SERMON NOTES Keith Inman, Pastor Death of a Conscience Mark 6:14-29 WEEKLY CALENDAR SUNDAY 5/5 8:30 Worship 9:45 Bible Study 11:00 Worship 12:15 Mentoring Potluck Luncheon 4:00 Sunday School Committee 6:00 Kids First Spring Musical 7:15 Music & Worship Pastor Search Committee 7:30 Deacons’ Meeting MONDAY 5/6 6:30 Betty Sledd Group TUESDAY 5/7 9:00 Mother’s Day Out 10:00 Dorothy Group 1:30 MDO Graduation WEDNESDAY 5/8 9:00 Mother’s Day Out 5:00 Sunday School Training 6:00 Prayer Meeting 6:00 Crave Student Worship 7:00 Kids First Committee 7:15 Sanctuary Choir THURSDAY 5/9 9:00 Mother’s Day Out 2:00 Home Ministry Visitation 7:00 Louella Beddoe Group HOW TO JOIN FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH First Baptist Church Staff The Bible tells us Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it (Eph. 5:25b); it also records that as people were saved they were added (joined) to the church (Acts 2:47b). God wants believers to be part of a local church. Here are ways to become a member of our church. Sermons resources: Mark, The New American Commentary Mark, Preaching the Word Commentary Mark, Tyndale Commentary Mark, Holman NT Commentary Mark, New International Commentary Mark, The Communicator’s Commentary Mark, St. Andrew’s Expositional Commentary King’s Cross, Timothy Keller Walking in the Dust of the Rabbi, Tverberg The Jesus I Never Knew, Yancey The Complete Book of Discipleship, Hull By Baptism When you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, you need to obey Him by being baptized (immersed). Following your baptism, you will be a member of this church. By Letter If you are a member of another Baptist church, you may request we write that church stating you have come by letter into our church. They in turn will send us a letter confirming you have been a member there, transferring your membership from their church to ours. By Statement If you have committed your life to Christ and have been biblically baptized by immersion, you can request that we receive you into membership by statement of prior confession and baptism. Keith Inman, Senior Pastor Boyd Smith, Pastor of Prayer and Care Amber Sugg, Director of Preschool & Children How to Contact First Baptist Church Phone: (270) 753-1854 Fax: (270) 753-3967 Email: THE LORD’S DAY - SUNDAY, May 5, 2013 8:30 AM WORSHIP 11:00 AM WORSHIP “You’ll Come” Welcome “Cornerstone” Piano Prelude Guided Prayer Kids’ First Music Presentation Kids First Message & Music Presentation “Worthy Is the Lamb” “Jesus, Son of God” Guided Prayer Message & Invitation Pastor Keith Inman Death of a Conscience Mark 6:14-29 “I Am with I Need Thee Every Hour” “Give Us Clean Hands” Offering “Here For You” Offertory Prayer Piano/Organ Offertory “Father, We Praise You” Message & Invitation Pastor Keith Inman Death of a Conscience Mark 6:14-29 Prayer - Jeff Stewart Hymn No. 320 “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus” Benediction - Steve Alcott Organ Postlude “Victory in Jesus” 6:00 PM Kids First Live Spring Musical Sunday School Training - Are you teaching Sunday School for ages 3 years old through 5th grade? Please join us on Wednesday, May 8 from 5 to 6 pm in the fellowship hall for a special training event. We are going to go over necessary paperwork and a few policies. If you cannot attend, please contact Amber at 753-1854 or Baby Bottle Campaign - On Mother’s Day, FBC will start our Baby Bottle Campaign to support Life House. Life House is an organization here in Murray located just a few blocks from FBC. Life House helps pregnant women choose life. On Sunday, May 12 we will pass out the empty baby bottles. Each family who takes a bottle home will have the opportunity to pray for the baby that is named on each bottle. During the time between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day please put your change, bills or a check into the bottle. The filled bottles will be collected on Father’s Day. We are confident that our church will collect enough money to write Life House the biggest check we’ve ever written to them. FBC Mission Trip Opportunity - FBC-Murray has an on-going mission to support the Chicagoland Community Church. When: Memorial Day weekend- leave on Friday, May 24 and return on Monday, May 27. Who: Moms and dads and children of any age, college students, adults of any age including seniors. How Many: The FBC bus holds 25 plus the driver and we would like to fill it up. Cost: $50 per person, plus the cost of your meals in restaurants and any incidentals you might have. How to sign up: Contact Ken Purcell (FBC-Murray Chicago Mission Coordinators) at 293-2947 or email Kids First Worship is for kids ages 5 through 3rd grade. We leave the Sanctuary together after Kids First Message and head directly downstairs to Chapel. Join us for a fun, kid friendly message with the same verses and themes as the adults’ worship. We will escort them to Sunday School (on the 2nd floor of the Education Building) after the service. Older kids are allowed to help if they have received permission from Mrs. Amber and gone through "Jr. Volunteer Training." Ask Mrs. Amber for details. If you are a guest visiting with us today, please stop by the guest services desk in the Welcome Center. We have a gift bag for you. Our guests are encouraged to fill out a Connection Card located in the pew racks and place it in the offering plate. Messages to staff and prayer requests can be written on the back of the card and placed in the offering plate. All prayer requests will be kept confidential.
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