OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE, LLANELLI A parish in the Diocese of Menevia – A registered charity #234168 The Presbytery, Waunlanyrafon, Llanelli, Carmarthenshire, SA15 3AB Tel. 01554 774070: email: olqpllanelli@btinternet.com www.olqpllanelli.org.uk To contact Sr. Anne and Marcella by phone: 01554 752768. To book the parish hall – please contact Mary on 01554 755439. PARISH PASTORAL TEAM: Fr. James Sweeney O.Carm. Sr. Anne Reddington RSM. Sr Marcella Logue RSM. MASS INTENTIONS. TH TH TH 18 /19 OCTOBER 2014 – 29 SUNDAY – YEAR A. SAT 6.00PM (Vigil) BETTY BEVAN RIP. THURSDAY 09.30AM NO MASS TODAY. SUN 10.00AM PEOPLE OF THE PARISH. FRIDAY 10.00AM LEIGH AYRES RIP. SUN 5.30PM DENIS THOMAS RIP. SATURDAY 10.00AM BETTY EVANS RIP. MONDAY 9.30AM PEOPLE OF THE PARISH. (Sat) 6.00PM (VIGIL) SHEILA ELIZABETH O’NEILL RIP. TUESDAY – NO MASS TODAY. (Sun) 10.00am GWENDOLINE HAGAN RIP. WEDNESDAY 9.30AM NO MASS TODAY. (Sun) 5.30pm) PEOPLE OF THE PARISH. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday after morning mass and 5.30-5.45pm / Sunday 5.00-5.15pm. EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Monday 10.00am – 11.00am and Thursday 10.00am – 11.15am. MORNING PRAYER: 15 minutes before mass each weekday and the Saturday morning Mass. ROSARY: after the weekday masses and the Saturday morning Mass. rd POLISH MASS – 3 Sunday of the month at 7pm. th PHILIPINO MASS – 4 Saturday of the month at 4pm. COFFEE AFTER THE 10AM MASS – to help to build a hospital for the poor in India. SECOND COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND – will be for CAFOD and World Mission Sunday (the Red box people) and will be split equally between the two charities. GIFT AID – Thank you to everyone who responded regarding the gift aid forms and to Christine Coslett who keeps it all going. If you are no longer a tax payer and have now left the gift aid scheme, can you please destroy your old envelopes, because we can only claim gift aid from people who are paying tax. THANK YOU – To Fr. Michael for his help covering the Masses last week and this weekend. Please note there will be no Mass on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week. CHURCH HEATING – Apologies that there is no heating in the church before Mass starts. It was serviced on 1 st October to be ready for the winter and the control panel has failed and is awaiting a replacement. MERCY ASSOCIATES – Meet on Wednesday 22nd October at 7pm in the hall. NEWMAN ASSOCIATION: A talk will be given in our Church Hall on Monday 27th October 2014. The title of the talk will be: LITURGY: Source & Summit ? (This will dwell on the Eucharist, and how we live out our lives in this belief). The speaker is Mrs. Jennifer Burridge, of St. David's Priory, Swansea City Centre. Refreshments at 6:30 pm; the talk starts at 7:00 pm sharp. See Notice Board for further details. Flame2 Youth Congress, March 7, 2015 - Tickets and transport need to be booked by the end of November. If you are interested or know of someone who might be please contact Fr.Ceirion, Diocesan Youth Director, for an Application form and more details at the following email address: tadceirion@yahoo.co.uk More info on the event can be found at http://cymfed.org.uk/flame2/ NEWS FROM ST. MARY’S SCHOOL AND ST. JOHN LLOYD SCHOOL. Our Year Six pupils who have become Bronze Sports Ambassadors visited Parc y Scarlets this week for a training day. The day equipped them with lots of ideas and activities to help them fulfil their role which is to: increase participation and healthy lifestyles in schools, be a role model and advocate for sporting activity, promote the Olympic and Paralympic values and to be the young peoples' voice on PE and school sport in their schools and communities. Well done to all concerned. Our Autumn 'Dress Up' disco was held this week and as always was very well attended and proved to be an evening of music, dancing and fun. A big thank you to the PTA for organising the event and to our parents and staff for supporting it. This week six year 10 pupils entered the final preparations of the Young Business Dragons Enterprise competition. They have put together an impressive product and detailed business plan and we wish them well for the coming week. Members of the school's Student Council have also been making their voices heard by attending the iNet conference, improving not only their communication skills but also influencing the future direction of education. Pupils from all year groups have been involved in matches in football and netball against several local schools, with many talents on show hopefully they will go from strength to strength.
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