CHURCH STAFF Transitional Pastor Youth Pastor Minister of Worship Administrator Treasurer Custodian Howard Garver Dave Barkema Patti Bos Julie Miller Deanne Kauffman DAILY BREAD FOOD PANTRY Open Sunday morning from 11:30 to 12 noon, the pantry ministers to those who regularly worship with us and who need to supplement their weekly groceries. Donations welcome! See Candy Knepp for more information. FULL CIRCLE MEN’S MINISTRY Provides volunteers to those unable to hire someone for general home maintenance, contact Jack Knepp at 3567117 or Brian Yoder at 379-0469. GOT BIKES For those who need a bicycle for transportation. To donate bikes, contact Dan Hernley, Greg Schlabach or email HOPE IN SRQ Helping Other People Eat in Sarasota, our community breakfast, takes place at 8 am, the 2nd and 4th Saturdays monthly. Next month we meet Oct. 11 and Oct. 25. See Kris Miller to participate. WMSC Sewing Ladies meet monthly for fellowship, quilting, knotting and special projects. We meet the first Thursday of each month, 9 am, at Bay Shore. Bring a sack lunch! Everyone welcome! Register for Oct. 5, 5, 2014 Worship: 232 Sunday School: 152 Total: $11,398.00 General Fund Education Fund Other $ 2,107.00 9,139.00 152.00 Palmer Blvd. Debt Reduction Balance: $216,113 October 12, 2014 Special Offering – 9.28.14 $11,502.55 Nursery volunteers today: Anita Miller & Heidi Miller To submit items for consideration in next week’s bulletin – Provide in writing or email by Tuesday, 9:00 am. 3809 Chapel Drive, Sarasota, FL 34234 • phone 941.355.4168 • fax 941.351.1969 WELCOME TO BAY SHORE OCTOBER 12, 2014 – 9:00 AM HAPPENING THIS WEEK: OCT. 13-18, 2014 Tues Wed Prelude Zachariah Miller Zachariah Miller & Worship Team Lee Miller Howard Garver Call to Worship Praise & Worship Special Music Message Life Under God Exodus 20 K R E W meets T O D A Y ! IT’S AN IN WEEK ! See In, Out, Up description! HIGHLIGHTS • TODAY! Transitional Pastor Howard Garver continues our new series Life For God (9.28), Life From God (9.14), Fear No Evil (9.07). • Boys & girls (ages 3 – grade 5), KREW meets today! • TODAY’s Moment for Mission! Beth Wittmer and Dr. Claudia Mallarino will talk about Amigos of Latin America, founded in 2007 by Dr. Mallarino and her husband Dr. Guillermo Villalona. In 2010 when the earthquake struck Haiti, these 2 physicians felt led to go immediately! • TODAY’s MYF Fundraiser! Enjoy lunch following Sunday School Menu: Sloppy Joes, Potato Salad, Garden Salad & MYF Dessert. Proceeds go to our Summer 2015 MYF service trip. • Next Sunday, 10.19, Donut Fundraiser to help the Mayers with costs of Mike’s upcoming bone marrow transplant! Thurs Ethos @ Barkema’s, 7 pm Ladies Bible Study, SCS, 6:30-8:30 pm Worship Night, SCS, JYF/MYF, 7:30 pm Men’s Bible Study, 6 am, Papa Nick’s on Fruitville __________________________________________________________________________________________________ PRAISE & PRAYER * Praise God! They’ve found a match for Mike Mayer for his bone marrow transplant! Pray that all goes well leading to the next step! * Praise God for the report from Brad Schlabach on the Annual Assembly of the Southeast Mennonite Conference. * Pray for KREW staff as they lead boys & girls ages 3-grade 5. * Praise God for the miracle of Jenny Wiseman’s recovery from a bike accident. _____________________________________________________________________________ I O U THIS WEEK WE BEGIN ANOTHER ROUND OF TESTIMONIES – In – Ways we have been the Body of Christ to each other…in the Out – Ways we see the Kingdom of God….out there in the world. Up – Body. Ways God has revealed Himself to us as we look up to Him. ___________________________________________________________________________ WMSC Health Kits! Thank you for all the School Kits you have given to help our children in need. Now we need your support for Health Kits: 1 adult-size toothbrush, 1 6-7 oz. squeeze tube of toothpaste, 1 4-5 oz. bar of soap, 1 nail clipper with file. 1 bright/dark color hand towel. Get a bag in the Communication Walkway, fill & return them. Questions? Call Judi Mullett @ 302-4217. ______________________________________________________________________________ Great Opportunities for Fellowship! • Sunday, 10.26, Mike Barkema and Danny Aviles will share about their experiences at YWAM Bible School in South Africa during Sunday School. Meet in the sanctuary! Saturday, 10.25, 4 pm Fall Church Picnic at Eli & Vera Herschberger’s, sign up in the Communication Walkway! See flyer for details! Sunday, 11.02, Multi-Ethnic Food & Worship night(Sarasota Mennonite Song Fest), at Bay Shore, Community Meal at 5:30 pm, Worship at 6:45 pm. ____________________________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------- WELCOME! To our guests who may be visiting, we are glad to have you with us for worship today. To our northern friends, if you are back for the winter, please call the church office & let us know. ____________________________________________________________ JOURNEY TOGETHER: READ THE BIBLE IN 2014! TODAY’S READING: OT: IS. 39-40; COL. 4
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