More Information Week Ahead Worship Services 8:15am – Traditional; 10:45am – Contemporary Education Hour - 9:30am Today’s Worship Old Testament: Isaiah 45:1-7 Epistle: 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 Gospel: Matthew 22:15-22 Altar Flowers are given by Clarence & Sandra Hahn. Sunday Tuesday (see schedule above) 12:30 Afternoon Bible Study 3:00pm Kids Club Meeting Wednesday 6:30pm Confirmation Thursday 7:00am Power of Prayer 2:30pm Kids Club @ Clinton 6:30pm Swanson Bible Study 7:00pm Helvey Bible Study 7:00pm Women’s Bible Study Friday 7:00pm Ponsolle Bible Study Saturday 9am Fall Clean-up/Adopt-a-Highway Sunday (see schedule above) Tithes & Offerings Weekly Budget Need: $4660 Received: 10/5 - $3,094 Elder Rich Lanas Communion Asst. Bruce Reiter Greeters Clarence & Sandra Hahn (8:15) Ducato family (10:45) Readers Debbie Smith (8:15) Kathy O’Connor (10:45) Sound Board Nicholas Smith (8:15) Nate Winsel (10:45) Ushers Kathy Helvey, Julene Jurs (8:15) John & Sharon Bero (10:45) King of Glory Lutheran Church & Preschool Transforming Lives… Transforming Relationships... Serving the world. October 19, 2014 Staff: Pastor Doug Swanson - Stephanie Henderson, DCE - Tammy Kehe, Preschool Director Donna Darby, Church Secretary - Prayers Please keep the following in your prayers this week. Those listed in bold are new requests. Immediate Need: Joan Lanas (injections in back), Lorraine Kehe (fell; hospitalized), Mother of Deb Mack (possible major back surgery; Deb’s father who is increasingly unable to care for her), Dick Vehrs (recovering from cataract surgery), Rik Mallin, Adrienne, Eleanore, Kelli; Kathy O’Connor, Christine, Natalie Keyes, John Parkin, Sr., Pastor Mark Schulz, Carlos Rodriguez, Jr., Sarah Maxwell, 12yr. old, Kelly, Karen Crow Long Term: Linda Gahlbeck (3 seizures in ICU), Jaime, Sylvia Larsen, Debbie Guptill, Jerry, Mary Bonk, Marni Burlingame, Luke Parkin, John, Jerry Drexler & family, Melodie, Jon, Mary Block, Katrina, Char Stading, Greg, Jamie Nebel, Steven Thompson, Donald Shannon Other Prayers: Baleigh Kehe as she starts her teaching career; Bon Repos Orphanage/Haiti; thanks for recent prayers answered To request a prayer or to join the prayer chain, please call Isla Schulz: 847-931-9965. Let Pastor or office know of any changes, additions or deletions. We will keep people on our prayer list for 3 weeks. If you wish to add them again in the future, just let us know. If you are being hospitalized, please contact pastor or the church office. Thank you! The Church 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 Church/Preschool Office: (847) 931-1520 Email: Website: Welcome to King of Glory It is our hope that you find here the love and joy that is a part of our Lord’s worship, and that you share this experience with others throughout the week. Our Worship services are on the screen. If you need a paper copy of the service please see an usher. An adult staffed nursery is available downstairs in the Preschool classroom. Please feel free to bring infants & young children* (ages 6 & under) downstairs anytime during the Bible Study & 10:45am service. Confirmation Sunday - October 26, 10:45am - Please join us as Danielle Kenyon, Rileigh Swanson and Lauren Winsel confirm their faith in Christ Jesus during worship service. They will be sharing what Baptism, King of Glory and their confirmation verse means to them. Their faith paintings will also be displayed. We hope you can make it! Vision Statement King of Glory is a community of believers whose lives and relationships are being transformed daily by the gospel of Jesus Christ and whose desire is to help others experience the same. In this newness of life we are committed to using our God given gifts and talents to serve our neighbors near and far. During the Offering, please fill out the attendance cards and place in offering plate. Statement of Participation in Holy Communion We welcome to the Lord’s Supper those baptized individuals who hold firmly to the belief that Christ’s body and blood are indeed present in, with and under the bread and wine, and that by receiving the body and blood of Christ, as a believer, we receive forgiveness of our sins. Prior to partaking of the Lord’s Supper therefore, one should examine themselves and ask: Am I truly sorry for my sins? Do I believe in Christ and His words in the sacrament? Do I plan with God’s help to try to amend my sinful life and do better? Am I withholding forgiveness from someone that I should instead be granting? In the Lutheran Church, Holy Communion is considered a public confession of the faith taught in this place. If you are a visitor unfamiliar with the teachings of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, we invite you to join us for a blessing at the communion rail. As you kneel, place your right hand over your heart with your head bowed so Pastor will know to give you a blessing. NOTE: For those who might have a special circumstance and cannot use the wine, white grape juice is available in the middle of the tray. Gluten free wafers are also available. Please let Pastor know your need before the service. News & Notes October Mission Project - Haiti 2014: In less than 3 weeks the team of Pastor Doug, Stephanie Henderson, Gary Kessler, John Bero, Brian Bero and Sam Swanson will be departing on mission to Haiti. They will be returning to the Bon Repos Orphanage from November 4-11, to continue the work begun on KOG’s first trip in March of 2013. The team has an ambitious goal of raising $4,000 to complete a variety of projects during their time there. Monies will be used to completely overhaul the plumbing to the 3-story school building connecting it to the new fresh water well, addition of a third water tank reservoir to service the facilities, and general maintenance and repair of existing structures. We are also planning ministry activities and a special outing for the girls at the orphanage. These team members represent all of King of Glory as together we seek to fulfill our mission of serving the world. Please prayerfully consider how you might be able to support this kingdom work. Food Donations for South Elgin Food Pantry can be placed in wagon. Feature item: Hamburger Helper Nomination forms for Officers and Board Members for 2015-16 are on hall table. Spaghetti Dinner & Silent Auction - Saturday, November 1, 4:30-7:00pm. Only two weeks left before this event takes place at Immanuel Lutheran, Batavia. Get your advance tickets now for $10 adults, $5 children. Spaghetti, meatballs, bread, Olive Garden salad, beverage and your choice of many delicious homemade desserts will be served for that low price! And all food is being donated so that all proceeds will benefit Prison Ministry. Call Kathy Helvey at 630-267-3062 to get your tickets now. Northern Illinois Food Bank - next opportunity to service is Saturday, November 15 at 9:00am. Sign up sheet is on hall table. Spaces are limited so please sign up now. Fall Clean-up and Adopt-a-Highway - Saturday, October 25 - 9-12:00. Your help is needed to take care of the outside grounds and get them ready for winter. As they say, “many hands make light work” so the more people we can get to participate the quicker the work can be accomplished. It is also a fun time to work alongside fellow brothers and sisters as we care for God’s creation and the little corner of His kingdom He has entrusted to us. We need volunteers that have chainsaws and are ready to use them so that we can clean up some of the tree line. If you have questions, please contact Sharon Bero: 847-931-1116. 3rd Quarter Contribution Statements are on hall table. Please take home with you today. Power of Prayer: Thursday mornings at 7am in the sanctuary. The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League collects mites (loose change) all year to use for missionary projects at home and abroad. On Sunday, November 2, King of Glory will be celebrating LWML Sunday at both services. During worship we will be asking members to “make a joyful noise unto the Lord” by dropping their coins into our special tin can containers. Please bring lots of coins with you on November 2 so the Lord will know we are serious about supporting our mission work through mites. The LCFS Zone noon luncheon is Wednesday, October 22, at Faith-Carpentersville. Lutherfest XV at St. John’s, Elgin - Saturday, October 25, 9:00-4:00. The indoor Fun Fair is from 10-12:30 is for kids of all ages. Games and prizes for 25cent tickets at the door. Crafts, baked goods, book sale and granny’s attic items are for sale from 9:00-4:00. This is a fun activity for your family.
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