ffi sh .&s ts$ :le+ ffivEnnsF*Y *F t$*t}$& ilfiFtss *FTltg **s$&4t${fs#fiR *F tF{tssg Tex .*,$, Y$"}{*e r lk,l,Lalij i 3&f.ct".f4,;$,*".i$r$l aitsd S*ri***u ;,:* i ,-, "*iy" fr *!.!'s'rajfi" *.i.,e. l FI T,.!,4 flrt r_ I. T $ r.lff SLFUI? J**S r; T*l* irry-f, rltp"Cs$lt$sr, " FiA*1J&N S "{*}V*$I STVFLOFffi€HT TRT'ST" f he {,tr-ftes A*ffi" **st*r-!. fi*;rx*fa" 1:,;s -:-{.T:.: -. + urisllfigi q ;lrr il [,;: il;{r;l$i y*d *iiri ifj,.*ii${ter.*fu*ir tf iiFRtJJtN & S{!iVAS} *{*,q.SpffiSruf trq{{ST i*..tbi eJ**Lii figrraxaro*s:r tc ,&i$s{tfi[t*ii, ','!2i.r;iilieiri*{€ f;i,.i i;.t:.;1,.i: ii:i* *i:f,ir"*il*jl. .r,.lS ,r;,Jr *tf,T*R"r R*rj{*,;€LA *d?*0S be*il *{11#*S *t W:*l f-i* ?S$trffi$*S lri thc rogr**i *f *p*rii*ii*rr il t rer:,pi,,Ri*ri il\i$ tff{:t , :: ,1i }l ,i ::: '*-:? i }-tn t,}G *f tt* I T An? j*f,.1 i i;.1{"i,:.i")r :.i;1, " i rf *r'ir?Bi$*: i e*;i.; layii.i1:1;{ sd/tr Sinrra$i &it*$a.i Y lfirr Liisi: i l'ql il{}}r;1i{:i:'i*fr*r,".i j :,:*,:r* l..l .r*Jffh.;;*-",1.:".1e trn:,.:tr-... vsr I rLdIP{.. lri .'.,: t a+Sft 'y> ! :+.: 3rlt{d*r-F i ,; ; : J;:ii ..}:d1 rr;y ftr*.arik$;,_:- ir:it{xr ,r iJi,J iii tij.iu{.C ird g{slii rif ;i}Ash61i$n lqgi's,{r:lt.*lrr-'rl}:ien;!.r}r$..$tztrlu,.iurilhr";fg*r1frryn{Jl fl:* $fr;tlili*n ,Jf F;5*;A$;ff o;{1i;3.,!1rf i ."r4ir"fl#1.:C J' il',fj,t.r: i;". fi,i**a 3 tr*s&*** ft *r:gr.R*,triie* **r il;r d *:iurlrulti*rl i i $:r'-.1::'i'.::r' F':ngie.? {? S,if'J:r'*'ik*: !*e*r..n T*x *itear,*liuc}l ) - $an:3*lri:y GOVSRHME}f? OF IXDIA $F TIlg CSEUq}SST*IIER $F TFTCSME TAX A€y,*gitR EIH*W*I[, S;lfT$ApALr. sAAfi BALFUR. OF.F-ECS l{o C$?',r,SSF :" i+ g_j n Dared- Sar*hit{n:ur. qF ,)l-{; J,i{i; ,r* ' tilr J?r* i1.la#i,.]"J{.iq},i" & To iru,' {'i:r .r-'rir11't-itrsil ir:r'&, -d<iir.i*.si $:fu-r'rk:prnr:riii'!'ru$t" "1,i F*:;lt-lr,liiri"r, Fr.:,Jllist _ Deoglrh T;'.:.: Sl ${&nltirc; $l ;' iillfo {iresg u-,',1 ffe*lgrttl:' c;r i4g:pr*l:af uy's-s{,r-{;i.; }i:,il t:!'tlu: frtr"r}rts ??;.r .1.,i ,j! r.)f; r::ur ;lppiir:fitit;1t1 or.! the ai:ctr.11 nr}t11 ij s1}}t(,t.i. * FTAR,IJAITI & AT}TVASI I}EVELOPMENT SEA];iI.j''IIS *r;rrIc Ir: ", N-H, E*j*mauda' I)*egari, slritii r4*aiiil- fcrr t1*drirti*:a: r-r-, 1i,,*iri ii,;;{ iilc"TRUST t_l'-.rrrr. i,}irJ. {ol*#sc rflJ-c"'- tr# 6, 1i, ih.r itariqts t,'rf,6ou*urr,o sa:l.lit e-r i,, t!1g iin:lts pl-**erite:a.l r!:,rr,.. i:: T-iri* ;:r;rlrc;i"*l- lrhrig:ll ls jtsq*"d hcrecr-irh. shall be.: r.:*,:*J i,l, !ltc ,lsst:ss*rr.: ir i l;r,.. ?**$-t;'cti' ?{-lu*-iS *" Jt}:*- j j rclrran! {$ Lh€ Fln;lnrrij 1r::trs ?iJ{Ji-u;J. :U(-r$ irq .r :SSq- I {i; 5s}ljsq'q tc rhe f*!h:wi;:g cnndirir-:ns: Receipts ir}si,trd ?r'r i!r* dr,!t-r(l?'* sl]{-ruic! bc*. thc nurrrlx.i ;rnr{ r.l;tlC rrf lirrs irrrlr,r. i titillu ti:ilt -;his ccrri{l:att is '"';llirj i<rr rhr: Asscssrnr:,rri \.r,;r:-s lt}{Jfi-Ll{"t, l(jtl(t, li) .i. fq");,. ; ! Frg1li;;; r{-'i-?-:]i i:f irrc-r.'cnti si:+r*is.i ir lllerJ L:ri}:rr:ii}:r Assrssll.il4 {}}fi,r.i i* !i:rq. r.:rirlr:r i:ziirryi,;gi :*;q'l 1ql r,his {.i,m{:c T-he;*gr'1{:*r.l:*r:nts" i{:tr.t,r-" r*e*E*, *f-fl,i..c lr:i l;.:r:rq I ::; { rl,r.-. 1r1 {h* Tr:.i${ {}cediillr:_l;1r,,^s qhorrlii i:;r,rr,-lli;t;rlcrl 1l lirrs ar|r il*r!!rr:r rrnr:!{'ill is rr-qtir;.rcl, :rJt a[)p]icetion ii: jjn-nr i.lo. l{-} G has lr, };r, nr;:rir, rr; t':}i. Si}6lL'}aipair. r*grllir,i- qr.:rr} .rl;:ir:r-:r,:li *!';:..{ r}lrirr\ { i iltr-.'i3'-fiq';llr-ll <'xg:t:l-ncl!iil':l-l' lrrirs !iilti::.rt!]... trf dfitr: {lr,riil:.li5at{3llltr:{ {*f ntt!i:{.!r?!{" { Bibhuti $d1- Dash } Coremissionet of Inccme Tax, lterr:* $*+, Da:ed. Sa;"r:lx* Ll{T,; $ [ gt f3 u f,,., 3 u d I 1. 8S-# r ire ? ?r] r :r lr+}Lr :\,!;rs-c h - l q.}:J Ji-X]*. I Ek"usqn $ambalpar. gLt$-# ts- 2. -ta_ 5. {f- "Ftlr Assl . e-"erm&-!:ssiGE1f,n- t)fl !rl'.'{!"r'!'l* Tax. {lircle'i.{1i- t';.1'r:lr;.i11:ur. f,ir, slir-rt:irj r..l,r.ilr.;irrrl E3€isXi'- i:oi-rsq'if r.ui: rx:Fene'i:{ {-: 1i,1 il;s artrjuili 3t;Jlr:;1ji-"it! :ili.tt.t *tJl!ts. ,,c i:tr. j; ..rt,ii j,,. stl!$Elrlc:ri hY the *g:pglcan* tli{r'i il criltin{..rfs [* ii:!iri; rlit.r:i.rriili:ir;,:-ls. src;i*Ll;{*-{i :rnd i:':sgr-esr::ir.:r:s lssilr:{l i:-v lhe B*ar<! f'nrftr 1i;nt: Lo rrr!:r. i;:i:] <iilu.n rn '{li -{c?qll' (l*rl:rr""issionrrs.dAsst Cgr::missioncrs rf lnc'+rnt.T;rl;,rnr-l Iili:r;nr{:'l';rx i}fficcrs erl .5;*wl:;rii;:ur chargf . Tfue *."rrr-.t,rir1, . C B-lJ-T-, Nfrt ill_,jiri_ Tirc tr],$. {$-1:*P & l}f€}. ffcrv f]eihr Tltc cil{cri {-};rernissq+raer r:f; !r:c-r:litt Tax- *rl*sa Regi*i l, ll}r u lr;r lrcsn.;lr. TE!(-: CitE?i{riixsi*ner {}{ ia}e<l?}1r"" -!-a_q. Sl:utranesil,ar &. rrtt.,r t k. Bhor ,4ssi { i.'* i er +f 1i;<:*mr: 'l':rx{1.{qr-sl tlrr: Cll?, Sami:alpur eesirkrcg } *.{it3 r E3:,i?s{. ss:6i13 s**-Fcfi :4_Ii Gsvernrnent af lndin/Birarat Sarkar Minictry sf Hsrfls Affairs/Grih Mantralaya !F** * Rooml$o.18 DSH Jaisalmer House, ?6 Maasingh Road, llelhi-l100i l Sated:i#06J?*09 Nerv To *r' Tbe Chief Funcrioaary, I{eriia* and Adis**i l}**-*tcpment Trusf I{II-f ,Rajam*n da,}eogar& *e*garhuD*rgarh *r*roa*?6*iS Subjeci: Sir**lada:*, &1?h referense, lc eppliceti*n datrd 3?l$?/2fi0g requesting regisrraticn under the -ymer Foreig* Cor:triburion{Regulxi+n}Act19?6. I am directed tri say dx y-Iur Asscciarion has beern registered xndsr $ectisrn 6 {t} {a} of the Act as follou,s:Regi$rye$$r ?surrcb*r : I*4g?$tl$? Natarc: $e*iat 2' Y*u are advise'd tc se*d intimations within the prescribed time to tlie Central G(:r"rtffilent rif the amcunts ef each fareign contribution reieived by you, the saurce asci the i!:aslEer iga ce*&e& the fa*eigr: ccr*tributi** r's*s utilised. es per the piavislsrns of the FCtRi Ar.g- 1976 aEsd tfoe niles &alsed ther*uuder- Alr asreciaticn-is ,*qoild ta furnish rhe retum ae&c* rhe partie*lars are $ill-'" ??re FC-i form may be sul',mitted on line o1 this 119-n ilinis*,"u's laorbsite brcgeea;Ec,ldfcraEeU&_pdrnc.litnl iisiirg usei- nail,e. ilre {nilli*m-kenej} used f*r online submission. rtr* gunr. Accouni meltioned in applica,ticul }rour receir,-ii:g f*relgrt c*nfribution and nc other amsunt should he credleed sc eiris acn*Bnt- T&e Assoei*ti*n sa*r*e i*rmediately inti:nate t* rhis Minisrr3. anil *h*uld be ilsed f,<rr otrtaix E1ryiesen ***-firEsa{i** regarding a:ry ch**ge in lhe name of the Association" its address and Bank,Eanft.,{ccsunt. i' The association-can*ct bring out any publi*aticn{registercd under pR-S Act.l g6?) or act pri*tg *r publisher of a registered newspaper at a later s*ge rfoer*fuy atiracli:rg pr*ruisi*r:s *f the Sectiq*"r,+{1} &} of the FCtnl A*. fglA.I* acldirio' tc this- the associatian is f,orbidden frorn g*tting in*',:io,*d in any activiry' orporiitj ;;,*":'-' as corra*pende*c *clusnr:i*t qdlt*r, 4' Y*u should also e$sure trefore any funds are passed on to any person/associatiair in Idia. that *ra Scipie.nt is {ii eli$ble tc accept f*ieign cantritrution u*der the Acr. i.e.. recipiemt sss**iatiac is regixtered *nder tfue Aet" sr hL obtained Friar Fermissio' of tirr. Ge?serfies}tr' $tldr'r Sstisc! 6 *f gh* AcL and ;i the persoru*'ass*ciation I I is not prohihir*ti rnder Se*ti*:r 4 *f tle A*t. 5- Fniisre to cemply with my of the above provisions will make you liable for acriol unds the provisions ts $ffitian 6{t} audlor under Section 23(1} of the Foreign Contributioe iRegntatiorlAct, I 976. Yours faithftf,y s'.mm U*der Secretary ts the GuYt. oflnfie Tel, No. 233 {Pl*rsc virit our w*bsile at http:I I.rs.Iff3 r 0:?/70{0$?6y}009-FCRA-II Copy t*: Thehilrnegsr $t*te Bank sf India M*in Bnnch,PclllirtiDeagarg,Deogrrh,Deagrrh{dist} Ori'ss* ffi-tfo the request to confirm that SB/CA Accou$ no" 3006913?2& has been opened above asseigion exehrsively for reccivins foreign contribution- The Baok is r lqtrcM ta mnd iniim*iam regardi*g in$'ard remittance* received by the association to hfixisuy cn yearly basis. fu Gr. Under $ecretary to the Govt. of Tel. No.23
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