Parish notice board Charity Craft Fair Sunday, 6 April| 11.30am to 5pm In aid of Horizon West Children’s Hospice. Divine Mercy Prayers Sunday, 6 April| 3pm | St Mary’s Church (KC) Recent Baptisms As a parish we welcome through the Sacrament of Baptism Alice Eve Colgan (Glenside). Recent Deaths As a parish we extend or sympathies and prayers to the family and friends of Peter O’Kane (Skerries, Dublin) who was laid to rest in St Mary’s (KC) cemetery last week. Penitential Services Monday, 14 April | 8pm | Sacred Heart Church Wednesday, 16 April | 8pm | Christ the King The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available at the above times. There will be visiting priests in attendance so you won’t be kept long in a queue. Encounter Christ’s compassion and love before we celebrate his Passion, Death and Resurrection. This week’s anniversaries Ann Horisk MM (Oakland) Tuesday 7.30pm, KC; Siobhan McGread MM (Oakland) Friday 7.30pm KC; Patrick Murray (Braken Court), Saturday 7.30pm KC; John Bradley (Inisclan Rd), Sunday 10am MF. Novena Mass to St Padre Pio Wednesday, 9 April | 7.30pm | Christ the King The glove relic will be present at the Mass. Sean Mulryan will be available after for those who wish to send personal petitions with him to the Shrine of St Padre Pio in San Giovanni Rotondo. Parish Dance Friday, 11 April | 10pm to Midnight | Parish Centre Music by the Cascades. Admission £5 which includes supper. Proceeds towards the Parish Development Fund. Follow us on Facebook: Walking club Mondays | 7.30pm | Parish Centre Everyone welcome. ACCORD Information evening Tuesday, 8 April | 8pm | Pastoral Centre Brook St, Omagh Are recruiting facilitators and counsellors in the Omagh area. If you are interested in joining ACCORD and would like more details please attend. If you are unable to attend but would still like information on how to apply please call the centre by telephone 8224 2439 or email Post 16 information evening Tuesday, 8 April | 7.30pm | Sacred Heart College Those considering post 16 education are invited to see wide range of courses the Sacred Heart College offer. Everyone welcome. Alcoholics Anonymous Wednesday, 9 April | 8.30pm | Pastoral Centre Brook St, Omagh A public information meeting will be held on the above date. Everyone welcome. Killyclogher GAA Lottsodoo Monday, 31 March: 6, 8, 10, 16 and 24—Plunkett Daly won £100. The main jackpot remains at £5,000. Keep informed: John Baptist de la Salle This Monday sees the optional memorial for St John Baptist de la Salle who is the patron saint of teachers. Let us remember in a special way the teachers of the parish who provide our children with an education. We pray that the more our children learn the more they see God in everything that surrounds us. Acknowledgement Heartfelt thanks from the Bradley Family for the generosity of the parishioners from the Drumragh and Cappagh parishes following the very successful coffee morning and street collection last weekend. The amount raised was £3,525. The incredible support received from both sides of the community in the Omagh area is very much appreciated by Beth and Rosa and will go a long way in supporting them in their volunteering work in Africa this summer. Safeguarding Children Contact Details for Relevant Agencies and Services PSNI 0845 600 8000 | Gateway Services 028 7131 4090 Alternatively, if you or anyone you know has a child safeguarding concern in relation to any member of church personnel and wishes to report it to church authorities please contact one of the diocesan designated persons, who will, in turn, report this concern to the relevant statutory authorities. Noel O’Donnell 075 9650 07 | Mary McCafferty 075 1426 5252 V33 | I11 Sunday, 6 April 2014 Sunday V of Lent Thanks for last week’s collection: Sunday: £3,380 | Development fund: £1,090 Message from Fr Kevin McElhennon Adm W e are deeply saddened by the news of Fr Eugene’s resignation. The past three and a half years have been a very difficult time for each and every one of us in this parish, and not least for Father Boland. With this news, it is clear that all of us in Cappagh are now moving into a period of transition. It is true that transition is difficult, it is confusing and disorienting, but transition also holds before us an opportunity for new beginnings and growth. In the face of the challenges that most certainly lie ahead, let us support one another in love and in prayer. Let us move forward into the future with gratitude for the great blessings we have been given as a parish, knowing that the Lord guides and sustains us. So that the parish can move forward, and for other reasons that we have just heard in the statement, and not least for reasons personal to him, Father Boland has offered his resignation. I hope that a new Parish Priest will be appointed as soon as possible after Bishop Donal McKeown’s installation as our new bishop next Sunday. In the meantime, until a new Parish Priest is appointed, I have been asked to resume the administration of the parish, which, in the circumstances, I do with great sadness but willingly. We thank Father Boland for his years of ministry among us in Cappagh and for the many gifts God has blessed him with through which he ministered with such dedication to the people of our parish for many years. Let us pray for him, for one another and for all who are affected in any way by this situation. Installation of our new Bishop We pray in a special way for Bishop Dónal McKeown who will be installed as the Bishop of Derry today. May the Holy Spirit work through him as he answers God’s call to serve the people of the Diocese. We look forward to welcoming Bishop Dónal to Cappagh soon. Confirmation 2014 This Saturday Bishop Francis Lagan will Confirm 100 children in the parish. A truly joyous occasion where the Holy Spirit seals the covenant made at Baptism. We pray that the gifts of the Sacrament unfold in the children and enrich their lives for the future. A rehearsal for the children will take place on Thursday, 17 April at 7pm in Christ the King. Note that there will be no morning Mass or Confessions in St Mary’s (KC). Watch what’s happening in St Mary’s (KC) live: Our parish week at a glance... St John Baptist de la Salle, priest Monday 10 April 2014 Thursday 7 April 2014 Mass | 7.45am and 10am St Mary’s (KC) Mass | 7.30pm | Christ the King Choir rehearsal for Confirmation 8pm | Christ the King Bingo | 9pm | Parish Centre Psalter Week I Week V of Lent 7 to 13 April 2014 Week V of Lent Mass | 7.45am and 10am | St Mary’s (KC) Mass | 9.30am | Christ the King Confirmation rehearsal | 7pm | Christ the King Pray for all priests 11 April 2014 St Stanislaus, bishop and martyr St John Baptist Friday Pray for Fr Ignatius McQuillan 8 April 2014 Week V of Lent Tuesday Mass | 7.45am, 10am and 7.30pm | St Mary’s (KC) Month’s Mind for Siobhan McGread, Oakland (7.30pm) Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament | 3 to 7pm | St Mary’s (KC) Parish Dance | 10pm to midnight | Parish Centre Mass | 7.45am, 10am and 7.30pm | St Mary’s (KC) Novena prayers to Our Mother of Perpetual Help at 10am and 7.30pm Month’s Mind for Ann Horisk, Oakland Ave (7.30pm) Pray for Fr Gerard Mongan 12 April 2014 Week V of Lent Confirmation | 11am | Christ the King 9 April 2014 Wednesday Week V of Lent Mass | 7.45am and 10am | St Mary’s (KC) Mass | 7.30pm | Christ the King Novena prayers to St Padre Pio at this Mass Choir rehearsal for Confirmation | 8pm Christ the King Saturday Pray for Fr Peter Madden Confessions | 5.45 to 6.20pm | Christ the King Vigil Mass | 6.30pm | Christ the King Vigil Mass | 7.30pm | St Mary’s (KC) Anniversary Mass for Patrick Murray, Bracken Court Pray for Fr Anthony Mailey Pray for Fr Colm Morris 13 April 2014 Sunday Palm Sunday [Start of Holy Week] See Saturday for Vigil Masses Sunday Mass | 9 and 11am | St Mary’s (KC) Eucharist will be taken to the sick, nursing homes etc directly after 9am Mass Sunday Mass | 10am | St Mary’s (KM) Sunday Mass | 10am | Corpus Christi (MF) Anniversary Mass for John Bradley, Inisclan Road Sunday Mass | 12noon| Christ the King Readings First reading | Isaiah 50:4-7 Psalm | Psalm 21:8-9, 17-20, 23-24 Second reading | Philippians 2:6-11 Gospel | Matthew 26:14-27:66 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament | 3.30 to 6.30pm| Christ the King Rosary | 6.15pm | Christ the King Let us pray in a special way for anyone who bears a cross in their own life To book month’s minds, anniversaries, weddings, baptisms etc. please contact the parish office. Please remember month’s minds and first anniversaries take precedence over other anniversaries and your booking is subject to change. Contacts Notices for the CPN in writing by 12noon on Wednesday. Parish Office Emergency mobile Fr Kevin McElhennon Fr Stephen Kearney Baptismal Programme 8224 3375 07561838455 8225 1055 8225 2643 07895557365 Contact us by email at: Keep informed:
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