ACTION REQUIRED December 10, 2010 TO THE SUPERINTENDENT ADDRESSED: The 2009-10 School Report Cards (SRC) for the campuses in your district are now available from the Texas Education Agency’s website at: To access and print the reports, go to the address shown above and follow the directions given at this site. The SRC reports are not mailed to districts. Detailed instructions and answers to Frequently Asked Questions about printing reports are available from the link to the “help” page at the website. • School Report Card — As required by statute, these report cards must be disseminated to the “parent, guardian, conservator, or other person having lawful control of each student at the campus.” Please note: Distribution to Campuses. The principals of the campuses in your district will be notified by email that their SRC is available. However, it is the district’s responsibility to provide the SRCs to the campuses for distribution to the parents. On written request, the school district is required to provide a copy of a school report card to any other party. Distribution to Parents. The SRC must be disseminated to parents within six calendar weeks after notification from TEA that it is available. The winter holiday does not count toward the six weeks. The campus administration may provide the SRC in the same manner it normally transmits official communications to parents and guardians, such as including the SRC in a weekly folder sent home with each student, mailing it to the student’s residence, providing it at a teacher-parent conference, or enclosing it with the student report card. While you are required, at a minimum, to provide SRCs to parents, you are not limited to providing just this information. You may want to supplement the report by including information that highlights other areas of improvement and accomplishments of your schools. Schools without an SRC. Some schools will not have an SRC. Generally, these are schools that meet two criteria: they serve special populations of students; and, they do not have TAKS results. Examples are the Juvenile Justice and Disciplinary Alternative Education Program campuses, and schools serving only the early education through kindergarten grades. Schools that are new in 2010-11 also will not have a 2009-10 SRC. Schools without a TEA-generated SRC are not required to distribute a report. Schools with an SRC. Schools with sufficient TAKS data to receive an accountability rating, charter schools, and schools that have been paired for accountability purposes will have an SRC. Schools paired for accountability rating purposes will have an SRC even though they do not have TAKS results of their own. Paired schools must distribute their SRC. • Sample Cover Letter — A cover letter for the SRC is not required, but many schools find it useful to provide one. A sample cover letter to parents is available (at the link below) for your use (in English and Spanish) or you may wish to write your own cover letter. • Definitions — Brief definitions of the items included in the SRC are also available at the link below. Definitions are not required to be provided to parents, but many schools find it useful to include them with the reports. A Spanish translation of the Definitions is also available. The text of this email is posted at the Texas Education Agency Correspondence site. Links at the bottom allow for access to the attachments (the sample cover letters and the Definitions) in an electronic format: If parents have follow-up questions about the information provided, the Glossary produced for the 2009-10 Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) reports contains detailed definitions and sources of data for all the information included in the SRC. The data in the SRC is a subset of that published in the AEIS reports. The Glossary can be viewed and/or downloaded from the following website address: Should you wish to review the Commissioner of Education rules governing the School Report Card, see 19 TAC § 61.1021, located on the agency’s website at: We hope that you find this material informative and helpful. If, after careful reading of the enclosed materials you have questions regarding the SRC, please contact the Division of Performance Reporting at the email address shown below. Contact Information Texas Education Agency Department of Assessment, Accountability, and Data Quality, Criss Cloudt, Associate Commissioner Division of Performance Reporting, Shannon Housson, Director State Accountability Unit—Standard Procedures, Cathy Long, Manager State Accountability Unit—AEA Procedures, Nancy Rinehart, Manager (512) 463-9704 Attachments: School Report Card Definitions (English) - a PDF file Definiciones para la Calificación Escolar (Spanish) - a PDF file Sample letter for Parents (English) - a Word document Sample letter for Parents (Spanish) - a Word document SAN FELIPE DEL RIO CISD SCHOOL REPORT CARDS DISTRICT DRHS D.R.H.S. D.R. 9TH D.R.M.S. S.F.M.S. GARFIELD NORTH HEIGHTS M. RUSSELL M.S. EAST SIDE LAMAR BUENA VISTA CHAVIRA CALDERON L. GREEN 94-95 ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE RECOGNIZED ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE N/A 95-96 ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE RECOGNIZED ACCEPTABLE RECOGNIZED ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE RECOGNIZED N/A 96-97 ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE RECOGNIZED ACCEPTABLE RECOGNIZED RECOGNIZED RECOGNIZED RECOGNIZED ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE N/A 97-98 ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE EXEMPLARY RECOGNIZED ACCEPTABLE RECOGNIZED ACCEPTABLE EXEMPLARY ACCEPTABLE EXEMPLARY N/A 98-99 RECOGNIZED ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE EXEMPLARY EXEMPLARY ACCEPTABLE RECOGNIZED RECOGNIZED RECOGNIZED RECOGNIZED RECOGNIZED N/A 99-00 ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE RECOGNIZED RECOGNIZED RECOGNIZED RECOGNIZED ACCEPTABLE RECOGNIZED ACCEPTABLE RECOGNIZED 00-01 RECOGNIZED ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE RECOGNIZED ACCEPTABLE RECOGNIZED ACCEPTABLE RECOGNIZED ACCEPTABLE RECOGNIZED RECOGNIZED RECOGNIZED RECOGNIZED DISTRICT D.R.H.S. D.R. 9TH D.R.M.S. S.F.M.S. GARFIELD NORTH HEIGHTS M. RUSSELL M.S. S.F.M.M.S EAST SIDE LAMAR BUENA VISTA CHAVIRA CALDERON L. GREEN 01-02 ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE RECOGNIZED RECOGNIZED RECOGNIZED RECOGNIZED N/A RECOGNIZED RECOGNIZED ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE RECOGNIZED RECOGNIZED 02-03 ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE N/A ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE 03-04 ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE RECOGNIZED ACCEPTABLE N/A ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE 04-05 UNACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE RECOGNIZED ACCEPTABLE N/A ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE RECOGNIZED ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE 05-06 ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE N/A ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE N/A UNACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE RECOGNIZED ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE 06-07 ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE N/A ACCEPTABLE RECOGNIZED N/A ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE RECOGNIZED UNACCEPTABLE RECOGNIZED ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE 07-08 ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE N/A ACCEPTABLE RECOGNIZED N/A ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE RECOGNIZED RECOGNIZED RECOGNIZED ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE DISTRICT D.R.H.S. D.R. 9TH D.R.M.S. GARFIELD NORTH HEIGHTS S.F.M.M.S EAST SIDE LAMAR BUENA VISTA CHAVIRA CALDERON L. GREEN 08-09 ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE RECOGNIZED ACCEPTABLE RECOGNIZED RECOGNIZED RECOGNIZED RECOGNIZED RECOGNIZED RECOGNIZED EXEMPLARY ACCEPTABLE RECOGNIZED 09-10 ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE RECOGNIZED RECOGNIZED RECOGNIZED RECOGNIZED RECOGNIZED EXEMPLARY ACCEPTABLE RECOGNIZED EXEMPLARY ACCEPTABLE RECOGNIZED Chapter 61. School Districts Subchapter BB. Commissioner's Rules on Reporting Requirements §61.1021. School Report Cards. (a) The campus report card disseminated by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) under the Texas Education Code, §39.052, shall be termed the "school" report card (SRC). (b) The intent of the SRC is to inform each student's parents or guardians about the school's performance and characteristics. Where possible, the SRC will present the school information in relation to the district, the state, and a comparable group of schools. The SRC will present the student, staff, financial, and performance information required by statute, as well as any explanations and additional information deemed appropriate to the intent of the report. (c) The SRC must be disseminated within six weeks after it is received from TEA. (d) The campus administration may provide the SRC in the same manner it would normally transmit official communications to parents and guardians, such as: including the SRC in a weekly folder sent home with each student, mailing it to the student's residence, providing it at a teacher-parent conference, or enclosing it with the student report card. (e) The school may not alter the report provided by TEA; however, it may concurrently provide additional information to the parents or guardians that supplements or explains information in the SRC. Statutory Authority: The provisions of this §61.1021 issued under the Texas Education Code, §39.052. Source: The provisions of this §61.1021 adopted to be effective November 28, 1994, 19 TexReg 8979. Sample Cover Letter (English) [Date] Dear Parent, Attached you will find a copy of the State of Texas 2009-10 School Report Card for [name of school]. This is a report required by the Texas Legislature and prepared by the Texas Education Agency. It is to be sent to the parent or guardian of every child enrolled in the public schools. The report provides information concerning student performance as well as information concerning expenditures, average class size, and student/teacher ratios. The information contained in the School Report Card is required by state law and is briefly described in the enclosed “2009-10 School Report Card Definitions.” The report for our school may or may not have all the information described, because the information presented depends on whether the school is an elementary, middle, or high school. State law requires that the information be provided for the state, the district, the school, and a group of schools similar to our school. Where possible, the information must be reported by ethnicity and socio-economic status of the students and must include at least two years of results. The School Report Cards can be found on the internet at: A more complete report about [name of school], the Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) report, is available by contacting my office or can be accessed online at: Please contact me if you have any questions concerning this report card. Thank you for your continued support of [name of school]. Sincerely, [name], Principal [name of school] Enclosures Sample Cover Letter (Spanish) [DATE] Estimado Padre de Familia: Adjunto a esta carta encontrará una copia del reporte de las Calificaciones Escolares del Estado de Texas 2009-10 para [NAME OF SCHOOL]. Estas Calificaciones Escolares son requeridas por la Legislatura del Estado de Texas y preparadas por el departamento de educación estatal. Este reporte debe ser mandado a los padres o al guardián/mentor de cada estudiante inscrito en una escuela pública. Estas calificaciones proveen información concerniente al progreso académico de los estudiantes y también otra información sobre su escuela como gastos, tamaño promedio del salón escolar y las tasas de estudiantes por maestro. La ley estatal requiere que la información en estas calificaciones sea diseminada. Usted encontrará una breve descripción en el adjunto “Definiciones de las Calificaciones Escolares 2009-10”. El reporte que ha recibido puede o no contener toda la información descrita en estas definiciones pues el reportaje de estos datos depende de si la escuela es una primaria, secundaria o preparatoria. La ley estatal también mandá que la información sea provista a nivel del estado, del distrito escolar, nuestra escuela, y del grupo de escuelas con similares características a la nuestra. Esta información debe ser reportada, en tanto sea posible, por grupo étnico y estatus socioeconómico de los estudiantes y debe de incluir por lo menos dos años de resultados. También puede encontrar estas calificaciones (school report card) en la internet bajo: Usted puede obtener un reporte más completo sobre nuestra escuela [NAME OF SCHOOL] en el informe del Sistema de Índices de Excelencia Académica (AEIS) ya sea que lo pida aquí en la escuela, o lo puede obtener en el interneta bajo: Por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros si tiene cualquier pregunta concerniente a este reporte de calificaciones escolares. Le agradezco su constante apoyo de [NAME OF SCHOOL]. Sinceramente, [NAME OF PRINCIPAL], director(a) [NAME OF SCHOOL] Documentos adjuntos 2009-10 School Report Card Definitions School Accountability Rating School accountability ratings are based on the percent of students passing the TAKS, high school completion rate, and the annual dropout rate. Standards for TAKS, completion rates, and dropout rates must be met for all students as well as for student groups (African American, Hispanic, White, and Economically Disadvantaged). Gold Performance Acknowledgment (GPA): Schools may also qualify for GPAs for high performance on Advanced Course/Dual Enrollment, Attendance, AP/IB, College-Ready Graduates, Commended Performance on TAKS, Comparable Improvement, SAT/ACT, Recommended High School Program, or Texas Success Initiative. Paired Schools: Schools that report enrollment but do not have grades in which the TAKS test is given (such as K–2 schools) are paired with schools with which they have a “feeder” relationship to determine accountability ratings. Indicators of Student Performance (Report shows only those indicators that apply, depending on grade span at the school.) TAKS Met 2010 Standard: The TAKS (Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills) is a comprehensive testing program for public school students in grades 3 through 11. TAKS measures the extent to which a student has learned, understood, and is able to apply the important concepts and skills expected at each tested grade level. Students are assessed in English language arts (ELA) (grades 10 & 11), reading (grades 3-9), mathematics (grades 3-11), writing (grades 4 & 7), science (grades 5, 8, 10 & 11), and social studies (grades 8, 10 & 11). Results shown include only the performance of those students who were enrolled at the campus by the last Friday in October. Results are summed across grades for all grades tested at the school. Results for TAKS (Accommodated) are included for all grades and subjects. TAKS Progress: This indicator is shown only for alternative education campuses (AEC) rated under alternative education accountability (AEA) procedures. It is based on the number of tests taken. It sums performance results across grades 3 through 12 and across all subjects, to provide a single measure. Progress is defined as test results that meet the TAKS passing standard, or are projected to meet the standard based on the Texas Projection Measure (for grades 3-10), or have a Texas Growth Index (TGI) score of zero or higher (for grade 11). Exit-level TAKS retest results are included in this measure. Students Not Tested Due to Exemptions: The report shows the percent of students who were exempted on every test because he or she received a limitedEnglish proficiency (LEP) exemption and took only the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) test. Progress of Prior Year TAKS Failers: This measure shows the percent of students who failed the TAKS in the previous year but passed in the current year. Student Success Initiative (SSI): Students in grades 5 and 8 must pass both the reading and mathematics TAKS in order to be promoted to grades 6 and 9, respectively. Students are given three opportunities to pass each test. Depending on the school, up to four measures are shown: 1) Students Requiring Accelerated Instruction: For each subject and grade, this shows the percent of students who did not pass the first administration of the TAKS. Students who did not pass the first administration must be provided accelerated instruction in preparation for the second administration. 2) TAKS Cumulative Met Standard: For each subject and grade, this shows the cumulative (and unduplicated) percent of students who took and passed the tests in the first and second administrations combined. 3) TAKS Failers Promoted by Grade Placement Committee: This shows the percent of students who failed all attempts to pass but were promoted to the next grade by their grade placement committee. 4) TAKS Met Standard (Failed in Previous Year): This presents two calculations for students who failed all administrations of the reading (or mathematics) test in 2009: For those who were promoted to the next grade, the first measure shows the percentage that passed the reading (or mathematics) test in 2010. For those who were retained, the second measure shows the percent that passed the grade reading (or mathematics) test in 2010. The same information is presented for the previous year. Recommended HS and Distinguished Achievement Program Graduates: The report shows the percent of graduates for the classes of 2009 and 2008 who satisfied the requirements for the Texas State Board of Education Recommended High School Program or the Distinguished Achievement Program. School Report Card Definitions page 1 Attendance Rate: The report shows the attendance rate for the entire school year for students in grades 1-12. Annual Dropout Rate: Depending on the grade span at the school, one or two of the following three rates are shown: Annual Dropout Rate (Gr 7-8), Annual Dropout Rate (Gr 7-12), and Annual Dropout Rate (Gr 9-12). The annual rates are the number of students who dropped out (in the grades indicated) expressed as a percent of the number of students in attendance in those grades. Completion Rates: These indicators show the status of students after 4 years in high school (4-Year Completion Rate) or—new for 2009-10—after 5 years in high school (5-Year Extended Completion Rate). The 4-year rate includes students who first attended ninth grade in 2005-06, showing their final status with the class of 2009. The 5-year rate includes students who first attended ninth grade in 2004-05, showing their final status by the fall of 2009. These show the percent of students who graduated, received a GED, continued high school, or dropped out. Completion Rate I sums the 4-year percent of students who graduated or continued high school. (Completion Rate II is shown for AECs rated under AEA procedures. It includes GED recipients as completers.) Texas Success Initiative (TSI) – Higher Education Readiness Component: The Texas Success Initiative (TSI) is a program to improve student success in college. This indicator shows the percent of students who scored high enough on the TAKS to be exempted from the TSI requirements. SAT/ACT Results: The report provides four measures: (1) Tested shows the percent of graduates who took either the SAT or the ACT. (2) At/Above Criterion shows the percent of examinees who scored at or above the “Criterion Score” (criterion score is 1110 for SAT and 24 for ACT). (3) & (4) Average SAT Score and Average ACT Score show the average score on the SAT and ACT. Information is shown for the classes of 2009 and 2008. School Characteristics Class Size Averages by Grade and Subject: Class sizes are calculated from teacher class schedules. For example, the number of students in science is summed and divided by a count of the science classes. Elementary classes are shown by grade; secondary classes are shown by subject. Number of Students per Teacher: The report shows the total number of students in membership, divided by the total number of teachers (expressed as fulltime equivalents) at the school. Instructional Staff Percent: This measure indicates the percentage of the district’s full-time equivalent employees whose job function was to directly provide classroom instruction to students during the 2009-10 school year. Instructional Expenditure Ratio: This measure shows the percent of the district’s total actual expenditures for the 2008-09 fiscal year that were used to fund direct instructional activities. Expenditures per Student: This value shows actual 2008-09 expenditures for groups of functions divided by the total number of 2008-09 students. Note that the expenditures shown are not the amount actually spent on each and every student, but rather a per-pupil average of the total. Per pupil expenditures are shown for total operating expenditures and by operating categories. Comparisons Provided For almost every indicator, the report shows the performance for all students in the state (State Average), the district (District Average), the school group (School Group) and the school (School - All Students). The school “group” is a set of 40 other Texas public schools that are demographically similar to this school. District and state comparisons are not shown for the expenditure information, because they are not comparable to the school-level calculations. Special Symbols •An asterisk (*) on a TAKS indicator means that fewer than 5 students were in that classification, including zero students; an asterisk for all other indicators means that fewer than 5 students were in that classification, excluding zero students. •For indicators other than TAKS, a dash (-) means that no students were in that category. •n/a - means that the information is not available or not applicable. •A question mark (?) means that the information reported is outside of a reasonable range. •A >99% is used to mask TAKS performance that is at or near 100%; <1% is used to mask TAKS performance at or near 0%. School Report Card Definitions page 2 Clasificación Escolar Definiciones para la Calificación Escolar 2009-10 La clasificación de las escuelas (Accountability Rating) está basada en el porcentaje de estudiantes quienes pasan el TAKS, las tasas de finalización de la preparatoria y las tasas de desertores escolares. Los estándares del TAKS, la tasa de finalización y la de los desertores, deben de ser satisfechos por Todos los Estudiantes (All Students) y por las varias otras agrupaciones de estudiantes (Africano Americano, Hispano, Blanco, y Con Desventaja Económica). Gold Performance Acknowledgment - Reconocimiento de Progreso Académico Dorado.- Escuelas y distritos pueden calificar para el Reconocimiento Dorado por el desempeño de sus estudiantes en: Cursos Avanzados (Advanced Courses), Exámenes AP/IB, Tasa de Asistencia (Attendance), Graduados Preparados para la Universidad (College-Ready Graduates), Progreso Laudable en el TAKS (Commended Performance on TAKS), Mejoramiento Comparable (Comparable Improvement), Exámenes SAT/ACT, el Programa Recomendado de Preparatoria (Recommended High School Program), y/o en la Iniciativa de Éxito para Texas (Texas Success Initiative). Paired Schools - Escuelas Par.- Estas son las escuelas que reportaron inscripciones pero no tienen grados en los cuales se administró el TAKS (como escuelas de Kinder a 2o grado) y éstas fueron hechas par con las escuelas que reciben a sus estudiantes con el fin de determinar sus calificaciones escolares. Índices de Progreso Académico de los Estudiantes (El reporte muestra índices pertinentes a su escuela, dependiendo de los grados escolares de ésta.) TAKS Met 2010 Standard: Cumplió con el Estándar 2010 del TAKS.- La prueba TAKS es una evaluación estatal que se administra a los estudiantes de las escuelas públicas de Texas en los grados del 3er al 11o. El TAKS mide qué tanto un estudiante ha logrado aprender, comprender y es capaz de aplicar importantes conceptos y habilidades correspondientes a cada nivel escolar. Los estudiantes son examinados en Letras y Artes de la Lengua Inglesa (English Language Arts) (10o al 11o grado), Lectura (Reading) (3er al 9o grado), Matemáticas (Mathematics) (3er al 11o grado), Redacción (Writing) (4o y 7o grado), Ciencias Naturales (Science) (5o, 8o, 10o y 11o grado) y Ciencias Sociales (Social Studies) (8o, 10o y 11o grado). Los resultados en el reporte incluyen solo a los estudiantes inscritos en el distrito hasta el último viernes de octubre. Estos resultados se suman a través de todos los grados examinados en dicha escuela. Los resultados de la prueba TAKS (Accommodated) están incluidos para ciencias naturales, ciencias sociales, y todos los sujetos en el 11o grado. TAKS Progress: Progreso en el TAKS.- Este índice se reporta solamente para las escuelas de educación alternativa que han sido clasificadas bajo los procedimientos del Sistema de Clasificación Alternativa (AEA: Alternative Education Accountability). Está basada en el número de pruebas tomadas. Esta suma los resultados en los exámenes del 3er al 12o grado y para todas las materias para proveer con una medida única. Los resultados que no pasaron el TAKS pero demuestran mejoramiento usando el indice TGI (Texas Growth Index) en el grado 12 o el pronóstico TPM (Texas Projection Measure) en los grados 3 a 10 se incluyen. Los resultados de aquellos quienes re-tomaron el TAKS de egreso tambien están incluidos en esta medida. Students Not Tested Due to Exemptions: Estudiantes No Examinados Debido a Exenciones.- Este es el porcentaje de estudiantes exentos en cada prueba, porque él o ella ha recibido una exención por competencia limitada en inglés (LEP exemption) y tomaron solamente la prueba TELPAS. Progress of Prior Year TAKS Failers: Progreso de los Reprobados en el TAKS del año previo.- Esta medida muestra el porcentaje de estudiantes quienes reprobaron el TAKS en el año previo y lo aprobaron en el año actual. Student Success Initiative (SSI): Iniciativa para el Éxito Estudiantil.- Estudiantes en 5o y 8o grado deben pasar el TAKS en lectura y matemáticas para pasar al 6o y 9o grado. Se les dan tres oportunidades para pasar. Dependiendo de su escuela, el reporte muestra 4 medidas: (1) Estudiantes que Requieren Instrucción Acelerada (Students Requiring Accelerated Instruction) – por materia y por grado, los estudiantes quienes no pasaron el TAKS durante la primera administración. A estos estudiantes se les debe proveer con instrucción acelerada; (2) Estándar Cumplido del TAKS Cumulativo (TAKS Cumulative Met Standard) – el porcentaje de estudiantes (no duplicados) quienes tomaron y aprobaron el TAKS ya sea la primera y la segunda administración combinadas; (3) Reprobados del TAKS y Pasados por el Comité de Colocación de Grados Escolares (TAKS Failers Promoted by Grade Placement Committee) – el porcentaje de estudiantes quienes reprobaron todas las veces que fueron examinados en el TAKS de lectura y fueron avanzados al próximo grado por el comité de colocación. (4) Estudiantes quienes cumplieron con el estándar del TAKS (reprobaron en el previo) (TAKS Met Standard (Failed in previous year)) — presenta dos cálculos para estudiantes quienes reprobaron todas las administraciones del examen de lectura (o matemáticas) en 2009. Para aquellos quienes fueron avanzados. La primera medida es el porcentaje de los que pasaron el examen 2010 de lectura (o matemáticas). Para los que fueron retenidos, la segunda medida muestra el porcentaje quienes subsecuentemente pasaron el examen de lectura (o matemáticas) en 2010. La información tambien se reporta para 2009. Recommended HS and Distinguished Achievement Program Graduates: Programa Recomendado de Preparatoria y Logros Distinguidos.- En este reporte se puede hallar el porcentaje de estudiantes que se graduaron en el 2009 y el 2008 quienes cumplieron los requisitos del Programa Recomendado de Preparatoria (Recommended High School Program) de la Mesa Directiva de Educación del Estado de Texas (SBOE) o el programa de Logros Distinguidos (Distinguished Achievement Program). Definiciones para la Calificación Escolar página 1 Annual Dropout Rate: Índice Anual de Deserción Escolar.- Dependiendo de la escuela, una o dos de las siguientes tasas pueden ser reportadas: Tasa de deserción anual (7o y 8o) (Annual Dropout Rate (Gr. 7-8)); Tasa de deserción anual (7o- 12o) (Annual Dropout Rate (Gr 7-12)); y (3) Tasa de deserción anual (9o12o) (Annual Dropout Rate (Gr 9-12)) muestra el porcentaje de estudiantes en esos grados que abandonaron sus estudios. Attendance Rate: Tasa de Asistencia.- Este reporte muestra la tasa de asistencia estudiantil del 1er al 12o grado para el año escolar entero. Completion rate: Tasas de finalización escolar.- Estos índices muestran el estatus de estudiantes despues de 4 años en high school (4-Year Completion Rate), o—nuevo para 2009-10— despues de 5 años en high school (5-Year Extended Completion Rate). El índice de 4 años incluye estudiantes que empezaron el 9o grado en 2005-06 y muestra su estatus en 2009. El índice de 5 años incluye estudiantes que empezaron el 9o grado en 2004-05 y muestra su estatus en 2009. Cada presenta el porcentaje de estudiantes quienes se graduaron, recibieron un GED, continuaron en la escuela, o desertaron sus estudios. La Tasa de Finalización I (Completion Rate I) agrega el porcentaje de estudiantes quienes se graduaron o continúan en la preparatoria. La misma información ha sido reportada para los graduados en el 2008. Tasa de Finalización II (Completion Rate II) se presenta para escuelas alternativas. Texas Success Initiative (TSI): Iniciativa de Éxito para Texas.- Esta iniciativa (The Texas Success Initiative) es un programa diseñado para mejorar los logros de los estudiantes en el ámbito universitario. Este índice muestra el porcentaje de estudiantes cuyo desempeño en el TAKS amerita que se les exente de los requisitos del TSI. SAT/ACT Results: Resultados de las Pruebas SAT/ACT.- Esta tasa tiene cuatro medidas: (1) Examinados (Tested) indica el porcentaje de estudiantes graduados que tomaron ya sea el examen SAT o el ACT; (2) Obtuvieron puntuación a nivel “calificación criterio” o superior (At/Above Criterion) indica el porcentaje de estudiantes graduados quienes obtuvieron la puntuación para “calificación criterio”(o la superaron) en el SAT o el ACT (la “calificación criterio” en el SAT es de 1,110 puntos y de 24 puntos en el ACT); y (3) & (4) Promedio de calificaciones en el SAT (Average SAT Score) y el ACT (Average ACT Score) reporta los promedios en el SAT y el ACT. Estos se reportan para las generaciones del año 2009 y 2008. Características de la Escuela Class Size Averages by Grade and Subject: Tamaño Promedio del Salón Escolar por Grado y Materia.- El tamaño promedio de los salones de clases se calcula utilizando los horarios de clases que imparten los maestros. Por ejemplo, se suma el número de estudiantes en ciencias naturales y se divide por el número de clases de ciencias naturales. Las clases de primaria se presentan por grado; las de secundaria se presentan por materia. Number of Students per Teacher: Número de Estudiantes por Maestro.- El reporte indica el número total de estudiantes dividido por el número total de maestros (expresado en términos de tiempo completo) en la escuela. Instructional Staff Percent: Porcentaje del Personal de Instrucción.- Esta medida indica el porcentaje del total de empleados de tiempo completo cuya descripción de sus funciones de trabajo es la de proveer instrucción directa en el salón de clases a estudiantes durante el año escolar 2009-10. Instructional Expenditure Ratio: Tasa de Gastos de Instrucción.- Esta medida muestra el porcentaje del total actual de los gastos del distrito para el año fiscal 2008-09 que fueron utilizados para pagar actividades de instrucción directa (direct instructional activities). Expenditures per Student: Gastos por Estudiante.- Esta medida muestra los gastos actuales durante el año escolar 2008-09 para varios grupos de funciones dividida por el número de estudiantes en 2008-09. Note que los gastos reportados no son la cantidad que se gastó en actualidad para cada estudiante, pero es un promedio para cada estudiante del total (per-pupil average of the total). Estos gastos por estudiante son reportados por gastos totales en cada una de las seis agrupaciones de categorías de operaciones. Comparaciones Reportadas Para casi todos estos índices, el reporte muestra los resultados para todos los estudiantes en varias categorías, a nivel del estado (State Average), del distrito (District Average), del grupo de comparación escolar (School Group) y del plantel escolar (School—All Students). El grupo escolar está compuesto de 40 otras escuelas en Texas que son demográficamente similares a su escuela. Las comparaciones de la información sobre gastos a nivel del distrito y del estado no se reportaron porque no son comparables a los cálculos hechos a nivel de la escuela. Símbolos Especiales •Un asterisco (*) para un índice del TAKS indica que se registraron menos de 5 estudiantes en dicha categoría, incluyendo cero estudiantes; para el resto de los índices, un asterisco quiere decir que menos de 5 estudiantes estaban el la categoría, excluyendo cero estudiantes. •Un guión (-) para un índice [excepto el TAKS] indica que no hay estudiantes para esa categoría. •n/a - significa que no existe información disponible o que la información no es pertinente. •Un signo de interrogación (?) indica que la información fluctúa fuera de parámetros razonables. Definiciones para la Calificación Escolar página 2 2009-10 School Report Card School Name: DEL RIO H S School Number: 233901001 2010 School Accountability Rating: Academically Acceptable Gold Performance Acknowledgments: Commended on Social Studies District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD 2010 District Accountability Rating: Academically Acceptable This page intentionally left blank. T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 1 School Name: DEL RIO H S 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 2,005 School Number: 233901001 Grade Span: 10 - 12 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Secondary __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | School | School | | State District Group | (All African Native Asian/ Econ. | | Average Average Median | Students) American Hispanic White American Pac.Is. Disadv. | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | TAKS Met 2010 Standard (Sum of All Grades Tested) | | | (Standard Accountability Indicator) | | | | | | Reading/ELA 2010 90% 85% 90% | 91% 80% 90% 95% * * 88% | | 2009 88% 84% 88% | 88% 89% 88% 90% * > 99% 84% | | | | | Mathematics 2010 84% 79% 69% | 76% 60% 75% 87% * * 71% | | 2009 80% 73% 63% | 59% 63% 58% 69% * 80% 53% | | | | | Science 2010 83% 75% 76% | 77% 90% 75% 92% * * 72% | | 2009 78% 70% 66% | 64% 82% 62% 83% * 80% 56% | | | | | Soc Studies 2010 95% 93% 94% | 95% > 99% 94% 99% * * 93% | | 2009 93% 90% 92% | 92% 94% 91% 95% * > 99% 89% | | | | | All Tests 2010 77% 68% 61% | 65% 55% 64% 83% * * 59% | | 2009 72% 63% 54% | 50% 63% 48% 63% * 80% 42% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Students Not Tested Due to Exemptions | | | | | | LEP Exempt 2010 0.9% 0.5% 0.5% | 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% * 0.0% | | 2009 0.9% 1.3% 0.4% | 0.3% 0.0% 0.3% 0.0% * 0.0% 0.5% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Progress of Prior Year TAKS Failers | | | Percent of Failers Passing TAKS (Sum of Gr 4-11) | | | | | | Reading/ELA 2010 57% 50% 51% | 54% * 52% 88% * * 49% | | 2009 43% 44% 50% | 53% * 52% 63% * * 45% | | | | | Mathematics 2010 43% 38% 45% | 43% * 42% 50% * * 37% | | 2009 36% 34% 32% | 27% 29% 28% 13% * * 26% | | | | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Attendance Rate | | | | | | 2008-09 95.6% 95.3% 93.5% | 92.5% 92.2% 92.3% 94.3% * 96.8% 92.1% | | 2007-08 95.5% 94.7% 93.6% | 91.7% 92.4% 91.4% 94.1% * 95.3% 91.1% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 2 School Name: DEL RIO H S 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 2,005 School Number: 233901001 Grade Span: 10 - 12 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Secondary __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | School | School | | State District Group | (All African Native Asian/ Econ. | | Average Average Median | Students) American Hispanic White American Pac.Is. Disadv. | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Annual Dropout Rate (Gr 9-12) | | | | | | 2008-09 2.9% 4.5% 3.1% | 5.7% 2.9% 6.0% 3.8% 0.0% 0.0% 4.4% | | 2007-08 3.2% 4.2% 2.7% | 5.5% 3.2% 5.5% 5.5% 0.0% 0.0% 5.2% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Recommended HS and Distinguished Achievement | | | Program Graduates | | | | | | Class of 2009 82.5% 73.6% 88.9% | 73.6% 62.5% 72.5% 86.8% * * 69.9% | | Class of 2008 81.4% 74.5% 88.0% | 74.5% 75.0% 72.9% 85.5% * * 68.9% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Texas Success Initiative (TSI) | | | Higher Education Readiness Component | | | | | | Eng Lang Arts 2010 60% 52% 54% | 52% 43% 52% 53% * * 46% | | 2009 63% 56% 57% | 56% 67% 55% 62% * * 49% | | | | | Mathematics 2010 66% 50% 56% | 50% 57% 48% 64% * * 44% | | 2009 62% 44% 51% | 44% 44% 42% 62% * * 40% | | | | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | SAT/ACT Results | | | | | | Tested | | | Class of 2009 61.5% 36.6% 63.6% | 36.6% 57.1% 34.1% 58.3% * * n/a | | Class of 2008 65.0% 51.2% 65.6% | 51.2% ? 47.9% 67.9% * * n/a | | | | | At/Above Criterion | | | Class of 2009 26.9% 18.6% 9.3% | 18.6% * 15.7% 35.7% n/a | | Class of 2008 27.2% 13.3% 8.1% | 13.3% 0.0% 10.7% 30.6% * n/a | | | | | Average SAT Score | | | Class of 2009 985 977 900 | 977 * 957 1072 n/a | | Class of 2008 987 920 880 | 920 893 903 1005 * n/a | | | | | Average ACT Score | | | Class of 2009 20.5 19.8 18.2 | 19.8 * 19.4 20.8 n/a | | Class of 2008 20.5 19.0 18.0 | 19.0 * 18.4 22.3 n/a | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 3 School Name: DEL RIO H S 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 2,005 School Number: 233901001 Grade Span: 10 - 12 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Secondary __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | State District School Group | | | Average Average Average | School | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Class Size Averages by Grade and Subject | | | | | | Elementary: Kindergarten 19.3 19.8 | | | Grade 1 19.1 18.8 | 11.0 | | Grade 2 19.2 17.9 | | | Grade 3 19.3 17.0 | | | Grade 4 19.9 17.2 | | | Grade 5 22.4 18.6 | | | Grade 6 21.1 22.5 | | | Mixed Grades 24.7 41.6 | | | | | | Secondary: English/Language Arts 17.8 18.4 17.9 | 18.4 | | Foreign Languages 19.4 14.9 19.8 | 14.6 | | Mathematics 18.5 18.3 18.8 | 18.1 | | Science 19.3 19.3 19.4 | 19.5 | | Social Studies 20.4 19.3 19.8 | 21.3 | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Number of Students per Teacher 14.5 15.4 14.1 | 18.5 | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Instructional Staff Percent ** 64.0% 67.0% n/a | n/a | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Instructional Expenditure Ratio ** 64.9% 66.5% n/a | n/a | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | School Group | | | Average | School | | Expenditures per Student (2008-2009): (All Funds) | (All Funds) | | | | | Total Operating Expenditures $7,805 | $7,521 | | Instruction (11,95) $5,174 | $4,717 | | Instructional-Related Services (12,13) $243 | $122 | | Instructional Leadership (21) $115 | $82 | | School Leadership (23) $488 | $426 | | Support Services-Student (31,32,33) $450 | $400 | | Other Campus Costs (35,36,51,52,53) $1,335 | $1,773 | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| '?' Indicates that the data for this item were statistically improbable, or were reported outside a reasonable range. '*' Indicates results are masked due to small numbers to protect student confidentiality. '-' Indicates zero observations reported for this group. 'n/a' Indicates data reporting is not applicable for this group. '**' For more details on this Chapter 44 measure, please go to A more complete report about your school, the Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) report, is available from your school, or can be accessed on the internet at 2009-10 School Report Card School Name: DEL RIO FRESHMAN SCHOOL School Number: 233901002 2010 School Accountability Rating: Recognized District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD 2010 District Accountability Rating: Academically Acceptable This page intentionally left blank. T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 1 School Name: DEL RIO FRESHMAN SCHOOL 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 837 School Number: 233901002 Grade Span: 09 - 09 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Secondary __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | School | School | | State District Group | (All African Native Asian/ Econ. | | Average Average Median | Students) American Hispanic White American Pac.Is. Disadv. | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | TAKS Met 2010 Standard (Sum of All Grades Tested) | | | (Standard Accountability Indicator) | | | | | | Reading/ELA 2010 90% 85% 91% | 89% > 99% 88% > 99% * * 87% | | 2009 88% 84% 87% | 88% > 99% 87% 96% * * 85% | | | | | Mathematics 2010 84% 79% 71% | 72% 75% 71% 88% * * 68% | | 2009 80% 73% 62% | 66% 67% 64% 82% * * 62% | | | | | All Tests 2010 77% 68% 63% | 69% 75% 67% 88% * * 65% | | 2009 72% 63% 54% | 63% 67% 61% 81% * * 59% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Students Not Tested Due to Exemptions | | | | | | LEP Exempt 2010 0.9% 0.5% 0.5% | 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% * 0.0% | | 2009 0.9% 1.3% 0.2% | 3.0% 0.0% 3.4% 0.0% * 3.8% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Progress of Prior Year TAKS Failers | | | Percent of Failers Passing TAKS (Sum of Gr 4-11) | | | | | | Reading/ELA 2010 57% 50% 53% | 36% * 36% * * * 35% | | 2009 43% 44% 50% | 38% * 38% * * * 38% | | | | | Mathematics 2010 43% 38% 44% | 30% * 30% * * * 27% | | 2009 36% 34% 32% | 13% * 13% * * * 12% | | | | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Student Success Initiative | | | | | | Grade 8 Reading | | | | | | TAKS Met Standard | | | (Failed in Previous Year) | | | | | | Promoted to Grade 9 | | | 2010 40% 69% 39% | 69% * 67% * * * 67% | | 2009 25% * * | * * * * * * * | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 2 School Name: DEL RIO FRESHMAN SCHOOL 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 837 School Number: 233901002 Grade Span: 09 - 09 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Secondary __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | School | School | | State District Group | (All African Native Asian/ Econ. | | Average Average Median | Students) American Hispanic White American Pac.Is. Disadv. | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Student Success Initiative (continued) | | | | | | Grade 8 Mathematics | | | | | | TAKS Met Standard | | | (Failed in Previous Year) | | | | | | Promoted to Grade 9 | | | 2010 19% 47% 7% | 47% * 45% 83% * * 44% | | 2009 13% * * | * * * * * * * | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Attendance Rate | | | | | | 2008-09 95.6% 95.3% 93.6% | 93.5% 94.9% 93.4% 94.6% * 92.9% | | 2007-08 95.5% 94.7% 93.6% | 93.0% 93.4% 92.9% 94.0% * 92.1% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Annual Dropout Rate (Gr 9-12) | | | | | | 2008-09 2.9% 4.5% 3.5% | 1.0% 0.0% 1.0% 1.3% * 0.8% | | 2007-08 3.2% 4.2% 2.8% | 0.9% 0.0% 0.9% 1.4% * 0.5% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 3 School Name: DEL RIO FRESHMAN SCHOOL 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 837 School Number: 233901002 Grade Span: 09 - 09 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Secondary __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | State District School Group | | | Average Average Average | School | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Class Size Averages by Subject | | | | | | Secondary: English/Language Arts 17.8 18.4 18.3 | 13.3 | | Foreign Languages 19.4 14.9 20.0 | 15.0 | | Mathematics 18.5 18.3 19.8 | 15.3 | | Science 19.3 19.3 20.0 | 14.3 | | Social Studies 20.4 19.3 20.6 | 13.7 | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Number of Students per Teacher 14.5 15.4 14.6 | 14.6 | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Instructional Staff Percent ** 64.0% 67.0% n/a | n/a | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Instructional Expenditure Ratio ** 64.9% 66.5% n/a | n/a | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | School Group | | | Average | School | | Expenditures per Student (2008-2009): (All Funds) | (All Funds) | | | | | Total Operating Expenditures $7,798 | $6,120 | | Instruction (11,95) $5,106 | $4,209 | | Instructional-Related Services (12,13) $265 | $200 | | Instructional Leadership (21) $115 | $69 | | School Leadership (23) $468 | $255 | | Support Services-Student (31,32,33) $479 | $347 | | Other Campus Costs (35,36,51,52,53) $1,364 | $1,040 | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| '?' Indicates that the data for this item were statistically improbable, or were reported outside a reasonable range. '*' Indicates results are masked due to small numbers to protect student confidentiality. '-' Indicates zero observations reported for this group. 'n/a' Indicates data reporting is not applicable for this group. '**' For more details on this Chapter 44 measure, please go to A more complete report about your school, the Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) report, is available from your school, or can be accessed on the internet at 2009-10 School Report Card School Name: DEL RIO MIDDLE School Number: 233901043 2010 School Accountability Rating: Recognized District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD 2010 District Accountability Rating: Academically Acceptable This page intentionally left blank. T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 1 School Name: DEL RIO MIDDLE 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 1,480 School Number: 233901043 Grade Span: 07 - 08 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Middle __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | School | School | | State District Group | (All African Native Asian/ Econ. | | Average Average Median | Students) American Hispanic White American Pac.Is. Disadv. | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | TAKS Met 2010 Standard (Sum of All Grades Tested) | | | (Standard Accountability Indicator) | | | | | | Reading/ELA 2010 90% 85% 86% | 83% 94% 81% 98% * * 79% | | 2009 88% 84% 84% | 82% 82% 81% 92% * * 77% | | | | | Mathematics 2010 84% 79% 81% | 76% 81% 75% 86% * * 72% | | 2009 80% 73% 80% | 74% 81% 73% 83% * * 69% | | | | | Writing 2010 93% 91% 95% | 93% > 99% 93% 92% * * 91% | | 2009 92% 94% 94% | 96% > 99% 96% 98% * * 95% | | | | | Science 2010 83% 75% 75% | 64% 83% 61% 93% * * 57% | | 2009 78% 70% 68% | 66% > 99% 64% 84% * * 60% | | | | | Soc Studies 2010 95% 93% 95% | 89% 83% 89% 96% * * 87% | | 2009 93% 90% 92% | 88% > 99% 87% 95% * * 86% | | | | | All Tests 2010 77% 68% 71% | 62% 75% 60% 83% * * 56% | | 2009 72% 63% 68% | 60% 76% 59% 80% * * 54% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Students Not Tested Due to Exemptions | | | | | | LEP Exempt 2010 0.9% 0.5% 0.6% | 0.1% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% * * 0.1% | | 2009 0.9% 1.3% 0.9% | 2.0% 0.0% 2.2% 0.0% 0.0% * 2.1% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Progress of Prior Year TAKS Failers | | | Percent of Failers Passing TAKS (Sum of Gr 4-11) | | | | | | Reading/ELA 2010 57% 50% 57% | 51% * 51% 60% * * 51% | | 2009 43% 44% 37% | 41% * 41% * * * 35% | | | | | Mathematics 2010 43% 38% 30% | 36% * 36% 33% * * 36% | | 2009 36% 34% 30% | 42% * 41% 60% * * 40% | | | | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 2 School Name: DEL RIO MIDDLE 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 1,480 School Number: 233901043 Grade Span: 07 - 08 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Middle __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | School | School | | State District Group | (All African Native Asian/ Econ. | | Average Average Median | Students) American Hispanic White American Pac.Is. Disadv. | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Student Success Initiative | | | | | | Grade 8 Reading | | | | | | Students Requiring Accelerated Instruction | | | 2010 9% 15% 10% | 15% 14% 16% 6% * * 17% | | 2009 7% 12% 8% | 12% 9% 13% 8% * * 16% | | | | | TAKS Cumulative Met Standard (1st & 2nd Admin) | | | 2010 95% 90% 93% | 90% > 99% 89% 96% * * 88% | | 2009 89% 82% 88% | 82% 91% 82% 92% * * 77% | | | | | TAKS Failers Promoted by Grade Placement Committee | | | 2009 88.5% 96.1% 92.9% | 96.1% * 95.7% 100.0% * 94.9% | | 2008 88.5% * * | * * * | | | | | TAKS Met Standard | | | (Failed in Previous Year) | | | | | | Retained in Grade 8 | | | 2010 51% * * | * * * * * * * | | 2009 34% * * | * * * * * * * | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Grade 8 Mathematics | | | | | | Students Requiring Accelerated Instruction | | | 2010 19% 29% 21% | 29% 29% 30% 21% * * 35% | | 2009 20% 32% 25% | 32% 18% 33% 26% * * 36% | | | | | TAKS Cumulative Met Standard (1st & 2nd Admin) | | | 2010 88% 76% 86% | 76% 71% 76% 85% * * 71% | | 2009 85% 71% 80% | 71% 82% 70% 79% * * 68% | | | | | TAKS Failers Promoted by Grade Placement Committee | | | 2009 91.1% 92.2% 93.5% | 92.2% * 92.2% 90.0% * 90.1% | | 2008 90.5% 91.7% * | 91.7% 91.7% 100.0% | | | | | TAKS Met Standard | | | (Failed in Previous Year) | | | | | | Retained in Grade 8 | | | 2010 53% 38% * | 38% * 42% * * * 42% | | 2009 48% * * | * * * * * * * | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 3 School Name: DEL RIO MIDDLE 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 1,480 School Number: 233901043 Grade Span: 07 - 08 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Middle __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | School | School | | State District Group | (All African Native Asian/ Econ. | | Average Average Median | Students) American Hispanic White American Pac.Is. Disadv. | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Attendance Rate | | | | | | 2008-09 95.6% 95.3% 96.0% | 94.6% 96.9% 94.4% 95.8% * * 94.0% | | 2007-08 95.5% 94.7% 96.0% | 93.7% 94.7% 93.6% 94.1% * * 93.0% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Annual Dropout Rate (Gr 7-8) | | | | | | 2008-09 0.3% 0.6% 0.0% | 0.6% 0.0% 0.7% 0.0% * * 0.4% | | 2007-08 0.3% 0.4% 0.0% | 0.4% 5.0% 0.3% 0.8% * * 0.2% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 4 School Name: DEL RIO MIDDLE 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 1,480 School Number: 233901043 Grade Span: 07 - 08 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Middle __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | State District School Group | | | Average Average Average | School | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Class Size Averages by Subject | | | | | | Secondary: English/Language Arts 17.8 18.4 18.6 | 23.2 | | Foreign Languages 19.4 14.9 18.2 | 15.3 | | Mathematics 18.5 18.3 19.0 | 23.2 | | Science 19.3 19.3 20.7 | 24.1 | | Social Studies 20.4 19.3 20.6 | 24.9 | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Number of Students per Teacher 14.5 15.4 14.5 | 16.8 | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Instructional Staff Percent ** 64.0% 67.0% n/a | n/a | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Instructional Expenditure Ratio ** 64.9% 66.5% n/a | n/a | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | School Group | | | Average | School | | Expenditures per Student (2008-2009): (All Funds) | (All Funds) | | | | | Total Operating Expenditures $7,281 | $6,230 | | Instruction (11,95) $4,964 | $4,075 | | Instructional-Related Services (12,13) $248 | $163 | | Instructional Leadership (21) $110 | $56 | | School Leadership (23) $512 | $319 | | Support Services-Student (31,32,33) $382 | $331 | | Other Campus Costs (35,36,51,52,53) $1,065 | $1,285 | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| '?' Indicates that the data for this item were statistically improbable, or were reported outside a reasonable range. '*' Indicates results are masked due to small numbers to protect student confidentiality. '-' Indicates zero observations reported for this group. 'n/a' Indicates data reporting is not applicable for this group. '**' For more details on this Chapter 44 measure, please go to A more complete report about your school, the Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) report, is available from your school, or can be accessed on the internet at 2009-10 School Report Card School Name: SAN FELIPE MEMORIAL MIDDLE School Number: 233901104 2010 School Accountability Rating: Recognized District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD 2010 District Accountability Rating: Academically Acceptable This page intentionally left blank. T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 1 School Name: SAN FELIPE MEMORIAL MIDDLE 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 734 School Number: 233901104 Grade Span: 06 - 06 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Middle __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | School | School | | State District Group | (All African Native Asian/ Econ. | | Average Average Median | Students) American Hispanic White American Pac.Is. Disadv. | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | TAKS Met 2010 Standard (Sum of All Grades Tested) | | | (Standard Accountability Indicator) | | | | | | Reading/ELA 2010 90% 85% 86% | 82% * 81% 96% * * 79% | | 2009 88% 84% 85% | 79% 83% 79% 92% * * 75% | | | | | Mathematics 2010 84% 79% 80% | 79% * 79% 90% * * 76% | | 2009 80% 73% 80% | 68% 83% 67% 82% * * 63% | | | | | All Tests 2010 77% 68% 70% | 71% * 70% 88% * * 66% | | 2009 72% 63% 68% | 62% 83% 61% 82% * * 57% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Students Not Tested Due to Exemptions | | | | | | LEP Exempt 2010 0.9% 0.5% 0.4% | 1.9% * 2.1% 0.0% * * 2.5% | | 2009 0.9% 1.3% 1.0% | 2.6% 0.0% 2.7% 0.0% * 3.0% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Progress of Prior Year TAKS Failers | | | Percent of Failers Passing TAKS (Sum of Gr 4-11) | | | | | | Reading/ELA 2010 57% 50% 56% | 60% * 60% * * * 59% | | 2009 43% 44% 37% | 29% * 29% * * * 30% | | | | | Mathematics 2010 43% 38% 30% | 21% * 22% * * * 17% | | 2009 36% 34% 33% | 19% * 20% * * * 22% | | | | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Student Success Initiative | | | | | | Grade 5 Reading (English and Spanish) | | | | | | TAKS Met Standard | | | (Failed in Previous Year) | | | | | | Promoted to Grade 6 | | | 2010 31% 25% 24% | 25% * 29% * * * < 1% | | 2009 27% 25% 20% | 25% * 26% * * * 27% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 2 School Name: SAN FELIPE MEMORIAL MIDDLE 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 734 School Number: 233901104 Grade Span: 06 - 06 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Middle __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | School | School | | State District Group | (All African Native Asian/ Econ. | | Average Average Median | Students) American Hispanic White American Pac.Is. Disadv. | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Student Success Initiative (continued) | | | | | | Grade 5 Mathematics (English and Spanish) | | | | | | TAKS Met Standard | | | (Failed in Previous Year) | | | | | | Promoted to Grade 6 | | | 2010 23% 53% 12% | 53% * 52% * * * 53% | | 2009 19% 8% 17% | 8% * 8% * * * 8% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Attendance Rate | | | | | | 2008-09 95.6% 95.3% 96.0% | 96.0% 97.2% 95.9% 96.4% * 95.7% | | 2007-08 95.5% 94.7% 96.1% | 95.4% 95.9% 95.4% 95.9% * 95.1% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 3 School Name: SAN FELIPE MEMORIAL MIDDLE 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 734 School Number: 233901104 Grade Span: 06 - 06 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Middle __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | State District School Group | | | Average Average Average | School | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Class Size Averages by Grade | | | | | | Elementary: Kindergarten 19.3 19.8 | | | Grade 1 19.1 18.8 | | | Grade 2 19.2 17.9 | | | Grade 3 19.3 17.0 | | | Grade 4 19.9 17.2 15.3 | | | Grade 5 22.4 18.6 21.6 | | | Grade 6 21.1 22.5 20.8 | 22.5 | | Mixed Grades 24.7 41.6 | | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Number of Students per Teacher 14.5 15.4 14.6 | 17.2 | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Instructional Staff Percent ** 64.0% 67.0% n/a | n/a | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Instructional Expenditure Ratio ** 64.9% 66.5% n/a | n/a | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | School Group | | | Average | School | | Expenditures per Student (2008-2009): (All Funds) | (All Funds) | | | | | Total Operating Expenditures $7,211 | $6,159 | | Instruction (11,95) $4,917 | $4,367 | | Instructional-Related Services (12,13) $248 | $338 | | Instructional Leadership (21) $106 | $42 | | School Leadership (23) $505 | $250 | | Support Services-Student (31,32,33) $385 | $289 | | Other Campus Costs (35,36,51,52,53) $1,051 | $874 | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| '?' Indicates that the data for this item were statistically improbable, or were reported outside a reasonable range. '*' Indicates results are masked due to small numbers to protect student confidentiality. '-' Indicates zero observations reported for this group. 'n/a' Indicates data reporting is not applicable for this group. '**' For more details on this Chapter 44 measure, please go to A more complete report about your school, the Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) report, is available from your school, or can be accessed on the internet at 2009-10 School Report Card School Name: GARFIELD EL School Number: 233901102 2010 School Accountability Rating: Recognized Gold Performance Acknowledgments: Attendance (2008-09) Comparable Improvement: Reading/ELA District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD 2010 District Accountability Rating: Academically Acceptable This page intentionally left blank. T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 1 School Name: GARFIELD EL 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 624 School Number: 233901102 Grade Span: KG - 05 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Elementary __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | School | School | | State District Group | (All African Native Asian/ Econ. | | Average Average Median | Students) American Hispanic White American Pac.Is. Disadv. | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | TAKS Met 2010 Standard (Sum of All Grades Tested) | | | (Standard Accountability Indicator) | | | | | | Reading/ELA 2010 90% 85% 88% | 84% * 84% 60% * * 81% | | 2009 88% 84% 81% | 80% * 80% 78% * * 77% | | | | | Mathematics 2010 84% 79% 89% | 85% * 86% 80% * * 85% | | 2009 80% 73% 83% | 84% * 84% 89% * * 81% | | | | | Writing 2010 93% 91% 95% | 91% * 91% * * * 90% | | 2009 92% 94% 92% | 96% * 96% > 99% * * 95% | | | | | Science 2010 83% 75% 90% | 80% * 80% * * * 75% | | 2009 78% 70% 78% | 82% * 81% * * * 77% | | | | | All Tests 2010 77% 68% 79% | 71% * 72% 40% * * 68% | | 2009 72% 63% 70% | 66% * 66% 67% * * 60% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Students Not Tested Due to Exemptions | | | | | | LEP Exempt 2010 0.9% 0.5% 0.4% | 2.1% * 2.2% 0.0% * 1.9% | | 2009 0.9% 1.3% 0.0% | 0.3% 0.3% 0.0% * 0.3% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Progress of Prior Year TAKS Failers | | | Percent of Failers Passing TAKS (Sum of Gr 4-11) | | | | | | Reading/ELA 2010 57% 50% 46% | 57% * 57% * * * 50% | | 2009 43% 44% 31% | 48% * 50% * * * 42% | | | | | Mathematics 2010 43% 38% 46% | 43% * 43% * * * 43% | | 2009 36% 34% 38% | 48% * 49% * * * 39% | | | | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 2 School Name: GARFIELD EL 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 624 School Number: 233901102 Grade Span: KG - 05 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Elementary __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | School | School | | State District Group | (All African Native Asian/ Econ. | | Average Average Median | Students) American Hispanic White American Pac.Is. Disadv. | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Student Success Initiative | | | | | | Grade 5 Reading (English and Spanish) | | | | | | Students Requiring Accelerated Instruction | | | 2010 15% 21% 16% | 17% * 17% * * * 21% | | 2009 17% 20% 25% | 25% * 25% * * * 31% | | | | | TAKS Cumulative Met Standard (1st & 2nd Admin) | | | 2010 92% 88% 92% | 92% * 92% * * * 90% | | 2009 90% 89% 82% | 85% * 85% * * * 82% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Grade 5 Mathematics (English and Spanish) | | | | | | Students Requiring Accelerated Instruction | | | 2010 14% 20% 14% | 13% * 13% * * * 16% | | 2009 16% 24% 23% | 16% * 16% * * * 19% | | | | | TAKS Cumulative Met Standard (1st & 2nd Admin) | | | 2010 92% 90% 93% | 98% * 98% * * * 97% | | 2009 91% 90% 86% | 88% * 88% * * * 86% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Attendance Rate | | | | | | 2008-09 95.6% 95.3% 96.8% | 97.6% * 97.7% 96.9% * 97.6% | | 2007-08 95.5% 94.7% 96.8% | 97.3% * 97.3% 97.1% * 97.3% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 3 School Name: GARFIELD EL 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 624 School Number: 233901102 Grade Span: KG - 05 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Elementary __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | State District School Group | | | Average Average Average | School | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Class Size Averages by Grade | | | | | | Elementary: Kindergarten 19.3 19.8 18.9 | 16.7 | | Grade 1 19.1 18.8 19.0 | 16.3 | | Grade 2 19.2 17.9 18.8 | 14.5 | | Grade 3 19.3 17.0 19.0 | 15.7 | | Grade 4 19.9 17.2 19.5 | 18.2 | | Grade 5 22.4 18.6 20.4 | 17.5 | | Grade 6 21.1 22.5 23.2 | | | Mixed Grades 24.7 41.6 24.5 | 29.0 | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Number of Students per Teacher 14.5 15.4 16.1 | 13.7 | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Instructional Staff Percent ** 64.0% 67.0% n/a | n/a | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Instructional Expenditure Ratio ** 64.9% 66.5% n/a | n/a | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | School Group | | | Average | School | | Expenditures per Student (2008-2009): (All Funds) | (All Funds) | | | | | Total Operating Expenditures $6,540 | $7,383 | | Instruction (11,95) $4,722 | $5,637 | | Instructional-Related Services (12,13) $278 | $206 | | Instructional Leadership (21) $92 | $115 | | School Leadership (23) $417 | $343 | | Support Services-Student (31,32,33) $321 | $155 | | Other Campus Costs (35,36,51,52,53) $709 | $928 | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| '?' Indicates that the data for this item were statistically improbable, or were reported outside a reasonable range. '*' Indicates results are masked due to small numbers to protect student confidentiality. '-' Indicates zero observations reported for this group. 'n/a' Indicates data reporting is not applicable for this group. '**' For more details on this Chapter 44 measure, please go to A more complete report about your school, the Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) report, is available from your school, or can be accessed on the internet at 2009-10 School Report Card School Name: NORTH HEIGHTS EL School Number: 233901103 2010 School Accountability Rating: Recognized District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD 2010 District Accountability Rating: Academically Acceptable This page intentionally left blank. T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 1 School Name: NORTH HEIGHTS EL 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 630 School Number: 233901103 Grade Span: EE - 05 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Elementary __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | School | School | | State District Group | (All African Native Asian/ Econ. | | Average Average Median | Students) American Hispanic White American Pac.Is. Disadv. | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | TAKS Met 2010 Standard (Sum of All Grades Tested) | | | (Standard Accountability Indicator) | | | | | | Reading/ELA 2010 90% 85% 88% | 84% * 83% > 99% * * 82% | | 2009 88% 84% 87% | 81% * 81% 67% * * 79% | | | | | Mathematics 2010 84% 79% 88% | 83% * 83% 92% * * 83% | | 2009 80% 73% 85% | 85% * 84% 89% * * 84% | | | | | Writing 2010 93% 91% 95% | 88% * 88% * * * 88% | | 2009 92% 94% 94% | 90% * 90% * * * 89% | | | | | Science 2010 83% 75% 87% | 84% * 84% 80% * * 84% | | 2009 78% 70% 78% | 91% * 91% * * * 94% | | | | | All Tests 2010 77% 68% 78% | 71% * 70% 83% * * 70% | | 2009 72% 63% 75% | 75% * 76% 56% * * 75% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Students Not Tested Due to Exemptions | | | | | | LEP Exempt 2010 0.9% 0.5% 0.0% | 0.3% * 0.4% 0.0% 0.4% | | 2009 0.9% 1.3% 0.3% | 0.0% * 0.0% 0.0% * * 0.0% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Progress of Prior Year TAKS Failers | | | Percent of Failers Passing TAKS (Sum of Gr 4-11) | | | | | | Reading/ELA 2010 57% 50% 44% | 38% * 36% * * * 45% | | 2009 43% 44% 40% | 50% * 50% * * * 50% | | | | | Mathematics 2010 43% 38% 52% | 56% * 56% * * * 59% | | 2009 36% 34% 44% | 63% * 63% * * * 62% | | | | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 2 School Name: NORTH HEIGHTS EL 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 630 School Number: 233901103 Grade Span: EE - 05 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Elementary __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | School | School | | State District Group | (All African Native Asian/ Econ. | | Average Average Median | Students) American Hispanic White American Pac.Is. Disadv. | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Student Success Initiative | | | | | | Grade 5 Reading (English and Spanish) | | | | | | Students Requiring Accelerated Instruction | | | 2010 15% 21% 16% | 21% * 22% 20% * * 21% | | 2009 17% 20% 20% | 15% * 14% * * * 16% | | | | | TAKS Cumulative Met Standard (1st & 2nd Admin) | | | 2010 92% 88% 90% | 90% * 89% > 99% * * 90% | | 2009 90% 89% 89% | 90% * 91% * * * 90% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Grade 5 Mathematics (English and Spanish) | | | | | | Students Requiring Accelerated Instruction | | | 2010 14% 20% 16% | 14% * 15% < 1% * * 16% | | 2009 16% 24% 17% | 9% * 8% * * * 9% | | | | | TAKS Cumulative Met Standard (1st & 2nd Admin) | | | 2010 92% 90% 92% | 89% * 88% > 99% * * 87% | | 2009 91% 90% 90% | 95% * 96% * * * 96% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Attendance Rate | | | | | | 2008-09 95.6% 95.3% 96.8% | 97.0% * 97.1% 95.7% * 96.9% | | 2007-08 95.5% 94.7% 96.7% | 96.9% * 96.9% 97.2% 96.9% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 3 School Name: NORTH HEIGHTS EL 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 630 School Number: 233901103 Grade Span: EE - 05 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Elementary __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | State District School Group | | | Average Average Average | School | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Class Size Averages by Grade | | | | | | Elementary: Kindergarten 19.3 19.8 20.3 | 19.5 | | Grade 1 19.1 18.8 19.8 | 20.8 | | Grade 2 19.2 17.9 19.4 | 19.0 | | Grade 3 19.3 17.0 20.8 | 22.2 | | Grade 4 19.9 17.2 19.0 | 18.6 | | Grade 5 22.4 18.6 22.8 | 18.4 | | Grade 6 21.1 22.5 21.8 | | | Mixed Grades 24.7 41.6 28.1 | 28.0 | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Number of Students per Teacher 14.5 15.4 16.6 | 15.0 | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Instructional Staff Percent ** 64.0% 67.0% n/a | n/a | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Instructional Expenditure Ratio ** 64.9% 66.5% n/a | n/a | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | School Group | | | Average | School | | Expenditures per Student (2008-2009): (All Funds) | (All Funds) | | | | | Total Operating Expenditures $6,328 | $6,997 | | Instruction (11,95) $4,550 | $5,189 | | Instructional-Related Services (12,13) $241 | $374 | | Instructional Leadership (21) $91 | $55 | | School Leadership (23) $432 | $370 | | Support Services-Student (31,32,33) $301 | $261 | | Other Campus Costs (35,36,51,52,53) $714 | $748 | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| '?' Indicates that the data for this item were statistically improbable, or were reported outside a reasonable range. '*' Indicates results are masked due to small numbers to protect student confidentiality. '-' Indicates zero observations reported for this group. 'n/a' Indicates data reporting is not applicable for this group. '**' For more details on this Chapter 44 measure, please go to A more complete report about your school, the Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) report, is available from your school, or can be accessed on the internet at 2009-10 School Report Card School Name: EAST SIDE EL School Number: 233901105 2010 School Accountability Rating: Exemplary Gold Performance Acknowledgments: Attendance (2008-09) Commended on Reading/ELA Commended on Science District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD 2010 District Accountability Rating: Academically Acceptable This page intentionally left blank. T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 1 School Name: EAST SIDE EL 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 427 School Number: 233901105 Grade Span: KG - 05 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Elementary __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | School | School | | State District Group | (All African Native Asian/ Econ. | | Average Average Median | Students) American Hispanic White American Pac.Is. Disadv. | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | TAKS Met 2010 Standard (Sum of All Grades Tested) | | | (Standard Accountability Indicator) | | | | | | Reading/ELA 2010 90% 85% 88% | 92% * 92% > 99% * * 91% | | 2009 88% 84% 85% | 91% * 90% > 99% * * 91% | | | | | Mathematics 2010 84% 79% 89% | 82% * 82% 86% * * 81% | | 2009 80% 73% 84% | 89% * 89% 90% * * 88% | | | | | Writing 2010 93% 91% 94% | 95% * 94% * * * 93% | | 2009 92% 94% 92% | > 99% * > 99% * * * > 99% | | | | | Science 2010 83% 75% 88% | 89% * 88% * * * 87% | | 2009 78% 70% 80% | 75% * 73% * * * 73% | | | | | All Tests 2010 77% 68% 80% | 75% * 75% 86% * * 73% | | 2009 72% 63% 72% | 78% * 78% 90% * * 77% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Students Not Tested Due to Exemptions | | | | | | LEP Exempt 2010 0.9% 0.5% 0.0% | 1.0% 1.1% 0.0% * 0.6% | | 2009 0.9% 1.3% 0.0% | 0.0% * 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Progress of Prior Year TAKS Failers | | | Percent of Failers Passing TAKS (Sum of Gr 4-11) | | | | | | Reading/ELA 2010 57% 50% 44% | * * * * * * * | | 2009 43% 44% 32% | 60% * 60% * * * 56% | | | | | Mathematics 2010 43% 38% 52% | 56% * 56% * * * 56% | | 2009 36% 34% 42% | 71% * 71% * * * 80% | | | | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 2 School Name: EAST SIDE EL 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 427 School Number: 233901105 Grade Span: KG - 05 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Elementary __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | School | School | | State District Group | (All African Native Asian/ Econ. | | Average Average Median | Students) American Hispanic White American Pac.Is. Disadv. | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Student Success Initiative | | | | | | Grade 5 Reading (English and Spanish) | | | | | | Students Requiring Accelerated Instruction | | | 2010 15% 21% 16% | 9% * 9% * * * 8% | | 2009 17% 20% 23% | 24% * 25% * * * 25% | | | | | TAKS Cumulative Met Standard (1st & 2nd Admin) | | | 2010 92% 88% 91% | 98% * 98% * * * 97% | | 2009 90% 89% 85% | 93% * 93% * * * 92% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Grade 5 Mathematics (English and Spanish) | | | | | | Students Requiring Accelerated Instruction | | | 2010 14% 20% 15% | 2% * 2% * * * < 1% | | 2009 16% 24% 17% | 22% * 24% * * * 23% | | | | | TAKS Cumulative Met Standard (1st & 2nd Admin) | | | 2010 92% 90% 93% | > 99% * > 99% * * * > 99% | | 2009 91% 90% 90% | 92% * 91% * * * 92% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Attendance Rate | | | | | | 2008-09 95.6% 95.3% 96.8% | 97.3% * 97.3% 97.1% * 97.2% | | 2007-08 95.5% 94.7% 96.8% | 96.4% * 96.4% 96.7% * 96.2% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 3 School Name: EAST SIDE EL 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 427 School Number: 233901105 Grade Span: KG - 05 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Elementary __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | State District School Group | | | Average Average Average | School | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Class Size Averages by Grade | | | | | | Elementary: Kindergarten 19.3 19.8 19.9 | 22.0 | | Grade 1 19.1 18.8 19.9 | 17.9 | | Grade 2 19.2 17.9 19.4 | 15.7 | | Grade 3 19.3 17.0 19.0 | 19.6 | | Grade 4 19.9 17.2 18.5 | 16.4 | | Grade 5 22.4 18.6 21.9 | 14.8 | | Grade 6 21.1 22.5 21.9 | | | Mixed Grades 24.7 41.6 21.9 | 39.0 | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Number of Students per Teacher 14.5 15.4 16.4 | 12.9 | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Instructional Staff Percent ** 64.0% 67.0% n/a | n/a | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Instructional Expenditure Ratio ** 64.9% 66.5% n/a | n/a | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | School Group | | | Average | School | | Expenditures per Student (2008-2009): (All Funds) | (All Funds) | | | | | Total Operating Expenditures $6,282 | $8,435 | | Instruction (11,95) $4,485 | $5,799 | | Instructional-Related Services (12,13) $248 | $409 | | Instructional Leadership (21) $84 | $157 | | School Leadership (23) $415 | $546 | | Support Services-Student (31,32,33) $313 | $302 | | Other Campus Costs (35,36,51,52,53) $738 | $1,222 | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| '?' Indicates that the data for this item were statistically improbable, or were reported outside a reasonable range. '*' Indicates results are masked due to small numbers to protect student confidentiality. '-' Indicates zero observations reported for this group. 'n/a' Indicates data reporting is not applicable for this group. '**' For more details on this Chapter 44 measure, please go to A more complete report about your school, the Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) report, is available from your school, or can be accessed on the internet at 2009-10 School Report Card School Name: LAMAR EL School Number: 233901106 2010 School Accountability Rating: Academically Acceptable Gold Performance Acknowledgments: Attendance (2008-09) District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD 2010 District Accountability Rating: Academically Acceptable This page intentionally left blank. T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 1 School Name: LAMAR EL 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 529 School Number: 233901106 Grade Span: KG - 05 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Elementary __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | School | School | | State District Group | (All African Native Asian/ Econ. | | Average Average Median | Students) American Hispanic White American Pac.Is. Disadv. | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | TAKS Met 2010 Standard (Sum of All Grades Tested) | | | (Standard Accountability Indicator) | | | | | | Reading/ELA 2010 90% 85% 87% | 66% * 66% * * * 63% | | 2009 88% 84% 83% | 80% * 80% * * * 80% | | | | | Mathematics 2010 84% 79% 87% | 70% * 70% * * * 68% | | 2009 80% 73% 84% | 78% * 78% * * * 77% | | | | | Writing 2010 93% 91% 93% | 72% * 72% * * * 71% | | 2009 92% 94% 92% | 92% * 92% * * * 91% | | | | | Science 2010 83% 75% 89% | 59% * 59% * * * 57% | | 2009 78% 70% 83% | 77% * 77% * * * 76% | | | | | All Tests 2010 77% 68% 77% | 53% * 53% * * * 50% | | 2009 72% 63% 71% | 65% * 65% * * * 63% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Students Not Tested Due to Exemptions | | | | | | LEP Exempt 2010 0.9% 0.5% 0.5% | 0.0% 0.0% * 0.0% | | 2009 0.9% 1.3% 0.3% | 2.1% * 2.1% 2.2% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Progress of Prior Year TAKS Failers | | | Percent of Failers Passing TAKS (Sum of Gr 4-11) | | | | | | Reading/ELA 2010 57% 50% 37% | 27% * 27% * * * 27% | | 2009 43% 44% 33% | 33% * 33% * * * 33% | | | | | Mathematics 2010 43% 38% 46% | 12% * 12% * * * 12% | | 2009 36% 34% 46% | 20% * 20% * * * 20% | | | | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 2 School Name: LAMAR EL 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 529 School Number: 233901106 Grade Span: KG - 05 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Elementary __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | School | School | | State District Group | (All African Native Asian/ Econ. | | Average Average Median | Students) American Hispanic White American Pac.Is. Disadv. | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Student Success Initiative | | | | | | Grade 5 Reading (English and Spanish) | | | | | | Students Requiring Accelerated Instruction | | | 2010 15% 21% 18% | 42% * 42% * * * 44% | | 2009 17% 20% 27% | 21% * 20% * * * 23% | | | | | TAKS Cumulative Met Standard (1st & 2nd Admin) | | | 2010 92% 88% 89% | 73% * 73% * * * 71% | | 2009 90% 89% 85% | 88% * 88% * * * 87% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Grade 5 Mathematics (English and Spanish) | | | | | | Students Requiring Accelerated Instruction | | | 2010 14% 20% 14% | 54% * 54% * * * 57% | | 2009 16% 24% 15% | 99% * 99% * * * 99% | | | | | TAKS Cumulative Met Standard (1st & 2nd Admin) | | | 2010 92% 90% 92% | 74% * 74% * * * 72% | | 2009 91% 90% 92% | 82% * 82% * * * 81% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Attendance Rate | | | | | | 2008-09 95.6% 95.3% 97.1% | 97.0% * 97.0% * 97.0% | | 2007-08 95.5% 94.7% 96.9% | 96.4% * 96.4% * 96.4% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 3 School Name: LAMAR EL 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 529 School Number: 233901106 Grade Span: KG - 05 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Elementary __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | State District School Group | | | Average Average Average | School | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Class Size Averages by Grade | | | | | | Elementary: Kindergarten 19.3 19.8 19.5 | 18.0 | | Grade 1 19.1 18.8 20.1 | 20.0 | | Grade 2 19.2 17.9 19.5 | 18.4 | | Grade 3 19.3 17.0 19.5 | 16.0 | | Grade 4 19.9 17.2 19.9 | 15.6 | | Grade 5 22.4 18.6 22.2 | 19.3 | | Grade 6 21.1 22.5 20.1 | | | Mixed Grades 24.7 41.6 28.7 | 28.0 | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Number of Students per Teacher 14.5 15.4 16.2 | 14.4 | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Instructional Staff Percent ** 64.0% 67.0% n/a | n/a | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Instructional Expenditure Ratio ** 64.9% 66.5% n/a | n/a | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | School Group | | | Average | School | | Expenditures per Student (2008-2009): (All Funds) | (All Funds) | | | | | Total Operating Expenditures $6,505 | $7,409 | | Instruction (11,95) $4,710 | $5,251 | | Instructional-Related Services (12,13) $305 | $289 | | Instructional Leadership (21) $90 | $74 | | School Leadership (23) $424 | $493 | | Support Services-Student (31,32,33) $330 | $233 | | Other Campus Costs (35,36,51,52,53) $646 | $1,069 | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| '?' Indicates that the data for this item were statistically improbable, or were reported outside a reasonable range. '*' Indicates results are masked due to small numbers to protect student confidentiality. '-' Indicates zero observations reported for this group. 'n/a' Indicates data reporting is not applicable for this group. '**' For more details on this Chapter 44 measure, please go to A more complete report about your school, the Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) report, is available from your school, or can be accessed on the internet at 2009-10 School Report Card School Name: BUENA VISTA EL School Number: 233901110 2010 School Accountability Rating: Recognized Gold Performance Acknowledgments: Commended on Mathematics Commended on Science District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD 2010 District Accountability Rating: Academically Acceptable This page intentionally left blank. T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 1 School Name: BUENA VISTA EL 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 657 School Number: 233901110 Grade Span: KG - 05 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Elementary __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | School | School | | State District Group | (All African Native Asian/ Econ. | | Average Average Median | Students) American Hispanic White American Pac.Is. Disadv. | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | TAKS Met 2010 Standard (Sum of All Grades Tested) | | | (Standard Accountability Indicator) | | | | | | Reading/ELA 2010 90% 85% 90% | 90% * 88% > 99% * * 81% | | 2009 88% 84% 88% | 89% * 87% 97% * * 82% | | | | | Mathematics 2010 84% 79% 91% | 91% * 89% > 99% * * 86% | | 2009 80% 73% 84% | 86% * 84% 95% * * 77% | | | | | Writing 2010 93% 91% 95% | 93% * 91% > 99% * * 89% | | 2009 92% 94% 94% | 90% * 90% 89% * * 83% | | | | | Science 2010 83% 75% 90% | 94% * 94% 92% * * 93% | | 2009 78% 70% 82% | 87% * 81% > 99% * * 79% | | | | | All Tests 2010 77% 68% 81% | 85% * 82% 98% * * 76% | | 2009 72% 63% 74% | 77% * 74% 90% * * 65% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Students Not Tested Due to Exemptions | | | | | | LEP Exempt 2010 0.9% 0.5% 0.0% | 0.9% * 1.1% 0.0% 1.1% | | 2009 0.9% 1.3% 0.0% | 0.9% * 1.1% 0.0% 1.2% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Progress of Prior Year TAKS Failers | | | Percent of Failers Passing TAKS (Sum of Gr 4-11) | | | | | | Reading/ELA 2010 57% 50% 43% | 33% * 33% * * * 40% | | 2009 43% 44% 43% | 50% * 54% * * * 43% | | | | | Mathematics 2010 43% 38% 55% | 44% * 36% * * * 55% | | 2009 36% 34% 47% | 50% * 50% * * * * | | | | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 2 School Name: BUENA VISTA EL 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 657 School Number: 233901110 Grade Span: KG - 05 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Elementary __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | School | School | | State District Group | (All African Native Asian/ Econ. | | Average Average Median | Students) American Hispanic White American Pac.Is. Disadv. | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Student Success Initiative | | | | | | Grade 5 Reading (English and Spanish) | | | | | | Students Requiring Accelerated Instruction | | | 2010 15% 21% 13% | 8% * 9% < 1% * * 14% | | 2009 17% 20% 18% | 16% * 20% 4% * * 22% | | | | | TAKS Cumulative Met Standard (1st & 2nd Admin) | | | 2010 92% 88% 93% | 95% * 94% > 99% * * 91% | | 2009 90% 89% 90% | 93% * 93% 96% * * 90% | | | | | TAKS Failers Promoted by Grade Placement Committee | | | 2009 84.7% 78.6% 96.6% | 100.0% 100.0% * 100.0% | | 2008 84.0% 83.6% 84.5% | | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Grade 5 Mathematics (English and Spanish) | | | | | | Students Requiring Accelerated Instruction | | | 2010 14% 20% 15% | 6% * 8% < 1% * * 12% | | 2009 16% 24% 18% | 13% * 16% 4% * * 20% | | | | | TAKS Cumulative Met Standard (1st & 2nd Admin) | | | 2010 92% 90% 95% | 96% * 95% > 99% * * 91% | | 2009 91% 90% 92% | 92% * 89% > 99% * * 88% | | | | | TAKS Failers Promoted by Grade Placement Committee | | | 2009 84.7% 91.8% 100.0% | 100.0% 100.0% * 100.0% | | 2008 84.0% 75.5% 80.0% | | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Attendance Rate | | | | | | 2008-09 95.6% 95.3% 96.7% | 96.8% 97.9% 96.8% 96.8% * 96.2% | | 2007-08 95.5% 94.7% 96.7% | 96.8% 98.2% 96.9% 96.4% 95.9% 96.4% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 3 School Name: BUENA VISTA EL 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 657 School Number: 233901110 Grade Span: KG - 05 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Elementary __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | State District School Group | | | Average Average Average | School | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Class Size Averages by Grade | | | | | | Elementary: Kindergarten 19.3 19.8 18.6 | 24.0 | | Grade 1 19.1 18.8 20.4 | 19.2 | | Grade 2 19.2 17.9 18.3 | 19.2 | | Grade 3 19.3 17.0 19.3 | 17.6 | | Grade 4 19.9 17.2 18.4 | 18.8 | | Grade 5 22.4 18.6 21.6 | 18.1 | | Grade 6 21.1 22.5 20.3 | | | Mixed Grades 24.7 41.6 16.9 | ? | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Number of Students per Teacher 14.5 15.4 15.0 | 14.8 | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Instructional Staff Percent ** 64.0% 67.0% n/a | n/a | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Instructional Expenditure Ratio ** 64.9% 66.5% n/a | n/a | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | School Group | | | Average | School | | Expenditures per Student (2008-2009): (All Funds) | (All Funds) | | | | | Total Operating Expenditures $6,159 | $6,530 | | Instruction (11,95) $4,522 | $4,834 | | Instructional-Related Services (12,13) $270 | $292 | | Instructional Leadership (21) $84 | $47 | | School Leadership (23) $403 | $325 | | Support Services-Student (31,32,33) $300 | $188 | | Other Campus Costs (35,36,51,52,53) $580 | $844 | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| '?' Indicates that the data for this item were statistically improbable, or were reported outside a reasonable range. '*' Indicates results are masked due to small numbers to protect student confidentiality. '-' Indicates zero observations reported for this group. 'n/a' Indicates data reporting is not applicable for this group. '**' For more details on this Chapter 44 measure, please go to A more complete report about your school, the Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) report, is available from your school, or can be accessed on the internet at 2009-10 School Report Card School Name: RUBEN CHAVIRA EL School Number: 233901111 2010 School Accountability Rating: Exemplary Gold Performance Acknowledgments: Commended on Reading/ELA Commended on Writing Commended on Mathematics Commended on Science Comparable Improvement: Reading/ELA District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD 2010 District Accountability Rating: Academically Acceptable This page intentionally left blank. T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 1 School Name: RUBEN CHAVIRA EL 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 535 School Number: 233901111 Grade Span: KG - 05 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Elementary __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | School | School | | State District Group | (All African Native Asian/ Econ. | | Average Average Median | Students) American Hispanic White American Pac.Is. Disadv. | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | TAKS Met 2010 Standard (Sum of All Grades Tested) | | | (Standard Accountability Indicator) | | | | | | Reading/ELA 2010 90% 85% 88% | 95% > 99% 94% > 99% * * 94% | | 2009 88% 84% 85% | 90% * 89% > 99% * * 88% | | | | | Mathematics 2010 84% 79% 87% | 97% 89% 97% > 99% * * 96% | | 2009 80% 73% 84% | 96% * 96% 97% * * 95% | | | | | Writing 2010 93% 91% 93% | 95% * 94% > 99% * * 94% | | 2009 92% 94% 91% | 97% * 97% 92% * * 97% | | | | | Science 2010 83% 75% 87% | 94% * 93% > 99% * * 94% | | 2009 78% 70% 83% | 93% * 92% > 99% * * 92% | | | | | All Tests 2010 77% 68% 77% | 90% 89% 89% > 99% * * 89% | | 2009 72% 63% 72% | 87% * 86% 94% * * 84% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Students Not Tested Due to Exemptions | | | | | | LEP Exempt 2010 0.9% 0.5% 0.0% | 0.4% 0.0% 0.4% 0.0% * * 0.5% | | 2009 0.9% 1.3% 0.3% | 0.0% * 0.0% 0.0% * 0.0% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Progress of Prior Year TAKS Failers | | | Percent of Failers Passing TAKS (Sum of Gr 4-11) | | | | | | Reading/ELA 2010 57% 50% 50% | 67% * 67% * * * 60% | | 2009 43% 44% 40% | 40% * 40% * * * 40% | | | | | Mathematics 2010 43% 38% 49% | > 99% * * * * * * | | 2009 36% 34% 40% | * * * * * * * | | | | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 2 School Name: RUBEN CHAVIRA EL 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 535 School Number: 233901111 Grade Span: KG - 05 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Elementary __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | School | School | | State District Group | (All African Native Asian/ Econ. | | Average Average Median | Students) American Hispanic White American Pac.Is. Disadv. | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Student Success Initiative | | | | | | Grade 5 Reading (English and Spanish) | | | | | | Students Requiring Accelerated Instruction | | | 2010 15% 21% 15% | 7% * 8% < 1% * * 8% | | 2009 17% 20% 20% | 9% * 11% < 1% * * 12% | | | | | TAKS Cumulative Met Standard (1st & 2nd Admin) | | | 2010 92% 88% 91% | > 99% * > 99% > 99% * * > 99% | | 2009 90% 89% 88% | 96% * 95% > 99% * * 94% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Grade 5 Mathematics (English and Spanish) | | | | | | Students Requiring Accelerated Instruction | | | 2010 14% 20% 15% | 4% * 4% < 1% * * 5% | | 2009 16% 24% 19% | 3% * 4% < 1% * * 4% | | | | | TAKS Cumulative Met Standard (1st & 2nd Admin) | | | 2010 92% 90% 93% | > 99% * > 99% > 99% * * > 99% | | 2009 91% 90% 89% | 99% * 99% > 99% * * 99% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Attendance Rate | | | | | | 2008-09 95.6% 95.3% 96.5% | 97.2% 96.7% 97.2% 96.9% * 98.3% 97.1% | | 2007-08 95.5% 94.7% 96.6% | 97.3% 96.9% 97.5% 96.5% * 97.2% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 3 School Name: RUBEN CHAVIRA EL 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 535 School Number: 233901111 Grade Span: KG - 05 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Elementary __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | State District School Group | | | Average Average Average | School | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Class Size Averages by Grade | | | | | | Elementary: Kindergarten 19.3 19.8 19.4 | 20.7 | | Grade 1 19.1 18.8 19.1 | 19.0 | | Grade 2 19.2 17.9 18.7 | 19.5 | | Grade 3 19.3 17.0 19.1 | 17.3 | | Grade 4 19.9 17.2 20.3 | 13.8 | | Grade 5 22.4 18.6 22.7 | 19.6 | | Grade 6 21.1 22.5 22.0 | | | Mixed Grades 24.7 41.6 19.5 | 48.0 | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Number of Students per Teacher 14.5 15.4 15.5 | 13.4 | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Instructional Staff Percent ** 64.0% 67.0% n/a | n/a | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Instructional Expenditure Ratio ** 64.9% 66.5% n/a | n/a | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | School Group | | | Average | School | | Expenditures per Student (2008-2009): (All Funds) | (All Funds) | | | | | Total Operating Expenditures $6,270 | $6,962 | | Instruction (11,95) $4,609 | $5,066 | | Instructional-Related Services (12,13) $267 | $255 | | Instructional Leadership (21) $87 | $106 | | School Leadership (23) $424 | $380 | | Support Services-Student (31,32,33) $312 | $216 | | Other Campus Costs (35,36,51,52,53) $571 | $940 | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| '?' Indicates that the data for this item were statistically improbable, or were reported outside a reasonable range. '*' Indicates results are masked due to small numbers to protect student confidentiality. '-' Indicates zero observations reported for this group. 'n/a' Indicates data reporting is not applicable for this group. '**' For more details on this Chapter 44 measure, please go to A more complete report about your school, the Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) report, is available from your school, or can be accessed on the internet at 2009-10 School Report Card School Name: DR FERMIN CALDERON EL School Number: 233901112 2010 School Accountability Rating: Academically Acceptable Gold Performance Acknowledgments: Attendance (2008-09) District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD 2010 District Accountability Rating: Academically Acceptable This page intentionally left blank. T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 1 School Name: DR FERMIN CALDERON EL 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 687 School Number: 233901112 Grade Span: EE - 12 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Both Elem/Sec __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | School | School | | State District Group | (All African Native Asian/ Econ. | | Average Average Median | Students) American Hispanic White American Pac.Is. Disadv. | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | TAKS Met 2010 Standard (Sum of All Grades Tested) | | | (Standard Accountability Indicator) | | | | | | Reading/ELA 2010 90% 85% 90% | 75% * 74% > 99% * * 73% | | 2009 88% 84% 88% | 76% * 76% > 99% * * 74% | | | | | Mathematics 2010 84% 79% 83% | 76% * 76% > 99% * * 75% | | 2009 80% 73% 81% | 78% * 78% > 99% * * 76% | | | | | Writing 2010 93% 91% 94% | 96% * 96% * * * 95% | | 2009 92% 94% 93% | 91% * 91% * * * 90% | | | | | Science 2010 83% 75% 80% | 70% * 70% * * * 70% | | 2009 78% 70% 74% | 61% * 62% * * * 58% | | | | | All Tests 2010 77% 68% 74% | 60% * 59% > 99% * * 59% | | 2009 72% 63% 68% | 60% * 60% 86% * * 57% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Students Not Tested Due to Exemptions | | | | | | LEP Exempt 2010 0.9% 0.5% 0.0% | 0.3% * 0.3% 0.0% * 0.3% | | 2009 0.9% 1.3% 0.0% | 0.3% * 0.3% 0.0% * 0.3% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Progress of Prior Year TAKS Failers | | | Percent of Failers Passing TAKS (Sum of Gr 4-11) | | | | | | Reading/ELA 2010 57% 50% 61% | 8% * 8% * * * 8% | | 2009 43% 44% 45% | 38% * 38% * * * 35% | | | | | Mathematics 2010 43% 38% 46% | 23% * 24% * * * 23% | | 2009 36% 34% 36% | 56% * 56% * * * 59% | | | | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 2 School Name: DR FERMIN CALDERON EL 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 687 School Number: 233901112 Grade Span: EE - 12 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Both Elem/Sec __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | School | School | | State District Group | (All African Native Asian/ Econ. | | Average Average Median | Students) American Hispanic White American Pac.Is. Disadv. | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Student Success Initiative | | | | | | Grade 5 Reading (English and Spanish) | | | | | | Students Requiring Accelerated Instruction | | | 2010 15% 21% 18% | 39% * 40% * * * 40% | | 2009 17% 20% 27% | 29% * 30% * * * 34% | | | | | TAKS Cumulative Met Standard (1st & 2nd Admin) | | | 2010 92% 88% 91% | 78% * 77% * * * 77% | | 2009 90% 89% 89% | 78% * 78% * * * 75% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Grade 5 Mathematics (English and Spanish) | | | | | | Students Requiring Accelerated Instruction | | | 2010 14% 20% 20% | 41% * 42% * * * 43% | | 2009 16% 24% 17% | 25% * 25% * * * 27% | | | | | TAKS Cumulative Met Standard (1st & 2nd Admin) | | | 2010 92% 90% 90% | 83% * 83% * * * 83% | | 2009 91% 90% 90% | 84% * 84% * * * 82% | | | | | TAKS Failers Promoted by Grade Placement Committee | | | 2009 84.7% 91.8% * | 94.4% 94.4% 96.7% | | 2008 84.0% 75.5% * | 84.6% 84.6% 83.3% | | | | | TAKS Met Standard | | | (Failed in Previous Year) | | | | | | Retained in Grade 5 | | | 2010 74% 60% * | * * * * * * * | | 2009 71% 92% * | * * * * * * * | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Attendance Rate | | | | | | 2008-09 95.6% 95.3% 96.5% | 96.6% * 96.6% 97.5% * 96.6% | | 2007-08 95.5% 94.7% 96.3% | 96.4% * 96.4% 96.3% * 96.3% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 3 School Name: DR FERMIN CALDERON EL 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 687 School Number: 233901112 Grade Span: EE - 12 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Both Elem/Sec __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | School | School | | State District Group | (All African Native Asian/ Econ. | | Average Average Median | Students) American Hispanic White American Pac.Is. Disadv. | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Annual Dropout Rate (Gr 9-12) | | | | | | 2008-09 2.9% 4.5% 0.0% | * * | | 2007-08 3.2% 4.2% 0.6% | * * | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 4 School Name: DR FERMIN CALDERON EL 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 687 School Number: 233901112 Grade Span: EE - 12 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Both Elem/Sec __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | State District School Group | | | Average Average Average | School | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Class Size Averages by Grade | | | | | | Elementary: Kindergarten 19.3 19.8 17.5 | 19.8 | | Grade 1 19.1 18.8 17.6 | 21.5 | | Grade 2 19.2 17.9 18.0 | 19.8 | | Grade 3 19.3 17.0 18.8 | 15.0 | | Grade 4 19.9 17.2 18.3 | 19.2 | | Grade 5 22.4 18.6 19.6 | 21.4 | | Grade 6 21.1 22.5 24.3 | | | Mixed Grades 24.7 41.6 | 47.0 | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Number of Students per Teacher 14.5 15.4 13.6 | 14.2 | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Instructional Staff Percent ** 64.0% 67.0% n/a | n/a | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Instructional Expenditure Ratio ** 64.9% 66.5% n/a | n/a | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | School Group | | | Average | School | | Expenditures per Student (2008-2009): (All Funds) | (All Funds) | | | | | Total Operating Expenditures $7,660 | $6,730 | | Instruction (11,95) $5,084 | $5,021 | | Instructional-Related Services (12,13) $169 | $242 | | Instructional Leadership (21) $72 | $81 | | School Leadership (23) $547 | $329 | | Support Services-Student (31,32,33) $181 | $215 | | Other Campus Costs (35,36,51,52,53) $1,607 | $842 | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| '?' Indicates that the data for this item were statistically improbable, or were reported outside a reasonable range. '*' Indicates results are masked due to small numbers to protect student confidentiality. '-' Indicates zero observations reported for this group. 'n/a' Indicates data reporting is not applicable for this group. '**' For more details on this Chapter 44 measure, please go to A more complete report about your school, the Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) report, is available from your school, or can be accessed on the internet at 2009-10 School Report Card School Name: DR LONNIE GREEN JR EL School Number: 233901113 2010 School Accountability Rating: Recognized Gold Performance Acknowledgments: Attendance (2008-09) District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD 2010 District Accountability Rating: Academically Acceptable This page intentionally left blank. T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 1 School Name: DR LONNIE GREEN JR EL 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 699 School Number: 233901113 Grade Span: KG - 05 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Elementary __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | School | School | | State District Group | (All African Native Asian/ Econ. | | Average Average Median | Students) American Hispanic White American Pac.Is. Disadv. | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | TAKS Met 2010 Standard (Sum of All Grades Tested) | | | (Standard Accountability Indicator) | | | | | | Reading/ELA 2010 90% 85% 90% | 85% 80% 84% 94% * * 81% | | 2009 88% 84% 88% | 86% 60% 86% 94% * * 84% | | | | | Mathematics 2010 84% 79% 89% | 88% 80% 87% 94% * * 85% | | 2009 80% 73% 86% | 81% 20% 81% 93% * * 79% | | | | | Writing 2010 93% 91% 94% | 83% 80% 83% 89% * * 83% | | 2009 92% 94% 94% | 94% * 94% 83% * * 94% | | | | | Science 2010 83% 75% 87% | 85% * 84% > 99% * * 83% | | 2009 78% 70% 86% | 87% * 86% * * * 86% | | | | | All Tests 2010 77% 68% 81% | 73% 80% 73% 83% * * 70% | | 2009 72% 63% 77% | 73% 20% 72% 94% * * 70% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Students Not Tested Due to Exemptions | | | | | | LEP Exempt 2010 0.9% 0.5% 0.0% | 1.5% 0.0% 1.6% 0.0% * 1.9% | | 2009 0.9% 1.3% 0.3% | 0.3% 0.0% 0.3% 0.0% * * 0.4% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Progress of Prior Year TAKS Failers | | | Percent of Failers Passing TAKS (Sum of Gr 4-11) | | | | | | Reading/ELA 2010 57% 50% 50% | 29% * 31% * * * 31% | | 2009 43% 44% 47% | 22% * 25% * * * 33% | | | | | Mathematics 2010 43% 38% 49% | 40% * 41% * * * 33% | | 2009 36% 34% 50% | 27% * 27% * * * 33% | | | | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 2 School Name: DR LONNIE GREEN JR EL 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 699 School Number: 233901113 Grade Span: KG - 05 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Elementary __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | School | School | | State District Group | (All African Native Asian/ Econ. | | Average Average Median | Students) American Hispanic White American Pac.Is. Disadv. | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Student Success Initiative | | | | | | Grade 5 Reading (English and Spanish) | | | | | | Students Requiring Accelerated Instruction | | | 2010 15% 21% 15% | 20% * 21% < 1% * * 25% | | 2009 17% 20% 18% | 19% * 19% * * * 23% | | | | | TAKS Cumulative Met Standard (1st & 2nd Admin) | | | 2010 92% 88% 92% | 87% * 86% > 99% * * 83% | | 2009 90% 89% 90% | 88% * 88% * * * 87% | | | | | TAKS Failers Promoted by Grade Placement Committee | | | 2009 84.7% 78.6% 83.3% | 62.5% 62.5% 40.0% | | 2008 84.0% 83.6% 86.6% | | | | | | TAKS Met Standard | | | (Failed in Previous Year) | | | | | | Retained in Grade 5 | | | 2010 72% * * | * * * * * * * | | 2009 65% 70% > 99% | * * * * * * * | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Grade 5 Mathematics (English and Spanish) | | | | | | Students Requiring Accelerated Instruction | | | 2010 14% 20% 11% | 18% * 19% < 1% * * 21% | | 2009 16% 24% 13% | 21% * 21% * * * 21% | | | | | TAKS Cumulative Met Standard (1st & 2nd Admin) | | | 2010 92% 90% 94% | 89% * 88% > 99% * * 87% | | 2009 91% 90% 92% | 87% * 87% * * * 84% | | | | | TAKS Failers Promoted by Grade Placement Committee | | | 2009 84.7% 91.8% 84.2% | 78.6% 78.6% 62.5% | | 2008 84.0% 75.5% 87.5% | | | | | | TAKS Met Standard | | | (Failed in Previous Year) | | | | | | Retained in Grade 5 | | | 2010 74% 60% * | * * * * * * * | | 2009 71% 92% * | * * * * * * * | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 3 School Name: DR LONNIE GREEN JR EL 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 699 School Number: 233901113 Grade Span: KG - 05 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Elementary __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | School | School | | State District Group | (All African Native Asian/ Econ. | | Average Average Median | Students) American Hispanic White American Pac.Is. Disadv. | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Attendance Rate | | | | | | 2008-09 95.6% 95.3% 96.9% | 97.4% 97.2% 97.4% 97.4% * * 97.4% | | 2007-08 95.5% 94.7% 96.8% | 96.7% 95.8% 96.7% 96.4% * * 96.6% | |______________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________________________| T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 4 School Name: DR LONNIE GREEN JR EL 2009-10 School Report Card School Enrollment: 699 School Number: 233901113 Grade Span: KG - 05 District Name: SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD School Type: Elementary __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | State District School Group | | | Average Average Average | School | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Class Size Averages by Grade | | | | | | Elementary: Kindergarten 19.3 19.8 19.6 | 18.6 | | Grade 1 19.1 18.8 20.0 | 16.8 | | Grade 2 19.2 17.9 19.4 | 16.9 | | Grade 3 19.3 17.0 19.4 | 14.4 | | Grade 4 19.9 17.2 19.3 | 17.2 | | Grade 5 22.4 18.6 23.4 | 19.0 | | Grade 6 21.1 22.5 24.3 | | | Mixed Grades 24.7 41.6 21.7 | 37.0 | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Number of Students per Teacher 14.5 15.4 16.0 | 12.9 | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Instructional Staff Percent ** 64.0% 67.0% n/a | n/a | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | Instructional Expenditure Ratio ** 64.9% 66.5% n/a | n/a | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| | | | | School Group | | | Average | School | | Expenditures per Student (2008-2009): (All Funds) | (All Funds) | | | | | Total Operating Expenditures $6,348 | $6,888 | | Instruction (11,95) $4,569 | $5,161 | | Instructional-Related Services (12,13) $251 | $223 | | Instructional Leadership (21) $94 | $69 | | School Leadership (23) $399 | $348 | | Support Services-Student (31,32,33) $323 | $202 | | Other Campus Costs (35,36,51,52,53) $713 | $885 | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|________________| '?' Indicates that the data for this item were statistically improbable, or were reported outside a reasonable range. '*' Indicates results are masked due to small numbers to protect student confidentiality. '-' Indicates zero observations reported for this group. 'n/a' Indicates data reporting is not applicable for this group. '**' For more details on this Chapter 44 measure, please go to A more complete report about your school, the Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) report, is available from your school, or can be accessed on the internet at
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