30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A Sunday, October 26, 2014 MASSES FOR THE WEEK AND INTENTIONS October 25 - November 1, 2014 Sat Oct 25 Sunday Oct 26 Mon Oct 27 9:00am Living & Deceased Members of Catholic Women’s League 5:00pm †Deceased Members of the Pin to Family 9:00am †Tony Teixeira 11:00am For the People of the Parish 7:00pm †Luigi & Felicitas Cornacchia 9:00am Intention of Charles & Alphonsus Yoganathan Tues Oct 28 ST. SIMON & ST. JUDE, APOSTLES Wed Oct 29 Thurs Oct 30 Fri Oct 31 9:00am 9:00am 9:00am 9:00am Sat Nov 1 †Mavis Payne †Fred Monaghan †Francis Duffell †Joan Martindale Intention of Wanda Andrabi & Family Intention of Mary Jean Springer & Family Living & Deceased Members †Souls in Purgatory ALL SAINTS DAY 9:00am †Ken Houlahan - RIP 5:00pm Intention of the Prayer Group REFLECTION Does God want love or legalism? In today’s gospel Jesus’ critics set out once more to trap him. They pose a question much disputed at the time. Of the 613 commandments distinguished by the rabbis, which was the most important? Jesus answers with not one but two commandments cited from the scriptures. The first to love God wholeheartedly, was recited twice daily by the devout Jew; the second was part of the Law. Love doesn’t allow for measurement or legalism; it requires the total gift of ourselves. Nor can it be selective; neither commandment can be observed apart from the other. The first reading singles out those among our neighbors for whom God has a special love, as should we: the stranger, the widow, the orphan, the poor. Since these are defenceless, God himself will be their defender. God’s concern shows how we must be sensitive to the needs of others. If love for God and neighbor is the mark of Jesus’ followers, St. Paul observes that Christian joy makes our faith contagious. Sunday Mass Book CONGRATULATIONS! On Saturday, October 18, at 10:00a.m. Altar Servers from the Archdiocese of Toronto were honoured at St. Isaac Jogues Parish, Pickering. Our congratulations go to the following Altar Servers from our parish who received the Bishop’s Award Medal in recognition of their faithful services, and for displaying a sense of commitment, responsibility, leadership and dedication to their duties. Daniel D’Souza PARISH MINISTRY - CONTACTS BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY Contact: Joan Doyle at 647-388-1829 CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE General Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of each month in Room 2. Rosary at 7:10 p.m. followed by a meeting, For more information contact Mary Campanelli at 416-283-0870. FAITH ENRICHMENT Thursdays 9:30-10:45 a.m. in Room 1. Contact: Bonnie at 416-284-5772 or Louise at 416-283 -5055. KNIGHT OF COLUMBUS General Meetings every 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:30p.m. in Room 2. For more information contact Mani Mattam 416-283-4554 LEGION OF MARY Meetings every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m., Room 1, Legion of Mary -Juniors at 6:30 p.m. For further information contact: Nestor Silveira at 416-286-3932 or Victoria Pereira at 416-2865713. PRAYER GROUP Meetings every Thursday 7:30 p.m. Rosary; 7:45 p.m. (Praise and Worship, Reflection on the Sunday Gospel, or a Biblical Teaching & Fellowship). For information contact Alex Fernandes at 416-286-3568 or Jean Fernandes at 416-281-4182 REFUGEE-OUTREACH COMMITTEE: Meets on the last Saturday of the month after the Gatherings. New members are welcome. Contact Mary Burns at 416-284-0428 SENIORS 50+ CLUB Lunch/cards/scrabble & companionship from 12:30 - 4:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall every Wednesday. Seniors Mass 3rd Wednesday of each month at 11:00 a.m. Contact: Bill Newby 647-342-3454. ST. VINCENT De PAUL SOCIETY Meets every 3rd Thursday of the month at 9:30am in Room 3. Contact: Bill Murray at 416284-9949. ST. JOSEPH’S YOUTH GROUP Meetings are held once every month after the 7:00 p.m. Mass. Please contact st.josephs.yg@gmail.com to join. Andrew Lobo Solomon Jacob We would also like to congratulate and thank their parents for their co-operation and support. CONFIRMATION & RECONCILIATION CLARIFICATION OF DATES Confirmation Enrolment Mass: Tuesday November 18, 2014 at 7:00p.m. Reconciliation Service: Tuesday, December 2, 2014 at 7:00p.m. 14-DAY PILGRIMAGE WITH FR.PAUL McAULEY, CSSp. Lourdes, Paris, Normandy, & 4-Day Riverboat Cruise Travel Date: Information: September 2015 Wednesday, October 29, 2014 at 7:30p.m. St. Joseph’s Church, Parish Hall For more details, please call Pam Canham at 416-438-0519 St.Joseph’s Church Is Wheelchair Accessible CATHOLIC CEMETERIES & FUNERAL SERVICES St Joseph 160 - Building for Growth CAPITAL CAMPAIGN UPDATE The Catholic Cemeteries invites all families to partici- Over the past four and a half years we have pate in the All Souls’ Day Mass on Saturday, tried to keep you informed about the progress November 8, 2014 at 2:00p.m. All masses will be held of the Building for Growth Campaign through anindoors at the following locations: nouncements in the weekly bulletin and special inserts. On the white board in the Narthex, we have Assumption Cemetery, Mississauga: Liturgy in English posted a number of these inserts and announcements, Christ The King Cemetery, Markham: Liturgy in English and ask that you take a few minutes to familiarize Holy Cross Cemetery, Thornhill: Liturgy in Italian & English yourself with this information. Queen of Heaven Cemetery, Woodbridge: Liturgy in Italian & English Resurrection Cemetery, Whitby: Liturgy in English It is also important to recognize that the parish still has a significant bank loan, and to reduce it requires everyone’s support. We look forward to your continued support in this regard. All are Welcome! SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL ACTIVITY FOR THE LAST 9 MONTHS So far in 2014 St. Joseph’s Conference made over 195 home visits, providing Food and Clothing vouchers, beds and other assistance to some 85 families in our parish consisting of 145 children and 150 adults. We had a successful “Bundle Up” weekend last May. We will be doing it again next Spring in early April. There are six trucks at different parishes in the GTA each weekend doing bundle pickups. Which parish on which date can be found in our calendar on the website: www.ssvptoronto.ca From our parish, this summer, 29 girls enrolled in Camp Marygrove and 7 boys in Camp Ozanam. Boys still seem to be reluctant to attend the camp - not sure why. The feedback from the girls is that they “had a great time.” Catholic Charities and you, the parishioner, subsidized both camps. The weather was not great this summer, but still it is great to be away at camp and away from the city. We are currently putting together our Christmas Appeal list, more about this next month. Thank you for your ongoing support. Early Draw: Friday, November 7, 2014 at the Fall Ball And Final Draw: Sunday, November 30, 2014 (After the 11:00am Mass) All proceeds to St. Joseph’s , Religious and Community needs JOY OF THE GOSPEL REFLECTION SERIES Neumann Hall, St. Patrick’s Church 131 McCaul St., Toronto 12:10p.m. (Following the Sunday Mass) Journey through the teaching and spirituality of Pope Francis through the document , Evangelii Gaudium, “The Joy of the Gospel”. Through presentation, reflection and discussion, understand more fully the invitation to deeper discipleship with Jesus through this ground-breaking text and joyful text by our remarkable Pope. November 2: Proclaiming the Gospel December 7: The Social Dimension of Evangelization To register contact the parish office at 416-598-3269 or email secretary@stpatrickstoronto.ca Masquerade Ball The Knights of Columbus invite you to The Estate Banquet Hall 430 Nugget Ave. Scarborough on Friday November 7th 2014 Sit down Dinner with Wine and an evening of dancing and ment 6:30p.m. Cocktails – 7:30p.m. Dinner Door Prizes, Silent Auction and more KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS St. Joseph’s Highland Creek Council #11525 Donor’s Club Lottery BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE merri- $50 per ticket or $95 per couple For more information or for tickets call: Rupert Johnson @ 416 283-3976 Beginning November 1, 2014, the Book of Remembrance will be available at the foot of the Altar. Please include the names of your deceased relatives and friends who will be included in prayers during the masses in the month of November.
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