Holy Family Church Nutley-Belleville October 12, 2014 SERVED BY: Pastor Rev. Joseph Ferraro Parochial Vicars Rev. John Gordon Rev. Mauro Primavera Transitional Deacon Rev. Mr. Antonio Sarento Director of Religious Education Sr. Diana Yodris, MPF Convent Superior Sr. Gloria Doria, MPF Good Shepherd Academy Sr. Jane Feltz, MPF, Principal Pastoral Associate Sr. Eileen Hubbert, SSJ Director of Music Ministry Ms. Susan Loricchio Ministers of Hospitality John Caruso, Captain Youth Ministry Team Mrs. Amy DiCristo & Mr. John O’Reilly Parish Secretary Ms. Lynn S. Falduto (hfclynn28@aol.com) Nursery School Supervisor Sr. Jycinth Valenciana, FSSE Finance Council Chairperson Mrs. Deborah Mastroeni Development Committee Chairperson Mr. Paul Grillo Parish Trustees Mrs. Gina Tamburri Mr. Robert Collmier Stewardship Committee Chairperson Mr. Philip Hui MASSES Saturday evening: ANOINTING OF THE SICK: This is a 5:30 PM (English), 7:00 PM (Italian) Neo-Catechumenate Liturgy: 8:30 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 Noon & 7:00 PM Filipino Mass: 2nd Sunday of month, 5:00 PM Daily: 7:00, 8:45 AM; Saturday 8:45 AM OFFICE HOURS: Daily: 8:30 AM - 12:00 Noon 1:00 - 4:00 PM 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM The Rectory is closed 12:00 - 1:00 PM and 4:00 - 6:00 PM Saturday: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM The office is closed on Sunday. RECONCILIATION: Saturday, 1:00 PM BAPTISM: Baptisms are scheduled once a month on Sunday afternoons except during Lent. Expectant parents are asked to contact the rectory to schedule an appointment at least three months before the desired date of Baptism. Parents must attend a special catechetical session prior to the Baptism. MARRIAGE: Couples should contact the rectory one year in advance of the proposed wedding date in order to allow for the proper pre-marital preparation. At least one person must be a registered parishioner of Holy Family. Rectory: 973-667-0026/Fax: 973-661-1714 Convent: 973-667-2050 28 Brookline Avenue 60 Harrison Street www.holyfamilynutley.org sacrament not only for those who are at the point of death. As soon as anyone begins to be in danger of death from sickness or old age, we encourage you to call for a priest in the rectory. MINISTRY OF THE SICK: The Eucharist will be brought to the homebound. Please contact the Rectory with the names and addresses of parishioners who are ill or homebound. VOCATION: Women and men who feel called to the religious life, and men called to Holy Orders, should contact the Vocations Office at 973-497-4365. EMERGENCY CALLS: In case of an accident or sudden illness, call the rectory at any hour or reach us on the emergency phone, 973-715-3108. The priest on duty will return your call. SOCIAL SERVICE HOTLINE: The Catholic Community Services is an office that serves all people in need. Please call 1-800-CCS-7413. PARISH PAY: Have your weekly donation sent directly to the Church! Visit www.parishpay.com or call 1-866-PARISH1 Rel. Education Office: 973-667-6018 Nursery: 973-235-1170 Good Shepherd Academy: 973-667-2049 174 Franklin Avenue 24 Brookline Avenue Page Two 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time A-2014 My brothers and sisters in the Lord! Today we hear about the wedding feast at Cana where Jesus, His mother and His disciples were celebrating with neighbors. Jesus worked His first miracle that day, changing water into wine to save a young couple from embarrassment. Later on, when His public life had caught the attention of those in power, Jesus dined at the house of a local dignitary and taught the guests about humility, mainly because they were arguing about power and position. The Pharisees confronted Jesus for eating with sinners, which gave Him a chance to say that He had come for the sake of sinners and not for the virtuous. But it was at the Last Supper that Jesus did those stupendous things which still affect us deeply; the transforming of the bread and wine as well as washing the feet of His disciples. And then, at the first century version of a barbecue on the beach, Jesus gave Simon Peter the task of feeding His lambs and His sheep. Eating and drinking in company was an important ingredient of spreading the Good News that is accepting and giving hospitality with a generous heart. What Jesus was doing was echoing Isaiah’s vision of the hospitality of God at the end of time, which we heard about in today’s first reading. Heaven will be like the party to end all parties. The banquet is open to all peoples, not just for the Jew or, for that matter, the Christians. In the Gospel parable today, St. Matthew tells us that “the wedding hall was filled with guests.” God is going to remove the mourning veil that covers us, namely our guilt, our anxiety, our depression, our negativity. God is also going to wipe away the tears from every cheek; no one will come to the party and nurse his or her misery. We shall exalt and rejoice that God has saved us. The benign and forgiving face of the Father is going to beam down the table and that’s what heaven will be like. It won’t be like a party with caviar, where the host is showing off and the guests are afraid to eat. Rather, the kingdom of God will be relaxed, companionable and reassuring. Each time we celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, we hear the words of the priest at the Communion Rite, “Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb.” The party theme penetrates even here. The meal we share at Holy Communion is a preparation for the glory and the joy of paradise. Jesus was once sacrificed for our sake, like a lamb being offered up in the Old Testament. We re-enact this each time we come to Mass. But at the banquet in the kingdom, we shall see Him in His true colors, our Risen Lord, and this will make us incredibly happy. Sometimes we are severe in our faith, or the details of it. Maybe that’s the way we were brought up. We should always remember that belonging to the Church on earth is a dry run for belonging to God’s family in heaven and we should never let anything pull us down, lest we forget how to be joyful. Let us reflect on the words of today’s Psalm, “My head you have anointed with oil; my cup is overflowing.” Peace, Fr. Joe Canonization of Blessed Ludovico di Casoria It is with great joy that we join the Community of the Franciscan Sisters of St. Elizabeth as they await the upcoming Canonization of their Founder, Blessed Ludovico di Casoria, on November 23, 2014. Our Sisters at Holy Family Day Nursery continue to be a great gift to our parish and we are grateful for their presence and nurturing our children in preschool. Six of our sisters will be traveling to Italy for this celebration. If anyone would like to help defer the cost of their expenses, you are welcome to send your gift directly to the Mother House, c/o Mother Lilly Perapadan F.S.S.E., Franciscan Sisters of St. Elizabeth, 499 Park Rd., Parsippany, NJ 07054, or you may drop your donation off at the Nursery on Franklin Avenue. Checks can be made payable to Franciscan Sisters of St. Elizabeth. We are grateful for all the Sisters do for our parish, especially in caring for the altar linens at Church and their gift of music at the 8 A.M. Mass each Sunday. BLESSED LUDOVICO OF CASORIA Priest of the Franciscan Friars Minor Founder of the Franciscan Sisters of St. Elizabeth (1814 - 1885) Blessed Ludovico of Casoria (Archangelo Palmentieri) was born on March 11, 1814, in Casoria, Italy. He entered the Friars Minor in 1832, taking the name Ludovico. Shortly after his ordination, he was appointed to teach philosophy and mathematics to the young members of the Order at the Franciscan Friary of St. Peter in Naples. In 1847 he had a mystical experience which he later described as a cleansing. He dedicated his life to the poor and the infirm, establishing a dispensary for the poor, schools for the African children, an institution for orphans, the deaf and the speechless, and other institutes for the blind and elderly. He once said, “The love of Christ wounded my heart.” This love prompted him to great acts of charity. To help continue these works, he established the Brothers of Charity and the Sisters of St. Elizabeth. Ludovico wrote a spiritual testament which described faith as “light in the darkness, help in sickness, blessing in tribulations, and paradise in the crucifixion, and life amid death.” He was beatified in 1993 by Pope John Paul II and will be canonized on November 23, 2014 in Vatican City by Pope Francis. “St. Francis is the living image of Jesus Christ. It is necessary to imitate him in virtue, in poverty of spirit, in separating from the world and in the love for Jesus Christ.” Blessed Ludovico of Casoria Page Three I can do all things in him who strengthens me. — Philippians 4:13 Saturday, October 11 5:30 & 7:00 Masses Combined This Evening Anthony DeFuria...Mary & Tom Frain Victoria Leto...Family Sunday, October 12 8:00 AM Ben & Stella Chanley...Annette Chanley 10:00 AM Thomas Genna...Theresa & Family 12:00 PM Felicia Cantagallo...John 5:00 PM Filipino Mass 7:00 PM People of the Parish Monday, October 13 - Columbus Day 7:00 AM Leon Zyman...Olga Lavelle 8:45 AM Esther & Gus Tarantino...Carol Petsko Tuesday, October 14 7:00 AM Joe Russo...Joe Trignano 8:45 AM Edward Gerard Waldmann...Son, Stephen & Family Wednesday, October 15 - St. Teresa of Jesus 7:00 AM Stanley Stearns...Mary Ryan 8:45 AM Susan Carissimo...Christine Fusaro Thursday, October 16 7:00 AM Cynthia Warren...Earl Fisher & Family 8:45 AM Mary DeFilippo...O’Reilly & DeFilippo Families Friday, October 17 7:00 AM Deceased of the Cantangelo Family ...M/M Val Frattaroli 8:45 AM Tom Petronio...Angela & Mike Saporito Saturday, October 18 St. Luke the Evangelist 8:45 AM Special Remembrance Mass Maria Armenti John Dublin John & Eleanor Arthur Anthony & Gloria Pope Laura Caccamo Daniel Pope, Sr. Richard Clark, Sr. Eleanor Saniscalchi Francis DeBlaise Elmer & Hattie Walsh 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Saturday, October 18 5:30 PM Victoria & Ramon Martinez...Henry & Patty Martinez 7:00 PM Pat Servidio...Niece, Donna Sunday, October 19 8:00 AM Rose Miele...Annette Chanley 10:00 AM Anna & Donato Testa...Maria & Rosario Testa 12:00 PM People of the Parish 7:00 PM Sr. Antoinette Pagano, MPF...GSA/HSA STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE “And my God will supply every need of yours…” - Philippians 4:19 God really does provide for those that are grateful and generous. This is very difficult for people that don’t live a stewardship lifestyle to believe. People are skeptical and say it’s just coincidence. If you are skeptical, try living a stewardship lifestyle for just one month – be generous with your gifts of time, talent and treasure and see how God provides for your needs. For Sunday, October 5, 2014 The actual collection was $8320.00; $1589.00 of which came from Parish Pay. The 2nd Collection for the Archdiocesan Assessment was $3513, $420.00 of which came from Parish Pay. To date, Fall Flower Collection is $795.00 Mass Attendance was 1,458. God Bless You For Your Continued Generosity! For Sunday, October 6, 2013, The actual collection was $9,576.00; $1,475.00 of which came from Parish Pay. The 2nd Collection for the Archdiocesan Assessment was $3,142.00; $422.00 of which from Parish Pay. Mass Attendance was 1,517. God Bless You For Your Continued Generosity! Memorials for the Week of October 12, 2014 Church Sanctuary Lamp Happy Birthday, in Heaven, Msgr. Louis F. Fimiani Mother Cabrini Chapel Sanctuary Lamp Henry Tamburri...Ferrara Family Altar Candles Joseph Manetta...Gina & Alex Tamburri Altar Bread Patrick O’Reilly...Joan Conforti The Sanctuary Lamp in the Church, Chapel, Convent and Rectory, Altar Candles, Altar Bread, & Altar Wine, as well as Altar Flowers are our weekly memorials. The donation for each Sanctuary Lamp and Altar Candles are $10. The donation for Altar Bread or Altar Wine is $15. The donation for Flowers on the Altar of the Blessed Virgin or Saint Joseph is $45. Please stop by the rectory to reserve any of the above. Please Pray for Those Who Are Sick... Raymond & Mary Bresko, Phil Echo, Janet Ferrugia, Fr. Peter Funesti, Toni Logiudice, Josephine Loricchio, Kenneth Matthews, Philip Napoli, Laurie Palumbo, Anne Rotonda, Kayla San Filippo, Daniella Serafino, Mary Sprechini - the entire sick list is posted on the bulletin board in the vestibule. Please Pray for Those Who Have Died… Sr. Mary Garozza MPF Marie Montano Paul Donzella Page Four STEWARDSHIP OF TIME Saturday, October 11 5:30 PM One Mass Only: 5:30 & 7:00 Masses Combined this Evening 7:00 PM K of C Columbus Day Dinner - GSA 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #1 - MDL 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #2 - SJC 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #3 - SLR Sunday, October 12 8:30 AM Religious Education - GSA 10:00 AM Children’s Liturgy of the Word - Church 2:45 PM O.L of Fatima Prayer Group - MCC 5:00 PM Filipino Mass – Church; Fellowship Following SJC 6:00 PM Youth Group - SA Monday, October 13- Columbus Day The Rectory is Closed for Business Today 7:00 PM Novena - MCC 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal - Church 8:00 PM MSA Room In Use Tuesday, October 14 12:30 PM Adult Education - SJC 8:00 PM K of C - SA Wednesday, October 15 – St. Teresa of Jesus 7:00 PM Praise & Worship - MCC 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #1 - MDL 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #2 - SJC 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #3 - SLR Thursday, October 16 10:00 AM Adult Italian Class - SA 4:30 PM Children Italian Class - SA 7:30 PM Bible Study - SJC Friday, October 17 6:00 AM Men’s Prayer Group - SJC 7:00 PM Cursillo School of Leaders - SJC Saturday, October 18 PRAY 9:00 AM Filipino Prayer Group - SJC 1:00 PM Confession - Church FOR 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #1 - MDL PE ACE! 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #2/3 – SJC nd 2 Collection – World Mission Sunday Sunday, October 19 8:30 AM Religious Education - GSA 10:00 AM Children's Liturgy of the Word – Church 2:00 PM Baptisms - Church 2:45 PM O.L. of Fatima Prayer Group - MCC 6:00 PM Youth Group - SJC LR MCC MDL MSA PP PR SA SJC KEY Liturgy Room - Rectory Basement Mother Cabrini Chapel Msgr. DiLuca Conf. Room (Behind the Bell Tower) Maria SS. Addolorata Room - Parish Center Padre Pio Room - Parish Center Pantry Room - Rectory Basement St. Anthony Room - Parish Center St. Joseph Center READINGS FOR THE WEEK Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 — 5:1; Ps 113:1b-5a, 6-7; Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday: Gal 5:1-6; Ps 119:41, 43-45, 47-48; Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 11:42-46 Thursday: Eph 1:1-10; Ps 98:1-6; Lk 11:47-54 Friday: Eph 1:11-14; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 12-13; Lk 12:1-7 Saturday: 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Lk 10:1-9 Sunday: Is 45:1, 4-6; Ps 96:1, 3-5, 7-10; 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21 Monday: TEACHING THE GOOD NEWS RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM (CCD) FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL: 973-667-6018 Sunday: Grades K-5, 8:30 AM-9:45 AM Tuesday: Grades 1-6, 3:30-4:45 PM ~ Classes for Spring Garden, Lincoln and Yanticaw Schools Wednesday Evening: (all schools) Grades 7 & 8 7:00-8:30 PM Thursday: Grades 1-6; 3:30-4:45 PM ~ Classes for Belleville #5, Washington & Radcliff Schools A catechist for 3rd Grade on Sunday morning is still needed. MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA The Miraculous Medal Novena is every Monday at 7:00 PM, in the Mother Cabrini Chapel. Novena consists of devotional prayers to the Miraculous Medal and St. Jude, and the Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. On national holidays, Novena prayers are offered at 8:45 AM, just prior to the 9:00 AM Mass. Attention all Committee/Society/Group Chairpersons. The Stewardship committee is working on a parish handbook. We are asking you to kindly email a roster of your members to our parish secretary: hfclynn28@aol.com. Thank you! “KNIGHT’S KORNER” HOLY FAMILY COUNCIL 14712 Save the Date for these upcoming events! Raffle tickets to New York Giants vs Washington Redskins December 14, 2014 Game Tickets $10.00 Call Jim Callaghan @ 973-953-6829 For ticket information January 21 -22, 2015 March for Life - Washington D.C. For information on joining the Knights of Columbus Please contact Michael Bennett-Grand Knight By email: mdlbennett@gmail.com Page Five The Holy Family Photo Directory books have finally arrived! If you are one of the parishioners who had pictures taken, please stop by the rectory to pick up your copy. The next meeting of the Rosary Altar Society will be held on Monday, October 27, in the St. Joseph Center. The Executive Committee will meet at 6:30 PM and the general meeting will begin at 7:15 PM. All women, whether or not a member, are invited to attend. 2014 STEWARDSHIP HONOREE DINNER Saturday November 22, 2014 6:30 – 11:00 PM Good Shepherd Academy Tickets on sale now at the Rectory $35.00 in advance / $45.00 at the door From the desk of Sister Eileen... I will be going on retreat, Sunday, October 12. I will return to Nutley on Saturday, October 18. Be sure of a remembrance in my prayers! • There will be no Adult Education on Tuesday October 14. We will meet on Tuesday, October 21, 12:30 P.M., in the St. Joseph Center. • Bereavement will gather Sunday, October 19, 1:00 P.M., at my home. • Sassy Seniors will meet Thursday, November 6, 12:15 P.M., in the St. Joseph Center. SASSY SENIOR NEWS A trip is being planned for the Christmas Show at Hunterdon Hills, Saturday, December 20. We will depart from St. Joseph Center at 10:15 A.M. The show begins at 11:30 A.M. It will cost approximately $75 but the final cost depends on the number of people who sign up. More information will be forthcoming. Let me know if you are interested but call AFTER October 20. REMINDER St. Joseph Center is closed for all activity: Tuesday, November 4 for General Elections. New Energies Bus Trip to Caesars: The Women’s Auxiliary of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel is hosting a funfilled bus ride to Caesars in Atlantic City on Wednesday, November 19. The fare is $25. In return, guests will receive a $25 voucher from the casino. The bus will depart from the Mt. Carmel Church on Prospect Street at 9:00 A.M. Please park in the OLMC Church lot. For reservations, call Dottie: 973-759-3189. The Holy Family Youth Ministry will host their 5th annual Tricky Tray & Dinner, Sunday, December 7th, 3:00 P.M., in Good Shepherd Academy Gym. Anyone wishing to make a gift donation please contact Anna O'Reilly: 973-661-3759. Only new items please. All monetary donations should be payable to Holy Family Church Youth Ministry. We are also in need of baskets!! We will gladly pick up your donations or, if you wish, they can be dropped off at the rectory. Your support of our Ministry is truly appreciated! Tickets will soon be available. For more information, please do not hesitate to contact Anna at the number listed above. Have you noticed something new? As you may have noticed, we recently installed on our property a donation bin for Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Newark. All of the clothing, shoes, and small household items that you generously donate will be sold and the proceeds will be used to support the many programs for the needy as provided by Catholic Charities. Tax receipts are available, either paper or to your smartphone. With the end of summer, this is an ideal time to clean out that closet. Catholic Charities will report periodically to us on the amount of money generated from our donation bin. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a larger pick up, please call toll free @ 877-343-3651. PILGRIMAGE TO THE HEADQUARTERS OF AMERICA NEEDS FATIMA SPRING GROVE, PENNSYLVANIA Sunday, November 9, 2014 $39 per person includes lunch & light refreshments on the bus Bus departs Holy Family at 7:15 A.M.; Departs Spring Grove, PA. at 4:45 PM For more information, call either Antonio Vacca, 973-237-1564 or Mike Tarantino 201-935-1844 Page Six MARIA SS. ADDOLORATA CHAPEL MEMORIAL CANDLES The Chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows is a beautiful way to memorialize a loved one. If you are interested in memorializing someone with a candle in the Maria SS Addolorata Chapel, please fill out this form and return it with a check, made payable to HOLY FAMILY, in the amount of $100 to the rectory. You may request a beautiful card featuring the statue of Our Lady of Sorrows taken in our Maria SS. Addolorata Chapel. Inscription on the candle: (Limit 20 characters per line; limit 2 lines) Name(s) on Memorial Candle: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ □ This is a new candle □ Please renew this candle Your Name: ______________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ Town: ______________________Telephone: ___________________ Email: __________________________________________________ MEN’S PRAYER GROUP MPG would like to pray for your intentions. The prayers will be offered on Friday of that week at our gathering. Kindly place this intention request in the Sunday Collection or return it to the rectory. Please list your intentions:_____________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ If you would like a prayer card sent as an acknowledgment of your prayer intentions, please include your name and address. NOMINATION FOR STEWARD OF THE MONTH When deciding to nominate a person for the Steward of the Month Award, we should consider the following: The TIME that this person dedicates to parish activities, community events, personal time with others in need of assistance, spiritual aid and/or companionship. The TALENT that this person offers to the parish and community, willingly and lovingly. The TREASURE this person offers to the parish and community. Has he or she accepted the divine call to extend God’s blessings on those less fortunate through personal sacrificial giving? These are important factors to consider when proposing a person for nomination. Often a prayer to the Holy Spirit is helpful, too, in discerning the name for nomination. Please fill out the nomination form and return it in an envelope marked “Stewardship Committee” to nominate a parishioner as Steward of the Month. ------------------------------------------------------------------------NOMINATION AS STEWARD OF THE MONTH Nominated Parishioner: _______________________________ Submitted by: _______________________________________ Evening Phone No.: __________________________________ Reasons for the nomination (specifically and detailed as possible, use extra paper, if necessary): ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ GOOD SHEPHERD ACADEMY NEWS! Good Shepherd Academy’s Sports Program will be hosting a Flapjack Fundraiser at Applebee’s in Clifton Commons. Please come and join us for breakfast on Saturday, October 18th, 8:00 - 10:00 A.M. In addition to supporting our Sports Program, the $10 ticket price includes pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs and a beverage (coffee, juice, or tea.) To order tickets, please call or text Doug Gentles: 862-754-8760 or dtgentles@gmail.com. Tickets may also be purchased at the door. Thank you! Coach Douglas Gentles GSA will be selling the 2014/2015 KidStuff book for $25.00. Many coupons to enjoy all year long! Remember the KidStuff book makes a great gift especially with Christmas right around the corner! Please call GSA Secretary, Mrs. Leo, 973-667-2049, x-100 for more information and to purchase a book. Please help GSA with their KidStuff book fundraiser by purchasing the book from us! SHOP RITE FOR MY SCHOOL: Shop for participating products at ShopRite during advertised promotions using your Price Plus Club Card and earnings are automatically credited to Good Shepherd Academy. Register your Price Plus card at shopriteformyschool.com and select “Good Shepherd Academy” The Alumni Association of Good Shepherd Academy / Holy Family School / St. Mary’s School is hosting an “All Saints Day All Class Reunion” Join us on Saturday, November 1, 6:30 P.M., in the GSA Gym. Dinner & Music, BYOB - Only $25 Stop in Holy Family rectory office for your ticket! Email Melissa Miskell with any questions: development14@gsanutley.org INFORMATION SHEET BULLETIN I.D. 286300 CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS Holy Family 28 Brookline Avenue Nutley, NJ 07110 PHONE 973-667-0026 CONTACT PERSON Lynn Falduto SOFTWARE Microsoft Publisher® 2007 Adobe Acrobat 9.0® Standard Windows Vista Business SvcPack 1 PRINTER HP® Laserjet 1012 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT Cover + 5 text pages + this page = 7 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION October 12, 2014 TRANSMISSION TIME Wednesday afternoon SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
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