Pastoral Staff: FR. GREGORY VENEKLASE, OCD, ADMIN. Dk. Robert Kostka, Permanent Deacon Sue Hanmer, Business Administrator Kathy Saylor, Secretary Jean Zielinski, DRE, 906-284-3136 ST. AGNES PARISH 702 N. 4th Ave, Iron River, MI 49935-1304 Phone (906) 265-4557 Fax (906) 265-7155 ST. CECILIA PARISH P.O. Box 517 510 Brady Street, Caspian, MI 49915 Phone (906) 265-3777 Email: Web Site: Or PARISHES’ MEMBERSHIP New families and individuals are welcome to the Parishes. It is important that every family or independent adult register in the Parish of their choice: to keep our records, especially addresses, current. Please contact the Office, located at St Agnes Rectory, to register, as soon as you are able. Thank you, and Welcome! BULLETIN NOTICES Submit bulletin notices in writing to the Rectory before 9:30am on Monday. SACRAMENTS: SUNDAY HOLY MASS SCHEDULE: St. Agnes 4:00 PM Sat. & 10:00 AM Sun. St. Cecilia 8:00 AM & 12 NOON Sun. CONFESSIONS: Saturday 8:45 AM—9:30 AM at St Cecilia, 2:30 PM—3:30 PM at St. Agnes, before daily Mass, or by appointment INFANT BAPTISM: Parents desiring the Sacrament of Baptism for their children must be registered and be actively participating in parish life. Parents must also attend a Baptism class before the Baptism of their first child. Contact the office in advance. MATRIMONY: Arrangements for marriages must be made at least six months in advance. One of the parties must be a practicing Catholic. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Whenever someone is seriously ill, hospitalized, or is dying, contact the parish office immediately. ST. CECILIA THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA November 9, 2014 ST. AGNES Welcome to St. Cecilia Parish of Caspian and St. Agnes Parish of Iron River Mass Intentions SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8 ST C 8:00 AM +Julie McDonald by Bud Taetsch ST A 4:00 PM For the parishioners SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9 ST C 8:00 AM +Keith Mitchell by Vi Balducci ST A 10:00 AM +Joe Reitmaier by George & Anne Brunswick ST C 12:00 PM +Jane Kinney by her sister Domenica family MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10 ST A 7:35 AM Rosary ST A 8:00 AM +Kathryn Bugni by Mrs. Mary Raica & family TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 ST A 5:05 PM Rosary ST A 5:30 PM +Arciszewski & Ulanski by Monica Fiorazo +MEMORIAL SERVICE+ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12 ST A 7:35 AM Rosary ST A 8:00 AM +Josephine Kohl by her family ADORATION—Benediction at 3pm @ St. Agnes THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13 St. C 7:35 AM Rosary St. C 8:00 AM +Frederick Phillips by Paul & Paulette Hytinen ST C 5:30 PM +MEMORIAL SERVICE+ FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14 ST C 7:35 AM Rosary ST C 8:00 AM +Cirello Family by Ken & Theresa ADORATION—Benediction at noon @ St. Cecilia SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 ST C 8:00 AM +Archie Carlotto by Kathy Partington-McGuire ST A 4:00 PM +Patty Waite by William & Debbie Ketchum SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 ST C 8:00 AM +Julie McDonald by Tom & Gloria Ingold ST A 10:00 AM For the parishioners ST C 12:00 PM +Keith Mitchell by Tony Fittante family SCRIPTURE READINGS Nov 10 Mon Ti 1:1-9/Lk 17:1-6 Nov 11 Tue—Veteran’s Day Ti 2:1-8, 11-14/Lk 17:7-10 Nov 12 Wed Ti 3:1-7 Lk 17:11-19 Nov 13 Thu Phlm 7:20 Lk 17:20-25 Nov 14 Fri 2 Jn 4-9 Lk 17:26-37 Nov 15 Sat 3 Jn 5-8 Lk 18:1-8 Nov 16 Sun Prv 31:10-13 1 Thes 5:1-6 Mt 25:14-30 COMMUNITY NEWS PRO LIFE CORNER A realty of war is the MIA (missing in action), those who did not return home. In the war on the pre-born, 57,000,000 human beings are missing in action as well. They, too, did not return home. Those soldiers who did not return from war, and those preborn who died are all a great loss to our nation and weaken us as a country. Please Pray for Vocations. Celebrating the Wisdom Of Venerable Bishop Baraga “And so He willed me to be a bishop, although I am unworthy, and He gave me all the Christian Indians here and wants me to take good care of them, to exhort them well to always practice their religion, to pray well and to behave well until death. And that is now what I shall do as long as I live.” Frederic Baraga from Kitchi Mekatewikwanaiey St. Vincent de Paul In the Gospel Jesus challenges us to “stay awake” by taking time to seriously look at ourselves, the priorities of our lives, and how we are growing spiritually. Ask yourself, “what would Jesus Christ do?”, and then give a gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul so that those who are suffering will be able to celebrate Thanksgiving. This week our featured advertiser is: “?”: “Is the Coptic Church in Egypt a part of the Catholic Church, or an off-shoot?” Fr Greg: The Coptic Church in Egypt, by its tradition, traces its origin back to the Evangelist [Gospel writer] Saint Mark. There are two divisions to the Coptic Church: the Catholic Copts [a minority] and the Orthodox Copts [a majority]. ST. AGNES MEMORIAL SERVICE ADDITIONS: David Gendron Albert Rizzardi Andrew Carlson Daniel Gunderman Nathalie Contardi Nancy Beber With great appreciation we thank Nancy Nelson for donating the two giant pumpkins and to Dale Bemis and Faye Atanasoff for donating all the other pumpkins that the CCD students decorated so nicely to adorn the altar at St. Agnes. Please pray for the Eternal Repose of: Robert Andree WILD RIVERS REALTY 427 N. Cedar Ave., Iron River Jill Ponozzo Associate Broker Owner-Realtor 906-265-7325 UPCSA—TOTALS: 83 RETURNED ST. AGNES=$16,331 103 RETURNED ST. CECILIA=$16,445 THANK YOU! NOVEMBER 9, 2014, THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA FR. GREG’S NOTES The Bible Readings for Holy Mass this week are for the Feast of the Dedication of the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome, Italy. This ancient basilica, made from the 3rd century palace of the Lateran family, is actually the Pope’s Cathedral in Rome. Originally called the Church of the Holy Savior, it is now known as St John Lateran. As St Peter’s in the Vatican is the “head” Church for the Pope, as Pope, so the Basilica of St John Lateran is the “head” Church for the Pope as Bishop of Rome—his Cathedral Church. The First Reading presents to us the vision of a heavenly temple, as given to the Prophet Ezekiel. It symbolizes the spiritual “water” of God’s Grace “flowing” out from His Catholic Churches through the Seven Sacraments which He has given us: Baptism, Confession, Holy Eucharist {Holy Mass & Holy Communion}, Confirmation, Holy Matrimony, Holy Orders and Anointing of the Sick. These Sacraments provide food, water, medicine and Joy for the soul! The Second Reading reminds us, as did last week’s Feast of the Poor Souls, that our bodies are made temples of God by Baptism, and: “If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person; for the temple of God, which you are, is holy.” The Gospel shows us just how much Jesus cares about the temple of the body: He says that He will raise up the temple of His body three days after it is destroyed! Wish List [St Joseph, O.P.N.] * an electronic carillon [bells] for St Agnes * new Church flooring at St Cecilia, repair and paint walls * video security system for each Parish Dream List {St Joseph, O.P.N.} * 26 yet-needed windows at St Agnes Rectory [replacing the rest of the rotted ones] * repair/re-surface both parking lots * camp-style steel pipe gates and concretefilled steel posts to fence-off the St Agnes property along 3rd Ave, and between the school & Church, for safety & preservation PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK Fr. Norm Clisch, Roland Kwasny, Richard Roche, Jean Ross, Mike Manfrom, Cheri Dennis, Rita Marlowe, Doug Damp, Ken Damitz, Adeline Brunell, Suzzette Camomilli, Robert LaMarche, Corrine Williams, Andrew Tomasoski, Gary P. Johnson, Sharon Trapasso, August Menghini, Cari & Pierce Dzanbazoff, Jody Pederson, Debbie Ponozzo Clark, Chris Bal, Betty Webber- Williams, Mary S., Shelly Silfven, Ann Brunamonti, Lee Routheaux, Sharon Warner, Shirley LaBocki, Patricia Sebastian, David Ross, Jacob Tomasoski, Donna Hibbard, David Eberhard, Lorraine Saigh, Joyce Singleton, Jerry Schinella, Ed Lau, Irene Guisbert, Pat Cole, Charlotte Serena, Juanita Frostell, Aloysius Hasenberg, Marshall Henke, Carol Hoover, Tony Fittante, Leila Hope Adamson, Stephanie Tinkey, Bill Koepsell, Gloria Vjak, Zachary Lambert, Dora Bobula, Helen Shubat, Shannon DeRoche, Clare Gross, Mary Ann VanWagner, Mary Nelson, Shirley Sartorelli, Allyce Westphal, Verna Pedranzan, Gene Zanon, Mary Hall, Kathleen Miller, Jerry Koski, Arla Thomas, Jayni Angeli, Marilyn Uren, Ginny Benson, Helen Jones, Terri Ann Johnson, Amy Fisco, Rica Watts, Jim Condon, Corinne Ross, Teresa Cristan, Ernest Sorby, John Trottier, Regina Robinson, Valerie Tomasoski, Ryan Swee-Hoover, Vickie Johnson, Irene Youngren, Blanche Gursky, Antoinette Sova, Sandy Moln, Lila Sadino, family of Dean Choquette, Julius Scalcucci, Adam Wilson, Marge Phillips, Ted & Frances Kozicki Stained-Glass Series St Cecilia: Baptism of the Lord Jesus Our next window is in the little alcove where many of our votive candles are placed. Judging by the location, size & shape of the alcove, plus the stained-glass window, I would say that this alcove was originally the Baptistery. This means that the Baptismal font was located there, and the Sacrament of Baptism was administered there. And that brings us to the window itself, which portrays St. John the Baptist baptizing the Lord Jesus in the Jordan River. Feast Day: Last Day of the Christmas Season PARISH CONTRIBUTIONS 118 St. Agnes envelopes were returned last week, representing 42% of all envelopes sent out. The total was $2405.50 averaging $20.39 per contributor. ST. AGNES Adults…………....... $2405.50 Loose……………….. 189.00 Children……………. 1.00 Fuel/utility………... 155.00 World missions…… 22.00 All Saints…………… 266.00 All Souls……………. 362.00 Christmas flowers… 418.00 Votive lights……….. 23.00 Total last week……. $3841.50 ST. CECILIA Adults………………. $3394.50 Loose……………….. 101.00 Fuel/utility..………. 436.00 Christmas flowers… 575.00 All Saints…………… 186.00 All Souls……………. 304.00 Propagation of Faith. 78.00 Votive lights………… 114.00 Total Last Week…… $5189.40 145 St. Cecilia envelopes were returned last week, representing 59% of all envelopes sent out. The total was $3394.50 averaging $27.16 per contributor. Thank you for your generosity! To all our veterans, HAPPY VETERAN’S DAY NOVEMBER 11th and thank you! UPCOMING EVENTS AND MEETINGS Nov. 18 & 25, 6:30pm Faith Class, St. Agnes Little Flower Room Nov. 20, 6:30pm Bible Study, St. Agnes Church Hall Men’s Club Sunday, Nov. 9, after 8am Mass St. Agnes Altar Society, Tues, Nov.11, 1pm Parishes’ Council, Wed., Nov. 12, 6pm K of C meet Thurs., Nov. 13, 7pm St. Anne’s Society, Mon., Nov. 17, 1pm MEMORIAL MASSES St. Agnes, Tues., Nov. 11, 5:30pm St. Cecilia, Thurs., Nov. 13, 5:30pm Call Jan Perlongo, 265-3049, for St. Agnes Irene Rhines, 906-472-2579, for St. Cecilia or the office on Mon., Tues., Thurs. or Fri. and speak to Kathy Saylor
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