The Weekly Newsletter of Community of Joy Lutheran Church Reformation Sunday A Prayer of Martin Luther Lord, I am weak in faith; strengthen me. I am cold in love; warm me, that my love may go out to my neighbor. At times I doubt and am unable to trust you. O Lord, help me. Strengthen my faith and trust in you. I pray in Jesus’ name, have mercy on me. Amen. This Week of JOY At both worship services today there will be special music offered by Ethan Goldstrom October 26, 2014 10/26 Worship Services 8:15 & 10:45am Adult Education Sunday School 9:40am Adult Education Sunday, October 26th Where do you think God keeps his treasure? The answer will surprise you. Join Rich Nelson this morning at 9:40 a.m. as we continue exploring God’s Big Book of Faith. Grow Team Meeting 12:15pm 10/28 Tuesday Morning Prayers 10/29 Supper A New Fitness Group at COJ! See page 7 Daylight Savings Time ENDS Sunday, November 2nd Grow Team Meeting Today at 12:15pm 9:30am 5:30pm Children’s Activity Youth Choir 6:00pm Children’s Choir Youth Activity Confirmation Adult Bible Study 6:30pm ReJOYce Rehearsal 7:00pm October 26, 2014 Community of Joy Lutheran Church Weekly Newsletter People Page COMMUNITY OF JOY Thank You to Our Volunteers! Acolyte: (8:15) (10:45) Altar: (8:15) (10:45) Communion: (8:15) (10:45) Readers: Ushers: (8:15) (10:45) (8:15) (10:45) 841 Saratoga Dr. NE Rio Rancho, NM 87144 Phone: 505-896-2543 Fax: 505-896-0756 Jason Wintermute-Covel Lucas Kostel Karen Pirlot Mary Colangelo Rich & Jo Ann Nelson, Charlotte Griffith Jim & Neal Shotwell, Barbara Shotwell David Lizon Lee Roberts Donna Doles, Peg Tool Ron & Sherri Bathje Pastor Michael Bastian Administrative Assistant Earlene Shroyer Music Team: Aaron Howe Office Volunteers: Peg Tool, Donna Doles, Louise Scott Facilities/Property: Nursery Attendant: Anne Econopouly, Katrina Cooley Treasurer: Dick Tool Bookkeeper: Earlene Shroyer Financial Secretary: Tracy Lizon Web Site: Daniel Maynard, Doug Hammett-Lair Congregation Council Music/Tech/Sound Team: Aaron Howe Alicia Evans Andrew Dumas Anne Kinney Douglas Hammett-Lair Dianne Hensley Emeline Richardson Hannah Shotwell Hayley Dumas Jamil Howe Jean Pratschner Jim Shotwell Katheryn Josselyn Kara Robertson Mark Evans Pelly Hutton Star Cooley Trula Howe Tyler Zack Zach Shotwell Bill Hensley—President Cliff Walker—Vice President Chris Sillence—Secretary Julie Evans David Lizon Jamila Mamuya Where are the Treats? We have no one signed up to bring treats for almost the rest of the year...oh no! There’s a sign-up sheet on the table in the narthex. Oct. 27th: Tracy Lizon Ryanne Covel 28th: Jackie Anderson 30th: Michael Lovell 31st: Cliff Walker 2 Ministries Teams Worship: Pastor Michael, Aaron Howe Grow and Sunday School: Anne Econopouly, Laurie Ethier, Rich Nelson and team VBS: Nancy Cooley F.E.A.S.T.: Sarah Farrell (505) 897-0322 Youth Programming: Joan Bouty, Nancy Cooley, McKenna Hutton Hospitality: April Mortensen Home Communion: Liz Roberts Care & Support: Gretchen Comfort, Donna Doles Community Outreach: David & Tracy Lizon, Jo Ann Nelson, Cliff & Judy Walker Fellowship: Neal Shotwell Stewardship: Pastor Michael, Dick Daisley, Julie Evans, Anne Kinney, April Mortensen Communications: Earlene Shroyer Volunteer & Leadership Development: Rich Nelson, Pat Shodean, Chris Sillence For any reports or information, contact the appropriate person listed above. October 26, 2014 Community of Joy Lutheran Church Weekly Newsletter Announcements MARK YOUR CALENDAR! Thanksgiving Dinner at COJ Saturday, November 8th from 5:00—7:00 p.m. Bring your family and join the COJ family for a full turkey dinner. This is a "free will offering" event - no ticket needed! Enjoy time together without the work of cooking. (You can also pick up a "take away" dinner.) Please sign the sign-up sheet in the Narthex so we know how many turkeys to buy.... indicate if you will be dining in, or if carry-out. A Thank You from Thank You for supporting the Refugee & Asylee Programs of Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains. Your help makes a difference in the lives of refugees and asylees! “COJ Community, we wouldn’t be where we are without you! SPECIAL thanks to Dianne for your amazing organization and dedication! Blessings and gratitude, Tarrie” “Thank you so much for your support for our programs. We sincerely appreciate it! Thank you! Kiri” “Thank you for all your generous donations and your support for our clients. Warm regards, Sandi Bertholomey” Gracias for your giving gesture for our clients. You are examples to our community. At both worship services on Sunday, November 2nd we will remember by name members and friends of COJ as well as loved ones who have passed on during the last year. We will be lighting a candle of remembrance for each name. Please provide Earlene or Pastor Michael with the name(s) of a loved one to be read and remembered during this special worship service. 3 October 26, 2014 Community of Joy Lutheran Church Weekly Newsletter Our Church COJ MEMBERS IN THE NEWS Dawn Kerridge , FNP, family nurse practitioner. Dawn Kerridge has 25 years experience working with both adults and children and previously practiced in clinics, hospitals, urgent care center and schools. She earned her license in practical nursing from Monmouth Country Vocational School in Freehold, N.J.; and has an associate’s degree in nursing from Brookdale Community College in Lincroft, N.J.; a bachelor’s degree in nursing from the University of Phoenix; and graduated with honors from the family nurse practitioner program at Walden University. Dawn Kerridge is a member of the Sigma Theta Tau International Honors Society; American Association of Nurse Practitioners; American Heart Association; American Nurses Association, and is also a national certified school nurse. Pastor Michael officiated at a Memorial Service at Daniel’s Family Funeral Services for Farcia Korteling on Saturday evening. Farcia was a Latvian American who lived in Rio Rancho, and was born in Riga, Latvia in 1937. “I am the resurrection and the life,” says the Lord; “he who believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die.” ~John 11:25-26 RMS Women of the ELCA Biannual Conference Lynette Schurdevin attended the 2014 RMSWO biannual convention in Denver this past October 10 - 12, 2014. . She enjoyed worship, workshops, musical entertainment by "Hard Road Trio" with dancing, and Sunday worship with Bishop Gonia. 4 October 26, 2014 Community of Joy Lutheran Church Weekly Newsletter Joyful Hearts Arts & Crafts Fair 5 October 26, 2014 Community of Joy Lutheran Church Weekly Newsletter Beyond Our Walls The Ebola Outbreak: Lutheran Disaster Response The Situation: In the last several months, the Ebola outbreak has claimed thousands of lives. The virus has spread rapidly, and with no approved vaccine and a high fatality rate, the World Health Organization is now calling it "one of the world's most lethal diseases." Ebola has spread to multiple countries, the hardest hit being Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea. Our Response: Lutheran Disaster Response is committed to walking with our brothers and sisters affected by the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Operating through our partners and companion churches, together we are: v Supplying and shipping essential protective gear and supplies to protect medical workers at Phebe Hospital and Curran Lutheran Hospital in Liberia. v Providing food assistance to the Lutheran Church in Liberia and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Sierra Leone. v Raising awareness and providing sensitization messages on the symptoms and prevention methods of Ebola. v Completing construction of an isolation center at Phebe Hospital and School of Nursing that meets World Health Organization standards. What Can You Do? Pray: Pray for those affected or threatened by the virus that they may be granted healing and hope. Give: Your gifts designated for Ebola Outbreak Response will be used in full (100 percent) to assist those directly impacted by this crisis. Advocacy 2014 The 2014 Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-New Mexico conference will be held on Saturday, November 8 at St. Timothy Lutheran Church in Albuquerque (211 Jefferson NE 87108). The conference will take place from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm and the cost is $15 per person, including lunch. Session topics will include: advocacy basics, hunger, immigration and more. Our featured speaker will be Pastor David Vasquez, author of several Bible studies from the perspective of immigrants and refugees. Pastor Vasquez is currently the campus pastor at Luther College and recently selected as the new president of Pacific School of Religion. Plan now to attend and learn more about advocating for our many neighbors living in poverty. To register or for more information, contact Ruth Hoffman at or 505.984.8005. Registration deadline: November 4. Contact Jean Pratschner: for carpooling information 6 October 26, 2014 Community of Joy Lutheran Church Weekly Newsletter Family Ministries Wednesday F.E.A.S.T. Here is the schedule: Supper Youth Choir Children’s Activity Children’s Choir Youth Study Confirmation Adult Study Music Team Rehearsal 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. There is NO ONE signed up to sponsor dinner for the remainder of the F.E.A.S.T. season. Supper on Wednesday, October 29th…. TO BE ANNOUNCED A New Fitness Group at COJ Community of Joy Mondays 6:30—7:30 p.m. 6 weeks Nov. 3—Dec. 15 THE DEFINITION OF STRENGTH Inspired by Pilates and Yoga, PiYo picks up Liz Roberts 949-632-3018 the pace—and the fun—for a pulse-pounding, calorie crushing workout. It’s low impact, yet high intensity. No weights, no jumps, just results. Class can be modified to various fitness levels and age groups. Class is FREE to COJ members and community. The instructor, Liz Roberts, is PiYo certified, is a physical therapist and member of COJ. Did you know that the Experience Joy! Newsletter is also online? Check Our Website for Current Information 7 October 26, 2014 Community of Joy Lutheran Church Weekly Newsletter Our Church You Can Never Thank People Enough A huge Thank You! to Ethan Goldstrom —for providing Special Music this Sunday Stewardship KICK OFF Coming Soon! You Can Help Support COJ’s GOOD SAMARITAN FUND Smith’s Community Rewards Program This is an easy way to provide funds to Community of Joy’s Good Samaritan Fund. We recently received a check in the amount of $26.86 from rewards earned in the last three months. If you are not already a Smith’s Rewards Card member, get a Smith’s rewards card at any Smith’s. Go online and register your rewards card account. Enter the Community of Joy NPO number 37218 on the registration site at the Community Rewards section. Use your Smith’s card every time you shop. It’s as simple as that. SERMON ON THE AMOUNTS Last week’s attendance: 108 Sunday School attendance: 10 Giving for the week of October 19, 2014 Giving Programs: Actual $161,115.00 Budget $158,544.00 Building: Both Funds: $32,262.00 $193,377.00 $32,708.00 $191,252.00 Actual Giving more/(less) than Budget $2,571.00 ($447.00) $2,125.00 Thank you for your faithful financial stewardship. Earlene will be taking an hour break for lunch each day, between 12:00—1:00 p.m. The office may still be open during this time, but to be sure please call first before. 8 October 26, 2014 Community of Joy Lutheran Church Weekly Newsletter Our Church Reformation Sunday O Lord God, you are the holy lawgiver, you are the salvation of your people. By your Spirit renew us in your covenant of love, and train us to care tenderly for all our neighbors, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen. April Mortensen and Julie Evans kicking off the upcoming Stewardship challenge Heather Himmelberger serving as Reader last Sunday Farewell and Godspeed Blessing for Carol Lei last Sunday Special Music last Sunday was provided by Alexandra and Sam Laird 9 October 26, 2014 Community of Joy Lutheran Church Weekly Newsletter Prayer Page People of Prayer Prayer List Each week we randomly offer names of people connected to Community of Joy for whom to pray. Ask God to protect them and build them up. Oct. 26th: Martha Hallamore 27th: Rudi Pallas 28th: Kyra Sillence 29th: Ron Bathje 30th: Kelsey Hutton 31st: Liam Richardson Nov. 1st: Dawn Kerridge COJ Church Council Julie Evans Bill Hensley David Lizon Jamila Mamuya Chris Sillence Cliff Walker Dick Tool—Treasurer Please help us keep this list updated. To add or remove someone from this list, please contact COJ Family Alexandra & Gail Laird Anne Kinney Charles Davis Chris Sillence & family Cynthia Damerow Dave & Pat Shodean Donna Doles Elrine Frosch-Loving Fran & Brenda Young Gary & MJ Horvat Jason & Heather Conner Jean Pratschner Joseph Conner Larry Zack Nancy and Star Cooley Norma Gruber Paul Laybourne Rachel Shroyer Ron Tafoya Sean Kinney Stephanie Belmore Virginia Wilcox Friends of COJ Together in Mission Audrey McMillan Felix Grinstead Bennie Huckleby Fred & Linda Bette Houser Hensley Blake Roberts Gabe Erickson Bob Romero George & Teri Brian Raymond Toelcke Brittany & Greg & Lisa De'Anthony Chevalley Raymond Heriberto Cynthia Cordoza Gonzalez Davey Lizon James Wallace David & Gina Jeanne Heller Lee Jeff Potter David & Victoria Jacob & Jordan Graston Raymond Debbie Steele John Halford Dominck Butta Karen Archiball Donetta Benham Ken Rogers Drury family, Laura Weyna Jacob & Eli Leroy Rupp Elijah Spring Lindsey Crosby Family of Elaine Lois Wimbush Bergman Lois Schneider Family of Peggy Marilyn Butler Seals Mario Gonzales Camino de Vida—Albuquerque Iglesia Cristo Rey—El Paso, TX Safety Kevin Nelson [12/06/10] - USN George H.W. Bush (son of Rich & Jo Ann Nelson) SFC Karen Beattie [05/26/11] - Ft. Riley, Kansas (cousin of Jackie Anderson) Natan Willson [01/01/12] - Afghanistan (friend of Linda McCormick) Spc. Boehm [03/04/12] - Afghanistan (friend of Deven Schei) Mike Oldenborg [01/07/13] - Fallon, Nevada (friend of Les & Pat Luehring) Arvid Opry—(son of Rudi & Irma Pallas) Brett Archibald [10/20/13] - Phoenix, Arizona (cousin of Jackie Anderson) Every Tuesday morning at 9:30 a.m., a group of COJ members pray for people on this list, as well as names we receive from the attendance sheets. 10 Martha Jean Jarvis Marty Paavola Mary Garcia Mildred Shinn Muriel Raub Nancy Hobson and husband Paul Jones Ray Schulz Rose Gonzales Sarah Smothermon Scott Peterson Sonya Ruiz Steven McKinnon Sue Woodall Tammy Lizon Tasha Owens Todd & Summerlyn Vorachek Yvonne & Kim Tracy
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