ON THE ROTA NEXT WEEK . . . 26th October Sides Readings Prayers Projector Sound Desk Tea & Coffee Prayer Ministry Morning Service Glyn Shaw tba Jo Roberts Lynn Le-Worthy Stan Richardson Ronelle Bean/Chrissie Wood Linda Hartles/Lou Davenport Evening Service tba Emma Cooley/Wendy Talbot Ann Corfield Lynn Le-Worthy Stan Richardson n/a Mandy Morris/Steve Baldwin CHILDREN & YOUTH GROUPS St. George’s Preschool each week day morning during term time between 8.30am and 12.00 noon and, Monday and Wednesday and Friday 12.00 to 3.00pm. Also optional lunchtime sessions following on directly from the morning sessions. Contact Lou on 01827 50805 / 07505 886 380 or visit http://www.stgeorgespreschool.org/ Bamford St., Glascote, TAMWORTH, Staffs B77 2AT (01827) 62612 Office hours: 9.15am - 1.00pm Mon-Thurs 19th October 2014 Trinity 18 Welcome to our Services At St. George’s this week . . . SUNDAY Holy Communion 8.30am Holy Communion 10.00am 20:20:20 Service 6.00pm 19th October MONDAY Over 60’s Badminton 5 - 7pm Badminton Club 7 - 9pm 10.15am Selwyn Lecture (Cathedral) – all welcome DCC (extra) meeting 8.00pm chancel TUESDAY Music Group meets 7.30pm WEDNESDAY Holy Communion 9.30am Alpha - Why did Jesus die? 7.30pm in church hall THURSDAY OPEN DOOR 1.30pm in the church hall Badminton Club 7 - 9.00pm SUNDAY Holy Communion 8.30am Morning Praise 10.00am Holy Communion 6.00pm Sunday Children's Club X-tra Every Sunday morning except the first and fifth Sunday of each month. X-cite (preschool - Y1), X-plore (Y2 - 6) Contact: Priscilla Trood. Crèche meets, when needed, in the chancel, except on first Sunday and fifth Sunday. HOME GROUPS St. George’s believes homegroups to be an important part of church life and we would like to encourage all adults to belong to a small group that meets together on a weekday in the evening or during the daytime. The groups focus upon discipleship, nurture and socials. If you are interested in joining a homegroup, please contact the homegroup coordinators, either Rob Ellor (tel: 62740) or Helen Jones (tel: 820963) who will gladly tell you more about the groups that are available. PASTORAL CARE Pastoral Care Co-ordinator: Fae Ellor: 01827 62740 (please contact Fae to request Home Communion) Email prayers: prayer@stgeorges-glascote.org.uk Lay Prayer Guide: contact Pippa Steedman on 01827 286373 26th October Further ahead . . . Fri 31st Oct Monday 3rd Nov Tuesday 4th Nov Sat 8th Nov The Light Factory (the Christian alternative to Halloween) DCC meeting PAT testing in the church and hall Quiet Day at Hillcrest Centre, Dordon Bamford St., Glascote, TAMWORTH, Staffs B77 2AT (01827) 62612 email: st.georgeschurchglascote@btinternet.com visit: www.stgeorges-glascote.org.uk Office hours: Mon - Thurs 9.15am - 1.00pm Team Vicar: Rev. Jim Trood (01827) 305 313 email: vicar@stgeorges-glascote.org.uk Non Stipendiary Minister: Rev. Mike Le-Worthy (01827) 55762 Curate: Rev. Matt Malins 07932 721131 email: curate@stgeorges-glascote.org.uk Early Morning Prayer in church every weekday 8.50 - 9.15 am (7.30am on Wednesdays) A large print copy of this sheet is available from the welcome desk ‘You did not choose me but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit - fruit that will last and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you’ (John 15: 16) FROM THE PRAYER CARDS: (If a name has been missed off this list and you would like someone to be prayed for, please fill out an updated prayer request card). Please pray for Stan Williamson, Val Tolley, Barrie Jackson, Phillipa, Dave Shelton-Smith, Jennie Dawson, Margaret, Lucy Morris, Carol Stanier, Andy and Sally Smart, Amee and Neal, Amy Dewar, Dave Reynolds, Jim Coxill, Andrew Knight, Margaret and Sheila Wall. Please pray for the friends and family of Roger Coffey and Chris Marcow. LIGHT FACTORY Thank you to all who have offered to help this year now to start planning!! In order to run the activities planned we would like donations of items and there will be a list at the back of church for people to sign up and donate. The following will be listed. Plain fairy cakes (50) Rich tea or digestive biscuits (6 packets) for decorating ‘Hundreds ‘n thousands’ for decorating cakes (10 tubs) Icing sugar (2 x 1kg boxes) Sweets and chocolate for treasure hunt (wrapped) (e.g. Celebrations) Balloons x 50 (5 packs) Please place any donations in the labelled box. Many thanks OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Leaflets are now available for the Samaritan’s Purse ‘Shoebox Appeal’. Shoeboxes are also available for a small voluntary donation. Please fill and return them by16th November. www.samartitans-purse.org.uk/what-we-do/ operation.christmas.child/ QUIET DAY: Saturday 8th November at the Hillcrest Centre, Dordon led by Pippa Steedman & Cathy Ward £25.00 per person including hot lunch (£20.00 concessions) To reserve a place please contact Pippa on (01827) 286373 or email: pippa@beanit.net. For more details please take home a flier. COMMUNION BEFORE CONFIRMATION: Any children who are in year 3 upwards and would like to receive the bread and wine at Communion services need to speak to Matt by Monday 27th October. They will need to have their parent’s agreement and attend a learning day on Saturday 8th November from 11.30am to 3.00pm. The first group of children admitted to Communion before Confirmation will be at the All Age Communion service on Sunday 30th November. NATIVITY 2014: CALLING ALL CHILDREN. Our service on the Sunday Morning before Christmas will once again be a Children’s Nativity (with a twist). We would love for as many of our children as possible to be involved (& perhaps the odd adult!). So children, put your name down on the sign-up sign sheet at the back of church if you’d like to take part. Rehearsals are likely to be on a Friday at around 4pm, beginning early Nov, to be confirmed when we know what time the majority can make. For very young children and those who do not want a speaking part there will be an opportunity to take part too so please put your name down but you won’t need to attend rehearsals until a week or so before the service. SIGNS FOR WORSHIP are holding a celebration evening on Friday November 7th from 7.30pm. At Tamworth Baptist Church, Exeley, Belgrave. This is a celebration of all the ways God gives us to worship him, through music, singing and signing. Everyone is welcome. More details on the noticeboard. They are also looking for musicians, if anybody would like to go along and join in. Please contact Jackie Eales at signs4worship@gmail.com CAKE SALE on Wednesday 22nd October at Glascote Methodist Church from 1-4 1 pm to raise money for Tearfund's ‘No Child Taken’ campaign. Fliers on the welcome table. PRISONS W EEK : There are more prisons and more prisoners in the Diocese of Lichfield than in any other Church of England diocese. Our prison chaplains tell us that many prison staff work under increasingly difficult circumstances. They invite local churches to bless prison staff by donating boxes of biscuits, with a card from the church assuring them of our prayers. These the chaplains will pass on to staff during Prisons Week, November 16-22. 22. Participating prisons include HMP Swinfen Hall, Stoke Heath, Stafford, Oakwood, Featherstone, and Dovegate. Speak to Jim if you would like to be involved. MODERN CHURCH: “Does Worship Need Believable Creeds?” Modern Church Day Conference led by Rev Canon David Jennings, Canon Theologian at Leicester Cathedral, at the Guildhall, Lichfield on Saturday 1 November 2014 from 1010 4. Conference Chair: Rev Dr Jeyan Anketell, Modern Church Trustee. Opportunities to listen, participate in discussion and “compose your own creeds and articles of belief”. Conference: £16.00 per head including drinks/biscuits. Lunch (optional): £4.50 (sandwich, fruit, cake). Further information: jeyan.anketell@ntlworld.com 01543 268 897. PAT TESTING Tuesday 4th November. Please bring any small electrical items that you regularly use in church or the hall for testing. Download this weekly notices sheet from: www.stgeorges-glascote.org.uk glascote.org.uk ISLAND HOUSE JOINS J.A.M. (JESUS AND ME) A time to come close to God through music, dance, prayer or however you feel. It will be an ideal opportunity to step out of our comfort zone and feel free to explore our spiritual gifts in a safe and relaxed environment. St George's Church, Friday 14th November, 7.30pm-8.30pm. www.islandhouse.org.uk STEPS IN FAITH COURSES A Steps in Faith course will be running this November- everyone is welcome to come along, and friends will also be welcome. The course title is 'Three in One - Exploring the Trinity.' One group will meet at Pat's house on Friday mornings at 11am and a second group will meet in the Chancel on Sunday evenings at 7-45pm. Full details are available on the notice board and there are flyers on the welcome table. EVERY WOMAN The next meeting is our popular Christmas Crafts evening on Thursday Nov 20th at 8pm in the hall. Bring your friends to enjoy a chat over mulled wine and mince pies and try out a number of Christmas Craft ideas. Our suggested donation of £2-50 covers everything. Please sign the sheet if you are planning to come. TODAY’S BIBLE READINGS 8.30am: 10.00am: Matthew 22: 15-22 1 Thessalonians 1: 1-10 Matthew 5: 13-16 2 Corinthians 4: 1-15 St. George’s Church, Glascote
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