PLEASE PRAY FOR Those who have died recently, P.J.Boyle, Barbara Dowd, Diane Galloway RIP and for all who have no one to pray for them. Those whose Anniversaries occur this week; Margaret Kiely, Joseph White, Philomena Mumby, John Veys, Michael Chudobski, William McManus Debra Sullivan, Jack Howell, John Sheenhan, Carmelita Veluz, Connor Davenport, Patrick Joseph Reilly, Czeslawa Siwek, Sean O'Grady, Laura Agnes Pooley, Sidney Cooke, Angela Attridge , Kathleen Oughton, Dorothy Sunman, James Briggs, Marjorie Streets, Annie Esther Murphy Rose, Antonio Alfonso Iacono, Fr Edward Rowles, Those who are sick; Margaret Rawlin, Heather Edlin, George O’Brien, Margaret McGuinn, Maria Wright, Anthony Hoole, John Tyler, Mary Gibson, Catherine Morris, Joanne Marum, Anne O’Neill, Philip Maughan, Stephen Clark, Helen Ainly, Biddy O’Brien, Richard Beatty, Kathleen Botton Mary Jones, Roseann Hughes, Hughie Furey, Anne Ryan & Joseph Clark October is the Month of The Rosary -“Go to the Madonna! Love her. Always say the Rosary. Say it well. Say it as often as you can! Be souls of prayer. Never tire of praying, it is what is essential. Prayer shakes the Heart of God, it obtains necessary graces!” St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina St Simon and St Jude - Feast Day Tuesday 28th October - Both Simon and Jude were ordinary men who were chosen by Jesus. Their lives help us to understand that even the most average people can become saints when they decide to follow Jesus. All Saints and All Souls: Next Sunday is the Solemnity of All Saints (transferred from Saturday 1st). The Commemoration of All Souls’ Day will be on Monday 3rd November as usual. From midday 1st November to midnight 2nd November a Plenary Indulgence may be gained, applicable to the Holy Souls only, under these conditions: visit to a Church, say an Our Father and one of the Creeds, and the usual conditions of Confession, Holy Communion and prayer for the intentions of the Pope (one Our Father and one Hail Mary). The Indulgence may be gained only once a day. Visiting a cemetery and praying there for the dead, under the usual conditions, may also gain a Plenary Indulgence between 1st and 8th November, applicable to the Holy Souls only. We will visit Newark Cemetery on Sunday November 2nd with blessing of graves at 3.00pm. † Envelopes for the November Dead List may be found at the entrance to the Church. A Mass will said here or on the Missions for every £10.00 offered. Parish Diary and Community Centre Tuesday 28th October - 2.00pm Craft Group – if anyone would like to join The group they are very welcome. . Weds 29th October - 2.00pm Leisure Club. Friday 31st October - 6.30pm - Football training - for U9 & U10’s. 7.30pm Community Night. Free entry, Bar & Tuck Shop. Saturday – 1st November - 3.00pm Choir Practice in the Church. New members always welcome 7.30pm – Parish Dance with music from Frank McCaffrey – On tour from Ireland – Tickets £7 Interested in Volunteering? . Volunteers are required for the severe weather night shelter. If anyone is interested in signing up please contact Cheska E-mail: as soon as possible as training will start very soon. Please see the Poster at the back of the Church for more details. KINGS MILL HOSPITAL, MANSFIELD – IMPORTANT NOTICE: Before entering Hospital would Catholic patients or their families please inform Fr. Malachy or Deacon Barry on 01623 623458, either direct or via their parish priest, so that pastoral visits by the Chaplaincy Team and the Sacraments of the Church may be ensured – with details please of their full name and address, and (if known) the Hospital Ward). This is especially important as these details are not at present provided by the new Hospital computer programme and direct notification is the only means to ascertain this vital information. On Tour from Ireland - Frank McCaffrey -Music and dancing on Saturday 1st November, in the Parish Centre. Tickets £7 – available from Marie 07769 796693 or Maggie 01639 684799 Mary’s Meals – Thank you to everyone who has supported the charity and for those who have taken boxes – can they bring them in by the 2nd November to be emptied - New boxes will be available for anyone wishing to take one. All enquiries to the KSC. Tel 679044 Polish War Memorial Commemoration - All Souls Day of Remembrance at Newark Cemetery. This event is organised annually by the Polish Air Force Association and Newark Town Council. It will take place on Sunday 26th October 2014, in the commonwealth war graves section of the Newark cemetery. The procession, will be led by the standards, will begin at 3pm. Wreaths are laid, and tea lights will be lit on each of the graves. The Chapel Interpretation Centre at Newark Cemetery will open at 12 noon until 2.30pm
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