Document 34283

Level 2, 84 Denham St, Townsville, Qld, 4810
PO Box 1094, Townsville, Qld, 4810
Phone 07 4772 3730
Mobile 0407 626 947
Fax 07 4772 0566
Base iGi Consulting offers a new and progressive form of professional consulting on a range of
areas but particularly, for Government and industry. We have been operating from within the
Townsville CBD since 2006. We currently maintain a staff of eleven (11) technical and
administrative personnel. Our company works to utilise the latest software and technology to
ensure that we are giving our clients efficient and up-to-date information.
Base iGi has the in-house capability to provide Government and
industry clients with business analysis and modeling of important
projects for the consideration of financiers, equity partners or treasury.
We can assist in formulation of Government and company policy to
progress projects, and we structure our modeling to our clients’ needs.
Asset Management
The Base iGi team has a long and successful reputation in being able
to assist in asset management, asset replacement and renewal,
particularly in the water and wastewater industry. We also have
strength in facility management in the Government and mineral
processing areas.
Structures & Infrastructure
Base iGi has assembled a strong design team to assist our pursuit of
providing excellence in the infrastructure arena. This capability is a
unique marriage of skills at the project inception and development
stage. Our strength in understanding the structural requirement of
infrastructure puts us at the forefront to assist in the management and
creation of public facilities.
Base iGi can provide complete electrical engineering solutions to
government and industry clients due to our extensive experience in this
field. We specialise in mining, heavy industrial and the power sector,
and can tailor our delivery to your needs. Our expertise lies in the
electrical power, communications and IT, and electronic engineering
fields. Base iGi has significant capability in design, ranging from the
pre-feasibility stage, through detailed specification, and commissioning
works, for mining, industrial and power networks. Our services extend
to power system audits, reporting and modeling, load flows, fault
analysis, control system programming (PLC/DCS), detailed design,
equipment sizing and selection, instrumentation, P&ID and PFD
Base iGi offers the complete infrastructure package. All major projects
have a large and significant footprint. We have recognised the need to
bring environmental skills to projects at the project inception point. We
believe a small, but targeted effort, early in the life of a project, can
significantly reduce the environmental impact for major projects. We
specialize in the major project areas of water, wastewater, stormwater,
landfills and mine sites.
We have delivered, designed and advised national and international
clients on water and in particular wastewater projects. Our Senior
IP1 – T02 Rev A
Level 2, 84 Denham St, Townsville, Qld, 4810
PO Box 1094, Townsville, Qld, 4810
Phone 07 4772 3730
Mobile 0407 626 947
Fax 07 4772 0566
engineers have previously acted as independent advisors to the
Indonesian Government in Irian Jaya and Papua New Guinea
Government on wastewater projects.
Engineering Support
Base iGi can lead or assist in all areas of engineering support,
including drafting and design, benchmarking, technical writing, project
management, process analysis, Contract Superintendent roles,
certification inspections, expert witness, staff secondment and
engineering advice. We have a unique understanding of the functions
of all levels of government, and can tailor company policies,
management plans or actions plans to your compliance needs. We are
Townsville’s premier heritage engineers.
Business Analysis
Project modeling;
Master plans;
Preliminary project costing;
Project concept planning.
Asset Audits;
Dilapidation Reports;
Asset Renewal Programs;
Asset System Developments.
Design of structures;
Preliminary design of structures;
Expert reports on structures.
Water and Wastewater Systems design for
Government and Industry;
Impact Assessments;
Environment Impact Statements,
Minerals Process Engineering support.
Power System Audits;
Reporting and Modeling;
Load Flows;
Fault Analysis;
Control System Programming (PLC/DCS);
Detailed Design;
Equipment Sizing and Selection;
P&ID & PFD creation.
Feasibility Studies;
Expert Witness;
Staff Secondment;
Local Government Total Management Plans.
Asset Management
Structural Engineering
Mining & Environmental Engineering
Electrical Engineering
IP1 – T02 Rev A
Level 2, 84 Denham St, Townsville, Qld, 4810
PO Box 1094, Townsville, Qld, 4810
Phone 07 4772 3730
Mobile 0407 626 947
Fax 07 4772 0566
Henry Fracchia, Director/Senior Engineer
Henry is a qualified engineer with 26 years’ experience in the industry. His qualifications include a
Bachelor of Engineering (Civil); Post Graduate Diploma of Management (Technology); Post
Graduate Diploma Environmental Engineering; and, an MBA. He is also a Registered Professional
Engineer of Queensland. He began his career at McIntyre and Associates Pty Ltd in Townsville in
1987 and has since been involved in many projects, which include:
Engineering design ranging from residential to light industrial, commercial and public works to
heavy mining and industrial projects in Australia, Indonesia and United Kingdom;
Project Management and Contract Administration of public works;
Operation, maintenance and management of municipal water and wastewater infrastructure
encompassing environmental compliance, engineering, commercial management, commercial
customer negotiations and service, and new business development; and,
Conservation engineering of heritage structures including churches and public buildings.
Structural analysis of heritage structures, repairs and dilapidation surveys, conservation
management plans and project management of conservation works.
Stuart Head, Project Engineer
Stuart completed his Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) in 1988. He has had 24+ years’ experience in the
industry in a diverse range of civil and building projects throughout Australia and the Pacific Region.
He is also a Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland. He has gained additional qualifications
which include: a builder’s license – low rise; Quality Assurance Application methods; and,
Occupational Health and Safety and Environment for managers. His professional experience
Project engineering services for pipeline construction;
Area manager Boral construction materials – concrete and quarries;
General/operations manager of CDS technologies;
Senior projects engineer for Abigroup management and consultancy services (involved in
management of civil works with South Bank Interchange of City Link project in South
Melbourne); and,
General Manager, Minson constructions Pty Ltd – Minson, Fiji.
Brad Ralph, Senior Electrical Engineer
Brad is a qualified engineer with 16+ years’ experience in the mining, heavy industrial and power
His qualifications include a Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical); Post Graduate Certificate IV
Workplace Training and Assessment; and, currently undertaking studies to complete a Masters in
Electrical Engineering. He is also a Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland.
His career began at Mount Isa Mines in 1996 as a project engineer, progressing through to the plant
maintenance engineer for all of the surface operations on site as well as being the control system
administrator for the Lead and Copper Smelters.
In order to further his power systems skills he commenced work at Ergon Energy in Townsville in
2002 as the Northern Network Utilisation Engineer and later became the Northern Region System
Operation Engineer. In 2007 Brad started consulting based in Townsville and has since been involved
in many projects, which include:
IP1 – T02 Rev A
Level 2, 84 Denham St, Townsville, Qld, 4810
PO Box 1094, Townsville, Qld, 4810
Phone 07 4772 3730
Mobile 0407 626 947
Fax 07 4772 0566
Costing and detailed design of a 1500tph copper concentrate, unloading, storage and ship
loading facility in Papua New Guinea;
Bankable feasibility study and design for a 2.4 million tonne per annum CIL/ZADRA Gold
processing plant in South America;
Detailed design and specification of a sixty three meter extension to a copper concentrate
storage shed at a port loading facility. Documents and specifications relating to a 3500Amp
MCC replacement as well as modification and additions to the sites power systems;
Relocation and expansion of minerals processing plant from Western Australia to
Queensland including all HV/LV power supplies and control system designs; and,
Hazardous area ship unloading facility, ATEX Zone 21, explosive dusts. Hopper transverse
travel drives 690V all electrics and control to French standards.
Christian Matheson, Structural Engineer
Christian joined the consultancy in December 2007 after completing his Bachelor of Engineering
(Civil). His 5+ years’ experience includes:
Design of the new Cape Bowling Green Lighthouse base structure, including the effects of
corrosion caused by the close proximity to the sea and the effects of wind induced fatigue;
The design of industrial portal frame structures in both cyclonic and non-cyclonic regions.
Gantry rail design for the use of cranes;
Various designs of mining structures at Osborne, Xstrata and Cannington mines. Structures
include conveyor trestle design, dump pocket redesign, rom wall design, and primary
crushing stations;
Inspection and design works for the ATSIP James Cook University Tropical Science and
Innovation Project;
A large amount of work completed in residential housing development for new houses and
renovations to existing;
Involvement with heritage structures, including the restoration of St. James Cathedral Bell
Tower (Townsville), and developments along side Victoria Bridge (Townsville); and,
Design of manholes and access pits to resist vehicular loading.
Michael Griffey, Graduate Structural Engineer
Michael joined the consultancy in December 2011 after completing his Bachelor of Engineering (Civil).
His experience includes:
Design of walkways, platforms and support fames;
Structural audit of major and moderate infrastructure at MMG Karumba Port;
Design of industrial pavements for heavy vehicle loading and bulk lubrication facilities at Hail
Creek, Daunia and Caval Ridge;
Structural design of the Hughenden Aged Persons Accommodation, Hughenden;
Structural design of Cootharinga supported accommodation, North Shore;
Design of Tec-NQ dual occupancy dwellings;
Investigations and reports for insurance claims following damage from a mini-tornado in
Townsville (March 2012);
Refurbishment and structural annex to North Queensland Community Rehabilitation centre,
Design for various residential houses and houses extensions;
Involvement in developments including retaining walls, shelters, landscaping features for both
residential and commercial projects;
Artwork and footings for Jezzine Barracks redevelopment;
Design of various structural elements for Jezzine Barracks redevelopment; and,
IP1 – T02 Rev A
Level 2, 84 Denham St, Townsville, Qld, 4810
PO Box 1094, Townsville, Qld, 4810
Phone 07 4772 3730
Mobile 0407 626 947
Fax 07 4772 0566
Involvement in the construction of the upgrade to the Townsville wastewater processing plant,
Mitch Burchett, Senior Design Technician
Mitch joined the consultancy in May 2008 and completed his Diploma in Civil Engineering in 1995.
He has 19+ years’ experience in the building/consulting sector and has vast experience in
commercial, industrial and residential developments from initial project inception through to project
completion. Past projects include residential dwellings, apartments, high rise developments, bridges,
warehouses, factories, mines, refineries and power station (hydro) maintenance work.
The bulk of his experience and knowledge lies within the structural drafting field (concrete, steel and
timber). He has a good broad knowledge and experience in architectural drafting, civil construction
drafting, mechanical (industrial) drafting, shop fabrication drafting (concrete and steel) and 3D
concept / presentation drafting, a good understanding of general building services drafting (electrical,
HVAC and hydraulic services) plus a competent understanding of civil materials testing (concrete and
soil) and engineering/cadastral surveying.
Mitch is an accomplished senior design technician and highly skilled AutoCAD and ProSteel operator
coupled with a good understanding of Revit Structure and the general suite of Microsoft products. He
has system development experience, including AutoCAD code development and corporate menu
system development, software sourcing plus a sound practical knowledge of computer systems.
Tim Hazelwood, Design Technician
Tim joined the consultancy in August 2010. He obtained his Certificate 4 in Building Design and
Drafting in 2002.
He has 13 years’ experience in a range of areas which include the
building/consulting sector, civil, water, subsurface drainage, and recently construction management.
Projects that he has been involved in include:
Development of Monacoff and Mount Margaret Mine, Cloncurry, Queensland;
Construction Management of the Evaporation Dam Expansion, Cloncurry, Queensland;
Duru Sustainable Development, Papua New Guinea;
St John the Baptist Primary School, Gladstone, Queensland;
Kirkwood Road Water Main Crossing, Gladstone, Queensland;
Large Scale Irrigation Supply Later and Relift Station Upgrade, Renmark, South Australia;
Connors Road Upgrade, Mackay, Queensland; and,
The Quest Apartments, Townsville.
Tim is a competent design technician and skilled Auto CAD operator and he has a good
understanding of Revit Structure.
IP1 – T02 Rev A