VIRGINIA WINGARD MEMORIAL UMC 1500 BROAD RIVER ROAD COLUMBIA SC 29210 803-772-0794 NON-PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO 561 COLUMBIA SC Mid-week Publication of Virginia Wingard Memorial United Methodist Church 1500 Broad River Road, Columbia, South Carolina RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Our Mission: to proclaim Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and to make disciples through loving outreach, lively worship, quality care, and exciting education. October 22, 2014 Prayer Power “The Lord reigns! Let his glory be exalter over all the earth. Holy is the Lord!” Psalm 99:1, 2, 5 Prayer Line: 772-0794 X 110 or Immediate Prayer List for currently ill... Bernard Padgett Fletcher Carter Gay Hanks Herb Chambers Bob Schnackenberg Anne Moon Please include in your daily devotions all Shut-ins and others we hold dear to our hearts. Expanded Prayer lists are available on the door of Room 206 and the display rack in the Welcome Center. 8:30 AM Sunday Service Hostesses Ruth & Greg Cummins, Patsy Knotts, Jean Bridgers Greeters Vicki Funderburk Kay Riley PowerPoint Brianna Brannigan Sound Tech Jason Agee Robert Romanek DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME ENDS! SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2014 11:00 AM Sunday Service Greeters Linda & Ron Windham Treasurer Kay Riley Altar Guild-October Jane Andrews-Nicol Betsy Nunnery, Katherine Daniels Acolyte Lynette Manick Crucifer Bailey Agee Lay Reader Parker Evatt Ushers *Clint Rust, Ned Wallace, David Jordan, Betty Comer PRAYER CHANGES US What is stewardship? On Sunday, October 26, Virginia Wingard Memorial UMC will embark on a journey of learning and growing to be stewards of God's creation. Our theme for this year's stewardship campaign is New Beginnings: Practicing Generosity. How might we be good stewards while being generous? I contend that in this day of new beginnings for VWMUMC, we are generous stewards through our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and our witness. This will become clear as we journey together over the next several weeks. So, this week I will provide some thoughts concerning prayer. C. S. Lewis is quoted as having said,“I pray because I can’t help myself. I pray because I’m helpless. I pray because the need flows out of me all the time, waking and sleeping. It doesn’t change God. It changes me.” Through the years I have found myself praying for those who have hurt me in one way or another. Praying may not change them, but it does indeed change me. Praying gives me hope; helps me forgive those who have hurt me. Prayer helps me to wish nothing but the best for them; helps me to laugh again. Through the years I have turned to God when I need to go somewhere with what I have on my mind and in my heart. Whenever I have felt helpless, I go to God first. It may not change the situation, but it changes me and helps me find a way forward through whatever may come next. So, what is next for you? Will you join me in praying for our church during these days of new beginnings? Our prayers will not change our situations but will change each one of us, freeing us for becoming generous stewards. Pastor Scott Smoak Staff Pastor: Scott W. Smoak Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Eugene Holmes Director of Program: Tammy Grey Director of Music, Organist: Greg Boatwright Pianist: Winifred Goodwin Dir. of Finance & Admin.: Carolyn Jackson Secretary: Gloria Spires Phone: 803-772-0794 Fax: 803-772-6255 E-mail: October 26, 2014 ~ 8:30 AM & 11:00 AM Rev. Scott Smoak Matthew 6:5-15 “PRAYER THAT PLEASES GOD” Church Activities Sunday, October 26 ~Stewardship Kick-off 8:30 AM - Contemporary Worship 9:45 AM - Sunday School 11:00 AM - Traditional Worship 2:00 PM - AA Anniversary - AC Monday, October 27 10:00 AM - Daytime Fellowship - AC 8:00 PM - AA Study Group Tuesday, October 28 10:00 AM - Quilting Group Wednesday, October 29 6:00 PM - Trunk Or Treat/Fall Festival 7:00 PM - Chancel Choir Rehearsal 8:00 PM - Dutch Square AA Thursday, October 30 NO EVENTS SCHEDULED Friday, October 31 8:00 PM - Dutch Square AA Saturday, November 1 NO EVENTS SCHEDULED FACTS & FIGURES October 19, 2014 Combined Worship Attendance 192 Church School 68 Budget Offering 4,346.00 Specials 1,815.00 Special Gifts Memory of Joe Nicol to the Budget by Betty Morris; Lynn & Gaye Campbell; Lucinda Daniels Emily & Lanny Finley; Karen Renzi; Jim & Ros Browning. To the Food Pantry by Stan & Deborah Morris. To BRAC by Bob & Ina Porter; Frank & Sandra Selman; Ron & Linda Windham. memory of Boyce Floyd to the Budget by Jay & JoAnn Helms; Lucinda Daniels. memory of Donna Lewis to the Budget by Lynn & Gaye Campbell; Lucinda Daniels. memory of Eloise Huggins to the Budget by Betty Morris. memory of Polly Warren to the Budget by Lucinda Daniels. memory of Loyd Hoenshell to the Budget by Tom & Nancy Stokes. Charge Conference Monday, November 3, 2014 7:30 PM ~ Sanctuary The Virginia Wingard Annual Charge Conference will be held on Monday, November 3 at 7:30 p.m. District Superintendent, Cathy Jamieson-Ogg will preside and lead a time of worship. Council Members please plan to attend. All church members are invited. United Methodist Mens Meeting Honoring Veterans Day & Ladies Night Tuesday, November 11, 2014 6:00 PM ~ Activity Center Presenter: Jeff Wilkinson, Reporter for The State Media Cost: Adults $10 Children: (11 yrs. & under) $5 Tickets available on Sunday following morning Worship in the Welcome Center! Daytime Fellowship Monday, October 27th 10:00 AM ~ Activity Center Vocalist: Jerry Cummings You are invited to come and enjoy a time of Fellowship and good entertainment. UMW October Mission Rural Missions Monetary Donations Requested! Fall Camping Trip! November 14-16th Our Church family will be heading to Hickory Knob State Park for a weekend of fellowship. We have rooms, cabins, & campsites reserved at this time for our group. The pricing per night with tax included…Cabins - $91.58, Rooms $75.38 and Campsites - $22.00. We will have a “pot luck” dinner together on Saturday night and breakfast & worship together on Sunday morning! Throughout the weekend there will be time for fellowship among everyone! Please let Tammy know if you are interested in spending the weekend with us and whether you would like a cabin, lodge or campsite! Trunk Or Treat & Fall Festival Wednesday,October 29th 6:00 ~ 8:00 p.m. In the picnic area and parking lot NEEDED: TRUNKS! We need your trunks! The children will be “Trunk Or Treating” around to the various cars in the parking lot. There will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd place for the most creative trunks! WREATH SALES The Children and Youth Ministries will begin their annual Wreath Sales October 19th. Wreaths will be for sale beginning October 19th in the Welcome Center after each service. You may also purchase a wreath from a child or youth. Wreaths will also be available by calling the Church Office. Wreaths should be available for pick-up Sunday, November 30th. Please support our Children and Youth Ministries as you prepare to decorate for Christmas! Expressions of Sympathy to... ...Fletcher & Joanne Carter on the death of their sister-in-law, Kit Carter of Georgetown on October 16. The Women’s Shelter 35 Annual Thanksgiving “Souper” Thursday, November 20th ~ 5:30-7:30 PM Eastminster Presbyterian Church 3200 Trenholm Rd., Columbia, SC A $2 donation per person is suggested Proceeds benefit The Women’s Shelter! th
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