Document 366736

Sunday, October 26, 2014
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
5:30pm For the People
8:30am Martin Derrico
11:00am Tony Sellaro
Tuesday 10/28
Wednesday 10/29
Thurs 10/30
Friday 10/31
Zeke Di Bacco
Alice Novak
George Rocovich
Mike & Gertrude Bell
In the event of a Funeral Mass –
there will be no daily Mass.
Sunday, November 2, 2014
All Souls Day
5:30pm George & Mildred Skidmore
8:30am For the People
11:00am Joseph W. Leonard IV
SATURDAY, November 1st, 5:30 p.m. Mass
Lectors: Ray Wells & John Cavalier
Eucharistic Ministers: Phil Barata, Christine Battin, Rachel Blais, Maria Garcia, Irene Maundu, Pauline & Jim Parrish,
Janice Price (three ministers needed)
Altar Servers: Regis Rouamba– Cross, Vinitha & Michelle Joseph- Servers, Christian Sedney- Candle
Ushers: Pius & Lovely Joseph, Roger Swyck, Antonio, Isabella & Kristina Rollo, Paul Yue (one usher needed)
SUNDAY, November 2nd, 8:30 a.m. Mass
Lectors: Daniel Maloney & Vince Stilger
Eucharistic Ministers: Ida Chico, Michael, Marty, Joann, Helen & Demitria Derrico, Brian Donnelly, Vince, Tom & Sandy
LeDonne & Dina Muttillo
Altar Servers: Carter Kline- Cross, Kevin Donnelly & Nico Muttillo - Servers, Jack & Luke Hudson – Candle
Ushers: Pat Durkin, Tony Sotelo, Cindy Miranov, Chuck Donnelly, Angelina, Giulia & Isabella Muttillo (one usher needed)
SUNDAY, November 2nd, 11:00 a.m. Mass
Lectors: Alison Peck & Chris Miller
Eucharistic Ministers: Heather Brun, Mike Callen, Mona & Joseph Feghali, Colin Frosch, Vince & Dody Kolanko, Matt
Lacy, Alex Lugo, Debbie Payton & Stephen Zitney
Altar Servers: Nicholas Kirchoff-Cross, Brandon Trylch & Jalen Wimer–Servers, Cynthia Novak - Thurifer
Ushers: Virginia Aultman-Moore, Martin Dobis, Phil Koloff, Carol Miller, Mary Neely, Scott Stupar, John & Brendan Sellaro
Sunday, October 26th
Monday, October 27th
Tuesday, October 28th
Wednesday, October 29th
Thursday, October 30th
Friday, October 31st
Sunday, November 2nd
- 10:45am Religious Education
Kidzone – ages 6 months to age 3 in Room C
- 5:00pm Trunk or Trick (Parking lot & Peace Hall)
Bible Study
- 9:50pm – WVU Community Choir Rehearsal
Bible Study
- 7:00pm Reconciliation
Vino et Veritas (Rose of Lima - Peru)
Senior Luncheon
- 3:30pm Reconciliation
- 10:45am Religious Education
Kidzone – ages 6 months to age 3 in Room C
Youth Group
Our 8:30am Liturgy is live on the radio on
1300AM WCLG every Sunday.
Coming Soon! – Stromboli, November 10-13
Please place orders on sign-up sheet in back of church.
St. Ursula is in need of canned soup or vegetables.
The Bread, Wine & Tabernacle Candle the week of
October 26th, are in memory of Mary Jo (MJ)
Hagner donated by Irene & Vicki.
Eternal Rest:
For Anthony “Tony” Volk and consolation to his family
& friends, especially Louis & Theresa Hlad and Roxy
For Jeannine Blais and consolation to her family
especially daughter, Sr. Rachel Blais.
We welcome
Kendal Grace Clark
Christian Alexander Panson
baptized this weekend.
Vino et Veritas
An evening of fellowship, learning,
and faith – all done in good taste! At
7:15pm in Peace Hall on October 29 &
November 5. This week’s topic is
Rose of Lima from Peru.
Please RSVP - 304-599-3747.
October 26th, 4 – 5 p.m.
St. Mary Church parking lot
Join us for Fun, Food, and Games!
Sponsored by the Social Activities Committee with
refreshments for kids and families served by Parish Council.
Senior Soup Sensation
What better way to welcome Autumn and
its chill than with a hearty bowl of soup!
This month’s senior luncheon will feature an
assortment of soups to sample and savor along with a
variety of breads. Thursday, October 30th at Noon.
If you would like to minister as an altar server, cross or
a candle bearer, lector, Eucharistic minister or usher
please call the parish office at 304-599-3747 so we can
schedule a training session before the new schedule.
Next Social Activities Meeting is Monday,
November 3rd in Room A @ 6:30 pm. New
members are welcome.
Clothing & Household Item Drive
St. Mary’s middle and high school youth are
collecting clothing and household items for an
emergency restocking of the Hope Outreach Center
in Preston County. We have partnered with Hope
Outreach over the past few years to help families
who have lost all of their possessions to fire. The
Outreach shelves are currently bare and they have
requests to help seven families who have lost their
homes to fire (three of them are in Monongalia
County), six residents in elder care facilities, whose
families have abandoned them, and seven foster care
children. We will be collecting items during the
month of October to take to Hope Outreach. Please
place your donations in the Christian Formation
Center entryway near the Fr. Goshorn memorial
plaque. We are also seeking a gently used
refrigerator and stove. For questions or more
information, call Kathy Kerzak (304) 225-1163.
We will be working on a new schedule from
November 29 thru May 24.
- If you are using the internet program –
Please go to “My Profile” and add the dates
you cannot minister by November 9th.
- Or email or call
the parish office at 304-599-3747 to submit
your dates you cannot minister, change your
preference of the mass time; change or add
another ministry.
Living Stewardship
Jesus insists that all religious rules, the witness of
prophets and saints and every aspect of faith rests
entirely on wholehearted love of God, and loving
others as ourselves. A woman named Carla could not
sleep one night. Restless, she opened her Bible and
came upon these two greatest commandments. She
realized, guiltily, how many things displaced God in
her life. She hid behind baggy clothes and believed
herself not good enough. Carla’s parents had
emphasized sin and a harshly judgmental God. Carla
saw that the commandment was to love God, love
neighbor, love self. The common thread was love, not
sin, unworthiness, or judgment. Next morning Carla
read the words again. Jesus said “love your neighbor as
yourself.” Carla equated self-love with selfish pride.
She had to understand love in a new way. So began a
new path for Carla. She prayed gratefully every day for
God’s love and blessings. Step by step, she changed.
This Week’s Stewardship of Time and Talent
In gratitude for God’s gifts of time and talent to us, we
gratefully acknowledge and salute:
Those who helped prepare and baked for the funeral
luncheon for Tony Volk.
Sandy & John Vanin, Albie & Janna Scudiere,
Mary Lynn Cocco, Liz Conrad, Sr. Rachel, Mary Mihallik,
Debbie Marano, Margaret McBee.
Living Stewardship Now
Carla found an experienced spiritual director in her
area to help her. To find a priest or qualified lay
director, ask at the parish, a nearby religious retreat
center, a seminary, or the diocesan offices.
Giving Summary
Last Sunday’s Offering:
Building Fund
The Lord Humbles and Exalts: A Retreat
for Those Experiencing Infertility will be
held Friday, November 14 – Sunday, November
16, 2014 at Saint John XXIII Pastoral Center in
Charleston. This retreat will offer spouses (who may
attend together or individually) an opportunity to reflect
upon the life-giving nature of the Sacrament of Marriage
despite the experience of infertility. Whole group and
breakout sessions will be offered with time for reflection,
prayer, and conversation with others who have
experienced infertility. Registration and cost information
can be found at or
by contacting Rebecca Royse, Coordinator of Marriage
and Family Life at (304) 233 – 0880 x333.
The Ladies Guild of St. Mary's Holy Protection
Byzantine Catholic Church) is selling their
delicious holupki (cabbage rolls). Cooked or
uncooked, $12 per dozen. Deadline to order is
Sunday, November 9th. Pick-up will be 1-5 p.m. on
Tuesday, November 18th for uncooked holupki and
Wednesday, November 19th for cooked holupki. .
Message of the Week
Matthew 22:34-40
“The whole law and the prophets depend on these two
commandments.” The law of love. That’s what Jesus came
to establish. Think about the Ten Commandments: they can
be divided into two types of laws. First come the laws about
loving God: have no strange gods; don’t take the Lord’s
name in vain; honor the Sabbath. Then come the laws about
loving our neighbor: honor your parents; don’t kill; don’t
commit adultery; don’t steal; be honest; and don’t covet your
neighbor’s spouse or property. When we follow the law of
love that Jesus preaches today, all of this is taken care of.
Ultimately, all the dos and don’ts of the law are just specific
guidelines describing what love looks like. This is very
helpful for those times when love doesn’t come so easily to
us. But as Jesus instructs us today, the goal is to grow in the
kind of love that naturally leads us to want to do what’s best.
Questions of the Week
Matthew 22:34-40:
How would you sum up the teachings of Christ?
Exodus 22:20-26:
Whom would you describe as those on the margins of our
1 Thessalonians 1:5c-10:
Who do you think models the faith well in your faith
Catholic Charities is currently accepting nominations
for the 13th Annual Communities of Salt and Light
Nominees may include couples, single individuals,
or a Catholic group. Nominees must attend or be in
ministry at a Catholic Parish in the 7- county area
encompassing the Clarksburg Vicariate, including
Barbour, Doddridge, Harrison, Marion, Monongalia,
Preston, and Taylor Counties. Nominees’ service
activities may be either past or present. Nominees are
members of the laity whose service is verifiable and
exhibit a significant level of time, talent and/or
treasure. Nominees’ efforts must benefit (have
benefited) human welfare and fall within the following
guidelines; have gospel-centered motives and espouse
the “Salt and Light Theology” (preservation of
families, respect for the diversity of races and cultures,
clear moral vision, effective pursuit of peace and the
protection of lives) respect the dignity of all people,
advocate for systemic change and serve the vulnerable.
Catholic Charities West Virginia employees, regional
council members, and their immediate families are
ineligible to win the awards. Nomination forms are due
by December 22nd to Kandi Shafer, Central Region
Director, at 827 Fairmont Road, Suite 203,
Morgantown, WV 26501 or by email
at Please contact your parish
secretary or Kandi Shafer(304-292-6597 ext. 3) for
more information or to obtain a nomination form.
Catholic Charities West VirginiaChild Care Specialist
The Child Care Specialist is responsible for
accurately assessing, implementing and updating a
parent’s ongoing need for child care based on eligibility
requirements. This person will also maintain the
registration process for child care providers.
This is a Full Time position
Morgantown Child Care Resource Center
- Qualified persons will have a Bachelors Degree in
Human Services or related field of study. Person must
have excellent written and verbal skills and be able to
work with clients of various cultural, ethnic and racial
diversity. Must be able to maintain confidentiality.
How to Apply
Please submit resumes by October 29, 2014 to:
Melissa Harvey
Child Care Resource Center Director
965 Hartman Run Road, Suite 1103
Morgantown, WV 26505
Safe Environment Coordinator
The Diocese is currently accepting applications for the
position of Safe Environment Coordinator. This position
serves as the Diocesan program coordinator for the safe
environment program implemented by the diocese in
response to the United States Conference of Bishops
requirement for the protection of all God’s children.
The Safe Environment Coordinator is responsible for the
management and overall supervision of the safe
environment and background screening policies and
procedures as they relate to the Diocese and its Parishes,
Schools and Institutions. This person works through the
office of the Diocesan Episcopal Vicar for Clergy &
Religious to develop policies and procedures for
compliance with the Charter on child sexual abuse. This
person also has the task of ongoing training for
facilitators and exploring training needs for the broader
aspects of safe environment.
Qualified individuals must be Roman Catholic in good
standing and in unity with the doctrine, teachings and
traditions of the church. Minimum of a Bachelors’
Degree in social work, counseling, business management
or related field with demonstrated experience in policy
administration and training. Must be willing to travel
throughout the Diocese.
Email Application To
Care of the Sick, Homebound, Hospitalized
or those in Nursing Homes
When a parishioner is confined at home or in a hospital or
nursing home, please get in touch with Sr. Rachel at 304685-7733. She will be happy to make arrangements to
bring Holy Communion.
If the Sacrament of the Sick (Anointing) is needed, contact
Fr. DiBacco at 304-599-3747.
Please submit Resume’ and references to the HR Office
where an application and complete job description will
be provided. Salary range: $37,000 to $55,000
Al-Anon (for those affected by someone else’s
drinking) meets every Thursday at noon at St.
Mary’s. Information call 1-888-425-2666