Announcements We’re delighted you are worshipping with us today. The entire Briarwood family is eager to greet you, answer any questions you may have and minister to you in any way. After the service, please stop by the foyer so that we may offer you a small gift to acknowledge your presence with us. I pray that this morning’s worship will be all about Him and not about us, and that it will draw you close to the Lord of the universe. For Christ, His Cross and His Crown, Harry L. Reeder III, Pastor/Teacher Calendar of the Week For a full listing of calendar events, visit our website at * Nursery provided - please call for weekday reservations, 776-5214. Special needs care available - call June Cork, 776-5291. SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY * 8:00 * 8:00 * 9:30 * 10:55 * 10:55 1:30 * 6:00 6:00 a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. Morning Worship Service - Worship Center Intercessory Prayer - Prayer Room Sunday School for all ages Morning Worship Service - Worship Center Intercessory Prayer - Prayer Room Japanese Worship Service - G101 Evening Worship - Worship Center BYG and Raiders D-Groups - The Barn 6:30 a.m. Men of the Covenant Bible Study - FH-E&F 9:30 a.m. L.O.V.E. Ministry - Flower Room 6:15 p.m. CMMA Couples - Walkers’ 7:00 p.m. Evangelism Training - Worship Center 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:15 9:45 10:00 5:30 * 6:30 6:30 7:00 a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. THURSDAY * 8:30 a.m. * 9:30 a.m. * 9:30 a.m. * 9:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. TRAILBLAZER Breakfast Seminar - FH Women of the Covenant Bible Studies CMMA Singles - Simpsons’ Barbara Barker’s Bible Study - G101 CMMA Side-by-Side - Caroline House Dr. Barker’s Bible Study - A201 Fellowship Dinner - FH MidWeek Classes and Activities for all ages Raiders Rally - The Barn BYG @ The Barn - The Barn Women on a Mission to Fairfield - Admin. Lobby WOC Precept Bible Study: Revelation - A205 Prayer for Our Nation Group - W203 WOC Thursday Bible Fellowship - G101 WOC Precept Bible Study: Revelation - E008 Bible Study at the Barkers’ - 3181 Dolly Ridge Dr. FRIDAY 9:30 a.m. Ladies Bible Study at the Barkers’ SATURDAY 7:00 a.m. Men’s Prayer Breakfasts - Barkers’, Thomases’ The Church Revitalization Ministry Prayer Team will gather for prayer today in W202 at 5:00 p.m. All are welcome. Pastor’s Inquirers’ Class for newcomers and prospective members begins Sun., Apr. 19 with two Sunday morning classes (Apr. 19 and 26), Wed. night (Apr. 22) and a Sat. morning (Apr. 25). Attending does not obligate you to join. For info or to sign up, call 776-5208. Graduating from college? The Briarwood Fellows program trains recent college graduates to reach and impact the marketplace for Christ through paid internships, biblical worldview discipleship, and leadership training. Apply online at Thursday Precept Classes—Join the study on Revelation from 9:30–11:30 a.m. in A205 or 6:30–8:30 p.m. in E008. Register at Pastor Reeder’s Second Q&A session on eschatology (end times) will be in the Chapel at 6:30 p.m. on Apr. 29, following our last MidWeek dinner. BCS—A Blessing for God’s Glory, a new book describing the 50-year history of Briarwood Christian School, is filled with pictures and interesting facts. $34.95 in the webstore, the Bookstore and at book tables Sun., Apr. 19. ESOL teachers needed—Call to find out more or sign up for this great outreach to internationals in our city. We train you and teach in teams so you have backup. Contact Laura Danner at 776-5343. Friendship Partners needs 50 Briarwood families this year to reach out to all our interested students. Sign up to enjoy an international student as a friend to you or your family! For information and orientation meeting times, call Laura Danner at 776-5343. VBS June 1–5: • Register your child online beginning Apr. 15 at VBS is open to all children who will be enrolled in K5–6th grade in the fall. • Preschool VBS/Nursery is open to children of VBS volunteers only and must register at • Donate cardboard rolls from paper towels for a Nursery VBS craft. Drop off to the Mailroom. • Donate old magazines for a VBS craft. Please leave them in the VBS mailbox. • Shepherds needed for rising K5–6th grade. Go to for a list of volunteer needs. SAVE YOUR STUFF for the 7th Annual Briarwood Flea Market July 24–25 benefitting Urban Hope Community Church in Fairfield. Vendor registration opens May 1. Contact or call 776-5311. Job Openings—1) Part-time admin. assistant for Briarwood Intl Outreach—primarily serving international congregations. Send inquiries and resumes to 2) Foundations Early Learning and Family Center in Fairfield seeks a full-time Program Director. The position offers a competitive salary and some benefits. If you are interested, please apply at Today InPerspective airs weekdays at 1:00, 5:15 and 9:00 p.m. on WLJR, 88.5 FM, and at email: • website: 2200 Briarwood Way • Birmingham, Alabama 35243 • 205-776-5200 The week of Apr. 13 Pastor Reeder and host Tom Lamprecht will discuss “How Did Evil Come into the World?” with Dr. William Edgar. Celebration of Worship Standing Firm in the Lord Morning Services of Divine Worship - April 12, 2015 Worship Leaders Dr. Harry L. Reeder III, Pastor/Teacher Mr. Bruce Stallings, Executive Pastor Rev. Daniel Cason, Pianist Rev. Clay Campbell, Minister of Worship Mr. Hunter Goff, Organist *The Singing of Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs and Confession of Truth “Everlasting God” ∙ John 15:18–21 ∙ “O Church, Arise” The Proclamation of God’s People …not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. Hebrews 10:25 God’s Word For the Word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 *The Prayer of Illumination †*The Reading of God’s Word from the New Testament Ephesians 6:10–20 The Exposition of God’s Word The Kingdom of God in Biblical Perspective “Today’s Church in Today’s World” Ephesians 6:10–20 Please adjust all electronic devices so as not to interrupt the service. The Gathering of The Consecration of Pastor Reeder God’s People Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of His glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen. Jude 1:24–25 The Call to Worship and Preparation from the Psalms *The Pastoral Benediction The Prelude and Time of Meditation and Confession Hymn Prelude on “Arlington” (Pew) O Lord, my heart and mind are prone to wander, even when I come into Your presence in public worship each Lord’s Day. Grant me grace that I may fix my whole heart upon You and ponder the greatness of Your love for me as expressed through the giving of Your Son on my behalf on the cross of Calvary. And in response, allow me to pour forth praise from my heart and lips as I worship You with all my being! Purge my heart of earthly longings and grant to me a heart that loves You fully, hungers for Your Word, and unselfishly loves and shepherds those whom You have placed in my life. May I seek to live daily in such a way as to fulfill Your purposes in my life for the advancement of Your Kingdom. *The Congregational Affirmation The Postlude “How Firm a Foundation” “Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life” (Gardiner) * The congregation is requested to stand if able. † K4–3rd grade dismiss to the Children’s Auditorium for Children’s Worship. Following the 8:00 service, Children’s Worship participants will be escorted to their Sunday School rooms. Following the 10:55 service, please pick up K4–3rd grade children in the Children’s Auditorium. Large-print copies of the Order of Worship and audio receivers for the hearing impaired are available at the Information Center. The 8:00 a.m. service is also “signed” each week in the Worship Center. Both Sunday morning services are broadcast live on WLJR 88.5 FM, and the 10:55 service video is available online at Texts used with permission granted through CCLI License agreement 124545. Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, English Standard Version. The Invocation The Gospel Word of Salvation Prayers and Praises To God be the Glory! We praise our Lord and thank our church family for the faithful response to our Faith Promise this year. We have received pledges totaling $2,613,930.18, which is the largest Faith Promise total ever committed at Briarwood. What joy that through our 50th Anniversary conference the Lord would allow us to be blessed in this way. Pray for His provision of these funds and for our faithful response to invest them in Kingdom building ministry all around the world. His Word for the World...that all may hear. Missions Prayer Focus—Fairfield. Grace House group home serves girls ages 6–21 who have suffered from abuse and neglect. Pray for the staff as they minister to and equip these girls with the necessary tools to break the cycle of abuse—first, a relationship with Jesus Christ; second, a quality education. “Continue steadfastly in prayer...” Colossians 4:2a Opportunities for Ministry and Growth Take part in the Christian Life & Witness Course presented by The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association at Briarwood Apr. 13, 20 and 27 in the Worship Center. This evangelism and discipleship training is in preparation for Franklin Graham’s Festival of Hope, coming Aug. 14–16 to Bartow Arena. Details at Parents of 4th–6th graders, come join John and Deb Evans as they share thoughts and ideas to help you prepare for conversations with your children concerning topics like peer pressure, physical changes, and purity. This Passport to Purity informational meeting will be Wed., Apr. 15 at 6:30 p.m. in M213. Call John Evans at 776-5181. Start saving your canned goods for the Mercy Ministry Canned Food Drive to support Daniel Cason Ministries Sun., Apr. 19. That day, leave a bag or box of non-perishable food behind your car for the food-drive team to pick up during the morning services. Our Church Family Duty Elders for Anointing Services: Class of 2017 The Sacrament of Baptism Serving in the Nursery today: Homestead *The Greeting of Grace and Peace Hospitalized: Harriette Morgan, Marty Lange, David Chester, Flory Ruiz, Jim Griffin, Billy Ball *The Hymn of Ascents The Petitioning “Soldiers of Christ, Arise” Hymn 478 of God’s Providence The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. James 5:16b The Pastoral Prayer of Intercession and Thanksgiving The Adoration of God’s Glory …addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with all your heart... Ephesians 5:19 The Bringing of God’s Tithes and Our Offerings Proverbs 3:9–10 Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine. Fellowship of Worship The Evening Service of Divine Worship – 6:00 p.m. XI. Timeless Truth for Timely Topics in Biblical Perspective What Does the Bible Say? “Now, What About the Rapture?” Matthew 24 Dr. Harry L. Reeder III Our love and sympathy to Dan Allison and family on the death of his sister, Mary Allison Champion, on Apr. 1; and to Clete Hux and family on the death of his mother, Mary Geneva Hux, on Apr. 5. The flowers in the Worship Center are given to the glory of God in memory of Harry Preston Thorton and Effie Howell from the wedding of Kasey Tuggle and Taylor Summers on Apr. 11. The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be celebrated Sun., Apr. 26 in the morning service. Members of the congregation are invited to prepare their hearts to receive Communion. An alms offering for the mercy ministry will be received. Mark your calendar for the Church Picnic on Sun., Apr. 26 at 3:00 p.m. This annual event is fun for the whole family…bluegrass, inflatables, volleyball and more, followed by a barbeque dinner from Full Moon. See for details. Briarwood Presbyterian Church PCA The Lord’s Day Morning, April 12, 2015 Dr. Harry L. Reeder III The Kingdom of God in Biblical Perspective “Today’s Church in Today’s World” Ephesians 6:10–20 (page 979 in the ESV pew Bible) Introduction: Two Strategies I. II. Four Allies I. II. III. IV. Life Takeaway
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