Document 414099

November 9, 2014
Remembrance Sunday
9:30 a.m.
* indicates please stand, if you are able
Silent Prayer and Preparation
Welcome and Announcements
* Gathering Hymn 260 – God Who Gives to Life Its Goodness
* Opening Words: (responsive)
How beautiful upon the mountains
are the feet of those who bring good news;
who publish peace, who bring good tidings,
who publish salvation, and proclaim,
“Your God reigns!”•
God will judge among many peoples,
and they shall beat their swords into plowshares
and nation shall not lift up sword against nation:
neither shall they learn war any more.
Let us lift up our voices
and praise the God of peace and justice.
Let us worship God.
(Congregation may be seated.)
Prayer of Approach: (in unison)
O God, at this annual time of remembrance,
our thoughts turn to the violence, fear,
and pain of war.
Come gently in our worship this morning
that we may know your peace—
not the peace of violence ignored and fear repressed,
but the true peace of evil confronted, injustice exposed,
and reconciliation achieved.
We pray in the name of the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ
who taught us to pray as we sing …
The Prayer of Jesus: VU 959 (sung)
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come, your will be done
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins,
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial
and deliver us from evil
for the kingdom, the power
and the glory are yours, now and forever.
Choir Anthem:
“World Peace Canon”
- D. Moore
Bible Reading:
Matthew 18: 21-33
Stories of Peace and Non-violence:
The Christmas Truce
- Alvin Penner
The Singing Revolution
- Beryl West
Leymah Gbowee and a Women’s Peace Movement
- Joan Wells
Inviting the Enemy for Coffee
- Keith Rae
Forgiving a Murderer
- Sharon Middleton
Instead of Violence
- Stephen Bronn
* Hymn MV 154 – Deep In Our Hearts
Invitation to the Offering
Choir Anthem:
“I Find My Peace in You”
- Price-Besig
* Offertory Response: MV 191
What can I do? What can I bring?
What can I say? What can I sing?
I’ll sing with joy. I’ll say a prayer.
I’ll bring my love. I’ll do my share. (Repeat)
* Prayer of Dedication: (in unison)
Gracious God, receive our gifts.
These are the tokens of thanks
for your extravagant blessings,
and our signs of trust in your coming reign
of justice, peace, and love;
in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Service of Remembrance
Statement of Purpose
Prayers of God’s People
Call to Remembrance
The Last Post
Two Minutes Silence
Words of Assurance
* Closing Hymn 677 – O God of Every Nation
* Benediction
- Rhonda Baker, trumpet
* Choral Blessing: MV 215
Peace be with you, peace forever,
peace be with you, my friends.
Till we meet again, may God be with you.
Peace, peace, peace.
(The congregation is invited to sit and listen to the postlude.)
We welcome all who worship with us today, but especially our guests. We invite you to record your visit with
us by signing the guest book at the entrance. After worship, the congregation visits over refreshments in the
Lower Hall and we hope you will join us. If you would like the minister to call on you, please contact the
church office.
We welcome and thank Rhonda Baker for playing the trumpet for the Remembrance service today.
Large print copies of the hymns, including the responsive Psalm, are available for use every Sunday. Please
feel free to ask an usher for a copy. After the service, please return the booklet to the pew at the back of the
sanctuary or leave it in your seat. Thank you.
Ushers: Bruce and Louise Stayzer
Counters: Helen Wismer and Keith Rae
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Next week the Choir will lead the service. It will be a special musical treat.
Church Renovation Tour – Some Council members are going to visit Transfiguration Anglican Church after
worship next week to view their recent renovations. They’ll be leaving about 11:15 to arrive at 11:30. The
church is at the corner of Glendale and Glenridge in St Catharines. Anyone who wants to come along is
The Discussion Group will meet this week but not next week.
“Homes for the Holidays” Christmas House tour sign-up sheets will be available in the Narthex today. We
need many volunteers to act as hosts in the homes and to work in the kitchen on the day. There are morning and
afternoon shifts available. Please consider signing up to support this fundraiser. Tickets will be on sale today
after worship in the Narthex.
Amalgamation Report – The Liaison Committee offered a report last June and we have had four months to
think about it. Following worship on November 23, plan to stay after the service to share your views. This will
be the first of two information meetings. The other is planned for December 7. You may also share your views
in writing to Rich Miller. Copies of the Liaison Committee report can be obtained from the church office or be
read on the church website.
Taize for Peace Service will be held today at Mount Carmel Spiritual Centre, 7021 Stanley Avenue, Niagara
Falls at 3:00 pm. Music with guitar, flute and violin, and piano music by William Outred. Free-will offering.
UCW Meeting will be held this Wednesday, November 12 at 1:30 pm. Paul Owen will be giving a slideshow
presentation about his recent trip to Peru. All ladies of the congregation are welcome to come.
From Stewardship – Thank you to all those who shared their personal testimonies, to Brenda and Barbara
Peszle for their participation and especially for Brenda’s dramatic reading on October 26; for the many positive
personal comments directed to the Stewardship Committee over the three weeks; and to Garry for his
participation over the past year and for his message of November 2. Those who have not as yet submitted their
intention forms and wish to be included in this year’s report are asked to bring them in by next Sunday.
Newsletter – The Advent issue of the Grapevine will be going out on November 23. Anyone who would like to
submit an article for the newsletter is asked to bring it in or email it to the church office by November 17.
From the Finance Committee – As you may know, the United Church Foundation offers a “share transfer
program” through which members can make gifts to the church. In essence, a member authorizes their broker to
transfer shares of a publicly traded company to the Foundation, at which point the shares are sold and funds
remitted to the member’s congregation. A tax receipt is issued by the Foundation for the full amount of the gift
which effectively offsets any tax to be paid on a capital gain. If you are interested in making a special one-time
or year-end gift by this process, please contact Jim Bradley. Thank you.
Men’s Breakfast will be held on Saturday, November 22 at 8:00 am. The guest speaker, Norm Kraft will give
a presentation for the Niagara Recycling program.
Choralis Camerata will present A Ceremony of Carols by Benjamin Britten and Wachet Auf by J.S. Bach on
Saturday, November 22 at 7:30 pm at First Grantham United Church, St. Catharines and on Sunday, November
23 at 2:30 pm at Central United Church, Welland. Tickets are $25 for adults and $22 for seniors; available by
calling (905) 646-9255 or at
Town Square Manor is a life-lease seniors apartment building created with the support of this congregation,
located in Pelham Town Square. Currently available is a two-bedroom suite with all appliances, A/C, ensuite
laundry and storage room. For further information please check out our website at or
call Harland Young at (905) 892-0927.
The Week Ahead
Mon. Nov 10
Tues. Nov 11
Wed. Nov 12
Thurs. Nov 13
Nov 15
Nov 16
3:30 pm
6:30 pm
9:00 am
9:00 am
9:30 am
2:00 pm
3:30 pm
5:00 pm
6:30 pm
1:30 pm
2:00 pm
6:30 pm
9:00 am
2:00 pm
7:30 pm
9:30 am
Prayer Circle
Pedicure Salon
UCW Presbyterial Meeting
Music Lessons
Worship Committee Meeting
Weight Watchers
Faith & Order Committee Mtg.
UCW Meeting
Music Lessons
Stress Busters Meeting
Music Lessons
Choir Practice
Piano Lessons
Christmas House Tour
Worship Service – Choir Service
Trip to Transfiguration Church
Fonthill United Church
42 Church Hill, Box 926, Fonthill, ON L0S 1E0
Office (905) 892-6433
Minister: Garry van Bruchem
Music Director: William Outred
Council Chair: Richard Miller
Secretary: Patrice Walker