www.stmichaels-church-colehill.co.uk The Revd. Suzanne Pattle, MA, The Vicarage, Smugglers Lane, Colehill 01202 883721 Email: The Revd. Lorraine McGregor, Tapiola, Marianne Road, Colehill The Church Office, Colehill Lane BH21 7AB (Telephone 841677) is open daily from 10.00 am until 12 noon If you wish to book the Church Centre or have any other enquiry, please leave a message on the office answer phone, or on , in the Centre post box or with the office staff Sunday 26th October Bible Sunday 8.00am Holy Communion 9.30am Parish Eucharist 6.00pm Choral Evensong sung by Quintus Imperfectus Monday 27th Electrical PAT Testing Tuesday 28th 8.00am NO Morning Prayer today 10.30am Organ Practice Wednesday 29th 8.00am Morning Prayer 10.30am Holy Communion – MU corporate but anyone is welcome! Coffee afterwards. 11.30am Centre Rendezvous 7.30pm ‘Faith in the Community’ Session 4: Revd. Pat Southgate talks about ‘Routes2Roots’ – a local charity for the homeless. 7.30pm Public Meeting in Colehill Memorial Hall regarding boundary changes. Thursday 30th 8.00am Morning Prayer Friday 31st 8.00am Morning Prayer 7.00pm NO Choir Practice today st Saturday 1 November 11.00am-2.00pm Table-Top Sale in Church Centre Next Sunday 2nd November All Saints Day 8.00am Holy Communion 9.30am All Age Worship with Holy Communion QUINTUS IMPERFECTUS Matt & his team are coming to sing Choral Evensong TODAY at 6.00pm It would be really good to see a few more people at this ‘not to be missed’ event. We’re so fortunate to have Quintus Imperfectus willing to sing for us on a regular basis so please come. POINTERS FOR PRAYER: The church throughout the world & for Justin Welby as he leads the Anglican Communion. The church in South Sudan – for Bishop Peter in the Yambio Diocese & our link Deanery, Karika Our Diocese - Bishop Nicholas, Bishop Graham & Bishop Ed. Our Ministry Team – Suzanne, Lorraine, John, Alan & Mac & our Lay Pastoral Assistants – Hilary, Val, Jill, Barbara, Freda & Daphne Give thanks for the work of Pastor Robert Jones with the Wimborne Food Bank Those who work in our local community, particularly at St.Michael’s Middle School, Hayeswood First School & Colehill First School. Georgina Weston, receiving St. Michael’s Cross today Peace & reconciliation in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Israel & Palestine (especially in Gaza), South Sudan, Nigeria, Ukraine & Russia Countries affected with the Ebola virus & for the efforts of those attempting to bring the epidemic under control. The sick & infirm & others in need: Sheila Spenceley, Paul, Linda Thompson, Janice Penney, Brian Watson, Derrick Wollen, Audrey Follet, Elaine Walker Coral Roberts, Anne Corrigan & Joan Woodward. RIP: Ida Johnston Bill Douthett & Joan Wootton Christmas Market 2014 – Saturday November 29th, 5.00 – 7.00 p.m. C E RENDEZVOUS T R E A list of those who have signed up so far to run stalls is on the board at the back of church. There is room for plenty more! In particular, could someone run the bottle stall (in lieu of Lorraine) and the St Michael’s Kitchen stall? The LUNCHTIME VENUE for the whole community The proceeds from all stalls will go to church funds. OPEN Wednesdays 11.30am – 1.30pm We would be very grateful for: Centre Rendezvous - Good Food & Good Company! any toys/games/books/puzzles which your children or grand-children no longer use Electrical PAT Testing Monday 27th October any second-hand cook books, cooking pots, storage racks, mugs, aprons etc. Every piece of portable electrical equipment we use here is inspected and tested by our electrician once a year. They are then added to a list of “approved for use” electrical equipment. There is a sticker on each plug to show this has been done and when checked. ` Monday the 27 th October is the date set this year. If you have any electrical equipment at home which you may use here bring it along for testing The electrician will check it out and add to the list – and add a nice sticker to your plug. As well as this yearly test it is important that you make a visual check of any electrical appliance before use. Things like broken or bare wires – loose leads in plug tops – or damage to the appliance itself will tell you not to use that equipment. Also if you use any electrical equipment outside an additional trip switch (RCD) must be used. They are in the roller cupboard. If you have any questions or would like any help to get your electrical equipment here please give me a call. Thank you. Eric Jones 01202 880152 any small plastic trays (the sort fruit are usually sold on by supermarkets but not ones which have had raw meat on them. Please give these directly to Jill Laybourne. any home-made jams/marmalades/ chutneys etc. for the St Michael’s Kitchen stall The three schools in the parish and the cubs/brownies will be invited to sing carols with the community round the tree whilst the chair of the parish council turns on the lights. The Market will open as soon as these are over – at around 5.10/5.15 p.m. There will also be a competition for children, with 1st/2nd/3rd prizes for two age-groups – details to follow later. We are away now until the end of October so will, hopefully, be able to finalize the List of Stalls when we get back. Garth 01202 882242 Congratulations to Daphne and Emily Jones, John and Jenny Spatchet and to Rod Chapman who were awarded their Aldhelm Certificates at a service at Wilton Church last week Message from Sheila PROPOSED BOUNDARY CHANGES Heartfelt thanks to everyone for the support given over the past twelve months. Your muchneeded prayers, home visits, transport to hospital, trips out for Gordon, telephone calls, all very much appreciated. Bless you all. Sheila East Dorset District Council is proposing to alter Colehill’s boundary, which, if it goes ahead, will rip the heart out of the Colehill community. St. Michael’s Church, the Vicarage, St. Michael’s School, the Reef, the War Memorial, Beaucroft School, Colehill Sports & Social Club, Colehill Cricket Ground & the Horns Inn will no longer be in Colehill but in Wimborne CHRISTMAS MARKET-RAFFLE FOR HAMPER OF GOODIES . I am starting to collect items for one large and two smaller hampers. There is a list at the back of church with ideas for contributions. Please sign your name against the item you would like to give,or add your own idea. Please make sure that items have a “use by/best before” date that extends into 2015, and place in the box at the back of church. We shall start selling raffle tickets on Sundays from mid November, so it would be helpful to receive items by Sunday 2nd November if possible. Any queries contact Liz White 840270. HARVEST The proceeds from our lovely lunch and all the beautiful cake baking amounted to £792 of which £455 will go to the Christian Aid Sudan Appeal and £337 to Church Funds. In addition there was an anonymous donation of £300 for the Sudan Appeal GLASS JARS NEEDED! . Please can members of the congregation save their glass jars this week for a craft activity I am hoping to run with the children as part of the All Age Communion next week – 2nd November. (hopefully this will not compete with the needs of St Michael's kitchen!). I will need about 20 - please either leave them at the back of church during the week or in the office in the Centre. Many thanks Suzanne It really is important that you tell EDDC that you OBJECT to these changes. Please email your comments to cgr@christchurchandeastdorset.gov.uk PLEASE DO THIS NOW IF YOU HAVEN’T ALREADY & ALSO SIGN THE PETITION AT THE BACK OF CHURCH. There is a Public Meeting in Colehill Memorial Hall this WEDNESDAY 29th OCTOBER at 7.30pm. Please attend if you can. A TABLE-TOP SALE SATURDAY 1st NOVEMBER 2014 ST. MICHAEL'S CHURCH CENTRE 11.00am-2.00pm Lots to buy. Refreshments. Raffle. Soup and Rolls. We urgently need prizes for the Raffle. Please bring with you or leave in the box at the back of the Church. As usual, any help would be greatly appreciated. Some help is also needed in the setting-up and clearing-up. Please speak to Daphne about that. All the money raised will go to Church Funds. MU - ARE PANTS??? Please put your women’s NEW pants for Ugandan orphans in the box provided at the back of church or cash in the pot! This is our Christmas Appeal this year for all members of the congregation to support if they so wish. We hope you will! Thanks in anticipation. Val & Di WHITE POPPIES Last year some people asked me about the white poppy I wore on Remembrance Sunday. I explained that they were issued by the Peace Pledge Union http://www.ppu.org.uk/whitepoppy/ as a symbol of resisting the drive to war. Some people wear them alongside the red poppy to show respect for the fallen as well as opposition to war as a way of trying to solve conflict. Some of you expressed a wish to wear one yourselves so I've ordered & bought a lot more this year! If you would like one contact me on 01202 693837 or sharen_eappi@msn.com Sharen Green HELP NEEDED ON REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY PLEASE Helpers needed for assistance in serving refreshments on Remembrance Sunday AFTER the Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial. It is intended to offer hot drinks and cakes (cakes supplied and served by the uniformed organisations in aid of the John Thornton Young Achievers Foundation) before the uniformed organisations go into church for a short 'Peace Service'. Please speak to Daphne or Suzanne if you can offer help. Thank you. CHRISTMAS IS COMING WIMBORNE CARERS’ GROUP Carers are people who look after loved ones with an illness or disability in their own homes. It can be a very lonely and stressful life, although carers usually take great pride in their careful attention to the needs of their loved one. The Wimborne Carers’ Group is a joint church/Prama initiative which meets at St John’s Church, Leigh Road on the third Friday of each month and offers carers an opportunity to chat with others in the same situation, to enjoy coffee and home made cake, listen to a relevant and uplifting speaker, and share information. If you think you could help to run the group by making a cake, or by coming along to be a listening ear, then please contact Mary Morris on 01202 883421 or marycalling@icloud.com for more information. THANK YOU NEDRA wishes to express her thanks for thoughts, prayers & support following the sad loss of her father in America. Have you bought your Christmas Cards yet? Just a reminder that the cards that we have been making in aid of South Sudan will be available again next Sunday – 2nd November . Lots of Christmas cards ( £1.50 for a pack of 5) and also the usual Birthday cards, Congratulations, Blanks etc. Come and take a look. They will be at the back of church on November1st so that those attending the 8am can also have an opportunity to buy. Thanks - Jill SCRIPTURE STUDY DAY at St. Catherine’s RC Church Hall On Saturday 15th November, St. Catherine’s Church is holding its Annual Scripture Study Day with the title ‘ Christ the power of and the wisdom of God’ from 10.00am to3.00pm Canon Kenneth Noakes will lead. All welcome. Booking essential £5 per person . Please contact Denise Darmody 01202 888046 or on e.darmody@hotmail.co.uk
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