Our purpose is: − To love God. − To love the world. − To love YOU. A Faith That Matters Sunday Worship Services 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. Pastor Rev. Russell Brown A Loving Invitation Heritage United Methodist Church October 12, 2014 9:00 and 10:30 am 18th Sunday in Kingdom'de “The very act of ligh-ng a candle is prayer.” – Brother David Steindl-Rast You are invited to light a prayer ca ndle at any #me, as you feel led to pray. Prelude Gree#ng and Announcements Rev. Russell Brown *Call to Worship ONE: MANY: ONE: MANY: ALL: Becky Waters/Wya, Henderson Gather us in, wind of the Spirit! Center us down. Collect the dangling threads of our consciousness and weave them into a worthy tapestry of praise. Help us remember the roots from which our strength is drawn. Help us return again to that source. Your purposes are eternal, O God. Though the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, yet your love will remain steadfast forever. We are here to worship. We are here to praise. We are here to have our hearts enlarged and our eyes opened! This day was made by God… given to us… and pronounced good and perfect. Thanks be to the God who loves us extravagantly. In the name of God’s Son, Jesus the Christ we pray… AMEN. *Hymn of Praise Rejoice, the Lord is King #715 UMH vs 1,2,4 ( Words: Charles Wesley 1746, Tune: John Darwall, 1770) Children’s Anthem (10:30am only) I Saw... (White) Children’s Moment (9am only) Cherub Choir Rev. Russell Brown Sacrament of Holy Bap#sm (10:30am only) #39 UMH **Kindergart en - 3rd grade wil l be dismissed to Sunday school. For the loca#on of your child's classroom please refer to the Children's Ministries informa#on in the Tidings. Call to Prayer O Come and Dwell in Me #388 UMH vs 1 & 4 ( Words: Charles Wesley 1762, Music: To the tune of "All I Need is You" TFWS #2080 ) Prayers of the People… Rev. Russell Brown prayer response “O Lord, hear our prayers” …Lord's Prayer #895 UMH Prayer Response #561 UMH vs 1 Jesus United by Thy Grace ( Words: Charles Wesley 1742, Music: Johann Criger, 1647 ) Anthem Tes-fy (Wood, Weeks,Brady, arr Mauldin) Chancel Choir Directed by Kenda Worsfold *Scripture Isaiah 49:6 and Ma,hew 28:18-20, KJV Becky Waters/Wya, Henderson Sermon A Loving Invita-on Rev. Russell Brown Responding in Gra#tude for God’s GiIs with our Offerings Becky Waters/Wya, Henderson Offertory *The Doxology Praise God, from Whom all Blessings Flow *Prayer of Dedica#on ONE: MANY: ONE: MANY: ALL: #95 UMH Becky Waters/Wya, Henderson One and Eternal God, we respond to you with joy as we li6 up this offering of our resources to you. The opportunity to share with others in this way is truly a blessing. O, God, your generous provision for our needs prompts us to be generous in return. Accomplish your purposes, we pray, throug h these gi:s and throug h our lives. In Christ’s holy name we pray… AMEN *Hymn of Commitment Come Sinners, to the Gospel Feast #616 UMH vs 1,2,5 ( Words: Charles Wesley 1747, Tune: John Ha,on, 1793) *Benedic#on *Sending Forth Rev. Russell Brown Forth in Thy Name O Lord ( Words: Charles Wesley 1749, Music: John Ha,on, 1793) *Postlude #438 UMH vs1 *Indicates to stand as you are able. Organist: Margaret Cino,o Pianist: Carrie DeVries **Sunday school teachers will walk your children to their Sunday school classrooms aIer the Children’s Moment and then you may pick them up in their classroom aIer the service. Parents are always welcome to walk their children to Sunday school aIer the Children’s Moment if it would make your children more comfortable UMH – United Methodist Hymnal TFWS – The Faith We Sing songbook If you are visi-ng with us for the first -me, we welcome you and invite you to join us a6er the worship service for fellowship and refreshments in our Hospitality Hall (through the south door of the sanctuary and to your le6.) Please stop by the Visitor Informa-on table near the west doors to pick up more informa-on and give us the opportunity to get to know you.
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