manager
Father Joe
Msgr. Joseph Ntuwa ...................... 910.256.2471
Mr. James Welch ......................... 910.256.5489
Heather McLaren .....
Robin Johnston ..
Angela Daughtry...
Loretta Brady .......
Hernan Rios
Tom Brown .................................. 917.838.9363
John Shaffer...................
Thank you for continued prayers and
expressions of support. I have some good
news to report about my health.
I had cataract surgery on February 10
which has improved my vision significantly.
By the time you read this my other eye will
have been corrected. I am very grateful to be
able to read and to drive.
Physical therapy is helping my mobility.
I’m regaining strength and feeling good.
My blood platelets, which allow blood to clot,
have not recovered. I’m still going to Duke
weekly to monitor my blood and receive
transfusions as needed. I am just beginning a
new drug therapy to address that problem.
I’m becoming more active with parish
work but doctors advise me not to celebrate
public Masses or go to large gatherings
until May because of my weakened immune
system. I also need to avoid contact with
children because they carry diseases. All of
my vaccinations have been eliminated by
I had hoped to be present for Holy Week
and Easter but that won’t be possible. If all
goes well I hope to begin presiding at some
weekend Masses on May 2.
I am grateful to Msgr Joseph Ntuwa for
his continuing generous assistance.
May this season of Lent be a time of
grace and spiritual renewal for us all.
—Father Joe Vetter
March 8, 2015
EverWonder ...
The Liturgy of the Eucharist is summarized in what four actions?
Go to the parish website for the answer:
On the banner that reads “St. Therese Online Education”
Click on click here. This question and an article with the answer
will appear. And do stay tuned for next week’s question.
It’s 2015! Please notify the office with any
updates, additions or removals to the Prayer List.
The Gift
Of Prayer
Please pray for our women & men in the military, their families, for the citizens
of war-torn countries and for the following:
Mina Ansari
Joyce Ayala
Keri Bakan Hallman
Christopher Bot
Jacqueline Bouthot
Scott Braswell
Carol Briggs
Beverly Brock
Silas Brown
Tracy Brown
Jennifer Bruggeman
Paul Buongiorno
Susan Burns
Daniel Butler
Joseph Canariato
Tina Yemma Carter
Carolyn Case
John Cashman
Tom Clancy
Hannah Connaway
Heather Cunningham
Turner Davis
Mary Dean
Kitty DeMaria
Ellie Duckett
Diane Durda
Ashley Eason
Al Ela
Delores Euverard
Meghan Fitch Fausset
Christine Ferguson
Greg Files
Maureen Flynn
Patricia Fox
Dennis Fullerton, Jr
the Galiffa family
Pete Galioto
Alice Gaylord
A. Gibson
Michael Gillen
Paul Golightly
Jill Gorecki
Father Gene Grabowski
Daniel Griffin
Faith Griffin
Kathy Griffin
Nicolas Groom
Julie & Ray Groves
Claudia Hamilton
Keri Bakan Hallman
Flo Hansen
Nancy Harbor
Delores Harris
Ken Hastie
Dolores Healy
Kitty Heinzman
Velma Herbulock
Abigail Herrmann
Trisha Hill
James Hiller
Marne Hogan
Richard Hollis
Elizabeth Hunter
Paul Hurst
Elaine Hynes
Jamie Ingram
Rachel Jacobs
Mia Rose Jester
Phillip Johnson
Sharon & Stephen Johnson
Sarah Jolly
Glen Jones
Betty Kampschroeder
Carissa Kennison
Bill Keplesky
Simon & Grace Kerr
Audria King
Isabella Kolcun
Matthew Kolenik
Maureen Karson
Herb Kress
Margaret Lennon
Peter Liddy
Valerie Linder
Infant Madison Lindsay
Madison Long
Suzanne Lussier
Marie Martin
Sandra Malfa
Marsh & Tina Mansolillo
Cecilia Mapile
Robert Massey
Katie Mather
Brian McNally
Charles Meyers
Edward Miastkowski
Linda Moore
Andy Nelson
Brian O’Keefe
Amber Ostheimer Dawn
Bob O’Toole
Phil Paine
Joshua Paine
Sharon Parmenter
Esther Penna
Arthur Perez
Tom Perry
Jean Piggott
John Pflueger
Jason Proulx
Ron Rasile
Joan Rueda
Susan Hankland
Roger & Ginger Sala
Cecelia Sebik
The Sheehan Family
Sharon Shultz
Soltis children
Irene Stein
Chris Stone
Stone family
Frank Sulloway
Anna Towne
Jack Thomas
Linda Thornton
Jimmy Tyznar
Fr. Joe Vetter
Lyne Welch
Michael Welch
Ronald Doug White
Edna Wiese
Mary Ann Williams
the Wills family
Frederick Wise
Eileen Wolfe
Gregory Thomas Zack
Teresa Zithittella
Interest In a Youth
Mission Trip?
With 3 successful trips under our
belt with St Therese,
we are looking to organize another
trip July 2015.
Rising 9th graders
and older youth
are encouraged to join our growing
If interested, pls immediately
contact Lisa Vohwinkel / 910.297.8634
Eric Vohwinkel / 910.620.0938
Of Treasure
March 1, 2015
Central & Eastern
Europe (Ash Wed)
Black & Indian
Easter Flowers
Rice Bowl
Councils & Ministries
Stewardship of Time & Talent
Pastoral Council
John Adams ................................... 910.202.4752
Mary Ares, Virginia Baker, Sandra Carapezza,
Joe Coccoma, Caroline Cook, Dennis Dubuc,
Bill Kanzinger, Tom Rice, Vanessa Rieker,
Mike Searson, Rob Smeaton, Eric Vohwinkel
Finance Council
Chair Mike Searson ................................ 910.256.5775
Members Bob Cantwell, Fran Drury, Ron McCord,
Cary Newman, John Shaffer, Kevin Small
Stewardship Council
Herb Wolfe..................................... 910.792.9508
Roland Efford
Gene Amedy, Gina Ingram, Heather McLaren, ..
Pete Hoelter, Sonya Raney, John Shaffer,
Alice Wolfe
Service to Parish
Altar Server
Building and Grounds Eucharistic Minister
Liturgical Environment
Kindergarten to Confirmation
Music Minister
Nourish Your Spirit Ministry
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Scripture Circles
Wedding Coordinator
Young Adult Ministry
Collection Counters
Richard Ronne ..........................
Dan Hegarty ................................. 910.256.2471
Megan Gavrillen .......................... 910.256.2471
Judy Jones .................................... 910.256.9664
Megan Gavrillen .......................... 910.256.2471
Virginia Baker .............................. 910.386.9112
Gloria Hegarty ............................. 910.262.7184
Angela H. Daughtry ..................... 910.256.2471
Loretta Brady ............................... 910.796.0786
Loretta Brady ............................... 910.256.2471
Dennis Dubuc .............................. 860.391.3597
Loretta Brady ............................... 910.796.0786
Frank Weisgerber ......................... 910.399.6339
Betty McComas ........................... 910.431.6499
Rob Smeaton ................................ 864.414.7002
Diane Metz ................................... 910.681.3843
Seven Cantors needed
for the responsorial psalms of the
Easter Vigil, April 4th at 8:30 p.m.
Must have a pleasant singing voice
and music reading skills.
Please email or call for an audition.
Children’s Choir
10:30 a.m. Easter Sunday Mass
All are welcome grades 2-6.
Rehearsals are from 6-6:45 p.m. on
Wednesday March 4th, Thursday
March 12th, Wednesday March 18th,
25th, and April 1st.
Angela Daughtry
Coordinator of Liturgy and Music
910.256.2471 ext. 105
Outreach and Social Justice
Bereavement Committee
DivorceCare Ministry
Health Crisis Support Group
Hospice Food
Ministry to Sick & Homebound
Community Outreach Committee
Respect for Life
Social Events Ministry
St. Joseph’s Food Pantry
Jeanne de Montbrun....................... 910.452.1143
Heather McLaren .......................... 910.256.2471
Rosemarie Hoffman ...................... 910.392.5892
Marie DeRobertis .......................... 910.790.3000
Donna Tumolo .............................. 910.799.6242
Mike George .......................
Bev Jolly ....................................... 910.297.4875
Marlene Eader .........
Elaine Hynes ................................ 910-270-3643
Parish Organizations
Knights of Columbus
Ladies Guild
Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross will be held at
12 noon every Friday at noon
during Lent.
Except Good Friday,
when there will be a 3 p.m. liturgy.
Tom Rice ...................................... 910.399.2869
Saundra Files ................................ 910.524.6210
March 8, 2015
A Look at
Today’s Ministry
Want to Volunteer?
Contribute your time and talent to
The Phoenix
Employment Agency
20 N. Fourth Street, Suite 100
Phoenix Employment Ministry is a non-profit organization dedicated to
empowering individuals to reach their potential and lead stable lives through
satisfying work.
Individuals who come to PEM often have significant barriers to employment,
such as limited education or work experience, lack of transportation, criminal
records, substance abuse history or childcare issues. The ultimate goal for
our participants is stability, which we measure through earnings, education,
housing, support, transportation and overall self-sufficiency.
St. Therese supported this agency with a $1,500 donation in March 2015.
The success of PEM depends greatly on the generosity of our many
volunteers, who give tirelessly of their time and expertise. PEM is seeking
volunteers for the following roles, for a full description of jobs please see:
Office Support
Life Skills Instructor
Life Skills Co-partner
Resume writer
Life skills Support Volunteer
Job workshop Instructor
Childcare volunteers
Job seeker support
Provide meals
Jan Armstrong serves as the Coordinator of Volunteers. You may contact
her through the Phoenix office at 910.343.8469 for more information on
Also, more information can be found on the website at: If you’re interested in
volunteering, contact Dottie Carter at
St. Therese Parish Community Outreach Committee
St. Therese
Calendar of Events
March 8, 2015
Mar. 7
Mar. 8
Mar. 9
Mar. 10
Mar. 11
Mar. 12
Mar. 13
Mar. 14
8:30 a.m.
4:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
Mass - Joseph Vetter (L) by the Social Committee
6:30 p.m.
St. Therese Wine & Cheese Social
8 a.m,
Mass - St. Therese Parishioners
9 a.m.
Faith Formation
10:30 a.m.
Mass - Ellen Provine (D) by Sally & Pete Galioto
6 p.m.
Fr. David Noone - Youth Talk
12 noon
Mass - Chris Sagnard (L) by Liz & Tom Madigan
12:30 p.m.
Parish Mission
6:30 p.m.
Parish Mission
12:30 p.m.
Parish Mission
6 p.m.
Mass - Helena Isabella Cortes (D)
by Lauren Nalepa Schweitzer
6:30 p.m.
Parish Mission
12 noon
Mass - Amanda Reda (L) by Karyn Soltis & family
12:30 p.m.
Parish Mission
6:30 p.m.
Parish Mission
12 noon
Mass - Richard Greback (L)
by Joan Greback Clark
12:30 p.m.
Scripture Circle
12:30 p.m.
6 p.m.
Childrens Choir practice
7 p.m.
Choir practice
12 noon
No Mass
12 noon
Stations of the Cross
8:30 a.m.
DivorceCare meeting
4:30 p.m.
4:30 p.m.
Gifted Hands, Tender Hearts knitting
5:30 p.m.
Mass - 2nd Collection for Catholic Relief Services
- Jane Shannon Keniston (D)
by Faye & Tom Conway
Mass - St. Therese Parishioners
Mar. 15
8 a.m.
Mar. 21
8:30 a.m.
April 4
6:30 p.m.
St. Therese Wine & Cheese Social
Coming Soon
(L) = living; (D) = deceased * Nursery Available during this Mass only.
Please note that event times and group meetings are subject to change
Second Collection
Next weekend, (March 14-15)
our parish will take up the Catholic
Relief Services Collection. This collection
supports six Catholic agencies that touch
more than 100 million lives around the
world. The funds from this collection
help provide food to the hungry, support
to displaced refugees, and Christ’s love
and respect to all people. Next week,
please give generously to the Catholic
Relief Services Collection and help
Jesus in disguise.
Youth Mission Trip
Spring is just around the corner
and our Youth Divinity Garden
for middle/high school students
is starting to sprout.
This year’s efforts will dovetail in
and support our Youth Mission Trip
this summer.
Meeting Saturday Mornings,
it’s not too late
to join the movement.
If interested, contact Lisa Vohwinkel / 910.297.8634
or Eric Vohwinkel 910.620.0938
On March 14th, we will begin teaching the
young students in our parish Faith Formation classes how to knit. We are looking for
talented women who can share this creative
skill with our children so that they can make
scarves and hats to donate to several causes.
Do you have time? Would you be
willing to help? Grab your needles! We will
meet before Mass on March 14th (4:30 to 5:25
PM) in the parish hall.
If you would like to join us, have
questions, or have yarn/needles that you
would like to donate, please contact Megan
at 910.256.2471 ext 101.
6 March 8, 2015
Ash Wednesday, February 18, 2015, and Good Friday, April 3,
2015, are days of fasting and abstinence. Fridays of Lent are also
days of abstinence. Fasting is to be observed by all 18 years of age and older, who have not
yet celebrated their 59th birthday. On a fast day one full meal is allowed. Two other meals,
sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to each one’s needs, but together
they should not equal another full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted, but liquids,
including milk and juices, are allowed. Abstinence is observed by all 14 years of age and
older. On days of abstinence, no meat is allowed. Note that when health or ability to work
would be seriously affected, Church law does not oblige. When in doubt concerning fast and
abstinence, the Parish Priest should be consulted. Fasting, almsgiving, and prayer are the
three traditional disciplines of Lent. The faithful and Catechumens should undertake these
practices seriously in a spirit of penance and of preparation for Initiation into the Church or
the renewal of Baptism Promises at Easter.
Our new tabernacle was purchased
with funds received in a bequest
from Frances Fiorello, a long time
parishioner who remembered St
Therese Parish in her will. The
remainder of her generous gift has
been placed in our capital account
for repairs and maintenance.