' Ml'LK KATE i:.S. POSTAGE tAVD Lukbptfk mM'T NO. .5 Tas I I M II W i MENLY I.fjftFoCK DICES Ar Indei)CMieivt PitbrtkT'NivBpttper fer All PMjpie Primarily Serving th? Black Population of Lubbock (;uunty and Wis Sufrodndirjf Area , S5i Woth 0 . Blacn Pros Qf America fill Hi. I More Mi Y8L. IX, HO. 7 1 PHONE . Wtfrfict Two (60) 7312 Dunbar High School Homecoming residents of District Two are asked to attend their monthry Dislrict Two Meting Wednesday ttiMMSCt, TtiXAt STRSfiT -- 32 t M mi in 0C70IER f 7 THRU OCtGBiB 23, 79404 ii ii lw j t, "i ii u ill I ii ' K 1 (! ill Sets Homecoming Activities This Wook!! DHS & EHS Moota Hero $10 EAST Estacado High School Homecoming All aefilRg. Octohtr banning at 23, 1985, vying Patttnm; District Two, the will be a very tapnrtant meeting for k The student body of DHS voted for wbo would be their Queen for "Actually, heit ars ma,7y issues needed to be discussid, but two ir. particular we will taHc abnut (me, the upcoming bond will be Independent School District Two, the proposed Water Psrk which has been received same opposition over the past few weeks," said Patterson. are working the image by 18, the Owen of Homecoming High gs will be the and help Denbar-Strug- to French, Audine bus. Alma Ward. Mt. Vernon United Methodist Church Hooper, Edna McGregor, Mary Mickler, Minnie Parker, Barbara Ramon, Anne Smith, Lida Talent, Eva Terry and Foster' include; Staff Grandparent Dean Director; Reeus, Betty WooWridte, Secretary, Mae Jessie C?, Sunervisor; and Helga Steenenson, Supervisor. tk ldfccoMAf This 1965, October Sunday, at 3.00 p.m., its ,ciiebrate Rv of dud Jewell Storey. candidates will be driven in cars furnished ey the West Texas Corvette Club. Hofitecomiftg pnen candidates will be escorted by their fathers with a special honor guard with sabers by the Estacado ftOTC. Owing the half-tim- e activities, Queen will be the Homecoming Fins and Feathers, the Market Collection, Sunken Gardens and Brackenridge The Dwbar-Strug- High gs a Spaghetti Supper in the school cafteria Friday evening, at November 1, 1965 beginning obtained by calling 7EV7021, EXT. 218. Learning After-Scho- ol The cost per plate is only $2.50. Methodist to attend The public is invited fa Public refreshers as weil as seme new Husicisl who refreshed skills. Able tutors are available to Night on Saturday, October 19, meets profram help children and aehrits. You can St To n at'4f451jr Southeast. Drive. Mrs.ReettaW. Howard,PJil Director ef tbt Ma Jones Missienary Women's Society, coordinates the program. The Rev. D. A. Smith is the paster of the church. Mrs. Ora Jean Wilson is the President of the Missionary Society. Govs cMMwrnr tvMHomow iS", Honor Rev. Nash Gibbens-Rickma- Pastor, CAN HELP! mm TfW'mE-Chtrch- ; Speaking aniEniNsb. Other arm of interest are available fnr this affair. n, still register. WE wMk marts tin "M cwttrtn inraiw are m neet ef Math and Reading tatering. Ws are experiencing seme success which we arc pinut) of. TMs wnfe. the aetelt typing classes i9 begin. Adults are abo Activities leading up to this celebration include a Fellowship Associate Additional information may be Program Set At Bethe being 630 p.m. deliver the message On Sunday n, morning, Rev. Twila Pomini, Toxoo had Homecoming Dance. Thursday; Church in Amarillo. Gibbens-Rickma- Saturday evening at the Es'tacadn High School ' wiht a gals The is the pastor of Mt Vernon, will Trip Sot For Factory, tea This School Booster Club will sponsor Rev. Mark Game will speaker is a graduate of Bishop College with a RS. Degree in Religion and of the Perkins School of Theology atSMU.withaM.Th.Degree.Heis currently the pastor of Wyatt United Homecoming feature the Estacado Matadors against Borfer at Lowrey Field 3:03 p. m.showoff, October 18th. The activities will wind up SpilwHI DblMr Omaha, Nebraska, Rev. Williams Memorial The 20th, Church gM queen Hofiiecofning Roberson. Top: Stephanie Lee and Charlotte Johnson. crowned. Storey, daughter ef Mr. and Mrs. Ht. Vernon will GOtt) Anniversary. "The ddiifcff and Tina Erown; Rennie Mrs. with dinner and evening servka Hall of Horns, they activities. Homecwning queen' candidates are: Alicia Anderson, daughter of Miss Charfotte Cantora Anderson; JohnsM, davghtir of Mr. and Mrs. Ssbby JehRson; Stephanie Lee, daughter of Ms. Loretta Lie; Vicki half-tim- e 6 Howard, Faustina Ibarra, Beatrice On the way to San Antonio, they enjoyed a picnic lunch in San Angelo along the Concho River; LBJ Ranch and the LBJ visited home in Jokson City. In San Antonio, tbey visited !ie San Jose evening, 1985-8- Left to right, bottom: Alicia Anderson, Tina Storey and Vicki for this event will be the Reverand William Williams, Jr, A native of Lswre&ttebna Marttaz, l$y One QuNn Candidates Celebrates Its Sixtieth Anniversary Foster Circus Hwneceming Queen will be crowned during the DHS Hcmicomlnrj DON'T FIGHT CITY HALL REGISTER & VOTE by the is sponsored Estacado The activities. Homecoming Grandparents serving at the Lubbock State School have returned recently from their annual trip. This year it was to San Antonio, Texas, via chartered Hertztwg Gym. Estacado Student Council. their Foster Grandparents Return From Trip Shoe School High Special events during the pep rally will be a Senior Skit, charts, and crtwing of the Estacado High Scbed FoetbaH Sweetheart After the Pe Rally, there will be a in the Estacado receptiM Cafeteria for all Estacado Reception come High gs celebrate School same time, bring someone with you," concluded Patterson. SAS atted. AttDQa.mtheHomC9Ming Pep felly will be held m the The The public is invited every monthly meeting. At the Place, iflSBBaBaBH The Queen's Court will also be an opportunity to ask question on any issue discussed. "Attend this meeting, and Mission, Buckhorn BBWhBmm h Dunbar-Strut- invited to Estacsdo at 1985-8- 6 School SenierAtum Breakfast to be held at Purr's Caftetia ift'Town and C&tmtry Stopniag Center at 650 a. m. or Friday, October 18, 1985. The fsatumd speaker at the Settlor Breakfast will be Mrs. jean Erm presented Those in attendance will have r j' J announced and crowned. Lubbock Chamber of Commerce Twenty-fou- jjP play Levelland. half-lim- e, the activities will annual Eitacado Seniers, former stifdwts, teachers and members of the community are cordially Lewrey Field, the Panthers will During tf All Class of 1975 and attend night October Friday representatives of the newly brined East Lubbock Advisory spoiisored 17, 1965 exes who will of East Lubbock. The only question to be asked now is: 'Will you help?'," continued Patterson. Also present at the upcoming District Two meeting will be Council, jSoB)MBb dress-u- p of Dunbar's to hard October for both studente and the Dunbar Panther football team. Set for Friday is a big Homecoming Pep Rally in honor being sponsored by the Lubbock 'BS smmmmmmmmmmVF 1965-8- 6. Thursday, 19, 1965. Kicking off Qkm a social Homecoming assembly. discussed. Park. m for jOctober 15 a. m, those were prssented during stnee important business will be change at Menday T. J. "We students are ntfclng preftratios tor their antual toaracemimj slated High SchenL 7:30 p. m. According to City Councilman etetiw b&afo High School Monday was the beginning of Jtomecofliing Week at Danbaf-Struf- ts St dinner on the River Walk. They returned Tuesday night, Dunbar High School fans who tired and happy, as most of them had visited never are interested in traveling to these attractions. Foster Grandparents going on the trip were: Frankie DeVaughn, Herman Johnson, Nettie Thompson, Fate clash there on Saturday, October 26, 1985, then contact Mr. Arthur Emma Miller, Alberta Sims, Fannie Pampa, Texas when the Swain, "Grt" Jones by calling Mable 762-8)8- If necessary caN the school Benief ieW, Antonio Barege, Petra 763-596- Covarubto, Annie Dale, Margaret 4. at iohn United Methodist Church will be tlie guest minister. Mrs. Edna Ray Walker is Musical is A chairperson of the anniversary celebration. The public is cordially invited to come out and join us on this occasion. being presented by Baptist Church paster The Reverand Benjamin F. Roberts, Jr. has been caNed as the benerabie paster of the Shiloh S. C. God. of. r New Hose honoring a wsrttry servant "For he gave seme, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, eyangtfsts; and some pastors and teachers; for the perfecting ef the saints, fer the wirk fn the ministry, fer the edifying of the body of Christ" Nash, Rev. Roberts Called To New Pastorate In Amarillo - the Eph.411.1i Special guest being featured m Musical, et the for Sunday evening, Octebtr 2D, WWwwwui ' i" 'ilwBmti iiiii!iiiiiMiiWMiiinjwaiaMiMiiiHMWw are 1985, Mkhael Matthews, Setemen FieMs, Quitjey Sisters, Community Baptist Chwch Chek, Rising Star Baptist Church Cbek, Gloria Hail Gaines, and Garnctt Lee. vtHIII BbaleBBflblBBBafleMhlvBBKBHbHEeHl The public is pregram, ti 82ESbhk I mKmrnBlfB fir it will flM be a Messing us aN. Yew presence, n mi vRvmnc gnthering. BB&jg invited to attr.4; Donl miss this spiritually itself, inn whh aieng the way, by words, deeds, -"Checking tn" at Raleigh-DurhaWarren Wheel? (left), president of Wtmkr Airlines, greets Obrte Smith, Milter Brewing Company's director o f m corporate communications, and receives a limited edition lithograph from the "Quxt for Success" art collection. Company-spansere- d The 7 Miller Brewing 12-pi- ea art exhibit features the aocmpUshmeflW Mixtiwry and achievements of noted black entrepreneurs, including Wheeler, The exhibit, on its fourth stop of a nationwide tour, is on display in October at North Carolina Mutuel Life Insurance Co. The exhibition began with a community reception attended by approximately 500 Durhamrea political, educational, clvh and buttons leaders. Baptist Church of marilis, Texas. The Alberts (amity was very stated and orWilefe ti be SnHen's entice dlMMs MUbC IJfSCfclS tVt "IWbW fttfetf se)ilM$Ki f9t)t SfcJ it wt prayers and dnictinns, such as grace, the fteberts has family a&tftsc tk chtlltnge as ef September 11 1M5. The family stated, "Wecertrinly enj7ed strvifig the Led in By his lOTOVLf wfrtty to hive Bed's beet stfynit, fer it stands tut as a mm. rSl5E sw eHfj rnjP pwnwi Unfile M WcrkliMw rill ifWfgLji j if J iflnttaJmrnsl 4a m mew WM K fcas been PR Wl nb) wy aileKj2sklw fnnmij kawt 'm.rmf tf enrienma nA ewem smloHw uau Tff thelateta.S.Rftterts,fev.A. punch my fjmt ssrmnns; k shewed me tbtt maMmt lAKiiinf! Ml km LmM; M uAu tUft Ww sbTfl Key. lev. i. C. Nash P W IkAAgt tBn e ejA cflmms Swyi jH wwmi w sAlf ivBmH wHtt l bad tn ejet ineiditleoiel bid and btttms a siudint oObe Jgu WfJ I mtf Luf mtf uUI atil mBnj V ji iiriBBmnBj ferget, a men wim njwe nw !Mub hiiriad tl i wbifi wtt k I uu bjUjL saw niiiinit lii the hittnfjf ef ynt Willi tut euegLf m ferward mr the onuee Msi nemnei iLai aM La ' M flMtl (iu1et ' I r RUBY m,; , , r. JjSj gJ jT, ' u r - . t ASTHO NUMEROLOGY AND YOU &S$$j$N I s By LLOYD 1.91 Analysis of a 9nrr'ettt Owi tim Ik! Itwae fed a srMt fanlhr In ths'r m H of Four Parts Pt Looking slead, just about every state of the of bereavement. Swky. dSitB. folly toy, euDi pritBtd ww th Sw&y tin Ywil W&rki WX& Mr. Jin Tflsw awe. KeptM;, DcftarbneftL a pattettai w Vetrw AlmHira'.iM Ski Scho&l. naWith lottery contests til tion a. group of numerolocj)" students published our findings in a p?st Numbers and You newsletter article entitled "The ' Lottery and You." We took a look at the winner's names (since the birthdays weren't readily available) and came up with the common denominator that the number 7, fcr whatever reason, ranked highest amongst the names. But what to me was of more inerest were the dates on which the biggest lottery jackpots were drawn. Prior to this $41 million biggie, the reeord jackpot was in Chicago, 111, It was for $45 million and the date of that drawing was oft the 3rd of September, 1984, won by Michael Wittkoski, whd happenS.to have been bom on the 21st of January j (2 3).Keep tiiese numbers in mind. Next week, we'll focus mb're on the biggest lottery ever drawn in North the Hospital sll last bom hf will b this week. mmlp Mem&n dcctfw mice bqn with Hard! and led by Zan iwvit Dent terjtt the toner Cfenttli Jay. aig TVi VojtSi EnswAJt Choir tte of Mivered by Putor S. was "Kmmti Bit was DmM 10:12-1- 1 C. was morning the Nub. His stibtact iptt Kept was at Lyons mssagt Tht rammed Their thaw was " Honor All wsj. The scripture Peter 217. State CoaYstios owsa this a sponsoring Dopartnsiit be will Mmm Carnival Saturday, October 26th, from 720 p. m. until 10DO p. rrt. All parents are asked to help keep the children Southwest Digest off the spend Saturday at Camp Post If you have a son or know of a boy between the ages of 7 -- 10 years, who could benefit from scouting, bring him out to our next regular meeting on Saturday, October 26, at 1)0 p.m. We meet at the New Hope Baptist Church, 20th and out Thank you! Renumber to pray and visit our sick sick s. Brown is added to the list Mrs. Rebecca Lubbock a Martin is patient at General Hospital, room 319. Our prayers go out to the Ola U N C E E M N T soft-cov- evening. 827. CANCER 21 Since every event has a time to takt place,, this wlllfbe tire case for you just before, or just alter the weekend.' The reason is that both Friday and Saturday on your cosmic roadmap is strewn with oppositions and pitfalls. So just use this time to relax and not commit yourself before it's Birch Avenues. Scott A looks Bi is jWk'r ycw"re.likelyjo bump into old friends or associates that's now ft position So w help w somo way. Twee advantage of it if you can, Saturday may .not bc.thc best time foi anything new. MbHdsyWuld be much better. 888. i SCORPIO-Octo- ber 21 If you've fof a period to just slow down and catch-u- p widi yourself, then this is the best time for it. LaiejBriday into Saturday is marked as iaVorable to b?en vVatting maktogfmpoitanf moves. Further indicatory ahead suggest yqii slow down on Monday. 191. SAGITTARIUS November Octavia Givens REALTOR representing 20 LEO July Later Wednesday into Thursday suggests a good opportunity to make financial or material advances in some way. Think positive during this time. Looking ahead just a bit, starting late Saturday evening you'll really have to be careful for the next 72 hours against bad advice, going to excess . IVENS Real Eiftfi Bus. (806) 763-84820 Quirt Avenue 21 21-Ap- 21-M- ay EVERY x Roils-Elega- nt & Saturday 7:30! p. m. , pMles East of Lubbock . on Idalou Hwy. Wi Ktvi Everything Niw & UimI 2fl GEMINI May There's a strong warning for Wednesday and Thursday against possible deception andor financial stress if you're not careful in going about your personal or business affairs. np Walkin Freezers & Coolers Air Conditioners - Heating 'jJjjJjJJJjjgji,. & REF8II6ERATIC1N it j Ph.:(806)745-5456- - - - - m Charles Planks. - Furniture Appllincu Dlmltis Brass Tools Lawn Mowsrs Guns Camping Equlpmint Rod and Reels Trailers Toy- s- Dolls - Antlquos Collectibles Saws Air Compressors Stoves - - - - - - TOO MUCH TO UST! . Celebrating the 75th Diamond Jubilee of Scouting in America i Friday 20 If you've been waiting for the opportunity to start closing out negative persons, places and things, the change to do this is late Friday, going into Saturday. Next Monday suggests you'd best keep emotions and excess under control for best results. You'll do better later in the week. 206. 21-Ju- 762-296- AUCTION From all appearances, Thursday of this week and Monday of next week are your days to put. your best foot forward. Saturday the 19th is the only time'this week indicated as somewhat stressful. Try not to be pushy or overbearing then. 373. ril REAITOR" 9 Auetlen Cmter of tin South Pltlnt 20 ril fa Res. (806) 7 Lubbock, Texas 79403 30 R-13- 6, ARIES March 21 ConionPag8 8 During die jniddle of the week try as best you can to get old debts or outstanding bills out of the way. By Saturday er Acution Conducted By Peters Auction Service 0 'IP fcfll Italian e "ft", quickly made. company dish is a find. Here, fillets of flounder are rolled up and filled with an Italian flavored stuffing. The flavoring comes easy from packaged Italian - style bread crumbs which arje seasoned with Romano cheeser onions, garlic and herbs. ITALIAN FLOUNDER ROLLS 2 pounds fillet of flounder V4 cup butter or margarine V cup lemon juice 1 cup Progresso Italian-styl- e Bread Crumbs V cup shredded prcolone cheese cut in slivers lA cup olive oil 1 egg, beaten Cut large fillets in half lengthwise. In a small saucepan melt butter with lemon juice; brush on one side of each fillet. In a large bowl combine bread crumbs with remaining ingredients; mix thoroughly with a fork; reserve 14 cup for later use. Place a heaping tablespoon of the stuffing down the center of each fillet; roll up and secure with toothpicks. Arrange on a broiler pan. Broil under a preheated hot broiler until fish flakes easMy with a fork, about 5 minutes. Remove irom broiler; spread reserved stuffing on top of each fUlgk mum to foil-lin- ed is brojii'r unaT.iqqpini hrttWft'-'- l Wil nhtt YIKUj. tr mnUji, 1 ':li-.-.s- - mfjHjti. nwlions Saturday, November 2, 1985 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Lubbock Memorial Civic Center Tickets are $1.00 and may be purchased from any Scout 1 -- Budweisea salutes college football's winningest coach. We also salute his loyal tans who have followed the ramoimg estate university team tor a record csz4 victones. in tour ana a nan aecaaes, Kooinson nas produced more than 200 professional football players and has built one of the country's most respected collegiate pnograms. We are proud or bddie and his contribution to American spoils, Here's to Eddie Robinson and his loyal fans. I nan You Let's East Lubbock Image! East Lubbock Needs Your Help! w . Did you know that there were, over 2.3 million totafpass?noer boardings on Citibus in 1984? It's true! That means more people are riding Citibus than everbefore. And because it is your support which is making Citibus a success, we'd like to simply say Thank You." Iti&jj DK- - 650. Thway 22-Aug- VIRGO August er 1985 SCOUT SHOW .1 & Jy Support East Lubbock's Image Changs QUICK GOURMET Easy 21-Ju- nws. in you time. 336. H-- C Stuf fed Flounder June and keeping moods in check. 157. By popular demand, the book "NUMBERS AND YOU" by syndicated columnist Lloyd Straykorn is now available in paperback. To order your copy of this beautiful book on Numerology mixed with Astrology, send a money-ordof $5.00 phts $1.00 for postage and handlLining to: YAMA Publishing Company, Dept. coln Station, New York, N.Y. 10037. TAURUS-Ap- This week, the Cub Scouts will cookies or whatever you think will help shut-in- ANNO office, at 510 East 23rd Street. streets by contributing fruit, candy, gum, Mrs. Precious to be activities and fun for all. Tickets are only $1.00 which includes admission and a host of valuable coupons. Tickets are still available and may be purchased from any member or from the attend. Youth The h won't be until the weekendxhas passed before things fall back into place. It'll start around Monday it going iritb the days aHSpd, you'll begin to nodes w ervnge Memorial Civic Center. There will week in Houston, Texas. Several of New Kofe members 137-wis- express their sincere appreciation to these whom have purchassd scout tickets, especially during their campaign at the and United Stores on October 5, 1965. The South Plains Council Scout Show will be' heid on November 2,1935 at the Lubbock CKaptl Baptist Hi; Levi Thi Bretiwheod." and this effort Members of Pack New Nash brcagto the ptease be featured' as Scout News Kerch. It annual Brotherheed Day. Pastor The in will America. Owing ttw MO ji m JKvica, I 'Hub City" partitipMts May L" Kit tcripture It wataftmtaful iMuat was io worthwhile program, and nuny.gMtt of ssrrmn choirs pneam of Pastor S.C. X:sh StMday.Octsher 20, 19B beginning at fcffl p. ra. It's a very feautiful. Till special lottery and" THIS BUD'S FOR YOU1 MKXMtltEM'Kitfe Of KERSAMHUMEfUHNCN, IMC V- - 089eflT EDITORIALS COMMENTS OPINIONS The massi'. e number of discriminatory oontylainU before the various kde, stats anJ local agencies reflect a still widespread lack of unreadiness on the part of many J. NNPA FEATURE in White America to accord certain rights or considerations to Black Americans Additionally, irrefutable historical and continuing evidence in every area of American life shows tfiat Btaek Americans are seen as "on the bottom" and represent almost every predicament of America as a whole in extremis. Nonetheless, workshop surveys of AOIP leaded show thrtre is a widespread misconception about the intents and limitations of the concepts of "equal treatment" in contrast to "equitable treatment." Many enfef oiif AOIP workshops assuming that "equa! treatment" fnt terms of avocation of iduca'ional resources to our; deprived "population wilt ultimately produce parity, Therefore, a re examination of these ideas presented some time ago in this series is in order, r , Business in the Black By Charles E. DcUo Freedom Fighters Against Facism Do Not Forget BERLIN: BEHIND WHOSE CLOSED DOORS? -- About 300 yards from the historic Brandenburg Gate Ngins the entry to ths bunker of the facism leader responsible for the death of 100 -- nearly million people Hitler. His regime's lesson of death is not lost on people of the German Democratic Republic (GRP). The GRP is a success with no unemployment well clothed, boused and fed nation with a sense of the ill effects on all mankind that facism can inflict on iRROcent people. The GDR is committed to a safe and sane world for some very wise rcaans, they want to live to enjoy the fruits of their hard labor in peace and solidarity with all other freedom loving people - KILLER BEES - - & 5 lac Resources inc. wot as labor for the manufacture of arms or inhuman personal research. Violation of the body is a degenerate delight of a facist, Nazi or st as revealed through inspired men, always have been sources of direction, strength and wisdom. All of lis. the greatest minds of today, rely daily on the great truths both developed by and revealed "unto1 'others of ages past. We shall begin with the established princi pie of equity since it is affirmative (corrective) action or "equity" rather than "equal" opportunitwhich will make up for the past injustices to us as Black Americans. ( Like the Brandenburg Gate, with marched into numerous concentration camps underthe racist Nazi regime of which 11 million were robbed, beaten and slaughtered by knife, gun, club, gas or metaphysical means. Most were used free r WHY ARGUE? The Principle of Equity regime. neo-facis- saw principle of the working class, saved by Soviet and Polish troops, they saw a revolutionary and democratic state to be built as one in the hands of the working class enabling it to carry through the st and democratic transformation and to uses in a socialist republic. Socialism means conditions have to be brought about under which anti-faci- TOWARD Myths, Misconceptions and Memorializing Regarding Race by Mass Media and Classroom Textbooks Theit Illiteracy-Impactin- g and Deep-seate- d Influence upon Black Americans every citizen to do socially useful work. Free choice of job is legally Pptetton or zero population is not a problem in the GDR. Neither is racism. The Civil Code expressly stipulates that every citizen is entitled to respect for their human personality as well as personal property. Thus Ollie Harrington's wife walks freely to home after oark down a single lane path through atree clustered park. Nearly 12 years to the day had passed since I last saw Ollie, world reknowned Black American political cartoonist in East Berlin Ollie, who has lived in East Berlin for over 20 years, says he has not experienced racism toiven compare, with that in the United States -- believe him. He is not trie only Black American of stature to stay in East Berlin. 1 W.E.B. DuBois held a professorship at a university in East Berlin. But yesterday, today and tomorrow the resident Black American legend is the literary and cultural champion Paul Robeson. The archives for all his records, books, and artifacts are to be maintained in Fast Berlin at his and his wife's wishes located in the Paul Robeson Archives of Arts Negative Impact of Media And Textbooks on Black Americans EMPOWERMENT the BASIC INTERESTS OF ALL MEMBERS OF SOCIEfY coincide. The Constitution of the GDR combines the right to work with the duty of Often-Unconconsci- Our guest writer for this week 's column is Dr. Catherine E. Bozeman, the Supreme (national) Das ileus of Gamma Phi Delta Sorority, Jnc. She is a retired educator, having served as an elementary school teacher and principal, as well as a college teacher who touched the lives countless of young people. In 1982, Dr. Bozeman became the first , Black and first woman ever elected to the Dallas Count' (Selma, Alabama) School Board. Presently, she also is a member of the national Board' of the Assault On Illiteracy Program (AOIP). In the preceding article in this series on the negative illiteracy-impactin- g effects of our mass media and textbooks on Black Americans, our guest writer dealt with the media and textbook-fostere- d misconceptions surrounding the "social rather than scientific definition of 'race' in America" and "social integration". Dr. Bozeman 's article will conclude this series with the most-ofte- n mistaken idea of "equality of resource allocation" or "equal opportunity" as a means toward optimal remediation of our inequities in education. so-call- ed Here We Liberation Stand, Stand for Mace, iobs and eoualitv. reads the Ymmn Wmkm League poster taken from Paul Robeson's book Here I is probably the best way I can end this too short stream of sentences with a sense of where the East German peace and freedom loving people stand in Berlin; behing the doors closed by U.S. capitalist would-b- e facist minds. long-standi- ng Southwest Digest P.O. Box 2553 Lubbock, Texas 79408 5.0C per year $25.00 two years Editors - Publishers T. J. Patterson - Eddie P. Richardson $1 An independent, newspaper serving the Lubbock, West Texas, the South Plains of Texas and Eastern New Mexico - printing the news impartially - supporting what it believes to be fight without opposing whaiTt believes to he wrong without regard to party politics. Devoted to the Industrial, Educational, Social Political and Economical Advancement of Black People. You may be critical of some things that are written, but, at least you will have the satisfaction of knowing they are truthful ann" to the point. People will react to that which is precise, and we will publish these articles as precisely and factually as is humanly possible. We will also give credit and respect to those who are doing good things for the Lubbock Area and the people. . We will be critical of those who are not doing as 'tfiey have said they would', and this, we think, is fair. So, this our resolution to you: "Feel fm anytime to call this office for information concerning this newspaper or any other mattjsr that is of concern to you. " This is not 9 propaganda sheet made' to ' chastise or Vilify . This is a newspaper made to educate and not to agitate. . Natltnil AJuirtlseflftftt RefysMntitlvt Hick MatUi, toe. SuKo 1101 - 507 NewYerMi mm: (212) FHW4 Y. Avsmm m7 TN7M ' By Secretary The opinions expressed are her own and not necessarily with which she is associated. Issue 3. The widely-hel- d "misconception" that "equal opportunity" is a viable means for remediating inequitable circumstances or predicaments: When ques- - f clerk's office is not accessible, you can ask the clerk to bring a ballot to the curb, where you can vote it. The clerk then takes the ballot and deposits it in the ballot box for you. . If you prefer to absentee vote by mail you must first mail in an application for an absentee ballot. The deadline for receiving applications, if vou wish to vote in the Nov. 5 general election, is Nov. 1, Application forms are available from the secretary of state's office and county clerks. However, it is not necessary to us! the printed application form when applying for an absentee ballot. You can simply write to the county clerk or absentee voting clerk and request an absentee ballot. Along with the request you must include the following information: An inaccessible polling place may be a coadblock for some of the approximately 1.2 million disabled Texans of voting age, but state law mandates that polling places in elections at all levels be accessible hy January 1988. Although that deadline is two years away, any eligible voter, who because of sickness or disability is unable to appear'at the polling place, can vote absentee. " To encourage Texans to continue voicing their opinions as they grow older, state law permjts any of the approxf- - ; mately 1.5 million residents age 65 or older, who are registered to vote, to cast an absentee ballot. Absentee ballots are also available to registered voters who anticipate being out of town on election day, making it impossible for them to vote at their local polling places. Even those Texans who are Unable to show up at the polls because of their religion can vote ab sentee The option to cast an absentee ballot provides everyone with the opportunity to vote in all ejections. Voting abtentee is a sirnple process anil may be done by personal appearance or by mail. Absentee voting by pent onal appear arwe for this Nov. 5 general election k eonduoted at tue eoHHty clerk's office or any branch office during b'jiifMss hfttMS beginning Oct. 16 tkf9uH Nov. 1. If the your name residence address ; address to which the ballot js to be mailed if you will be out of town that you wish to vote in the No vember general election your signature ycur voter registration number or a statement that you have lost or mislaid your voter registration certificate The biot clerk will send you an absentee us soon after Oct. f as ypu.r ap- plication is received. In order for your vote to be counted it must be mailed back to the clerk and received by Nov, 5. More information about atosgjte voting can be obtained by calling your county clerk or elections ad Moratory or the secretary of state's electlpt Ijvi- (VoktTDD) sfon at feting involves some ougH deekkmc. Make a tough decision. DeeiJe to vote. ityal Htfttit TCw Edilli P. RIcfcartiicHi Economically and politically spoking, we must be forever mWfyl of the Royal Flush witfcMtoJict paper. The County ballot". ' tioned directly, almost every American wouId'aBreeithats Black Americans are not. in pen-n- t fnnc'r?WAH , thl"same level as White Americans either economically or psychologically within our American society. Supporting background for this assessment can be found in a variety of sources: Statistics of the Bureau of Census and U.S. Department of Labor bear witness to the fact that the average Black family's income is only 53 percent of that of the average White family. U.S. Department of Education figures show that the estimated rate of Black "functional illiteracy" (47) is nearly three times as high as the rate among adult White Americans (16). of State Myra A. McDaniel Barriers do exist that prevent some people from voting at their local polling place on election day. However, the voting process has changed to accommodate the varied needs of the public, so there are no longer barriers that prevent any registered voter fromealHrTg a opportunity. Hence, in many sports traditionally, those involved share what is called "the benefit of a handicap." Let's now examine what another philosopher tells us on the same subject. a part of any ofdhe entities Absentee Ballot Provides Necessary Voting Option About half tho population of America over the age of three wears, glasses. Plato It was the Greek philosopher Plato who, in his classic treatise. The Republic. Book VIII, disparages the goal of equality for the underprivileged or the oppressed by speak ingof, and dismissing, on its surface, an "equality of a sort, distributed to equal and unequal alike." It is perhaps one of the greatest tragedies of the whole civil rights movement here in America that we get into a kind of "rut," with the best of intentions, and waste our time and defeat our real purposes by being grooved, or programmed, by many of those in power into staying in that rut. By equity (or equitable opportunity) is meant the taking of some portion of undue advantage from one who holds it. and the giving of a portion of that undue advantage to the one from whom it was denied or has been handicapped in the first place by the very denial of that THE MOTS ARE HERE! neo-fad- The GDfl does not have a resurrection of Founded on the principle of the working class, saved by Soviet and Polish troops, theyh t .vThe concepts of great thinkers Uiroughoutdiistprj'ijke Aristotle. Plato and Socrates, along with the Word ofij&d' -- in life. its blazing history, there stands a striking place the remains of an infamous site. SACHSEN HAUSEH! Heathens of death hit us as we entered skeleton remains of the cage. Hideous treatment of ever 18 million people predominantly Jewish who Our Sources of Wisdom -- Liitfcock tax payers still at this time and date are still getting the royal flush with dirty water. The problem at hand is the recent coMtructiwi around cur Lubbock County Courthouse; a long shoddy project Just a quick ride around the courthoese spotted at least seven ugfy cracks. Who will foot the bill for thi6 poor slow workmewlilp? The Lubbock Covnty taxpayer; or the contractor? This shoddy project is less than six moeths cofnelefed. What a shane! The bridal veil started out as a sack over the bride's head. In China slot machines are called tigers." "hungry The United States has more tornadoes than any other nation in the world. machines Coin-vendin- g go back to the 1st century g A.D., when coin-vendin- maahines dispensing Water were found Greak temples. fh The width of ,a bolt of lightning is about six in, cftes, on' pie average. More poottle die af snakebite in Burma than in any other eeustry. - Principles of Equity Aristotle Yes, "equitable opportunity" is what, in part, those' of us in AOIP seek educationally. Equity, as we note' in the passage quoted below from another Greek' philosopher, Aristotle, seeks equality as, an end result. Equality, as Plato notedior implied cannbtvbeachieved through "equal opportunity." Equitable ODDortunitv.-witha restitution of advantages denied in the past, leads securely to the end result of a status of equality. Aristotle notes in Ethics, Book V, Chapter 10: "Equity, though a higher thing than one form of justice. is itself just.and not geometrically different from justice. Thus, so far as both are good, they coincide, though equity-ito be preferred. What puzzles people is that equity is not the justice of the law courts but a method of restoring the balance of justice when it has been tilted by the law. "We see now what equity is, and that it is just and superior to one kind of justice. And this lets us also see clearly the nature of the equitable man. He is one who. by deliberate choice, has taught himself the habit of doing equitable things, who is not a stickler for his rights to the disadvantage of others but refrains from pressing his claims even when he has the law on his side. It is a disposition of this kind which finds its expression in equity equity which we have just shown to be a species of justice and not a disposition of a different genus r s altogether." Principles of Equity-T- he "For Word of God he cometh to judge the earth: with righteousness shall he judge the world, and the people with equity." (Psalm 98:9) Throughout the rich Hebrew tradition of the Old Testament, there is a principle known as "equity and restitution." We have but to read the passages in Leviticus 25:9-5- 5 concerning Jubilee, and continue into the New Testament with I Corinthians 12:4-3to see that same principle at play, even though we have "different gifts" and different roles to play. As an outgrowth of the Roman law, the English system of law (on which our courts are based) had courts of law and courts of equity. In a case of equity, there is that clear recognition that the injured or aggrieved parly has suf. fered from a denial that has served for a time to benefit the defending party. Because of the many side damages in such cases of equity . when a case in equity is won, the epurt traditionally may award the aggrieved or damaged party three times or more the calculated amount of immediate damages. 1, Equality and Equity Not the Same Traditional civil rights goals-wh- ich have been nobly intentioned. but which have resulted in part in our presi ently and progressively perilous racial plight have sought to bring about a condition of equal opportunity' fof Black and White Americans. Since Black AmirioansWt been handicapped and denied for centuries iWtice wjtfld dictate that we are due a compensatory remedy in theWrm of equity. Rightly for us Black Americans and the jia. Hon as a whole, we in AOIP seek equity and not equality. The goels of equity (parity) and of equality are mat the same. Yet, tragically, many Black Americans-l- ed by our mass media and our textbooks have adopted equality of opportunity as their immediate goal, when this only eflm fuses and subverts the issue. One who Las been held bie in any race or contest can never catch up wkh "equal treat! as BUwk- -or Third World in .Affica must not confuse wath economic and other forms so-call- ed juadue. people-h- ere atA "social" equality of equity whipb are out . Many of us in tfifkld of education and otherwise wHgiii AOIF. fien repeated or espoused the concept of 'equal opportunity" prior to a bejpfiti eaminatton of the sue in our earefuliy-pkune- d workshops. We m Gemn.a Phi Deka Sarky also are pkaod jhat AOlP's "affac- - Ctt m ffe 8 . Ftp 0kta 17, 1196 Mtt Ttartfiy 4, ScjKhwtit iPNHflU --a Eat m m Hll T9 FWKTI 8l.fjy"HfA THIS K THAT - tknvnk h EWIfE Jr U twthe fm QftaTfiERS ti mmu2 m fa$ that MACK cfsum -- at? Mitfto-fFtfNT. tottoH ane W5lWl - itis ... IT K KOT NECESSARY ...to want to mm Mt t9.ta!l My ftWfibrs- or call - Sim RVB Mm r WmP i rityiisifch? far the last lieiiiiTi MTVMAV tol .... I tfiwPw tact-K- ti NSNT tat AUK- U i mm lMt sMsil - biftff FAams - if tii m Rlfinil fl sW IpSBTvWVC w in 6ftNL8 - M MIR Itfft IWj fl iiit on taniifl MtTfKt JWf mm Wmjww vwmw fit tsMf AttsMM Mjta MfV kit .... i ran SEE iww rkmh,. i mc SNRSANSTIHSSS m VvHfc(MMMLUI y 9CStra8 bc m self-addresse- mi USSE 3TNBERTS SraWNMt mm (MG&N hit Thit cnieM if i LNS 3 HAEJ . bb m . fe St " .iMmm ttLMfl. ou . was ncwtiy Coat on Page & Clothing For The Entire Family Johnson Sizes infant thru Adult. Items Priced At A Fraction Of Original Cost. General Dentistry ywH - ii 1620 Avenue F - Lubbock, VISA a HASTES Household G Decorative Items Available A'so. .Organization Proceeds Go To Support The Junior League's Purpbse And Projects.. Non-Prof- it Texas79401 Th9RpatBoutlqmwillbopwT1jursdsymn CAXIS WLS9M We are In the Dental Expense Relmbmament Program offered by Lubbock Impendent School District 50th & Ave. A 1.241 1 OPEN TUESDAY THRU SATURDAY MAIN STREET 9AM. - 3P.M. 765-564- 8 d, appliinformation cation. Associates, Box 9B, Roselle, NJ mm 6. STNNISS NIN Ml . Send stamped envelope for WS mm itmmAmmmmmw 169.00 PER HUNDRED PAID for remalling letters from home! m iMmi fitter mmm mum OTfTv mm ITS ABtNT TMIEI BVMv atNMeMcMbyttt-.UI- ,f VWB iM NEWER Rl W mm TMKiWfi nmriM wM TMB R THAT say ti ... THANKS --.ttftt m. LIMBteKSiTY CtNN- - Mcj ATfiTiMNE M tl 9lif yN - THE Us mm mw ItditteaHiMaKiyii'HMi gf ite 0 fog fei , hm mm 6 KMfKR B crpatatf.. Jb) Office Hours By Appolntmsnt mm. wfmm& 9i a d6YHfK tHWICII kin ttte Sm4 Ste tes kiM ateffit fviiwii UMut fMWIld th nee) ACT7MH8 if HnJ kits' - iWHRi TelB&mmi (806) 71115248 ww n nw TRULY MlgSEie Swi fM talj Mft 29 BfftHKJUMi ImVLMHM fViMniran iff!! MNB L C STNMNS Mpetil ti attad tifETMEL A. M. E. - m PARGITS scln(?7 Yh eat MiwagiMJiiiiiiiiiiiiir .MfMi MtHNCTTWiWRL Dr. Bfeenan FAMILY!! . mm )ttt 4m1 Sjit oil ii if ti C. j4 tMwvm mm f mm lM EAST if h htx LVBfMCiC vvMPVra iV WWb it btf Uanif NE - flHw . mks if 1W1 899 NfraMl0 mm M KAG) GSMSKITTIS MWprlMiMpKiiiefwtiN .... EAST tttlliCK Mi .... HACK TNANKS mm Ajl7 --M imi)y MMi'i WQTNICT wMNiwMwygBIWlHAY fctfttficy BTiHttt fft especially MM JWRTB SCtWMNLTT - pcitimiiNii MIL fc3il fMirf wM ItMtUt wAy rapU WW UuSra ofV SfSHMM PJUITIMENT .... W W TUMI H it'i bKicsi lASf LBSSC . tit fid siitt tmmm mm NUN NNB smiii Ktti WliMsl te THAT SM Wt . wt 9R9T( 9f TINS N THAT 081 fitfi w kt&wc ttay Sit KAYRNI te s tMf Nirf Ski jSKrvNE WiH it myi Mf 'FWC iW? m 9Q9tN9QKt m if tta JUS 9NMm1 w NLf TNI N8PSSK3 MM ri ChiBd Cart Br My Horns m mm wWwWX tl ft Mlk i8A8(t TNE m - Bf WAT1 l&KX 1mW dliiitarAiMV tjMSi tMiJLftSTA&AD8 4m 7m MS - swdGHTO t&c A amAlK ... if .... actually ttw mmm MMBAJi mm JBBBf t WrJ - 07203 tltt the kind of store you remember, Check Our Large Selection of Coats, Jackets & Vests Toxas Tech Unlvorsity Employnm! Gpportunltlis Applicants Should Bi Oincted To The Pirsonml Offlci, Room 143, Drini Hall, Campus Walls Blizzard-Pru- f Coveralls Block Out The Cold ASSISTANT DEAN OF STUDENTS per, degree Advanced higher personnel, in month. student education, or other related field. Extensive working knowledge of the philsophy, operations, and administration of new student orientation programs. Administrative flexibility and ability to manage MEN'S 3 OZ. F1BERF1LL CCVERAU Outarshell of 50 polyester50 cotton lined with 100 DuPont nylon taffeta. Insulated with 3 oz. fiberfill. Corduroy collar, 2 zippered chest programactivity details. pockets, banded waist, and 2 swing pant pockets. Fly over 2 way front zipper, 2 hip pockets (1 zippered), and brass leg zippers to the knees. Mens: snvcs.uu 2486 Oltvo Reg. 41.99 Salary $847 per month. Bachelor's degree in journalism, mass communication, English or other related field, One year of experience. INFORMATION SPECIALIST I: (Part-tim- -- e) MEN'S SUPER DUCK COVERALL OZ. HOU.OFH. KM 100 cotton duck outeraheN with Inner lining of 100 DuPont nylon taffeta. Insulation o! 4 oz. 100 Dacron Hollofil 808. Smooth shell with quilted lining. 2 WITH job-relat- ed $36" Special Salary - $987 per High month. school graduation. Two years of experience in shipping, receiving, and issuing RECEIVING AND SHIPPING CLERK: zippered chest pockets, banded vaist, swing pant pockets, and corduroy collar, 2 way front zipper, set in sleeves with concealed knit cuffs. back, 2 hip pockets, and Brass Leg EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITYAFFIRMATIVE , ACTION EMPLOYER Special $52" 100 cotton duck outershell lined with DuPont nyfon taffeta. Insulated With poiyurethane Apparel foam. 100 Rl Corduroy collar, concealed s'crm cuffs, 2 zippsrod chest pcckets, and self repairing nylon leg zippers to the knees. back. f443 PKG.OF3 Brief f443 Reg. 8.99 $075 PKG. OF 3 4.99) COVERALL VNsck 443 (Talis INSULATED BROWN DUCK V-NE- CK Reg, 6.99 $449 Reg. 5.49 MEN'S ALL COTTON UNDERWEAR OHiEVy NIECSC or 15006GY Qranlto Gray (Long leg zippers) SAVE 7.00 Reg. 59.99 THE PERSONNEL OFFICE IS OPEN From 8:00 1. m. until 5:00 p. m. Monday thru Friday Knit Top Zips. Walls Down Poplin Parka materials and equipment. Men's Thermal 5050 Circular Reg. 53.99 Poptin sheH blended of 65 polyester 35 cotton with 100 nylon taffeta IJnJnfi and down (nsulated. Adjustable straps on the sleeves, kixtra dstnHIng In upper and lower pockets, draw string waist, and upper hand-warmpockets with flaps. Zip through collar, velcro closures on fly over zipper, on pocket flaps and on sleeves. Shoulder straps with er g. Imported. SAVE 7.W $4g99 Extra TH and XX Large Sizes AvaKabttf At Sligntly Higher Prices. Men's Wrangler Flannel Shirts Let Numbers and Cetors: WieOS Grey smnni Regular S, M, L, XL Spaciai $5999 Miller Quilted Flannel Shirts flsfl. K.49 (Tt 14.M) $1399 Hsmsl, 100 cotton sport wtfo two pstoh pockets, nvton .RaJfHed m ptsi. e.4& SpcM (Tails y Prteot good ihrougrt SOUTHWESTERN PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Ocobr 19th. yeo. t.49; $799 XXIII Mtart ftfttat: tm it hi u tave it Visit a tttfary id Aft a 4 HfirMt ft etvirrmwi fcy (Hfti.it yowtawy ywrrn!MttaMi!wMfyM1iio(4ai MftfttrW khiPA FEATURE MMipiaU titeatitti Mtifiiy, yw iinitrattiPtte rj fedntnt aH, it it your Itfe. i on afept Mm t icycsfksXY. mwm m Dt tJttir DjvjChar'ss W. Faulkner Htw To Skaet Ymt Own Ptsfttw Evm if yoti live in the state, you can cotrot the way Uatyow wvirowaent inflwnces your Mavicf. You can create your own GMiwiity. You can Gtvtl&p the conditions that will rjcMM the kind of pirscfl yon want to be. b yottr neighborhood unclean depressing? if so, you have two m s Arc yw wfeHry aith yew affcarwaC Kavtthe guts iffc, H is rwWet tka, ye yew ewn fcckU. if eft ckm yw Hdtat Ml 3 Afbr titwei as any tm tow ti get it if yw have to $4 want to aoMfiish, responsible advice), Ito put yhwr pin into Mtk Taks charge of tour wi life. Staying ifi the same wrvinwimst and bein aiowd tfcs saw pMpfe for kmg periods of time simply enforces wtiatew charastuislics and feelings that you have, if are depressed, you will towns svw more depressed. If yow confiMnce is low, it will get km. if yoydklike yourself, your dislike will pw. Remember this key toioral change principle: Chawe the Mvironment and your behavior will gra&atiy change to fit tla wvirowieitt. When your behavior chaRfcs, yow attitude about yourself and others will change. And, you will, in effect, become te person you want to be provided you initially change to the cdrrect environment pe.i story about yorseH person yoti want to tk m BMKJSh HBeSKPnPP9 B MusBHHSKBSuH 'IwBWBfEBBJiMf arums; be!g v(riHSiiei'etebiiic1Mif4 life. Yg itiier. Mid to folio Patronize Our Advertisers mi ' f ' 1U BBBImKmIBB, bSUBSS&tBit .o.S . A. it: ff . 71 lasne Stat Zip Cdt Two Yemmf . $is Annually (Save $5) $$ INLY Mail to: Southwest Digest SIO East 23rd Street Lubbock, Texas 79404 3SflH8flBBhH Equal Housing Opportunity Important Information Census Sponsors Purchasers must obtain their own financing for all sales, epiease contact a realtor of your choice to see or bid on any of me properties listed. These properties may contain code violations. HUD reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any Informality or Irregularity In any bids. An earned money deposit equalling 5 percent of the bid amount, not to exceed $2,000 but no less than $500, is required with each offer to purchase. Bid received until 102285, Bid opening 102385 Hanet Group Mead Data Central Mobil Oil Corporation Prudential Foundation iiiwiieeffeeeeeeMeeeeiei Founded in 1925, the National Bar Association (NBA) is ihe nation's oldest and largest organization consisting primarily 01 black v National Bar Association, Inc., 1773 T Street, N.W. Washington,' D.G. 20009 ELIGIBLE FOR FHA MORTGAGE INSURANCE AS IS, NO WARRANTY . OFFERS WILL BE ACCEPTED . BACK-U- P LUBBOCK SALE PRICE FHA CASE NO. - r ADDRESS " r' u. i 'MAXIMUM MORTGAGE OWNER OCCUPT. $28,150.00 9121 Belton LEGAL L354, UNIVERSITY PINES, Lubbock County, TX $27,300.00 9701 Canton Avenue $39,450.00 LEGAL; L 427, UNIVERSITY PINES, Lubbock County, TX $30,250.00 $59,600.00 3604 46th St. LEGAL; L 32, MURRYHILL, Lubbock County, TX 494-- 1 1 2427-20- 3 $55,950.00 .321 3 84th St. $57,100.00 03 i yetr ehre, TfrtHBrieBMM Be Counted With Your Colleagues Across The And Across Town By Calling Today! F (n wW fee), 1 & Born into slavery in 1.74)7 on the estate 6f a wealthy Dutchman in New York, this woman becarpe a famous evangelist' and abolitionist. Sh was released from slavery in 1828 and moved to New York City with tier son and daughter, where she joined a preaching mission and an ovangelical community. At the agepf 46, she took to the road, teaching God's word and 11, Receive a complimentary subscription to the NBA Bulletin, which covers topics and issues of interest to you. Receive an invitation to be listed m the first National NBA Membership Directory, an networking tool for today's black attorney. P ntm dantw Ym f;am fe organize yojr life w ioiH i ferine rfOO Become a part of a computer-base- d network of over 1 1,000 black lawyers in 50 states. the Mali wfth riw wii be Never itiiss another issue. you will: '" the riier. Missed Your Digest Lately??? through October 31, 1985. By calling the Census Hotline, attorneys. the infttveiniU in the gwe preeenttd r this )d Qther cdkme to tfo f this iscrtant ptiftit Wftst hecpsnsln aM with rtaemter yourself is yow lib essentially si your hands. After receivics advicefrM either!, yoe must make the wiimak decision about whether or net to accept it only ml tM 1 Chrytler Corporation Clorox Corporation wy of your room, listen to the reccrdinfi at least mm each 4) In tk d?y (mare often, if you teirf .) Try to reisx and allow yourself to drsam. Visualize yow success. Picture tlwm in vow mind's ea. With your eyes knagine that yw are locking i z movie of yottrcelf doinj DdlcatR yourself to dreamed of everything that yon m mree moflins weaxs wee lisiMAf w the taee daily fer at nast Nationwide Census Of Black Attorneys h if yew iwn annwr. i ell 9 if yen were a ranwis ftev!ie doing terrific thififs; realizing yow yw. nofss. mtim ki&atod rift P Sifthw.t Mat rMcaMtlrlMctJwaytiiMy(hiAnei. Ml MNarrate as m Sm ?, 17. ttet yoi pi The National Bar Association Is Launching A Historic Anheuwr-BtneCompanies Burger King CorpatMion Wken yee H.m, cannet fy?kaN mm ywr iwaat that you rmtfc in a MtatWe ferejet the toot it sitwitM tin wen Motive it mate yet.) Ym mtsst s!kW iff 1) Get a pencil and tuft psychically. Here's what like to he or to do. record 2) Write dewn wrythikf 'utf yan n 31 f sjuirt rcom, record hreke a stars; for to the saar jo Lit w aisi sUMtkm. DmI lets mm sienctKr the vieet Yw art advfci mi ywr wwm seme (Ift Black Attorneys Stand Up And Be Counted September ft fan mmm m tWt) your !2dt Ji pifctty ai tk by Jf " Are yc Mtoppy with cmkn tMt yi lift is takiog? it veil art, life's program. Devil mw kjictSvK. Dtcria wktyw rtfafeR yer DOPING" p &4My arwri Mfttvt m&l m tkn. 6ntitr ThurMtey. KJ IfeelGood Asn Gold! . ii In Your Naomi Sims 03 03 ' $53,550.00 lubbock County, TX Gold Collection Wig LEGAL; L 152 POTOMAC PARK, For a wig that truly feels a pprt of you and makes you feel prettier, LEGAL; L 257-- more confident oil day, every day choose one of the exciting styles from the Naomi Sims. Gold collection. Every wig in the Gold collection is lighter, more comfortable, natural-lookin- g and easier to mart-agethanks to Naomi Sims exclu"Ultra-Light- " construction. sive features collection And the Gold a wide variety of elegant, sophisticated stylesjSJuitable4or Black women of all ages.vailable at fine department stores and 1 ' wig shops. Write for our free Naomi Sims Gold brochure. LEGAL; L 109 UNIVERSITY PINES, Luhbock County, TX THE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES ARE AVAILABLE TO PURCHASE ALL CASH, AS ISj NO WARRANTY LUBBOCK 9508 Belton $28,150.00 S27.300.QO UNIVERSITY PINES, Lubbock County, TX 03 A. Replat of Lta 2709 92nd 254-2G- 8, $28,150.00 03 2909 2nd Street LEGAL; Us 9 &' 10, $19,950!00 9, MADDOX ADDITION, Lubbock County, TX 21 02 37th St. LEGAL; L 1 0 B 1 , McSPADDEN , -- . 03 B $27,300.00 S22,80O;OO 03 SD of L 4 & E2 of L 1 B 6 ALTA VISTA ACRES, a SD ' of NW4 of Section 1 0, b B, Lubbock County, TX . 494-- 1 21 508-50- 3 2111 27th St. LEGAL: L 6 B 72, HIGHLAND HEIGHTS ADDITION, Lubbock County, TX . $1 9.0lob.00 " 3222 Colgate LEGAL; L 13 $9,950,00 B1 , McMILLIAN HEIGHTS ADDITION, Lubbock Coumy. TX 6312 27th St. XEGAL; L 19, RIDGEWOOD ADDITION, Lubbock County, TX 1 91 5 : $27,075,00 494-- 1 20796-2073rd St. 324, BEVERLY HEIGHTS ADDITION. Lubbock County, TX 3022 E. 3rd LEGAL: E 57.5' of L 1 , B 1 1 , BOZEMAN HEIGHTS, Lubbock County, TX $34,057.00 2908 Beech Avenue LEGAL: L 271, MANHATTAN HEIGHTS, Lubbock County, TX $12,950,00 3 LEGAL: L $10,950,00 03 03 . ' 2411 46th St. LEGAL; L 4, DOLLIE MAC, a SD of $30,400.00 L 2 B 28. CRUMP 5 ACRE ADQN., Lubbock County. "TX 1928 E.Auburn $13,300.00 03 LEGAL: L 366, MACKENZIE TERRACE ADDN., Lubbock County, TX $13,300.00 3220 1st St. $14,950,00 LEGAL: L 15 B 10. McMILLAN HEIGHTS ADDN., Lubbock County.5PX Dari Wig 2S21 PARKWAY DRIVE LEGAL: L 150 WILSHIRE PARK ADDN., Lubbock County, TX 3102 48th SJ. LEGAL: L 20 B ' 1 1 HULIN HEIGHTS ADDITION, Lubbock County, ' it $42460Qi00 ' T . Trtnd -- 1012 BriKi way Lubbeck. THE FCH.LOW1NG PROPERTIES ARE AVAILABLE TO PURCHASE ALL OA9H. AS IS, HO WARRANTY Bf.OWNFIELO 763-110- 6 Tixat HUD mom DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING ' AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT cd)ec mm j HUD FHA 12K TEXAS AVEKHE IK-743-72- " "" - ' 7S LUBBOCK, TEXAS Tlf " 784II-4-I- S3 A f if 1 1, Swrtfcwist dint ThykHiy, Oltow 17, 1M6 a o A:j OBSEQUIES Mrs. Vlo!a Jactooit Scott 4th Annual Men's Day set At Lyons Chapel Outreach J Prayer Breakfast 77ie I Ifttare it S lifers wA n mr Smarms Fmk 32 ym nav him pi jim mn Lefs wlk by ftlthts way of Ufa" (Dont give up. You an on the brink of a TsupjM ej( t9w Mtnttc IflHHB BBaBBBflaBiBBBBflBBBBfjBBBBBBBBBBcEgB JtJ ttti pvW WIWHi gfjgjMBHEB iVHIre wiM mv mwi iQieBBeiww Mm ttAitt wriif rirfcawl tt tAB Baptist Churth, 1704 East 24th Street Sunday, October selscte 13, 1965 - daughters Alma McCaleb, Mary Kyser and Emma White, all of Houston, Funeral services were held for a longtime resident of Lubbock, was arranoements with interment being held in Peaceful Krs. Gardens Cemetery. Jackson Viola Thursday afternoon, in charcie Scott, October 10, at 130 p. m. Saturday, October 41985 after a Mrs. Scott died at the Hew Hope Baptist 1985 Church with Pastor S. C. Nash brief illness. She is Jamison & Son Funeral Home by a &tr, AtoSaHyXaMYriMjiH; 10-17-- We Thank God For Jesus Colorado Arizona; Colorado; one Idohlia Johnson Pny" Mfflear the word of the Lord, ye children of Israel: FprJhe Lord hath a controversy (quarrel) with the Inhabitants (people) of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land. By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood (violence) toucheth blood. Lord, this U.S.A. used to be the land of love, our Rosea have let it become the land of blood. little that wasn't handled, is all it toolclEven in our churches) 1 Corinthians 5:6 Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven (sin) leaventh the Lord, that devil, known one-eye- d as T.V.s, Harry Stokley, Sparks, James Jackson, Ulysses Kelly, Willie Blocker and PHillip Glaspie. Ffower bearers were the W.M. A and Deaconess of New Hope Baptist Church. Honorary flower bearers were kneel and pray. Luke 18:16, Jesus said, "Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for such is the Kingdom of God." Lord, we used to sing and praise your name, now we glory in ourselves, and that's a shame. 2 Chronicles 7:14- - The Lord said, "if my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked (sinful) ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Lord, we've allowed homosexuality to become the law, but you destroyed 'Sodom and Gomorrah' telling them 'naw.' Lord, we've allowed abortion on a 14 year old at her will, but In Exodus 20-1"Thou shalt not kill." Stokely, Mrs. Ervin Sparks, Mrs. Roberta B. Thompson, Mrs. Ruby Adams Jackson and Mrs. Vera St. James Baptist 5&9-11- - All ye beast of the field, come to devoar, yea, all ye His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are are all dumb dogs. They cannot bark: sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber. Yea, they are gmedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shephers that cannct understand: they fall look to their own way, every one for his own gain, easts in the fwest irom ws quarter anniversaary.j Lord? we're not preaching the kingdom of Heaven is at hand, And we see our children running wild, in this sin-sic- k land. Matthew 16:2-3- - Jesus said; "When it is evening, ye say, it will be fair weather: for the sky is red. And in the morning, It will be foul weather today; for the sky is red and lowering. O'ye hypocrites, ye can discern (understand) the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?" "Brothers and sisters, are we better at being wheather men and women???" Luke 14:34-35- Jesus said; "Salt Is good: M if the sal It is neither fit for the land, nor yet for the dunghill (dumpground); but men cast It out. He that hath ears to hen, let him hear. ed ly Writ fey My Lord Rev. 1 jews Christ ur YowfctrCkiit Merri W m Always m item Mteitf Uiim af t. rrayer Reqoeet, At 1, Box 764, Lubbock. Texas W a 79401 North Ave. F everyone on this beautiful day. &m an cAiMr8fti eisri fho see and enjoy as His children, here at the whose motto is: The Church where everybody is Church somebody. Our '' Reverand Arthur Kelly, Pastor Sister Annie Bates Gilbert- Aid ttafl 3fi K wi khI Wp yn tint ffYHWikJi fro Baaf irf ttl 2 iaW MfJ Ovt wl IfVRi 99 mdmfffm w Jin. aaaatttaaviN Mb SieUr ifttl Ht tfcwi favlC3 1afa ffJBMrt akMABjaj SalvTiiMteErvk QwftKtiavlliiteiJ ii ik if &tit M 0 know sll nircy, you end see ell. Have mercy on these km af Mr. mi Mts. Nntf, 2132 East 3M Sfnt IMI tan. kaa imMiM Cal Con'tonPageB "Yes, we are open!!" LMti Mttttfi. Qirietir the subjectlmmorality on weakens the Body of Christ, which was taken froml Corinthians 63-2The key verse was "But ye are washfdt but ye are sanctifiad,M ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the spirit of 17X5 0. our God; 1 East Broadway v - t 763-50- 6 ' "We AreNotSlo'secHv Corinthians 6:11. Baptist Church are celebrating the 41st Church Anniversary. Members are asking their many Christian friends to come and help will 17 thru 20. Thursday continue services October Matthew 25:1-10- Our 1 Temple. The morning delivered message was by Pastor Kelly who spoke from the Book of Isaiah. He used the entire 53rd Book from them to celebrate. The great attendance at their post of duty and enjoying a good lesson. The morning worship devotion was led by Deacon Burleson and Deacon A C Smith. Deacon Smith Our usual found everyone St which he took his text'! his usual maimer, Paster, Kelly edified the Lord and lifted our m. sotild is theme The Together." Scripture p. m;. "Working I with Dinner will be served Sunday afternoon, immediately following the services. is pastor, The at 3601 Railroad church is located Avenue. , "God bless each of ,you is our prayer," said Rey. Lang. iMiiirl Faat sermon. this week are Sistecs Lizzie Milo and Sirhwa Steel; Brothers Harry TrueWood, fiathniel Wilson and Joe Hackett, whe are in Golta Plains Care Center. Sick at home is Sister Delia Smith, Elizabeth lies, Emma Griffin and Annie Mae Taylor. Please continue to pray for their speedy recovery. shut-In- s The Spiritual Soul Seekers and Lufeteiek's Have . SERVICE NIGHTLY AT a very spiritual Our sick and Lag 0 Corinthians 33. Rev. Kado 14-2- n and Sunday afternoon at 100 p. at 7:30 evening beginning OCTOBER Find No Fault In Him' wasJtfs subject-I- Wsntfers rendered Spiritual beautiful song service for the Junior Choir ertfram You who not preeent missed a were t JONATHAN GORDdN aBaaaaBaaaafeBU. .bbbbbbbbbbbbW BBBBBBBBVaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBB EVANGELIST aaGPHlBBBBBBB VBBBBBBBaHr , ''BbBBBBBBBBBBp MISSIONARY PASTOR OF ft" SHBkflBBHSilBBBBlHBBBBBB r saUaaW : CORNERSTONE BAPTIST CHAPEL MILFORD. OHIO iHBeBBBBBi ry m,. BBbBBiP BBBBBBBn, rBahV. ' BKBBB Jamison & Son Insurance FUNDAMENTAL BIBLE BAPTIST CKURGH - 8$ Insurance No Medical from 40 to Bf$ years. Graduating benefits. Premium stay the same. Example: S3,eo the irsv year increases to $3,24 secanrf year; s3,4o third year and $24 each year thereafter. For more information call; Jamison C Son 'Funeral Home j (80&) r go y 1522 East Main, .-- 747-373- 1532 EAST 19TH ST. LUBBOCK, TEXAS mmti$ W. BAKER, fiHSSIONiiy 1 sUbbock, Texas 7943. ro 7624347. With Dignified Personal Service was lesson kUtar aid 747-73- 26 - Reporter Sunday Call either kMc Iviri SOUTH PLAINS FUNERAL HOME. INC. FUNERAL DIRECTORS to the glory of God from tneir hearts and sould. to 1 wery Ittsj tken wAy aw Ike GifatiaN. Mitt if Sm HftjtCuil 0' The Lord man this day for us ska Nit aafi LMdbMrFSter.ihfsrldwHI Reverend Tom Collins extend an blessing. They really sang ISs W vf6 invitation to you. We extend Holy Greetings to P. O. Box 1223, Lubbock, Texas 7940$. Pastor sent up prayers to Heaven during the altar call, while the choir sang praises to let us know that God is still in his Holy St James of The members -- has tact his Savour (fiaveriftf pwfcr), wferewith shall it be seaisnn7 att tflJI R frTWI r tH Urd H Robert Giddens, assistant treasurer Leroy Hicks, and Pastor Post Texas read Church Anniversary 3, Isaiah & Cmn Mrs. A. W. Wilson, Mrs. Florenza Teaches our children what to believe. They believe in gods like cars, women, money, lite beer, robbing and raping. The T.V. is a pornographic magazine. Christians let's march on our T. V.s, then East 14th mm Wttl VTfV flRV laM JVv win CilM flaWatt jcfleVI president, L V. Andrews; program chajrman, Joe Collins; treasurer, Pleasant Home fisws haVl H idNtto.HisaidaaXaiiH occasion of whole lump. Nash, pastor of New Horace step-so- n, Li ml Sate look bad. tas Urf zM H. Sirp Lyons Chapel to attend this great step- Lord, sin is everywhere you look, A to memuers, you don't have to be a member of President, Howard McCoo; vice two sons -CFrancis of Denver, and Sam Scott of one C. EatUr, According by Brother Aid Wlt ejiael nry.lrfaMlSM ttof Bapist Church, will dtHver the sermon. 4 Scott of Richmond, Texas; nine eleven grandchildren, great ten great great grandchildren, grandchildren, and many other relatives and friends. Active pallbearers were Deacons and Trustees of New Hope Baptist Church. Honorary Pallbearers were Ervin directed Rev. S. Texas; George Francis, "Lord, The Christians of The U.S.A. Need To leaders, larence I Samuel Curtis. The theme for the program will daughter, Men Love the Peter 2:17. Choirs will sing All Lyons Chapel at 230 p. m. Denver, Honor Brotherhood." wk aatft eaMHMaV Outreach Prayer breakfast end Project Bleu-in- g. SiiRwa7,liriarii;iupAwii 31frftiMicLilt,ldiffriiit he . WAmmS fit? aPwai ey ci fMft4 Tiliw, Simr Inn, mi 11 fllaa mwi hm 0 The 4th annual Men's Day will convene at the Lyons Chapel Gftrfe miracle.) 0kM fjpMf, IftSaftft Lmra Ijffdi, toft Ispb Bf bbbbbbbbbbV anataj S eeww tettel mntmi 5BbLH9LB Ail n sitfl av wn jot akilejtt 3lat art wbifs ym fas Ml Mtfl III JtJi tad jfts on ict fiii bt 9m StUtae"eimaiditaiMil Pwej Tw iWrtbi W5 IvW ) j MTiimieErvitTReifKt JbPbHbbBr11 1 W$ JW, On JW wm TL AhrKs SmnN. Aftis tfc elepctiM tBH tmllng oowtr. asking in faith mo beliovlng your word. Thank you. Lord, in the nam of Jesu$.AMN tawgtk? the First Sitorto tlw MfMii BffH $twfcv, Sctefcw 12, tfiS, at MHH s m ImMIm caM BjaoUart lew destroyer. And 3kfc$ you to relets your fti to to 4 mtd vs k the rmm of Jesus wo bind the 744-5B- B4 : MHCiU ,Lf rimt TRirur KIEV carl T1Hl.--u TUV .M MMUBHH&li 3T mi 17 HUNTFT' 'r MJLnft wr Mauoaf JsBBpSEi rtTIHSTf L,5 HI - I R,rWF' .iKAVE.t.a' BUY SALE TRADE MaleFemale Pharmacies JOB FOR With the ml Ext. l Ith Street 2 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER" 4$1 METHODIST rtqjrding Information plomnt cm opoorrunitirt MlhoJ,it H UI I' nuy TQvlltippo'lvmlj or 1 1978 Olds 08018881 1981 Fairmont 4 door MatiagerfHTntHBamultant 743-33- 52 A Equal Opportunity Employer 5m DRINKING AND DRIVING -- $4,995.00 $2,150.00 . Caprock Shopping , jludqock, lextu '1974 Mustang 1974 Cadillac. 006762.3612 EDDIE P. RICHARDSON Support Black Business $500.00. DAVID BVsrplamitdMlKjyingfctr.NOW 38th fit Lubbock, Texas Appreciate Black Business Avenue H Phone " We Finance 744-72- 1 Achiever! mm Lubbock. Texas concrete animals, and various water fountains. Hi THtS PtHUCATKN PUEAM CONSIDER THAT THEY ARE THKJIE FOR Physician - Doctor ANO Rat villi " "I iKfarmatlaRj Llaa I 72 Tiant a : 1 Trafton Cox Trafton Cox Apartments Bd. room with privffidges. kitchen $60.00pdrmonth.2310 Date Avenue. Men only! For information, call Jlmmie Thomas, 765-934- 5. Call ' W statewide 765-818- Jacks 9 rTTrrrinirininiyirBnfTriririr (WEEKLY NEWSRAPER 'vym igontn rwvnfn ntP'11 phvh i i 'i twrti v P rvi r w mn nnm inr m. Subscribe Today! City . . When you want your business cards, letterheads and office stationery to look its best, you can rely on us for top quality .work at reasonable rates. Our representatives wilJ be happy to advise you and to disclPSs vour job at , . . Amount Enclosed 510East23raStraet Mail to: Lufckftck, Southwest Digest 5X9 East 3rd Street Lubbock, Texas 7944 t5. per year 'Z3t.eo year Ttxas BMCK vMEDM INCX i Effort For . i"; Southwest Digest' State , . . Zip Code k, ; your convenience. nt South Plains Association eS Govern ments oSEices at 3424 Avenue H, Texas. The SPAG offices are open from S AM to 5 PM, Monday through - ' Address pr-cureme- ofessional Pr inting Residence hard for you Printing 8.23 OCT'79 Name Sit Business Prs-Wi- re opportunities should check the bulletin board in the Economic Development Department of the Friday. & Far Rant Lub-boc- Art You A Subscribe?? cost want concrete animals, and various water fountains. 7729 West 19th Street Fountains Plus : The Black Press J I Guardian Of Human Risrhts Low Installation Rates On: UUi Public Notice Persons interested $25.00. WERE? Ovvnirs: i Him D. The Compound ii baihs decorations, HMSTAICEM Strset, Suite 700 New Office Lawn mom " LOOKIHQPOn urn Bird WHEN "jbO CAM Services SOME KOMJE ARC ALWAYS Damon H. Hill, Jr. M. WUMT Piion APtMTOtC. CVERYONC, 3 lls.'f!!!!!?-1'- 7725 West 19th Street IT.&T. WE PtWLMH ftOfcUTHtMQ POR 793-07- $25.00. Service F1NP EVERYTHING IN 1) (806) 2202 - A Ithaca Avanua Lubbock, Texas 79410 baths Lawn decorations, W 1) Family Practice Bird Air ConditioningHosting 744-477- 8 non-complian- ce i Urban Renewal of Lubbock has lots for sale. Contact the office 1 or by calling 911 going by the office at 10th Street. Misc. Fountains Plus Lubbock Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, or handicap in the employment of personnel, noi in the admission, treatment, or counseling of students in the educational programs or activities of the school system; nor does it knowingly place students In any situation where such discrimination exists. with this Any complaint about (747-264Madrid to Ralph Mr. may be policy made for personnel matters, or to Mr. Bill Parker (747-264for student matters. 1622 10th Lotsl. Um( FtrSiifl! 762-641- 4 Heating This is to notify all parties concerned that the Former Address 747-297- IVORY Prohibition of Discrimination -- U 5301 South Avenue Drive Airconditioning & Heating MEN'S DEPARTMENT 1 ViM Oldsmobile, the. ii S0WELL 785-887-9 - BILL RAVEN" Thank God every morning when you get up that you have something to do which must be done, whether you like it or not. Being forced to work, and forced to do your best, will breed in you a hundred virtues which the idle never know. Charles Kingsley Ltl 61 Any Person Can Be An 'West, Texas Leading Olds Dealer FRIENDSHIP Komi: , Sales M & M Auto They are Black and Proud They Shop ith Msrchanfs who pnone 79Z-71- t $400.00 "Z ifytutavf ii She fattf CAN KILL A 1 CASH ONLY!! yaxatira. P.O. Box Mens Clothing $ 2.095.00 : 1860T-Blr- d itfc got to be good. 53.3Q5.00 $2,505.00 $2,095.00 , .$3,195.00 1979 Lincoln Town Car Ananrtii tmpl. , 980 LTD .....4 door. 1 970 LTD 4 door E. P, RICHARDSON ASSOCIATES Call If it's Borden, HOWS 4,995.00 ISBOT-BIr- d 0 7S5-75S- 9BZ LTD Crown ... $ 5.095.00 1 4 ft 765-531- 1 Professional Services General Hospital. b bUmtd 6r tilling 793-418- 1719 Avenue A For more information regarding employment opportunities at Lubbock HOSPITAL Lowest Interest Rates in West Texas! Come by and see!! Store Hours Mon. - Sat. 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. Swsiitays 9 a.m. to 5 p.ssi. 7622444 motion contact: Personnel Office 4000 Everyday and Seasonal CALL For employment infer 792-681- 2, 7.5 APR "Greeting Cards" Cily of. Lubbock St. Mary of the Plains Hospital & Rehabilitation ( enter I CAVSELS PHARMACY INFORMATlOr 'Dairy Products o For Sale RoJocoHnf ftm And And AcHoe: 762-46- 05 i wore IT LOOKS IMPORTANT wuATfrMA l Article kor WHAT DOES I --- n tT SAY CAN'T i TELL YA ) m Jem mymmtt wn& ?f ) jo jo r '7 enf ubuMnUy.- - tm ww rv Jo'utt 10: !0. tfrt0 Sti Pg 4 SeN9H QStiTBIir SHI IS st f NOP IT TOP I J CAUSE I DON'T KNOW HOW TO READ J Imsme VP9 PAOK V3KMt pit 9s ii fAlfeHiitCIS yw eMAMM to ramf KJINNI'dUl Stops find both OME THE tn) iast JPiiKE CJGiBff TT JiP5 i9&&9 mtbejr MLUB&i JiNiTS - EAST LMilOeK! MHi Si TlflP IS YMAY fcejpn tfci .... iPERMSPS & Continued from Page 3 tive" focus on illiteracy remediation deals with the images of our business persons and professionals by encouraging priority support to them, to our churches, to our newspapers, to our schools and all other institutions. Our sorority also is firmly committed to A01P because of AOIP's philosophy of all of us doing as much as we can for ourselves before asking others for a deserved helping hand. It is our media especially our newspapers and The ADVANCER that help us see reality more clearly and provide incentives for us to think and act more responsibly for ourselves. In this regard, we need the enlightenment and assurance of the kind of "can do" attitude which we can get most often through our own media as a complementary enlightening and addition to our other informative mass media and our textbooks which understandably doand will continue to cater to the felt needs of our majority population which is White. AOIP-participati- self-realizi- support finftiMi Workshop All gospel nK'KtaR, vocalists, directors, ctoir presidents and interested Attention! parties. be a three day. There will Gfel (Mr Worktop iMgiMing m Nevftffitor Octet 31 East Lubbock's Image! ttawfR 2,1913, at tin Mi Olive laftist in The will Workshop be by gospel recording CGftftcted artist, Alvin Pope, Minister of Musk at the Calvary Church of Goa In Christ, Fort Worth, Texas. will cover He voice, choir decorum, piano organ and orientation and chord structure. A satcial feature will be local niKkiafiS, Timothy weatheer-sisoIvan Shumate, Wilson R, laWwin and Ray Taylor! On NevtfRbtr 2, final rehersal will beheld Hipt Baptist Church, where 20-Mar- ch At &00 pm, there wiH be a will be $5.00 pr person Co er. Please tart Emilia D. We are expecting Continued from Page petitioned President Grant for land in the Midwest to found a Negro state. She lived in Battle Creek, Mich., until her death in 1883. Who was Sojourner that lady? $7.99 $8.99 $8.99 $9.89 $7.99 $8.99 $3.99 $4.99 $7.99 $7.99 lett tophi to 1mm Tfens tMJtt Ytvf "We Carry SuriM Penty Hkb NPW 6APRY VBNP8 PE PM&JP Coco Buttr Cmm $4.50 Cnm Bmsty Shop -- 13.50 Hfd And Body Lotion - $4$) Cocoa Buttr Lotion - $4.50 Skin Tom Cmm - $4.50 Chp Pricss So 0PP0RTUNITYAFFIRMA AVE ACTION You Cannot Afford To WaH UnW Next 1001 QMlrt AvMHJt (8N) and CM" WE has an immediate NBC-- I - All si: NBC-I- - UMwck, TtXKi 741-01- 32 I $140.00 per day (or the first 10 days $160.00 per day thereafter to 76th day. NO LIFETIME MAXIMUM ON NUMBER OF DAYS EXTENDED BENEFITS . Lubbock, Texas Call 4 762-900- No appointment War, she unsuccessfully $11.99 $10.95 $10.50 B&B Super Gro EMPLOYER." " HOSPITAL 1912 Avenue Q 5 6 World Of Curls Activator $4.50 World Of Curl Molstorizer Spray $5.50 LeKair Super Gro Original $10.50 LeKair Super Gro Light Formula $io.50 Cancir and Specified Disease Insurance Plan Mama Delia is availalilNe, to you. arguing for the abolition of slavery. After the Civil had Price Price $10.49 $11.99 $11.95 Regular & Super Right On Instant Moisturizer Right On Wet Look Connie's Activator Spanish Sur Gro mmSCMpMB EMPLOYMENT Reg. Lustra Curl opening for a PAINTERFURNITURE REFINISHER. Require minimum of three years experience and a high school or equivalent education. Work involves preparation of surfaces for painting and refinishing office furniture, cabinets, shelves, table tops and other furnishings. Apply: Texas Tech University Personnel Office, Drane Hall - room 143. "EQUAL tOtt With Optional Intensive Care Rider NBIC-8- 3 - NO AGE LIMIT ON CANCER COVERAGE , Available to Individuals and Families Family Coverage Includes unmarried children under age 21 or 23 if fulltime student. This describes a Hospital, Surgical, Medical Insurance Policy Form NBC limited to Cancer and listed Specified Dreaded Diseases only, and should be viewed as a supplement to your present Health Insurance. 1912 AvinuaQ voices. Don't you miss out! who wrote along CtSPPPNto 88JppS TTU BUILDING MAINTENANCE ge SASE: 15O-20- 0 fiff Are you giving to God first? Are you giving to God His due? Tube .through your church or tcmple,ueach week. SUPER SALE! 919 REAULY IPA tapM MP Pet aaB4 R Had I a thousand hearts to give, Lord, they should all be thine. Sale Opportunity Thursday into Friday may find you personally concerned around money matters or your present job position, Wait for Saturday before attempting anything of long-ranconsequence. The next several days after that looks rather mild. 689. Love-Blen- Peoples at 7653623. p m within J - UmSKM 1 the plate bfhls abode, He brings my tfearyJSel Shoivs me the glories of my God, And makes my joys complete. to the Brim and running over. That is the kind of abundant life God gives. ancient Hebrew Continued from Pago life To heaven, filled PprW JPL 20 Rev. Maes Choir Cencert Registration and s. King David mfrj ' Among the JoW ofmerit Fairer & hie Ihm all te falt That fill the heavenly train. somt thing of this ense, and so one of them could write: "iVly cup rupneth over." God wants our cups to be M fiwd NNiffS wy Nash is Pastor. S with WCT Mi4ry waen we T 9P vMSH AQUARIUS January 19 If you've been waiting for one of those kind of weeks to do or expect something exceptional, this one is it. Start-tin- g Wednesday, the momentum should build like a crescendo until Saturday evening. This is definitely the period to take charge of your life for best results. 764. PISCES February psalmists fcaL-sr-fe 22-Janu- She is French Creole and born in Louisiana. She has the prayer to turn on the Tower of Power to pass your message to Jesus. She can help in anything! Everything you want done, i. e. financial blessings, in love, marriage, nature, drugs, alcohol, job, business, law suits, health problems of any nature. She will help remove bad luck, evil, voodoo of any kind and guarantees it will never return. Send $1.00 for The Special d Incense. Also carry Love Dressed Candles, Money Ritual Kits and Herbs of all kind. Send a at iOOpjn atthefiew mtffriM Wnl IWV 20 Without exaggeration, you can look forward to a very rewarding weekend, personally and financially. Say yes to all potential offers or possibilities at this time. You're not likely to go wrong if you do. And the nice pan of it is you have nothing to stand in your way but yourself. 227. CAPRICORN-Decm- ber Mama Dells Slatoc, Texas, wkere Rev. C Peofks is the Pastor. Ctwrch Wednesday, in addition to Thursday, is cosmically indicated as a very favorable period foraany major accomplishment or task. Even after the weekend especially leading into Monday, think in terms of expanding on your present conditions. 185. The Wiih Since from his bounty I receive Such proofs nf love divine, They will find supreme joy in everything that touches life with wholeness, growth, success, fulfillment, peace, plenty, and God wants us to be alive. 3. God wants us to be and to have o.nly the very best. Some translations of this text in John 10:10 use the words "to the full" in the place of the word "abundantly." God-likenes- mOPPCX( m Creator's part of others. Isbjs No motlul V6h ourselves, and so to. grow in that kind of full, complete, or "abundant Ufc.1 humaneness in each mistake on their own part or on the 99 MLUCS? JPMTMI Afl6Sf4lejpj humor prsucber his sermons and iiymn writer sf repute. His hyiitn or prayer poem "Majtlc sweetness sits c6nvtis a much" needed message of how Goid wills for al of us to see the 2. God wants us to be dlive! Those who receive God's gift of "life to thr full" are joyous. "As solemn as life is for all of us at times, those who live abundantly will find life's fun. They will Sprt SftiVS m our sfghl, iS&l fcfigss fat !b us with HfJ loving tuA pr6 tectivc care. He glv'ci vii room co try our own wings and to test Him if care. ePB mm add wire publisltsd. H; wa also a post' tilaa? of we will. But He is arways rhere, teaching out to us. We are never beyond His sta It teiH IUm otfwl is mBBBi "nre it Arw Stfe, rtmtfkabtt IMA? ConUnusd frmn NOT0 enshrw.ed. I wheri sccminf to bt bevflrit! (WHY Mufasttc sweetMJs sits n'ecessary OPEN 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Beginning with the 76th day of continuous confinement, 100 of the usual and customary hospital charges with NO MONTHLY MAXIMUM without anyreduction for claims, previously paid until discharge from the hospital In lieu of hospital confinement benefits TRANSPORTATION Customary charge for transportation by air, mil or bus or 1 5c per mile for automobile with a minimum of 50 miles one way, at doctor's direction for the trsatmont not available locally AMBULANCE Customary charge for ambulance expense to or from the hospital where the insured is ad- mltted as a patient GOVERNMENT OR ELEEMOSYNARY HOSPITAL Indemnity of $1 25.00 per day In lieu of all other benefits shown Inji hospital that does not make a charge for the services provided RADIATION AND CHEMOTHERAPY customary charge for Radium, Cobalt and Chemotherapy treatment (in or out of hospital) ANESTHESIA Minimum $22.00, up to $275.00 as outlined in the Schedule of Operations (in or out of hospital) SURGICAL Minimum $120.00, up to $1500.00 as outlined in the Schedule of Operations (In or out of hospital) BLOOD & PLASMA Customary charge paid by Insured (in or out of hospital) Up to $15.00 per day m hospital for physician olher than surgeon PHYSICIAN NURSING SERVICE Up to $40.00 per day in hospital as required by the attending physician for R.N. or LP.N. PROSTHESIS Customary charge for breas prosthesis (artificial breast) , IN addition o all other benefits, an Indemnity equal lo 10 MISCELLANEOUS of the total claim paid EXTENDED CARE FACILITY BENEFIT $50.00.per day for a period equal to the period of Hospitalization. Benefits are payable whoa hospital confinement exceeds 7 days and extended care confinement begins within 14 days from discharge from hospital HOME RECOVERY $150.00 per week $21 .43 per day, equal to the period of hospitalization. Benefits are payable wnen hospital confinement exceeds 7 days There are other p' is available. The amount of benefits provided depends on the Insurance plan you select. Premiums will vary with the amount of benefits you choose. NO MONTHLY MAXIMUM OR LIFETIME MAXIMUM NO LIFETIME MAXIMUM NO LIFETIME MAXIMUM NO LIFETIME MAXIMUM. NO LIFETIME MAXIMUM NO LIFETIME MAXIMUM ON NUMBER OF OPERATIONS NO LIFETIME MAXIMUM ON NUMBER OF OPERATIONS NO HO HO NO NO MAXIMUM MAXIMUM MAXIMUM MAXIMUM MAXIMUM NO LIFETIME MAXIMUM NO LIFETIME MAXIMUM each day of hospital confinement, in lieu of 'all other benetits shown, as a result of; Sickle Cell Anemia. Poliomyelitis, Encephalitis. Tularemia, Rabies, Tetanus, Tuberculosis, Osteomyelitis. Meningitis. Diphtheria, Small Pox, Scarlet Fever, Typhoid Fever, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy. Such diseases muet be diagnosed on or after the 30th day foHowing the date For Truth LIFETIME LIFETIME LIFETIME LIFETIME LIFETIME MONTHLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION PREMJUMS POlirv n.i $.G8 of application. BENEFIT CANCEfl:rHospital per day $140.00 1st 10 days, $.160.00 per day to 76th day CANCER: Hospital per day $100.00 1st 10 days. $120.00 per day to 76th day CANCER: Hospital per day $60.00 1st 10 days. $60.00 per day to 76th day ... , FAMILY Ste.OO . 13,00 id,60 W4ii;lll;KcW.II.lsl.i BENEFITS PAYABLE JN ADDITION TO BASIC POLICY For intensive Care or Coronary Care Unit in hospital. Covers all sickness and accidents 1st day of cov-rafor accidents and 2nd day coverage for ANY SICKNESS oiher than heart condition, 30 day coverage per hospital confinement separated by 30 days. Available up to age 65 except persons who have had a diagnosed heart condition. Guaranteed renewable to age 70. The rider wM terminate on the' next premium due date following ne 70th birthday of the named Insured in the,PoHcy Schedule. Benefits for 1 UnH (alas avaMable far Vi Unit) INTBNWVE CARk WOEI1: $300.00 per day faeue up to age 65. renew to age 70) INTENSIVE CARE MOER; $15000 per day (iseue up to age 65, renew to age 70) . . INWVlDyAU ' $9,00 6,50 5,30 NO LIFETIME MAXIMUM ge FAMILY 3.00 1,00 tMCHVKXJAL .50. EXEMPTIONS AND LIMITATIONS FOR CANCER AND SPECIFIEDISEASE INSURANCE PLAN sdroi, Trw pofcey pays for lose resuming from carxw. museum dyskophy. HHdpte rxjyeWJs.'twcdphaW. rabies, diphtheria, typhoid fever, osteomyelitis, meningitis, tularemia, ocariet fever, tetanus, sickle ceil anemia, smaH pox. otuberculosis oWy, providing original cNeenoeie as provided In the pofiey oocors more than 30 Pys afer the date of appNcatten. Benefits are not payable for eeemetic er reconstructive surgery. The benefit for blood and plaema not avaHeble if sueh Wood is reeiatied by doners. Private duty nursing is aeveMe ' only fer a "Bue-tirnprivate" R.N. or LP.N. LUBBOCK PO WER & LIGHT 10th m$ Texas Lvh$ox;l$s Only ' e, This brief euine e4 the petoy seeHed fer. Refer te MMn K)e seNoy wmM."'m ae reap te furtfeer pott prevfeienc. wojcare SUPPLEMENTS 763931 Home-dMe- d Utility7 B luUmi Wmm iBBW I I Xitf meMPSMf
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