Document 402604

Our speaker this morning is Pastor Doug Kesler. Thank you for
sharing God’s Word with us today.
Have a need for pastoral care? If so, please contact George
Jackson (391-5246) or the church office (456-6777).
Today @ Pineview
November 9, 2014
“The Remedy for a Hardened Heart”
Exodus 17:1-7; John 4:5-42
Pastor Doug Kesler
Guest Information
Our Purpose:
Connect People Wholeheartedly To Christ.
We are glad you came to worship with us!
We would love to connect with you! If you are joining us
today, please fill out the Connect Card (available from the
Welcome Center or an usher). Be sure to stop by the Welcome
Center for a free gift after the service!
Nursery and Kids Church are provided during our
worship service. While you enjoy our worship service, your
child will enjoy the best of care with loving volunteers. The
nursery is located in our education wing in Room NE108.
Older children (ages 3– 5th grade) will be dismissed partway
through the service. Please have your child registered before
service begins.
Personal listening devices are available for the hearing
impaired. You can obtain a personal listening device from our
Sound Booth at the back of the Sanctuary.
251 Washington Ave Ext, Albany, NY 12205
(518) 456-6777
Follow and like us on Twitter and Facebook to
keep up to date with current news and events:
Worship Service
10:30 am
Prayer Gathering
7:00 pm
Coffee House
6:30 pm
Worship Service
10:30 am
David and Su Sitterley
Annual Meeting will be held Wednesday, Nov. 19th at 7:00 pm.
Annual Reports are available for you to take
and read in preparation for the meeting.
Please let George Jackson know if you can
bring a pie for the fellowship time. The Elders
have invited our District Superintendent, Rev. David Linn, to join us at our Annual
Meeting to offer leadership and support. Anyone with questions regarding the Annual
Meeting should feel free to ask any of the Elders in person or via
Christmas is coming! We are collecting donations toward a Christmas love gift for
our international workers. This year we are giving gifts to seven families (the Walkers,
Barners, Liberdas, Fergusons, Thorntons, Karin Lim and Wallaces) and have set a
goal of $1,500.00 in order to bless each family generously. Please place your donation
in the special envelopes provided or include it in your offering envelope, clearly
marked for “IW Christmas gift.” Thank you!
Thanksgiving Baskets: Martha’s Ministries will be assembling Thanksgiving
Baskets on Saturday, November 22nd at 10:00 am here at the church. We need your
help with packaging and baking. Please see the handout for additional information.
Any questions, see Katie Mangum or Sandy Bruns. Thank you!
A Missions Weekend will be held here next weekend, November 15 and 16, with our special guests, Dave
and Su Sitterley, who served as International Workers in China for 30 years, using university teaching as
their primary visa platform in this creative access country. They have recently returned to the States
permanently. We will have a Coffee House on Saturday night starting at 6:30 and the Sitterleys will be with
us for Sunday morning. If you could provide a dessert for Saturday night, please let Amy Palmer know.
Shoe Box Time is Here! If you would like to be a part of spreading the
love of Christ to children around the world, please consider packing a shoe
box. Boxes and informational brochures are available on the table in the
lobby. For more details, visit the Samaritan’s Purse website at Boxes should be returned by next Sunday,
November 16. If you would rather just make a donation of items for the
shoeboxes (small toys and games, books, school supplies, candy, gum,
clothing, health supplies, etc.), there is a collection bin for those items on
the table and those items should be turned in by next Sunday as well. The
PreSchool is planning a packing party for shoeboxes in the church lobby
on Thursday, November 20th from 4:00—5:30 and would welcome your help!
Seniors Scene: Will be holding a Thanksgiving Feast on Monday, November 17th.
Keys found: Several sets of keys have been found at the church and turned into the office recently. If you
are missing any, please check with Jill at the church office.