St Mary’s Parish Outlook 2014 October Celebrate Harvest With us! Harvest Festival 5th October see Calendar Page 8 Responding to the liberating love of God in Christ Serving all who live and work in the Diocese ( (01483) PARISH DIRECTORY PRIEST IN CHARGE Rev Tony Shutt, The Vicarage, Vicarage Lane GU23 7JN 222193 (Day off Tuesday) LICENSED LAY MINISTER (READER) Pat Cartledge, 21 Send Barns Lane GU23 7BP CHURCHWARDEN Helen Sloan, 19 Coltsfoot Drive GU1 1YH CHURCHWARDEN Julie Cameron, 23 Orchard Way GU23 7HS 223347 560290 07814768765 BELL RINGERS Ivan Saunders, 31 Brittens Close, Worplesden GU2 9RJ 821062 BIBLE READING FELLOWSHIP Sally Harrison 223725 ELECTORAL ROLL David Mulford, 40a Sandfields GU23 7AZ 210207 CHURCH ROOM LETTINGS Mary Campbell,The Loft, Manor Road, Send Marsh GU23 6JW 211982 HON SEC OF P.C.C. Angela Grimshaw, 78 Potters Lane, GU23 7AL 767350 HON TREASURER Paul Holden, Pipp’s Cottage, Send Marsh Green GU23 6JP 223833 MOTHERS UNION Beth Shutt, The Vicarage, Vicarage Lane GU23 7JN 222193 ORGANIST & CHOIRMASTER Barry Jackson, 12 Apers Avenue, Woking GU22 9NB 346891 STEWARDSHIP RECORDER Tony Finn, 39 Send Road GU23 7EU 351443 PASTORAL ASSISTANT Beth Shutt, The Vicarage, Vicarage Lane GU23 7JN 222193 SUNDAY CLUB (3 - 12 years) Church Room Sally Harrison 10:30a.m. - 11:30 , second & fourth Sundays 223725 1st SEND (St Mary’s) SCOUT GROUP Group Scout Leader Neil Freeman 223826 Group Chairman Richard Hemsley 211910 Scout Troop Leader Mark Silcock (Weds 7 - 9 p.m.) Cub Scouts Wendy Reed (Mon 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.) 223612 Beaver Scouts Cheryl Locatelli (Weds 5 - 6:10 p.m.) 721175 224570 WESTFIELD OSTEOPATHIC PRACTICE Emily Chhabra (nee Dillon) BSc (Hons) Ost Kieran Chhabra BSc (Hons) Ost Registered Osteopaths RAINBOWS, BROWNIES AND GUIDES 1st Send Guides Karen Lord 1st Send Brownies Sally Daboo, 763026 1st Send Rainbows Vanessa Goug h 224005 w Cranial Osteopathy Sports Injuries Neck and back pain Muscular Spasms w Arthritic Conditions w Expectant Mothers and Children Head aches and migraine relief Insurance Company registered 01483 76 88 10 1 Westfield Rd, Woking, GU22 9LZ ST.MARY’S PARISH - OUTLOOK 2014 Copy Date:- All copy should be given to the editor by the 10th of each month for the next month’s issue. Editor/Advert: Bill Pyne, 170 Send Road GU23 7EU e-mail Distributor Website Sally Harrison 224420 223725 ? Vicar’s Vibes October 2014 SELF-MADE SUCCESS? It’s October, so it must be Harvest at St Mary’s. All are warmly welcome to join the traditional celebrations at your parish church on the first Sunday of the month, 5th October, at 10.30am. According to Surrey Rural Partnership, over three-quarters of Surrey is rural; it has a substantial rural economy; and, it is the most wooded county in the England. However, Send is hardly famed for being the most agricultural of places, with only a few transient crops of maize, wheat and hay distributed across the fields and some occasional grazing by small flocks of sheep, smaller herds of cattle and a sprinkling of horses. But even if we are townies through and through, perhaps alarmed at even the thought of a blade of grass, that doesn’t stop us sensing and acknowledging our interdependence and gratitude for the benefits, such as they are, of our being. It can be a shocking realisation to some that despite the prevailing and relentless support of the cultural prominence of individualism and self-promotion we are seldom far from the truth that we are all very much, and sometimes entirely dependent on people and things beyond our control. Even for the most able and capable, the most ego-maniacal, individual agency is limited. The so-called selfmade man or woman, elevating their prospects from nothing while shunning the assistance of anyone else, is a shallow and deluded myth. When was the last time we made ourselves a pair of shoes, drilled for and refined our own unleaded fuel, built a computer processor, manufactured magnolia emulsion, grew a potato, designed a solar power station, produced a vaccine for a deadly infection, or for the sake of being a bit ‘harvesty’, ‘ploughed the fields and scattered the good seed on the land?’ Some people do each of these. Most don’t. Most of the stuff we seek, acquire and possess has been made and supplied by someone else. Independence depends. Upon this inconveniently interdependent truth rests the morality of treating others as we would be treated, sharing, fairness, and even survival. Most weeks I lead a short prayer during Sunday worship at the time gifts are offered: ‘All things come from thee, O Lord, and of thine own do we give thee.’ (1 Chronicles 29.14) These ancient sentiments have a simplicity and directness that remind me not only that can we understand ourselves to be dependent on other people and things, but also by faith we can invest a deeper dependence and emptying in God and so learn to give confidently and generously of ourselves to those who are in want or need of love or substance. St Mary’s Parish - Outlook 2014 October Page 1 Who restored St Mary, Send? “Send. That’s the answer, Mr. Jackson. The Vicar there is a first-rate tutor. If the boy wants to go to Oxford, Mr Tate will get him through the entrance examination.” The boy was Thomas Graham Jackson, born in 1835. Lady Grantley’s advice was taken and he got into Oxford. Then, after training in Sir George Gilbert Scott’s office, he became an architect. Early in August, I visited Send on the trail of Thomas Graham Jackson. Largely forgotten today, from 1880 to 1914 he was one of England’s most famous architects and a Royal Academician. Most of his work was educational, building for schools and universities. Do you know the ‘Bridge of Sighs’ in Oxford? That is his. He did not build many churches, but he restored quite a few. Have you heard of the diver who set concrete blocks in the bog underneath Winchester Cathedral to stop it from falling down? He was working for Jackson, who was made a baronet in 1913 for saving the Cathedral. Did Jackson restore St Mary, Send? I am researching his early career and that is a puzzle I am trying to solve. All buildings need maintenance, especially ancient ones. The Victorians put a lot of effort (and money) into what they called “restoration” – a mixture of repairs and up-dating, and enlargement if needed. Up-dating involved a major overhaul to the furniture and fittings. Most medieval English churches were restored in the period c.1840 – c.1880, among them St Mary’s. Who the architect was we don’t know. None of the books link Jackson with Send’s restoration. Nevertheless, although he was then an unknown young London architect, the circumstantial evidence is strongly in his favour. Firm links can be drawn between Jackson and building in the parish for his former tutor, Charles Tate, vicar of Send and Ripley 1852-75. At the very start of his career, Tate commissioned Jackson to build a vicarage in Send (1861, built 1863-64, now ‘ …Cont. On page 11 Page 2 Anna Arthur & Associates Solicitors Fieri Facias House, High Street Ripley Surrey GU23 6AF WOKING CHIROPODY & FOOT HEALTH PRACTICE FOR ALL YOUR FOOT PROBLEMS Surgery & Visiting Practice 78 Westfield Road, Woking, Surrey GU22 9NG w Tel: 01483 833078 Matrimonial Residential/Commercial Conveyancing Probate Civil Litigation Wills Employment Appointments available Monday-Friday 8.30am-7.00pm ROSALIE BENNETT RICHARD BENNETT MSSCh MBChA BA(Hons) MCFHP MAFHP (HPC Registered CH21986) Tel: 01483 222499 Fax: 01483 222766 Bereavement Have you suffered a bereavement recently or even years ago? Whether expected or not, the death of some one close can affect you in many ways – emotionally and physically. There is no set time limit for ‘getting over’ a loss. Grief is a very individual experience and can be a very lonely one. If you feel that it would be helpful to talk confidentially to a trained bereavement counsellor then please Contact Beth on 222193 ™ Little Owl Pre-school Lancaster Hall, 28 Send Road Mon- Fri.9.15 - 12.15pm Places now available for children aged 2-5. 01483 212669 (during Pre-school hours) Page 3 6 Holmes Close, Westfield,Woking, Surrey, GU22 9LU email: everyone welcome! the coffee shop 10-12 every third Monday The Church Room Send Road Special stall: Proceeds to: Prostate Cancer has become the biggest cancer killer in men, with more than 11,000 men dying each year of the disease in the UK. That’s one man every hour. The Prostate Project, established in 1998, is unique among Prostate Cancer Charities in its scope and organisation. Run entirely by volunteers, the administration costs are very low – below 2%. Based in Guildford, they support the Royal Surrey County Hospital, St Luke's Cancer Centre, and Frimley Park Hospital in funding facilities and specialist nurses for the detection and treatment of prostate cancer. They also have funded the creation of a dedicated oncology research team at the University of Surrey Postgraduate Medical School (PGMS), and run patient support groups in Guildford and Frimley. In the last 11 years they have raised over £4 million. Such has been their success that they have been a significant factor in the Surrey region achieving ‘Centre of Excellence’ status in the treatment and diagnosis of the disease. But with success has come an obligation and they now need to maintain their levels of support and funding: The Charity has been challenged to raise £2.25m to build a new dedicated NHS urological centre for the Royal Surrey Hospital. The Centre aims to cover all the urological needs of both men and women and provide a one-stop diagnostic shop for men with Prostate Cancer. NEED HELP WITH TRANSPORT? Then give Send Help a call on 225255 on the morning of the Coffee Shop. This is a recorded message giving you the telephone number of the Duty Officer who will be available from 9am. There will be two or three volunteer drivers on stand-by. Easy! The Coffee Shop on 15 September raised £158.85 for Traidcraft Exchange St Mary’s Parish - Outlook 2014 October Page 4 SEND, SEND MARSH & BURNT COMMON MUGS The strength of our local community has been well in evidence this year, with the fantastic show of residents’ art and craft in the spring at Creatives 2014, lots of volunteers helping with community projects, and everyone taking a very keen interest in the Local Plan. Now, to remind everyone of the area we’re proud to live in, Send Parish Council has commissioned mugs to be made by the Wensleydale Pottery. They will feature the village logo “sprigged” on the reverse - so your friends and family get to see it while you have your cuppa! “Sprigging” is often used to add raised decorations to pottery, to add to a piece's visual and tactile appeal. The mugs will be available in cream or brown and will be available at the October St Mary's coffee morning and subsequent ones. They will be priced at £6.50, which we consider very reasonable for a quality handmade pottery item. Check out latest news on our website: Email us at: Send Help We are holding an “Open Meeting” in the Church Room on Thursday October 30th. If you would like to know more about us and how you could become a volunteer, then why not call in between 9 a.m. And 12 noon and join us for coffee and cake? Send Help is for anyone living in Send and we provide lifts to the surgery, chemist, sbhops, chiropodist etc. Or we do odd jobs, collect prescriptions, small DIY jobs etc. It means our clients retain their independence and they are grateful for your help. Do call in and enjoy a coffee or tea and some homemade cake - how can you resist!? If you are keen to become a volunteer but aren’t free on the 30th, then please give me a ring. Lorna 222224. Send Help - editor’s note. Two main types of volunteer are needed - Duty Officers and Drivers. Duty Officers take the calls, log the requests, and then phone round the volunteers to fulfil each job. Finally the client is called back and given the name of the volunteer who will help them. Phone costs are reimbursed. Drivers collect the clients, take them to their appointment and (normally) take them home afterwards. They receive a mileage allowance. Page 5 Imagine….by David Mulford Looking through the pages of the Radio Times a programme called ‘Imagine’ caught my eye. It is a factual series and this episode had the intriguing title “Who took Nanny’s pictures?” It told the story of Vivian Maier, an American ‘street’ photographer. Vivian was a Nanny who amassed a vast, secret hoard of her pictures of such quality and diversity that she was described as one the best US street photographers of the 20th century. She left behind more than 100,000 images, in hundreds of boxes of negatives and undeveloped rolls of film as well as super8 home movie footage and trunks full of memorabilia. Born in New York in 1926, Maier spent much of her childhood in the French Alps. Her first camera, in 1949, like most of us at that age, was a Box Brownie - a light-proof box with a pinhole lens one end covered by a single click shutter. Images were projected on to a roll film. (Digital cameras were light years away.) In 1951, aged 25, she returned to America and began working as a Nanny in New York. She continued photographing in her spare time and bought a Rolleiflex camera the following year. Her countless earlier pictures were black and white, but her later work, continuing until the mid 1990s, using 35mm films, were shot on a Leica111c and were usually in colour. She was described as an outspoken woman with strong liberal views but liked to keep herself private; she never formed any intimate relationship in her lifetime. All her spare time was spent photographing, even when taking the children for long walks. There was always something to be taken. She had a natural ability to see a composition in an instant and her images are technically accomplished. She depicted an honest America ‘warts and all’ but she never showed her pictures to anyone. When working for the Gensburg family she used her own room as a darkroom allowing her to process her early films but when she moved on to work for other families without a darkroom she couldn’t afford to have the films processed by photographic shops. So her undeveloped roll films accumulated, forcing her to store them in rented lockers. Her wonderful, if surreptitious collection, only came to light when a certain John Maloof, working on an historical book of the local neighbourhood, bought the contents of a storage locker for $4oo hoping he might find local pictures to help in his research. (The locker had been repossessed for non payment of bills as the ‘elderly female owner’ was old, ill and living in a nursing home.) Disappointed that he couldn’t find the type of pictures he was looking for, he did however recognise that these images of everyday street scenes were quite special and not just the work of any amateur photographer. Her pictures show her natural aptitude for composition, light and shade and that of her camera technique. She died in April 2009 unaware that her pictures were to be seen by so many; those with computers can tap into her name and see much of her work. I’m so pleased to have caught up with her. St Mary’s Parish - Outlook 2014 October Page 6 Early Music concert in Send Saturday 22nd November sees the return of Bergamasca Baroque Ensemble to Send. Local recorder player and teacher Katriina Boosey is excited about bringing her colleagues to perform in her village, especially as they now have a new member to the group. Lynda Sayce, one of the world’s most eminent lute players, joins Katriina and Frances Eustace, who have been playing together since they met at the Akademie fur Alte Musik in Bremen in 1990. Frances is well-known as one of Britain’s best Baroque bassoon and curtal players and also plays both treble and bass viols. Katriina also performs with Fontanella Quintet and teaches recorder and Baroque ensembles at Cranleigh School, St Catherine’s in Bramley and Farlington School in Horsham. The amazing variety of unusual instruments allows Bergamasca to create a different sound for each piece. Their repertoire covers the entire Baroque period from the early 17th century to the 18th c. late Baroque. The programme ‘When the Angell comes down’ gets its title from the Diary of Samuel Pepys and refers to the heavenly wind music Pepys had heard in London. Bergamasca presents music from before and after 1668 and includes pieces by the well-known Baroque masters Vivaldi and Telemann as well as interesting works by the Italian and French composers Montalbano, Monteclair and d’Hervelois. Bergamasca’s last concert in Send was a sell-out and hopefully lots of people will turn up again to raise funds for St Mary’s Church. This time the concert takes place at Lancaster Hall to allow more space for seating and parking. Saturday 22nd November 2014 at 7.30pm Lancaster Hall, Send Road, Send GU23 7ET Tickets £15 (Children £7.50) incl. wine or fruit juice available from St Mary’s Ticket Office 10 Heath Drive, Send, GU23 7EP or email Page 7 CALENDAR OF SERVICES AND EVENTS 5 October 8.00am 10.30am Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion BCP HARVEST FESTIVAL 12 October 8.00am 10.30am Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion CW Holy Communion CW 19 October 8.00am 10.30am Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion BCP (Baptism at) Holy Communion 26 October 8.00am 10.30am Last Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion CW Holy Communion CW 2 November 8.00am 10.30am All Saints’ Sunday Holy Communion BCP ALL SAINTS TOGETHER (Church Rooms) A school teacher injured his back and had to wear a plaster cast around the upper part of his body. It fit under his shirt and was not noticeable at all. On the first day of school, still with the cast under his shirt, he found himself assigned to the toughest students in school. Walking confidently into the rowdy classroom, he opened the window as wide as possible and then busied himself with desk work. When a strong breeze made his tie flap, he took the desk stapler and stapled the tie to his chest. He had no trouble with discipline that year. Alan Greenwood & Sons Funeral Directors & Memorials We are your local Independent Family Funeral Directors 24 Hrs Personal Service. Memorial Masonry Funerals Personalised to your needs. Mercedes or Daimler Hearse Sensitive and caring staff to make your arrangements. 66 Send Road, Send Woking, Surrey GU23 7EU 01483 210222 St Mary’s Parish - Outlook 2014 October Page 8 Friends of Villages Medical Centre CP PLASTERING Please help Friends of Villages Medical Centre With Legacies – Donations - Gift Aid All aspects of plastering undertaken To provide additional facilities for Patient Care Address all contributions to “Friends of Villages Medical Centre” c/o Sarah Nockolds, Secretary Villages Medical Centre Send Barns Lane Send Surrey. GU23 7EU 01483 224794 FREE QUOTES AND ADVICE 01483 479929 07870 331212 Tipsy Lodge, Gambles Lane, Ripley Registered Charity No 1097879 F & S HEATING & PLUMBING SERVICES 23 Stringhams Copse, Send Marsh, GU23 6JE A small family run local business Gas Safe Registered For all aspects of central heating gas and plumbing work From small jobs to large Boilers serviced, replaced, repaired Please call Suzanne on (01483) 225385 or Frank on 07711 191585 or Email: F.R. HOOK & SONS LTD. Willowdene, Send Barns Lane, Send ( 222896 A Complete Building Service * * * Alterations, * Extensions, Carpentry, * Plumbing Painting and Decorating Quality and Reliability in all aspects of building and home improvement work Computer repairs & upgrades Home visiting Computer Repair & Installation service Help with all your screens and buttons Virus removal and protection Broadband issues (including phoning your supplier!!) iPads & Tablets Wireless Printers Help with choosing new equipment Setup of new equipment inc transfer of data Safe removal and disposal of obsolete equipment £50 per hour Jon Kincaid 01483 856015 or 07941 695817 St Mary’s Parish - Outlook 2014 October Page 9 SMITH PEARMAN C H A RT E R E D A C C O U N TA N T S FOR EXPERTISE IN ALL MATTERS FINANCIAL AUDIT AND ACCOUNTING PERSONAL TAX PAYROLL CORPORATE TAX TRUSTS, WILLS AND INHERITANCE TAX Hurst House High Street Ripley Surrey GU23 6AY 01483 225457 CITY CAPABILITY - COUNTRY VALUE! Poppy Planting & Skene Commemoration St Mary’s,Send Christmas Tree Festival These two commemorations of the First World War have been filmed and made into a DVD which runs for 48 minutes. We have orders for some and as the production run will be fairly limited, if you are interested in purchasing a copy for £5 (£6 if postage is required), please let Bill or Sylvia know on 01483 224420 or e-mail as soon as possible. Saturday 6th December 2014 Church Room 10 am - 5pm Children’s competition, tree themed crafts for sale, refreshments. More details to follow next month. Page 10 Who restored St Mary, Send? …cont from page 2 Cedar House’). In 1867, Tate had Jackson back to build a larger south aisle at his other parish, St. Mary Magdalen, Ripley (carried out 186769). These two jobs in Send and Ripley attracted local attention and won Jackson further work. Commissions came in to restore St Nicholas, Pyrford (1869), enlarge St Mary the Virgin, Chessington (1870) and All Saints, Ockham (1875). The idea that Tate gave Jackson a third commission, to restore St Mary, Send, is thus very possible. Alternatively, Send’s Victorianisation may have waited for the incumbency of Ernest Bevan (1875-89). That too is possible. A painting of 1827 shows that some of St Mary’s box pews had already been replaced by open benches - an extraordinarily early date. Repairs to the fabric may have been made then, but the 1827 image also shows us just how much was done by the Victorians. My visit didn’t produce evidence either way, but I got to know a beautiful parish church. The answer, if it can be found, will lie in the surviving parish or diocesan archives. If I find out, I’ll let you know. Martin D W Jones Editor’s Note: I had the pleasure of meeting Martin Jones when he came to Send. He is very knowledgeable about churches and I look forward to hearing more in due course. Two friends met in the street. One looked sad and almost on the verge of tears. The other man said, "Hey my friend, how come you look like the whole world has caved in?" The sad fellow said, "Let me tell you. Three weeks ago, an uncle died and left me 50-thousand pounds." "That's not bad at all...!" "Hold on, I'm just getting started. Two weeks ago, a cousin I never knew kickedthe-bucket and left me 95-thousand, tax-free to boot." "Well, that's great! I'd like that." "Last week, my grandfather passed away. I inherited almost a million." "So why are so glum?" "This week - nothing!" St Mary’s Parish - Outlook 2014 October Page 11 PARISH REGISTERS BAPTISMS 21 September Margot Rose Florence WARREN, aged 11 months Eva CATTLEY, aged 8 months FUNERALS 30 August Ruth Mary DAWSON, aged 81 years Formerly of Send Hill, Send (died December 2009) Burial of ashes in Churchyard THE KNITTED BIBLE EXPERIENCE 26th October to 5th November – 10am to 7pm The MU branch at St. Martin’s Church, Ockham Road South, East Horsley, is holding an event for ten days at the end of October and the beginning of November. It is called The Knitted Bible Experience and they have managed to book it on its journey around the country. In fact, this is the first time it has come as far south as Surrey. The exhibition consists of thirty-four large 3D scenes from the Bible, all knitted by members of a church in Hartlepool and will be on display in St. Martin’s. The Very Revd Dianna Gwilliams, Dean of Guildford, is coming to bless it on the first day of the exhibition. Admission is free and they are combining it with other events, more details of which will be available in October on St Martin’s website It is quite extraordinary and well worth a visit. Refreshments will be available all day in the church, together with lots of activities for children as it is on display during half-term week. You will be very welcome just to go along at any time and see the results of a remarkable project. SEND MOTHERS UNION Our next meeting will be on Monday 13th October at 10.30am in the Church Rooms when Joy Hunter will be giving a talk ‘Underground in Churchill’s War Rooms and other experiences”. Joy is a very interesting and talented lady so please do come along . All are very welcome including children!!!! Refreshments will be served afterwards. For more information contact Beth on tel no : 222193 or email St Mary’s Parish - Outlook 2014 October Page 12 MATT WRIDE PAINTER AND DECORATOR HIGH CLASS STANDARD CITY AND GUILDS FAST FRIENDLY SERVICE OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE 01483 793774 07512574779 Est. over 35 years IAN HARRISON LOCAL, QUALIFIED ELECTRICIAN ALL ELECTRICAL WORK UNDERTAKEN PART P REGISTERED & FULLY INSURED DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL RE-WIRES, REPLACEMENT FUSEBOARDS, GARDEN LIGHTING & WIRING TO LOG CABINS 01483 224 284 / 07973 518 457 P C MOODY Architectural plans drawn and submitted to local authority. All types of building work undertaken, new and renovation. Free quotations. 01483 223042 mobile 07831 461670 Need a qualified electrician, plumber or general maintenance man? Electrical, Plumbing, Heating, carpentry, most work done inside & out Call Richard free on 0800 1 1234 16 Mobile - 075 3332 6548 We are not VAT registered so we are 20% cheaper LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION, GROUNDWORK, FENCING & TREE SERVICES Tel (01483) 224823 Mobile (07973) 248975 EST. 1933 For all your property enquiries Just pop into the office in Ripley High Street or call Gary for expert advice. 01483 224343
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