3rd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, YEAR C, 23 - 24 JANUARY 2010. Today’s Theme Learn how to share your sufferings and to help one another in your need. Today is a day of rejoicing in the New Law which Christ has given us and which unites us with him, binds us together as his people, and enables us to work together for his Kingdom. We listen to the words of the Law and ponder them in our hearts. Antiphon Sing a new song to the Lord! Sing to the Lord, all the earth. Truth and beauty surround him, he lives in holiness and glory. Response to the Psalm St. Paul of the Cross Your words, Lord, are spirit and life. Gospel Acclamation Alleluia, alleluia! The seed is the word of God, Christ is the sower; all who c ome to him will live for ever. Alleluia! Communion Antiphon Look up at the Lord with gladness and smile; your face will never be ashamed. Address St. Paul’s & The Monastery 15 Cross Rd, Glen Osmond SA 5064 St. Raphael’s, Young St, Parkside Telephone (08) 8338 8700 (Business hours & emergency calls after hours) Fax (08) 8379 8751 Em ail reception@themonastery.net.au Website www.themonastery.net.au Office Hours 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday 9am – 7pm Saturday INSIDE THIS WEEK’S NEWSLETTER Welcome to new Parishioners Come Away Day Passionist Companions Readers and Communion Ministers Morning Tea at St. Raphael’s Sacramental Program Australia Day Masses Playgroup Next Weekend’s Please pray for St. Paul’s Eucharistic Ministers Sick 6pm Florentina Verzosa, Sr. Johanna Cash OP, Rosalind Sampson, Tatiana Truhanova, Phoebe Rutter, Murray Ducker, Berridge Hume Phillips, Sr. Helen O'Brien RSM, Mark Stevens, Betty Redfern, Jack Birks, Ruth Bates, Greg Tapscott, Dino Caputo, Michael Fogarty. Dorothy Lee, Alison Tandy, Pauline Bowden 8am Brian Bately, Sally Bray, David Carroll 10.30am Yvonne Tapscott, Justin Wenham, Lou Wenham, Sue Whittaker 5pm Nola Kenny, Brionne Vorwerk, Trish Wilson St. Raphael’s Eucharistic Ministers 6.30pm Ann Moller, Anna Konzack 9.30am John Commis, Anne Perrotta, Vera Ann Stacy St. Raphael’s Altar Society Ellen Madigan Recently Deceased Fr Augustine Fitzsimons CP, Nonie Coady, Teresa O’Driscoll, Marjorie Fribbins, Orme Renehan, Kathleen Cameron, Melania Englis, Claudia Englis, Logan Englis, Georgia Pearce. Anniversary Evan Liebich, Alfredo Mancini. Parish Counting Team – 6 Readers and Commentators St. Paul’s 6.00pm Cathy Foster 8.00am Andrea Slattery 10.30am Angelo Zoanetti 5.00pm Patrick Bourke MONASTERY St Raphael’s MON 6.30pm Fred Moller 9.30am Anthony Vella Next Sunday’s Readings 30 - 31January, 2010, Yr C, 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time 1st Reading Jeremiah 1:4-5, 17-19 2nd Reading 1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13 Gospel Luke 4:21-30 TUE ROSARY MASS ST. RAPHAEL’S ROSARY 7am 11.15am 11.30am 6.45am 7am WED 6.45am 7am THU 6.45am 7am FRI 6.45am 7am LOURDES VALLEY 10am 10am 9.30am 9.30am 10am * ROSARY 1pm 10am 9.30am ROSARY 2p m 10.30am 6.30pm (VIGIL) SAT 6pm (vigil) ROSARY 10a m SUN 8am, 10.30am and 5pm MASS ROSARY 8pm 9.30am 10.30am Parish Priest: Fr. Brendan Connell cp Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Catherine Tredrea Assistant Parish Priest: Fr. Pat Cooper cp Parish School: Mrs. Leanne Lawler (Principal) 8272 2368, Mrs. Stefania Turcinovic (RE Co-ordinator) Parish Workers: Sr. Joan Mary Topor cp, Mrs. Pauline Crocker Passionist Community Members: Fr. Tiernan cp (Community Leader), Fr. Brendan cp, Fr. Peter cp, Br. Stan cp, Fr. Ron cp, Br. Jim cp, Br. Mark cp, Fr. David cp, Sr. Jasmine cp, Sr. Kanistal cp Pastoral Council Leadership Team: Mr. Paul Sambrook (Chair); Mr. John Fanning (Deputy Chair); Mrs. Carmel Goricki (Secretary) Parish Treasurer: Mr. Michael O’Kelly Parish Information ALL THIS WEEKEND’S MASSES ARE BEING OFFERED FOR THE PEOPLE OF HAITI. WELCOME TO NEW PARISHIONERS Welcome to all new families who have joined our Parish. Please complete your details on a New Parishioner form, found at the entrance to the church, and place on the collection plate, or leave at the office. COME AWAY DAY Wednesday, 3 February, 2010, 10am - 2.30pm (please note change of day) A day to 'come away'. Leave daily life behind, reflect in the peace and solitude of the Monastery grounds and be restored in God's love. To be led by Sr. Joan Mary CP, and Carmen Sylvester. Bookings 8379 3681, BYO lunch. Donation only. PASSIONIST COMPANIONS The first meeting for 2010 of the Passionist Companions will be a Dedication and Renewal of Commitment meeting, held on Friday, 5 February, 2010, at 7pm, followed by a meal at 7.30pm. READERS AND COMMUNION MINISTERS Thanks to those who have responded; however more Readers and Communion Ministers are needed at the two Masses at St. Raphael's. Please contact Sr. Joan Mary at j.top1 @yahoo.com or contact the office at 8338 8700. READERS AND COMMUNION MINISTER ROSTERS If you have not yet received your roster, for January – March, please collect copy from the sacristy. SACRAMENTAL PROGRAM Our sacramental program for those already registered for the preparation of First Holy Communion and Confirmation will recommence on Tuesday, February 9, 2010, at 7pm in the Monastery Church. Anyone else who has not yet been Confirmed and wishes to receive the sacrament is invited to join the program on that day. Registration forms must be obtained from the office beforehand. AUSTRALIA DAY MASSES On Tuesday, 26 January, Mass will be offered at 9am at The Monastery and 10am at Lourdes Valley. (There will be no 7am Mass at The Monastery.) AUSTRALIA DAY PRAYER “Dear God, Thousands of years ago, you created this land Australia. Thank you for such a special gift. Keep this land Australia safe and peaceful, help us all to care for this land Australia, to be kind to all who live in this land Australia, and to welcome those who come from other countries to make their home in this land Australia. Please, God, keep this land Australia a good and beautiful land for all to love and to enjoy.” AMEN. The Catholic Weekly, 23.1.05 PLAYGROUP The Playgroup resumes on Thursday, 4 February, 2010, at 10am in the Sebastian Room. All welcome. For any queries, please contact Pauline on 0407 404 556. Other Information WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER As 2010 begins perhaps your New Year’s Resolution could be to do something special for your marriage relationship. We will be offering marriage enrichment weekends in May and August. For more information contact Malachy & Geraldine O’Reilly on 0437 388 513 or www.wwme.org.au ANNUAL CLERGY-LAITY GOLF DAY Patawalonga Golf Course, Monday, 22 March, commencing with a 12.30pm shotgun start. Cost of golf and dinner is $65 (discount for clergy & pensioners). Enquiries to Denis Toohey 8353 1273 or Terry McClean 8297 1450. Letter from one of our Passionists in Haiti Hello friends, After driving by night to Kennedy Airport 12 January, and flying to the Dominican Republic 13 January, Conan and I arrived at Haiti this morning in the helicopter of the President of the Dominican Republic. This ride was due to the reputation of NPH in the Dominican Republic, NPH Italy, a reputation enhanced in the Dominican Republic by Andrea Bocelli not long ago. Our first tasks were the medical evacuation of one of our American volunteers, the medical evacuation of one of our Cuban doctors and the evacuation of the body of one of our American visitors. The search still continues in the rubble for another missing American volunteer, Molly. We also had 18 funerals today. One for John who works at our St. Luke program. We miss John very much. He often stopped to chat at my door to tell me the milestone of his developing baby, which delighted him no end. John ran our computerised language lab. Another was for Joanne’s mother. Joanne is one of the Directors of the St. Luke program. All the others were of unknown people who were sadly rotting by the wayside. Other sadnesses...the death of Immacula, our only physician assistant, who worked at our huge outpatient side of our hospital. The death of ALL but one of Joseph Ferdinand’s brothers and sisters, the death of the husband of Jacqueline Gautier as he was visiting a school which fell and all the students (all died), the death of our ex-orphan Wilfrid Altisme who was in his 5th year of seminary for priesthood. Other stories of deaths of people who are dear to us keep coming in. We spent the rest of the time managing the countless people with serious and sever wounds, coming to our hospital. We are doing our best for them, under trees and in the parking lot, with ever diminishing supplies. We will work throughout the night and beyond. No stores are open, no banks are open. Diesel is running out. We will be out in two days if we don’t find a solution, which will mean no power at all. The hospital is without water since there is a broken water pipe between the well and the water tower. Structural damages to the hospital seem superficial at first glance, but about half the outer perimeter walls have fallen. The Chapel has collapsed. The old hospital in Petionville is in ruins, the teams of workers, led by Ferel, have been digging for Molly non-stop around the clock. We have no internet, our phones do not work. If a call does get through we can’t hear or be heard. My friend Robin has internet access through a satellite. I asked her to send this message for me, and to read my emails and answer them as best she can for now. Please continue to pray for us. We pray for you too. Fr Rick Frechette, CP
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