I "*,Jr FebruarY 2014 h g, ",LIn k A Publication of Angola United Methodist Church Pastor Tim's Talk *AUMC Practices Extravagant Generosity" "You can give without loving but you cannot love without giving."Unknown Thank you for practicing "extravagant generosity!" You have been blessed and are a blessing to your brothers and sisters at AUMC, the community and the world! The AUMC leadership team has set some big financial goals to respond to what we feel God is calling us to do in 20t4.ln 2014, we anticipate... o Over the past few days, I have been going over reports about AUMC's giving in 2013. I just want to affirm you as a congregation for being willing to give sacrificially and extravagantly to what God is doing in and through this congregation. . o Overall, you gave $ 483,784 to the AUMC during 2013. This does not include some giving that went directly to the AUMC Youth, the UMW, Praisathon, and Compassion Pregnancy. o There was $ 366,7tt given to the General Fund of the church. (The General Fund provides for programming, building maintenance, and staff salaries.) Your giving has allowed us to gather for worship and bible studies, make hospital calls and home visits, bless the Lord and others with music that lifts the soul, minister to kids and youth and help them learn to walk in the ways of Jesus. As I was looking over our giving, I noticed that of the $ 41,000 more than $ 14,000 was given beyond the USA. This included money for drilling a water well in Africa, funds for missionaries working in Zambia, suppoft for lanet Lahr Lewis our missionary working in Palestine on Peace and Justice issues. This also means more the $ 26,000 was given to local, state, and national needs. This included you providing more than $ 10,000 for emergenry assistance to those on the margins of life. You also gave generously to ministries like the Faith Health Clinic, Prqect Help, Cahoots, Trine's Christian Campus House, and the Steuben County Jail Chaplain. a increased General budget that actually Many connecting to AUMC are catching the vision that all that we are and have really belongs to the Lord and that we are blessed to be a blessing. It is great to be one of the pastors of a church that is practicing extravagant generosity! Of the total giving figure, you, as a congregation/ gave over $ 77,000 dollars to "Beyond the Walls" ministries that are making a difference here at home and around the world. The $ 77,000 figure includes $ 41,000 given directly to mission projects and emergency needs and $ 36,000 given to the Indiana Conference of the United Methodist Church in the form of a tithe to the Conference. the congregation giving more funds to . reflects what we are spending each year to maintain the facilities, provide for the programs/ and staff for growth. raising $ 10,000 for the Indiana Conferenceb Africa University Capital Campaign. We have pledged a total of $ 30,000 over the neK three years to the campaign. (The good news is that we already have $ 2,305 of this year's pledge given,) giving to fund a joint Uganda Mission trip with Pastor Tim Helm and Hanfield UMC in June where we will be worklng alongside Jonathan Mayo ministering to Ugandan college students. sending Pastor Tracey & the AUMC Youth Group to Pennsylvania in July to build a Habitat Home. as a part of the FCJ process beginning to work at sprucing up our Sanctuary and Educational wing here at the church. Please be praying that God will provide for all that He intends that we do over the next year. As God gives you a "holy nudge" to give, just continue to respond to that "nudge." God is able to do more than all we ask or think according to His power at work within us. (see Ephesians 3:20) I attended the Wilmore United Methodist Church. The motto of the Wilmore Church was "A small town church with a worldwide impact." I think that I can truthfully say that of AUMC as well. AUMC is a small town church with a worldwide impact! May we continue to be so more and more! Years ago, when I was at Asbury College May God bless you and make you a blessing in 2014! All for Jesus, Pastor Tim Amzd2t@live.com Februarv 20 Ann-Marie Copenhaver Kim Smith Ruth White Februarv 25 Februarv Lyle Armstrong Februarv 9 Connie Crowl Mac Davidson Februarv 16 Susie Bolman Sue Myers Februarv 10 Februarv 17 Logan Baals Barbara Glaze Kris Hanna Jay Stevens Leona Brock Cynthia Jones 1 Sheryl Copeland Tom Guthrie Larry Keeier John Stevens Februarv 4 Anna Bolen Jody Davidson Jeri Mow Februarv Februarv 6 Wilma Cox William lmler Diane Mapes Kathryn Powell - /t 11 Boyd Stevens Spencer Stukey Samuel Stukey Februarv 26 Karen Houlton Kathrine Shockey Februarv 27 Jayne Armstong Phyllis Headley Sherry Meyers Februarv 18 Wally Bonham Denille Conklin Februarv 28 Gayl Doster Thad McClelland Linda Parks Februarv 19 Josh Kilburn Benjamin Stukey Februarv 12 Jodie Boyer Bob Klotz rA -.'.'S r):t,i),;iraff '/ z?)' r,,, it, .,rrrr t, Februarv 26 Don & Betty Koomler . 1.lr 1't, Februarv 18 Glen & Amy Kelly t /i lt Februarv 27 Walter & Nancy Krohn /. a i Februarv 25 Dennis & Laurie Gentry b lt I it {ti:,r lil lir,tli 0\ IITI jl I ,i Il UMW mission fundraiser Sale Angola United Methodist of Frozen Cassetoles led by Chef Jan Wilson. You'll February 2OL4 By Myrna McCracken, 833-3619 have a choice of four kinds. -If you want to enter your recipe, bring your unbaked homemade casserole (with recipe containing baking insttuctions) to church prior to Februarv 2. Contact Amber in the chutch oflice or Nancy Krohn or Myma for a baking pan/lid; your casserole will be ftozen when it arrives at chutch or bring it in frozen. -Sundav. Februarv 2: ioin us fot a church-wide dinnet folIowino second service: vou'll vote for four casseroles after sampling them. Other food will also be served by UMW with monetary donations accepted for the meal. Women lA guestion asked by UMW members and others in our discipleship journey:l tc'How imponant is it for us to Prayerfully support nationol ond internationol minis.i rtries (os oPPosed to only suPqorting local ministries) throu gh our onnual Pledge tol Mission Givingf,' ln response to this question, please took over the fottowing in-l formation reported by Yickie Newkirk, UMW Conference Director, in her 20131 iarticle for Mission Messenger, a newsletter of UMW of tndiana. i t' Fa!Ih-!n4gg!re!: United Methodist Women's Faith in Action is shared each day.l lTake a look at where God is using you, your prayers and your doltars as we walkl Ithrough a week in the life of our mission funding beyond the local level: iSunday: Neighborhood lsunday: Neighborhood seruices in Oklahoml Oklahoma City, Ol(,-serves at-risk and homeless] persons; this center impacted over 72,000 individuals in 2013. r I iMgnOayt Sistren Theatre Collective in famaica offers educationat programs for womenl focusing on poverty, teen pregnancy, domestic violence. -Jan will cootdinate chutch Euesday: H.E.L.P. (Healing, Evangelism & Leadership Programs) feeds 5,000 schoollI 1.000 unemployed Africa. unemoloyed adults daily dailv in Cape Caoe Town, Town. South Africa. baking days for the winning khildren and 1,000 recipes. Cassetoles will be Rwanda, promotes. and well being of women rapedr gift for . !ife, \glth made in non-retumable pans fYednesday: during genocide providing food, school fees and skills training. and frozen with instructions for baking in your kitchen. EEr#a+: ..Taeion Christian Social Welfare Center, South Korea, provides food and! help (including education) for children and the elderly. -On Februarv 16 between I ps lay: Center for Victims of Torture. Provides healing for psychological wounds o{| worshio services. the cas- ,Eriday: ine Kenya-world's largest refugee and war among Somali refugees in Dadaab, siter lfami seroles will be sold. See the i CHAIN for additional sale lwith 450,000 refugees. dates, sizes and for the cost. Latu"aay: Neighborhood Center of the UMC, Harrisburg, PA, provides pregnant andl [EEn palentingiclasses, basic food staples for ieniors, chi-ld caie, clothing ba-nk, vision] -Each 10th casserole will be pcreening and food distribution. placed in the church fteezer for anyone who stops by I proy thot you moy be octive inl reference: Philemon t:5 NtV church asking for food. iScripture 'shorinE vour foith. so thot you will hove o understanding of every goo4 full (Although the Soup l(itchen has closed, we have a small i church pantry to prouide lFo, inforrrration on other groups we are helping, review any issue of ,"rporr"l needed food during hours lmagazine in the church library, UM}Y section. To look oyer ways to give, chec\ when Proiect lfelp or other rput the video on this website: http://new.gbgm-umc.org/umdgive/ways. i local agencies are closed,) ,i r "l - N@hrist." Check out the Match issue of the LINK for information on the local groups that UMW supports with our mission giving. For national and intemational ministries that UMW supports, please read the Febtuary news article in the right-hand column. piving to mission is being in mission. lndiana's UMW pledge to mission last yearl lwas $400,000. Of that amount, AUMW gaye $3,600 to the conference for unr i ,;designated giving and $ I , ! 83 for designated giving in the conference. rl hs far as hands-on mission work in 20t3, we sent supplies created by circlel lmembers to benefit teen girls in Sierra Leone. Bev Hufrman headed this sewing! iRroi..t. (By the way, Bev needs our prayers foltowing her October stroke. Bevl i lwas elected "lewel of a Woman" at December's meeting.) I I Vou'tt have an opportunity to sign a mission pledge card this spring when circtel imeetings resume. Contact Treasurer Jane Ludington with any pledge questions.l i with Faith' Hope'"ffi01i'1il:;H["jif:::o*Women serve in i i BabY Bomle DriVe to the church filled uith chahge, cash or checks $,ring them bacl( Sundav. Februarv 2--Join us for lunch at AUMC for Casserole Sundav following second seruice Cookinq Volunteers Needed! ! ! Call Mvrna bv February 2nd. This is an offer,ng f'or Compasslon Pregnancy Center MISSIONS ..G I lrnro tyurrrtyrrN June 16 -30 2OL4 AUMC will be joining with Hanfield UMC in a joint mission trip to bless the Africa Gospel Church through teaching & service. lf you are feeling a "holy nudge" to join the team please contact either Anita Stevens or Pastor Tim for more info. g ytu tre0 ctrde 0r florn thrii rnferest rtup e'.lenif 0 generulnenber,) 1-2:15 p,m, Monday,March 10 Church Library Meetsixtimesa yearwith datest0 22nd Annual Branch Area Women's Retreat be set, Leader: Pastor TraceyZimmerman Saturdav, Februarv 8. 2014 All Bookswill befromUMW ReadingResourcesheadedlocallybyMary 8:15 a.m.-3:30 p.m. First Baptist Church, Coldwater, Ml Check out brochures and sign-up sheet outside of Pastor Tracey's office Lou0akes First Book: To be determined Red Short Disciple Bible Study New Testament AUMC Pastors' When: starting in March Where: AUMC Library Leading: Gary Crum & Pastor Tim PzacTez Please sign up outside the Pastors' Offices. Overthe next fer,v rveeks Pastor Tint and Pestor Tracey r,rill be fornring a new prayer teartt l'.,lticlt r"rill be invitecl to pattner irt prayer tvith tlteltt in a variety of r,vays. lf you rvould like to join the Pastors' PrayerTeartt e-tnail Pastot Tint at a.nrzd2t@live.cont <\\aa\\a\a\1\\\aata*aaa\1\\1\41> S Genera! Fund Givino & Worshio Attendance t t t t i\ o1/os 0llt2 01/19 9 t e c et ttet e at g4,zl7 $6,299 gs,27o zos 74 220 250 oa aa aa a a at aaaa a att) Is Youtn N aws'-.' Fohruaiy 20, E Up corning Yorrth Events f a.n, - February 2 Super Bowl Party Where: Gary & Cindy Crum's at 620East Maumee Time: We will begin with pregame devotions and games at 5 pm. Game being at 6:25. Pick up: After half-time or immediately following 3rd quarter. Bring: Middle School Boys - Bring something salty to share Middle School Girls- Bring something fruity to share High School Girls- Bring something sweet to eat High School Boys- Bring something "dippy" to share Hope to see you there...:)! {*t T :ZL.i, ?;1''{ !* l"Z{iil Sunday February 9th- Meeting at 4:30pm for ATF. Parents must attend. We will follow with a joint meeting from 5-6 pm for all youth and adults attending!!! Adjusted ScheduleWhile we are babysitting for the Financial Peace University the Senior High will have Bible Study on Wednesday nights. We will have a light snack and time to talk. Join me on Wednesdays from 6:30-8 pm We will still need people to baby sit on Sunday night and it does count for NHS hours. Valentine's Day diy andrrrat Ir"lDvedrt* m,h"?... Sortgl,of .roJo?7coru 6:3 f loveffior€, whalovema an^drt/lor? whote*rme Acquire the Fire We will be traveling to ATF on the 14th and retuming late evening of Saturday. Do not forget to pack your BIBLE!!!!! firrtdrma ProverZv 8:17 Excitilrg thirrgs Gorning Praisathon- May t6tn-L7th.. rnu/ belot UP We will be hostingthe Spaghetti Dinner and participat- ing on Saturday. JUly 6-13 (Dates somewhat approximate) Habitat Build for Senior Kittanning, PA High at 0hlldren'$ lleurs from Allnee Nursery Servants 2t2t2014 Tara Roe & Kennedy Strain (1st ) Phyllis Stanovich & Brenda Hess (2nd) The Art-Full Wor- 2t9t2014 E ship children will be presenting a n@n8il,#lTot'#.i time on Sunday February 16th. Please make sure your child attends Art-Full Worship time (immediately after the 9:00 AM service until 1 1 : 10) so they can be part of this "worship-fuI" time! A special dress rehearsal time will take place on Saturday February 15th at 10:00 in the sanctuary. Stacy Gilbert & Hannah Martin (1st) Margaret & Maddie Bolen (2nd) 2/16t2014 Diane Mapes & TBD (1st) Barb Hanselman & Bella Troxell (2nd) 2t232014 Priscilla DeMarco & TBD st) Jane Ludington (2nd) (1 Sunday School Hour Laura Zachrich (2,9 &.231 Brenda Hess (1 6) Kid's Chureh Servants 2/2t2014 Nate Simons, Linda Case, Virginia Postors Bible SUNDAY & 2t9t2014 Nate Simons, Mercedes Clemens, Jenny Culler, Zane Martin 2t16t2014 Nate Simons, Heather Crum, Jayne & Lyle Armstrong if you hove children 3rd grode ond up Porents, 2t23t2014 thot hove not received o Heather Crum, Kathryn Shockey (pre-1st grade) 2nd-5th grade in service speciol church "postors" bible pleose coll the office ond we will moke sure thot your child will get one. The bibles will be presented on Sundoy Morch Znd by Postor Tim ond Postor Trocey. We don't wont onyone please coll the church Bill Davidson left out, so office todoy! Children's Chat Servants 2t2/2014 Aimee Simons 2t9t2014 Pastor Tim 2t16t2014 Art-Full Worship chimes children 2t23t2014 Cari Martinez Acolvtes February 2 . t Worship Volunteers April Zeeb Jackson Zeeb February 9 t . Head Usher: TBD lf you ore interested in being q worship volunteer, contoct the church office Sydney Craig Trevor Craig Sound Board Team Februarv 2 February 16 t r Lexy Mc Cracken Olivia Rucinski Februarv 9 Dave Meyers Jaina Adams Chris Adams o . 1st TBD 2nd TBD January 12 | 1st TBD o 2nd TBD January 19 TBD February 23 . . . Youth February 16 TBD . TBD February 23 O TBD Gathering Room: Greg & Nancy Koomler Greeters <} Welcome Genter Hosts January 5 February 9 February 16 February2 the Communion Preparers for February {) TBD Vaughn & Elaine Coolman Februarv 23 Layk Thomas Tom & Margaret Kreitner will be February 2 .t Februarv 16 Jeff Martin Communion Preparers Litursists February 9 Jay Stevens February 23 . . qt 665-3914 Fellowship Hosts February 2 . . 1st TBD 2nd TBD January 26 . 1st TBD o 2nd TBD t . Jeff & Wendy Martin(SD) Dot Clark (T) Deb Koopman (ND) February 9th Sue & Steve Boomer (SD) Ed & Jane Ludington (T) Jan Goes (ND) a February 16 Dave Meyer FamilY (SD) Dave & Alice Cuneo (T) Shirley Curtis (N) a February 23 Walt & Nancy Krohn (SD) Alys & Joe Sirk (T) Joyce Gutstein (N) . I . . a . . i o PASTOR: Tim Terrell In This Issue Traditional Service: 9:OO ?.1n. ASSOCIATE PASTOR/ CHRISTIAN EDUCATION/YOUTH Tracey Zimmerman ; I Pg.2 Pg. CHILDREN'S MINISTRY DIRECTOR: Aimee Simons Pg. SEGRETARY/RECORD KEEPER: Amber Stevenson 3 Pg.4 BOOKKEEPER: Amber Stevenson DIRECTOR OF MUSIC: Jeri Mow ORGANIST: Karen Houlton AlGrubb PIANIST: Jodi Deller HANDBELL DIRECTOR: Denille Conklin PastorTim's Talk Birthdays & Anniversaries & Gasual Service: { {:OO ?.lrl, United Methodist Women Upcoming Events & Other News Attendance & Giving Pg.5 Youth News Pg. 6 Children's Ministry News (inserts) February Event Calendar Pg.7 Worship Volunteer Calendar Office Hours: 9:00-5:00 p.m. Mon.-Thurs. 9:00-3:30 p.m. Fri. closed for lunch 12:OO-1:00 p.m. Website: AngolaUMC -mail: Angolaumc@hotmai Phones: Office: 665-3914 and 665-9305 Parsonage: 665-6059 FAX: 624-2977 BUILDING MAINTENANCE: Lance McClelland Bob Gecowets palsenbau ecruos uJnlau llaJJel trlll :Jolsed tL6e-999-092 Nl 'elo6uv looJls aouney\ lsoM 0zz_ LlcrnqC 1-s;poqley1 pollun elo6uY tolgt Calendar Page I of 1 FEBRUARY 2OI4 Sunday 26 \\l '-):liri .. :I .,: l"n/ed Tuesciay nesrlay i.1 21 ;:l|{! l'\l ''. jtl:15 (,1i :. .: I , r Il:rlll \\[l Monday :'-ill \\l \I \ i{i I i l:-ili \\l Christims Birthday Pa4v -gathering i,-., l1:.ilt[)\1i.,_,. ,) . '.: .lr .r;1 5 l'11 , Saturday Friday Th u rsday -:(,il l'li t Room t' .. li\i iltrti,r.l i'r;.i{} ) 3 Baby Bottles due back tbr Cornpassion Pregnancv Center 9:00 A}I Traditional Worship Service l0:15 All Sunday' School t l:00 A\l Celebration Worship Service .\lI I l;00 I\,leeting Staff l:00 PU Dare to P\I rurlrr 4 5 7:30 .\\I Earll Pral'er I l2:J0 P}I Green Disciple Study 6:15 Pll Bell Care Practice 7:{X) l2:00 PllI 5:00 I P}l Francis Elliott Clark Music Casserole Sunday Youth Super Borvl Sermon Workgroup Cahoots @ 8 7 6 l:30.{}I 7:00 PII Choir Practice 2:00 P\l Cenealogl Croup Librarr 6:30 P\l Green Disciple Study Club Party 9 10 l:0t) Pll ll 9:00 A}I Traditional Worship Service l0:15 All Sundav School ll:00 All Celebiation Worship Care Seruice Committee 6:00 7:00 Dare to 7:30.{}l Earlr Praver Pll PII P\l SPRC l2:.30 Finance Disciple Study' 6:15 Pll Bell Green t2 13 I 7:00 I:30 AII Sermon Workgroup @ t4 P\l Choir 15 l2:00 PII Leave for Aqurre the Fire Practice Cahoots 6:30 P\l Green Disciple Studl 7:30 -\II NIen's Breakfast Group l0:01) A\l Children's Chimes dress relrearsal Practice t7 16 9:00 I l:00.{\l Staff N'teeting l:00 Pll Dare to Sunday School Celebration Worship Care Al\l Traditional Worshrp Senice l0:15 AII I l:00 ,\1I .l:00 Service P\I 18 19 7:30 All Early Praver 9:00 I2:io Pu Green Disciple Study 6:15 Membership Evangelism Committee 7:00 PII & PII Bell Practice 2t 20 A\l Cooking Caserole I t:30 .{\I Sermon lVorkgroup @ 7:00 P\l Choir Practice Pll 22 A\l Cooking Caseroles 5:00 Pll NE,WSLETTER DfADLINE Cahoots 6:.10 9:00 Creen Disciple Study Administratil'e Council 23 9:00 All Traditional Worship Service I 0:00,\lI ordered casseroles sale l0:00 AII l0:15 I I:00 .t\I A\I Senice Selling Caseroles Sunday School Celebration Worship 24 l:00 Pll Care 25 Dare Io 7:30 27 26 All Earll Prar er l2:30 P\I Green Disciple Study 6:15 PII Bell Practice 6:30 PII Trustees 9:00 All Caseroles I l:30 Cooking All 7:00 28 Pll Praclice Choir 9:00 A\I Cooking Caseroles Sermon lVorkgroup O Cahoots 6:30 P\I Creen Disciple Study lleeting http://calendar.churchartpro.com/calendar/calendar.aspx?print-view:yes&list-by:calenda. .. 112412014
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