Document 53913

Parish notice board
†Recent Baptisms
We welcome through the grace of Baptism:
Sukie Isabella Mary Rodgers (Market St);
Shane Joseph McAleer (Ardmore Dr);
Elizabeth Marie Anne McMorrow (Tirmurty Rd);
and Anna Conway (Pinefield Gardens). Our thanks
to Fr Damien Bresnahan SMA who administered
the Sacrament.
†Recent Weddings
We extend our congratulations to Nathan Kelly and
Adel McAuley who got married recently. It was
great to see the new webcams in St Mary's (KC)
work in such a positive way as their friends and
relatives were able to join them from as far away as
We acknowledge receipt of £486 from St Mary's
Primary School (KC) and £120 from Recarson
Primary School for this year's Trócaire campaign.
Both great totals that double with the government's
promise to match pound for pound. Remember to
bring your contribution to the weekend Masses or
drop them into the parish office.
†Parish stewardship
Can active groups in the parish provide the
following details: name of group, principal contact
person, contact details, when and where the group
meets, how to join the group and a brief description
of what the group does. Please email the details to
†St Padre Pio Novena
Wednesday, 14 May | 7.30pm | Christ the King
This is the last Mass of the novena to St Padre Pio.
†This week’s anniversaries
Francis Colgan (Circular Rd) on Tuesday, 7.30pm
in KC; Tom McDonagh (Coalisland/Omagh) on
Thursday, 10am in KC; Eugene McClenaghan
(Melmore Dr) on Friday 7.30pm in KC;
Katie Duffy MM (Strathroy Rd) on Saturday,
6.30pm in CTK; Francis Devlin (Erganag Rd) on
Sunday, 10am in KM.
†Knockmoyle Cemetery
Should you require any information on those buried
in Knockmoyle Cemetery (for genealogical research
etc) please contact Aidan McGlinchey on 8166
†Lourdes Hospitalité collection
Weekend of 17 and 18 May | All Churches
A Diocese wide collection to send those who are
sick and in need of medical care to Lourdes takes
place next week at all our Masses.
†Sponsored Walk
Sunday, 11 May | 3pm | Starting from McCrea's
Pub, Glenhull, Greencastle
Six and three mile routes in Coneyglen. Proceeds
will go towards Polycystic Kidney Disease Charity
(PKDC). Registration is £10 or Sponsor Sheets
available from Roisin Hood 07789 697238.
Refreshments served afterwards.
†Foyle Hospice Fundraiser
Friday, June 6 | 8pm | Strule Arts Centre
Please support Clanabogan Drama Circle when they
stage their hilarious comedy ‘It's the Real McCoy’
for a final night. Admission is £10 with booking
advisable. All proceeds go to the Foyle Hospice. To
book online at or
telephone 8224 7831.
†Living With Cancer Day Retreat
Thursday, 22 May | all day | Lough Derg
A day dedicated to anyone who is living with and
beyond cancer, including those who minister and
provide support. A guided day with two guest
speakers, Kathleen Gleenon and Brenda Drumm
and offers time for peaceful reflection and prayer
on the island. Advance booking is essential. For
more details contact Maureen or Sharon on
071 9861518 or email
V33 | I15
Thank you for last week’s collection
Sunday, 11 May 2014
Good Shepherd Sunday
St Thérèse of Lisieux (the Little Flower) Prayer Group
prayer group for the intersession of this powerful Saint and
Doctor of the Church will take place on Thursdays at
7.30pm in Christ the King. The meeting will last about an
hour and will include a period of Adoration and reflections written by
St Thérèse. Everyone is welcome. St Thérèse was canonized by
Pope Pius XI on 17 May 1925. On the occasion of the centenary of her
death, many Episcopal Conferences asked the Pope to declare her a
Doctor of the Church, in view of the soundness of her spiritual wisdom
inspired by the Gospel, the originality of her theological intuitions filled
with sublime teaching, and the universal acceptance of her spiritual message. At the close of
the Twelfth World Youth Day in Paris, Pope John Paul II announced his intention to
proclaim Thérèse of the Child Jesus a Doctor of the Universal Church.
Parish Draw winners (5 May 2014)
The lucky winner!
Roisin Rafferty Glennan Pk
Terri Sweeney Knockmoyle Rd
Ann Gorman Killens Rd
†Killyclogher GAA Lottsodoo
Winning numbers were 6, 8, 12, 18 and 23.
Marjorie McElroy won £100. Jackpot remains
£5,000. Keep informed
Gerard McPeake Forestview
Don McCaul Arleston Rd
Arthur McCallan Carrickmore
Follow us on Facebook:
Dympna Hannon Slievecoole Pk
Mickey McNulty Fintona Rd
Bernadette Grant Retreat Close
Safeguarding Children Contact Details for Relevant Agencies and Services
PSNI 0845 600 8000 | Gateway Services 028 7131 4090
Alternatively, if you or anyone you know has a child safeguarding concern in relation to any member of church
personnel and wishes to report it to church authorities please contact one of the diocesan designated persons,
who will, in turn, report this concern to the relevant statutory authorities.
Noel McCarter Woodbank Rd
Pat O’Connor (£100)
Marie Wallace
Seamus McCallion
Francy Haughey
Joe Quinn
Patrick McAleer
Matt Ward
Sadie Alexander
Bartley McCullagh
Joe Martin
Watch what’s happening in St Mary’s (KC) live:
Psalter IV
Week IV of Easter
12 May to 18 May 2014
12 May 2014
15 May 2014
Optional memorial of SS Nereus and Achilleus
Optional memorial of St Pancras
(All martyrs)
Optional memorial of St Carthage, bishop
Our parish week at a glance...
†Mass | 10am | St Mary’s (KC)
†Mass | 7.30pm | Christ the King
†GAA Bingo | 9pm | Parish Centre
Pray for Fr Francis Bradley
16 May 2014
Pray for Fr Patrick Baker
Optional memorial of St Brendan, abbot
13 May 2014
Optional memorial of Our Lady of Fatima
†Mass | 10am and 7.30pm | St
Mary’s Killyclogher
· Novena prayers to Our Mother of
Perpetual Help
· Anniversary for Francis Colgan,
Circular Rd (7.30pm)
†Mass | 10am and 7.30pm | St Mary’s (KC)
Anniversary for Eugene McClenaghan, Meelmore Dr (7.30pm)
†Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament | 3 to 7pm|
St Mary’s (KC)
Pray for Fr Manus Bradley
17 May 2014
Week IV of Easter
Pray for Fr Declan Boland
14 May 2014
St Matthias, Apostle
†Mass | 9.30am | Christ the King
†Mass | 10am | St Mary’s (KC)
Anniversary for Tom McDonagh, Coalisalnd/Omagh
†St Thérese prayer meeting | 7pm | Christ the King
†Mass | 10am | St Mary’s (KC)
†Mass | 7.30pm | Christ the King
Novena prayers to St Padre Pio
Matthias was the apostle chosen by the
remaining 11 apostles following Judas’
†Mass | 10am | St Mary’s (KC)
†Confessions | after 10am Mass and 6.45 to 7.20pm
St Mary’s (KC)
†Confessions | 5.45 to 6.20pm | Christ the King
†Vigil Mass | 6.30pm | Christ the King
Month’s Mind for Katie Duffy, Strathroy
†Vigil Mass | 7.30pm | St Mary’s (KC)
Pray for all priests
Pray for Fr Eugene Boland
18 May 2014
Sunday V of Easter
“I am the Way, the Truth and the Life...”
See Saturday for Vigil Masses
†Sunday Mass | 9 and 11am | St Mary’s (KC)
Eucharist will be taken to the sick, nursing homes etc directly after 9am Mass
†Sunday Mass | 10am | St Mary’s (KM)
Anniversary Mass for Francis Devlin, Erganag Rd
†Mass in Polish | 10am | Christ the King
First reading | Acts 6:1-7
Psalm | Psalm 321-2,4-5,18-19
†Sunday Mass | 10am | Corpus Christi (MF)
Second reading | Pt 2:4-9
†Sunday Mass | 12noon| Christ the King
Gospel | Jn 14:1-12
There is no Children’s Liturgy at this Mass
†Baptisms | 1pm | Christ the King
†Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament | 3.30 to 6.30pm| Christ the King
†Rosary | 6.15pm | Christ the King
To book month’s minds, anniversaries, weddings, baptisms etc. please contact the parish office.
Please remember month’s minds and first anniversaries take precedence over other anniversaries and your booking is subject to change.
Notices for the CPN in writing by 12noon on Wednesday.
Parish Office
Emergency mobile
Fr Kevin McElhennon PP
Fr Stephen Kearney CC
Baptismal Programme
8224 3375
8225 1055
8225 2643
Contact us by email at:
Keep informed: