Parish notice board †Friends of Africa Today, Sunday, 27 April | 9.30am onwards Parish Centre A coffee morning will be held after all masses in aid of SMA’s ‘Friends of Africa’. Everyone is invited to call in to the Cappagh Parish Hall for a cuppa, cakes and buns to help parishioner Míceál Meenagh in his efforts to raise funds for his voluntary work in Tanzania this summer. †Recent deaths We extend our prayers and sympathy to the family and friends of Katie Duffy (Strathroy Rd) who has died recently. †Recent Baptisms We welcome as a parish Harvey George Gartland-Best who was Baptised recently. †Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament resumes in the Christ the King next Sunday. †Remembering the Past: a bridge to the future 9 to 11 May | Corrymeela Centre, Ballycastle A weekend to explore our shared future in Northern Ireland. For details of programme and costs, please visit our website at or call the Belfast office on 9050 8080. †Irish Pilgrimage Trust Weekends of: 26/27 April and 3/4 May | All our Churches The Trust will hold a collection outside each of our Churches on the above weekends. Please give generously to this worthy organisation. †Omagh Gardening Society`s Annual Daffodil and Spring Flower Show Saturday, 3 May | 2 to 4pm | St Columba’s Church Hall Treat yourself to a feast of colour and beauty! Admission for adults £2, Children free. Children’s Liturgy Group (CTK) Christ the King Children's Liturgy Group is in trouble! The Group has been going for 14 years, but the original Leaders’ children are now all grown up and they have different priorities 14 years on. A drive for new leaders last year produced a few leaders but more are needed. The Children's Liturgy Group would specifically like to thank all the leaders who have helped over the years, and the many young people who have helped through the Pope John Paul II Programme. Many children from reception class to P4 have benefited (as have their parents) from their time at Liturgy Group. We hope that it will begin again however, for the present, due to the lack of leaders, the Group cannot re-commence until we get more volunteers to help. If you would like to volunteer, please give your name, postal address, mobile and landline numbers and email address into the parish office as soon as possible. Thank you. †Zambia charity cycling challenge Sunday, 4 May | 10am | Leaving the Parish Centre 30 and 50 mile routes leaving the Parish Centre at 10am. For further information call 07751722211 or email †Alzheimer’s Society Information Evening Thursday, 1 May | 7 to 8pm | Silverbirch Hotel 1,800 people living with dementia in the Western Health and Social Care Trust area. Dementia can happen to anyone and there is currently no cure. But with the right support, people can live well with dementia. For further information please contact Caroline McNamee on 8225 0103 or email Follow us on Facebook: Safeguarding Children Contact Details for Relevant Agencies and Services PSNI 0845 600 8000 | Gateway Services 028 7131 4090 Alternatively, if you or anyone you know has a child safeguarding concern in relation to any member of church personnel and wishes to report it to church authorities please contact one of the diocesan designated persons, who will, in turn, report this concern to the relevant statutory authorities. V33 | I13 Sunday, 27 April 2014 Divine Mercy Sunday Thank you for last week’s collection details of which we’ll have for you next week. Canonisation of Blessed John XXIII and John Paul II ur prayers are united with Rome and catholics all around the world today, as Blessed John XXIII and John Paul II are Canonised by Pope Francis. RTÉ One will present live coverage of the Mass for the Canonisation with commentary by Fr Dermod McCarthy and Mary Kennedy from 8.55 to 11am. O Divine Mercy Sunday Today is the Feast of the Divine Mercy. There will be a service led by our new Parish Priest, Fr Kevin McElhennon, to mark the Feast at 3pm in St Mary’s (KC) which will include the Chaplet, Scripture Readings, blessing and veneration of the Holy Picture and Benediction. Everyone welcome. ‘Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and on the whole world.’ Ministers of the Word St Mary’s (KC) Weekend Masses Vigil: Michael Duffy 9am: Maureen McElmurray 11am: Celine Fox Evening Masses Tuesdays: Eamon Cassidy Fridays: Michael Duffy Daily Masses 5 to 10 May: Nuala McGarvey 12 to 17 May: Eileen Loughran 19 to 24 May: Ethna Scallon 26 to 31 May: Una Crossey This week’s anniversaries Mary Slattery (Meelmore Dr) Monday 7.30pm, CTK; Breege Corcoran MM (Drumnakilly Rd) Tuesday 7.30pm, KC; Francis McKernan MM (Glencam Rd) Friday 7.30pm, KC; Joe Harding (Killyclogher) Saturday 7.30pm, KC; Gerry Kelly (Killyclogher Rd) Sunday 10am, MF; Mary Nugent (Glenpark Rd) Sunday 10am, KM. Parish Draw Trócaire boxes can be returned at all Masses for the next few weeks. There will be baskets by the Altars. The next draw will take place on Monday, 5 May. Could all promoters take their returns to the Parish Centre on Thursday, 1 May from 7.30pm. Best of luck everyone! Watch what’s happening in St Mary’s (KC) live: Psalter Week IV Week II of Easter 28 April to 4 May 2014 28 April 2014 1 May 2014 Week II of Easter Week II of Easter Thursday Monday Our parish week at a glance... †Mass | 10am | St Mary’s (KC) †Mass | 7.30pm | Christ the King Anniversary Mass for Mary Slattery, Meelmore Dr †Do this in memory of me planning meeting 8.15pm | CTK conference room †GAA Bingo | 9pm | Parish Centre Pray for all priests 2 May 2014 St Athanasius, bishop and doctor of the Church 29 April 2014 Tuesday St Catherine of Siena, virgin and doctor of the Church Friday Pray for Fr Peter O’Kane †Mass | 10am and 7.30pm | St Mary’s Killyclogher · Novena prayers to Our Mother of Perpetual Help Saturday Wednesday †Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament | 3 to 7pm| St Mary’s (KC) SS Philip and James, Apostles Pray for all priests †Mass | 10am | St Mary’s (KC) †Mass | 7.30pm | Christ the King Month’s Mind for Francis McKernan, Glencam Rd (7.30pm) 3 May 2014 Drumnakilly Rd (7.30pm) Week II of Easter †Mass | 10am and 7.30pm | St Mary’s (KC) Pray for Fr Desmond Polke · Month’s Mind for Breege Corcoran, 30 April 2014 †Mass | 9.30am | Christ the King †Mass | 10am | St Mary’s (KC) Mass | 10am | St Mary’s (KC) Confessions | after 10am Mass and 6.45 to 7.20pm | St Mary’s (KC) Confessions | 5.45 to 6.20pm | Christ the King Vigil Mass | 6.30pm | Christ the King Vigil Mass | 7.30pm | St Mary’s (KC) Anniversary Mass for Joe Harding, Killyclogher Pray for Fr Arthur O’Reilly Pray for Fr Michael Porter Sunday 4 May 2014 Sunday III of Easter See Saturday for Vigil Masses †Sunday Mass | 9 and 11am | St Mary’s (KC) Eucharist will be taken to the sick, nursing homes etc directly after 9am Mass †Sunday Mass | 10am | St Mary’s (KM) Readings Anniversary Mass for Mary Nugent, Glenpark Rd First reading | Acts 2:14, 22-23 †Sunday Mass | 10am | Corpus Christi (MF) Psalm | Psalm 15:1-2, 5, 7-11 Anniversary Mass for Gerry Kelly, Killyclogher Rd Second reading | Pt 1:17-21 Gospel | Lk 24:13-35 †Sunday Mass | 12noon| Christ the King Do this in memory of me Mass †Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament | 3.30 to 6.30pm| Christ the King †Rosary | 6.15pm | Christ the King To book month’s minds, anniversaries, weddings, baptisms etc. please contact the parish office. Please remember month’s minds and first anniversaries take precedence over other anniversaries and your booking is subject to change. Contacts Notices for the CPN in writing by 12noon on Wednesday. Parish Office Emergency mobile Fr Kevin McElhennon Fr Stephen Kearney Baptismal Programme 8224 3375 07561838455 8225 1055 8225 2643 07895557365 Contact us by email at: Keep informed:
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