Sellersville Moose Family Center #1539 Women of the Moose Chapter #471 Serving our Members and Community How to Get the News! The board hopes that most of our members have logged onto our web site ( We have had a lot of positive feedback. The site has been up and running (no pun intended) since our last newsletter. When you see all of the information that is available to you 24/7, we think you will like having instant access to what is going on in our lodge. The board feels that this is the best way to keep our members informed and up to date. You can see any changes as soon as they are made. Your input about the site is important to the board. We cannot make the site better, more user friendly, or informative without your help. Please contact us with suggestions. One of the ways you can help the lodge is by printing your own newsletter if you have access to a computer. This would help the lodge save money. Printing and mailing almost 2,000 copies of the newsletter is very costly. We are asking members who have access to the internet to opt not to receive a printed newsletter. The complete newsletter will be posted on the web site. This has some advantages for you: 1. You will see the newsletter as soon as it is finished. 2. You can print out the entire newsletter or any part of the newsletter that you need. 3. You can review the newsletter periodically to see any last minute changes to the schedule of events at the lodge. In this issue you will find a cutout to send back to the lodge. Please return promptly with your decision. Thank You, The Board Sellersville Moose #1539 I (name)__________________________________, give permission to remove my name from the mailing list. I DO NOT want to receive a printed copy of the MOOSE NEWSLETTER. BRING THIS TEAROFF OR MAIL IT TO THE LODGE A Message from the Governor Brothers, Ladies and Co Workers, The year appears to be moving entirely too fast. Here it is May already. We will be serving our Mothers Day Dinner on the 11th. We will once again have our three settings at 12, at 2, and 4 P.M. The signup sheets are at the bar and we ask you to pay for your tickets when you sign up. The Moose Legion will have their breakfast on Sunday May 18th from 9 to 12 noon. Once again they will have eggs to order as well as the normal buffet. Please come out and support this event. The new officers will begin serving their terms on May 1st. Check the board by the door and see who they are. You may want to wish them well. The lodge is sponsoring a bus trip to Mooseheart in October for PMA day. If you have never been to Mooseheart, here is a wonderful opportunity to visit and see how your endowment money is spent. There are flyers in the lodge advertising this trip. We will be holding the annual lodge picnic in June. Check the calendar for the time and date. We have ordered a new speaker system for the lodge and by the time you read this it will have been installed. We are planning several fund raising events over the next few months, to rebuild our cash on hand. Replacing the roof was quite expensive. Thank you for supporting your lodge in the coming months. Fraternally yours, Charles E Staley Governor Administrator’s Message Spring is here and our new summer menu will be starting within the next week or so. Our Chef’s Corner both in the newsletter and also on the web will be bringing you suggestions for your back yard BBQ’S. In the Chef’s Corner on the web you will be able to get coupons for dinner specials and Moose Soup to go. The moose web site is there as an extension of our newsletter and is not going to replace the newsletter. But if there are members that would like to just have the ability to go online and print only the pages they want, they can. It will save the lodge money and it is faster than waiting for the mail. Remember the address is This month’s user name is moose and the password is still five. I would like to again thank the R.A.C for the new TV in the social quarters. This group of guys is just the best. Their support of this lodge has gotten us where we are today. There will be upcoming town hall meetings in regard to dues and other issues within the lodge. Please watch the board for times and dates. This is where both men and women can be heard by the board members of both organizations. Please attend at least one a year. In closing, I wish all a very happy and safe summer. Please share your thoughts with us on how Sellersville Moose Family Center can be the best in this Fraternity. Fraternally yours, Phillip Febus Administrator Women of the Moose News Message from the Senior Regent Chapter 471 Dear Co workers, Spring has Sprung for us all. As the Chapter’s newly elected Senor Regent along with the new officers it will be an honor to serve you in the forthcoming year. I trust we will all work to ensure we have a successful and wonderful year. Our Chapter Meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Start time of 7:30 PM. The officers and my self would welcome your presence at these meetings, so you can see how the Chapter operates. This is an opportunity for all Co Workers to offer suggestions, ideas and comments. We now have a web site where you can access all the upcoming events and functions. If you cannot get to a computer the Moose News will still keep you up to date. Sherrie and I would like to thank all those who assisted in making the Easter Egg Hunt a hit for the 100 plus kids who attended. A great time was had by all. Our thanks also go to Sarah, Joyce and Sandi for their dedication and hard work in making the Cake sale, the Flower sale and the Raffle the outstanding success they were. We encourage you to ask your friends and neighbors to join our FRIENDLY family oriented organization. SERVING YOU IS MY AIM. Sellersville Moose Golf League News! Calling all golfers, men and women: As announced in the March/April 2008 issue of the Moose News, the golf league is sponsoring a 2008 Golf Invitational on Saturday, June 28. If you have not already done so, NOW is the time to sign up for this tournament. Entry deadline is June 8! Hole sponsorships are only $25. We look forward to your participation and support. As a reminder, a portion of the proceeds Chef Jack’s Corner Thanks for coming out over the winter months. It was an easy winter this year. Stop in often and check out the new items which I have been putting on the menu. Have you tried the Italian Moose Sandwich or Zings or Dings? At this time I would like to remind everybody that most of the orders coming into the kitchen are cooked to order. For instance: Steak 7-15 minutes, Ravioli 20 minutes, Seafood 10 minutes. Don’t forget MOTHERS DAY MAY 11. Thanks for your support. Sports Committee Report Spring is here and I hope we are ready for some nice weather. By the time you read this the signup sheets for Quoits, (Monday and Wednesday) league will be on the board in the lodge. If you have not already signed up please stop in and do so. There will be a meeting on May 14th at 7:00 pm to pick the teams. We hope to see you there. Sports committee Chairman Glenn (Up and Running) Miller Valentine’s Day at the Moose WOTM CO WORKERS OF THE MONTH February Loyce Frankenfield March Dottie DeWolf April Joyce Koehler INTERNATIONAL CO WORKER OF THE YEAR Julia Karcher Congratulations to all the above WOTM UPCOMING CALENDAR DATES May 11 Mother’s Day No Breakfast May 13 Academy of Friendship Annual Dinner 6:00 PM May 13 Community Activities Mtg. 7:30 PM May 20 Officers Mtg. 7:00 PM May 20 Business Mtg. 7:30 PM June 8 WOTM Breakfast 9:00 – 12:00 PM June 10 Community Activities Mtg. 7:30 PM June 17 Officers Mtg. 7:00 PM June 24 Business Mtg. 7:30 PM Please Contact our Chaplain Kathy Ferrigano At 215-538-2960 If you have information about a Co-Worker that is ill, or has suffered a death in the family, so that appropriate actions may be taken. TRIVIA TRIVIA 5 took place on Friday February 15. We had new winners with the team of Kay Erney and Tony Bickert. Can they do it again? We will see. TRIVIA 6 took place on Friday APRIL 4 Winners will be highlighted in the next issue. We start at 9.00 pm and it is all over by TRIVIA 7 will take place JUNE 6 MOOSE NEWS FUN PAGE. Once again we have a new winner for the adult part of the FUN PAGE. The KIDS part of the FUN PAGE also has a NEW winner. No one had the crossword correct. However two people had only one incorrect. They both had 13 across as EX when it should have been EG “ for example”. A drawing was made between these two people so we could have a winner. To all you adults get your KIDS to participate and put the entries in. Extra copies of the FUN PAGE are always available in the MOOSE. Just ask your friendly bartenders or waitresses for a copy when you are at the MOOSE and fill it in while you are there sitting at the bar or in the restaurant. Upon completion drop it in the box for a chance to win. MOOSE WORD GAME The game is loosely based on WHEEL OF FORTUNE We expect to do this on Friday JULY 18. For this to be a success we NEED have your participation. Be a PARTICIPANT in all of our activities remember this is the SELLERSMOOSE FAMILY CENTER. Where fun can be enjoyed by all ages. Is there any thing you would like to see or do? Let me Know. . BE A PLAYER Blair Thomson (Activities Attention all Moose Members Sellersville 1539 Moose Legion Committee Is having an all you can eat breakfast With eggs made to order. Along with the all you can eat Buffet Mark this date, We hope to see you here May 18, 2008 9A.M. to 12 Noon Adults $6.00 Children 3 to 10 $3.00 Under 3 free ------------------------------------------- Attention all Moose Legionnaires Lehigh Valley Moose Legion #118 is having their Annual Celebration. Election and Installation of Directors will be held Saturday April 5, 2008 At Quakertown F. C. #1622 at 2 P.M. There will be Buffet Food and Draft Beer. Following the meeting, the D.J. will play from 5 to 8 P.M. Legionnaires and Guests are invited. You must RSVP to Quakertown Moose by April 1, 2008 Call Rod at 215-536-6310 or E-mail – -------------------------------------------------- Clambake is April 12, 2008 at E Stroudsburg Lodge #1336. Tickets are $30.00 per person. If interested see Gerald Erb. Sellersville Family Center #1539 Moose Legion Activities Committee By the time you read this the Lodge’s Elections for Officers will have taken place. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Board of Officers for all that they did to make this Lodge the success that it was last year. I’m sure the new Board of Officers is ready and willing to make the Lodge even better this year. On behalf of the Moose Legion Activities Committee, I would like to thank the Board of Officers for all the support, given to the Committee. Thank You, Thank You. I would like to thank all the Moose Legionnaires for their support, and all the Members of the Lodge that supported the Committees Financial endeavors on Thursday nights. Thank You, Thank You, I would like everyone to support our new Moose Legion committee chairman George Keefer. I know I will. Thank you again Your friend, Gerald A. Erb 2008 GOLF INVITATIONAL SELLERSVILLE MOOSE #1539 Date: Saturday, June 28, 2008 Time: Shotgun start 1:00 pm Please be at the course by 12:15 pm Place: Fox Hollow Golf Club, Quakertown, PA Format: Four person scramble - Open to men & women Note: At lease one member of each foursome MUST be a current Moose member Price: $70 per golfer (Includes greens fees, cart, light snack & beverages on course, prizes, dinner & beverages - Dinner served at 7:00 pm at Sellersville Moose grove). Payment is due at time of registration. Entry deadline, June 8, 2008 Hole sponsorships are available for only $25. Indicate on entry form, call or e-mail Terry Weirback at -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Please detach and return this form with payment in full) [ ] YES, I would like to be a hole sponsor Please print name of golfers: Print name, address & phone number of team captain: Phone (home) _______________ Cell ________________ 1. ____________________________________ 2. ____________________________________ 3. ____________________________________ 4. ____________________________________ Name _________________________________ Address _________________________________________ City ______________________ State ____ Zip _________ Make check payable to “Sellersville Moose Golf League” and mail to Terry Weirback, 110 Cambridge Way, Harleysville, PA 19438. A portion of the proceeds will go to support Moose charities, in particular, the “Gimme Five” program to help ensure the future of Mooseheart and Moosehaven. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEN Charles Staley, Governor George Keefer, Jr. Past Governor Joe Borrajo, Jr. Governor Phillip Febus, Administrator Al Erney, Prelate Steve Wampole, Treasurer Glenn W. Miller , Trustee #1 Harry Ricker, Trustee #2 Mike Sagel, Trustee #3 Russ Handy, Sgt of Arms TBA, Inner Guard TBA, Outer Guard WOMEN of the Moose Betty Thomson, Sr. Regent Sherri Welch, Jr. Grad Regent Maureen Frey, Jr. Regent Kathy Ferrigno, Chaplain Fran Demarco, Recorder Dottie DeWolf, Secretary/Treasurer Jeanette Miller, Sentinel Elaine Balinski, Musician TBA, Argus Julia Karcher, Guide TBA, Asst. Guide TBA, Ritual Director Questions or information on hall or grove rental for Weddings, Parties, Picnics, etc. can be directed to the lodge office at 215-257-4380 MOOSE NEWS SELLERSVILLE MOOSE #1539 301 W. Park Avenue P.O. Box 147 Sellersville, Pennsylvania 18960-0147 “Moose News” Published every two months. Subscription paid automatically as part of annual membership dues.
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