St. Charles Borromeo 810 Pearl Street, Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 (715) 723-4088 Mass: Saturday 4 p.m. Sunday 7:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Central Parish Office Staff PASTOR Rev. Ed Shuttleworth (715) 723-4088, ext. 108 BAPTISM: Call 715-723-4088 ext.100 to register. MARRIAGE PREPARATION Please check with the parish first for available dates before making all your plans. DEACONS Deacon Tom Kinnick (715) 723-4088, ext. 105 Cell: (715) 404-0480 Deacon Dan Rider (715) 726-0461 Cell: (715) 215-0102 RECONCILIATION St. Charles-Saturday 3:00 p.m. St. Peter-Saturday 6:00 p.m. or anytime by appointment ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ANOINTING OF THE SICK If you would like to be anointed please call the central office before surgery. HOSPITALIZED/HOMEBOUND We will bring you Holy Communion and visit you in the hospital or at home. Please call the parish office for arrangements. FOR REPORTING INSTANCES OF CHILD ABUSE. The Diocese of La Crosse, through its policies and procedures, seeks to provide a prompt, appropriate and compassionate response to reporters of sexual abuse of a child by a priest or deacon. Anyone wishing to make a report of an allegation of sexual abuse should send that report to Bishop William P. Callahan at the Diocese of La Crosse, P.O. Box 4004, La Crosse, WI 54602-4004. The form is available through the Diocese of La Crosse, Office for Clergy; or on the diocesan website at: Individuals are also encouraged to take their reports directly to civil authorities. Copies of the diocesan policy are available through your local parish and on the diocesan website. If you have any questions about the Diocese of La Crosse and the implementation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, please contact Father David Kunz, Vicar for Clergy, Diocese of La Crosse, at (608) 791-2689; or Vi McMahan (715) 723-4088, ext. 100 FINANCE OFFICER Mary Steinmetz (715) 723-4088, ext. 104 St. Peter the Apostle - Tilden 11358 County Highway Q Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 (715) 723-4088 Mass: Saturday 6:30 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m. Christian Mothers Society Mary Krall (715) 874.5173 Annette Hunt (715) 407.2529 CATHOLIC SCHOOLS St. Peter Catholic School, Tilden GRADES 1-8 Tammy Christopher, Principal (715) 288-6250 Home & School Dennis Hunt (715) 225-4706 McDonell Area Catholic Schools (MACS) DIRECTOR OF SACRED MUSIC MACS Central Office Jeff Heinzen President (715) 723-0538 Jerry Boorsma (715) 723-4088, ext.103 St. Charles Early Childcare Program Chris Cook, Director (715) 723-2161, 6:30 am – 6 pm daily FAITH FORMATION COORDINATOR Greg Gilbertson (715) 723-4088, ext. 102 Bulletin Deadline Monday, 1 p.m. Write or e-mail information to: OFFICE HOURS Mon.-Thur. 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Friday 9:00 am -1:00 p.m. Closed Holidays & Holy Days New Parishioners/Address Change Please call Parish office (715) 723-4088 Website: Mary Sue Briggs, Principal St. Charles Borromeo Primary GRADES Pre K—2 (715) 723-5827 Holy Ghost Elementary GRADES 3-5 (715) 723-6478 Br. Roger Betzold, Principal Notre Dame Middle School GRADES 6-8 (715) 723-4777 McDonell Central Catholic High GRADES 9-12 (715) 723-9126 Second Sunday of Lent March 1, 2015 Second Sunday of Lent March 1, 2015 Mass Schedule & Intentions Mon. March 2 4:45 p.m. 5:15 p.m. Second Week of Lent Stations of the Cross & Confessions SC Mass + Jerry Miller SC 7:00 p.m. PHN / Stations of the Cross SP Tue. March 3 8:30 a.m. Second Week of Lent Mass + Bill, Lula, and Marie Haley SC Wed. March 4 8:30 a.m. Second week of Lent Mass + Rose Anthony SC Thur. March 5 8:30 a.m. Second Week of Lent Mass + Barbara Congdon SC Fri. March 6 8:30 a.m. Second Week of Lent Mass Living & Dec. Members of the Christian Mothers SP Sat. March 7 3:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Vigil Third Sunday of Lent Confessions SC Mass + Clem Fox SC Confessions SP Rosary SP Mass + Larry Schwartz SP Sun. March 8 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Third Sunday of Lent Mass All Entrusted to the Pastors Care SC Mass + Louise Szymczak SP Mass + Roger Hedrington SC Rosary / Stations of the Cross during Lent SC Fast From … Feast On to fast from discontent and to feast on gratitude; to fast from anger and to feast on patience; to fast from bitterness and to feast on forgiveness; to fast from self-concern and to feast on compassion; to fast from discouragement and to feast on hope; to fast from laziness and to feast on commitment; to fast from complaining and to feast on acceptance; to fast from lust and to feast on respect; to fast from prejudice and to feast on understanding; to fast from resentment and to feast on reconciliation; to fast from lies and to feast on the truth; to fast from wasted time and to feast on honest work; to fast from grimness and to feast on joy; to fast from suspicion and to feast on trust; to fast from idle talk and to feast on prayer and silence; to fast from guilt and to feast on the mercy of God. Fast and Abstinence Most Catholics are familiar with the Church’s Lenten discipline of fast and abstinence. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fasting – only one full meal, and two smaller meals permitted. Ash Wednesday and all the Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence – refraining from eating meat. The law of fasting applies to those folks age 18 to 60 and the laws of abstinence to all Catholics age 14 and up. Of course, this is the bare minimum the Church asks of each of us. We are all encouraged to go above and beyond the call of duty during this holy season. But why fast and abstain at all? Most religions include such dietary regulations during certain (usually penitential) times of year. Some traditions – such as the kosher dietary restrictions for Jews – are followed all year round. Fast and abstinence seem to speak to a very fundamental religious impulse in us human beings. For we Christians the fast and abstinence of Lent remind us that our faith is not some “other-worldly” spirituality. The God we worship is not just some vague idea or philosophical concept, but has taken on our own flesh and blood in Jesus Christ. Faith cannot be divorced from daily life. In fact, authentic faith in Jesus permeates everything we do – including such mundane things as eating and drinking. Thus fasting and abstaining are meant to serve as a sign of what is happening in our lives – that we are becoming more and more attuned to Jesus Christ. Repeatedly the Church’s liturgy of Lent echoes the words of Jesus when tempted to turn stones into bread: “Not on bread alone are we to live, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Following the Church’s regulations regarding fast and abstinence is just empty ritualism if not accompanied by a deeper conversion to Christ. In fact, the Bible is quite clear about God’s attitude towards such empty gestures. In Isaiah 58 we read: Is this the manner of fasting I wish, of keeping a day of penance: That a man bow his head like a reed, and lie in sackcloth and ashes? Do you call this a fast, a day acceptable to the LORD? This, rather, is the fasting that I wish: releasing those bound unjustly, untying the thongs of the yoke; setting free the oppressed, breaking every yoke; sharing your bread with the hungry, sheltering the oppressed and the homeless; clothing the naked when you see them, and not turning your back on your own... If you remove from your midst oppression, false accusation and malicious speech; If you bestow your bread on the hungry and satisfy the afflicted... This spirit of fasting is much more demanding than simply avoiding certain foods. Yet it is precisely what our Lenten fast and abstinence are meant to call us to. I found the reflection “Fast From … Feast On” online the other day. It is printed opposite and can serve as a further reflection for us during these days of Lent. Father Ed Parish & Community News St. Peters News Christian Mothers: Church cleaning for the month of March St. Monica. February 22, 2015 St. Rose Circle cleared $1906.55 Bingo Sunday, March 8, 2015 St. Monica’s Circle Chairpersons are Nancy Buhrow and Diane Meinen. Set up on Saturday night after Mass. Menu: Meatballs & gravy, mashed potatoes, assorted salads, corn, bread, cake or bars. Games begin at 2:00 p.m. $1 per card. Lunch at 4:00 p.m. cost is $6:00. In case of inclement weather, please call 715.288.6250 to check if Bingo is cancelled. St. Peters is handicap assessable. Shin Dig is coming!!! Start looking for good deal that we can use for the raffles or silent action. Chicken Dinner on March 25, 2015. Circles involved are : St. Anne, Rose, Mary, Agatha, and Monica with last names A-J. Flyers are available at the church entrances. Thank you so much to everyone who donated to the Sweetheart pancake breakfast and attended. Our total income was $2,366.80. Thank you to the Tilden Lion’s club for the donation of $500.00 Thanks to these folks for there help: Donna Amerson, Leon & Luann Baier, Ron & Jeanne Bennesch, Steve & Carol Bohl, Shirley Bowe, Tammy Christopher, David & Diane Meinen, Rosanne Zwiefelhofer, and all the families of St. Peter school. Winners of the raffles: Emery Bohl $25 Gordy’s gift certificate, Rachel Eisenreich, Baier’s pizza, Larry P. Bowe, Badger jacket, Glen Schemenauer, clock, Nadine Niesen & Lilly Bohman, Mary Kay Lotion set, Grace Dachel, fleece blanket, Lori Swoboda, tub of kisses, Carol Bohl, teddy bear, Peter Stoffel, home-made soap, Andrew Plendl and Becky Lyberg, bread. Peter’s Patter The students in fifth and sixth grades worked to close in on the end of their Science Fair projects. Once they return from break, they be spending time wrapping up their project by constructing their presentation boards that will be displayed in the church basement the weekend of March 14-15. We hope you can take a few moments after Mass that weekend to see what the students have spent 7 weeks working on! Fifth through eighth grades had been busy with extra activities during February. On February 13, they enjoyed a day at the Chippewa Moraine Ice Age Center in New Auburn. They were able to learn how the area’s landforms were made thousands of years ago. Students also enjoyed snowshoeing and playing different games that voyageurs of long-ago may have played. Two afternoons were spent preparing and tying fleece blankets to donate to local law enforcement agencies. The agencies will distribute the blankets to people who have experienced traumatic events. It was a great project to begin the season of Lent. In Religion, after finishing their study of the 10 Commandments and the Beatitudes, the students have been studying the Last Supper and Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. Southwestern Asian Civilizations have been the topic of study in social studies. The ancient Israelites, Phoenicians, and Persians were discussed. In science, the students learned the scientific names of many bones in the skeletal system. They also studied other systems in the human body. Thank you for your continued support. th th Mrs. Dachel and 5 & 6 grades Up coming Events &Dates March 25, 2015 Chicken dinner St. Peters March 28-29 Cookies for Elderly in the parish SC April 18, 2015 Casper Concert SC April 26, 2015 First Communion St. Charles May 4, 2015 Confirmation @ St. Charles May 10, 2015 First Communion St. Peter May 17, 2015 Anniversary celebration for Fr. Ed’s 25th year of ordination Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish Friday Fish Fry Friday, March 6, 2015 Family Style Fish Fry at Sacred Heart Parish 13989 195th St. Jim Falls. Includes soup, fish, potato, coleslaw, rolls, beverage, dessert. Adults $9.00 Children 4-12 $4.00 Holy Ghost Scrapbooking events Thursday April 16, 2015 5:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. Friday April 17, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m., Saturday April 18, 2015, 8:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. and Sunday April 19, 2015 from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Food will be available on each of these days. Check the Holy Ghost web site for more information or call 715.579.6975 or email We are looking to create a new web site for St. Peters parish as well as up date the St. Charles web site. Would you be interested in helping us get this project started during Lent to have it up and running by Easter? Please contact Paul Roach at or call him 715.379.3065. St. Patrick’s Parish, Eau Claire is celebrating St. Patrick’s Day on Sunday, March 15, 2015. A dinner of roast corn beef, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, rolls, dessert and beverage.( hot dogs for the kids) Serving from 11:30 a.m. through 2:00 p.m. Cost: adults $9:00, seniors $8:00, (5-10 children) $4.00. Beer and wine available for purchase. Raffle at 2:00 p.m. Come and join us celebrate the day of our patron, St. Patrick. February 21, 2015 St. Charles Addison Rose Bowe child of Gregory C. & Elizabeth A.(Durch) Bowe Please pray for the soul of Father T. Michael Schelble buried from Holy Trinity Catholic Church, LaCrosse on Monday February 23, 2015. Father served as Chaplin at St. Joseph Hospital in Chippewa Falls. RCIA Please continue to pray for the following preparing to be brought into the church at the Easter Vigil: Cathechumens: Lexi Johnson & Kiersten Smathers Candidates for Full Communion: Kyle Norton & Dawn Goodman Adult Confirmation: Chris Leavens & Mary Kay Sykora SCHOOL NEWS MCDONELL AREA CATHOLIC SCHOOLS 1316 Bel Air Blvd., Chippewa Falls, WI * 715.723.0538 Dear parishioners, alumni and families, The word “Alleluia” implies joy, happiness and celebration. During the Lenten season we avoid using this word in our school and at church. Lent is a time for us to reflect on the suffering that Jesus endured so that our souls could become pure and we could have everlasting life. At St. Charles Borromeo School every student recently colored an alleluia banner. These banners were buried in a “tomb” and you are invited to come see it at our school. We will open the “tomb” after Easter and once again rejoice and sing “Alleluia”. We will celebrate new life and be happy that it is Spring. What will you be praying and waiting for as we journey towards Easter? The Students and Staff at St. Charles Borromeo School Free Lent Computer/Tablet Classes Adult classes are Mondays, March 9th and 16th from 3:30-5:30 p.m. at McDonell High School. Call to RSVP 715.723.0538. Now enrolling at the Early Childhood Center 715.723.2161 Childcare: Ages 2 - 5 School’s Out: Our summer program includes meals, scheduled activities and field trips, for kindergarten through 12 years of age. Preschool: A three year old program offered Monday/Wednesday/Friday mornings or Tuesday/ Thursday mornings. BB4C: The 4K program has both morning and afternoon classes offered four days a week. It is a state program so there is no cost. Supers: A before and after school program for children in grades K-5 Our hours are 6:30am to 6:00pm year round. McDonell Legacy This spring McDonell Central Catholic High School will be celebrating their 50th graduating class. We would like to gather stories about your time at either McDonell Central or McDonell Memorial. Please email your stories to Cathy Greenseth at or write us at MACS, 1316 Bel Air Blvd., Chippewa Falls. CCD & Youth Classes for the second semester Class will be held on March 4,11, 18, 25, April 8 and April 15. March 18, 2015 is Teen Life Night for grades 6-10 at 6:30 p.m. Call 725-723-4088 ext. 102 Greg Gilbertson if you have questions or concerns. If school is closed we do not have CCD. Trip for high school students This summer do something life-changing! Join us on a trip to Denver. Spend a week in Colorado learning how to live “limitless”! Travel with teens from the Chippewa Valley from June 19th through 25th. We will attend the Steubenville of the Rockies Catholic youth conference, spend several days doing mission work in the Denver area, and even enjoy some outdoor adventure in the Rocky Mountains. This trip is open to high school students. Fundraising opportunities will be available. Space is limited so please contact Paula Thelen soon for more information@ or call her 715.723.0538 ext. 2209. Knights of Columbus Goldsmith Council is offering three scholarships of $500 to graduating seniors from Chi-Hi, McDonell, or home-schooled students living in the Chippewa Deanery. Contact Jason Martell at for an application. Applications are due April 20, 2015. Volunteer help needed at Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe We are seeking week end help to drive the carts at the shrine. We assist pilgrims along the path from the Pilgrim Center to the Shrine Church. We are open from 9:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m. If you can come one day it would be most helpful. Please call Sr. M. Ancilla at or give her a call @ 608.782.5440. Thank you for all the prayers regarding my health. Marian Hunt St. Peter’s Family style chicken dinner Wednesday, March 25, 2015. Serving from 4:00 p.m. through 7:00 p.m. Adults $8.50, Children(6-12) $4.00, and preschoolers free. Carry outs available call (715.288.6250). We are handicap accessible. This is co sponsored by Catholic Financial Life. TIME & TALENT MINISTERIES FOR MARCH 7 & 8, 2015 4:00 p.m. Mass St. Charles SERVERS: Connor MacNicol, Paige Kempen, Evan Smith READERS: John MacNicol, Rita Nowak EMOC: Rita Nowak, Robert & Ruth Dahms, John MacNicol, Linda Dresel, JoAnn Vahlenkamp CANTOR: Barb Eckwright SACRISTAN: Rita Nowak USHERS: Mike Brown, Mylon Hebert, Steve Armstrong, Mark Baker 6:30 p.m. Mass St. Peter SERVERS: Jacob & Luke Schemenauer READER: Maggie Meinen EMOC: Cathy Bohl, Sandy Schemenauer ROSARY: Cathy Bohl GREETERS: Fran Sykora GIFT BEARERS: Jill Schwartz & Family CANTOR: Heather Weimert SCRIP: Diane Meinen SACRISTAN: Cathy Bohl 7:30 a.m. Mass St. Charles ( Friendship Sunday) SERVERS: Anthony Roach, Caleb Parkhurst, Ben Weyenberg READERS: Norb Gaier, Rory Cameron EMOC: Joe Oberweis, Erin Ripienski, Kathy Bowe, Cyril & Lelah Krista, Robert Parkhurst CANTOR: Karen Schmidt SACRISTAN: Barb Parkhurst USHERS: Otto Wagner, Jim Harings, Bill Bauer, Dick Wilhelm 9:00 a.m. Mass St. Peter SERVERS: Andrew & Peter Herron, Chris Pieper READER: Emily Stoffel EMOC: Brian Heidtke, Sandy Reischel ROSARY: Steve Plendl GREETERS: Deb Schemenauer GIFT BEARERS: Sean Smiskey Family CANTOR: Kari Stepp SCRIP: Tami Pieper SACRISTAN: Liz Blum 10:30 a.m. Mass St. Charles (Friendship Sunday) SERVERS: Kaitlin Rubenzer, Thomas Eder, Olivia Cranston READERS: Youth Readers EMOC: Linda Marinello, Todd Andringa, Betty Hedrington, Dave & Mary Olson, Yvette Kinnick CANTOR: Gary Reither SACRISTAN: Erin Franz USHERS: Dick Schemenauer, Ron Bresina, Jim Dorn, Mike Dubiel STEWARDSHIP Week of February 21 & 22, 2015 Youth: Weekly Budget: Weekly Contributions: Shortfall (Over): Month to date budget: $6.29 $20.00 $10,192.31 $3,788.46 $9,602.82 $3,919.03 $589.49 $130.57 $40,769.24 $15,153.84 Month to date collected: $35,579.94 $14,207.99 Monthly short (over): $5,189.30 Year to date budget: $346,538.46 $128,807.69 Year to date collected: $346,037.85 $129,582.06 Shortfall (Over): $500.61 $945.85 $774.37 2014-2015 Diocesan Annual Appeal Assessed: $65,612.00 $17,646.00 Collected as of 2/16/15: $48,842.26 $14,855.40 Cash left to raise: $16,769.74 $ 2,790.60 $2.00 $230.00 $440.50 $209.00 Extra Collections Easter Flowers Lenten Almsgiving School Fund $150.00 Fuel Fund $105.00 Sound System $300.00 School Fund – Adam & Beth Burmeister, Todd & Debbie Schemenauer, Donna Amerson Fuel Fund: Janet Klinger, Stephan & Joan Coffman Sounds System: James & Kathleen Benish, Kelwin & Nancy Anderson. Thank you! Lenten Almsgiving: There will be a second collection at each weekend mass during Lent. This is an opportunity to help you fulfill the call to almsgiving during this Lenten season. These monies will be used for local needs and in support of our Diocesan orphanage in Bolivia. Thank you for your generosity.
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