The Community of the Holy Name of Jesus October 19, 2014 Twenty Twenty--Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 11000 W 133rd Avenue Cedar Lake, IN 46303 219-374-7160 Holy Name Parish Cedar Lake, Indiana Liturgical Schedule Saturday, October 18 7:00 AM 2:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM At Friary Gross ~ Harris Wedding Confessions Betty Sims Anthony Morales Sunday, October 19 TwentyTwenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM Chester & Harriet Cabaj Tom Campbell The People of Holy Name Parish Monday, October 20 7:00 AM At Friary ~ Anna Baessler Tuesday, October 21 7:00 AM At Friary ~ Gloria M. Larson Augy Vicari Wednesday, October 22 7:00 AM At Friary ~ James Murphy Thursday, October 23 7:00 AM At Friary ~ Anna Baessler Friday, October 24 7:00 AM At Friary ~ James Murphy Saturday, October 25 7:00 AM 2:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM At Friary Geraci ~ Lewis Wedding Confessions Mary Ellen Caiafa Philip & Theresa Schillo Sunday, October 26 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM Arthur & Josephine Michaels The People of Holy Name Parish Alice Kranc October 19, 2014 TwentyTwenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Gospel Reflection October 19, 2014 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 45:1, 4–6; Ps 96:1, 3, 4–5, 7–8, 9–10 1 Thes 1:1–5; Mt 22:15–21 In 539 BC, King Cyrus of Persia defeated Babylon. Shortly after this victory, he allowed the Jewish exiles to return home. Isaiah interprets all of this as part of God’s plan. Cyrus is acting as God’s “anointed”, mashiah in Hebrew. Before Isaiah applied this word to Cyrus, it had only been used to refer to Israelites. Calling Cyrus “messiah” indicates that he is carrying out the Lord’s work, even though he doesn’t realize it. “I have called you by your name,” the Lord says, “though you knew me not”. For our prophet, this is an indication that the God of Israel is the God of all the earth: “there is no other”. First Thessalonians is the oldest writing we have from Paul. Although the letter is associated with Paul, the opening verse identifies the senders as “Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy,” three missionaries who give thanks to God (typical of Paul’s letters) for the church in Thessalonica’s witness of faith. We hear about the work of these three apostles in Acts, where Luke calls Silvanus “Silas” (see Acts 16–17). In Israel in Jesus’s day, paying taxes to Rome was not popular. The annual “census tax” could only be paid using a Roman denarius coin, which had the image of the emperor on it along with an inscription acknowledging the emperor’s divinity; thus both the tax and the coin required to pay the tax were offensive to the Jews. The fact that Jesus’s questioners can produce “the Roman coin” is evidence of their hypocrisy. St. Augustine pointed out the contrast between the emperor’s image on the coin, which “belongs to Caesar”, and the fact that Genesis says we are made in God’s image — that is, we belong to God. For Jesus, our obligation to God does not invalidate our debt to “Caesar,” but it is more important. For reflection: Do I thank God for the example of faith in the lives of those around me? How can I more fully give “to God what belongs to God? Events for the Month October 19 ~ 20 ~ 21 ~ 22 ~ 23 ~ 24 ~ 25 ~ 26 ~ 27 ~ 28 ~ 29 ~ 30 ~ 31 ~ 10 AM RCIA (CR1) 10:15 AM Generations of Faith (Gym) 1-7 PM Grasta Dei at Andrean 6 PM Generations of Faith (Gym) 7 PM RCIA @ SJE 8 PM AA (CB) 8 PM Alanon (CR2) 5 PM St Clare Kitchen (CB) 6:30~8 PM Grief Support (Living Room) 8:30 AM Morning Prayer (C) 5-7 Parish Office open 6 PM Youth Council (Gym) 9:15 AM Adult Faith Sharing (FFO) 10 AM AA (CB) 7 PM Worship Committee Meeting (CR2) 6 PM Rehearsal 9 AM AA (CR2) 2 PM Geraci ~ Lewis Wedding 6 PM New Parishioner Dinner (CB) Sorority Bake Sale Sorority Bake Sale at all Masses 10 AM RCIA (CR1) 10:15 AM Confirmation Class 6:30 PM Faith Formation Meeting (FFO) 7 PM RCIA @ SJE 8 PM AA (CB) 8 PM Alanon (CR2) 9 AM Newsletter Volunteers 2 PM Staff Meeting (CR1) 5 PM St. Clare Kitchen (CB) 7 PM Peace & Justice Meeting (CR1) 8:30 AM Morning Prayer (C) 5-7 PM Parish Office open 9:15 AM Adult Faith Sharing (FFO) 10 AM AA (CB) 6 PM Rehearsal November 1~ 9 AM AA (CR2) 2 PM Storey ~ Willy Wedding Prayer Shawls in Church Procession in to Cemetery Location for Events: PC Parish Center CB Church Basement FFO Faith Formation Office ~ Parish Center G Gym LR Living Room DR Dining Room CR1 New addition upstairs conference room CR2 New addition downstairs conference room Faith Formation Those who need our prayers… Phil Allan Florence Armstrong Bob & Lida Barney Bill Bradtke Marcia Cepko Josephine Chmielewski Robert Clark Mary Lou Deno Bob Eberle Tom & Linda Foreman Ann Gadomski Javier Garibay Gail Gold Ed & Marie Govert Joey Guerrero Rosemarie Haberlin Mickey Hasse Karen Hathaway Mary Hays Rosalie Hoffman Henry Huppenthal Amalia Hutchins Richard Johnson Bruce Kitchell Jeff Kubiak Monica & Fred Kujawa Ron & Lynn Kuran Dale Laking James Larson Debbie Longfellow Anna Mager Tom Manning Jo Manes Lois Martinez Joy Marzynski Mary Jane & Jim Molnar Dan & Dodie Nolan Jeff Obarski Joe O’Dea Robert O’Donnell Maureen Oxley Stacey Previs Ray Radzinski Cecelia Rahaw Bob Reeves Michael & Carol Rowe Lucille Shroka Barb Stuart Judy Tokarz Gerry Thiel Marge Willy Pat & Rich Wisniewski Barney Wornhoff Matthew Yakubik Cathy Zajac Parish Life Which Project in the Parish: Brought food to over 260 families Delivered gifts to 150 children Made home visits to the sick and shut- ins and dropped off a potted plant Has been running for 26 years Has over 100 volunteers????? Yes, it’s the Giving Tree!! Come to our November GOF to find out why this project is so important in our community and why our parish is committed to such a large undertaking. We will be exploring the Catholic Social Teaching– “Human Rights and Responsibilities.” ALL in the parish are welcome. Put this event on your list of “things to do to prepare for Christmas!!!!” Congratulations to Ava Copak who celebrated her First Eucharist at St. John Evangelist on Sunday, September 28. Please remember her and her family in your prayers. Question: What kind of foods/items may I donate to Project Love? 2nd Banns Lenora Storey & Chris Willy Answer: Milk, Diary Products, fruits (fruit cups, dried fruit, applesauce, 100% juice and juice boxes), peanut butter, jellies, Canned Meats (stews, soups, ravioli, lasagna, spaghetti & meatballs), canned meats (tuna, chicken, ham, beef), grains (breakfast cereals, rice, pasta, dried potato flakes, hamburger helpers, etc), canned vegetables, and beans. Kid-friendly foods (granola bars, crackers, cookies), Baby products (diapers, wipes, formula, infant foods), hygiene items (feminine products, toothbrushes & paste, soap, shampoo, shaving items, and shampoo), and paper products and cleaning agents ( toilet tissue, paper towels, laundry, facial, & dish soap). Stewardship October 5, 2014 Megan Geraci & Jacob Lewis Wedding Date October 25, 2014 Regular Collection Children’s Envelopes Loose Collection Renovations School Support All Souls Masses Mission Sunday Donations Support for the Poor 8,812.00 8.75 1,032.93 610.00 579.00 55.00 35.00 951.00 Total 12,083.68 50/50 Raffle Results October 5, 2014 HESBURGH LECTURE AT BISHOP NOLL Bishop Noll Institute, in conjunction with the Notre Dame Club of Northwest Indiana, is hosting a free lecture on Catholic social teaching at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 22, in the school auditorium. Kwan S. Kim, Ph.D., professor emeritus of economics at the University of Notre Dame and a fellow at the Kellogg Institute for International Studies, will deliver a presentation entitled “Global Issues and Catholic Social Teaching.” Below is a description of Dr. Kim’s talk: Globalization, while seen as a powerful force for economic growth, is also replete with social and economic conflicts among peoples and nations. This lecture addresses the structural contradictions and inequities in the contemporary global economy. Globalization-linked social concerns include sweatshops, world energy and environmental crisis, drugs and human trafficking, worker rights, and principles of human dignity, the common good, and the preferential option for the poor. The lecture is free, but those attending are asked to RSVP to Nancy Bock by calling (219) 932-9058, ext. 1520, or by emailing Bishop Noll Institute, Lake County’s first Catholic high school now in its 94th year, is a co-educational, Four Star college prep school located at 1519 Hoffman St., Hammond. It has an “A” rating from the Indiana Department of Education 167 Players Winning Number 84 Congratulations to Deacon John and Carol Bacon Who won $840. this week Drawn by: Cindy Varenkamp Witnessed by: Dick Kutchek Coming Soon— Soon—Fair Trade Sale The Holy Name Peace and Social Justice Commission will sponsor a fair trade coffee, tea, chocolate (and a few other goodies) sale on November 22 and 23 in the lobby of the church. These make wonderful hostess gifts for Thanksgiving and Christmas gifts for everyone on your list. We sold out early last time so we will be sure to have plenty of product on hand! SPONSOR OF THE WEEK BoBB Auto Group This bulletin is brought to us weekly, free of charge thanks to our sponsors. Please view this complete ad on the back of the bulletin and be sure to patronize our advertisers and let them know you saw their ad in the bulletin. Holy Name Parish October 19, 2014 Holy Name Parish Staff Holy Name Mission Statement Holy Name Parish is a thriving Roman Catholic community that strives to create a welcoming atmosphere for many people from diverse cultures and various backgrounds. Using our time, talent and treasures, we are committed to responsible stewardship and financial accountability. We nourish our Catholic faith through our weekly sharing in the Eucharist; strengthened through intergenerational faith formation. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we dedicate ourselves to the service of those most in need, by being Disciples of Christ in the world. Reaffirmed November 13, 2012 2014 Pastoral Council Members Kim Boswell Gretchen Gerstenkorn Tomas Jaimes Ed King Pete Kozlowski Meg Lanham Brian Long Shirley Manning Tom McAdams Linda Slankard Ryan Steinberg John Tritschler Rosemary Vicari Father Ed Tlucek, ofm 219-232-2713 Deacon Ed Kozub 219-942-0424 Deacon Tom Kubik 219-678-5434 Deacon John Bacon 219-365-2946 Mercedes Austgen 219-232-2778 Pastoral Associate Mary Joan Dickson 219-232-4994 Youth Minister Mary Kselman 219-232-2720 Office Manager Cindy Varenkamp 219-232-2781 Music Ministry Wanda Burdan 219-232-5006 Office Staff
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