vt, i mti yammi .fiiH SOUTHWEST .rvo. ,ia 1 -- 1 - taaa . nwwnwiriw iiiiMiimni COUETflu Texas Tech Univ$riW - LUBBOCK, TEXAS' 7 79409 902 C. 28th Street Lubbock, Texas 2 Phone (808) 762-361- The htn ef Aratrlc Slack Llghtlrv (he road tt Freedom ( Quiet Staffing Scene in View for f Resident iRectives Federal LubfKW - Lubbock J&ppoinfineKt Slight employment gains are projected for the Lubbock this winter according to the First Quarter Employment Outlook Survey issued today by Manpower Inc. "In our survey of hiring intentions for the January February March period," Cheryl Foster of Manpower said. "17 of the firms queried plan staffing level increases, 10 project reductions and 66 expect no changes during the Whiter months. The other 7 ate uncertain w their needs." "Three months ago the pace was stronger when 20 anticipated workforce additions, while 3 thought payrolls were too high. At this tims last year employers were pessimistic as 17 predicted personnel gains pnd 23 repi rted cutbacks were planned." During the first quarter, job postmgs are planned in titide, financeinsurancereal estats and services, Reductions are anticipated in nondurable goods manufacturing, transportationpublic utilities and education. The national outlook reveals fynbest tJtn ISLINGTON, D.C-- at subbock, is pleased to lOunce tliat Uavid d'reef f; Reaver, Jr., exec utive SO the South Pla,lh? Faol jahk, hasjjeen appcintedio; ief Congressional Hunger vi.i fellowship Board of rrUsteeS. pleased that,:? this muitmensa'd Corjibes fno recommended Weave1pi ppointment. "He possesses ' lB qualities necessary to feponsibly carry out the 3Mies required. David vjll guts a ucuiciuuiu asaei w u board because of his exteh- srve experiet ce and concern J kam-ver- JDavtd hao-receive- d K ; uiittum mo whole-saleiet- 11u.1151.y. U Xheboard'of trusteeisfeQ6ngressional Hunger.': elkiwsh'p Prograri J Each ofithe six members serves that 20 of the employers queried intend to staff up, while 2 indicate they will reduce their wow-forcas the new year begins! Another 62 plan to maintairT present levels and 6 are unjure of tiieir plans for the quarter that includes January, FebruaryVnd March. Kl es THEEMPLOYMENi SURVEY . Manpower Inc. conducts the Employment OctlooiTSTIrvey in the US. on a quarterly basis. It is a measurement of employers 1 intentions to increase or decrease the permanent woikforce, and history has during its been a significant indicator of employment trends. The survey is based on telephone interviews with nearly 16,000 public and private employee in 470 U.Smar-kst- s. For more information, visit Manpower's U.S. web site at www.us.manpower.com. Manpower is a world leader in tue staffing industry, providing workforce managen.ent services and solutions to customers through 3,900 offices in 62 countries. JUT-LOO- K 27-ye- pr ail " Rollisons Celebrated 51st Wedding Anniversary frs - - : ,,The Congressional tungr Fellowship Program rafts established in the Farm iCUrity and Rural rcsfment Act of 2002, oi ihfFarjn Bill. Combest, the phairman of the House Committee on Agnculture, iS'dreciited with shepherding Sh$ Fprm Bill through Last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs., Richard Rollison, Jr. brated their 51st wed ppngress.The Congratulations to the Richard and Katie ding anniversary They were married by Rev. A.C. Johnson, GHrmfBKtXcff pastor of the Bethel cele- fRnflfBifH African Methodist Episcopal Church, in their home on November 17, 1951. Congressional Hunger Rollison! iellowship Program is estap- - isli?d to develop and Min.iefuture leaders of the mifed States to pursue, rcareers in humanitarian Tima keeps his family next afW God. He has been married for four years, and has 3 beautiful children. Even when he is on the road for shows, he goes over ABC's with his kids over the phone and wpfc ith the kids over what they nave done in school or the day. He credits his wife for being, patient vith his multi-carelin5pe And hfiint a slrnno Nnhinn o o queen. The Boys and Girls Club! KenJrick has been director for the Ted Phea Club fro two years now. Since he's been there, the program has increased. Memberships have increased, and his Urw Director has been much happier with the Vhen one thinks lbout rap music, one automatical ly thinks -- bout degrading lyrics and curse words. This is not true. one sus down fol an fnly whenwith one of our own local rappers can one understand. While sitting and talking with jKcndrick Turner, a.k.n. Kountry jTima. This young man is God's gift to th? new era of hip hop. He lias performed in shows with mainstream artists such as Fat Joe, .Snoop Dogg, Destiny's Child, Jagged Edge, Lil Flip, and 'Juvenile just to name a few. One would ask How on God's green earth can a local artist ,igned with a local independent label keep life in perspective "When being busy with shows like this. This can be answered in a very few terms. Cod, family, Boys and Girls Club, and the love for music. has made it perfectly k Clear that G jd comes first in his Mife. He even write lyrics that describes this which is heard in "bis lyrics in an excerpt from his ffsolo album: "Only God can judge nnhn-iplsfv it ain't. nriiiiit thfi Smi U..- .J fame o. name stay a bout my " er v Stokes-Parke- aUendsurch&v.erv' Sunday when he is not qutf town for a show or promoTing'a new album. Family! KOUNTRY ' Barbara Named Chair-ESefor the Asso. of Academic Health Centers Dr. Ross-Le- e (New York; NY Barbara Ross-LeD.O., FACOFP, vice presi- e, dent for health sciences & medical affairs, dean, New York College of Osteopathic Medicine, and dean, School of Allied Health and Life Sciences at New York Institute of Technology, has been named chair-eleof the Association of Academic Health Centers ( AHC) at its Annual Meeting in ct - --J - ct California. Dr. Ross-Le- e becomes die first black womnn osteopathic physician and academic officer to lead the AHC. "We are honored at NYIT has that Dr. Barbara Ross-Le- e been chosen for this important role with AHC and I am sure she will build on the success of this prestigious organization," said Dr. Edward Guiliano, President of NYIT. Convention r Set for Lubbock, 2003 f gsblon un page 2 pBy Jayv, ,4 page 2 QTjch SyhiarTek irjts er nnne A pge 6 N That ifeislfied. Members of the Soul Sisters Social Club motored to Odessa, Texas on aturday, November 2, 2002 for the execDistrict utive board meeting of the Stokes-ParkFederation of Black Women andO'rls Club. The Soul Sisters Social Clubnas several members servOrganization. ing in various positions of the Stokes-Park- er For their effort, members of the Souls Sisters Social 54th Club have earned the right to host the Stokes-ParkDistrict Convention which is set for April, 2003. page 3 v er page 7 : les Mis Supreme sisters Mary Wilson, Dr Barbara Rcss-LeRos. and talk personality Rolonda Watts photo by e, Hits Coronado's Main Stage Coronado will be one of a first hieh schools in the pntry to perform the nopu- play Les Miseramcs. erlbrmunce richts were slewed in late springe mak- - ; :.Way for schools all over countrv to take Dart in tie of the most attended tier-Dproances ever to"hit stage. Run dates pre Dec. 5t and 8th at 7 n.m. in the sranado auditorium. Ticket orii sale Mondav Nov 18 dt arc $10 for icheral sion. The Sunday mari- rformance will b' dji- fbr iiroup of 10 or jr SS.lTie pcrformincji i i ,W increase of volunteers in the volunteer program. The CEO of TimeLost Entertainnent, Tima's, label, continues to support the youth jF this club. With a portio'i of the money made from teens, and donate clothing for some of the less fortunate kids, TimeLost Entertainment and Kountry Tima has givea mny a new perspective of rap music and artists. God works in mysterious ways through different psonle. Kountry Tima. Ksndriu: Turner, Dimebreed, lan Wyatt, and "Vellah Boy, Glen Ransom, are prime e?:amplcs of that! Kf-ndric- ...He eym of two hfinrH .mpmJ .appointed by US. louse Speaker Dennis lervice. Rap music' self" lafecarte as,tert.- Loul Rapper Puts Life in Perspective to Promote Positivity pub- - . . ATterforiginally planning on performing Oklahoma, the performance rights for Les Mis were released and Coronado's theatre department changed its minds. Performance rights alone fothe Les Mis play coat aboukJ2250, not to mention the cost of set, costumes, or any additional expense involved. Melody McDmiel, theatre department head and director of the show, said students started practice and preparation for the play in Ausnwt. "We have 65 students who will actually be on 9tag performing, and about 2u students running tbe area,'' b tajd. Jat Matf9 irliS, Q art and marketing classes. One of the most spectacular aspect of the play is that there n is no diajogue through the entire show. Each lead role has two actors cajt for thejpart in order to cut down on voice strain. Every show is expected to sell out and all seating is general admission end doors will open at 6:30 pjn. McDaniel said she has already received " telephone calls from Amarillo, Slafon and several other areas arouodtown All students performing in the show will be selling tickets or McDaniel wMm mam U&tets during koiirs. For more Eluding i - O There are more than 100 institutions comprising the Association of Academic Health Centers (AHC), a national, nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the health of the people by advancing the leadership of academic health centers in health professions education, biomedical and health services research, and health care delivery. These institutions are the nation's primary resources for education in the health professions, biomedical and health services research, and many rpects cf patient care. They each consist of an allopathic or osteopathic school of medicine, at least one other health piofessions school or program, and one or more teaching hospitals at major universities. The AHC has served and represented academic health centers for more than 40 years. Academic health canters can be components of private or public universities, state univerolder sister of Diana sity systems, as well as freestanding institutions dedicated Tom Ferrara to the health professions. NYCOM is the only osteopathic medical school u the state of New York and one of 20 nationally. The New York Institute of Technology, an independent, comprehensive college offers health professional education in osteopathic medicine, nursing, physical therapy, occupational tlierapy, physician assistant training, clinical nutrition, and the behavioral sciences. NYIT currently educates more than 1 1,000 students on three physical campuses in Old Westbury and Central Jslip, Long Island, and Manhattan, near Lincoln Center and one virtual campus via the Internet, More than 59,000 alumni have received degrees from NYTY, including some 3,000 medical 'graduates from NYCOM the second largest medical school in the, United States and ih$ largest one in New"tt SJtS. i hi Pays 2 ' Setrthweet Digest Thursday, November 21, &002 Lubbock CoOht Thani to a grant from Maddie's Fimd, a Tilifomi based pet rescue foundution, qualified fexas residents in 51 counties can have their dogs spayed or neutered for $20 and their cats altered fcr $10 through the Maddie's SpayN,uter Of byftirlkcM0krps0if D tlovers through otiP winter season. scarf. It's the little thines J that usiclly make jl. huge' : fiifferenee. (- Beauiifur cblurs, nl&U, simple or heavilVL 1? 'IriMlliohed. Whatever?:,:" jou desire! nd theyare very; lightweight. .;., Ladies its fabulous, . its fantastic, its Fabrics, f 0 . Roses, tulips; daisies nd lilies, flw1Sw.V efSj flowers. ; f. They, are spreading nd blooming eVery- mere. ' : Some orthextop fask : Found in the. acccsso-'- l design-?ry department ran designers are ng beautiful broaches Have fun, there s m 'nd piru, in breath ,;takjn6 nothing wrong, wil prpwer arrangements, and; ;$6man blossoming 1. M - , participating veterinarians who are reducing theifrates pet to help more owners spayrc uter their companion animals. Clients will be asked to show Jroof of with a! Medicaid me estimated that up to 6,0t 0 dogs and cats will benefit from the surgery in the Lubbock area. A l;st of participating veterinaiians is available from LubboGk Amial ServioesAPTC by calling or view'ng at www.ark4pe' j.com . MddicTs Fund has awarded $1.2 million to the Texas Veterinary Medical ssociation (TVMA) to sup port the first six months of a spayneuter program for the dogs and cats of residents. Texas' The new program, which and earned out by its member veternaripns. As ourgtries are performed, M&ddie's Fund will trovide as much as $2.4 million for the project's first two-ye- year. Approximately 5 nr'Jion dogs and cats are euthahized in animal shelters throughout 57 the me -- ' a-- creatineem' out of the exact same .' ; faaterial as your suit, IOisrAND , 5me, and' totally in the 'JTip. mow ngptnow. xqu can :" Elso purchase fabric broaches jeparatelyxto, . 1 r mmiSSUE,a IfMffir ; - - Helping kids to help themselves FINANCE Mi ALWAYS WiEiB: 'bfi:ix. -- YOUTH COORDINATOR Position requires a Bachelors degree in Social Work, Psychology, Sociology, Education, or related field. Three (3) years experience in direct student HELP PREVENT The Lubbock Christian University Freshmen Clasr along with the LCU Admissions office is been busy making big plans to welcome these high school students to winterfest 2002. The heme for this years weekend spiritual retreat will be "aMAZEd" and will feature a trip to the popular Cornfield Maze located in Shallowater, with a spiritual twist of course. Charlton Taylor, College Minister at the Hillcrest Church of Christ in Abilene will be this year's featured speaker. Duane Adams, formerly of die internationally acclaimed Christian music group Acappella, and current worship leader at die Amarillo South Church of Christ, wiil be leading trie group's times o,wprship1andpiaise. ,. Lubbock Christian University s own drama group Faith in Action will be performing and the singing group Best Friends will be performing for the group on Saturday Night. Schedule available upon request services. Mail resume to: Communities In Schoolsson the South Plains. Inc. wt b TOW ;u &eip:pr$vent Kr f with an houi of simple training and a U littie of your free time. The Lubbock Fife Depatfxnent has FREE Stroke Detectors and Oirbon Monoxide Detectors ready to install la the homes of raatr of Lubbock!s citiUcSOs, but they need the manpower Cor womanpower) to get the job dooc. Volunteers W In teams of three to install these vakabie sn&ty devices and deliver lire safety brochures and information. This would be a grct job for a couple in their rcOrement ycMi The Retired andj Senior Volunteer Frotm' (RSVP) wiU provide car mlleafe reVgbcct t 35 per mile for this ' service. For more ii6oiiii(ioi jwc cj 742 2423 I Homeland A yft?&9 HCgii t o Surity begins at Home! of tbe lbyjbgfe: Pqatttaxst sad the H BQH KEiSi 4KSS iozjs iytn oureet Lubbock, Texas 79401 L Phm Youth Bo You of fh Month for September Enow A & Oitoher Cliild Who Tera Hendrix has been named Ted IQURHAI Way To Go Carli Jordan! The morning devotion period was conducted by BrothT F. J. Jenkiiu and Sister Dorothy Jenkins, and were assisted by the Praise Team. What a time! The New Hope Sanctuary Choir marched in the morning processional singing out of the;- - hearts and soul? Altar prayer was offered by Rev. Mercelle McCutcheon. After a selection by ule Sanctuary Choir, scripture was read by Sister Elnora Dyer. Brother BilJy Dailey gavejthe mom-in&pray- Anotiiersejctjoa wasv Ho Be Reeoinized? h IntttrUarirt Let us continue to pray for our sick and shut in citizens. Among those who were reported to be ul this In 2002, The Avalinche-JournAnd Its Make KMs Count Sponsors WW Keep The al week wiclude: Sister Rosie Reddic and Brother Raymond Stovall who is a patient in die North Little Rock Hospital. He is the father of Sister Dorothy Stovall. SP0TH6HT ON KIDS Each Day The A-- J Will Introduce You To A Local CliIM Who I t Going Above Aed Peyend To Do Goad Thing, The Right Things! Among those who lost a loved one last week were Sister Gwen Stigers who lost a nephew, Fitzgerald Jackson; and Sista: Clarissa Jay, who lost her mother. Sister Ruby Jay God is able. If You Know Of Such A Child, We Want To Km, Too. lie It Neighbor, Pupil, Friend Or Relation, Help Us Tell The World About Thfse Special Kids! NOMINEE INFORMATION XT Name: Parents Grod: nom: Word comes that Rev. Danny Poe, pastor of Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, returned from the 10th Episcopal Planning meeting where he was returned to pastor Bethel for another year. Pastor Poe is very liappy over this development Rev. Eddie Williams, an associate minister of Bethel, will also be working with Pastor Poe another conference year. PARENTS StGNATURE: SxSSn? Daytime phone (pareo)): On a sep jreto sheet ef paper 1) brteft 2) ImI by the Sanqluary Clipir, and the responsive leading was done with the congregation standing and led by Sister Ramona Williams. The congregation sung the morning hymn, 'Till My Cup, Lord." Pastor Moton gave liis weekly pastoral observations. At this time of the service, members are always pleased with what iastor Moton has to say. He always inspires all m attendance. Pastor Motonfc sermon was enti tled "Lord, I Thank You!" His scrip ture text was I Chronicles 17:16-2It was another wonderful sermon. After Pastor Moton extended an invitation discipleship, announcements of the morning were read by Sister Anna Chatman. Sister Dorothy Stovall welcomed all visitors. ,SAing 0. nt 1$ The New Hope Baptist Chum 2002 Birch Avenue, is the "Church Where The People Realty Care," ud Rev. Billy R. Moton is pastor. If you are looking for a church home, then come and visit with the members of New ii3pe Baptist Church. You Wul be glad you chose to do rv Set vices began last Sunday morning with Sunday School, beginning at 9:30 am wth all teaJiers at their post of duty, dl students received thirty minutes of instruction, and at 10:15 sua., all teachers and students marched to the main auditorium where high points of the morning lesson were discussed. f : the Youth of the month for September. This young lady is most definitely a positive, caring, productive citizen. She has been a member of the club for two years. In her tenure as a member she has and remains involved in every program that she can possibly be involved in. She is a member of the torch club, Rolling over reading program, S.art smart, Goals for graduation program, and the Power hour program. This 10 year old has perfect attendance at Wheatley Elementary and is a straight A student. We want to extend our deepest appreciation to her mother Anita Hendrix, for being such a strong independand raising a ent single-paretop notch young lady. Ourouth of the month for October is Melaniesha Jackson. her memory. Ed) Christian univen,ity. Duties: Case Management, plan and implement program design and other duties as assigned. n will continue through December, 20C2. We have appreciated what sls has contributed to this newspaper for more th an fifteen years. Therefore, we will continue to use this space in LUBBOCK, TX --November 19, 2002 Most "h''.h school weekends provide campus tours, a big push to register and lots of hype. LCU offers a unique approach to high school days iVs called WTNTEPFEST. winterfest is design d to attrac bigM school students, but the emphasis on the weekend will be the spiritual side of z EMPLOYMENT OPPQRTUNITY- - m EalffiojiMuSTiFQ (Editors Note: This column, Aiich will be bear the name of Ruby Jay, Winterfest Festivities Begin Friday Communities In Schools On the South Plains, Iner JAY5 - . United States each year due to wie overpopulation problem. The goal of Maddie's SpayNeuter Project in Texas is to spay or neuter 80,000 dogs or cats in the state over the next two years. ar low-inco- low-inco- , are staitea in October, will be . -- fifev card and there will be a limit 775-20- Prc'?ct in Texas. In addit;on to the Middle's Fuiid subsidy, these low fees are made possible )y low-inco- 1X3 Tjf six pel per hou?eholdrItrs- - fldn'ni&teredbuhe.TVTlA. low-inco- rhe pn riftfj )portunity,to enjoy ike &uty peace and serene dt 1 .Me. Parfkipiitri Hi - KqrTwX teil ui afefwt yeur noflwwa oel the accempiuhmenli ef yeur nemlnee. NOMINATOB INFOBMATION Name: TONIGHT. . Relationship to nominee:. Daytime phone: , Do DM OH YE AH II ( joUh tte pwrehcu ttompwl Tb Made fromCftmjJT Gardski's Own Secret Recipe COVERED IN GARDSKI'S HOMEMADE CREAM GRAVY. SERV YOA8T ANO YOUR CHOICE OF TWO SIDE DISHES D M fefavrafefl Counlw, T, Nowwoafon (ormt lOdt, P.O. lax till -oYeppffi eK el J m. tU trntiif tt bttodej.) m wm J. b me&id la; Spoltgtit On oek, IX 7Wi, f CM U bfermuioi Citwiwi 71 0 5 Stiatfioa w3 b nadt lM CdBAMftMalBUt 1 and lh MMrib lb ifrfmM, iflduing ftfreAW ans psaw vyu hot awb in the a-- j pMo- - l tAl 5pagtil On l&fc fiaobf w " hfeaA'JB. by pwtMAtl kau4 on baMSe bimblJ HMMaJ wnintt, IncL Jg Mly Mft- A-- J TVeVtwWJVjTtMIV UtMfVwi ttd(yttA CM OCCuJUJufta h r cfeureh faring fer o(hri, fc lylyf, Al nMUWM cM latAaw ittJr nemx, air 71 Bw fftkdt fiOROft0lQAff AirJrmrfiQ-Jwm- w ml niynmith fc tub-8- affw ) Let us not forget the Christmas in Uganda, Africa project which is being sponsored by the Women Missionary Society of New Hope Baptist Church. You can help make this happen bringing one car both vJthe foflcANinciterns: blankets or elbow macaroni. The deadline k Momky, November 25, 2002, for the shipment soon thereafter. Will you help? -- whm- - OUTVfWCIiOHAHiSiMMRjalfltOMAMil' ENT 08 JAeWJftTFUw w hm OW.Y Ka MaawHtJ itwyd tuytiy it 4 Ony 0 IMICt WWIMI JOUfiRfrf ifi(fctf(rt 3J Al SwrthWBgt KIDS KHifcS nciay. HanJntriao km wi d Chicken Fried Steak WmfTto( U niumei otijUu nt UMmmtf offtnr ptorfittJ fhwiom lh ytar In i kvai2H&-)ajmand MaU Kit Umtt (femr bmincuM around iowa. Fans ado on oveileUe at Lubbock's Greatest E wIU SFOTJJUIfi OM 1 HAMp-EApOifcHpIC- you went your nomination to be sneaymetM ?:, you inctude a goad owelty photo ef the ehiM?:, Happy 5 1st Wedding Anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rollison who celebrated this fete on Sunday, November 17, 2002. May you have many more, ly Xwfae, aA ohnt ar.iMr mate For more ktbrrnation, contact Skter Joan Y. Ervki, president. f o o -- cr ' rv Sotrthwest messt Thursday, Navmbar at. 2002 Paga 3 3 DIRECTORY a 1:m () Smith fempW tJonimunity iJHmeh 6508 Avenue fr Lubbcsk, Tbxas F a u A LIFT UP 51 Y VJGB CIK PEOPLE THEIR TRANSGRESSION, XT K, K iOOO YEAiG AQ& AND !THAPFEN$r'ut3 , 2002, 40eteh?ates Hm vest estiva! Sunday, Novmriber 24, 2002 - 3:00 R M ALOgfe! TIlKbQRpRY A TRUMPET, ISAIAH 58:1, M TT WAS YHE OutaSANS IflO'lEfljJft 5 HOT Twf-- ' fwAffi i A . Guest Church Matthew! Mtzmmmommx PAYS;3fS-mB-FM&l OF THE 1 to mm wfri Ttjnr cr. rvt WJEK TWO MigZion Baptist Church - Cmshyton,$)Bxas Wev. H. I,. Phillips, Pastor tt n asSblil wmmm tfe cntfeF . r SCRIBES, AND IHkf ELDERS OF THE & SULrED THAT THEY f 'ICtfl? TAMe4tM r'M lLrrYfCRAFrTNF.Sl AiD ItltLHtX- ' .iTTEV J.VOU.fflf. CmmTi . "fflE CHRISTIANS . JESUS Jesus jsaiv, FRM Sl HllMjl - . ' - a-. "' , Morean United Metfiodist Church $ r TTT V -- T-' 1PJ aKn Ti ( CHURCH: TMEJ3lY RlCiHTS UUD WATJ'ii VNKIND: IS THRTGHT TO COJc TO THE CROJ WASHED INrHTS SON'SOOD. filAt iS TBll Mm ; 0C7ENDUNTO JEVEYMAJN. JESUS ARTE DIDN'TDSEEK, TO OIVE IT GUT JOH3;lJ$yS-FpPqOD-EKTMa- 0 . EHEDBTJ .W MPS toQBWEWS ' tjwm drn MtVemon United Methodist Church farter Chapel C. M. E. Church Emmanuel United Methodist Church '4 fv. CUtoirs JftLMPFMSTJTCVfc STRANGERS . II wfi m FOKffi HIS WH " m tkwB HQBIEN'pSti Ar"to ? ..TSAnwrM UT WiLL FJLpjs ?ue$t Churches RELAX & CASUAL PRESS IS OKAYlR , THE SERVICE H TIpNi AJ Dinner wll! be ec3 i THE WORLD T.P CUNDEjpfTRE MlterBEtS CLTHE WORLD OTffiCQH Frt& 'CHRISTlANS FOLLOW A nRBAiERS ROANS'- U2R2'2.BBCAfe VTftAtM - toEY(.H!STJAS)KJWCjO0; 'rHBY. GLORUtlEK TBrFAIPNg n1 L15H MliiyilOWJjJlfVl! pLvEScbHRIS"n AHSKCO BBI$l,cTHEYd3El The Outreach (Prayer Wn THE HRKTIAS; miiK JElSU BUT. fKY WANT HIS MAMSLdrS'tfiE SAlfE AS HE IS NOt.WAfeED? SHAME. SHAMS. Oab: ft(WITH INIQUITY, A SEftD it EJEN VilTIL CIVIL RIGHTS: WrSJSJLSSBX MCE LIKE ITS GOE&3 tivfiCtf TYLC ANTJ The members of the proud to take charity? When When politicians proclaimed was a land filled with brave, Outreach Prayer Breakfast the clergy actually talked their patriotism and meant it? God fearing people, confiwant you to answer these about religion? WHEN When everybody knew the dent .and hard working? r . it T6 PUT IT BEFORE EVERY LITTLE CMlhtiWi ISAIAH 52021 .mm LORDSAID, WOE UNTOI DfGHTS; n Breaffast fiVILTOEI,cGHIpp. - - pfHAT CALL isViL UOOAVWW.WVS questions, that is, if you can remember when? When riots were unthink- v4&Wf FOR LIGHTS 'AND LIGHB FOR JdARI patRf pHAT PUT BITTER FOR SWET, AND 'SW 5gR"W0E UNTO THEM T HAU, fijiis W4SE VmM 5ES. AND PRUDENT IK THEIR; OWN dHT. ' '". able? When you left your front doors open. When socials were a pleasure? ,l fl When ghettos were neighborhoods? When the U.S. Flag was a sacred symbol? BR BEAD IN THE SAND, J5MB DON'T LOVE- REN: SHE LOVBTIE MOMFRW W-.V- a When criminals actually went to jail? When you weren't afraid to go out at night? When taxes were only a necessary nuisance? When boy were boys and dressed like boys? When like a' girl? When only girls had pierced ears, and only ears? When the poor were too CIWmilIISERUVEF RED THY MB CHICKBH girls-drersed- V difference between right and When we as a people knew how it felt and how it feels to wrong? When things weren't per- live with terrorists in you? When college kids fect, but you never expect America? Can you remember, swallowed gold fish, not them to be? When you we are one nation, America to feel guilty acid? When songs had a weren't made God, with liberty and under tune, and the words made for what you didn't have? sense? When young men When our government stood justice for all. Keep praying for this tried to join the U.S. Army up for the country anywhere and others, Saints. We nation and U.S. Navy instead of in the world? For our sick overcome. shall When you considered gangs? shut-in and our bereaved When people knew what yourself blessed to have a and all over, God is the families it! proud And When job? of the Fourth of July ana 19th of II Chronicles answer. Read June stood for? When a the name God was mentioned Sunday drive was a pleasant in school it was a pleasure? 7: 14 and Mark 11:22-2Sister Dorothy Hood, presiadventure, not an or4eal? When you weren't embardent; Sister Christene rassed is say that to this the Wten you bragged about vice president; and Buileson, your hometown and state? greatest country in the Sister Joyce Ross,, secretary. When people had less and world? U.S. When the America valued what they had more? PRAYER WAS IN order anytime and place? When clerks and reparitmen tried to please 6. to do nothing because you can Q. What Is water A. Water run-off run-of- Do what you can. Sydney Smith Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church - f Is ? typically caused by aiming sprinklers In the wrong direction, or watering on a windy day. Your lawn Is like a paper towel. It can only absorb so much water In a given period of time. If you apply too much wajer to quickly, the water that .your lawn is unaoie to aosorD win It Is critical that become water you visually observe your Jawn to verify your sprinklers are watering the grass and not the sidewalk or street and to observe that you are applying the proper amount of water to your lawn. Also, shut off your sprinkler system on windy and 2202 Southeast Drive 806-744-75- 52 over-waterin- g, run-of- do only a little. know how much my particular kind of grass? A. This applies during the growing season. See chart below. I water to apply on It is the greatest rainy days. By f. . . Q. How do of all mistakes ' . Buffalo Grass Tex-turf-- Bermuda cescue With need ' the exception of to be watered Every 2 weeks Every 7 to 10 days Every 4 to 6 days Every 4 days Fescue, Pastor's study dpoebethelaoLcom which Intercessory Prayer 8:30am approximately every 2 weete during the wlnler month, the above aKwet go dormant In the wtnier and do not need to he watered 806-741-02- 08 Church School 9:30am Morning Worship 10:50am WE-- J J Bvening Worship 6:0Qprn 'B j ffii Wednesday Bible Study .1200 Noon and 6:00pm following 'hese simple tips. you will help us prevent water run-of- f. "God Our Father, Christ Our Redaemer, Mtw Our B0.Uisr" , 1 vnYi??iTjTwiiiBTSiffiBBiii Pagtoi. . , . . Jahnyjpo'e, ., . vt ; lt. v i Page 4 Southwest Digest Thursday, November In Remembrance... Clarissa Jay. Past accomplishments at New Hope Baptist Church infllude. President Of Nvv Hope Choir, President of4 Women Missionary Society, Sunday School Tker and Church teachers membe Publishing Boards and secretary of Federation of Choir. For fifteen years, Ruby Jay wrote a special column in the Southwest Lgst called "Ruby Jay's Corner." She leaves to mourn her passing: a daughter, Clarissa Jay of Lubbock, Texas; a granddaughter, Cht jll Jay of Grand Prairie, Texas; four Coddie, Casey, Elam and Cobe Jay, all of Grand Prairie, Texas, a host of nieces and nephews; and her loving canine companion, Patcl " . 1 Fritz Jackson Funeral cervices were hold for Fritz Gerald Jaclrson last Saturday, November 16, 2002, at the Fust Baptist Cfc .irch with Israel Guel officiating. Burial was held in Peaceful Gardens Memorial Gardens Cemetery under the direction of Ossie Curry Funeral Home of Lubbock. He died Friday, November 8, great-grandson- 2002. Jackson was born November 14, 1991, in Lubbock. He was a student at Guadalupe Elementary School in Lubbock. He played basketball and attended church. He is survived by his mother, Charlene Cook of Lubbock, Texas; two sisters, Akendra K. Musa of Mobile, Alabama and Dimietri S, Cook of Lubbock, Texas; two brothers, T")amion L. Williams of Lubbock, Texas and Andrew E. Mgbenu of Carlton, Texas; and his grandparents, Calvin and Emmie Mooring and Bonnie Jackson, all of Lubbock, Ruby s: Annie Ree Sanders Funeral services for Annie. Ree Sneed Sanders were held last Saturday afternoon, November 16, 2002, at the Greater St. Luke Missionary Baptist Church with Rev. J. H. Ford, pastor, officiating. Burial was held in Peaceful Memorial Gardens under the direction of Spencer Funeral Home of i ort Worth, Texas. Pallbearers were Carey Don Childers, Van Jefferson, Charles Taylor, Henry Dewberry, Louis Kelley, Lacy Garcia, Bill Raven, Texas. stren hop e 21, 2002 feeding HBfcaBfaSaj jyMEEHBEMBiEB wexe Sch Honorary pallbearers were members of the Brotherhood of New Hope Baptist Church. She was bora to the parentage of Tobe Thomas and Nannie Louise Pollard on August 22, 1913, in Morgan, Texas. One of fourteen children, she was educated in the Morgan Public School District. She came to Lubbock, Texas in the early 1940's. She was preceded in death by her mother, father and She married Guy Jay and to this union one child was born, 11,2002. She was born May 2 1 , 1 930, in Crsekrmore, Texas. She married Thomas Oscar Sanders in Lubbock, Texas. She attended public schools in Austin and Lubbock. She attended Greater Mount Zion Baptist Church in Austin and the Greater Saint Luke Baptist Church in Lubbock where she taught and directed the Sunday School and served on a number of boards. She was a member of several ushers organizations and a former member of the Women's City-WiPrayer Vigil, working with the West Texas Festival 2000 and Franklin Graham. She held various offices in the Dunbar High School PTA, E.C. Struggs Junior High School PTA', and the Dunbar High School Booster Club. She also worked hard at Ella R. lies Elementary School and Posey Elementary School as a volunteer. She volunteered at Mae Simmons Senior Citizens small amount of nourishment you will be on death's threshold within a matter of weeks. The same consequence will occur if - j you are not feeding the spirit. It is clear to see the importance of feeding on the word of God at all PARKWAY DRIVE In the Bible we learn about the price of salvation that was paid for each of us. Isn't the price paid for our salvation cotfy enough to CHURCH OF CHRIST! JAMIStMST FIHTOHAL HOME 1322 East Muin Street Lubfo&eU, Texas 79403 commstted to making funerals lAeare 11 available in as wide a range of price categories as necessary to meet the need of all segments of the community. W W Find ornforf In Our At Need .&.if PEACE OF Mum SERVICE- - -Mil $$k$0M$O'J:- - .$,495.00 $2,995.djEfec:.. ; "peace of mum services." Defector Program for more information concerning our JEACE OF MEW) SERVICES" Is your home well protected? Even if you have detectors, io you or to talk about one of our CALL US AT weU-function- in $ 4 A$$my 765-700- 8 Visit Us. . FDICMQRtlMtf Griffin, . DukeMcilmes, Funeral Director --Mortician Charlotte Jamison, Owner 77S-264- 2 ' . V - to iteisp you sa (806) or Stop By and The Lubbock Fire Department has FREE smoke;-M- i carbon monoxide detectors aikblc to t PLANS PRE-NE- Et have enough for the size of your house and are they hQhicQWncrs.. Gurrently, detectors are being prodo! Monies m specified areas of town, but your area may 6c, nctf To sec If you qualify, all Captain Martin Hamilton af $3S0.Q0 What would you do if a loved one passed away ioday? , When death occurs, there are so many questions. It can he emotionally and financially difficult as well. Because we think that everyone should fie able ta have a respectable Christian burial if they choose. With the concept of helping others Q&d allowing Christ to lead us, we developed ... : jfflfe:B$f everyone. God gave His best for us (Romans 8:32), surely we can give something to Him u return. Let's keep the message of the cross before all people in order that people can come to be saved through Jesus, our Lord, thereby we have strength for today and give hope for tomorrow. de Smoke and! ti souls, we'd have to knock the wallsroun f accommodate , FREE if- convinced that if j'ople could see the glory ol heaven compared to the norror of hell you would not hav? to so out looking for lost continually about God because he knew Him personally. His confidence was in God because He knew GoJ's power and ability. Because of David's conversation about God's beauty and majesty and his confidence in God's power and ability David's enthusiasm for God was contagious. When Yo' come to know who God really is, you want to be close to Him and His people. we-c&r- e, . wjjit to motivate to show our appreciation lor what God did for us? The greater . i understanding of the sacrifice, the greater the gratituJe we ought to show. I am hedied,.,Mondayjj; fovember Patterson. siblings. Lubbock-areausJers- ij; infrequently? mere spiritual food. With such a Honorary pallbearers were Mission Women of St. Luke Baptist Church and the City Wide Mission. Flower ushers Funeral services for Ruby Jay were held last Saturday morning, November 16, 2002, atthe,New HopeBaptist ' with Rev;Billy R. Moton, pastor, officiating. Interment was held in the City of Lubbock Cemetery undei the direction of of Ossie Curry Funeral Home of Lubbock. Ms. Jay passed away Tuesday, November 12, 2002. Pallbearers were William Britt, Jr., Willie Lee Rogers, Sonny Rollison, Carey Don Childers, R. J. Givens and T. J. so Tomorrow However, for many Christians this is the extent of the spiritual feeding we receive. We may get a sermon on Sunday morning and if we are really spiritual we may get two sermons on Sunday. Then we may return for a mid week service and get r little and Wendell Walker. Jay IforToday Center and hosted Bible studies. She served on the boards Of Chatman Hill Neighborhood Association, Lubbook Meals or Wheels, the American Red Cross, and the YMCA and St :h Plains Boys Scouts. Question: Why does if seem like t:mes. She was voted "Woman of Churches are dying ana not growPerrmi me to jproach he necc-sit- y the Year" by the Lubbock ing? of Goo s word from another Alumnae Chapter of the Delta angle. Orly in God's word does Sigma TheU Sororl Inc, and (Part Three) Another He reveal Himself to humanity. If Answer: Was an honorary lifetime memreason churches are declining is ws really want to get to know ber of the E. C. Struggs lunior High Set ool PTA. due to the lack of the word of God, we have to spend time in the She worked hard whp.n there word. In the Holy Bible God. Fewer neople are was a crisis at to the closing of placing a premium on God reveals His heart, r best God Dunbar High School. She did' His gave and mind to His people the need to know and all she could in this endeavor. We are given a glkipse understand the Holy for us, surely we She is survived by: her hus- Scriptures. God's word of how great our God , band, Thomas Osca? Sanders of something caiigive truly is, we have a hint is the spiritual food on the home; two sons, Lawrence which we are nourof His puwer and to Him in return. and Mark, both of Lubbock ished, if we are not majesty. The sweet Texas; four brothers: Thomas singer of Israel under being fed we cannot Sneed of Upoland, California, die. help but stood how great our God is, " will Try going wLhout A. L. Sneed and James Sneed, the food that nourishes your bless the JLord at all times. His both of Austin, Texas arid physical body and see how long praise shall continually be in my Barber Sneed of Killeen,-Texas- ; three sisters:Oorothy M. , f you live. Imagine only eating a mouth. My soul shall make its Lampkin of Fort Worih, Texas, meal once maybe twice on boast in the Lord; The humble Louise Torrence otOklahoma Suay. Your next feeding time shall hear it and rejoice. O magni City. Oklahoma, ancDessie may come on Wednesday if you fy, tfie Lord with me, and let us Cleaver of Dallas, Texas; five exalt His mane togethet." (Psalm are really motivated. How long grandchildren, anc1 a do you think you would live 34:1-3- ). David's conversation was .: . KiCK AS$ WQTiO v-v- CfcjANGS WITHOUT NOTICE - i.'ii " , Southwest Digest Thursday, November 21, 2002 731 Roast Leg of Pork with Glazed Dried Fruits Roast Leg of Pork with Glnsed Dried Fruits 1 15-2- 0 pound bone-i- n leg of pork (fresh ham) 2 cup dry white wine 112 cup apple or orange juice IP cup honey 2 tablespoons minced fresh ginger 2 tablespoons coarse brown mustard 4 teaspoons finely shredded orange peel 2 packages (9 or t, es) dried figs or pitted dried plums (prunes) 2 packages (j or 7 ounces) dried apricots or peaches 1 packages (5 or 6 ounces) dried pears or apples 1 cup dried cranberries or cherries 12 cup minced fresh Italian parsley 1 tablespoon finely shredded orange peel -- Heat oven to 350 decrees F. Place pork on a rack in large shallow roasting pan. Roast lor 3 hours, 20 minutes to five hours or until meat thermometer inserted in thickest part reads 30 degrees F. the orange peel. Add dried figs, apricots, pears and cranberries; stir to combine. Let stand while pork roasts, stirring occasionally. About 45 minutes before pork is done, remove from oven. Spoon off excess fat. Add fruit mixture to roasting pan and continue roasting until meat thermometer insuted in center of thickest part of pork reads 150 degrees F. Remote from ov.r., cover with foil and let rest for 20 minutes. In a small bowl, combine parsley and remaining orange peel; set aside. Arrange pork and fruit on a serving platter. Sprinkle pork with with parsley mixture Serves leftovers. Tip: If desired, substitute 6 packages ( ounce1! each) mixed dried fruils (apricots, plums, apples and pears) for the packages of figs, apricots and pears. 10-1- 3, Nutrition Information tor Three-Ounc- e Serving: Calories: 240, Fat: 8 g, Saturated Fat: 8 g, Cholesterol- 80 mg, Sodium: 55 mg Carbohydrates: 13 g, Protein: 26 g Fiber: 2 1 While pork is cooking, in a large , bowl, combine wine, apple juice, honey, ginger, mustard and ha'r of - it n MUZm. RIM .6 Boneless, Herb-Crust- ed Leg of Pork 4pound boneless leg of pork (fresh ham) 1 tablespoon olive or vegetable oil l 2- tablespoon paprika tablespoon dried sage, crushed 2 teaspoons dried rosemary, crushed 2 teaspoons minced garlic 1 teaspoon cracked black pepper 12 teaspoon kosher salt or 14 teaspoon regular salt 1 1 Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Brush surtace of pork with oil. In a small bowl, combine paprika, sage, rosemary, garlic, pepper and sait. Rub herb mixture over surface of pork. Place on rack in a shallow roasting pan. Roast for 1 hour, 10 mini"es to 1 hour, 20 minutes or until meat thermometer inserted in thickest part reads 150 degrees F. Remove from oven and cover. Let p.st for 20 minutes before with leftovers. slicing Serves 0, Nutrition Information for Serving: Three-Ounc- e Calories: 230, Fat: 1 1 g, Saturated Fat: 4 g, Cholesterol: 100 mg, Sodium: 120 mg Carbohydrates: 1 g, Protein: 31 g, Fiber: Og J Asparagus Delectable, Elegant & Easy to Serve Select bright green asparagus wfth closed, compact, firm tips with uniform diameter Keep asparagus clean, cold and covered. Trim stem end) abt- -t 14 inch and wash in warm water. Vat dry and place in moisture proof wrap. Refrigerate and use within 2 M 3 days. To maintain mhness, wrap a moist paper towel around the stem ends, or stared upright ln.5 inches of cold water. 'StisJitly trim stems and cook 8 minutes In boiling water until tender. $tir-fr- y 12 inch pieces at medium high heat for 5 minutes f Serve with lemon juice, hollandaise sauce, . sour aeam,yogurt,buiteror mayonnaise. To steam, place asparagus on a steamer rack in a large "Saucepot over rapidly boiling water. Cover and steam for 8 minutes, To microwave, arrange one pound of asparagus In a dlth with tips overlapping in center Add 14 cup-wrrand cover with plastic Cook on high for 7 Tinutes for spears, i-- 5 minutes for cuts and bps Asparagus 99 Good source of Fiber, Potassium, Thiamin, Vitrmins A, C & IS6 Contains Glutathione - one of the body's most potent cancer fighters Low in caloric-- and sodium No cholesterol. No Fat Parmesan Asparagus Spears I TU balsamic vinegar ltsp. oleoil 1 Up. Dijon Mustard 1 Up. lilt 2 Tb. grated or shaved parmesan cheese, 2 II lbs. aiparagus spears 1 Stir together vinegar, oil & mustard in a larte bowL Set aside while cooking asparagus. Heat 2 inches of water ana half the saU to boiling in a large, deep skillet. Slice off the lower stems of the asparagus spears. Rinse and place half spear in the boiling water. ".Cover and cook 6 minutes, or just until tender crisp. Transfer asparagtsl to the bowl with the vinegar mixture. Duplicate process with remaining asparagus Toss ge nly ur"i) spears are evenly coated. Plac asparagus oh serving plate Sprinkle evenlvwitti cheese Serves 8 Wild Rice Stuffini with Cranberries, Bacon and Pecans 4 cups uncooked wild rice 4 slices bacon, cut Into pieces 1 cup chopped onioji 1 can (14 ounces) chicken broth 12 cup water 2 tablespoons dry sherry (optional) 1 teaspoon dried thyme, crushed 2 cups chopped fennel or celery 34 cup dried cranberries or chopped dried apricots 12 cup chopped pecans, toasted Rinse wild rice in cold water. Drain well, set aside. In a large saucepan, cook bacon over medium heat until crisp. Remove bacon, reserving 1 tablespoon drippings in saucepan. Drain bacon, set aside. Add onion to saucepan, cook until tender, stirring occasionally. Add wild rice, cook and stir bf 3 min utes. Add chicken broth, water, sherry and thyme. Bring to boiling; reduce heat. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from heat. Stir n fennel pnd'dried cranberries. Meanwhile, heat oven to 350 degrees F. Transfer rice mixture to a casserole. Cover and bake for 45 to 55 minutes or until rice is tender and liquid is absorbed, stirring once. Stir in pecans and bacon. Serves 8. Nutrition Information: Calories: 220, Fat: 7 g, Saturated Fat: 1 g, Cholesterol:. 5 mg, SorUum: 270 mg. Carbohydrates: 34 g, Protein: 6 g, Fiber 4 g IMUCES EFFECTIVE: November 22 through Novtr ber28,2002. Price Good At Hie Belew AHscrtMuu Store Locations.- Lubbock - age,S Southwest Digest Rage iy Thursday, November 2i 2002 EMimiMh Comments iyj Opinions "Black Self-He& Tie Role of th e Black Press lp By Eddie P. Richardson essening the need for missive welfare. b) reducing the felt ne4sd for crime and, t, adding to the productivity of everyone in our communities. The Result is the sealing and setting m motion of a rr uch broader out reach that not enly tends to make America's Black communities more but also unquestionably makes a major contribution to the general security and prosperity of every community in America as a whole. Tne Role of the Black Press (Southwest Digest), therefore, extends far beyond a simple quahitative reach within the Black community The Black Press plays the dual roles of both identifying empathetically with the vastly different needs of the Black community and providing positive ieadership of those communities that Lipels us toward needed and independence. Both rules of the Black Press means much to the whits business community, a The thesis of the Black-owne- d newspapers of The BMI Cooperate is that the major leadership and direction for rebuilding our communities into responsible and market places for the good of alliii America must come from Jibse who live in ... and are theirs to the conditions imposed Upon .... our communities. Our focus is on unifying 'our communities, so that we can take that needed lead in encouraging everyone to be a part of "pulling our communities up by what ever bootstraps" we might hav-e- . The unique premise on which the BMI newspapers Work together all across America is 'hat by contiruos investment in our local communities. We build greater vr benefits for others and for self-sustaini- ng our-sel- The design of this collec- tive lousing effort by our media is oriented toward: mind-and-action-- ref In Cinque' by Renetta W. Howard The national elections are over and counted. The Republican party swept the Ration with the rritfjbrityof the votes for governors, senators and representatives giving the Republican party a majority in the Senate and the House of Representatives; Ivlany people who voted for Democrats are disappointed. Jn fact, some were disappointed before the elections as in one of the big cities of Texas, it was discovered during the early voting period that Democratic votes were registering as Republican votes on some voting machines. The matter was taken to court, but to the dismay of the voters 'and their representatives, .those votes did not count in any way. It leaves a lot to be thought about with regards to the pthe' votes, for some skeptical Americans. J Regardless to hov we self-sufficie- nt, self-relian- ce because "ihe Black-orisnt- ed press (Southwest Digest) reaches Black consumers ... consumer market in every syscommunity is a two-pa- rt comprise t on the one tem of those of largely European background who identify as white, and made up on the other hand of "affected class" minorities (largely Black) who the government recognizes as never having been allowed to identify with white America in many ways. that are bmf Media (A-cally reflective of... and primarily oriented to... white con- sumers do rn excellent job of identifying with these consumer and selling therrira an emphatic level. By the name token, Black oriented media (Southwest Digest) denary vith unique needs and lifestyles imposed upon these... thus the only meanr of ' ' . . .1. mem ai me sl ne Kinai reacmng d of emphatic level as media (A-- T ao for white J) 1 at a sales identification" empathic, level compared to that which white oriented media (A-- J) reach white consumers emphatically voted and the end product, the important thing is that we did vote. In every race, someone loses and someone wins. But we must look at the bigger picture. This is America ana it does have in existence a living Constitution. This document, the United States Constitution is the framework by whifcll our government is supposed to work, making it possible that every citizen in the United States is guaranteed the rights embedded .... ami, ibis Bick leadership promotes responsibility and productivity for independence reduces the dollar anc seourity ! uwfcns aow threatening everyone in America "To Put An Umbrella Over Both Marketplace," The social structure and hand white-oriente- consumers. will gridlock Republican endeavors. Both parties must work for the betterment of all the people and as quiet as it may be kept, minorities make up the majority of the American population. It is true that the majority of America's population Is white, but they are a combi-natiorrof- ?! , within it. With the Democrats losing control in Congress, many minority members feel that there is no hope for progress anymore, that civil rights will take a backseat and setback during this Republican administration. This is not the first Republican administration where there was control in Congress and the Executive branches of the government and probably will not be the last. Many things did not go well in some Democrat administrations. Just as the Republicans have gridlocked Democratic endeavors, the Democrats rather than the WASP, or White Anglo-Saxo- n Protestants which are spoken of in sociology books of the past. We are beyond the melting pot and the ethnic ploys of days gone by must be revised. The majority has as much to lose those days as minority members of this country, and with terrorism as it is today, ro one is exempt. There will be some wrongdoers among us so-call- ed as long as we exist, but we all must get 'in cinque' and do our part to promote justice and. goodwill in our midst. We cannot afford to look the other way when we see that something is wrong. Be a Democrat, Republican or Independent, our collective welfare is our goal. Buying a Home Instead-o-f Renting It: Lubbock Conference Will Show How i More than 150 delegates will gather in Lubbock this week for a regional conference on how Americans can become low-inco- home-buye- rs me instead of home-renter- s. The Lubbock Housing Consortium, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, will host the conference at the Barcalona Court Hotel, Loop 289 and Slide Road, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday (November 21) and from 8 a.m. to noon Friday (November . . The conference will pro- - vide an overview of the way vouchers can be used for mortgage payments instead' of the traditional rental assistance payments. LHC President Sue Garcia says, "The use of Section-- 8 vouchers will give many Americans who have low incomes the opportunity to purchase their own homes; in addition, the use of Section-- 8 vouchers for home ownership will provide many new opportunities for people to contribute to their local HUD's Section-- 8 economy." The delegates will represent public housing agencies, state and federal government agencies, lenders, and from across Texas and New Mexico. Expected to be among the participants, is A. Cynthia Leon, HUD regional administrator from Ft, Worth. The conference is free, but registration is required. To register or to get more information, please oall EUie Ramirez at the Lubbock Housing Authority, (806) 762-119- 1, ext 201. 1 - - .... BOTH WILL BE MTSSLD! THIS N THAT along with many ethers in the community u il! who made many contributions to our comnn AFRiCAN AMEk JAN LADIES miss two nity..... Both .... kUBY JAY 6c ANNIE REE SNEED SANDERS .. . were buried last Saturday her ... entiwho wrote a column in the Southw. A Digest for more than fifteen years RUBY JAY ANNTF, SANDERS who worked with her church and tled .... "RUBY JAYS CORNER" . . and her many organizations in the community. passion was with the ... . LUBIn her later years uelp those who BOCK MEALS ON '.'HEELS where she has had fundraisers in her home to are in need.... Both ladies .... loved working with people .... and we wercproud these two came by here A MOiHER, GRANDMOTHER AND CHURCH for a portion of their lives.... Both were, will miss both ladies but will never forTHIS N THAi WORKER no doubt JAY''.... keep us abreast on get what they stood for vvhile they were with us.... For example .... RUBY worked untiringly to ANN1L SANDERS and what was going on in the community see that DUNBAR HIGH SCHOOL .... would remain open .... bufeventually .... it was closed and may what they have Anyway THIS v THAT . . . , is glad to have known these ladies done remain with ean of us .. at least those who knew them THEY WILL BE MISSED! DKIVE-IN....souNEW BUSINESS LOOKING GOOD! THIS NTHAT .... has noticed a new UNITED FAMILY DOLLAR.... and across the streets from the"" of the this new establishment SUPERMARKET. and hopefully Things are looking real good will certainly help the area It appears it will be selling .... FAST FOODS .... and this is good THIS N.THAT .... is glad to see what is going on... More on this in the near fuure SIGNIFICANT CONTRIPENNY HASTINGS THE BARBER SAYS: "It's amazing of the who were pioneers in the BUTIONS mad by BLACK SCIENTISTS AND INVENTORS and the many roles THEY played in the development of .... VARIOUS FIELDS OF SCIENCE SCIENTIFIC PROGRESS in tbejnited States .... ZIP CODE 79404 CHOSEN TOR PILOT PROJECTl THIS N THAT. ZIP has learned that PILOT PROJECT .... for the .... SUCCESS BY 6 PROCODE 79404 .... has been chose as a GRAM .... because of the problems related to .... BIRTH OUTCOMES AND EARLY HEALTH PARENTAL CARE were chosen as the .... FIRFT NEED AREA TO ADDRESS.... CARE where the following neighborTHIS N THAT w?.nts those of you who live in this zip code HARWELL SUCCESS BY SOUTHGATE CHATMAN, DUNBAR, AND BEAN, hoods are Why not give it an opportunity to work in 6 .... is a program which has many positive programs this zip code.... IT CAN BE DONE! THIS N THAT .... was very elated over the fact that the .... ESTACADO HIGH SCHOOL MARCHING MATADOR BAND .... has reached its goal .... and will be leaving for that This is great .... and it proves that if trip to the .... 2003 SUGAR BOWL ... in New Orleans, La you work hard things will happen.... So come .... DECEMBER 28TH .... the Matador B?nd .... along with band directors am' chaperons... will be on their way .... LET "S GET READY FOR NEXT YEAR! THIS N THAT .... wants to keep those ESTACADO MATADORS FOOTBALL PLAYERS to know we appreciate what they have done this year... Perhapa .... the season... .wasn't what they wanted .... but it's over so let's get on down the road .... and be ready for next season.... THIS N THAT .... wants you to know .... THE MATADORS ARE STILL OUR TEAM! VISIT A PUBLIC SCHOOL THIS WEEK! THIS N THAT .... hope you're have had an PUBLIC SCHOOL ... but if you haven't done so .... then opportunity to visit a go and visit one this week.... Yqu will be glad you did so.... VISIT ONE OF OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS! .. ...... .... .... th - b Buy, Sell o- - Trade? Need n Job or Want So'iisorre .oWork? CALL: 762-480- 5 Southwest "Digest Classified Results Pigest's The Southwest Wrk low Cosi Wani Ads Hard Fer You Medical A. I JZ " . S?rf.f C- For employment inforration - Katie Ztivk'M Sfp&es the Hfstbfy contact " ' Human Resources 4014- - 22nd Place, Suite 9 Lubbock, Tx 3 Job Line oTAffi! "tl Americans 725-828- Address. moubmi Workman's Compensation Charge Accounts PC3&PR0-SER- V SENIOR CITIZENS DISCOUNT MEDICAID GENERIC DRUGS C0MPENSATICN PRESCRIPTION PRICES Open: 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. Monday thru Saturday Closed on' Sundays! 1 71 9 Avenue A Equal Opportunity Employer Name . CAViELS PHARMACY Covenant Subscribe today to the southwest digest ana never miss a single issue. Good gift for students, Military or out of town relatives. anteedl -- Pharmacy nam A Health System "the newspaper of today with and ideals for the 90's and beyond Your Weekly community newspaper withYOU, tho people.in mind Serving you since 1977 G Rental Property 765-53- 1 1 or 765-756- 0 City State. Renewal One Year $20.00 (Save $5.00) New Subscrition Two Years....$35.00 E. 2Uh Street, Lubbock, Texas 79404 902 AutoTire Repair Ofc 806762-587- 7 Fax 805767-992- 1 Mobile 80(?438-Q9- - r j2412 Cectef Community Outreach MJT. llmlLIJl ORGAN Wi J. .llt.llB WH HMH mi HHm.HlHHi Stenocali RUFUS Service Center Brnak & Complete Auto Service. Iirwni House Transitional Living Center S. Mil Lubbock, Texas 1414 Avenue L (806) 762-830- 7 Handyman LORD'S WILL I WILL HandymanJforalmost aiiy.Jkind;oworku,, chatiiT3tif,0carpe!jiter, yard man, fcleaiiTupt& 1409 23rd Street Lubbock, Texas 79405 3 (806) Free Confidential Testing HIV Preyertion Education Daily Support Groups A Substance Abuse Counseling Clothes Closet Food Pantry Jst Pagers 10:00 a.m. Mon-F- ri -- 3j00.p;m. Radios y Service with this ad Mai Voice 762-081- 1 Automotive Service 6th & Ave J. LubbockTX 1 "Real Change Takes Place From The Inside Out!", Look for Cur Ad on page 1 2 In Your Southwestern Bell Yellow Pages Off setup fee on (Pager of Answering 12 Cellular Phones www.sionocall.com Walter's AufomoHve Dining $rtu.ffj frtl (Overhauls, Tyne-upBrakes, Air Conditioning; ' 'i work guaranteed, All Makes, Models, Cars and trucks. FREE pick-uand delivery s, All p (806)763-742- 7 An East Lubbock Business Since 1966 Same Professional Service Dine-ir- u Caqy-out- , 401 2310 Date Ave. . ISlT -- Jamb White Walter White Johnnie Jones or IMveThru 1-- 27, . . 1709 (3474) 722-FlS- H Pqtevtew j Hfi' 24 Hour Bfflnoual Answering Sflrvfca 1 Call Billy B. L Morrison, III 806762-288- 6 Mobile 806789.0895 3fe - Hours of Operation: . naul, landscape, biblical plaque maker, welding, cut lots, burglary bars fence repairing, painting, photography, and many more. Working with God'$ talents! ! ! Matthew 25: 14-- 2 1,, "Blessed Hands" if'- - Hi 744-863- a division of Lubbock Radio Paging Service, Inc. 1VIARTINIEZ Your Unlroyai, MtotieHn & BFGoodrlcrt Daalor. OntJ Ave HLiibbock, Texas 79404 1 Professional Services GLYNN Rr y Cental Properties STEPHANIE HILL - President "AffordaN This Business is Local Minority Owned TV1" STOP worrying about how you can't get HIVAIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, and find out how you can! .Zip. atoday;l 11:00 .m; - &00 o ii .rr a.m. r r.rrtL u.i;ltu oaruay v:uu?m . 3 i unaay ockivionaay Furnished9 All Bills Paid E. Lubbock, tosea - 2U 5th Street TX 79403 NOE'S AUTO SERVICE 1018 E. 34th St. Lubbock, (806)749-303- 6 $200 to $220 per month Come by or call Leon (806)744-928- 9 Fafanranf" Heating and Air Par TX FoodGas Store OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Repair & InstaT Heating & Air Conditioning Units AC & Ph: (806) Steaks, Seafood, Pastas, Salads HaxhuTgrs and other Spwsfolttcs PLANKS 745-54- King; 2009 Broadway Refrigeration 744-23- 5i Entertainment State License: 9 EAST 19TH STHEET & MLK BLVD. 19th St. Martin Luther King Blvd. Let us be your. Lottery Headquarters Lots of Tickets. Lots of Winners. 2 Locations to serve you better: 19th & MLK & MIX lIMM 34th & Ave P i (TACLB00 1472) Windcrest 'Estacado Charles Flanks Hair Style Complete Hair Styling Have the lifestyle you deserve at an affordable price1,! For Men & Women CAT'S HAIR CORNER MANICURES 762-18- 97 SectimiV. Rent J COMPLETE FOOT CARE 744-50- 50 1 Bedroom $369 Qedroom $449$47Q 2 1716 E. Broadway Lubbock, Tfexas MARY We Mob th's f 3 Bsdroom 553 4 Bedroom $610 work by appointment only Booth Rentals Available . LNeed Barbers '"II". liUUU'!"" Qoin 512 N. MLK Blvd. Lubbock, TX 79403 8064321 10 managed by HmsncB $Bse. loo, ST Pge 8 Southwest Dige Thursday, November Zl, 2002 Covenant Nursing School injury Prevention Coalition To Join in Safety Helmet Presentation Programs et Poin Congratulations! Set Joint i a successful effort to introduce the objectives and goals of tennir to twenty-ni"hildren from the Tjieodore PHea Boys and Girls Club. The newly formed Set Point Tennis Program L a partnership between Theodore Phea Luobock boys and Girls Clubj Texas Tch University Tennis Coaches and Ptayers and the Amerir an Legion. Tennis is one of the fastest growing sports in the United States. The tennis players from the Theodore Phea Lubbock Boys Girls Club have taken the "first step" toward becoming a tennis player. The introduction of the "first steps" program has been developed by the Texas Tech University Tennis coaches to support stuthe desire of twenty-nin- e dents to be successful during their first introduL m to tennis. Coaches helped these young players understand the game. Childr :n acquired the basics of the "rhythm" of the game. Early childhood experiences teach children to map their body, to see its unique- ;' 1 ne sense of ness and through the rhythm a time movements perform can of its language the proper in a rhythmic, roo.dinaied woras are mtroaucea 10 cor Body language is a manner. rectly identify and name each part. Childrei who have crucial attribute of tennis. well-develop- ed Thursday (November 21) The &M datW are at tlie R.O.K. ("Reaching part of a South Plains Our Kids") Kids Cafe at Fnod Bank program Posey Elementary School designed to provide 1301 Redbud. youngsters with nutritious Both piograrhf will ijmeals in a safe after-schofeature programs by paula environment Ponder of the South (For more informaPlains Injury Prevention tion: Mary Russell, Coalition and presenta- Coordinator of Student One program is sched- tion of the helmets to Activities, Covenant uled for 3:30 p.m. today approximately 30 children School of Nursing.. (November 19) at the at each location by the "Inside Out Kids Cafe" at Covenant group, which Central Lubbock Church has safety along with of Christ, 1409 23rd. The nutrition, health, and U other program is sched- ercy- as one of its areas uled for 4:30 p.m. of special interest. Safety helmets the kind designed to provide vital protection for bicycle riders, rollerskaters skateboarders wilt be presented to dozens of youngsters this week in programs sponsored by the Covenant School of Nursing Association. ol o -- Dewberry Appliance Service "Fqiiable Washers & Dryers You Can Afford!" WasherDryersRefrigerators $150.00 and tip 90 Day Guarantee Henry Dewberry, Owner 323 Buddy Holly Avenue 6 Phone: 3 Home: Digital Pager:766-523- 0 741-101- 797-254- Elderly, Handicapped and People of low income. cr.w.A. Looking for someone to trust? t w Will mow, paint, tile floors and walls, formica work, small plumbing and electrical work, acoustic and sheetrock, concrete and rarpentry. Will even run errands for you if you can't get out. If there is something we forgot, just ask. Maybe with God's will we will know how to fix it. rami .(u. Call A.J. (806)-549-196- 9 jl The Next Stage Notfting helps ..Twe a community Eike teamwork. have a home for vou. Contact She McDougal Connection 797.8785 IENOEA AOIP is an organization engaged in an overall community-buildin- g approach to addressing the root cause of all ills among Black and similarly-suite- d minorities. AOIP's overall objecdve, via this inteforganlzation coalition, is to begin immediately to transform the discrete communities within Black America, through "togetherness; into a Shining Oasis of hope that all therein will not only be motivated to learn and become productive parts of our wonderful communities, but also there will be less desire to abandon support for Black-le- d uigiuuiauuua mai uavc ujjcucu cvuuuiiuu uiu uuicr uuura iui oiavKuwncu uuiuitio, pmicssiunai emmcs, uiacK viiurcnes, etc. By inordinately integrating the communities and social and other institutic lis developed by (and for) other ethnic groups, AOIP has a redemptive mission of computing the "unfinished work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr." The information lifted below about your organization should, as best possible, be focused on what your group is doing to help completed that "unfinished work." pnde-installi- COMMUNITY MEETINGS LubboekArea Client Council Second Saturday 1 :00pm MSimmoratarnmunity Gaiter Hub City Kiwanis, Every Tuesday Night, 7:00pm, 1708AvenueG. Dunbar Alumni Association 2nd Saturday 4pm Booker T. Washington American Legion Post 808 2nd Tuesda-y- 7:30 Forgotten West Riders, First & Third Monday, 7:00 prrj, T. J. Patterson Library East Lubbock Chapter AARP, Every 1st Thursday at 1 pm, Mae Simmons Community Center, Oak and 8th St. ' i We would like to publish your monthly meetings. If you would like for an announcement to appear in this column, please get it to us in writing by mailing it to: V" iii Limit 121 1 Avwuiiga fjr uuuiuucai Algct j ? t . i. P.O.Box 2553 Lubbock, 79408 Ts f or bring it by the Southwest Digest office at 902 East 23rd Street
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