SHAVUN ב"ה Lech Lecha Lech Lecha – Go from yourself to yourself A journey of exploration and discovery not only into a new land, but also deep into Avraham’s soul, and deep into the souls of the Jewish people. You can almost hear Avraham's singing along “I like to move it, move it!” during a journey of over 4000 years... Dear Friends, We finally found a house and we owe huge gratitude to Bronwen, the Board and Chevra Kadisha for doing the utmost to help us settle in very quickly. We really appreciate it very much. We hope we will have the opportunity B”H to host you and your families along the way! What do we do to keep it moving for another 4000 years...? --------------------Join us for our educational programmes: As I was travelling this week around Tauranga and Hamilton for the Kosher Kiwi auditing, I had the opportunity to enjoy a small part of the lush, beautiful, and peaceful New Zealand. Our first Torah class at the RFL will be this coming Thursday (6 Nov) 7:00 pm: “The binding of Isaac – A G-d fearing act or child abuse? “ Our first Torah class at the AHC next Monday (10 Nov) 7:00pm: “Introduction to practical Judaism - The Written Torah and the Oral Torah” Avraham, our father, was told to leave his homeland, his birthplace, his father's house and to go to the land that Hashem will show him. Hashem did not tell Avraham to which country he should go – there is no description of the land of Israel at all at this stage. In fact – the Land of Israel was not even mentioned except the words: “To the land that I will show you...” Looking forward to seeing you all! Shabbat Shalom Rabbi Nathanel Friedler How many of us would go to a place without knowing anything about it? What was the motivation of Avraham to do so? Rashi explains the words Lech Lecha – go for yourself is to “go for your own benefit and for your own good”. Avraham did not “immigrate” to a new land for the sake of improving his life style. There is nothing wrong with that, but it is not a sufficient reason for the Torah to mention this call of G-d to Avraham. Avraham was called to “move on” (Lech in Hebrew) with his life – to become a better person, someone who is looking to influence the entire world – they also took with them to the journey the “souls they made in Haran” - all the people they help them to discover the Godliness in the world. Monday 1 Dec 2014 @ 6:30pm Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis’ first visit to Auckland (including Rabbi Friedler’s Inauguration) Details to follow soon! But indeed it all started with Avraham's journey within himself. 1 Thur 30 October 2014 6 Cheshvan 5775 AHC Contact Details: Office: 09 373 2908 Rabbi Natti Friedler 021 714 157 Mikveh Bookings: 021 714 158 Yair Jablinowitz: 021 488 030 Shifra Jablinowitz: 021 488 050 AHC BoM 5775 Chair & Human Resources: Bronwen Klippel Treasurer & Kashrut Certification Garth Cohen Religious & Head Gabbai: Gavin Berman Social: Sharon Brokensha Mark Kantor Security: Sara Nevezie GAD: Henri Eliot Youth & Young Marrieds: Steven Hofman Mark Kantor Property: Joshua Arieli Future Planning and Kadimah Liaison Rachel Lerner Contents Mazel Tovs 2 Kadimah Fundraiser 2 Yahrzeits 4 Calendar 4 Message from Shifra & Yair Last Shabbat the Jewish world experienced one of the most beautiful initiatives you can imagine – ‘The Shabbat Project’. What is the Shabbat Project? Originally started in South Africa, the idea was that one Shabbat a year all Jews will keep Shabbat in all its details & beauty. Today, the Shabbat Project is celebrated all around the world. This past Shabbat over a quarter of a million Jews observed the Shabbat! In almost every City that has Jewish population, the Shabbat has been kept, even here in New Zealand! "More than Israel has kept Shabbat, Shabbat has kept Israel." Let’s remember that even on long weekends, or when it’s just plain difficult, we own this beautiful day, we should take advantage of it & mainly enjoy it! Labour-day weekend was busy, especially with the ‘Facing Today’s Reality’ Seminar in Wellington, which was all about dealing with Anti-Semitism in today’s world. The Seminar was on a very high level led by Roni & the Jewish Federation. Nearly 100 people experienced great speakers & interesting discussions, and of course...Great food! This Friday night we’ll be hosting a Kadimah Shabbaton, therefore we especially encourage all people to join and enjoy Shabbat! The kids all know that ‘Shabbat is what gives us purpose in life’. So we need all of us, adults, to show that as well ;) Shabbat Shalom, Shifra & Yair Yom Huledet Sameach!! Happy Birthday!! Mark Benjamin Ari Blair Anthony Keys Louis Krukziener Sally Spalter Alex Schanzer Lisa Brokensha Carol Joseph Ron Eisig Stefan Goldwater Rachel Korpus Harrison Rose Louise Ross Michelle Bitran Michael Fisher Ely Lawrence Caron Orelowitz Melissa Watson Raymond Abel Michael Berman Auckland 16 & 23 Nov 2014 SUNDAY 16 — 12:30pm Run Boy Run 2:45pm Gett, the Trial of Vivian Amsalem 5:10pm Night Will Fall 7:15pm The Farewell Party SUNDAY 23 — 12:30pm Young Perez 2:45pm Zero Motivation 5:00pm The Decent One 7:15pm Above & Beyond 2 B’nai B’rith Auckland WORKING TOGETHER FOR A BETTER SOCIETY COME & JOIN HADASSAH NEW ZEALAND in conjunction with the FOR A CHARITY WALK WITH A DIFFERENCE! When: Where: What: November 23 2014 from 12-2pm. Start and Finish at the Auckland Hebrew Congregation (AHC) 108 Greys Avenue , Auckland City A wonderful walk of Jewish Heritage Sites around Auckland Central (approx. 5-6km total), followed by refreshments in the Kadimah Gymnasium (upstairs) at the AHC All friends and supporters of B’nai B’rith Auckland are invited to join us on Sunday 2/11/2014 7:30 for a meal and presentation by Dr David Hoadley. NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Sites include: Myers Park Sir Dove-Myer Robinson statue in Aotea Square Princes Street Old Synagogue and adjacent gallery Raoul Wallenberg tree Tahara House and the old Jewish Cemetery Sunday 2/11/2014 7:00 PM To be followed by a ‘bring a plate’ dinner RFL rule: OK to bring a plate from home (no meat) Raye Freedman Library 788 Remuera Road THE COUNCIL OF CHRISTIANS AND JEWS Invites you to attend our next programme THE PLIGHT OF THE ANCIENT CHRISTIAN COMMUNITIES OF THE MIDDLE EAST St John’s Theological College Meadowbank (opp. Shalom Court) on Sunday 9 November at 2.30pm SPEAKER: Dr Francis Kassir, an Iraqi Christian dentist living in Auckland, whose family in Mosul have recently fled their ancient city – a story to which we Jews can certainly relate. All welcome, no charge. “Late Rosh Chodesh” Breakfast Everyone invited!! Straight after the 9am Sunday morning minyan at Greys Ave – Don’t miss out 3 YAHRZEITS FOR THE WEEK: Name: Morris Gould Betty Hooker Samuel Klippel We wish you Long Life… Our thoughts are with all our congregants who are unwell at the moment. Ethel Phillips Cecelia Rottanburg Remembered by: Relationship: Janet Pezaro Yvonne Lowes Geoffrey Klippel Ann Gluckman Estelle Goldwater Naomi Lax Father Mother Father Father Mother Sister CONSECRATION NOTICE: The consecration of the late Rena Ross will take place on 16th Nov, 10:30am @ Waikumete YOUR WEEKS AHEAD: FRI 31 7 Cheshvan SAT 1 8 Cheshvan SUN 2 9 Cheshvan MON 3 10 Cheshvan TUE 4 11 Cheshvan WED 5 12 Cheshvan THUR 6 13 Cheshvan Shacharit: Greys Ave Shacharit @ & AHC Stiebel: Greys Ave: 9am 9:15am B/Mitzvah classes “Late Rosh Chodesh” Breakfast Kadimah Kabbalat Shabbat Yr 1 Kabbalat Shabbat Greys Ave 7pm Stiebel 6:30pm 7:34pm 7 14 Cheshvan Rabbi’s Shiur @ RFL 7pm 8:35pm 8 15 Cheshvan 9 16 Cheshvan 10 17 Cheshvan Shacharit: Greys Ave Shacharit @ & AHC Stiebel: Greys Ave: 9am 9:15am B/Mitzvah classes Kabbalat Shabbat Greys Ave 7pm Stiebel 6:30pm 7:41pm 8:42pm Monday Morning Cooking Club 7:30pm@ AHC 4 Rabbi’s Shiur @ Greys Ave – 7pm 11 18 Cheshvan 12 19 Cheshvan 13 20 Cheshvan
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