FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1000 Main Sireet P.O. Box 1210 Many, Louisiana 71449 Phone#: 318-256-3632 FaX#: 318-256-0522 Family Ufe Center/Fellowship Hall#: 318-256-0972 Preschool #: 318-273·2205 Pastor E-mail: Pastor@fumc·manv com Office E-mail: Administrator@fumc· Website: Sunday Morning Worship Broadcast - 10:00a.m. KWLV 107.1 NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER 201 4 From Ihe Pastor, During my firstcouple of years in serninary, I served as a stu dent intern in a United Methodist Church in Kansas City, Kansas. My first summer at the church, we organized a summer day camp for about forty children from a nearby housing project. Our church provided the organizational structure, the space, transportation for the kids, and lunch. Then, we invited church groups and others from around Kansas and Missouri 10 provide the programming. Some groups ran a VBS program for the children. Others groups organized games and a variety of learning activities for them. Some days we just went on field trips toplaces like the children's museum and the zoo. And everymorning, I gaveeach child a clean bright yellow I-shirt towear with the name ofthe camp and ofour church. They gave the t-shirt back at the end of the day, and each eveningI took home forty t-shrts tolaunder. On the last day, the kidsgot to keep their t-shirts as a souvenir. In the beginning, many of the members of our mostly middle-class, white congregation were reluctant to participale in the program. After all, they had little in common with these poor, mostly black kids from the projects. But as the calendar started filling up with volunteers fromother churches around the state, many of our members became excited and decided to support the program. The camp lasted an entire month during the summer of 2001 , and everyone who participated was deeply moved by those children and their hunger for love and attention. But, a few folksnever did understand wh y we went toso much trouble for those kids. One woman made il clear thai she Ihought it was a waste of time since none of their families would ever join our church and supportit financially. Clearly, she believed these weren't the kind of newmembers we should betrying toreach . Shewas right. None of those families ever joined the church. But that wasn't the point. You see, one dayseveral weeks after the programended, one little boy wore hisbright yellow t-shirt toa local fast food reslaurant and a woman stopped him and said, "I know your church!" The child looked upather and said, "Oh, they'renotmy church...bul they love me!" Now, that was worth its weight in goldl That was the point! In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus said, "Whoever welcomes you welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. Whoever... gives evena cup ofcold water toone of these little ones in the name of a disciple truly I tell you , none of these will lose their reward." (Maffhew 10:40·42). Frederic Buechner summarized thispassage from Matthew this way - "We haveit in us tobe Christs 10 each other. ..towork miracles of love and healing as well as to have them worked upon us." Surely, this is the heart of Matthew's Gospel: a timeless call to thechurch togoout into theworld in Christ's name, as well as to receive and welcome the "little ones" of the world in Christ's name. Our church in nowengaged in a similar ministry - one that has usgoing out into the world in Christ's name to welcome the little ones. It's called Kid's Hope. Surely you have heard ofit bynow. Each week we spend one hour lutoring/menloringfloving an at-risk child, building relationships and encouraging them to become little scholars. This is truly a God-sent ministry and everyone involved has fallen in love with their Kid's Hope child. Most of them are just hungry for love and attention. Theyneed toknow that someonebelieves in them and cares enough 10 spend time encouraging them. Each mentor, each prayer partner, is a Christ for those children . Who are you a Christ for? If you don't know, then let usintroduce you to a child atMany Elemenlary. Then you can startworking amiracle of love. Peace' Pastor Elaine November Committee Meetings Trustees: Tuesday, November 11th at 5:15 p.m. Outreach: Tuesda y, November 18 th at 5:30 p.m. Charge Conference Charge Conference date and time has been rescheduled. It will be at the First Un ited Methodist Church in Natchitoches on Monday, November 17 th at 6:30 p.m. Administrative Council: November & December Monda y, December 1" at 6:00 p.m. LET'SG{) ON RHRYRIoE Hayride & Weenie Roast Saturda y November 1" 5:00 p.m. at the Scout Hut. This is a church wide event we want all ages to come & join us as we fellowship. Church Office will be closed Wednesday, November 26'h Thursday, November 27'h Friday, November 28 'h Office hours will resume Monday, December 1" 9:00 a.m. 1:Remember! Time Changes this Sunday! Nov em ber 2,2014 • UMW Meeting - 9:30 a.m, November 4,2014 Mark Your Calendars! The Community Choir will present "On This Shining Night". You are invited to join us in song as we prepare our hearts and minds for the most joyous season of the year. Performances will be Tuesda y December 9 and Thursda y December 11 at 7:00 p.m . V8D1b Sabine Parish Christmas Cheer Last year, First UMC of Many and MidSouth Bank together served 140 children in Sabine Parish through Toys for Joy, which provided toys for needy children, andAdopt an Angel, which provided clothing. We have found that clothing is much more expensive than toys, so in order to serve the children of our parish more effectively, First UMC has decided that from now on, "Toys for Joy" will be available to provide either toys or clothing for these children. Therefore, any donations received this year or in the future by First UMC designated for Toys for Joy or Sabine Parish Christmas Cheer will be used as need for either toys or clothing. We are beginning to gear up for this year's Christmas season and are praying that you will include these programs in your giving. We count on your generosity to give these wonderful children a joyfilled Christmas. If you wish to make a donation to First UMC of Many to support the Sabine Parish Christmas Cheer, please write your check to First UMC and include the words "Sabine Parish Christmas Cheer" on the memo line. Thank you for your support, and we pray that this Christmas you will find the joy of giving is matched only by the joy of knowing that the Christ child was born so that you would come to know God's great love for you. Peace! Rev. Elaine _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ _ _ _ ' _ ' _ __ __ _ ' _ ~ ~ _ c _ _ _ _ ' _ __ __'____'_'___ _ The ch ildren, parents and preschool staff had lots of fun decorating their pumpkins th is year. As you can see they did a wonderful job. Th is display is in the Fellowship Hall if you haven't had the chance to see it. The preschool will celebrate on Thursday November zo" with a Thanksgiving Meal before the Thanksgiving break. They will start back Tuesday December 2 nd £ Praying hands . (~ One way co sho w o ur thankfulness is co bow ~ our hea ds, fold o ur ha nds and pray co God . t~ 1~ Directions: Complete Colossians 4:2 (NIV) by selecting one word onthe left hand, then one on the rightand so on. Go back and forth, using the word blanks as a guide. ---- - - , - ' - ' NIV '[ lLj>{UEl{i pUE [lLjlPi Eo\\ S UF'lq ' l ;'),\El d OJ i\IN 'Z:P SUl:?!SSO[0:J sa.qasmo.v ;')iO";')O :l;').\\SU V Ange l Tr ee 2014 It's time for 2014 Ange l Tree, each year the United Methodis t Women of our chu rch sponsors an Angel Tree for the United Method ist Children's Home in Ruston. This mission project provides Christmas presents for the young men and women who live at the United Methodist Children's Home in Ruston . Angel Tree cards will be different this year, There will be no age on the cards . They ask for gift cards, because gift cards are a great option, that allows them to stuff stockings with food and phone cards and enable the youth to go buy the Specific items the y might be wishing for. Each gift should range between $20-$50 . Our Church will receive "angel tree tags", Please pick one of these tags off the tree , Please leave each gift in its Sales bag with the Angel Tree card attached with tape or ribbon , Gifts are due at the church no later than Sunday November 30,2014 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1000 MAIN STREET P.O, BOX 121 0 MANY, LOUI SIANA 71449 . . " November 2014 .. , , ; I I • Daylight Saving s Time End s f J 7 " . .. .\ 1 I I:' !J ! .1 1:' .\1 'I !~ 4 f I ; J IU I I 11 I ~ I .. \\ Canlata PractICe 6 30 Uttreya Deridder 6:00 p.rn . 1 , Hayr ide & Wee nie Roa st 5:00 p.m. Sco ut Hut IJ Zfl Z'7 7 6 ) 8 •Janice Rike Zumba 5:00 p.m . ,m .. .. . !lIt~ Dec . , , •, , • ,. ,.,." "" '" -,I' I II II • 15 I . 17 ! 11 'I " ! J !.I !5 , - !S Ju .\1 3 ~ , , , , I \\ ,.,." -. " z·) Ch urc h Clo sing . . Oct !U I ~ .\1 IJ -) . ' Hannah Lancas ter Chaor P'aQte 0.10 ,m Zum ba 5:00 p.m . FA LL SISLE STUOY !t:30.lI .m . UIJIW J JO .ll.m 9 10 Church Clo sing HARPEL 11 12 Zum ba 5:00 p.m. 14 13 C£ot.o"''''_.6 30 ~''' 15 ' Barba ra Phares Zumb a 5:00 p.m. ' Levtts qnt C""."'KbC .a 'o ~ ", " Robert & Crystal Hable "Tillie Mar1in FALL BIBLE ST UOY 9 ,JO un . 6:30 PM Women's Fellows hip f,,,.,... ; IS 3 '" 16 17 "E liza be th Picket t Ch urc h Clos ing NOL EN 18 CHARG E Co<U'" 19 20 "'oc_ a XI 3 '" 21 ·OY,,,.,..n >ekllll CO NF ER ENC E 22 ' Crystal Hable ' Joe W alker °Dan Zick 'Pam Toliver • J O .. ..... . n·. iI.... >o:lu' 5:30p .m. FUMe Cl'>Oot""_." IO:>m Natchi toch es P .. KI>OOl TNnUQn<tftQ .. ..II.- F\.C 11;00 FALL !!I BL..E s ruDY 1,)0 ,. Zumba 5:00 p.m. .~=~ ... . , Zt........ 5 00 i "Jean Davis ~-"' . "Pam Curtis ~!.. I I 23 ) 24 Churc h Clo sing TANNEHIL L - 'Aaron Isgitt ) OF FICE CLOS ED STUDY 9:30 Zum ba 5:00 p.m. 27 26 FALL BIBLE 28 OFFICE CLOSEO O FFICE CLOSED a.m. THAN KSGM NG DAY Thank sgiving Break Sabine Parish Schools & Preschoo l I 30 .....q.. ' ' " G,fts 0 ·..- '''''' Church Clo sing ~ First S u n d~y 01 Adv e..t I Events scheduled every Tuesday Lions Club - 12:00 p.m. Prayer Knitting - 3:00 p.m. Yoqa - 5:00 p.m. Cub Scouts- 5:30 p.m. Boy Scouts - 6:30p.m. Girl Scouts - 6.30 p.m. I I 29 II I Prayer Concerns * November 2014 Church Members Family of Church Members Friends of our Community Lois Barnhill Betty &1.0. Bostian Barbara Brookshire Jo Ellen & Grady Cotton Oren &Grace Kelsey Olive Lee Billie Lou & Joe Luster Glenda lick Bobby Barron Mary Block (George Commons' sister) Perry Brasell Katherine Carter Ed Erwin Murl Hawthorne (Bonnie Fox Miles' sister) Joyce Landry Dorothy Lionberger (John Toliver's sister) James Marr (Judy Betz' brother) Pat Miller (Mignon Morgan sister-in-law) Family of Kerry Rhodes (Nancy Spiller's sister- in- law) Jannie Tackett Linda Thomas Larry Wood (Karen Lombard's brother) Nelson Young Mary Darby &daughter Shannon Jason DeRouen Genie Dore Tim Honeycutt Janice Hutton Harris Lankster Bob Musser Sue Names are removed after a month. If you want to add a name back please call the church office.
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