SAINT MARGARET MARY CHURCH 3055 LEECHBURG ROAD, LOWER BURRELL, PA A PENNSYLVANIA CHARITABLE TRUST & PARISH OF THE DIOCESE OF GREENSBURG TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Vol. VIII No. 48 OCTOBER 19, 2014 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil 5:00 p.m. Sunday 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Weekdays (Monday ~ Friday) 8:00 a.m. Holy Days 8:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Confession Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. and by appointment SMM Quilting Group (l to r): Joanne Tomiczek, Dorothy Goch, Roni Gulick, Audrey Graff, Helen Shank, Dolores Choltko, Margaret Fitzmaurice. (Not pictured Carol Strobel, Anna Saylor and Ellen Carabin). For more of the story turn to page 6. † SACRAMENTS PASTORAL STAFF Very Rev. Kenneth G. Zaccagnini, V.F., Pastor ( - Ext. 16 Rev. Daniel J. Ulishney, Parochial Vicar ( - Ext 14 William Staniszewski, Bus. Mgr. ( - Ext. 17 Mary Murphy, Director of Music & Liturgy ( - Ext 20 Jo Ann McLaughlin-Klemencic, Regional Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation ( - Ext. 22 Donna Misak, Coordinator of Youth Ministry ( - Ext. 19 Sharon Pearson, Financial Secretary ( - Ext. 12 Linda Scott, Parish Secretary ( - Ext. 11 CONTACT US E-mail: Phone: 724-335-2336 Website: Fax: 724-335-1945 Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. BAPTISM: Contact the parish office to schedule a Baptism Seminar prior to the baptism of your first child. MARRIAGE: Contact the parish office at least nine months in advance for information and scheduling. (RCIA) RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS: Considering entry into the Catholic Church? Contact the parish office for an appointment. PASTORAL CARE OF THE HOMEBOUND: To arrange for the Sacraments, contact the parish office. * * * MINISTRY OF HOME VISITATION ~ Sisters of Mary Immaculate: 724-845-2828 MARY QUEEN OF APOSTLES SCHOOL Catherine Collett, Principal Office: 724-339-4411 or 724-335-5911 PASTORAL COUNCIL 2013 - 2014 James Angelo, Michael Joyce, Malvene Kulik, Sally Lagatutta, Tracy Lindo, Jay Manga, Lou Marmo, Julie Ondako, Phyllis Roberts-Spiering, Doris Swick, Robert Tatrn, and Mary Sue Wheeler FINANCE COUNCIL 2013 - 2014 Richard Kalkstein, Donald Ryan, Danielle Skowronski, Thomas Thimons FATHER KEN’S NOTE 2 “The Fisherman” Once a poor fisherman was relaxing on the beach, under the shadow of a tree smoking a cigar. Suddenly a rich businessman passing by approached him and enquired as to why he was sitting under a tree smoking and not working. To this the poor fisherman replied that he had caught enough fish for the day. Hearing this the rich man got angry and said: Why don’t you catch more fish instead of sitting on the beach - relaxing and smoking and wasting your time? The Fisherman asked: What would I do by catching more fish? The Businessman said: If you could catch more fish, you could sell them and earn more money, and buy a bigger boat. The Fisherman replied: What would I do then? The Businessman said: You could go fishing in deep waters and catch even more fish and make even more money. The Fisherman replied: What would I do then? The Businessman said: You could buy many boats and employ many people to work for you and earn even more money. The Fisherman replied: What would I do then? The Businessman said: You could become a rich businessman like me. The Fisherman replied: What would I do then? The Businessman said: You could then enjoy your life more, relax - sit on the beach and smoke cigars. The Fisherman replied: But -- that's what I am doing now! Moral – You don’t need to wait for tomorrow to be happy and enjoy your life. You don’t even need to be more rich, more powerful to enjoy life. LIFE is at this moment, enjoy it fully. Father Ken Eucharistic Adoration - St. Margaret Mary Church is hosting Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Church, every Thursday following the 8:00 a.m. Mass until 12 noon. This is a wonderful opportunity to come and cast our cares before the Lord, to find the rest that Jesus desires for us, to listen to God’s voice, and to be renewed and transformed by God’s love as we pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ. Please consider stopping in for a few moments of quiet prayer. Eucharistic Adoration also takes place Wednesdays from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. at Mount Saint Peter and at St. Mary of Czestochowa from 11:00 a.m.-12 noon on the first Friday of each Month. The Eucharistic Table Sat./Sun. 10/18-19 5:00 pm 8:30 am 11:00 am Mon. 10/20 8:00 am TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Is 45:1, 4-6; Ps 96:1, 3-5, 7-10; 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21 + Eileen Moore (Husband & Family) + James Homer Spiering (Wife, Wanda) + Mass for the Congregation ST. PAUL OF THE CROSS Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 12:13-21 + Angelo Marsh (Carm Kicmol & John, Jr.) WEEKDAY Tues. 10/21 Eph 2:12-22; Ps 85:9ab-14; Lk 12:35-38 Wed. 10/22 Eph 3:2-12; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 12:39-48 No Mass -- Clergy Convocation BL. JOHN PAUL II No Mass -- Clergy Convocation ST. JOHN OF CAPISTRANO Thurs. 10/23 8:00 am Eph 3:14-21; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 18-19; Lk 12:49-53 Fri. 10/24 8:00 am Eph 4:1-6; Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6; Lk 12:54-59 Sat./Sun. 10/25-26 5:00 pm Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18:2-4, 47, 51; 1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40 8:30 am 11:00 am + Stella Pomykala (Michael Ogurchock) (Adoration After Mass till 12 noon) ST. ANTHONY MARY CLARET + Edward & Theresa Adams (Joseph & Christine Mitchell & Family) THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME + Anna Nowikowski & Deceased Members of Myers Family (Joseph & Carol Myers) + Mass for the Congregation + Cynthia S. & Airiana C. McIntyre (Peggy Gonzales) 2015 MASS INTENTIONS - Saint Margaret Mary will accept Mass Intentions for 2015 as of 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, October 23, 2014. Please be advised of the following: We are able to accept two (2) Mass intentions per family. ♦ One (1) Mass request may be scheduled on a weekend, as available. The other Mass Intention will be scheduled on a weekday, as available. ♦ To accommodate your intentions, you are encouraged to combine several family members in one Mass Intention, such as: “Deceased Members of the Smith Family” or “John & Mary Jones.” ♦ Requests will be accommodated in the order in which they are received. ♦ All transactions must be made directly with office personnel, not via email or voicemail. This Week 3 Monday, Oct. 20 7:00 pm Widows/Widowers Support Group - B-2 Tuesday, Oct. 21 6:00 pm RCIA - Room B-1 Wednesday, Oct. 22 6:30 pm Adult Choir - Church Sunday, Oct. 26 9:45 am Prep for First Reconciliation & Eucharist - Room B-1 12 noon Youth Ministry Drug Awareness Event - Sullivan Room 7:00 pm Young Adult Group Freude Room Remember in your prayers † Phillip Zaffuto who died October 10. May the Lord grant him eternal rest and peace, and bless his family with consolation. INVITATION You are invited to an All Souls Day Mass at Saint Margaret Mary Church on Monday, November 3, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. At the special liturgy we will remember by name all those whom we have buried from St. Margaret March Church since November 1, 2013. May they rest in peace! Faith Formation Corner 4 If you have any questions or concerns about the following programs, please contact Jo Ann McLaughlin-Klemencic at 724-335-2336 or email at Preparation for First Reconciliation and Eucharist Arya Jo Dongilli with parents Brandon & Erin (c) and Godparents Linda Colwes (l) and Johnathen Czemerda (r). Youth Ministry Corner LET’S TALK: DRUGS AND ALCOHOL St. Margaret Mary Youth Ministry is sponsoring a community event for all parents and youth in Grades 6-12 on Sunday, October 26, from 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. in church. Emilie Greiner, M.Div. (the Drug and Alcohol Liaison for the Student Assistance Program at Family Services of Western Pennsylvania) will speak. Please join us for an afternoon that promises to be informative. It is our hope that together we can be proactive in the fight against addiction and the destruction it can cause in our communities. RSVP to Donna Misak at Together we can make change occur. Leaf Raking - by SMM Youth Ministry, for those who cannot manage the job themselves, takes place on Saturday, November 8. Contact Donna Misak at 724-335-2336 or The first Parent and Child preparation meeting for First Reconciliation will be on Sunday, October 26, at 9:45 a.m. in Room B-1. Both the Child Candidate and one parent are required to attend. If you have not touched base with Jo Ann about this process, please contact her IMMEDIATELY so that you child can prepare for the Sacraments. Changing RCIA RCIA has been changed to Monday evenings. The combined classes between St. Margaret Mary Church and Mt. St. Peter Church will be from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. at Mt. St. Peter. The next class is Monday, October 20. Anyone still interested in participating should contact Jo Ann. Parish Outreach Ministry Free Service - Health Care today is so confusing. The Community Nurses at the Allegheny-Kiski Health Foundation – a non-profit organization, may be able to help you in obtaining the information & resources you need in understanding and dealing with your health care maze. This is a free service. Stay tuned - there will be more information forthcoming at the weekend Masses on Nov. 1 & 2. 5 2014 Nut Roll Volunteer Sign-Up Form Name: ______________________________ Phone#: Day ________________ Evening _____________ VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS: Please put a check mark in the column under a position and time your are available. Your participation is confirmed with the completion of this form. Thank you so much for your assistance. Dough Filling Holy Measuring Oven Rising Cooling/ Pan Labels, Makers 2 Makers 3 Rollers 7 3-4 per Timers 1 Timers 1 Bagging 2 Scrapers 2 Cleanup 3+ per shift per shift per shift shift per shift per shift per shift per shift per shift Mon., 11/17 9 to 1:15 Staffed 1 to 5:45 5:30-9:30 Tues., 11/18 9 to 1:15 1 to 5:45 5:30-9:30 Wed., 11/19 9 to 1:15 1 to 5:45 5:30-9:30 Thurs., 11/20 9 to 1:15 1 to 5:45 5:30 -9:30 ORDER FORM Deadline for orders: Monday, November 10. Extra nut rolls will not be sold at time of pickup. Number: ______ nut roll(s) @ $11.00 each Total : $________ (Please pay at time of pickup) Pickup day: (Please circle one) Tuesday, Nov. 18 Wednesday, Nov. 19 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Name: ___________________ Thursday, Nov. 20 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Friday, Nov. 21 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Phone #: Day ____________ Evening _____________ Place your orders in the offertory basket, the wicker stand in the Narthex or by calling Toni Kratz at 724-339-0839, Dee Choltko at 724-335-0959, Maureen Gigler at 724-335-6501, the parish office at 724-335-2336, or online at Thank you for your order! Featured Ministry Parish Outreach Ministry Table ANOINTING OF THE SICK ~ Please join us on SMM Quilting Group began when Carol Goch was president of the Ladies Guild in 1981. Thursday, November 6, at 11:00 a.m. when the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated at SMM Parish. A luncheon will follow in the Sullivan Room. Even if you are not in need of this sacrament, please join us in prayer. Call the parish office at 724-335-2336 to register for the luncheon by October 27. The Bed of Roses quilt (pictured on the front cover) is the 34th quilt made by the group. The total funds raised from ticket raffle sales over 34 years (and after expenses) has been approximately $29,000. Weekly Financial Statement ~ October 19, 2014 Catholic Institute Loan The Quilting Group is also responsible for sewing the Baptism bibs given to infants at the time of their baptism. Many thanks to the Quilting Group as they share their talent, time and devotion toward SMM Parish. October 11 & 12 Mass Attendance Sunday Envelopes (365) Electronic Giving (89) Current Loan Amount: Payments Received: Building Fund/Debt Reduction Envelopes Building Fund EFTs Memorials Current Loan Balance: 1,653,181.38 1,651,947.38 ** Loan Interest Payment for October 2014: ** Remaining Estimated Pledge Payments: 4,532.70 1,168,435.00 (1,209.00) (25.00) * Interest payments are made from our operating budget whenever possible so that the campaign contributions go directly to the principal of the loan. 1,374 9,842.00 5,394.35 Building Fund (52) Total: Change for Haiti Seminarian/Clergy Collection 6 Note: 100% of all monies received for “Debt Reduction” are applied to the principal of the loan. 1,234.00 $16,470.35 $984.00 $1,868.50 Endowment Fund: Current Endowment Fund Amount: Endowment Gifts Received this Week: Current Endowment Fund Balance: 113,466.19 5.00 113,471.19 MINISTRY SCHEDULE — October 25 & 26 GREETERS Presider LECTORS 5 pm Father Dan M. E. Leslie B. Kitko J. Laverty S. Urich J. Silicki M. Arabia 8:30 am Father Ken D. Wyant S. Wyant M.J. Walmsley L. Pavetto M. Cochran D. DiDonato 11 am Father Ken J. Arteritano M. Arteritano J. Mazur J.L. Mazur R. Davis B. Lagoon ALTAR SERVERS Technical Team 5 pm J. Cox S. Novak A. Novak N. Olinger E. Yakelis K. Yakelis 8:30 am L. Weimer A. Weimer C. Flemm C. Feeney Jay Manga D. Misak 11 am B. Krall A. Harchuck L. Emmerling D. Hyland M. Schultz E. Novak Liturgy of the Word A. Pacuch M. Pulsifer None None M.A. Ryan S. Ryan D. Holtzman D. Lukac EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS 5 pm D. Aubele J. Cox M. Cox R. Hill J. Litz K. Romano G. Ziringer 8:30 am D. Carabin J. Carabin A. DiGirolamo O. Leslie C. Moyes C. Ozdany M.K. Sedlacek 11 am B. Hess D. Hornack T. Hornack G. Kissel G. Kissel P. Mike J. Ondako S. Thimons T. Thimons USHERS 5 pm A. French E. Grosse 8:30 am J. Sanner 11 am G. Spiering A. Falleroni M. Kardibin T. Cavanaugh J. Tallarico R. Kostewicz T. Campbell M. Polczynski A. Kish D. Marinelli P. Spiering J. Linza N. Linza M. D’Amico T. Rayburg T. Dean S. Warden Feast of All Soul’s Day 7 ** This year All Soul's Day (November 2) falls on a Sunday. During Mass that day we will offer a decade of the Rosary for all of our dearly departed. In order to bring our passed loved ones closer into our hearts and parish -- we are offering you the opportunity to have your loved ones names placed on our altar as we celebrate Mass on the feast of All Soul's. Simply fill out the form below and return via the collection basket -- parish office or mail. All forms with the names of your deceased will be openly displayed so that proper prayers can be offered. On the Feast of All Soul's... may the following names be included in the Sunday Masses on November 2, 2014. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ** Please do not add a monetary donation. This Mass remembrance is the honor of your priests to offer. Community Corner Table Cancer Benefit for Denise Thompson Blose takes place TODAY (October 19) at American Legion, Post 868, Wildlife Lodge Road, from 11:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. If you are unable to attend you may donate online at “Give” or mail checks to James Blose, 210 New Hampshire Drive, Lower Burrell.
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