LOYAL ORDER OF 1HEMOOSE lAPINE MOOSE NOOZE PROUD HOME OF OREGON'S La Pine Moose Lodge #2093 Women's Chapter # 1851 52510 Drafter Road, La Pine, OR 97739 PAST DaR JUDI DA vzs: PO Box 776, La Pine, OR 97739 541-536-3388 Social quarters or 541-636-3721 Office PAST DaR TERRI BRADFORD, AND PAST DSG DA VB LEA VOLUME 36, ISSUE 7 NOVEMBER 2014 As a heartfelt Thank you you for all the help after their house fire, Steve Harting & Cheryl lewis present to our Moose lodge: 50 come enjoy an evening of Great entertainment on November 7th. Dinner will include Prime Rib and Shrimp, Potato, and Veggie for only $IS- "Hear Ye Hear Yen Calling All Lodge Fellows November is Fellowship Degree Honor Month. The Annual Meeting of The Lodge Fellows will be held on Thurs. Nov. 6th at 4:30pm. The committee is comprised of all Fellows who are members of the lodge in which the meeting is held. If you cannot attend, please call Dave Lea at 541-536-3388. The Fellowship recommendation process takes place at this meeting. Dave Lea- Administrator SECOND ANNUAL TAILGATE PARTY sAT..Nov..29th at 1pm (in RV Area) Complete with BonFire BBU..Hamburgers Hotdogs & Brauts COOKED ON A TRAEGER Large Projector Screen Bar Available Bring a new Member- Game starts at 4pm- Hey kids, can you find this ~ Dress Warm moose hiding in this newsletter? LA PINE #2093 MOOSE NOOZELETTER page 2. November 2014 From Your Governor .•. LOOM BOARD OF OFFICERS JERRY RAILEY, Govenor DEAN OLSON, Junior governor STEVE HARTING, Jr. Past Governor DAVE FERGUSON, Prelate RICHARD AMATI, Treasurer DAVE LEA, Administrator RICK MELLOTT, 3- year Trustee CODY MELLOTT, 2-year Trustee BOB DRYDEN-I-yearTrustee HOURS: Sunday- 9 am to close / Monday- II am to close, Tuesday through Friday 11 am to 10 pm Saturday- 11 am to 11 pm (we may be open later on any night depending on volume of business and music nights) La Pine Moose Nooze, the offlcIal publication of La Pine Moose Lodge, Is printed on premise at 52510 Drafter Rd. Our maHlng addl8SS Is PO Box n6, La Pine, OR 9n39. The office phone Is 541-536-3721, socIaJ quart9rs phone is 541-536-3388. To submit an article You can contact Editor Nancy Montgomery at 541-408-2691 or Email Nancyattandnm®msn.com. Thanks to all our volunteers, yard dogs, cooks, bartenders, ticket sellers, musicians, etc. A special thanks to Louis and Dena Thune, and Dave & Becky for doing the Highway clean-up before winter sets in. Reminder- our annual Fellowship Meeting will be held on Thurs. Nov. 6th at 4:30pm' You should already have your invitation letter. There will be a Member Appreciation Spaghetti Dinner at 5pm on Thurs. Nov. 20th. The Civil War game plan sounds like fun. Bundle up and join us outdoors for the bon fire, large projector screen, games, and food. The party starts at 1pm and the game is later. Plans for our Annual free Christmas Dinner for the community are in this issue. Check it out and see what you can do to help. The sign-up sheets will be posted at the lodge after Thanksgiving. Fraternally, Jerry Railey, Gove+""or541-536-4834 Administrator Notes We must be having fun, time isllying by. We have a full calendar, with some great dinners and activities planned Join us and have a good time sodalking with old friends and making new ones. We have some new membership Prizes available! Evety month we will have a Prize that will be posted at the end of the bar- each time you sponsor someone your name is put on the list. At the end of the month- a name will be drawn to see who won. This month will be a 201b. turkey! Our 2nd Annual Civil War ;.ame is happening this month. last year was a geat success. This year promises to be even greater. Plan on being here. We will have stuff inside also for those who don't want to brave the cold! (Even though last year, the fire was so big, it IIW1S warm out there.) Moose International has a Karaoke contest going on- top 3prizes- 15,000. 12,000, & 11000. Each finalist will receive round trip air fare and 2 nights lodgi"l at the Opryland Hotel. Singers must be novices. (You can't have been paid to sing.) Singers will first Win at lodge level, then work throu$_h District and Association levels to qualify for the Finals in Nashville!! Come to the lodge for details. Thought for the Month: "A compromise is an Agreement where both parties wanted! " Dave Lea, Administrator get what neither of them OMA Membership Campaigns OMA is running a membership promotion titled 2-2-2! Sign up 2 members, get your name in a hat- each member you sign after the 1st. 2 new members will put your name in the hat again. The winner will be drawn at the Texas Hold' m game in Vegas! The prize is 2 nights paid for at the conference in Klamath Falls and 2 dinners at the banquet. Then in January we start a new promotion that will run through April- This will be similar to the 2-2-2 as for being a drawing, but the qualification is a minimum of 3. The winner will receive a life membership in his or her lodge or chapter- drawing date not decided yet. Come to the lodge for details. Dave Lea- State Membership Chairman LA PINE #2093 MOOSE NOOZELETIER page 3. ,---------------------------------~ November 20t4 Academy of Friendship WOMEN OF THE MOOSE #1851 2014-2015 BOARD OF OFFICERS Luncheon 1pm, Senior Regent, PAT RIDENOUR Junior Regent, KAREN MYERS Chaplain, SHARON LIPPINCOTT SecretarylTreasurer, TERESA BRADFORD Recorder, SYLVIA REMILY Jr. Grad Regent, BERNIE SHOEMAKER Wickiup Station Hostess: Pat Ridenour ( Please A ofF Members, we need more Hostesses so the same people aren't always it) Dear Co-workers & new members (Welcome' Hope you all had a wonderful time at the Halloween parties. There was a lot of funny creatures roaming around. It sure was a fun time. We had our Christmas Bazaar for Moose Heart and Moosehaven, Thanks to an who helped and to an who supported of during this time. We also had a wonderful meeting for our Star Recorder SYLVIA REMILy. We are very lucky to have her. She does a lot for the chapter and for us ladies. We were also honored to have Sandy Wells, (our Deputy Grand Regent', Sue Hicks, and Susan Kaser members. We also had present, Dottie Derbyshire, our Volunteer of the Year, Don't know what we would do with out her. It was Great! Well no one has stepped up to claim the $10.00 for this month. Really disappointed. Sure hope you are reading the newsletter. We are doing this each month. Look for your membership number. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and Bless each and everyone of you, fiJaI ~ Senior Regent FROM THE RECORDER LAPiNE CltAPTER'S NEW Co;wORkERS HARRiS, SPONSOR: DEAN OlSON THE SENIOR REGENT. ARE USA ClARk, ANd RE;ENROllEd PATRICIA RIDENOUR SPONSOR: KAREN NEEly, Kirri ROltR, PATRiciA SPONSOR: Judi DAVis. HAS BEEN DRAWING A MEMBER's NUMBER AND HAVING NANCY MONTGOMERY PUT IT IN THE NEWSLETTER. IF YOU SEE THE NUMBER LADIES. CHEC/i AND SE, IF IT I$_ YOUR ID NUMBER ON YOUR MOOSE CARD. YOU COULD WIN :p I 0.00. SO FAR 5 WOMEN HAVE LOST THEIR CHANCE TO WIN. WONDA WILLIS (JUNE). PHYLLIS LlDGREN (JULY) MARY LUCAS (AUGUST). CATHRINE BISHOP (SEPT.) AND BARBARA KING (OcT.J. SO LADIES. LET'S LOOK FOR THE HIDDEN NUMBER. ME, I AM AT rhs lodqs MOST WEEk dAYS fROM (MAkE SURE check is MAdE OUT TO WOTM). If you MOOSE, lOAM TO lpM. If you wislt TO pAy YOUR dUES whit f.tAVE ANY QUESTiONS AbOUT YOUR dUES OR ANyrltiNG PERTAiNiNG TO TltE WOMEN of TltE plEASE SlOP ANd SEE ME. HAVE A GREAT dAY, SylViA REMily, RECORdER ~4J..81~;222~ Chris/mas In {Jc/{)berBazaar The Bazaar was very successful thanks to all who donated: Pat, Dena, Audrey, Karen M., Judi, and all who wolked: Carote D., Karen M., Pat R., Carol R., Karen N., Judi, and of course all of you who purchased. LaPine Chapter 1851 approved $500. Moosehaven. to be sent to our children at Mooseheart and our seniors at So all the proceeds from this event went to offset our expense. November Birthdays Harvey Adams 11-1 Darrel Aplington Jr. 11-8 Jerald Cooper 11-29 Keith Cooper 11-29 Charles Davis 11-6 Robert Dryden 11-11 Carl Duncan 11-6 Shawn Dunne 11-28 Bradley Duren 11-14 Gary Edgilll-1 0 Steven Ellis 11-3 Floyd Foster 11-11 Gregory Graven 11-10 Glynn Griffith 11-4 Ralph Horand 11-7 James Jones 11-19 Brad Larson 11-4 Richard LaSan 1125 Bob Lauber 11-11 Kevin Lewis 11-30 William Lewis 11-13 Robbie Lopez 11-10 Barry Lucas 11-27 Johnnie May 11-14 Marvin McClendon 11-1 Gerald Meese 11-9 Michael Mellott 11-26 Tun Strausbaugh 11-11 Clarence Weber 11-12 page 4. GET WELL WISHES TO: Hope leinbach, Carol Jones, Jay lea, Glenn WIlier, Sharon lippincott Candy Schiavone, Chuck Banks, Jim Jones, Wilma VIncent, Kimberly Ferguson, and Bob Mellott. Irene Ackley 11-11 Corky Adams 11-19 Kathy Biggs 11-12 Michele Burke 11-12 Deane Cavaness 11-25 Joyce Cullen 11-10 Sharon Davis 11-28 Jacqueline Day 11-8 Khyra Duncan 11-6 Anduth Eden 11-19 Denise Goss 11-8 Sherry Hendricks 11-25 Eva Hirsch 11-17 Nita Holt 11-28 Delores Lantz 11-13 Bethany Mahlberg 11-6 Jo Manning 11-12 Doris Martin 11-3 Juanita May 11-1 Dona McFadden 11-5 Linda Morrow 11-29 Kathy Neal U ..12 Amanda Satison 11-11 Barbara Self 11-13 Marja Walsh 11-22 Janell Welsh 11-3 Call 541-536-3388 to report illnesses or ailments. If you know of a member who is sick or hospitalized. pleas put hlslher name In the bulletin. or the sick list by the front door. Y-n 'ff/efYWr'l 0/ ~t~r .c: 10-9-14 We witt m: 1}ou! Y-n 'ff/efYWr'l 0/ Our Lodge Email is: moose 1@crestviewcable.com norm Crowe 10-16-14 See "LaPine MOOSENOOZE" Online at: http://www.oregon mooseassociation.comILODGES/ D2ILaPine.pdf .All OUI' ~1mpatlz, to m; Jo/elt ad _Anna rf/alume'J . wlw !ojt theil' Si4!el' eolten Soltz ~-------------------------------~ i HAPPY BIRTHDAY : I • ': NAME , I -------------- : BIRTHDATE ! · • : i : «Only valid -d-un-·-ng-y-o-u-r-b-irt-hd-a-y-m-on-t-h-»- With this coupon, you can have $5 off any Saturday dinner during your birthday month. (Not valid for Women's Breakfasts or dinners) , t4t8-c£'•.otI!l!f~~"'!IiIii!i!!il,o""~~~~,j!!ji"''''''8!il!!l!o!i~~oiiiR''Wii1it<@Ioojo''''''''.! ! ,: I I : I on 9-24-14 LA PINE #2093 MOOSE NOOZELETIER November 2014 page 5. Annual Christmas Dinner for the Communtty- Sunday Dec. 14th Families with kids 1 to 2:30pm Adults only dinner 3 to 4pm Wii Winners Scratch Handicap NancyM-257 RickM.- 249 Nancy M.- 232 Sylvia-294 Nancy M.- 280 Sylvia-272 Thank You! We had FUN- Yeh! 7 strikes in a row- Nancy M.- 257 Converted Splits- Reda 4-6,5-7,2-4-7 NancyM.- 5-7,5-4-7,5-7 Sylvia- 5-7-4, 5-7 Kitti- 5-7-9 George- 5-10 The lodge will provide turkey and ham, The chapter will provide stuffing, veggies, potatoes and gravy, rolls and cranbeny sauce. We need everyone's participation and help. Bring side dishes on Dec. 14th around 11am. A through 1- bring Salads or deviled eggs J through R -Desserts or candied yams. S through Z- Veggie platters Pick up turkeys on Dec. 11th or 12th and return turkeys, giblets and broth around gam on Dec. 14th, so we. can carve them and make the gravy. For volunteers who want to help with wrapping gifts and bagging candy come in at 10am on Dec. 11th. Volunteers- Please sign up to help do something! We need cooks, servers, busboys, dishwashers, etc. My Turkey Lurkies: Nancy-7, Reda,-4, Sylvia- 3, Pat R. and Tracy. No open frames- Nancy and Sylvia . Reda played most games. I am greatful to all: [o W. (Star Recorder), Becky (Star Recorder), [erry R., Rob, Sharon L., Mike M., Cody M. Judi Davis- Star Recorder Nov. 22nd- tpm Fashion Show Clothes from Barbie's Refreshments ~. '", '.~ 9" .. '. "'tJ. l.' ~"'1" ~ . SIGN UP SHEETS TO HELP WILL BE POSTED AFTER THANKSGIVING 1 \ I HAPPy THANKSGIVING Please call to find out if the lodgewiU be open and for hours • LA PINE #2093 MOOSE NOOZELETTER Page 6. I<ID5 CORNER PIZZA NIGHT NOV. 13TH At 4:30 .Especially Since you may be cooking enough this month. WESTERN HOEDOWN WEll BVIIER MY BUNS, THERE'S GONNA B£ A WESTERN HOEDOWN AND 60TH BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR BRADLEY D. NOV. 15TH DINNER 5-7PM FRIED CHICkEN, MAC &- CHEESE, FRIED GREEN BEANS, (OLE SLAW, AND (ORN8R£AD W/ HONEY 8U1T£R COME lOIN US WEARING THOSE HATS AND BOOTSf LETS STOMP THE NIGHT AWAY' 1'HANkS. ttRRI 8JW)FOJd) November 2014 LA PINE #2093 MOOSE NOOZELEITER page 7. November 2014 Sundays Poker Game suspended till after football season. POOL TOUR'NA~rNT CIT·R·DUMPED Steve ScInefIer ~ November 9th 2:00 pm Inc. for all your hauling needs, coil Steve 541-480-8435 Servtng laPine Qnd Beyond us DOT 290135 Driveway Rock • Snow Plowing • Cinders • Dirt EALTY :PeNt O/kQ}t. PRlNClPAlBROlCER MJ.qcNl-3'fi5.U WN&_, TREE SERVICE LLC HAZARD rssss • fUEL REDUCTION CHIPPING" STU tP RL"IDI G· LOT CLEARlNG ___________ INGS OFOREGON Custom Pole Suildings: Residential, Fann & Ranch Since 1964 • Lie. 122820 • Bonded • Insured BRAD FOOTE, Builder (541) 420-1103 P.o. Box 1142 • La Pine, Oregon 97739 Office (541) 433·2310 • Fax (541) 433-2320 E-mail: mcboo@centurytel.net PageS. November 2014 LaPine Moose Art Class Thanks to Jerry and Emelie Jeffers of Bellingham, Washington for their donation to Keep Our Children Warm (KOCW), in memory of her sister and our dear friend Esther Lea. Thanks to Louis and Dena Thune, and Dave & Becky Lea for doing the fall Highway Clean-up on Oct. 19tfi. Thanks to Lee Pedersen and Chad Lewis for repladng all our burned out light bulbs, espedaUy those difficult 8 footers in the pantry and dining room. Thanks to Stan Friese for donating to the Keep Our Children warm (KOCW)program in memory of Esther Lea. Thanks to Don and Audrey Greiner for donating the Christmas Moose for our Men's raffle. Thanks to all who helped on the kids Annual Halloween Party. (More in Dec. Issue) Come and enjoy an evening with Brady Goss, Friday Nov. 7th- an amazing musician, as a thank you from Steve Harting and Cheryl Lewis. They would like to thank the LOOM and Chapter members for everything they did to help after the fire of their home last year. They have recently moved in to their new home and are getting settled in very well and just want to recognize everyone and say a very heartfelt THANK YOU ALLfor being therefor them. So come and enjoy an evening with this great entertainer, you won't regret it. Brady played this summer at Dan & Lynn's barn party Also, this summer, he played during the Pendleton Round-up. He has played at the Hard Rock in Seattle. You can see some of his video here http://eaglecapmediaproductions.comlbrady THEVERYPOPULAR MOO-SE RACES Friday Nov. 14th - Post Time at 5:30pm NEW!!! BEER BA,!'I'ERED SHRIMP BASKET for $6.00 at 5pm by WOTM EVERYONE WELCOME! LA PINE #2093 MOOSE NOOZELETTER Saturday Dinner Menus by the LOOM DINNERS ARE FROM 5PM TO 7PM Unless specified November 2014 Sunday Breakfast Menus bytheWOTM BREAKFASTS ARE FROM 9AM TO 11AM Unless specified Nov. 2nd Nov.lst- Seafood Chowder, with Cheddar Bay Biscuits. Chicken Fried Steak (or Pork) with Country grmy, or 3 large sausage links, 2 Eggs to order, hashbrowns, biscuit, fruit, juice. and coffee. $7. 00 ..........................................$5. 00 by Dave & Becky Nov. 9th, 16th, & 23rd Breakfast Off Menu Nov. 8th- Beef Stew & Cornbread ................................................. $5. 00 2 Eggs Made to Order Choice 0/ Bacon, Ham, or Sausage Links Hash Browns Choice of White or Wheat Toast, or Biscuit $6.00 by Daile & Becky Nov. 15th- Western Hoedown Vittles include: FRIED CHICkEN. MAC & CH££S£. fRIED GRE£N B£ANS, COLE SLAW, AND CORN--8R£AD W/ HONEY 811tT£R ....................$8. 00 by Terri & Crew Nov. 22nd- 3 Egg Denver Scramble Made with Ham, Peppers, Onion, and Cheese, Hash Browns, Choice o/White or Wheat Toast or Biscuit. $7.00 3 Egg Omelet Ham & Cheese, or Sausage or Bacon, or Denver Style, Served with hashbrowns and toast. $7.00 2 Biscuits and Gravy Add Ham, Bacon, or Sausage Add 2 Eggs $3.50 $5.00 $6.00 2 Pancakes, 2 Eggs, Choice of Bacon, Ham, or Sausage Links, and Hashbrowns $7.00 Homemade Italian Meatball Sub Sandwich, With Jo's Pasta Salad $7.00 On the Light Side 2 Eggs, Choice 0/1 Strip 0/ Bacon, or 1Sausage Link, Choice of Toast or Biscuit. $4.00 byJo & Crew Breakfast Burrito........................... Nov. 29th- Civil War Tailgate Food (seefront page) Nov. 30th $6.00 I NOVEMBER 2014 Breakfasts are from 9-11am unless specified Sunday Dinners are At the La Pine, Oregon Moose Lodge from 5-7pm unless specified Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 eafood Chowde w/Cheddar Bay Biscuits $5. Member Retention Week Nov. znd- 8th by Dave & Becky Music by Bradle D. 2 5 3 7 6 Fellowship Chicken Fried Steak or Pork or Sausage & Eggs $7.00 Food to Order Plus Spedal4:30 Mtg. at 4:30 Texas Hold 'Em BINGO 6:00 Free family Pool Darts 1 m 9 Indianapolis @ NYG 10 Breakfast Marine Corp. Off Menu Birthday Free family Pool 9-11 Burgers & Brauts and after Tournament. Open Mike & Jam Pool Tournament 2pm Session 4P111 arolina @ Philly I7 16 Breakfast Off Menu BULLETIN DEADLINE Except for Meeting info 11 12 'f -11 ~ Veterans Day Food to Order Plus Special 4:30 Pizza Night BINGO 6:00 4:30 AofF-lpm at Wickiup Station Texas Hold 'Em Hostess: Pat Ridenour 6pm 18 19 'f-11 a.m- ittsburg @ Tenn. 23 BtlSiDess Mfg. 12 Noon Plus Special 4:30 Texas Hold 'Em 6pm Breakfast Burrito $6. Free family Pool 26 Member Appreciation Spaghetti Dinne 5pm 27 Beef Stew & Cornbread $5.00 by Dave & Becky Music by Bradlev D. 15 Moose CofRMtg.1pm Races Brad/eyD. Birthday Party ),30 ;'30 Shrimp Basket, Fries or Onion Rings $6. at wm Western Hoedown & Dinner (see page 6.) $8. 22 1 Fashion Show by Barbie's 1pm WOTM Baked Potato Bar4:30 $6. Italian Meatball Sub & Pasta Salad $7.00 Music by Bradley D. 8 29 Waiu~ Free family Pool 9-11 Burgers & Brauts Darts at Ipm pen Mike & Jam Session 4P111 3 Legion 5pm House 5:30 Officers 6pm Lodge 6:30 25 Brealifast 20WOTM Food to Order Waiu~ Prime Rib & Shrimp $15. 14 13 Waiu~ BINGO 6:00 Free family Pool 6pm WOTM Welcome Mig. 6pm-Board Mtg.After House 5:30 Officers 6pm Lodge 6:30 Steve Harting ThankYou Party with Brady Gos, 8 N".v6 'DIIl,It' .... Enchiladas Baltimore@ N. Orleans. Thanksgiving Call to See if 'f -11 a.m- BULLETIN FOLDING NO BINGO lodge is open Catfish Dinner at 4:30 pm WOTM Fundraiser $7.00 Civil War Tailgate Party Jpm- Game at 4 (see front page) Music by Bradley D.
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