April 2015 Langley United Methodist Church Newsletter An Advocating, Greening, and Reconciling Congregation April 2 Holy Thursday Service 6pm Fireside Rm. April 3 Good Friday Ecumenical Service 12–1pm Trinity Lutheran March 29 Palm – Passion Sunday April 3 Eternal Light Concert 7:30pm LUMC April 5 Easter Brunch After worship April 5 Community Egg Hunt after worship April 5 Easter Sunday 9:30am Worship March 15, 2015 Dear Langley UMC Family, “Home is where the heart is” – the oft’ quoted phrase that is so true. And sometimes, on occasions when other parts of our lives change, we are called to respond to other’s needs that take us away from the “place” we call home, if temporarily, to a place that requires our “heart” presence and attention. For Bill and Donna Humphreys, after living in Langley for most of our lives, Whidbey Island is the place we call home. And “home” is also our church family of nearly 37 years. Our hearts will never leave our Langley church and community families. As many of you know, a stronger call over the last several years has been to provide certain help to our daughter’s family in New Mexico. We have traveled there sporadically since 2010, primarily to help with child care. The situation there now requires more attention, and we have determined that we can only provide the help needed by relocating to Santa Fe for longer stretches of time. All of this, of course, means potentially big changes in our Whidbey Island lives. Anticipating the possibility of a move, we sold our home on Edgecliff Drive last July, in order to free ourselves to make the adjustments necessary. (We are now situated in a lovely rental house just blocks from the church and downtown Langley which we hope to retain.) In the meantime, we are making arrangements to relocate to the Santa Fe area for the fall and winter months of the next several years. (This sounds counter intuitive to those who know that these months in high desert northern New Mexico are cold, not warm! So we are definitely not becoming “snow birds” in the strict sense.) Another big change in our lives will be my decision to retire from responsibilities as Director of Music at Langley United Methodist Church. Our target date for this “passing of the baton” is June 1st of this year. I am officially giving notice of my retirement as of this date. I will, of course, continue in that position through May, albeit with rehearsal and worship service assistance during periods of my absence in order to make arrangements for housing and family responsibilities in New Mexico. There are times in our lives when certain dramatic changes simply must occur, whether we imagined them or not. Changes dictated by shifts in one’s physical or financial health, personal or family relationships, or other life-changing events, often require one to make big adjustments. My reasons for retiring at this time are all positive, and I count the opportunity to assist our daughter’s family as a blessing, not a chore. As I approach my 75th birthday, I am certainly fortunate to have served the Langley United Methodist Church as Director of Music for so long - coming up on 35 years! Few church musicians are blessed with such a long and happy tenure. That said, there is, of course, accompanying sadness in my decision, but also solace in knowing that our church family understands these changes in lives, supports us as individuals, as you have through all these years, and will be blessed with new leadership in music. Heartfelt thanks for the opportunity to serve such a loving and caring church family. Many blessings are still to come as you continue the ministry of bringing Good News to the South Whidbey community, and the Light of Christ to all who enter these doors. In the love of Christ, Bill and Donna Humphreys Mary McLeod’s beautiful calligraphy has graced both altar and bulletin covers this Lenten season. This Sunday, the luminaria will be completed, glowing with the word of God. That has been the focus this Lent. Often drawing on the Psalms, we began with “Lead me in your Word,” then moved to “Remember God’s word and return.” “Creation’s Word” recalled Psalm 19 where the heavens tell God’s glory. “God’s healing word” was goodness, mercy and grace, love. Finally we considered the passage from Jeremiah 31, where God engraves his word on our hearts. I am so grateful for Mary’s work—her sensitivity to the meaning is expressed in the beauty of letters and shapes. We are so blessed to have this true artist with us. As Lent comes to an end we move into Holy Week and we remember that last week of Jesus’ life. On Palm/Passion Sunday we remember how Jesus entered Jerusalem to cries of Hosanna! Then we hear the story of false accusation, betrayal, and a painful death. We know this is not the end of the story, but daring to walk again this painful journey, we realize the depth of joy on Easter morning, as we bring the A-words back with great delight. Thursday night we’ll gather in the fireside Room at 6:00 to remember the Last Supper Jesus had with his disciples, when he told them that they must love and serve one another. It is a quiet service, in the tradition of Taize, filled with candlelight and gentle music. We will share communion as we remember. The annual South Whidbey ecumenical Good Friday Vigil will begin this year with a one hour traditional service of readings and reflections on the biblical Good Friday narrative at Trinity Lutheran Church from 12-1 pm on Friday, April 3. Following the service at Trinity, for those who wish to do so, we will process across 525 to participate in a public interfaith silent peace vigil at the corner of 525 and Fish Rd. from 1:30-2:30. Participants may wish to join either or both of this two part vigil. Our Good Friday concert, “Eternal Light,” offers a way to mourn, both for Jesus and for those we love. There will be poetry by Judith Adams and others, orchestra and choir. On Easter Morning, we find the church transformed, filled with the beauty of flowers. Choir and orchestra play praise to God, as we celebrate the good news of Easter joy. The Youth Choir will sing as well. Following worship there is an Easter Egg Hunt for the community—invite your friends with children. And we feast at a glorious brunch. You have heard the news that Bill Humphreys will retire as Music Director of Langley United Methodist on June 1, becoming Music Director Emeritus. I am so sad to hear this. It has been an incredible delight to work with Bill. He is an amazing musician, has a deep understanding of how music is an important part of worship, and has such wonderful connections with other musicians in the community. Preparing for concerts has been a rich delight for me, as we weave together poetry and music. The conversations are deep and thoughtful and I feel the presence of the Holy with us. We do wish Bill and Donna well as they move to a new stage in their lives, spending more time with family and caring for grandchildren. They will still be a part of this community for some of the year and we will treasure our time together. And I trust that God is at work in all of this, and we will find a new Music Director for Langley UMC. The new person won’t be Bill, but will bring us new gifts, and new possibilities. This congregation is deeply committed to Worship Arts, especially music, and we will continue that ministry. We pray that God will be with us in this time of transition. Blessings, April 2: Holy Thursday 6:00 Fireside Room Exodus 12:1-14 April 19 Psalm 116 April 5: Easter Day Native American Ministries (no Communion) 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 Sunday Acts 10:34-43 John 13:1-17, 31b-35 Acts 3:12-19 Psalm 118 Psalm 4 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 April 3: Good Friday 1 John 3:1-7 John 20:1-18 12:00-1:00 Ecumenical Good Luke 24:36b-48 Friday service April 12 Trinity Lutheran April 26 COMMUNION followed by Acts 4:5-12 Acts 4:32-35 Procession to Highway 525 Psalm 23 Psalm 133 and Vigil for Peace 1 John 3:16-24 1 John 1:1-2:2 John 10:11-18 John 20:19-31 7:30 Concert Paper Cranes for Peace This August is a horrendous anniversary: the 70th year since the United States dropped two nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing 80,000 women, children, and men instantly; and over 150,000 in total. As Russia and the U.S. increase hostilities, and rogue actors come closer to obtaining nuclear weapons, citizens around the world are calling for peace and disarmament. Campaign Nonviolence is planning a national gathering to hold a vigil, a peace march, and to deliver 70,000 paper cranes for peace to "the cradle of the bomb", Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, on August 6-9, 2015. LUMC will be a part of this gathering for peace by making 500 paper cranes to send to New Mexico. The project will enlist our youth and all who wish to be involved. Paper and instructions will be available in Fellowship Hall in mid- April. The symbolism of the paper crane began with Sadako Sasaki, who was two years old when the blast from the Hiroshima bomb threw her out a window. She was ten when purple spots formed on her arms and legs. Hospitalized for leukemia, the popular girl died in October 1955. In her last year of life, she folded 1300 paper cranes as a prayer for healing. The paper crane is now an international symbol of peace, and a poignant reminder of the human costs of nuclear bombs. With such great human needs in our country and around the world, the trillions of dollars spent on weapons of war are truly sinful. Our faith calls for a response. Making cranes for peace is one way to put our hands and hearts into this critical issue. Missions/Church and Society April 12 Special Offering for Friends of Friends Friends of Friends received hundreds of phone calls or written requests for assistance in paying medical bills in 2014. We did intake for 212 different residents of South Whidbey who met our guidelines, and helped pay expenses for 189 of them, in some cases responding to more than one request from a given individual. Of those served, 69% were women, 19% unemployed, 21% with no income, 26% with no health insurance. The total paid out for medical bills in 2014 was $ 57,951. This total was several thousand less than the previous year, when our expenses far exceeded our fundraising. [Fortunately we had some reserves to draw on in 2013.] Early in 2014 the Friends of Friends service coordinator began encouraging people who requested assistance to apply for Affordable Care Act insurance. From the subsequent drop in requests, especially for prescriptions, it appears that a number of them have acquired that insurance. At the same time, requests for other types of assistance have grown, in particular, for medically related transportation. For more info http://www.fofmedicalsupportfund.org/ Fault Lines Whidbey Island Community Education and Langley United Methodist Church are cosponsoring a special presentation of the current situation in the Middle East. There will be two identical presentations, giving people the opportunity to attend the one which best suits their schedule. 1. Wednesday, April 22, 7:00-8:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall of Langley United Methodist Church 2. Thursday, April 23, 7:00-8:30 p.m. at the Freeland Library meeting room. The topic: “FAULT LINES: The Layperson’s Guide to Understanding America’s Role in the Ever-Changing Middle East” The presenter is Don Liebich, whose recent book has a title similar to the topic of the address. His book will be available for purchase. Don Liebich is a native of New York and a graduate of the University of Rochester and Harvard Business School PMD program. After a career spent with the U.S. Navy Nuclear Submarine service and as the President of Sysco Corporation, he engaged in numerous international consulting projects. Don has been directly involved with economic development, citizen diplomacy, and human rights projects throughout the Middle East and has conducted and taught courses on Islam, religious fundamentalism, U.S. Middle East foreign policy and Iran. Don and his wife, Marcia, live in Hailey, Idaho. Duncan Ferguson Worship Committee Opportunities! The Worship Committee offers many volunteer opportunities, which are a way to serve our Church community. Training is available for all. Communion Set Up: You could set up communion every 4 to 6 weeks. Betsy Shapiro is happy to walk you through the process. Pedestal arrangements: A fun opportunity to learn at a workshop with Connie Clark and Harriet O'Neil, how to make arrangements for the Church. Bring out your inner flower child, or talent using weeds and sticks. Committee member: Join the committee, which meets once a month, usually the 2nd Thursday, bring your ideas and talents to planning worship. Liturgists: Share your voice by sharing the Word of God. Please contact me, Susan Gilles, if you would like to volunteer for any of these worship opportunities. gilles@whidbey.com 579-1341 Hoping to hear from many of you Helping Hand Benefit Salmon Dinner April 17 5-7pm LUMC Fellowship Hall $15 suggested Donation All proceeds will go toward assisting Helping Hand clients with rental and PSE expenses. Thursday, April 16 10 am Community/Business Program – 10:45 am (Fireside Room with snacks and coffee/tea) Join Nancy Tipton for a program on her recent trip to Israel. They had a 14 day private tour for family, led by a pastor from Israel. It was completely wheelchair accessible to accommodate her brother. Nancy says having seen where Jesus lived has added understanding to her reading of scripture. All are welcome to attend! Thanks to Paul Morris for a most interesting program on Mary of Magdala last month! We learned about the myths and truths connected to her presence with Jesus and the other disciples, and her life as a message of transformation – a “woman at the heart of Christianity” in many ways. There are good books on this subject, if you want to know more! It’s not too soon to think about going to Mission u July 17-20 in Ellensburg! Paul Jeffrey will be the leader for the Latin America study – an area our church has many past connections with. The youth will study that also. The spiritual focus is on Happiness - Understanding Your Life in God. Now that’s something we can get behind! Early discount registration ends May 30 for Full Time or Weekend packages. Scholarships are also available from UMW and the Conference. See info in the office and at our April meeting. The Chair of the General Board of Global Ministries, Bishop Hope Morgan Ward, will visit the four corners of the Pacific NW Conference this month and speak at celebrations of UMW Mission. The closest to us is April 12, 4:30 pm, Bothell UMC. Tickets are $8.00. Info contact is Joan Hackett: RevKeithJoan@hotmail.com . Eve Carty may be going so contact her for carpooling. Whidbey Earth and Ocean Month A whole month of events all over Whidbey! LUMC, as part of the Ecumenical Greening Group, will participate in the Earth Day Festival Saturday, April 25 from1-6pm at the Greenbank Farm. Lots of activities and exhibits—something for the entire family. Free admission. For more info visit http://www.whidbeyearthday.org/film.html 4 Fred Olson 7 Dana Kelly 11 Jim Balkowitsch 13 Leneen Carr 17 Marcia Dunigan 17 Saranell DeChambeau 19 Nancy Roger 20 Irene Bullock 21 22 23 23 23 23 24 26 26 Judy Furukawa John Worthington Jolene Coleman Johan Iverson Marilyn Brown Marilyn Furman Joan Benson Nancy Tipton Drake Loeser STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT FOR APRIL God's work done in God's way will never lack for funds. Generosity is contagious. God never promised to meet our budget, only our needs J Hudson Taylor 2015 ACTUAL VS BUDGET January 1, 2015 thru March 9, 2015 ACTUAL BUDGET $45,889. $42,716. Wages & Benefits $28,372. $28,548 Conf. Support $5,819. $6,664. Trustees $7,269. $6,161. Programs $2,070. $2,054. Office $1,361. $1,372. TOTAL $44,691. $44,798. Excess Income Over Expenses $1,197. ($2,082.) Checking & Savings $136,791. INCOME: EXPENSES: Less: Designated Funds Scholarship Prepaid Pledges 3 Month Reserve $18,859. $14,067. $20,054. $59,667. Excess Cash $25,143. Trustees are over budget $1,l09.00. The major portion is in electricity account. The last bill for 2014 was paid in early 2015. The Finance Committee Scholarships Available The Scholarship Committee invites young members of the LUMC community who plan on attending college in the academic year 2015-16 to apply for a LUMC scholarship. Application forms will be available on the table in the Narthex on April 1. Completed forms should be returned to the church office by May 15th. Funds for scholarships are made available through the bequest of Elizabeth Sime and supplemented by donations from the LUMC congregation. According to the terms of the bequest, awards can be made to deserving students who wish to attend a college or university and are members of the LUMC. Langley United Methodist Chancel Choir and Orchestra Presents Eternal Light A concert of reflection & hope Through Music and word Selections from: Faure•Rutter•Goodal l Requiems Judith Ada ms, Poet Anna McLeod & Suzi stonebridge, Sopranos Glor ia Ferr y-Brenna n, violin Fra nces K enney, oboe James Hinkley, cell o • K athryn f ox, piano/organ - Also Brian Kenney, violin, Linda morris & louise Fiori, viol as R. William Humphreys, conductor Friday, April 3 – 7:30pm Langley United Methodist – 3rd & Anthes Free-will donations will be gratefully accepted Kids Easter Celebration Sunday, April 5th During Sunday School Singing, crafts, games After Church Community Easter Egg Hunt Everyone is invited to enjoy Breakfast Casseroles fruit Assorted Breads Delicious desserts, including the Chocolate Fountain Coffee/Tea/ Juice Our gift to you in Fellowship after worship Jim and Bruce Jennifer and Paul Terri and Jim Many Thanks to Al Tuck, Chuck Brengle, Jim Pugh, Steve Boyd, and Dale Lyski for installing a new Fence at the parsonage. The Trustees A huge Thank You to Jim Balkowitsch who always signs up for Friday afternoons in the office when Irene is on vacation. That is worship bulletin day and it help enormously that Jim knows what to do….. 1 Taizé Service 7pm 2 Holy Thursday Service 7PM LUMC 3 Good Friday Ecumenical Service 12pm 3 Eternal Light Concert He will be at the Clinton Community Hall at 4pm on Thursday, April 2. Talking about his new book “The Widow Wave”. A riveting nonfiction courtroom drama, a tragic sea story, and a widow’s determination to clear her husband’s name. I know we have all read and loved the book but bring a friend who hasn’t! Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9 – 2:30 “A Christian community in communion with God preparing people for fullness of life and for transforming the world” 7:30pm LUMC 5 Easter Sunday - Brunch and Egg Hunt Meet our own Author Jay Jacobs! Worship at 9:30am Nursery available Sunday School for youth and kids at 9:45 Fellowship Time following worship Adult forum at 11am St. Hubert 8 Church Council 6:30pm FR 12 Special Offering Sunday 16 UMW 10am FR 17 Helping Hand Benefit 5-7pm FH 22 Fault Lines Presentation 7pm FH 23 Fault Lines Presentation 7pm Library 25 Earth Day Festival Greenbank Farms Langley United Methodist Church rd 3 and Anthes (PO Box 374) Langley, WA 98260 360-221-4233 Pastor Mary Boyd Address Service Requested
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