ST. JOSEPH PARISH TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MEDFORD, MA Saturday, October 11 8:00 AM Fr. Larry Drennan 4:00 PM Huckins & Pagliuca Families Sunday, October 12 8:00 AM For the People 10:00 AM Saltonstall – Augustine A. Donovan 10:00 AM Angela Zaimo 12:00 N Marion Romano Monday, October 13 8:00 AM Lori Kirkmen Tuesday, October 14 8:00 AM Luminosa & Giuseppe Guarino Come to the Feast! “Everything is ready; come to the feast” (Matthew 22:4). I find Sunday morinings in church to be joyful. We gather and celebrate the riches that God shares with us. As the prophet Isaiah said, “The Lord of hosts will provide for all peoples a feast of rich food and choice wines, juicy, rich food and pure, choice wines.” At the Lord’s Supper, we share the overflowing bounty of God’s blessings. But I also find Sundays to be sad. When I look around at the many people in society who seem to go about their lives with little thought of God, I feel sad. What a loss it is, for them and for us. God is holding a joyous wedding banquet and invites all. “But they refused to come,” as noted in Jesus’ parable today. Lord, help us to share your love with others, and help us to lead them toward you. Msgr. Stephen J. Rossetti Living with Christ October, 2014 READINGS: #1009 FINANCIAL REPORT Wednesday, October 15 8:00 AM Rev. Charles D. Logue 8:30 AM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament to 8:30 PM Lower Church Thursday, October 16 8:00 AM Matthew Ginnetty 8:30 AM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament to 8:30 PM Lower Church Friday, October 17 8:00 AM Vittorio Villano 8:30 AM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament to 8:30 PM Lower Church Saturday, October 18 8:00 AM Angelo Corrado 4:00 PM Joseph Torrice Sunday, October 19 8:00 AM For the People 10:00 AM Saltonstall – Anthony DeChristoforo 10:00 AM Thomas & Mary Kelley 12:00 N Mario Garcia Please pray for Matilda V. Fountain and all our deceased parishioners and loved ones. St. Francis Mass Schedule: Daily Mass: Monday – Thursday at 9am Weekend Masses: Saturdays at 4pm and Sundays at 7:30am & 11am Offertory including electronic giving: $7,363. Second Collection: On-going Maintenance Second Collection Next Weekend: World Mission Sunday Thank you for your continued support of St. Joseph Parish. Your help makes our parish great. IN LOVING MEMORY October 12 – October 18 Sanctuary Light: Billy Falasca Hosts: Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time From Fr. Ed Have you ever encountered someone that describes himself or herself as a “former” Catholic? All of us probably have. They’ve probably stopped practicing their faith for many reasons, some good and some not-so-good. That’s true in my own family. Maybe they’ve just grown out of the habit. Maybe they’ve had a bad experience with someone in the Church (most often a priest.) Maybe they don’t like one or more of the teachings of the Church (who doesn’t?) But the worst reason, which I hear most often, is that they feel like they don't belong. Think about what a young family goes through when they attend Mass. They have to first get the kids up, fed and dressed. They need to back a bag of “supplies” like a nuclear kit in case one of the kids explodes. And that’s all before they leave the house. Then once they get to Church they try to find a seat. Most often they will wind up in a seat that someone has sat in for a thousand years, meaning they will get a “glare” from the person that has to move. Now, God help them if one of the children makes a sound during Mass. They will have to see someone giving them the “hairy eye” or even worse, actually saying something crummy to them after Mass. The experience of that young family (and it’s a real one) happens far to often in all Churches. Noise is good. Changing our seat is good. Seeing new people in our Church is a blessing. The Church describes evangelization as “new.” For some of us it may be a new seat or a new sound. New life is what we seek. New people are who we’re after. And after they show up will they want to come back? ELECTRONIC GIVING Date 10/19 11/9 11/23 Collection Entry World Mission Sunday 10/12-10/26 Human Development Campaign 11/2-11/16 Retired Religious Sisters 11/16-11/30 October 12, 2014 At our parishioners’ request or with permission, we list those who are sick or in the hospital and wish to be remembered in our prayers: Lisa Gilbert, Angela Toto, Diane Rossetti, Shawn Odom, Sr. Eileen Colbert, CSJ., Maria Piemonte, John Carew, Janice Hoxie, Charlie Madison, Theresa O’Brien Carew, James Harold, Flavia DiVito, Pauline Vojtas, Rhonda Fruzzetti, Dave Wilson, Jerry DeCristofaro, David Theisen, David Theisen Jr, Ellen Henderson, Frank Carew, Constance Kelly, William Iacopucci, Carol Buchanan, Ann McLaughlin, Franco & Yolanda Ciglino, Edward & Constance Kelly, Edward Powell, Jr. Philip Silva, Grace Phillips, Michael DeMeo, Baby Baxter Francis Belanger, Jean BarrySutherland, Anthony Ruggieri Jr. Giuseppe A. Cicoria Jr., Sr. Waltrude, Bob Howe LOVED ONES IN SERVICE Presently on active duty serving our country: US Army Chaplain Fr. Paul Hurley; Afghanistan, 1st Lt. US Army Michael Durham; Chief Kevin Purifory, US Coast Guard; Patrick Carney, U.S. Navy; Sgt. James Mihelidakis, US Army Infantry home from Iraq; Sgt. Nicholas Lavery, US Army Special Forces, Sgt. Dave Wilkinson, US Army; PFC Grainne Battel, US Army; Sgt. Caitlin Battel, US Army; Daniel Brogan, US Navy. We are privileged to include their names in our bulletin weekly. Our prayers go out to all our men and women who are serving our country. May God protect them. Revised Relgious Ed Schedule for Grades 1-8 STILL ACCEPTING REGISTRATIONS for St. Joseph Religious Education Grades 1-5 and Edge Program (6-8) We ask the children be present at the 10am Mass. Class will run after the 10am mass until 1:15pm. Sunday, October 26th Sunday, November 9th Sunday, December 7th Sunday, January 25th Sunday, February 22nd Sunday, March 22nd ST. JOSEPH PARISH St. Joseph Parish 2014 Grand Annual Our Grand Annual Collection is off to a great start! The response to the 2014 Grand Annual Collection has been excellent. Many parishioners have not only given to the appeal but have increased their support! Our goal this year is to raise $75,000 through the Grand Annual. Achieving this goal will allow us to secure our parish finances as well as allow us to continue our important ministries. If possible, we ask you to consider a gift of $300 or more. Some have the ability to do much more and some less. We ask only that you give to the best of your ability. This year we are pleased to offer the opportunity to make your gift in two payments. Our hope is that we may encourage you to take a gentle step in increasing your support. You will notice an updated Grand Annual Pledge Card with the option of making a one-time gift or the option for two payments. If you did not bring your pledge card to Mass with you this weekend, please bring it next weekend or mail it to the parish this week. Your participation in the Grand Annual Colleciton is sincerely appreciated. Thank you. An Invitation to St. Francis’ October Monthly Dinner Please join us on Saturday, October 25th, following the 4:00 PM Mass, in our Dining Room for a delicious dinner and great company. Menu: Chicken Cutlet with Roasted Potatoes, Carrots, Garden Salad, Desserts & Beverages $10.00 Adult / $5.00 Child Children 3 & under eat free. No tickets will be sold after Wednesday, October 22nd and no tickets will be sold at the door. Tickets will be on sale at St. Francis after all Masses and at the St. Francis Parish Center Office, Monday - Friday, 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM. MEDFORD, MA ANNUAL PARISH CONCERT The St. Joseph Parish Music Ministry invites you to join us on Sunday afternoon, October 19th, at 2PM in the upper church, for our St. Joseph Parish Annual Concert. This year’s program is being presented in loving memory of Father Lawrence J. (“Fr. Larry”) Drennan, and Father John (“Jack”) Toomey. There will be a luncheon in the social center following the concert, catered by Carroll’s Restaurant in Medford (once again, through the kindness of parishioner, Attorney Victor Garo). Please note: when you arrive for the concert, you will receive a voucher which will enable you to attend the luncheon. For more information, please e-mail Betsy Pesce, Music Director at or call 781-391-1457 (office) or 617-335-8155 (cell). The Music Ministry Would Be Honored... ...if you would consider supporting our ministry by placing an ad in our upcoming annual parish concert program. As you may know, our concert is scheduled for Sunday, October 19th, at 2pm. This year’s program is being presented in loving memory of Father Lawrence J. ("Fr. Larry") Drennan, and Father John ("Jack") Toomey, and will consist of a varied program of sacred, classical and popular selections. We have many options to choose from: Back Cover (5 ½” x 8 ½”) $250 Half Page (5 ½” x 4 ¼”) $ 60 Full Page (5 ½” x 8 ½”) $100 Third Page (5 ½” x 2 7/8”) $ 45 You can send your ad copy and payment or individual contribution (checks made out to St. Joseph Parish) directly to Betsy Pesce, Music and Liturgy Director, c/o of the rectory, at 114 High Street. We would be most grateful for your support in this very special parish event. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Join us at the St. Francis Parish Center For:
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