How to register. ☆ ○

☆How to register.
○To register, go to CROSS GENE Official home page and follow these steps.
Click ‘MEMBERS’ on CROSS GENE Official home page.
○Click on ‘Membership registration’ at the bottom of the ‘MEMBERS’ page.
○Click on the pink color tab ‘Pay by credit card/ Pay at the convenience store’.
※Only the convenience stores in Japan are available.
○Please make sure to read through the ‘Membership rules/user policy’ , ‘Privacy policy’ and ‘Specified commercial
Transactions’ below.
(This only applies to member who pays by credit card or pay at the convenience store. )
If you agree, please click on ‘Agree’.
○Please input your email address in order to pre-register and click ‘send an email’ .
You will receive an email regarding pre-registration information in your registered email address.
Click on the URL which is written in the email.
※The email will be sent from ‘’ .
※Please check your security level of email if you did not receive the email. It may be marked as ‘spam’.
◯To open the account information page, click on the URL in the email received.
Please create your USER ID and PASSWORD.
※Your USER ID must be at least 4 characters and using half-width English numbers and letters.
※Your PASSWORD must be at least 8 characters and using half-width English numbers and letters.
○Member Information
※Under ‘Name’ type in Chinese Character in the upper row, and type in Hiragana (Japanese cursive characters)
for the lower row.
If you are unable to type in the designated language, please type all in English.
After filling in your information, please click ‘Confirm’ to confirm your information again.
○Select the payment option
If you live in overseas countries (Outside Japan), you could pay the fee with a credit card.
Please choose your payment option from 1 month/6 months/12months.
※We accept VISA、MasterCard、JCB、American Express、Diners Club Card for credit card payment.
○Payment Information
Type your credit Card Number, Expiation Date (Month/Year) and Security code, then click on `Confirm`.
※Please make sure that you do not double- click on the ‘Confirmation of payment by credit card’,
otherwise you will be charged twice.
○Confirm your payment information once again, and click on ‘Pay’.
※Please make sure that you do not double- click on ‘Pay’, otherwise you will be charged twice.
☆How to LOG IN
○Click on ‘LOG IN’ of CROSS GENE Official home page.
○Please click on the pink color tab ‘Paid by credit card/ Paid at the convenience store’, which is below membership
registration page.
○LOG IN page
Type your ACCOUNT NAME and PASSWORD and click ‘Submit’.
○When the process is completed successfully, the below ‘MEMBERS’ page will appear.
☆Renewal of membership
You will receive an email regarding renewal of membership in your registered email address 2 weeks before your
expiration date.
Click on the URL which is written in the email or log in to the official site, under MY PAGE and follow the
procedures stated.
If you do not wish to renew your membership, you will receive another email on the day before the expiration date.
Please note that you will need to re-register after the expiration date. Please also take note that your membership
duration will be reset upon re-registration and the long-term membership services may not be available to you.
☆Cancellation of Membership
○Please LOG IN first, and click ‘Cancellation of Membership ‘’. The tab is at the bottom of the ‘MEMBERS’ page.
○Please confirm your registered information, and click on ‘Withdraw from the course ’.
○Please click on the ‘Confirmation page’.
○Please click on ‘Cancellation’ to cancel membership.
○When the process is completed successfully, the below page will appear.
Thank you very much.