ST. JUDE CATHOLIC CHURCH BOSSIER CITY, LOUISIANA The Week at a Glance SATURDAY Middle School Canoe Trip September 26 9am-SVdP “Friends of the Poor Walk” Teague Parkway at Barksdale Blvd 10:30am-Rosary 4pm-Confession 5pm-Mass, +Charles Bennett SUNDAY September 27 Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30am-Mass, St Jude Parishioners 9:30am-Coffee & Donuts, K Hall 9:45am-1st Communion Class, A. Bldg 9:45am-RCIA, Rectory 9:45am-Bible Study, Hoppe 9:45am-Pancake Breakfast, K-Hall 11am-Mass, +Benjamin Carino 12pm-Coffee & Donuts, K-Hall 4pm-Contemporary Group Rehearsal 6pm-Mass, + Cindy Shelton 6-9pm-Youth Night 6-8pm-Small Group Leaders, Rectory MONDAY 7-7:15AM-MORNING PRAYER September 28 8am-Card Day, A Bldg 11:30am-Mass,+Charles Bennett 12:00pm-Pastoral Team Meeting TUESDAY 7-7:15AM-MORNING PRAYER September 29 9:30am-Scripture Study, K-Hall 5:30pm-Mass, +Albert Cascio 6:00pm-Weight Watchers, A. Bldg. 6:30pm-Greco Class, K-Hall WEDNESDAY 6am-Men’s Prayer Breakfast, K-Hall September 30 7-7:15Am-MORNING PRAYER 7am-Mass, +Vivian & Harold Laborde 7:30am-Adoration 9:30am-AARP Meeting, K-Hall 5pm-Community Dinner, K-Hall 5:15pm-Ballroom Dancing-A. Bldg 6pm-Chaplet of Divine Mercy 6:15pm-Benediction 6:15pm-GIFT, A-Bldg 6:30pm-Catholic Topics, K-Hall 7:30pm- Song and Prayer, Church THURSDAY October 1 FRIDAY October 2 7-7:15AM-MORNING PRAYER 1-4pm-Canvas Painting, K-Hall 6:30pm-Benton Chapel Group 7:00pm– Feast Day Choir Rehearsal, Church 7pm-Interfaith, K-Hall 7-7:15AM-MORNING PRAYER 11:30am-Mass, +Barry B. Gugliazza 6:30pm-Theology on Tap SEPTEMBER 27,2009 SATURDAY 10:30am-Blessing of the Pets, Courtyard October 3 10:30am-Rosary 4pm-Confession 5pm-Mass, +Charlene Sonnier SUNDAY ST JUDE FEAST DAY October 4 10am-Mass, Feast Day Mass TwentySeventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Under the trees in front of church (Bring your lawn chair) 12pm-Feast Day Activities Spaghetti Dinner, Silent Auction, Bake Sale, Games, Raffle, Games Day on the Grounds, Kids’ Corner, Meet & Greet, Archives Display Notices WELCOME VISITORS: The St. Jude Parish Family welcomes all visitors who are worshiping the Lord with us today. We are glad & honored to have you with us. Please know that the doors of our hearts & church are always open to you. Fr. Pike Thomas MEMORIAL UPDATE! To provide a memorial for altar flowers, bread and wine, or the sanctuary lamp, please contact Mike at the parish office at 746-2508 or e-mail Intentions need to be into the parish office by Monday for the following Sunday’s bulletin. In Memoriam Please pray for the repose of the soul of Jerry Driskell Husband to Barbara Driskell The Altar Flowers at this weekend’s Masses are in loving memory of Nomie & Tena Namie By Elizabeth Namie The Gifts for this week’s Masses are in loving memory of Mau Thi Tran, by Lieu Thi Oi. TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Fr. Pike’s Piques Bingo, Raffle, Silent Auction, Bake Sale, Archives Display – more! Meet and Greet SU, October 11th, 12:30pm Bocce Tourney and Sloppy Joe’s on our Grounds, organized and sponsored by the Sons of Italy. Prizes and refreshments. From Feast Day to Feast Month The St. Jude Ladies Guild truly fulfills its mantra at the annual Feast Day celebration: “All Ladies of the Parish are members of Ladies Guild.” Somehow from the beginning the celebration has carried the “seal of approval” and stalwart leadership of that group at its head. Even though many folk have labored in addition to the members of the Guild, it is they who have provided the initiative, the inspiration and the shape of the event year after year. We “lesser mortals” of St. Jude salute and bless you, Ladies’ Guild, for this remarkable ongoing service to our beloved church! This year, no less than in the past, the Guild has been busily planning, recruiting and leading the charge toward a wonderful day. There is one difference this year: it’s our 45th Anniversary as a parish! That calls for special celebration. So several others have jumped in to surround the gala Feast day with an Octoberfest of activity, leading up to the actual “Feast Day of Sts. Simon and Jude” Wednesday October 28th, on which we will hold a special memorial Mass for all deceased members of the parish over the 45 years of its presence. October will be punctuated with special celebrations, large and small, in our parish, each with intent of “Remembering the Connection,” as the title of our Speaker Series marks. We invite parishioners to celebrate as often as possible a month of joy and hope as we cherish the past and celebrate the future. Here is the schedule of events. Please cut it out and retain it somewhere close at hand, so as not to …….forget: SA, October 3rd at 10am: Blessing of the Animals in the St. Jude Courtyard, to mark the memorial of St Francis of Assisi, everyone’s “favorite saint.” SU, October 4th at 10am: Gala Feast Day Liturgy on the Grounds amid the Trees (bring a comfortable chair), Bishop Michael Duca, presiding; Spaghetti Dinner served immediately afterward Games Day on the Grounds Kid’s Corner (games and activities) FR, Oct 16th 6:30 pm: “Patio Dancin’” and (food) in St. Jude “Front Yard”. Sponsored by the “Theology on Tap” Small Group. Donation requested. SU, Oct 18th 7pm: Msgr. Ronald Hoppe of Alexandria, Pastor St. Jude from 1973 to 1983, 2nd speaker in the “Remember the Connection” series. A wonderful, Spirit-filled, joyful priest. Come and be warmed and regaled by him. SU, Oct 25th, 3pm: The Carlow Choir of Alexandria, 150 voices and a visitor to Carnegie Hall and en route to a tour of Ireland in 2010, will present a concert of sacred favorites. WE, Oct 28th, 6:30pm: Feast of Sts. Simon and Jude, Special 45th Anniversary Eucharist. Oct 30th & 31st: Hayride, sponsored by Food Basket Ministry Oct 31st: Halloween Party in the Refuge’, Sponsored by St. Jude Youth All Month: Special Display of Archives Featuring “Photos Over the Years.” Church foyer. —Fr. Pike St. Jude Mission Statement United in the love of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit, We commit ourselves as a welcoming Catholic Community: To Worship God in Word & Eucharist; To Learn, Live, & Share our Faith; To serve others; and To reconcile with God and one another. ~adopted 2007, St. Jude Pastoral Planning Council ST. JUDE CATHOLIC CHURCH BOSSIER CITY, LOUISIANA Youth Ministry Community Night - Our next community night is Sunday, September 27, after the 6pm Mass. All middle and high school students are invited. Wednesday Night Bible Study—Every Wednesday at 6:00pm in the Refuge. High School Canoe Trip - All High School youth are invited to join us October 10 and 11 for a trip to Camp Arrowhead in Caddo Gap, Arkansas. The cost is only $35 for the entire weekend! See Blake for permission forms, more details, or if you are interested in chaperoning. NCYC - Payments for the National Catholic Youth Conference are due by October 15th. If you've signed up to go, make sure to get the remaining balance covered on time. Souper Saturday - Our next Souper Saturday is October 17th. We'll see you there bright and early at 9:00 AM! Feast Day - Sunday, October 4th, we will be having a feast day celebration here at St Jude. We need you, young parishioners, to help us celebrate this day filled with games. Respect Life Sunday October 4, 2009 The reciprocal love between the Father and the Son is so great that a third Person results from it: the Holy Spirit. By analogy, when husband and wife are united in love, they are able to produce a third person: a child, a fruit of their love. The conception of a child is a reflection of the Holy Trinity, of God himself. “What God has joined together, no human being must separate.” (Mk 10:9) No human being has the authority to separate husband from wife, nor procreation from marriage. Blessing of the Pets Saturday, October 3rd at 10am we will have the Blessing of the Pets in the St. Jude Courtyard. To mark the memorial of St. Francis of Assisi, everyone’s “Favorite saint.” Please make sure you have your pet adequately restrained. SEPTEMBER 27,2009 Discussion Group CATHOLIC TOPICS Wednesdays 6:15-7:30 pm An ongoing discussion group will cover the present day hot topics of our Faith and our Church. Everyone is encouraged to attend and participate. The discussions are every Wednesday at 6:15pm in Kilpatrick Hall, come rain or shine. This week’s topic will be “Between Man & Woman”, Q&A about marriage and same-sex unions. EDUCATION/ GRECO Deacon Freeman Ligon will be offering a “Beginning Sign Language Class” every Saturday Morning from 9 to 10:30am in Kilpatrick Hall. The first class will be October 10th, 11 classes in all with no class Thanksgiving weekend. Two books will be required, “Religious Signing” and “Sign Language Made Simple.” Watch for details. “Introduction of Scripture” Facilitated by Marie Rinaudo Who is the former principal of Cathedral School and an instructor at Loyola Prep, will begin Tuesday, September 29th at 6:30pm in Kilpatrick Hall. This course examines the origins, content and purpose of Sacred Scripture. It exposes how to read, interpret and understand Sacred Scripture from a Catholic perspective. This course is required for catechist and liturgical ministers who wish to be certified. Please pray for our sick and DEACON AINSWORTH JOHN ALBERS ROSE ARTURI JENNIFER BAKER* LYNN BOREL MERLENE BROUSSARD AMY BURFORD VIDA GODERKAUF* JUDY GUERRE MICHELLE GRABSKI CATHY HIDAHL* WAYNE JOHNSON* DICK JONES KATHRYN KEMPER JO JO LEHR PETER MANGUM PATRICIA MARTINEZ* FRANK McARDLE JON McCLURE JOHN NEAL LILY PEDERSOLI* BILL PERRY MELANIE RANKINS* E B ROBINSON MARGARET ROBINSON LISA STERBA CAROLYN VISHNEFSKI NELLIE WITTWER * * Parishioner Relative/Spouse/ Friend Prayers for our sick & homebound will remain on the bulletin for 2 weeks unless you otherwise notify the parish office. TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEAST DAY Come to the Feast!!!! St. Jude Feast Day – Sun., Oct. 4th, 2009 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 10:00 am: Mass on the Green BRING A LAWN CHAIR Bishop Duca will be celebrating the Mass. (Other Sun. Masses cancelled. Sat. 5pm Vigil remains.) 11:00 am: Famous Italian Spaghetti and Meatballs Dinner served until 2:00 (Takeouts available) Large $8 and Small $5 11:00 am-2pm: Games Day on the Grounds Silent Auction Ideas: We need donated items valued at $25 and up. BE CREATIVE!!! If you offer a service or have a hobby that can be turned into an auction item, it will be most welcome. Example: offer a working mother of young children to be “grandma for a day”, teach someone to crochet or give landscaping ideas/help plant flowers, etc. Donate to this worthy event and share your God given gifts! Call Becky Jamroz with your idea at 458-2214 or drop your donation in Kilpatrick Hall. Bingo Prizes: New items valued from $10 to $15 may be dropped off in Kilpatrick Hall. Suggestions: Items for the kitchen, bath, home, garden, tools, etc. Baked Goods: Homemade cakes, pies, brownies, cookies, and breads may be brought to Kilpatrick Hall Friday, Oct. 2 to Sunday, Oct. 4. HELP NEEDED: If you can help with one of the following activities for Feast Day, please contact one of the Committee Chairs: Susan Mason 965-9758 or 470-7381 Sandra Remedies 326-7407 or 347-2230 Patsy Remedies 326 -4216 or 780-2052 Meatball Rolling – Thursday, Oct. 1st from 9am until noon. Feast Day Set Up – Saturday, Oct. 3rd. Stirring Sauce (strong men) – Sunday, Oct. 4th from 7am until noon. Parking Assistance – Sunday, Oct. 4th. Concessions – Sunday, Oct. 4th. Bingo, Bake Sale, and Concessions 11:00 am – 1:30 pm: Silent Auction & Raffle Tickets Prizes include a Gourmet dinner and entertainment from Father Pike & Deacon Larry, plus many more items for home & spiritual life. Noon – 2 pm: Kids’ Corner (games & activities) From the St. Jude Greenfield parents and teachers 11:00 am – 2 pm: Meet & Greet Make new friends : Grab a nametag & a card from the “Meet & Greet” tables, and have at least 3 (new to you) parishioners sign your card. Drop it in the designated box for a drawing to win a prize. Sign up at the Meet & Greet table. *See you there...... “Bocce and Sloppy Joes” Come join “The Sons of Italy” for a game of bocce ball on Sunday, Oct. 11th at 12:30. Fee is $5 per person or $10 per 2 member team. “Sons of Italy” members will be signing up players at the “Meet & Greet” table on Feast Day, Oct. 4th. A meal of Sloppy Joes, chips, and a drink will be available for $4.00. Bring your lawn chairs and enjoy the fun. Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 27, 2009 The law of the LORD is perfect, refreshing the soul; the decree of the LORD is trustworthy, giving wisdom to the simple. — Psalm 19:8 ST. JUDE CATHOLIC CHURCH BOSSIER CITY, LOUISIANA Scripture & Faith Sharing Question of the Week READINGS FOR Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading — Moses said, “Would that all the people of the Lord were prophets!” (Numbers 11:25-29). Second Reading — Come now, you rich. The wages you withheld from the workers who harvested your fields are crying aloud (James 5:1-6). Gospel — Whoever is not against us is for us (Mark 9:38-43,45,47-48). WEEKLY FAITH SHARING QUESTION Adults: Do I feel uncomfortable or envious of the gifts of others? What have I learned from these feelings? Children: How might I respond in a Christian manner to others who have gifts and talents other than I have? READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Zec 8:1-8; Lk 9:46-50 Tuesday: Dn 7:9-10,13-14; Jn 1:47-51 Neh 2:1-8; Lk 9:57-62 Wednesday: Neh 8:1-4a,5-6,7b-12; Lk 10:1-12 Thursday: Bar 1:15-22; Mt 18:1-5,10 Friday: Saturday: Bar 4:5-12,27-29; Lk 10:17-24 Sunday: Gn 2:18-24; Heb 2:9-11; Mk 10:2-16 28th Annual Taste of Shreveport The Knights of Columbus is sponsoring the 28th Taste of Shreveport on Saturday, October 3, at Fox Creek Farms where 20 of our area’s best restaurants and beverage providers join our cause to benefit Holy Angels. Holy Angels is a residential and training facility for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and is currently home to 184 residents ranging in age from newborn to senior citizen. The day’s events begin with golf at Northwood Country Club and end with fabulous food, drinks, and entertainment by AJ and the Two Tone Blues Band. Tickets for the Taste of Shreveport are limited. Please contact a Knights of Columbus member or Holy Angels, 797-8500 or, for Taste tickets or golf registration. Hurry! Don’t miss this annual event SEPTEMBER 27,2009 There are alternatives to abortion. Call 1-800-848-5683 Birthday blessings to the following St. Jude parishioners as they celebrate their birthday this week: October 2 Martin Ezernack Emily Gleason Christine Wade Shelby Cooper Clay Mitchell Tim Wilhite October 3 Denise Courville Dustin Cooper Josephine Walter John Albers Robert Pelow Dalton Hunter Jackson Michiels October 4 Dunica Tunder Cathy Morgan September 28 Barbara Camp Kailey Mulhearn Rachel Schoth September 29 Sarah Morgan Jeremy Dixon Richard Cart Iven Bergeron Michelle Mayeaux Winston McCain Nadine Barksdale September 30 Rose Sporcic Maggie Boggs Harrison Hall October 1 Andrew Hollenshead Mathew Glatt Note: If your birthday is not listed, likely you haven’t completed the parish census. Check the church foyer for a copy. LADIES RETREAT 2nd Annual Ladies Retreat Watch for Details! Scottsville Retreat Center Scottsville, TX. Nov. 6 — Nov. 8 Friday Evening to Sunday Morning Contact Becky Jamroz @ 458-2214 for more information. Stewardship Report Fiscal 2010 YTD Through the Week Ended 9/13/09 Operating Income Improvement Fund Other Income Total Income Sept Actual YTD Actual $27,309 $ 7,026 $16,033 $50,368 $163,369 $ 16,790 $ 46,354 $226,513 Note: Other Inc. includes tuition and extended care monies for St. Jude Greenfield School.
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