Rabbi Yitzchak Wyne 9590 W Sahara Avenue ~ Las Vegas, NV 89117 ~ 702-360-8909 ~ www.yiaishlv.org ~ www.therabbishow.com Davening Times: Shacharis: Mon - Fri 6:30 am ~ Sat 8:50 am ~ Sun. & Federal Holidays 8:00 am Fri 11/21 Light Candles 4:11 pm, Mincha/Maariv 4:10 pm, Sat 11/22 Mincha 4:00 pm Shabbos Ends 5:11 pm ~ Sunday-Thursday, 11/16-20 Mincha/Maariv 4:10 pm Schedule of Services & Classes on Shabbos 8:50 am Shacharis 10:00 am Torah Service 11:00 am Rabbi Wyne’s Drusha 11:30 am Mussaf Service in Main Sanctuary, OR Options Adult learning in Education Sanctuary >> KIDS AGE 7+ SEE SPECIAL MEETING Noon 3:15 pm 3:30 pm Kiddush Women’s Class w/Rabbi Wyne Men’s Class ~ “Fleischiphobia” Did the Rabbis Create a New Anxiety Disorder?” w/ Rabbi Anderson 4:05 pm Mincha/ Seuda Shlishis/ Maariv, Seuda Shlishis is generously sponsored this week by Simon S. & Mazal Abraham In memory of Simon’s grandmother, Yochevet bat Haim Abraham Following Maariv we end Shabbos together with a community Havdalah. Thank you, Adrienne Zetoony & Helene Wyne, for preparing Seuda Shlishis this Shabbos! Kiddush this Shabbos is generously sponsored by: Sheldon Rosenbaum in loving memory of his parents, Hyman & Lillian Rosenbaum And, in honor of Our great YI Aish community! Attention YOUNG PEOPLE (ages 7+) Rabbi Anderson will be meeting with all of the older (non-Tot) kids this Shabbos! When? During Mussaf Why? To discuss and answer questions about the future of the Shul’s Youth Department. Where? In Rabbi Anderson’s Office also known as the ‘Tween Room. Rabbi Anderson is excited to meet ALL of our Shul’s awesome young people this Shabbos!! YI Aish will host a world-class Shabbaton YI Aish LV Newsletter is sponsored by Personal Injury, Probate, and Criminal Defense Law Office of Michael D Pariente, Esq 3960 Howard Hughes Pkwy Suite 615 Las Vegas, NV 89169 (702)966-5310 www.parientelaw.com michael@parientelaw.com 29 Cheshvan, 5775 Page 2 Parshas: Toldos November 22, 2014 "And Yitzchok planted in that land and he found in that year (a yield of) one hundred fold (more than he expected), and G-d blessed him. And the man grew continually until he became very great...and the Plishtim were jealous of him" (Genesis 26:12-14). As a result, Yitzchok was ordered to leave because he was obscuring the wealth and greatness of the king. "And Yitzchok went and redug the wells which they dug in the days of Avrohom his father...and they found there a well of running water...and the shepherds of Geror contended with with Yitzchok's shepherds saying 'the water belongs to us', and he called the well 'strife' because they contended with him. And they dug another well, and they contended for it as well, and he called its name 'adversity'" (ibid. 26:19-21). Yitzchok suffered. He had flocks. They needed water. Every time he went to the trouble of digging a well, it was claimed by the Plishtim. How did he react to his suffering? He gave names to the wells. Then he moved on until he eventually found a source of water he could use freely. What is the significance of naming the wells? How was this a way of dealing with the situation? The following passage can provide an approach. "This nation I have created for Me, they shall declare my praise" (Isaiah 43:21). Yitzchok understood his purpose in life. "They shall declare my praise." Excerpt from d’var Torah by Rabbi Dovid Green at torah.org. Free Continuing Adult Education at Young Israel Aish of Las Vegas 8:15 am 30 mins. Shabbos /Saturday Rabbi Anderson teaches—topics vary. Women’s Learning~ Rabbi Wyne B-4 Mincha Men’s Learning ~ Rabbi Anderson 9:00 am \Sunday Weekly Parsha 7:00 pm Monday Talmud for Men Insights from Rav Noach WeinbergZT’L Tuesday Laws of Shabbos ~ Rabbi Wyne Tools for Extraordinary Living ~ Rabbi Wyne Wednesday NEW CLASS to begin in January, 2015, about “The 12 Minor Prophets” ~ Rabbi Laxmeter Thursday 7:00 pm Hebrew Reading Crash Course ~ R. Wyne 7:00 pm 7:30 pm Want to know what Charlie Brown & Snoopy have to do with Parsha Vayetze? Find out NEXT Shabbos, Nov. 29 after the Haftorah Reading ~ONLY at YI Aish. REQUEST FOR SUPPLIES FOR IDF SOLDIERS It is high time to set any differences aside, and focus on the commonality and appreciate each other's roles in Jewish outreach. As most of you know, in just a couple of weeks Helene Wyne and Renee Goldman will be leading a group of local Jewish women Birthdays on an 8-day journey in Israel with the Jewish Women’s Renais11/21 - 27 sance Project. While there the group will be delivering care packSteve Paige 11/21 ages to IDF soldiers. Toward this effort, Helene & Renee will apYitzchak (Jackie) Ifragan 11/23 preciate donations of the following NEW /UNUSED items: Yahrzeits Winter hats, gloves, and scarves, 29 Cheshvan—6 Kislev Travel size toiletries, i.e. deodorant, hair products, etc. Ida Paige, mother of Steve Paige 1 Kislev A collection bin will be placed in the Shul Lobby after Shabbos Please have all donated items in the bin on or before Yochevet bat Haim, grandmother Dec. 5. Todah Rabah ~ Thank you!! of Simon S. Abraham 4 Kislev 29 30 YI Aish LV’s Board of Trustees 5775 (2014-15) Stuart Berliner Eli Ben-Shimon Jeri Laxmeter, Secretary Hadassa Lefkowitz Nachshon Leopold Dr. Adam Milman, Chairman Alison Shain Beth Sroka Akiva Stockman YI Aish LV Newsletter is sponsored by Personal Injury, Probate, and Criminal Defense Law Office of Michael D Pariente, Esq 3960 Howard Hughes Pkwy Suite 615 Las Vegas, NV 89169 (702)966-5310 www.parientelaw.com michael@parientelaw.com
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